THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1010. MARKETS FOR FHUIT8. Bring Good Prlcos and tho Demand la Increasing. All kinds of rood fruits havo brought food trlcog during the past tew years, and the demoaa 1b In creasing with tho population. Tropi cal countries excel In the varieties of fruits, but with Its delicacy of flavor, tho ptnoapplo Is lnforlor In point of quality and tenderness of flesh to tho peach of tho tomporate sono, and tho familiar apple of our climate has no equal In the tropics for combination of desirable quali ties. We Import .argo quantities of fruit partly because wo desire somo kinds that wo cannot profitably grow, and also because wo do not supply the demand for our own na tive fruit. In no year within tho past qunrter of a century have we been supplied with a sufficiency of npplos. During certain periods of the year they bring larger prices than oranges, and the bulk of tho peach crop Is now of ten sold when the trees are In bloom. Tho demand for pears has been very much Increased of late years, ow ing to tho great Improvement that has been made with this fruit and the great difficulty in combatting tho blight. When the buyers find a good article of fruit they care but little for prices, and thus tho Bart lett and somo other varieties hold their own, with no limit to tho de mand, and tho supply Is always short. The curcullo has almost obliterat es tho plum In some localities,, but of" late tho pest has been fought suc cessfully, and with a steady improve ment being made with the fruit It "will no doubt In a few years resume Its place by the side of our most favorite delicacies. The best fruits are thobt) which combine quality, flavor and hardness, and the Middle States can compare favorably with other sections In the production of high-grade fruit. Farmers who have lcrgo o.chards, especially of apples, And a ready market for all that can be grown. Hemp Plant Along Gulf Coast.' Tho valuable nature of the work now being carried on In Texas by the United States Agricultural De partment Is again shown by the dis covery that the "abaco" or hemp plant can bo successfully grown In the Southwest Gulf Coast country. Experiments have been carried on and tho horticulturists are convinced that this valuable addition can be made to the list of Texas crops. It has long been the theory that the hemp plant would not grow suc cessfully In any section of the world except tho Philippine Islands. Ef forts have been made to transplant It to Africa, India and South Ameri ca, but with little success. Here tofore Manila has had a monopoly of the hemp trade and the finest ropes and cordages come from that city. The hemp plant Is a variety of banana and has exactly the same ap pearance as the broad leafed plants found growing In many San Antonio yards. It was quite by accident that tho discovery was made that the hemp plant could be successfully grown In Texas. San Antonio Ex press. Pasturing Spring Wheat. A subscriber wents to know wheth er It will Injure spring wheat to pasture It off with cattle or sheep. It depends upon the condition of the soil and the season. If the grain crop has como on early and shows a very rank growth, pasturing It mod erately will no doubt do It good. This will naturally Induce shorter straw, and the crop will not be so apt to jodge. When rhcat or any spring grain for that matter are sown on ery rich ground and the early growing season Is favorablo the grain Is apt to grow too rank, honco (he straw breaks and much of tho crop Is lost. .Ve would not pas ture these spring grain fields with sheep, for they are apt to bite down too close. Of course tho sheep would razo over tho field more even ly than cattle. Another thing, don't allow stock on the fields when tho ground Is soft. Indiana Farrier, Scab in Potatoes. Even with the greatest care It Is not always possible to grow potatoes frco from scab, but It surely pays to take all the precautions possible. It Is decidedly an uphill Job to attempt to grow potatoes on soil Infested with scab germs and the only way to avoid this la to put tho ground Into some other crop for two or .oven three years. If possible obtain seed tubers freo from scab but un der any circumstances they should bo treated beforo planting, The pro cess Is very simple and Is easily ac complished by soaking tho seed tub ers for two hours In a solution com posed of one pound formalin to each thirty gallons of water. This prac tically Insures a crop freo from ecab If the soli Is not Infected. Field and Farm. Plant White Clover. I would add two or three pounds of white clover soed per aero for permanent nowlngs, as it makes a thick, rich, bottom, writes W. A. Ford of the Massachusttts Agricultural jColleg. Of Interest to Women Simple Taalee of Prlaceaa Victoria of England Shrinks (rem Pomp and Display and Prefers tbe Simple Life of an Ordinary Woman Prin cess ts an Accomplished Musician. When Princess Victoria of England, daughter of Queen Alexandre, was a girl of fourteen It bocame her duty one day to act aa hostess at a juvenile entertainment at Marlborough House. In tho mlddlo of It she suddenly dis appeared. A messenger was dispatch ed to Buckingham Palace to boo if tho truant had run away to "grandma," but she wasn't thoro. At last a lottor from her to tho Princess of Waloa was discovered In the schoolroom, bogging "mothor" not to bo angry; sho did "hato parties" so, and sho had gono to stay with tho Duchess of Teck till this one was ovor. Not liking parties has been a char acteristic of this princess ovor slnco, though, having a strong sense of duty, which developed a3 sho grow oldor, she doesn't run away from thom any more. But thoso who know her know that If sho could chooso her life It would bo on far from court, a Ufa free from demands of etiquette, and spent among tho friends she loves. When ever she can escape from the formali ties that surround her sho does so. Stories aro told of her planning vlslti Incognito with her sisters or othor members of the court to somo tea room or shop, whero for a littlo whiK' she can do just as other women do. Sho likes to drop anonymous sur prises on tho children sho encounters, as once when she was shopping in Penrith, and saw three small tfoys looking longingly at tho toys In a win dow. The princess immediately took the part of Santa Claus, and for onco In tholr lives thoso small and ragged boy3 had all the toys they wanted. Princess Victoria has a good deal of tact, says "Tho Gentlewoman," nnd whllo sho caroa little about court life her Influence has brought about sev eral needed changes there. The Queen's ladlos-ln-waltlng have special reason to be grateful to her. Up to the time of King Edward's accession the breakfast hour for the ladles-in-waiting was 7 o'clock In the summer and 7.30 In Uie winter. They didn't llko It, of course, but In so great a household changes aro not easily made. Princess Victoria, however, go' the hour changed to 8 o'clock for all the year round. It was she, too, who secured a much more comfortable breakfast room for thom than tho one at their disposal during Queen Vic toria's reign. The princess's own boudoir at Buck ingham Palaco was arranged entirely by herself, and Is said to be a delight ful room. The walls are lined with rare pictures, mo3t of them gifts to her, and there aro hosts of photo graphs which she has taken In ram bles around Balmoral, Wlnsor and Sandrlngham. In this boudoir she likes to spend much time, reading and writing. Sho knows several languages and Is a very good musician. True to her nature, she has always refused to have a lady-ln-waltlng When she goes to any public function sho is accompanied by ono of th Queen's, as etiquette forbids her ap pearing alone. She has, by the way, several faithful attendants, who al ways llko going nbout with her when they can. These aro her nephews nnd nieces, with whom sho has been a great favorite ever since they were little things. Head of W. C. T. U. Tho most Important event on the programme of the 36th annual con ventlon of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union was the oloctlon of officers and the report ol - -J, Cf Jho resolutions committee. The six general olllcora wore re-elected as fol lows: MrH. Lillian M. N. Stevens, of Maine, president. Miss Anna A. Gordon, of Illlnol', vlco-presldent-at-Iarge. Mrs. Francis E. ParkcB, of Illlnolu corresponding secretary. Mrs. Sara H. Hogo, of Virginia, as slstnnt recording secretary. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Hutchinson, ol Illinois, treasurer. Mrs. Elizabeth Preston Anderson, ol North Dakota, recording secretary. Collapsible Tub. The thing most desired by young mothers these days Is a bathtub for the baby made of sheet rubber that Is attached to a campdtool foundation. It can be folded up and put out of t'ae way when not in use, and it telescopes Into a small bundle when ono wants o travel. FRENCH THRIFT. A recent article from a careful French writer estimates the wealth of the people of Franco at 1 4 6,000, 000,000, or more than $1,100 for each man, woman and child. In the last fifteen years the French have loaned about $521,400,000, and yot the gold imports of the country have amounted to $785,800,000. In the year just closed the gold held by the Bank of France increased $200,000,000, mak ing the total $700,000,000, the largest in the bank's history. The othor banks of France hold $833,8800,000. Each year the French receive about $380,000,000 from their foreign hold ings, which are chiefly Government bonds. This form of wealth has dou bled since 1894. The population of France is about half that of the Unit ed States, and Its area is 60,000 square miles Iobs than Texas. These figures of French wealth rest on the ulnversal French habit of saving money. As soon as a French child be gins to have an Income of its own it lays aside something for the future. The French have firmly reached tho sound proposition that If nothing Is saved In productive years the indivi dual Is running behind and Is certain to be overtaken at last by want Yot the French get as much enjoyment out of life as any people, both In ordi nary material affairs and in those of an artistic nature. THE CRAZE FOR LUXURY. The ruthless extravagance of the rich would be bad enough If Its influ ence stopped with tho cities, but It does not. Tho desire for luxury which It fosters puts Its stamp In more or less pronounced fashion on tho lift of tho wholo country. The cities becomes disease centers from which the germs, of rlotouB living are scattered throughout the land. The smaller community naturally patterns after the latter; the country mer chant, after viewing life as It Is lived in New York returns often dissatis fied with the simple manners of his own town and endeavors to Introduce in thoir stead the customs of his city friends. The habit of living beyond one's Income thus becomes a more or less national vice. One need not be pessimistic about It, or conclude that the country Is going to the dogs. But there surely Is an epidemic of ex travagance which seoms to grow more, rather than less, serious. The blame for It traces back to the cities, and back of them to the worthless rich who flaunt their wicked waste beforo the eyes of the world. REFORE8TRATION OF FLORIDA. The Florida forest has an area of 201,480 acres, of which about one fourth has been taken up under vari ous land laws. It covers a plateau between the St. John's and Ochlawa ha rivers, and at no point Is an eleva tion exceeding 60 feet abovo sea level obtained. Fire has played an importatn part In bringing about the present poorly forested condition of the Ocala, as year after year large fires have burned uninterruptedly over this tract, killing all vegetation and con suming the humus of the soil. Nat urally protected portions which have not been subject to the flames provo positively, however, that the soil will rapidly respond to a little caretaktng and that the prevention of fires would eventually mean the reforestation of practically the entire area. A DANGEROUS NAME. The woman who created a fire panic by shouting "Meyer" at the Star Theatre, In New York, was not the first person to have that exper ience. Some years ago a man banged furiously against a locked door In one of the upper corridors of a hotel at Sharon Springs, and shouted "Meyer 1 Meyer!" It was a warm Sunday afternoon and most of the guests were In their rooms, many of them nap ping. Immediately there was a great commotion In the house and panic stricken, scantily dressed people rush ed through the halls and down the stairways. When the cause of tho alarm was ascertained the proprietor told the man who had shouted that if he wished to remain In the hotel he would have to call his small boy John whllo his visit lasted, and "John" the boy remained to the season's end. THE MULE'3 WAIST. It is a rather extraordinary thing that the exact height and chest meas urement of a mule can be a matter of any particular Importance to any one. Yet a British officer is now busy In America buying mules of fifteen hands high, with a so-called "empire waist" of sixty-three Inches. The point is that it Is vory Important for harness to fit exactly, and the har ness for the battery mules that are UBed In India has been ordered for these precise dimensions. Women will most certainly be Interested to learn that tho empire waist Is fash ionable in mule society as well as in the beau monde. A German scientist has discovered a means of making men tall by manip ulating tbe legs and ankles. If there's anything to that, we may expect to see pretty tali statesmen in a decade or two. They construct dwellings out of blocks of building glass In Silesia, but they seem solid enough so peo ple who lire In them can throw all the' stones they wish. Lumber is becoming so high priced that the man who discusses politics in tbe corner grocery store cannot af ford to whittle while be talks. TIT FOR TAT. Colloquy In a Railway Station Ending In a Draw. An Irishman was sitting in a depot smoking when a woman came, and, sitting down beside him, remarked: "Sir, If you were a gentleman you would not smoke here." "Mum," he said, "if ye wu a lady ye'd sit farther away." Pretty soon the woman burst out afffiln: "If you were my husband I'd give you poison." "Well, mum," returned the Irish man, as ho puffed away at his pipe, "if you wuz me wife I'd take It" Justice and Lucre. Judge Giles Baker, of a Pennsyl vania county, was likewise cashier of his home bank. A man presented a chock one day for payment. Ho wns a stranger. His evidence of Identifi cation was not satisfactory to the cashier. "Why, Judge," said the man, "I've known you to sentence men to bo hanged on no better evidence than this!" "Very likely," replied tho judge. "But when It comes to letting go of cold cash we have to bo mighty care ful. Some Thoughts on Sheep and Goats. Sheep live higher, but more is ex pected of thom. Goats have to do without somo things, but they've less on their minds. It's a groat distinction to be a sheep, but it wouldn't be, only for tho goats. None except sheep get Into society. None except goats know what a parcel of foolishness society Is. There are sheep who wonder If It's worth all It costs. Goats would bo fairly contented If It wasn't for their wives all the time dying to be sheep. No Assistance Needed. Luclnda stood In tho presence of two famous surgeons who had Just as sured her that her present condition demanded an operation and that un less It was performed within a short time she would In all probability die. Luclnda listened respectfully. "I'm jes as much obliged to you gen'mans as I can be," she assured them, "but ef de deah Lord has done made up his min' to call me home, I thinks he kin translate me wldout no assistance." A Work of Supererogation. Henry dislikes being bathed and ar gues with his mother over every square Inch of his four-year-old ana tomy. Ono night, when his patience was especially tried by what he considered wholly unnecessary work, he exclaim ed: "Oh, momma, couldn't you skip my stomach? Nobody ever sees my stom ach!" CARELESS ON FACE OF IT. "That new girl breaks everything!" "Yes; she even cracked a smile this morning and then broke Into a laugh." His Standard. Mr. Purist I tell you our modern llternture is deteriorating very rapid ly. Uncle Hiram Well, I guess. You can't road tho patent-medicine adver tisements nowadays without having them all broken up by these blamed continued stories In between. The Thief of Time. Teacher Johnny, what Is the meaning of tho word "procrastinate?" Pupil To put off. Teacher Right. Use it in an origi nal sentence. Pupil "The brakeman procrastinat ed tho tramp from tho tramp." No Idolater. Miss Simper Do you know, I sim ply worship D'Auber's landscapes! Mr. Crimper Well, there's no com mandment against It. They certainly bear no likeness to anything' In the heaven above, or the earth beneath, or tho water undor the earth. Getting Even. Miss Passay What a lovely gown you have on! But haven't I seon It be foro? Miss Tartlolgh No, I think not You see I've only worn It at a few very smart affairs this season. One Theory. "Why was Sisyphus," asked the pro fessor In mythology, "compelled to roll a stone up a hill?" "I s'poso be hud made a freak elec tion bet," answered the student with tho bulging brow. Judson Baxter's wife looks like a Tory determined kind of woman. Madison She Is determined; Bax ter Is the fifth man ehe has led to tho altar. Padcrcwskl Worka Ht.d. Paderowakt frequently sits at his Instruments until well into the small hours of the morning, says Tlt-Blta. Hence he soldom rise until 9 or 10 a. m., and immediately ho U dressed he gota to work, generally practicing on the piano, but often composing. He keeps to his task until 1 o'clock, and not a minute earlier does he break his taBt, Output of Tokay Wine. This year's output of tho famous Tokay wine has been entirely lost in consequence of an unexpected out break of phylloxera. Tokay Is made from grapes grown In the vineyards belonging to tho Emperor Francis JoBeph at Hegyalja, Hungary, and It Is now used chiefly for presents to other heads. "Mnry Said Nothing.'' Justice Brewer of tho United States Supreme Court is said to be the author of this Btory: A witness testified In a certain caee that a per son named Mary was present when a particular conversation took place, and tho question was asked, "What did Mary say?" This was objected to, and after some discussion the Judge ruled out tho question. An exception to this decision was Imme diately taken, nnd on appeal the higher court reversed tho verdict and ordered a new trial on the ground that too question should have been answered. At the second trial the same Inquiry was propounded and elicited the Information that "Mary said nothing." Worse Than Noah. Mamma (to Willie, who has been playing with Noah's Ark). Don't be rude, Willie. I'm sure that Noah wasn't whining and complaining when he put the animals into his ark. Willie. No; but I'll bet Noah didn't have any baby brother to lick the paint often his animals. Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the system Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foster Building. fill ALCOHOL 3 PER CKNT AXSgetaWelYeparaiionforAs-slrallalingiheFwdandRrtula-ting (lie Storaadis andBowiisor PromolesDigeslionJChreiful-l ncss and ItestContains neitter i Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic, i 122 JlrfMt Sird-J&cMtUtx- ifwaSad- utatti Apafect Remedy for ConsHf-' tlou , Sour Stomaeh.Dlanhoa i t- r . i. worms ,tarTiisjoH5juiiiir nessawlLoss of Sleep. licSimfc Sigaaiure of NEW YORK. j i I Ml MfssTrssssTssssT ITTssssssssss" yiGuarenteed under thodB Exact Copy of Wrapper. Roll of HONOR Attention Is called to tho STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Or HONOR of tho 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th ,n Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 Honcsdale. Pa., Mav 29 IPOS., KRAFT & CONGER nm umiiL KONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Companies ONLY For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA tMI HITUI MMMMT. TO MTV. II MI IMC iUU CASTORIA a jf.r fxr aU IF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers