nna citizen, Wednesday, januahy 10, ioio, THE CITIZEN rOBUtHKD XVCRY VTXDITKBDAT ANt FIUDAT BT tiir cmzxn rosMsnma company. Entered as Beoond-class matter, at tho post ofllce, llonesdnle. l'A. SUBSCRIPTION .... , 11.60 JS. B.UAKDKNDK11GH. - - PRESIDENT W. W. WOOD. MANAGER AND SKC'Y DIRECTORS! o. n. DoaruNQKR. m. b. ali.kn. REKBT WILSON. K. B. HARDKHBEHOU. W. W. WOOD. WKDNKSDAY, JANUAHY 10, 1010. One blessed liopo wo havo to holp keep us warm this winter, Is that Ice may bo chenp next summer. Speaker Cannon, "Uncle Joe," did wino talking on Thursday when ho gave a treatise on party regularity, but not until the newspaper boys did a whole lot of coaxing. Cannon has been in the political game long enough to know that anything said by him on the subject is certain to cause the people generally to do just a bit of thinking. "Jly test of regularity In politics, church, finance, or family," ho said. is "co-operation, harmony. I am a great believer in caucus the wick ed caucus. Get together and fight out the differences there, and if you are licked, come back and fight again. We can't all have our way in this world. We do not have our way, no matter how big or high wo may be. The manly man gives and takes, fights or yields, as he thinks best for his cause. I haven't much patience In these men who are wiser than all the other fellows put to gether, and whose views are un changeable. I always feel that a man of that sort has no business in an organization. If he can't light it out in party ranks and yield if he is beaten then he had better go out and join the enemy, or, better still, form an organization of his own." WOKKIKD. Certain Democratic organs alarm ed at the consequences to Demo cracy of Taft's appointment of a Democrat to the Supreme Court Bench yell loudly and wonder what the Republicans In the South will finally think of the President in refusing to build up his own par ty in the South. The Democrats are worried. They seo things. They cannot under stand why the pie does not always go to the hungered of the same faith. They saw in the appoint ment of a North Carolina federal judge a terrible mistake made by Taft. But as the appointment was a Democrat glorified they couldn't say anything against that. But Democracy becomes the keeper of its brother and its brother is a Re publican. But bless your souls it is easy to see the point. .President Taft feels that incidentally he is Presi dent of the country President of the Democrats Just as much as of the Republicans, although demo cracy voted against him. What does it all mean? It means that President Taft proposes to show the South that he is bigger than any Democrat yet hatched. He proposes to suggest, officially, that he will choose the man he wants for an Important position the man in his judgment best fitted he proposes briefly to go after Men, not polltl cains. And how will it work In the long run? How will it come out of the wash? Why, when Mr. Taft or any other Republican runs again for president tho Democracy that al ways had a happy habit of attempt ing to frighten the South with bogle men called radicals will bo like Othello with their occupation gone. Taft has emphasized and will furth er prove that tho federal bogie man is a myth. Therefore when tho Democracy attempts to yell "federal laws" and Insist that Re publicanism means destruction to the South tho records will point that tho Republican party recog nized decent Democrats and what are you going to do about it? No wonder tho Democratic papers are yelling loudly. No wonder they seo much harm to tho Republican par ty but their zeal is understood. They see what all men seo that President Taft is leaving a record that will make Democratic success forever impossible. Ho has taken away from Democracy its last hope tho hope to abuse tho Republican party by yelling "Radical"- when forsooth, thero is nothing radical about it. It develops as wa progress, that President Taft is as much of a di plomat as he Is a lawyer and judgo and tho whole country will lovo the man before ho has finished his first ' go round. And that Is why Domo cracy Is unhappy. Wednesday night Dr. null's sug gestion to preach on tho street corners of Scranton was Inaugurat ed and tho , results woro apparently greater than those obtalnod in tho Tabernacle. United States Senator Monoy, Democratic leader in the Senate, is tho most lndofatlgablo worker ,1a Congress. Ho has secured n govern ment position for every one of his known rolatlves not forgetting his mother-in-law. According to a recent report to tho Senate by tho Commissioner of Pcns'ons, tho soldiers who served in tho Union army, during tho Civil war, are dying at the rate of one every fourteen minutes. It makes people tired to hear tho Insurgents and rhlnoceros-hlded Democrats grinding and harping about Cannon being an "old fogy" and so forth. These noisy objectors havo forgotton about their Methusalah Gassaway Davis, who sat on tho tall end of the Democratic ticket in 1904. Why Joo Cannon looks and acts young enough to bo a grandson of Gassaway. Tho esteemed editor of tho Her aid (not the active editor) but tho gentleman who has charge of the po litical column, Is again on the mourn ers' bench, on account of the little differences that exists among Re publican Congressmen. His two epistles to tho "disgruntled" in Inst week's issue, wo hope may bo tem porary solace to him, while his thoughts stray away frbm the ras' callty of his own political brethern. XliW HOSPITAL KKKCTIOX WORK I'ROGRKSSINCJ. Work on the hospital for the criminal insane at Farview is pro gressing as rapidly as possible, al though tho work has been somewhat retarded by the heavy snows and clod weather for the past month. Dr. Pitzslmmons in his report sub mitted to the commission on the lirst of tho year, in speaking of the work says: The condition of the two hospital buildings "C" and "D," now under course of construction, is as follows: The sheet metal and slating on the roof of building "C" is OS per cent completed. There is only tho sheet metal work on 'half of the ridge on this building yet to do. The sheet metal work on the tower or louvre o this building is all completed, except ing the pacing of the sheet metal on the louvre proper or the opening for ventilation, all of which is made and ready to be placed in position which work can be done In about six hours, At the time of the last report the iron work of building "D" was in course of construction. That work Is now all completed and tho sheet metal work on the roof of this build ing "D" is also completed and 96 per cent, of tho slate of the roof of this building has also been laid. There is about twelve hours work of slating to bo done on this building and had it not been for the severe snow storm this roof would have been completed If weather permits the slate work on this building will be completed this week. This does not mean that the cement has been placed around the slate as that Is a job In Itself that will take about two weeks to com plete. If weather will be compara tively favorable by Feb. 1st all of the roof work will be completed. The frame work on the three towers or louvres of building "D" has been completed and they are ready for the Bheet metal work to bo commenced This will be proceeded with without delay. Tho stair builders havo bqen engaged in the building of tiio iron stair way during tho past month and at tho present time the stir way lead ing from the basement of building 'C" havo been placed in position to and from tho basement. The electrician has about Gi per cent, of that kind of work done iu both buildings, "C" and "D," and this work will havo been completed by tho 25th of the present month January. Tho plumbers or men en gaged in tho placing of tho drain pipes, cast iron pipes, which nro be ing placed in treanches under the basement, and galvanized Iron pipes which are being between tho roo gutters, havo about 00 per cent, o this work done. This includes tho hem) covering which surrounds the galvanized iron pipes to prevent them from freezing. Tho metal conduits for tho conveying of air and heat and which contains thcsthermoltntlc or heat testers is about 40 per cent done. All of tho windows have been placed in position and are ready to bo permanently cased In, Storm doors have been placed at all the openings whero Ingress and egress to tho buildings Is necessary and whero this is not expedient the openings have been boarded up. All of tho work now in process of execution, aside, from tho small amount of work to bo done on tho roofs, can bo readily carried on re gardless of weather conditions. During tho .month threo car loads of trimming stone and ono carload of Hmo for building "G" nrrlved at the D. & H. R. R. siding and is at present in tho store houses at that place. Thero Is only twenty men em ployed at tho hospital, sixteen of whom aro mechanics In the dlfforcnt departments and four laboring men. Legal Uttki iU The Citizen ofice. WAYNE COUNTY COURT NOTES Tho grand jury' mado Its final report ' Thursday afternoon. It rec ommended that a hot water pipe be placed in tho jail for sanitary pur poses; that tho wall under tho bay window In tho Bhcrlff'B house should bo repaired; that tho frescoing in tho court room bo repaired. J. A, Carey was appointed cus todian of tho ballot box of election district of Buckingham No. 2. Charlo3 "Walilnger, Hawloy, was indicted for passing a forged check of $43. Edward Nicdcrost, prose cutor. Truo bill by grand Jury. In tho case of Com. vs. Charles Walilnger, passing a forged check for $25 upon Edward Nlcderost, N. B. Spencer, prosecutor, a true bill was found. In tho matter of Com. vs. Charles Wnlllnger, for passing a forged check amounting to $10 upon Her- mnn Meyer, N. B. Spencer, prosecu tor, tho grand Jury found a truo bill. Judgo Little, of Susquehanna county, will assist In trying cases in court this week. This is Judge Lit tle's first appearance In tho Wayne county courts as a judge. Tho following accounts and ap praisements woro confirmed nisi by the court, Monday afternoon. First and final nccount of Joshua . Brown and H. M. Spencc, admin lstrators of the estate of Eliza cJ Peters, late of tho borough of Hones dale, deceased. First and final account of George Ansley, testamentary guardian of Homer Ansley. First and final account of G. C. Tarbox, administrator of tho estate of Lida Tarbox, late of Scott town ship, deceased. First and final account of Edwin P. Kllroe, administrator of the es tate of John C. Kllroe, late of Dy berry township, deceased. First and partial account of Henry Wilson, administrator C. T. A. of tho estate of Albert Whltmore, late of the borough of Honesdale, dee'd. First and final account of Phoebe J. Wheeler, administratrix of the estate of Almone E. Wheeler, late of the township of Lake, deceased. Second and partial nccount of E. A. Pennlman, executrix of the last will and testament of Francis B. Pennlman, late of the borough of Honesdale, deceased. First and final account of Walter M. Fowler nnd Charles Sanker, ad ministrators of the estate of Freder ick Werner, late of Texas township, deceased. To tho widow of A. W. Brown, late of Starrucca; personal proper ty. To the widow of Fred Kennedy, late of Mt. Pleasant; personal prop erty. To the widow of Henry D. Cole, lato of Clinton; personal property. 'To the widow of Mathew McKen- ng, late of Buckingham; personal property. To the widow of W. M. Buchan an, late of Preston, deceased; per sonal property. To the widow of J. A. Rutledge, late of Preston, deceased; personal property. In the case of tho Commonwealth versus Frank Watterson, John An derson, prosecutor, charges being assault and battery on Robert An derson, son of John Anderson, and attempted rape on Margaret Ander son, a daughter of tho prosecutor, Miss Anderson upon being question ed said that she did not know Wat terson, and on Sunday, November 7th, he met her in Hawley and ask ed to go home with her. She ob jected and he followed her up to Glass Row, where ho put his' arm around her and grabbed her by the- neck. Her brother Interfered nnd Watterson hit him with his fist, knocking him down. Watterson on being called to tho witness stand said ho did not know the girl but saw her at Hawley, nnd nsk'ed if she had any objection to his going homo with hor. She said "No." Ho walk ed some distance with her, and fi nally put his arm around her waist and she made no objection. Ho aBk ed hor to go to a dance with him and she said her father would also havo to go, Watterson said that would be satisfactory to him. Upon meeting her brother, tho boy raised an oujecuon to wattorson s com pany, nnd "got fresh," as tho de fendant said. Watterson then slap ped tho boy twice in tho face, the second time knocking him down. The boy arose and grabbed some stones nnd Wattorson mado his es cape. Eeveral other witnesses were called on. both sides. Shortly before noon tho Jury was charged, and us we go to press tho jury has not yet reached a verdict. District Attor ney Simons appeared for tho prose cutor and C. A. McCarty for tho defondant. Tho following jurors had chargo of this caso: Thomas Barries, of Drehor; Jos. Blllard, of Berlin; L. p. Chamberlain, of Pres ton; M. I. Donio, of Preston; Thos. Drake, of Hawloy; W. L. Hnrvoy, of Lehigh; C. E, Luchs, of Sterling; R. F. Mumford, of Mt. Pleasant; Conrad Relneke, Paupack; M. A. Schletz, of Palmyra; Wesloy Wil cox, Damascus; William B. Yorkes, Damascus, In tho caso of Georgo F. Whltt- more, charged with desertion. Mr. Whltmoro plead guilty, providing sentence bo suspended and prisoner discharged. P. II, Iloff and District Attorney Simons appeared for Mrs, Whlttmoro nnd Herman Harmes for Mr. Whlttmoro. Commonwealth vs, Floyd Hazel- ton, threo counts, assault and bat tery, aggravated assault and battory and aggravated assault and battery with intent. John N. Nyco, prosec utor, discharged. Settlement by payment of costs. KHMINGTON'8 JCAKLiY CAREER. This sketch of Remington's early career appears' In tho Now York Sun: "Fred Remington was born in Nwo York State. His father was a newspaper man and political factor whoso editorials had a rank of their own among county newspapers. His homo was at Canton, St. Lawrence county, nnd thero his Bon wns born on October 4, 18G1. Tho boy wns a lively youngstor, much given to outdoor sport and not taking a very serious view of life. His father wanted htm to be a newspaper man, but Fred felt tho call of art, or thought he did ho had a second thought presently and it was long ere ho returned again to nrt and at the age of eighteen was permitted to go to tho Yale nrt school. Ho didn't learn much there, ho used to confess; that is, not much of what ho went thero to learn, but be got a lot of Information about football and wns on Walter Camp's original eleven when Camp was booming nnd developing tho American game. Tho death of his father' interrupted his course at Yale and ho returned to his home and worked as clerk In a country store, afterwnrd acting as confidential clerk to Governor Cornell at Albany. Then he took 1,ls flmrc of tho Patrimony and went west ns a cow-punchor, an occupa-1 tlon at which ho kept for four years, practically living In tho saddle, much of the time In Montana. Part of tho time ho lived among tho soldiers at army posts, taking especially to the cavalry. He got ahead, established a sheep ranch and a mulo ranch and made some money, went to Kansas and lost It, and then wandered farth er to the Southwest, serving as scout, ranchman, anything that of fered In tho free and exciting life of the great plains. He has been over the ground from the interior of Mexico to Hudson Bay. Once when ho 'dropt his wad he made up his mind to quit ranching and come East. His father's friends, Senator Piatt among them, were ready to help him and he soon had a job at clerical work in the office. Figures fretted him and he went to the sup erintendent of the counting-room one day and said to him: 'Do you like this sort of work?' " 'I do,' said the man. " 'Well, you are welcome to all you want of it. I don't,' said Rem ington and he put on his hat and coat and went out. "The next place he got ho stayed half an hour. Tho West was calling again and art once more was stirring within hlra. He had always liked to make pencil sketches, and he went to the editor of The Century Magazine and told him of an as tonishing group of Indians of the Southwest and asked to be Bent out there to mako drawings of them and. to have a writer sent with him. Remington was so enthusiastic and so entertaining in his talk that tho editor told him to go out there and do the whole thing himself, both the writing and illustrating. Reming ton told tho editor that the only writing ho had ever done to his sat isfaction was signing" his name on tho back of a railroad pass. " 'Never mind,' said the editor, 'If you write what you have told me you will do well enough.' "Remington went ,and a little later presented himself to tho pub lic as an illustrator and author in The Century and in the Harper publications." SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET. In splto of tho snow storm, about fifty members and friends of the Ariel Grange gathered at the Grange Hall, at Ariel, Friday night, Janu ary 11th, for tho second annual banquet. Mr. Brink's orchestra fur nished music before and during the banquet. At nine o'clock tho cater er, Mrs. Smith, served the follow ing menu: Cold ham, potato salad, celery, pickles, Neapolitan ico cream, cake and coffee. After all had done Justice to tho excellent supper they were favored by vocnl selections by Mrs. Roy Howe nnd Mr. Storm, a whistling solo by Miss Storm, a rec itation by Harry Samson and a talk on tho work done by tho Stato Grango by Theodore Kline. After this tho young peoplo cleared tho tables from tho floor and the re mainder of tho evening was spent in dancing. Thoso present wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Samson, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Samson. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Samson, Mrs. Win. Sumsou, Mrs. J. Cook, Miss Anno Samson, Elmer Samson, Fred Smith, Amzl Cook, Mrs. P. T. Howo, Maud Howe, .Miss Elsie Howo, Miss Florenco Jonos, Miss Storm, Mr. John Storm, Mrs. J. W. Androws, .Miss Frankio Simons, Mr. und Mrs. Sidney Polly, Miss Agnos Schnledor, Densy An drows, Lucy Qulntln, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Sandercock, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howo, Mr. and Mrs. Abo Klrby, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rockwoll, Mr. and .Mrs. Theodoro Kline, Mrs. E. P. Jones, Abblo Brink, Mr, Brink, Mr. C. E. Jones, Mr. Homer Jones, Mr. Frank James, Stnrbert Treslar, Homer Sandercock, Sam Lonstoln, Miss Eva Schooll, Solomon Jones and Harold White. CASTOR I A for In&ntt nd CMldrta. TJib KM Yn Han Always Boagkt 9 Bara tha gtgn&Ursof fOOO A POUND FOR CHICKEN; OI'FHK REFUSED. Let those who aro preaching of tho lncreaso In tho cost of living and also vegetarians pnuso and take hoed. Six hundred dollars a pound was bid for chicken llvo weight ono day last week nnd tho offer was spurned. Twelvo hundred dollars a pound was asked, and tho Bettors were not particular about selling, elthor. Tho ofler wa3 mado to Megargeo & Woddlgon, of that city, by H. D Riley, a multimillionaire poultry man, in tho following telegram: "Megargeo & Weddlgen, 13C Wash Ington Avenuo, Scrnnton, Pa. "Will pay six thousand dollnrs for Black Orpington hen, 'Lady Wash ington,' to bo delivered in time for Philadelphia poultry show. Want to exhibit her with 'Peggy,' the ten thousand dollar White Orpington hen. Will then hnvo at show the two most valuable birds in tho world. "H. D. RILEY, "20G Mint Arcado, "Philadelphia." "Lady Washington" weighs Just too pounds. So quick that It must have taken lils breath away, Mr. Riley received the following reply: Your offer of bIx thousand not ac copied. Our Black Orpington hen "Lady Washington," cannot be bought until after the Scranton show. We will then consider an of fer of twelve thousand. Megargeo & Weddlgen. Thus was thwarted tho attempt to deprive Scranton of the honor of housing the greatest Orpington hen the world has over seen. "Lady AVashlngton" won the prize cup for tho best bird at the New York poultry show a couple of weeks ago, and will bo exhibited hero at tho Scranton show In Music hall this week. Tho show will open to the public on Tuesday and continue tho balance of tho week. Ever since "Lady Washington" won the big prize in New York, Messrs. Megargee & Weddlgen have been swamped with offers for the hen, but nothing will tempt them to sell until after tho show at Scran ton. An offer of three cops as guards was made to tho local men If they would exhibit their hen at the Phila delphia show, but inasmuch as it will be held at the same time as the Scranton exhibition ( the offer was turned down. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Closing out sale of Made-up Win ter Goods at Mennor & Co. during January to clean up before inventory ing. 2eoI4 VT0T1CE OF ADMINISTRATION, 1 ESTATE OF JAM ES NEVILLE lato of Stcrllnff. In. All persons Indebted to said estate are noti fied to make immediate payment to the mi dersleucd ; and tlioso liavlnc claims against the said estate are notified to present thein duly attested, for settlement. J. K. CROSS. Sterllne, Jan. 10. 1010. Administrator. HENRY Z. HUSSELL. rREblDEKT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Organized In December, I&3G, and Nationalized In December, 1864. Since its organization it has paid in Dividends to its Stock holders, $I99059800.00 The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR ROLL, from ttc fact tltut Its Surplus Fund more tl:mi equals Its capital stock. hat Class 0 re YOU in The world has always been divided into two classes thoso who have saved, those'who have spent tho thrifty and the extravagant. It is the saver who have built tho houses, tho mills, the bridges, the railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand for man's advancement and happiness. The spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nntnre. We want you to be a saver to open an nccount in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business. Last Week of Muslin Underwear Sale Augmented by the additlos of new lots which replenish the vacant spaces left by the busy days of last week. GOWNS MuMln, high nnd V neck yoke of clus ter tucks all sizes; Snlu Prico 47c. Mttslln Gowns, high neck, tucked yoke and trimmed with embroidery insertion, 00c. vnluo ;saio prico 00c. Cambric Gowns, low neck, embroidery or lace trimmed, $1."5 valuo; Sals prico 89 conU. Skirt, Draw ers, Corset Cov en and Com binations all at marked down W prices. JANUARY CLEARANCE Ladies' Suits, Coats and Furs To accomplish this sale we have cut prices just in half. $20. Coats at $10.00 $15. Coats at $ 7.50 $10. Coats at $ 5.00 Great Dress Goods Sale Saturday, January 22d we begin to offermorethan 6,000 yds. 36 in. all wool flannels and fancy Suitings full value 50c a yd. During sale only 33c a yd. Katz Bros. EDWIN P. TORREY CASHIER. ALI1ERT C.LINDSAY A8SIBTANT CASHIER .Mm v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers