The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 19, 1910, Image 2

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    TtlX ornZKN, WEDNESDAY, .TANUAItV 10, 1010.
Wife of Ros Raymond Write of
the Passing Away of Her Re
markable Husband
Welt Known In Many Lands, His Ca
raer Cleared Up ElQht Years Ago
Extraordinary Episodes In His Life
Strange Effect of Drink.
Carson, Nevada. Itoss Raymond,
war correspondent, author and ad
venturer, whose daring disregard of
men and laws led him from palnces to
prisons and back again, died recent
ly In Carson. Cancer of the liver was
the causo of death.
Raymond up to eight years ago,
when the New York Herald cleared
up the mystery of his career, had de
clared himself to be of British parent
age, the son of an English officer, born
In Sussex and educated In n famous
Latin school; that he Joined the Eng
lish navy and after promotions and
long and honorable serlvco ho resign
ed and left his ship at San Francisco
to become a newspaper correspondent
and writer of books. He said he en
tered the British navy through the
influence of his uncle.
Ross Raymond's real name was
Frank H. Powers. He was born In
Beaver, Pa., In 1850. His father died
when he was a child, and his mother
moved to Poland, Ohio, and married
Barnabas F. Lee, who founded the Po
land Seminary, where William Mc
Klnley was educated. Raymond was
his classmate.
Raymond entered the United States
navy, resigned, served, on a British
war ship, then became a correspond
ent of newspapers In San Francisco,
Chicago, Baltimore, New York and
London. Later he became a writer,
travelling the world over, living In
poverty and luxury, yet making pow
erful friends everywhere.
He served as Rajah in India and
was on the Khedive's staff in Egypt
about the time of the bombardment
of Alesandrin. Next he impersonat
ed distinguished men, generals and
noblemen, served ten years in Port
land Prison, England, and several
terms in Sing Sing. Raymond was an
accomplished journalist, had engaging
manners, a breezy military air and
was good lon'dng. He said a power
beyond his control took possesion of
him when he drank and he was not
responsible for the extraordinary epi
sodes in his life.
The story of his public career be
gan when he blossomed out as an
Egyptian war correspondent and press
agent of the Khedive. He appeared
In Paris, in Egyptian uniform after the
war In Egypt, accompanied by a reti
nue of the Khedive's officers. He en
gaged whole floors at a hotel for the
Khedive, who was soon to reach Paris.
Raymond had trays of rarest gems
sent to him for inspection. The best
would be reserved for the Khedive's
approval, he explained.
He surfeited the messengers ' in
care of the gems with champagne,
walked out of the rear windows with
a fortune in diamonds, disappeared,
and later appeared In India as a
mighty rajah, with elephants and a
hundred servants. He drove in state
at breakneck speed, making dally
twenty mile trips from his country es
tablishment to Calcutta, the garrison
each day turning out to see the rajah
enter the city with n procession of
barefooted natives running ahead, cry
ing his name and shouting for the
crowds to make way.
In October, 1899, Raymond visited
Poland, Ohio, for the first time in a
quarter of a century. He found his
mother dead and was deeply affected
when he knelt by her tomb in the vil
lage cemotery.
A remarkable featuro of Raymond's
career was the devotion of his wife.
"She stood by me for thirty yeans,"
he said, "with unfalting hope and nev
er falling aid." His wife said: "Why
have I clung to Ross all these years?
Urrause I love him. Some day in an
other world, when all this insanity of
s!n has passed away, I shall seo him
as he Is a grand, big hearted man,
a genius now temporarily lost in dark
ness and shamo."
Chased by Dog, Cowers at Side of
Horse and Rider,
North Yakima, Wash. Ted Hock
ett saved a fawn from dogs which
wire chasing It. The animal had been
rm a long distance, for it was very
nearly oxhausted when It sought
refuge with the rider aud horso.
The fawn ran under the horso and
ptood there cowering, and offered no
resistance to Hacketi when ho nllght--d
and drove the dogs away, and then
carried the little aulrual home. The
deer will he made a pet in the Hackett
Graveyard for FIJo and Tabby.
Sprlngfiold, 111. The Central Illi
nois Family Pot Cemetery Association
was incorporated here and fourteen
aires of land wei c purchased for a
burial ground tor pet animals. The
Incorporators aro :. W. H. Gilbert,
Mrs. Rebocca F. Gilbert and Mrs.
Llewellyn Fahnetork of Peoria, III.
No stock In the association will be
old, as It Is not to be a profit-sharing
concern, This is the first animal cem
etery In Illinois and one of the tov,
ln the country.
Robespierre's Double Role.
Robcsplorro of the French revolu
tion, the man vho was destined to
deluge France with blood, was, not
long before his frightful career of
power began, one of tho most strenu
ous opponents of capital punishment.
While ho was still an obscure advocate
at his nntivo Arras lie throw up on
appointment because of his opposition
to this form of penalty. And Just
when his star was In tho ascendant ho
boldly harangued the national assem
bly to prove "that the punishment of
death is escntlally unjust; that It has
no tendency to repress crimes, and
that it multiplies offences much moro
than It diminishes them."
Briquets of New Zealand.
The briquets which the state coal
mines department of New Zealand in
tend to manufacture at West port will
be .In two shapes: One will bo an ob
long block about two-thirds the size
of an ordinary brick and will bo egg
shaped, weighing only a few ounces,
and will be suitablo for household use.
The state railway department has an
nounced Its readiness to use briquets
almost exclusively for keeping up
steam In the boilers on the locomo
tives. Provided Well For Their Poor.
In the records of St, Thomas'
pital, London, is an entry ot the yw."
1570, to the effect that "In considera
tion of the hote tyme of the yere," tho
poor be allowed "every one a daye
three pyntts of Bere for two months"
a quart at dinner and a pint at sup
per and at the end of nvo months
return to "there olde ordinary allow
ance, wych is one quarte." Tho food
at this ancient workhouse was to be
dealt with as liberally as the drink.
The almoner and steward were to "byo
no byfTe but of the best, without
bones and in speclall without the
marybon, and none other to be
Where Water Is Scarce.
Water is sometimes very scarce and
precious on the South African veldt,
according to a writer, who says: "In
our veldt cottage we used no well,
only large tanks, and about August
our condition usually became desper
ate. If you washed your hands you
carried the precious fluid out to pour
It on some thirsty plant or vegetable,
the bath water the same, part of it be
ing first saved to scrub floors with.
Cabbage and potato water were al
lowed to cool and then used for the
garden or to wash the dogs in firs so
that these waters did three duties. '
Streets in Gala Dress.
The streets of Peru, especially on
gala days or when they were the spe
cial dress of some celeoration, - are
said to be among the most picturesque
in the world. In their narrow propor
tions they resemble somewhat the
streets of China, and the variety and
contrast of the colors used in decor
ation may be compared with the Chi
nese. There Is, however, a distinct
Latin character to the decoration,
which lends them an atmosiphere en
tirely their own.
Where Coal Mining Began.
The bituminous coal mining in this
country began In Virginia, where tho
output as early as 1S20 was about GO,
000 gross tons. In 1840 the American
output had reached nearly 2,000,000
tons. In 1850, with an output of about
7,500,000 tons, this country had al
ready passed Belgium, France and
Germany. Great Britain was then
producing about 54,000,000 tons.
Disappearance of a Custom.
A picturesque figure will vansh from
Paris, owing to the decision of tho
municipal council to abolish the ofilco
of "organizer of funeral pomp" at
funerals. His only duty was to walk
in front, resplendent in a three-cornered
hat. dress coat and waistcoat,
knee breeches and pumps, decorated
with a scarf of colors of tho city, and
carrying a long ebony cane. .
Sacred Fires of India.
Tho sacred fires of India have not all
been extinguished. The most ancient
which still exists was consecrated 12
centuries ago, In commemoration of
tho voyage made by the Parsees when
they omlgrated from Persia to India,
Tho fire is fed llvo times every 24
hours with candal wood and other
fragrant material, combined with very
dry fuel.
Relics of Famous Men.
Among tho relics of famous men In
tho poeeosslon of Dr. Johu Rlxwoll
of St. Louis Is Dr. Oliver Wendell
Holmes' shoo horn. It Is an ordinary
steel shoe horn affixed to a cano
handle about four feet long. Armed
with this the doctor could put on his
shoes without stooplug or wasting on
ergy. Soutli American's "Small Heads."
The "Small Heads" belong to a
South American raco. Tho skull Is
peculiarly conical, and at tho top 13
no bigger than a five-shilling ploco.
The three last survivors of tho race
aio women. Tho brain weighs about
ono-flfth of the average human brain.
Their height Is from 3 feet to 3 feot
C inches.
Reading by Moonlight,
In Zululand, when tho moon Is at
tho full, objects are distinctively vlsl
ble at as great a dlstonco as seven
mile, while even by Btarllght one can
sco to read print with ease.
New York Multl-Mllllonalre's Famous
Service Found Not to Be Real
Gold After All.
Now York, N. Y. It camo out
through the firm of Lambert Brothers,
Jowclers, thnt tho noted dinner scrv
ico of Mrs. Carollno W. Astor, so often
spoken of as ld-knrat gold, is just
gold-plated, like many other dinner
services. August V. Lambert, speak
ing of that and of Mrs. Astor's pearl
necklaco, which turned out to have
Imitation pearls In It, said:
"Many of tho apparently priceless
possessions of people of quality are
shams. The alleged solid gold din
ner Bet of Mrs. Astor was really one
silver, plated with gold. I can testify
to this because our firm has frequent
ly repaired various pieces of 1L In
deed, an 18-karat gold dinner set
would be so soft ns to bo of little use,
and I once sold Mrs. Astor a set of
six knives and six forks, all gold
plated. "The demand on us for Imitation
pearls has led us to have a line of
them Imported. People use Imitation
to All out a collar or necklace when
they find It Impossible to get the real
pearls In the proper number. A really
first-rate Imitation pearl cannot be de
tected at two feet distance.
"It Is often enough that well-known
peoplo come to us to have Imitations
mado of their own genuine Jewels.
Then, when traveling, or going Into
places where there is danger of theft
or accident, they lock up the genuine
article and wear the Imitation in Its
"Indeed, It Is my experience that
the users of Imitation are generally
tho people of great wealth. People of
ordinary means want real gems or
none. But Imitation diamonds are not
so widely used because they are easi
er to detect at sight
Electric Current Brings Sound from
the Larynx Cut from the Body.
Paris. One of the most Interesting
discoveries which have recently been
communicated to the French Academy
of Sciences Is that of Dr. Marare, who
by means of slight currents o' elec
tricity has caused the larynx of a dog,
after It was excised from its lifeless
body, to bark exactly as if tho animal
were alive. The demonstration seem
ed to thoso who first witnessed It the
other night to have something of the
character of a miracle. Tho effect
was simply a physiological one, due
to tho contraction of the muscles of
the vocal organ under the electric In
fluence. Dr. Marage holds that his discov
ery furnishes an explanation of the
sudden failure that so often befalls
the voices of professional singers, ora
tors and actors. Tho muscles of the
throat are contracted, the trouble be
ing alalogous to rheumatism or neu
ralgia. It Is suggested that the obvi
ous medical corollary to this theory Is
that electricity will prove to be an In
valuable agent In the cure of func
tional affections of the vocal appara
Fraud Order Against Harry B. Wood
ing of Council Bluffs, la.
Washington, D. C The Post Office
Department has put tho kibmh on
Harry B. Wooding of Council Bluffs,
la., and denied him the use of the
malls. According to post office Inspec
tors, Wooding has been doing a large
business in the sale of photographs.
Many advertisements inserted by him
In papers are filed as exhibits in the
case. One of them reads:
"As nature made them. Photoa of
beautiful forms. Sealed 25 cents."
Senders of 25 cents received a pho
to of a grove of trees. Another id
vertisement is:
"Night scene in a hotel. Sealed 2&
Senders of money for tho night
scene received a photograph of n
man and woman dusting and cleaning
a bedroom. To other advertisements
tho senders of money received ordi
nary photographs. Tho Inspectors
say that Wooding has done an enor
mous business.
Also They Must Quit Chewing Gum
and Enunciate Distinctly.
Chicago. Puffs, rats, curls and nlso
transformations whatever they are
will be shorn from tho heads of the
thousands of tolephono girls undor a
new rulo just promulgated. They aro
also forbidden to chew gum during
business hours.
The brnnch managers had reported
that the oporators spent too much
time replacing loosened wisps of
tresses when their fingers should have
beon busy witli tho plugs.
Hero Is the way the oporators wero
Instructed not to talk over tho tele
phone: "Nummorploezze." "Phono's taken
out." No fault Is found with their enun
ciation of "Drop a nickel, please."
New Found Brother-ln-Law Given
Zaneaville, O. As David Jones, a
local newspaper man, was leaving the
home of his brldo, who was Miss Flor
ence RoeBsler, to step Into a cab a
"cabman" stepped down from tho car
riage and kissed the brldo.
Jones struck the cabman sovernl
times before his best man could drag
him away. Tho "cabman" unmasked
and he was the brother of the bride.
Tho scheme was hatched by a slstor
of tho brldo.
No Diamond Kings,
lilrls In Denmark novor experience
..( pleasure of receiving n dlamon 1
i ngagement ring. They aro present
od with a plain gold band, which is
worn on tho third finger of tho left
hand. On the woddlng day tho brlU
groom changes tho ring to the right
third finger, which Is tho marriage
finger In that country.
Would You Enjoy
Healthy Old Age?
Advancing years bring a tendency to
coldness of the hands and feet, resulting
from sluggish circulation, a torpid liver and
constipation. This is a condition, not a
disease, and can best be remedied by taking
Smith's Pineappleand Butternut Pills which
invigorate the liver, cleanse and revitalize
the blood and tone up the whole system.
They are of inestimable value, not only in
advanced age, but also for people of all
ages. They prevent premature wrinkles,
give a health glow to the skin, and under
their antiseptic and blood cleansing influ
ences the complexion retains its freshness
while sallowness permanently disappears.
Hundreds of grateful old ladies in their
letters write: " Your pills make me look
and feel ten years younger." Smith's Pine
apple and Butternut Pills always make old
age cunuonauie, ana promote aigestion ana
nutrition by their specific action on the
stomach, liver and bowels. Physicians use
and recommend. They form no habit.
You should always keep them on hand.
These little Vegetable Pills will ward off
many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
r!)a3cheana" fes0 1
Diseases of, 2
IfrtrendBowelx I I
OO rilU In Glass Vial 25c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Diseases, Ttheum&tism,
the ono but remedy. Reliable,
endorsed by leading phyiletam;
safe, effectual. Results lasting.
On the market 18 years. Hare
eared thoasands. ICO pills In
original glass paekage, 60 cents.
Trial boies, 60 pills, Si cents. All
druggists teU and recommend.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
the provisions of the Act of Assem
bly, entitled "An Act to provide for
the ordinary expenses of tho govern
ment, payment of tho Interest of the
state debt, receiving proposals for
the sale of public works and for
other purposes," approved the 27th
day of July, 1842, that the assessors
of the several townships ana boro
ughs of Wayne county have made
their returns of their assessments
for the year 1910, and that the fol
lowing is n statement of the aggre
gate values and assessments made
by said assessors of the several sub
jects of taxation enumerated in tho
11th section of said Act of 'July 27,
1842, and in tho several Acta'feUp
pleraentary thereto, and of the whole
amount of county taxes as nssessed
in said townships and boroughs.
Horlln $ 3C9;j!il.477.5s'$ 18,GG3
Bethany 4X523 181.06, 9,150
Buckingham 3;c,(75 l,.'i)o.7o 3.i.:i73
Canaan 155,U(i7 Itfljff U,:i4
Cherry Kidee ir.'4,71ti tM.N 11,100
Clinton HSXT.i 3,421.09 S4.aM
Damusuus Ulli.tiSO 3.0W.72 4tS,lKi7
Droller 1!W,:L'5 TtUJO 11.0(j0
Dy berry 'MlAls 1.137.77 ,K!9
Hnwley atUfO LMOtl-'iL' bU.TSij
llonesdale 2,200.550 8,SK.S)' 2U0.IXJ0
Luke 511),K13 2,079.30 61,212
Ixibunon 3UM0 1.213.G3 34,7S
U'lileh 217,101 M71.tSi 4.710
Manchester 3Jb',l(iO l,301.fil lti,733
Mt. Pleasant W1.1S0 2,450.52 70,3U0
Oregon 218.320 K73.28 15.SI1
l'uliuyru 131.3.11 521.111 2.172
Paupack l!U,UXi 774.78 3,KiU
Preston 4110.223 1,'JUO.iH) 4,001
Prompton li,0.10 384.12 30,441
Salem 377,800 1,511.12 21,085
Scott 178,381 713.52 4.1X10
South Canaan 21U.381 1,045.52 25,000
Starrucca 107,007 431.87 31.137
Sterlins lNi.183 744.73 13,521
Texas 1.10U.4U1 1,425.81 154.582
Wnymart 18330 732.b0 l7,7bo
Notice is also given pursuant to
Act of Assembly aforesaid, thnt the
following days and dates appointed
for tho appeals from tho assessments
for tho soveral boroughs and town
ships, have also been appointed by
the Commissioners of said county for
finally determining whether any of
tho valuations of tho assessors havo
been made below a just rate accord
ing to the meaning and intention of
said net.
Tho Commissioners of Wayne
county, sitting as a Hoard of Revis
ion, have appointed tho following
days and dates respectively for hear
ing final appeals from the trl-ennlal
assessment of 1910 at tho Commis
sioners' olllco, Ilonesdnlo, Pa., be
ginning at 8 a. in., Monday, January
31st and closing at 2:30 p. in., Sat
urday, Feb. Gth:
Monday, Jan. 31. llonesdale,
Oregon, Lebanon.
Tuesday, Fob. 1. Berlin, Damas
cus, Manchester, Buckingham, Scott,
Wednesday, Feb. 2. Preston, Mt.
Pleasant, Clinton, Paupack, South
Thursday, Fob. 3. Lehigh, Dro-
hor, Storllng, Salem, Lake, Cherry
Friday, Fob. 4. Hawloy, Palmyra,
Prompton, Canaan, Waymart.
Saturday, Fob. 5. Texas, Dybcr-
ry, Uethnny.
Persons having a grievance should
try to adjust it with tho assessor be
fore tho appeals; If this cannot bo
dono, nnd it Ib not convenient to at
tend tho appeal, write tho grievance
and mnll It to the Commissioners'
olllco and it will receive attention.
County levy for 1910 Is 4 mills nnd
ono-half mill for support of non
resident paupers.
County Commissioners.
Attest: George P, Ross, Clerk,
llonesdale, Pa.
The Decline of Ilnnfc UurRlnry. "
Previous to 1893 thoro was soldom
a year that tho losses through bank
burglaries did 'not amount to $100,
000, and In a number ot years tho
losses amounted to several times that
amount. Tho docllno of professional
bank burglary dates from 1895. In
that year tho American Dankers As
sociation formed a protectlvo com
mittee for the extermination of bank
burglars, and a contract was entered
Into with ono of tho leading detect
ive agencies In tho country.
In 189G tho banks of the country
loBt more than $200,000 through
burglaries. Of tho 8,333 members
last year, having an aggregate sur
plus, capital and deposits of more
than $12,000,000,000 only four
members suffered losses from bur
glaries, tho total loss of these four
members amounting to only $4,217
Those four burglaries wero commit
ted by yeggmen. there not being a
single professional bank burglary
during tho year. The extermination of
these yeggmen Is now the chief work
of tho protective committee.
Tjors on Postage Stamps.
The post office profits slightly by
the destruction of stamps which have
been paid for, and the treasury gets
the benefit of bills which arc lost
and never found. A largo source of
Irregular profit lies In the failure of
bondholders to presont their bonds
for redemption. Unclaimed money
in the treasury due to bondholders
amounted to nearly a million dollars
In 1861, and the sum Is much great
er now. Of a loan which fell due in
1900, the sum of thirty-two thou
sand dollars remains unclaimed.
Nearly a hundred thousand dollars
are still unpaid of th five per cent,
bonds which were due In 1904. This
year over a hundred million thirty
year four per cent bonds came due
on July 1. Special Inducements were
offered to secure early redemption.
Yet at the end of the month thirteen
million dollars still stood In the treas
ury on this account, although inter
est has ceased. ""he Youth's Com
The Limit.
Woulrt-Be Hunter Aw, me man,
what's '.ce game law limit in this lo
cality? Guide (grimly) Two deer and one
Is n Dollar That May Come Back
to Your Purse '
Yob Don't Know
How Easy It Is To Cook
Perhaps your folks are among the few in this town who have never had a
taste of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
Perhaps you are one of the women who have a mistaken prejudice.
Perhaps you think that bscause this is a fish food, it is too much trouble to
cook. Perhaps you think that it scents up the kitchen.
Please let us point out your mistake. For this is one of the world's
choicest foods. And we don't want your family to miss it.
Nothing Else Half As Good
Nothiup else hall as good for breakfast
or lunch is so easy to prepare as this.
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish is ready
to cook the Instant you open the package.
No bones to pick out no washing no
soaking no boiling. Our patented
Shredding Process saves you all that.
And it makes the meat fine and fluffy
and dainty. This shredded meat cooks
almost the minute heat reaches it.
Any way that you serve it, you can
have it ready lor the table in less time
than it takes to make coiTce
Lined with wax-paper. Nu pr.rtlTe
whatever, tav the purcet aatltlaeet alt.
AUtt parked In tin and slate.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens wirn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tho unwary.
Thoro aro reasons for tho pro-eminenco of CHILTON PAINTS
1st No ono can mix a hottor mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
dorful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to ropaint,t his
own oxpense.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint?that
proves defective
4th Thoso who havo used it aro porfectly catisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yw Have Always Bought
Bears the)
Signature of
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
For New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Oiinranteed nrticles only sold."
Not Like Other Fish
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish isn't at
all like the old-fashioned dried codfish.
There's none of that strong taste. And
none of the odor in cooking.
For we use only the choicest fish the
plumpest and fattest the finest that come
out of the deep.
We get tliem iroin Northern waters.
Where they attain a superlative rlavor.
And we take only the best part of each
fish the sweetest, most delicate meat
Have It Tomorrow
Now that you know you were wronir in
thinking Beardsley's Shredded Codfish a
bother to cook, why not try it tomorrow
"fish-day"? Just to see what a delicious
breakfast or lunch you will have.
A package will cost you only 10 cents.
And it makes u full meal for five.
There is other codfish iii packages. But
no other Shredded Codfish. No other
kind you will like halt as well as ours. So
please see that you get Beardsley's the
package with the red band.
Get This Free Recipe Book
Ask your grocer for our book of tempting
new recipes. Or write us we will send
you the book, and with it a generous
sample of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
J. W. Beardsley's Sons
471-478 Greenwich St., New York