The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 26, 1910, Image 2

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Tn crnzE2Vr Wednesday, jax. so, 1010.
FHPPiNR mm !
First Aid for Men Who Lack the
Nerve to Make Love in the
Good Old Way
tlona for a
Registers Girl's E mo
Man Gives Authentic
for Admirer, Whose
Name Is Mentioned.
Philadelphia. Hero Is a story that
ought to send thrills of Joy to tho
hearts of bashful men who haven't
been able to muster up nerve enough
to "pop the question" to the girl o!
their choice and who have been hop
ing fondly for another leap year to
roll around. Just take the girl on an
unsuspecting visit to tho laboratory of
the psychological clinic of tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, which Is dlroct
ed by Dr. Llghtncr Wltmer, head of
the department of psychology.
Then have her place her hand dalut
lly In a machine which you will no
tice Is labeled a "phthysmograph" or
"phygmograph," whatever that may
be, and step Into an adjoining room to
await developments.
What the machine does Is to regis
ter on a piece of paper a distinct line,
which designates with precise correct
ness the very emotions the mention of
your name to the girl has caused her
to experience.
If the line Blnks despairingly down
ward toward the bottom of tho paper
take it from the "proposed machine"
that your stock Is rather low with tho
little woman, and you had better seize
upon a confidential tip on paper and
continue to press your suit a time
If, however, and this is Important,
the line fairly leaps and bobs toward
the top of the paper, everything's all
right and you ought to rush out into
the room where the girl Is
seated, I
draw her to your breast and say,
"Well, tell me, why didn't I think of
this long ago?"
Before going Into the details of how
this "phygmograph" works out in ac
tual practice, some Idea ought to bo
given of Its mechanical construction.
In the first place, there Is a small
metal cylinder on the inside of which
is a rubber lining which fits the hand
like a glove. It is into this rubber
glove the girl inserts her hand.
The space between the glove and
the cylinder Is filled with water, r.nd
on top of the cylinder is a tube that
acts as a gauge, showing a contrac
tion or an expansion of the girl's
As the hand contracts the water
falls In the tube. At the same time a
like effect is caused in a long rubber
tube, and passing through the parti
tion into the adjoining room; connect
ed with the hose Is a sort of plston
llke apparatus, tipped with a rubber
diaphragm, at the end of which Is a
lever which registers the contractions
or expansions on the paper.
S "r.nnl! Hari Polar Insanity." a O
8 Strange Arctic Mental '
8 8
O Cleveland. Dr. Frederick A. o
Q Cook's story of the discovery ot U
Q tho earth's apex was .the result O
2 of polar insanity, according to
a the Right Rev. B. E. Rowe, Epis- O
S copal Bishop of Alaska.
8 Addressing an audience at O
Trinity Cathedral, Bishop Rowe
said that both Cook's remarka
ble story and Commander Rob
ert E. Peary's frame of mind
upon hearing it could be read
ily attributed to the loneliness,
the grayness and the silence of
the North.
"AU men come from out tho
polar circle with their nerves
8 shattered." said the Bishop,
"and In Alaska wo send home
0, fifty men annually- after the
O long winter, their minds cora-
r ... ....
ft pleteiy wrecKea. o
A Thermometer Trunk Is a Farmer's
Prized Possession.
Washington. N. J. A treo that Is a
better thermometer than any of those
Instruments except tho very best Is
owned by Lemual Gardner, of West
Carloton avenue. It records tempera
turcs -with unfailing accuracy when
you know the key. Mr. Gardner has
learned the code by long study.
Four years, ago lightning split the
tree down Its middle. Tho crack is
about eight feet long and tho expan
slon and contraction of the wood Is
nlaln In the narrowlns or spreading
ot the crack. Gardner has found that
the crack begins to open at 10 degrees
above iero. At 7 above It Is one
eighth of an Inch from edge to edge
of tha crack, and at zero the aper
ture Is an even inch.
, Wild Decs Raid a Farm.
Southerland, Cal. Wild dogs a few
nights ago raided E. M, Wllllnghwn's
farm and killed eight nogs, two cats,
all of bis chickens and several ot his
turkeys. The dogs hara been roam
inc about tha neighborhood for sev
eral weeks. They appeared to gather
at night, Just like a pack of wolves
sad raid farms and truck garden
where there is poultry or lira stock.
I Was He MoMere? M. Gosselln-Lenc-
tre Offers a New Theory as to
Mysterious Prisoner.
rarls. M. Gosselln-Lenotre, the
noted historical writer, Is engaged up
on a book which will present a now
theory on the always fascinating sub
ject of the Man In tho Iron Mask. Ho
advances no loss an Idea than that tho
mysterious prisoner of tho Dastlle and
the Isle Salntc Marguerite, whoso
story saddened tho hearts of so many
novel readers, was the comedian and
incomparable dramatist Mollere.
The recognized authority of Lo
notre Is such that the publication of
his new work Is likely to create a very
decided sensation. His experience In
minute examination of historical docu
ments Is exceptional, and it Is said
that his new theory Is entirely based
upon such evidence. He asserts that
Mollere, after the supposed fatal seiz
ure at tho playhouse, did not die at
once, but, by order of the King, was
arrested and Incarcerated.
There are discrepancies of dates
between his story and the accepted
history of Mollere which Lonotrc must
reconcile If his version Is to find be
lievers; and, then, there Ib the Jaw
bone of Mollere piously ' conserved nt
the Comedle Francalse. There aro
anxious Inquiries as to how Lenotre Is
going to account for its presence
there or whether he will pronounce It
to bo as apocryphal as the skull ot
Yorlck, which was the Indispensable
property of every great Shakespearian
actor from Garrlck to Edwin Booth.
Minister Says Many Women Will Be
Out of Work There.
Brockton, Mass. Paying his re
spects to certain modern women,
whom he classed aa "members of the
poodle dog brigade, bo much, in evi
dence In our generation," and con
trasting them to- women of the Bible,
who deemed motherhood sacred, tho
Rev. A. G. Archibald, of the First
Baptist Church, declared:
"There will be no dogs in heaven,
and many of pur modern woineru will
be out of employment there. The
women of the Scriptures were mighty
in real greatness. They did not prac-
tlce law, become surgeons nor run
i automobiles. These things do. not
i mnke women great A mother ho
gives to her land a-man. clean of honrt,
! firm of principle and clear of mind
I does more for civilization than five
, thousand of tho poodle dog brigade."
Tuttle Girls Tire of Being Nothing
and Something It's Turn Next.
Mexico, Mo. Nothing Tuttle and
Something Tuttle arc now Tris. and
Kitty Tuttle.
They have changed their names.
The young women are daughters of
T. T. Tuttle, a retired farmer.
Tuttle's first child, a girl, was born
In 1881, which was a dry year. In or
der to commemorate the year, he
named her Eighty-one. She Is now
the wife of Bufus Jackson.
The second child, a boy, brought
about a disagreement between Tuttlo
and his wife as to a name, so .they
compromised by calling him It Tuttle.
The third child, a girl, was named
Nothing and the youngest was called
Submitted Without Prejudice and with
Recommendation for Mercy.
Santa Fe, N. M. Champion bear
killer of the country Is a title that
Jobo Valdez, the crack shot, can now
claim. While out hunting a few days
ago he says he discovered a cave
twenty miles from Santa Fe that
showed unmistakable signs of being
the habitat of bears. Valdez started a
fire nt the mouth of the cave and
smoked out the bears.
There were Just thirteen of them
In tho cave, and as they came out one
by one Valdez killed them, tho job oc
cupied less than one hour.
How Long for Celluloid Dog to Catch
Asbestos Rabbit in Hadesr
Washington. D. C Senator Nelson,
who will be much In tho public eye as
head of the Joint committee to Inves
tigate the Ballinger-Plnchot rumpus,
recently received a draft of a bin irom
a man not a citizen of his own Rtato
Minnesota. He didn't like the bill,
anyway, so he wroto the man:
"It will take as long to get your
bill through CongreB3 as It will for a
celluloid dog to catch an asbestos rab
bit In hell."
Horse Bites Off Cow's Tongue.
Hillsdale, Mich., A veterinarian
called to Hoy Foncher's farm to treat
an Injured cow discovered that the
end of the brlndle's tongue was miss
ing. He found it on the horse's side
of the manger partition also some
blood near a crack, and a sfjilattor or
two on the horse nose, ue aiagnos-
ed as follows: The cow had curled her
toneue through the craek and the
horse had bitten It off.
Staoe Bart Celluloid.
Paris, France., The Paris police
have Issued edicts forbidding anybody
to wear a celluold collar or euffa be
hind the scenes of a Paris theatre,
The reason for this particular order In
the danger of Are. A few days ago a
cabman who was lighting his pipe was
badly burned and his eab waa almost
destroyed because a spar set nre to
his collar. ,
Pride is not a marketabU eoramod
Ityi It won't get you a Job.
A Strange1 Movement..
Mrs. Charles A'. Babcock, of Or
well, N. Y., has had a monument erect
ed in tho comotery. ai Or.wau. over tho
grnvo of her lato husband,, who was
always engaged In tho' lumbar busi
ness. It is a saw mill made of raarblo
and granlto and Is an exact reproduc
tion of their Rcdfield mill,, mails on a
Bcnlo of ono Inch to tho foot It is
complete In every dotatl, having, saws,
carriages, rollers to carrry oft tho
sawed lumber, skids with three; logs
on ready to roll on the carriage;, car
loaded with lumber, tho wholco betng
cut out of raarblo. It has tho appear
ance of a mill Just shut down.
Sponge Diving In Greek Islanar.
In many of the Greek islands diving
for sponges forms a considerable part
of the occupation of tho Inhabitants.
Tho natives mako It a trade togather,
these, and their income from this
sourco Is good. In ono of the. islands
a girl is not permitted to marry until
she has brought up a certain number,
of sponges and given proof of her skill
by taking them from a certain, depth.
But in some of the Islands this custom
1b reversed. The father of a inarrlaRQ
able daughter bestows her on the test
diver among her suitors. He who can
stay longest in the water and bring up
tho biggest cargo of sponges marries
the maid.
Prohibiting Dyed Coods,
Some timo ago tho Ameer oft Af
ghanistan forbid the Import Into his
country of carpets colored with 'ana
line dyes. The Kashmir of Durbar ha
now decided to charge tho high duty
of 45 per cent on,. all aniline dyes at
the frontier, and at a certain distance
within tho frontier to confiscate and
at once destroy them. By this meas
ure it is hoped the beautiful arts for
which the Vale of Kashmir is famous
will be preserved from deterioration.
Customs In Other Countries.
Many Japanese women gild tholr
teeth. Women of Arabia stain their
fingers and toes red. In Greenland
women paint their faces blue and yel
low. In India the women of. high
castes paint their teeth black. A Hin
doo bride is annoiuted from, head to
foot with grease and saffron. Borneo
women dye their hair In fantastic
colors pink, green, blue and scarlet.
In New Holland scars, made carefully
with shells, form elaborate patterns on
the women's faces. In some South
American tribes the women draw the.
front teeth, esteeming as an orna
ment the black gap thus made.
New Volcanic Island.
Officers of the revenue cuttes service
were able to explore the new. volcanic
Island in the BoguE&of group of the
Bering sea, although it was still very
hot from the action of tha- volcano,
which threw It up ten days prior to
that A great column of smoke und
steam continued. to rise over this new
born isle. At tho northern end tho
land rises abruntlv t
ti . ... .
m west uo a neiut or YUlt teet. Not-
withstanding that the surface was still
warm and soft, the explorers ascend
ed to tho summit.
Latest in Fruit.
A wonderful fruit has been found in
the neighborhood of the coast of the
Gulf of Guinea, in Africa. It has tho
power, says a report,, to "chango tho
flavor of tho-most acid substance into
a delicious sweetness." An official has
found It effective after a. dose of
quinine and, adds that "it o lemon bo
sucked within twoj or three, horns- of
eating one of the fruits its. acid aavor
is entirely counteracted." The fruit
resembles a small plum, with, tha seed
Invested In a thin, soft pulp, wherein
lies the peculiar sweetening property.
Deafness and Other Senses.
An. ear specialist insists that deaf
ness affects all tho- senses. He saya
the reason for this Is that the ear
ia only one servant ot tne sensory ser
vice of the- human system. Loss ot
hearing is really a partial paralysis of
the braln. but owing to the sympa
thetic connection of the- various sen
sory nerve centers of the brain, the
others Indirectly concerned have to
combat for their very life the demoral
izing influence of the affected center.
Animals' Love for Sea.
A scientist has mado some Interest
ing observations as to the love of dif
ferent wild animals for the sea. The
polar hear, he says, Is the only one
that takes naturally to the sea, and la
quite Jolly when aboard ship. All
othors violently resent a trip on water.
The tiger suffers most of all. Horsoa
are very bad sailors, and ofton perish
on a voyage. Elephants do not like
the sea.
Chilean Nitrate Fields.
The Chilean nitrate fields escaped
earthquake damages In the recent
shocks. The Increased demand for
nitrate of soda has been so great that
a number of addltonal outside vessels
have been chartered to get the pro
duct from Chile to the United States.
The American Imports ot nitrates from
Chile In 190S amounted to ii 2,525 tons,
valued at 19.306,677.
Another Weekly Post,
According to the Pioneer a post Is
now running weekly to Oatok, the new
trade mart In Western Thibet, bo that
the British trade agent at Qartok is
kept in close touch with India, The
route is by way of Almora and the
Llpu Lkh Pass and to reach Oortok
from Alaaera takes about ten days.
Municipal Bakeries In Italy.
The failure of tho municipal bak
eries at Catania, Italy, Is reported by
Mr, Churchill, tho British consul at
Palermo. There was a $30,000 deficit
in tha balance sheet, and tho request
governing a loan of J80.000 was re
fused by a royal commission; In con
sequence the institution was closed.
Is Your Blood Pure?
Does your head feel heavy and achef
your throat dry, nose stopped up and hot
no aypetite, little chilly feelings creeping
along the spine, hands hot, feet cold,!
tongue furred, eyes burn, you feel sick all
otot? Ever felt this way before?
You are bilious. Nip It in the bud; do
the right thing first Promptness will work
wonders. Start using Smith's Pineapple'
ami Butternut tills, take two to four at
bedtime. Yoo won't need any more; they
wiB care you in a night. Don't wait till
yon get down on your back, then it will
take longer, but, even then, these pills will
work: wonders. They promote the harmo
motet action of the stomach, liver and
Get a bottle of your dealer today and
take them home with you and use them
when you experience any departure what
ever from a healthy standard. They will
make your blood rich, red, pure. Physi
cians use and recommend. They form no
habit. Yotj should always keep them on
hand. These little Vegetable Pills will
ward out many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
DInFbDpIF 1 K rinses- Wm
ana I Imilaestlon. !rM
a a Mnf TTJ9r n m -r r I
I ihe Stomach
GO PUIS In'GIasn Vial 35c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Ifjiuldrr DIhk, Khenmattini,
the orra test remedy, Itellable,
enJorfed by leading physicians;
safe.effcctnal Resnlu lasting.
Oni tfce market 14 yean. Have
curett thousands, loo rN In
original glass package, 80 cents.
Trial bores, SO fills. SS cents. All
rtniTfftats seU and recommend.
JLU Notice i& hereby given, pursuant to
tho provisions of the Act of Assem
bly, entitled "An. Act to provide for
the ordinary expenses at the govern
ment,, payment of the Interest of the
state debt,, receiving proposals for
tho sale of public works and for
other purposes," approved the 27th
day of July,. 18-12, that the assessors
of the suveral townships ana boro
uglm of Wayne county have made
their returns of their assessments
for the year 1310, and that the fol
lowing Is a statemont of the aggre
gate values aaid assessments made
by said assessors of the several sub
jects of taxation enumerattd in the
11th seetlon af said Act of July 27,
1842, find in the several Acts sup
plementary tlwreto, and of the whole
amount of county taxes as assessed
In said; townihlps and boroughs.
I Hflrlln
m;m $ 1,477.5s $ 18,5m
f J.!,u,cHV,alJ!U"
332,07 l.;U!7W
cnerry Kiug;
LfiMlSf l.iinJT
M. l'lcaauut
1 test on
178 Jl
4.11. K7
South Cuuaan
way mart
, 17,7b5
Notice la also given pursuant, to
Act ot Assembly aforesaid, that, tho
following days and dates appointed
for the appeals from tho assessments
for the SQV.oral boroughs and town
ships, have also been appointed by
the Commissioners of said county for
finally ' determining whether any ot
the valuations of the assessors have
been made below a Just rata accord
ing to, the meaning and Intention, ot
said aat
Tlw, Commissioners of Wayne
county,, sitting as a Board ot Revls
Ion,, have appointed tho following,
days and dates respectively for hear
Inrj final appeals from, the trt-ennuu
assessment of 1310 at tho Commls
sloners office, Honesdalo, Pa., be
ginning at 8 a. m., Monday, January
aist and closing at 2:30 p. m.. Sat
urday, Feb. 5th:
Monday, Jan. 31. Honosdale,
Oregon, Lebanon.
Tuesday, Feb. 1. Berlin, Damas
cus, Manchester, Buckingham, Scott
Wednesday. Feb. 2. Preaton, Mt
Pleasant, Clinton, Paupack, South
Thursday, Feb. S. Lehigh, Dro-
her, Sterling, Salem, Lake, Chorry
Friday, Feb. 4. Hawley, Palmyra
Prompton, Canaan, Waymart.
Saturday. Feb. 5. Texas, Dyber-
ry, Bethany.
Persons having a grlevanco should
try to adjust it with the assessor be
fore the appeals; it this cannot be
done, and it is not convenient to at
tend the appeal, write the grievance
and mall It to the Commissioners'
office and it will receive attontlon
County levy for 1910 is 4 mills and
one-half mill for support ot non
Tldnt paupers.
County Commissioners
Attwi: Cerg P. Roes, Clerk.
HsBMKBle, Pa.
Brains of Great Men.
Brains . great men vary very
cauch. It' 1a found that men of en
cyclopedic mind, hav largo and heavy
bmlns kSlculstono had. to wear a very
ble hat with, an enormous bed of
gr&it mattorr and numerous convolu
tions, on tho- other hand, men whoso
genius Is concentrated, upon one line
of thought are ot small brain and,
consequently, havo small heads. Mew
ton,s.I3yron and. Cromwell were In this
SNfc Production In Switzerland.
Few people probably suspect the ex
tent to which Switzerland figures
amonrtbo slllt-producingcuntrlcs ct
tho world, which;, so far. as: Europe- Is
concerned, have always been suppostd
to besPrance and Italy. But Swltzta
land exports annually slltt tr tha
value of about $20,000,000, nearly sell
going to European. countries..
Cable Service to Iceland:
CctMe dispatches may now be seat
to Ic'elnnd, the coati being ln cents a
word from England! Icelandic Unet
which -will connectr SeydlsfjUrdt th
cable potnt on thooast coast, with all
the prlcipal towns, Including tha capi
tal, Reykjavik, will, soon ho. completed.
Paying for a Scnoiarsnip.
For thelast thrce-vBare',000'
workingmen, members ot tha Amalga
mated Society of. Engineer, havo
made three levies of! one penny, each,
to help on the work of Huskln College
at OxfonU This levy, produces over
300 a year, and by? means of. It six.
engineers- are maintained for ai year's,
course of study at tha:colleEe.
Quito ProHable.
It is evident thati the young man
who writes' th news-items In. tho Wll
lowby Times wishes-always ar be on;
the safe side and exercise due- cau
tion In his statements.
"Whom Mr. Lemuel Hawitins en
tered the bedroonr on the- ground"
floor of his farmhouse one day last
week," wrote the careful news-gatherer,
"he found that a cow, probably
astray, had made her way ther
from tho open door."
Corpus Christ! Procession.
In- Orotava, Tonerlffe, the Corpus
Chrlsti procc&elon. passes over floral
carpets with which- the streets on the
route aref-covered during the festival.
Beautiful tapestry-deslgna ara imitated
wttn fresh blossoms.
Yon Donj: Know
How Easy It Is To Cook
Perhaps jour folks, are among- the few in this town who have never had a
taste of Bcatdsley's Shredded Codfish.
Perhaps you are one of the women who have a mistaken prejudice.
Perhaps. you think that.because this is a fish fooL it is too.nluch trouble to
cook. Perhaps you think that it scents up the kitchen.
Please let us point out your mistake. For this is one of the world's
ohoicesti foods. And; we don't want your family to miss it
Nothing Else Half As Good
Nothing else half as good ior breakfast
or lunch is so easy to prepare as this.
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish is ready
to cook the instant yon opeu the package.
No. bones to pick out no washing no
soaking no boiling. Our patented
Shredding Process saves yon all that
And it makes the meat fine and fluffy
and dainty. This shredded meat cooks,
almost the minute heat reaches it
Any way that you serve it, you can.
lave it ready or th table in less time
iiuui it take to make codec.
Uh4 with ni'r. Jim (rmth
kiUnr, t ta purat aiaau MttaH.
AI pk4 Ik Mm na sIam.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This vear oen3 with a deluee of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that wouia supplant umLiTUJN'& mijHjU
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tne unwary.
There are reasons for the pro-ominence of CHILTON PAINTS:
1st No one can mix abetter mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint,Jat hia
own oxpense.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it ar perfectly latiafied with it,
and recommend ita use to others.
For Infante scad CkiUre.
The JM Yh Han Always Bottgbt
Bears tha
Signature af
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
For .New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
'Guaranteed articles only sold.'
NotLike Other Fish
Bsardsley's. Shredded Codfish isn't at:
all fike the old-fashioned dried codfish.
There's none ol that strong taste. Andi
none ol the odor in cooking.
Por we use- only the choicest fish the- j
plumpest and attest the finest that come:
at of the deep.
We get them Irom Northern waters.
Where they attain a superlative flavor.
And we take only the best part ol each,
fish the sweetest, most delicate meat.
Have It Tomorrow
Now that yon know rou were wrong ia
thinkinc Beardsley's Shredded Codfish a
bother to cook, why not try it tomorrow
"fish-day"? Just to see what a delicious
breakfast or lunch you will have.
A package will cost yon only 10. cents.
And it makes a full meal ior five.
There is other codfish in packages. But
no other Shredded Codfish. No other
klndyouwilllikehalloswellasoors. So
please see that yoa get Beardsley's the
package with the red band.
Get This Free Recipe Book
Ask your grocer or our bookoltempting
new recipes. Or write ns we will send
you the book, and with it a generous
sample of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
J. W. Beardsleys Sons
474-478 Greenwich St.. New York