TUB 0IT1ZKN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1010. TUNGSTEN ELECTRIC LIGHT METAL AVIIiL CHEAPEN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Ono October night In tho year 1781, whllo Washington's cannon wore demanding tho surrendor of Cornwallla at Yorktown, a German scientist, working In his llttlo lab oratory by tho light from tallow candles, discovered a new and moBt unusual metal which ho found im possible to molt in his crudo char coal furnace. H,e called tho new metal Tungsten, from tho Swedish "tung" (heavy) and "sten ' (stone) because tho heavy ores had come from Sweden. Little did tho old man know, as ho worked away by candlelight to give his discovery to tho world, that his find would one day, a hundred and twenty-fivo years later, completely revolution ize electric lighting. Twenty-flve years ago Thomas A. Edison produced tho first success ful incandescent electric lamp after other Inventors had worked for nearly fifty years to perfect ther de vice, The filaments for Edison's first lamps were mado of carbonized strips of bamboo heated white hot in a vacuum globo by electricity. After 1S94 carbonized cotton cellu lose was used for the filaments and It seemed as though tho lamp had surely reached perfection. The filaments of incandescent electric lamps were made of carbon because no other material could be found which would withstand tho Intense heat. Every well-known metal was tried but melted before reaching tho required temperatures. Then the inventors began to ex periment with the more uncommon metals and again a German scien tist took up the study of Tungsten. At first the great trouble was to secure pure Tungsten. This diffi culty was overcome with tho aid of an electric furnace, but the pro duct, in the form of gray, metallic powder, proved so refractory that it could not bo melted into Ingots or drawn out into wire. An experi mental filament was made by mix ing the fine powder with a paste and squirting the mixture through a die much the same as a spider spins its web. This thread was in turn heated in an electric furnace until the powder was fused into the form of a fine wire. With the higher than any other known metal It was possible to heat the filament to greater incandescence, produc ing more and better light with less waste of current in useless heat. Then the electrical Inventors awoke to the fact that tho very substance they were seeking, that which Edison had scored the world to find, lay under their hand all the time, and Tungsten, useless and practically unknown for over a cen tury, came into its own and began the wonderful task of revolutioniz ing incandescent electric lighting. The advent of the new Tungsten lamp was startling to the users of electricity for lighting purposes, for" they saw at once that the new lamps would easily give the same light as the common incandescent lamps for one-third cost. A homo that was lighted by electricity for $2.35 a month could bo lighted with the new lamps for seventy-five cents. Not only that, but the light from the new Tungsten lamps prov ed to be pure white, very nearly akin to actual sunshine, soft, pleasing and beneficial to the eyes, and not of a yellow cast liko tho common incandescent lamps. The new Tungsten lamps will re place those now in use without special fixtures; In fact, any sixteen candle-power Incandescent lamp can be replaced with a thirty-two can- cle-power Tungsten which will give twice the light and save twenty per cent, of tho cost. The new lamps are the same as the old In size, shape and general appearance, the difference being In tho light-giving filament within the glass bulb.. The General Electric Co. has recently' developed special processes for mak ing Tungsten lamps. St. Albans, Vt , Messenger. MASONRY SAVED HIM. E. E. Williams of Kirkwood, Mo., has the following letter in a number of tho "Corner Stone," a New York publication: "I have just been on a visit to my father, L. J. Williams, whose home Is in Harvard, N. Y. My father serv ed in tho Civil war as a member of the 114th New York Volunteers. He Is a member of Downsvillo Lodge, No. 4G4. ''When war broke out tho Entered Apprentice and Fellowcrnft degree had been conferred on him in New York. Ho went out in defense of his country, without having been raised to tho degree of Master Mason. It was his misfortune to bo taken a prisoner of war while at or near Savannah. While he lay in the south ern prison ho communicated with some of his friends in tho north. "His lodge in New York, through proper officials, got in touch with Zerubbabcl Lodgo In Savannah, and made tho request that the Savannah Lodge, as a favor to tho brethern of tho north, confer tho third degree on tho Fellowcraft brother, L. J. Wil liams. "One night my father was taken frlm his prison and conducted to tho Savannah lodgo room. It was a re markable occasion. Ho wore his be draggled bluo uniform, token of his sympathy with the cause of the north. Ho was surrounded by men who wore tho gray. All the chairs were occupied by confederate offi cers. They wero on opposite sides in a struggle of death, but they were brethren. Then and there he was raised to tho sublime degree of Mas ter Mason and acclaimed a friend and brother by bis enemies. "But tho moro significant feature of the story was yet to follow. For on tho same night my father escap ed from his prison and rejoined his comrades of tho north. I havo visit ed Savannah since then and I looked up tho records of his raising. In red Ink, on tho Bnmo page that recordB tho fact that the degree was there conferred, is tho brief annotation: 'On this night Brother Williams es caped' from prison.' " "I havo talked with my father about tho matter a number of times. When asked about his 'cscapo' ho al wnys smiles peculiarly. 'You may put it down as an escape,' ho told me, but it wasn't an escape, strictly speaking. For on that night somo men came to my prison. They put me in a boat and carried mo off somo distance. Then they deposited mo on neutral soil between the lines. From there I found ray way back to my friends. Who my rescurers were I have nover learned. It Is their own secret and it has never been disclos ed. But in my own mind I know exactly to whom 1 may attribute the cscapo in question. His name Is Hiram." " WHY MINISTERS FAIL." In answering the question "vVhy somo ministers fall," Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told the ministers of Bos ton lately that he "marveled because moro ministers do not fall." In fact, to him, "tho wonder Is that the great majority do not fall." Re hearsing some of the causes for fail ure, as ho is reported by Zlon's Herald (Boston), he began by say ing that preaching to some has be come a profession, instead of a pas sion. Tho spirit of routine, of pro fessionalism, is fatal. There are other failures due to the fact that ministers use the wrong method of approach. Thus: "They try to enter by the door of tho head rather than by the door of tho heart. The man who enters by the head must come armed with an argument and he is met by an argument. Then Greek meets Greek. But tho best method of ap proach is not by way of the head. I havo found it very easy to enter by way of the heart. This was Jesus' method. The successful min ister must use heart influence as his chief method of work. "Moreover, somo ministers fail because they have departed from the Bible as authority. Thoy forget that Jesus and his gospel arc the only hope of a sinful world. I met on this tour all sorts and conditions of preachers. Some were intellectu al giants; some transgressed the training of the schools. Some were splendidly cultured; some had been denied the privilege of culture. But wherever I went, I found those who were preaching tho divine Christ from an inspired Bible were pros perous; and those who wero preach ing anything else were preaching to dwindling congregations. The world is sick of sin and hungry for the Wordl The average business man does not caro to come to church to havo his faith unsettled." Somo failures he attributes to the loss of tho "evangelical note," though this element ho finds "hard to define." Further: "With some men it Is a flash of the eye, a tone of the voice. Somo men have produced conviction by an nouncing a hymn. Tho evangelis tic note depends on what you are before God. If we had it, we could fill the churches. Of one minister a member of tho official board said: 'We think of Jesus Christ every timo we see his face.' In 1727, Josh Wesley could not shake an American village, and his name was a by-word for failure as he returned to Eng land. In 1739, he shook three king doms. In that year he had a vision of God, and caught the evangelistic note! "Furthermore, some ministers fail because they have lost the note of authority in the pulpit. It is a fatal mistake to let people understand he isafrald. He gets his commission from God, not from the official board. Oh, the pulpit Is tho last place In which to scold, to say harsh things; but the messago must havo tho authority of a dlvino commls slon. A distinguished lawyer onco undertook to tell his pastor that the parish needed a different type of preaching. The pastor replied: 'I get my peoplo before mo In my vis ion as 1 study, and then I drop on my knees. I find my text, and in tho spirit of prayer I Btand on Sun day to preach what ho gives me; and not all tho elders in tho Presbyter ian church can make mo chauge. Tho lawyer grasped his hand and cried: 'No elder in tho Presbyterian church would want to make you chango!' "Somo ministers fail because they do not spend enough time In de votional Bible study and privato prayer. I know the demands on a preacher's timo. Ho is busier than any other professional man except tho doctor. His hours are constant ly broken into. And ho must al ways be at his best or hear eoino harsh criticism which will well-nigh break his heart. But with all this ho must bury his face in God's Word moro; ho must bo moro in prayer. A man in Melbourne came to mo and said: I believe God has given you n message, but I can toll you how to make it havo a better edge. Tako more timo for your Blblo; moro timo to pray.' And this old saint was right. Every minister should como from his knees to tho pulpit. "Finally, with all elso, failure Is sure without loyalty to Jesus Christ. As tho widow of ex-President Harri son stood alono for a final farewell beside tho silent form, she heard the door open and saw an old soldier en ter on his crutches. Ho approached and mingled his tears with hers In baptism on tho upturned face. Hob bling then to tho door, ho turned, stood at attention, nnd said: 'Gen eral, I saluto you!' So must overy successful minister salute his Master." HAWLEY'S CAME COCKS. Tho Scranton Times of last Thursday has a picture of Willie Wator Scrappo," tho colebrated game cock owned and bred by E. B. 8. Meter, of Collarville, Pa. "Wllllo Water Scrappo," who Is entered In tho big poultry show to be held in Music Hall, Scranton, this week, has won more ribbons and cups than any other gamo cock in tho country. Gamo from tho Up of his toes to the end of his bill, ho has never been defeated in any contest, nnd makes all other birds tako water. And before ho gets through with them they usually pay dearly for tho meeting. Pet game fanclors nro awaiting with interest tho decision of tho judges, confident In the belief that "Wllllo" will defeat Teeter's Pets, as tho cocks raised by Georgo Teo ter, of Hawley, nro known wherever fancy birds are known. SHOES GOING UP. It is Said That Automobiles is the Cause. That every manufacturer and reputablo retailer In shoes will, within a short time, bo compelled to ndvanco the price of footwear was the statement made by John H. Hanan, president of the Nntional Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Asso ciation, which held its annual meet ing at tho Hotel Astor. This ad vance, which will add materially to tho column now known as "Increas ed cost of living," Is caused, Hanan declared, by the use of leather In automobiles nnd the vegetarianism that is sweeping over the country. Hanan declared the materials used in shoes cost the manufactur ers ai least 10 per cent, more now than they did a year ago. "The causes," he asserted, "are not artificial. The high cost of leather is due to the automobile In dustry, which uses so much high grade leather In trimming automo biles. At least 500,000 cattle hides were devoted to that purpose during tho past year. The decrease of meat, too, as a food, has something to do with the increase for where cereals and vegetable products aro substitu ted for meat, fewer cattle aro killed and fewer hides produced. Undor the new tariff, which plac ed hides on tho free list Hanan de clared that tho importations of hides had increased 25 per cent, to 500,000,000 pounds, worth $100, 000,000. This, ho said, gave the shoe manufacturers a better grade of hides from which to select, but did not decrease their cost. HE WAS A GOOD MIXER. There used to be a popular minis ter in Indianapolis who was well known in Louisville. Ho was pastor of one of tho leading churches of the city. Ho was built on the plan of the late Henry George, whose motto was, "I am for men." This Indian apolls preacher was what Is called a "good mixer." One day he stopped In a blacksmith shop to chat with tho workmen. During the visit a florid faced man of prosperous appearance came Into tho shop. He and the min ister began chatting, but neither knew tho other's line of business They became good friends in a few minutes. Finally the florid faced man produced his card, which an nounced that ho was In the saloon business on West street. "Como down to my place any time," he said, "and I'll show you a good time." "All right," replied the minister, "and, by tho way, I'm running a pret ty good place myself. Como and see me, and I'll show you a good time. "I'll sure do that," said tho other. "But, by the way, where Is your joint?" "My joint," was tho reply, "Is the First Presbyterian church. Just in' quire for Myron W. Weed, tho pas tor, and I'll be at your service." Louisville Times. THE I). & II. SUMMER-HOTEL AND HOARDING HOUSE DIRKCfORY. Tho Dolawaro & Hudson Co. is now collating information for tho 1010 edition of "A Summer Para disc," the D. & H. summer-hotel and boardlng-houso directory that has dono so 'much to advertise and do velop tho resorts in this section. It offers opportunity for every summer hotel or boarding house proprietor to advertise his place by representa tion in this book.' Tho Information desired Is, as follows: Name of house; P. O. Address; Name of Manager; Altitude; Nearest D. & H. R. R. stn tlon; Distance from station; how reached from station; Capacity of house; TermB per week and per day; Dato of opening and closing house; what modern Improvements; Sports and other entertainments. This In formation should bo sent at onco to Mr. A. A. Heard, General Passenger Agent, Albany, N. Y. Blanks may bo obtained from tho nearest ticket agent, If desired. No chargo Is mado for a card notice; n pictorial adver tisement will cost $15.00 for a full page or $7.50 a halt-page. Our ho tel people should get busy at onco and tako advantage of this. Don't make the mlstako of thinking that your houso will bo represented be cause it was in last year, but make sure that you receive tho benoflt of this offer by forwarding tho needed Information without delay. Owners of cottages to rent aro also given the same rates for pictorial advertise ments, but, for n card notice, a mini mum chargo of $3.00 will bo mado. EVEN NOAH LIKED JUICEf GRAPE Master of tho Ark Unable to Es cape the Searching Investigat ion! of the Public LANDING A , , MOOTED POINT Captain Dickson Inclined to Ques tion Biblical Historian as to Mount Ararat Fell Off Water Wagon After 40 Days on the Water. London. Even Noah has been un able) to escape the searching Investi gations of an Interrogating public and avert the holding up to popular In spection of certain questionable Inci dents of his private life. Though he wan tho invontor of tho first recorded 'water wagon" and had an experience second to nono with the aqua pura, It now la charged from Information ob tained back in his home village that ho had a penchant for the grape pro duct. This accusation has been voiced by Captain Bertram Dickson, who made extensive Journeys In Kurdlstnn wh.lo holding the post of British Mil itary Consul at Van and whose ad dresses beforo the Royal Geographical Society have attracted wldo Interest. "Yes, I made an especial inquiry In to tho problem as to whore Noah real ly landed after the great Deluge," said Captain Dickenson, who now is in London. "Tho Bible historian takes the account of tho ark resting on Mount Arrarat from tho Chaldean leg end, which made it rest on the mount ains of Urartu, whllo local trad itions Christian, Moslem and Yezldl alike mako It Jobel Judl, a striking sheer, rocky wall of soven thousand feet which frowned over Mesopotamia. Common sense also would suggest that, with a subsiding flood In the plains, a boat would more probably run aground on the high ridge at the edge of tho plain rather than on a solitary peak miles from the plains and with many high ridges Inter vening. "There Is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judl, where each year. In August, Is held a great fete, attend ed by thousands of energetic Mos lems, Christians and Yezldls, or dovil worshippers, who climb the steepest trails for seven thousand feet in the terrific summer's heat to do homage to Noah. This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times, and certainly It has an awesome fas cination about it, with Its huge preci pices and Jagged, tangled crags watch ing over tho vast Mesopotamlan plain. "The local villagers show one exact spot whore Noah descended, while in one villegc, Hassana, they show ! grave and the vine yard where he was roputed to have Indulged freely In the juice of the grape, the owner declaring that the vines have been passed down from father to son ever since. It would Incline ono to bellovo that local leg ends are perhaps more accurate than the statements of Biblical historians." Even the Royal Geographical So ciety, however, has "sidestepped" the problem of arranging Noon's "log. MAN'S SIGHT LIKE A BAT'S. Helpless In the Daytlmo, Can See Per fectly After Dark. Richmond, Va. Attention of physi cians has been directed to the case of Arthur Wilson of Notaway County, who Is totally blind In tho day, but can see a cat In the dark. The young man can rldo a bicycle at breakneck speed when the night Is so dark that ordinary people havo to walk cautiously, but in daytime he gropes about with sightless eyes, un able to distinguish objects, except vaguely, nnd with no discrimination whatever as to colors. Because of his peculiar Infirmity the young man Is noted as a "possum hun ter," ho being able to distinguish tho animals in the trees In the dark as clearly as dogs can follow tho scent. But a cabbage and the most beaut'ful flower or the vague outlines of them as seen by day aro all the same to him. WANTS HIS MAMA CURED. Small Boy Buys Red Cross Stamp In Hope It Might Help. Montclalr. N. J. A boy about 7 years old and wearing clothes much too large for him, entered a store in Bloomileld avenue, Montclalr, where Red Cross stamps wore for sale. Step ping up to tho stamp booth ho placed down a penny and asked for a stamp. As tho young woman handed It to him, the boy said: "Will this cure tuberculosis?" "The money will be used to pro vent It," answered tho young woman. "I'm glad, 'cause my mother's got tuberculosis and I want my penny to do her some good," said tho boy as he closed a grimy little hand about tho stamp and hurried out. Grenadiers are Smaller. London. Under tho latest Army Orders, the standard of height In the Orenadlcr Guards Is lowered to five foot eight Inches, nnd the chest meas urement in the Scots Guards is re duced one Inch. Aeronautic Squirrel In Wlnsted. Wlnatcd, Conn. Wilbur Perry caught a largo flying squlrrol baro handed in his cellar, in Barkhamsted. It was eating apples In a barrel wheD captured. Mr. Perry hns the creaturo alive In a cage. "DIXIE" MOSTPOPM SONG' Famous Southern Air Nends Only New Words to Make It National. Washington, D. C "Away down South in Dlxlo, a-way, a-way!" Loud shouts of Joy will resound and the bands will blare the good old tune of "Dlxlo." for "Dixie" is proclaimed officially to be firs, among American songs and music In "patriotic popu larity." This distinction Is conferred by no less an authority than O. O. T. Sen neck, chief of the division of music of the Library of Congress. All that "Dixie" needs to make it the real national song is that somo librettist wrltij to tho air a dignified, high-sounding set of verses. But tbelr purport must bo such that good Americans all over this land can chorus: "Those aro our sentiment and we'll fight for them if need be." So says Mr. Sonneck, in effect, In an exhaustive roport on five famous musical compositions Just Issued from tho Government press. Ht places "Yankee Doodle" second In popularity, but says It Is no longer n national song, only a national tune. "The hlBtory of 'Yankee Doodle' Is a mass of conflicting stories, and there are countless additions to and varia tions from the original. "Star-Spangled Banner" comes third In the public's affection; then follow "America" and "Hall Colum bia." Uncle Sam's boss authority on mus ic gives fourteen variations of "Star Spangled Banner," showing Its gradu al modification and polishing. He gives 1832 as the year in which 'America" was first sung publicly but he cannot learn tho exact date or place. "Hall, Columbia" has the ad vantage of being strictly American In words and music, but the origin of 'America" and "Star-Spangled Ban ner" can be traced partly to England Irs. Rowes's Recipe for Model Servant. Chicago. Mrs. F. K. Rowes Is preparing a little volumo on "The Servant Problem." She says the problem is one of self rather than of servant, and that the solution Is easy. Here, summarized, aro her j rules for making a model ser- vant out of nlmost any mater- o ial. 8 Be patient. O Be sympathetic. q Treat her as a human being. O Show her you appreciate her efforts. y Help her In work she doesn't g understand. V Help her when the work be- comes unusually heavy. Let her enjoy holidays that the family enjoys. Remember her at Christmas. :cxxxxxxcoooooccooo8 oocccc FALLS 65 FEET, KILLS COW. Farmer Knocked from Top of Wind mill, Reviews Whole Life. Bedford, la, -Martin Van Dersly, a farmer near here, fell sixty-five feet several days ago, landing squarely on the back of a thoroughbread cow, valued at $375, and was practically uninjured; the cow is dead. Fnrmer Van Dersly was repairing the top of his windmill whon a sud den shift of the wind turned tho fans in the wrong direction, which swept him from his perch. At that instant his prize cow meandered up for a drink of water, got directly beneath him, and stopped. Her master's feet struck her just behind the shoulders. Her back was broken, and she was ordered to bo killed. Van Dersly says his flight did not last longer than three seconds, but during that time his entire life passed bofore hlra like a moving- picture. While he was the cause of tho cow's death, ho is confident she was the cause of saving his life. . WASHINGTON SWORD. No Record at Berlin of Gift from Fred erick the Great. Philadelphia. After six months' investigation Into thirty-four archives at Berlin, at which more than a mil lion papers wero scanned. Dr. Marlon D. Learned, professor of Germanic lan guages and llterntures at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, found no traco of documents to substantiate tho tra ditional belief that Frederick the Great presented a sword to General Washington. "I was examining tho collection of house archives now deposited In the Privy Prussian Archives at Berlin," said Dr. Learned, "and I ran across no documents that tell of such a cere mony. During tho six months I was In Germany I examined the material In thirty-four archives, working dili gently between six and eight hours a day." Delaware Farmer's Mouser. Brldgevlllo, N. J. N. II. King owns a remarkable English mockingbird, which has established a reputation as a mouBo catcher and takes the place of several cats. While King was in tbe field with tho bird It caught ten mice in loss than an hour, killing them all. King puts tho bird In his bam at night, and saya It Is keeping It freed from rats and mice. Weighs Forty Ounces at Birth. Central Village, Conn. Forty ounces was the weight of a boy baby bora recently to Mrs. Frank Harrington. PROFESSIONAL OAltDS. Attorneys-at-Larr.? H WILSON, . ATTOKNKY A COUNBELOR-AT-LAW. -Office, Masonle bolldlne. second floor Honeidate, Pa. WM. U. LEE, ATTOKNKY A COUNSELOR-AT-I.AW. Offlce over post office. AU leeal business promptly nttenUed to. Honesdale, Pa. E C. MUMFORD, ATrniiVEV a rniiwBFt nn.if-T . w - V v w.. U..UW..-A A f, rifflfM lthf..iirnii K..t1,tt.. . .-... " Tost Office. Honesdale, I'a. HOMER GREENE. . ATTOllNKY A COUNBEI.OK-AT-LAW. Uffiro over Kelt's store. Honesdale I'a. 0L. ROWLAND, ATTOKNKY A COUNBKI.OR-AT-l.AWl Omen er Post Office. Honesdale. Pal CHARLES A. McCARTY, ATTORNEY A COUN8EI.OR-AT-LAW. Special slid prompt attention clven to the collection of rfnlms. Ofllco over Keifs Inew store, Honesdale. I'a. T,T P. KIMRI E, JL1 . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Olllce over tlie nost ollice Honesdale. I'a. ME. SIMON'S, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Ollice in the Court House, Honesdale, I'a. HERMAN HARMEfe, ATTORNEY A C0tNfc!EI.0R-4T-LAW. Patents and pension frectirrit. Olllce In tbe Schuerholz bulldlni: ilonesdale. I'a. PETER II. II.OFF,; ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office-Second tloor old Savlncs Bnk bullilliiK. Honesdale. I'a; EM. SALMON, ATTORNEY A COlELOR-AT-LAW Ofllre-M xt door (oust II'cc. Formcrl occupied bv W inn k. Honesdale. Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Olllce First floor, old Savlncs ilanklbulld Inc. Honesdale. I'a. Dr. C. It. BRADY. Dentist. Honesdale. Pa." OrricK Hours-8 a. m. to 5 p. m Any eventnc by appointment. Citizens' phone. S! Residence. No. 8&-X Physicians. DR. II. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Olllce and residence 1019 Court 'street telephones. Otlii Hours 2:C0 to 4:00 and CnntoH:00. o.rn. Livery. LIVERY. I? red. U. Ricknrd has re moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl OSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Oflice: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jndwin's drug store, Honesdale. If you don't insure with us, we both lose. ii General !nsurance White Mills Pa. O. G. WEAVER, Graduate Optician, 1127S Main St., HONESDALE. Tooth Savers We have tbe sort of tooth brushes that aro muilo to thoroughly cleanse and save the teeth. They are the kind that clean teeth wlthont eitvliii: your mouth lull of bristles. We recommend those costlnc 23 rents or more, us we ran guarantee them and will re place, free, any that show defects of manu facture vrllhln thrr months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. A M. SUtUn HONESDALE, PA. IITTIER HI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers