The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 14, 1910, Image 1

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    TI1K WEATIIKK: On Friday cloudy weather will prevail, preceded by snow and rain, and on Saturday partly cloudy.
fc Wayne County Organ
of the
Scm!-Weekly Founded tt
k 1908
k vi
Weekly Founded, 1844 5
67th YEAR.
NO. 4
Paulhan Breaks Height Rec
ord at Los Angeles.
Frenchman Rises So High Specta
tors Almost Lose Sight of Him
Until He Returns to
the Earth.
Los Angeles, Cnl.. Jan. 13.-Clrcllng
In a special over nvlatton field, IaiuIs
raullmn In n Farmnn biplane mounted
C.140 feet Into the nlr, breaking nil al
titude records for heavier than nlr
Pnulhan's nscent was one of the
most spectacular aviation feats ever
witnessed and brought the crowd of
40,000 persons to Its feet, waiting
breathlessly ns the big machine lost
lis outlines, became n mere bit of
black against the clear sky and was
again seen In a long perilous sweep ns
the aviator descended, swooping to the
west and reversing his course when
within 500 feet of the earth.
With not a wisp of cloud In the sky,
Paulhan rose in the brilliant sun
shine to a point where he could look
over the snowy sky line of the Sierras
to the west. A slight breeze from the
cast which had been stirring earlier
lulled just before his ascent, and he
remarked to Mrs. I'aulhan Just before
starting the machine, "It is now or
never." "Von will bring down the
record," was her reply.
Mrs. Paulhan, who had watched her
husband's night with sobs and emo
tion, broke into tears as the machine
swept to the earth and Paulhan fell
into her units. As lie climbed from
the machine the little Frenchman was j
near), c. Unlisted and walked unstead-1
"iyl Ids .jjwitb Tlrs. Pnjilhar-siip-1
porting him.
The crowd, which had been cheering
frantically, was fought back by the
regular and special police, members of
the local aviation committee and aero-,
nauts from a dozen different states
seeking to break through the ropes to j
carry their congratulations to the little
Glenn II. Curtiss, the American nvl-
ator, who broke the speed record for i
the course by circling the mile and a j proposed a budget so advanced in its
half in 2 minutes 13 3-5 seconds, an-1 methods of raising revenues by pine
nouneed his determination to surpass ing a large share of the burden upon
Paulhan's height performance.
Government May Give Up Suit Against
Union Pacific.
Washington, Jan. 13. Attorney Gen
eral Wlckersham, Frank B. Kellogg,
the government's "trust buster," and
C. A. Severance, Mr. Kellogg's law
partner, are holding daily conferences
with the idea of the possible abandon
ment of the suit brought by the gov
ernment to dissolve the Union Pacific
Southeru Pacific merger. Mr. Sever
ance was sent for following the con
ference between President Tuft, At-1
torney General Wlckersham, Mr. Kei-1
logg, It. S. Lovett, president of the
Harrlman system, and Maxwell Hvarts
and former Senator John C. Spooner,
legal representatives of that system,
:it the White House Monday night.
Mr. Severance was called to Wash
ington because he has been interested
on the government side of the case
and has more knowledge of it prob
ably than any man In the government
service. There will be other confer
ences between Mr. Kellogg and Mr.
Wickersliam In the near future, and
the railroad men will return to Wash
ington for further hearings.
Blamed by Stock Exchange Gottrnors
For Rock Island's Rise and Fall.
v . V..J- i. mm , I
f," ,,o?.J;ribe,K0vern,",;
committee of the Stock Kxchango aft
er a long and animated discussion dis
posed of the Rock islund scandal by
suspending Brokers H. B. Chaplu and
F. D. Countlss for sixty and thirty
days respectively.
They are blamed for the recent ma
nipulation of Bock Islund, whereby
tho stock was mndo to rise 30 points
within half au hour, collapsing Imme
diately. Chupin is a cousin of J. Ogden Ar
mour, and Countlss Is president of tho
Chicago Stock Exchange. The firm
Is probably the most prominent broker
age house in Chicago and one of the
most prominent In this city. The flur
ry In Hock Islund occurred Dec. 27.
Packey Wants to Fight Abroad.
Now York, Jan. 13. Fuckcy McFar
land. the Chicago lightweight, sailed
for England on tho steamer Adriatic
for the expressed purpooe of meeting
Freddie Welsh, the British lightweight
Two Six-year-olds Shot In New York
Without Causo.
New York, Jnn. 13. Six-year-old Ar
thur Shlbloy ran to his home at 434
West One Hundred and Sixty-fourth
street nnd told his mother that he had
been shot without warning by n "big
dark man."
"The man shot Bobble I.omns, too,"
snld Arthur, "but Hobble couldn't run,
nnd I left him over there In the park."
Bobbie Lomas, also six years old,
who lived on the same floor with the
Shlblcy boy, was Inter found dead. Ho
had been killed by two bullets thnt
had pilfered bis back nnd passed out
of his chest. Hut nobody thought of
looking for Bobbie right nwny. They
were busy looking after Arthur,
whose abdomen had been penetrated
by a bullet that emerged from his
back. Ho has n fighting chance for
his life.
The police began a vigorous senrch
for the man who shot the two little
Promised to Britons by Liberals if
They Win Election.
London, .Tan. 13. A big scheme of
unemployment insurance will be the
work of the new Liberal government
If returned to power. Winston Silen
cer Churchill, president of the board
of trade, outlined the scheme In the
course of n sjieech at Glasgow when
he addressed two huge meetings.
The Liberal government when In
power provided old age pensions and
the rich and the owners of the laud
that it was rejected by the house of
lords. The present campaign resulted,
and home rule for Ireland has been
promised. The climax was capped by
the announcement of the most advanc
ed of all Its policies, an insurance for
the unemployed.
Mr. Churchill announced that the
details of tlu scheme had already
been worked out by the board of trade
and said that if the people granted the
money the house of commons would
pass a compulsory and contributory
unemployment Insurance bill, which
would deal with the affairs of upwiird
of 2,2."),(XH) adult workers, skilled and
unskilled alike,
Doctors Report Discovery of Nature
of Infantile Paralysis.
New York, Jan. 13. Experiments on
monkeys in the laboratories of tho
Rockefeller institute, It was learned,
have shown that infantile paralysis,
which was epidemic In this city lust
full, Is an Infectious disease of the
spinal cord. A report to that effect Is
lielng prepared.
What has boen accomplished under
the direction of Dr. Simon Flexncr, dl-
I rector of the Rockefeller Institute, will
I doubtless revolutionize the treatment
I of the disease. Until now Its nature
1 has been ulmost u complete riddle to
j scientists. For tills reason Its sporadic
ouiureuus 111 miiuua l'un.- in mu iir
Htecd world have gone practically un
outbreaks In various parts of tho civ-
checked. Last year its ruvuges In this
city broke nil records. More then
2,000 Infants were ntlllcted.
Physicians who learned of tho re
sult of the experiments nt the Rocke
feller Institute spoko enthusiastically
on the subject.
Princeton Professor and Poet Elected
to Royal Literary Society,
Princeton, N, J., Jnn. 13. Dr. Henry
Van Dyke, the well known poet, hold
er of the Murray professorship In
English literuturo In Princeton uni
versity, received word today of his
unanimous election as honorary fellow
of the Royal Society of Literature of
the United Kingdom, au honor en
Joyed at present by only oue other
American Joseph II, Choate, former
United States ambassador to Great
$ mmw
federal Jury to Indict Su
gar Trust Official.
"No Reason to Believe Director
or Officer Had Knowledge
of Wrongdoing," Says
New York, Jan. 13. The federal
grand jury here Is expected to hand
down in a few days an indictment
against an executive ofllccr of the
American Sugar Iteflulng company, tho
sugar trust, for participation in the
undcrweigiiing frauds that cost the
United States treasury millions of dol
lars. The news comes out almost simul
taneously with a deniaj by the direct
ors of the trust that any executive of
ficer or director had any knowledge of
or participated in the fraudulent un
derwelghlng. The denial was made in
the annual report read to tho stock
holders at tlie annual mcctiug in the
J .lersey City olilces of the company.
uere is mo way ic was wortieu:
"No attempt whatever has been
made to shield any one, and your
board has no reason to believe nnd
docs not bolievo that any executive of
ficer or director of this company had
any knowledge of or participation In
this fraudulent undcrweigiiing."
Wliile the government's special coun
sel could not extract from Keiioo,
Boyle. Coy Its and Hennessey, the
checkers who each gifcn year in pris
on for minor parts in the conspiracy,
the information leading to the man
hb-hor up. ii Is no particular secret
around the federal building that two
other former employees of the trust,
lirlttpn and McCray, who had to be
iflelfed hero from a long distance, sup
plied the missing details. liritton and
McCray swore before Commissioner
! Shields to such Important statements
i Hie fraud investigation look on
lnew life. They knew something about
the way money was passed down the
Twenty stockholders of the Ameri
can Sugar Rcliiiiug company, holding
proxies for (150.000 shares of stock out
of 900,000. met in the Jersey City of
fices of the company at AVashlngton
ind Essex sireels to hear the report
read. After tho reading was finished
resolution was adopted approving
the present manasemeiil of the com
Along; Willi the denial that any ofll
ccr or director had been mixed up in
the crookedness was the statement
that the directors did not believe that
(here was anything illegal In the
wrecking of the Pennsylvania Sugar
Refining company, for which live of
the directors of t lie trust were In
dicted for conspiracy in restraint of
The report denies flint tho company
has a monopoly of the sugar business
nnd that it gets much protection from
the tariff on sugar. President Thorans
and the other exccuflve officers of the
company were re-elected by the di
Intends to Construct Eleven Ships, An
nounces Premier Laurier.
Ottawa, Jan. 13.-Sir Wilfrid Lau
rier announced in parliament that II
was the Intention of the government
to adopt a larger naval program, In-
volviug the construction of eleven i
ships. The premier added thut the es
timated cost of the eleven vessels
would be 2,338,000, and If they were
constructed In Canada there would be
an extra cost of 22 per cent.
It was the Intention of the govern
ment to begin construction nt once
and build lu Canada If possible. He
said thnt there would be four cruisers
of the Bristol type, one of tho Boadl
tea type and six destroyers.
The net also provides for a naval
college along lines similar to tho Do
minion Military college at Kingston.
Treaties With Russia and Japan
Way of Knox's Plan,
Shanghai, Jan. 13. Na Tung, the
senior president of the wnl-wu-pu, ot
Chinese foreigu board. In an olllclal
communication to tho Russian and
Japanese ministers states that the Chi
nese government will not agree to tho
proposal of United States Secretary of
Stato Knox for the neutralization of
the railroads in Manchuria.
The reasons given by Na Tung are
that China Is unable to agree to the
proposal owing to her treaties with
Russia and Japan and the dllllculty In
raising the necessary funds.
Warfare Between Regular and Insur
gent Republicans Rests.
Washington, Jan. 13. There was
something or a lull In the ruction be
tween' tho regular nnd Insurgent Re
publicans of the house. The Insur
gents did not look particularly cheer
ful, however, and It was reported pret
ty generally that Representative Nor
rls of Nebrnsku. a leading insurgent,
had received a letter from President
Taft which gave cold comfort to all
members of the Republican party who
are now outside the breastworks.
It Is understood the letter deals
wl(h the attitude of the administra
tion toward those Republicans of the
house who make the claim thnt they
arc friendly to the administration,
but determined to fight Cannon nnd
Cunuonism forever and ever.
On motion of Representative Dalzcll
of Pennsylvania the house of repre
sentatives unanimously agreed to non
concur in the senate amendments to
the Balllngcr-I'Inchot investigation
resolution nnd to nsk for n conference.
Later the sennte and house sent the
joint resolution to a conference com
mittee of the two houses.
The senate conferees are Senator
Nelson of Minnesota, Senator Clarke
of Wyoming nnd Senator McEncry of
liilsiumi. The house conferees are
Representatives Dalzcll of Pennsylva
nia, Smith of Iowa and Fitzgerald of
New York.
Before adjournment It was agreed
luforinall that when the senate ad
journs today it will lie until Monday.
Measure Aimed at Illicit Business
Passed by House of Representatives.
Washington. Jan. 13.- The Howell
white slave bill, reported as a substi
tute for two bills by Representative
Rennet of New York and one by Rep
resentative Sahath on the same sub
ject, was passed by the house. Fa
vorable action was taken also by the
house on the Bonnet 1)111 for the relief
of clerks of courts having to do with
naturalization cases designed to re
lieve Ihe congestion with respect to
fhe naturalization of aliens.
TMe approved white slave bill differs
from fhe .Maun bill, which will soon
b" brought before the house, in that
It iiu-ludes immoral men in its prohib
itory provisions and strcugf liens laws
affecting the detention and deportation
of undesirable aliens. While Mr. Mann
spoke somewhat sarcastically of the
Howell bill when some members of
the immigration and naturalization
committee, from which It was report
ed, asserted that It was modeled on
ills own proposition, lie admitted that
the measure, did not conflict in any
material particular with his own bill.
With respect to the naturalization
bill Mr. Rennet said It would aeconi
plish what congress had Intended to
accomplish in the law of 189.1, but I
which was rendered inoperative by u
ruling of the comptroller of the treas
ury, from which there was no appeal.
He thought It would have ImmedlaU
effect In relieving congestion in courts
where there was considerable pres
sure, as It provided adequate meas
ures for the relief of clerks of courts.
Big Battle Expected Between Forces
of Madriz and Estrada.
Bluefleids, Jan. 13. Another battle
is Imminent In the interior of Nicura
gua. Estrada's nnny Is lined up at
Acoynpa against the Madriz forces,
who are again under command of
General Vasquez. Thu provisional
forces surprised Vasquez, and there
were two engagements. General Cha
morro, commanding the Estrada army,
reports victories in both lights. They
occurred at Las Verdus, ten miles tubs
side of Acoyapa.
Rumor of Insurgent Victory.
Sim .1 u.-ii i del Sin-, Nicaragua, Jau
13. Rumors reached here of a battle
at Acoynpa, In which the government
forces were defeated by the lnsur
geutst No details of the fighting were
Loss Put at a Million Dollars Business
Section Imperiled.
Grand Rapids, Mich,, Jan. 13. Fire
which threatened the whole business
part of the city caused u loss of oven
The lire started from defective wir-
Ing In the stock rooms of the Young &
Chaffee fur store.
Fire Chief Lemoln summoned help
from nearby cities.
Congress to Hear Mr. Taft's Views on
Washington, Jan. 13. Announcement
was made that President Taft has
completed his special conservation
message and thut It will go to con
gress Friday. In this message the
president wUI suggest Borne practical
consc 'atlon measures formulated by
Secretary of the Interior Bollinger,
on p oors too!
Henry 5. Graves of Yale
Made Chief Forester,
New Head of Tree Service Has Had
Many Years of Experience
In Work Assistant Is a
Western Man.
Washington, Jan. 13. Ileury 8.
Ginvcs, appointed chief forester in
place of Glfford Plnchot, removed by
the president, is director of the Vale
Forest school and was for two years
assistant chief of the old division of
forestry under Mr. Plnchot. Albert
F. Potter of Arizona, assistant for
ester, will bo appointed associate for
ester. Mr. Graves will take up his
new duties on Feb. 1, and Mr. Potter
will continue In charge meantime.
The appointment of Mr. Graves came
with surprising quickness. F,ver since
the dismissal of Mr. Plnchot last week miles In outlying districts and pro
botli the president and Secretary WI1-1 vldes that a speed In excess of thirty
sou have been represented as being miles In country districts is prima
deeply concerned over the selection of ! facie evidence of negligence. All tines
a suitable man. Captain Seth Bullock, I are to go to the highway commission
u,,1,C(l s,"s '" f"r s,,,lu Dil"
Cop right by Harris & Ewlng.
kota, and Mr. Potter were mentioned
.... . ....
was sain to lie uesirous oi tauiug uis
lime in determining his choice.
Just a few minutes after Mr. Potter
called at the White House with Sec -
retary Wilson, however, Mr. Graves
came hurrying Into the White House
olilces. At the conclusion of the con -
fereM.-n l.elween tlio president. Kecre-
tnry Wilson and Mr. 1'otter Mr. Wil
son admitted that there was some
chance that the head of the Yule
school might bo selected.
In the formal announcement from
the White House Inter it was stated
that Mr. Graves has been director of
Y'nlc Forest school since 1800, He
was graduated from that university
In 1SK2 and wns trained in forestry
lu tills country and by European
study. He wns connected with the
reeonnolssance forest survey of the
Black Hills In 1897.
The White House statement snys
that Mr. Potter, who is to re the new
associate forester, is n western man,
a native of California; that tie has
been connected with the forestry de
partment for eight or nine years and
that lie is "well acquainted with west
ern conditions and thoroughly Inform
ed with regard to nil the policies nnd
practices of the forest service."
Solved by Remembrance of Stranger's
Actions In Mount Clemens.
Mount Clemens, Mich., Jnn. 13, Tho
Murphy-Hearst letters which stirred
New York politicians were received
hero by Murphy and lorn up after ho
had read them.
Investigation among the employees
of Murphy's hotel shows that lu No
vember last, while Murphy was at the
hotel, a stranger made Inquiries us to
wliut disposition was made of the
waste paper from the guests' rooms.
It is now said that tho stranger gain
ed access to the placo where this pa
per was dumped and put the frag
ments of the Murphy letters together.
Thrice Married at Twenty-four.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Jan. 13. Twice a
widow and only twenty-four years old,
Mrs. Lucy Lewsky appeared In tho
marriage license court with Joseph
Klvltsky. Th?y got the license and
were married.
Three Regulating Us a Machines In
troduced In th 5 .embly.
Albany, N. Y., JaiiniT. Automobile
legislation got a spurt in the assembly.
Three bills, nil seeking to remedy ex
isting evils, were introduced. Assem
blyman Charles A. Dana of New York,
who was an assistant district attorney
under Mr. Jerome, believes he hns the
best Idea. Assemblyman Callnn of Co
lumbia proposes to have the legisla
ture consider the Massachusetts meth
od of governing autos and chauffeurs
by taxing them according to their
horsepower, with a maximum of $25.
Assemblyman Joseph of New York
gets near Police Commissioner Bak
er's idea of automobile signs by pro
posing to have nil signs attached to
automobiles Illuminated by a white
light. Tills would give tho police a
chance to catch the number of speedy
autos when they whiz through tho
Mr. Dana's bill requires that nil
operators of automobiles must pass an
examination for chauffeur before se
curing a license; that n license fee ol
$10 must be paid for a car less than
thirty horsepower and $20 for a car
over thirty horsepower, the revenue to
be turned over to the state highway
commission for the Improvement of
roads. Tho bill provides for new
speed regulations of fifteen miles in
built up portions of cities, twenty-five
Z1 JilLblllim!,8 11
and provides for the cancellation of
the chauffeur's license after his fourth
conviction for violation of the speed
limit law. All persons learning to
operate automobiles are required to
have experienced chauffeurs nt their
Committee appointments were mndtt
in the senate mid assembly.
Middlemen,. Says Ohio .Governor;
Wholesalers Blame tho Farmer.
Cincinnati, Jan. 13. The produce
hoard of' tl Cincinnati chamber of
commerce Is angry at Governor Hnr
I moil for his assertions that the mid
I dleinen are to blame for higher prices
1 in foodstuffs, and an invitation will
be sent to the investigating committee
of the general assembly asking them
to come here and see what prices have
to bo paid by the merchants to the
The board met and expressed strong
sentiments of disapproval at tho gov
ernor's message. The document was
read to the general assembly nnd con
tained, among other tilings, this state
. meat, "Tills belief Is apparently justi
fied by the enormous differences bc-
til,. ,iilrnj ntitd , nit.
- 1
,hose I,altl ''-v consumers to the dealers
j from Iwlll" ttw directly receive their
1 SPI' les-"...
Tins puts me illume on tue mtuuic-
! ' ltM1- prouuee men say
! t,lat ""thing has ever been more gross-
i misstated. The message goes on to
say that the whole matter Is in tho
hands of tho general assembly nnd
that the governor desires It to take
much action as will place the matter
squarely before the people and con
gress. Local dealers say that no com
bination exists and that thu farmer is
buying automobiles with what he
reaps from high prices.
She and Waiter Cohen Expected to
Reach Philadelphia This Evening.
Philadelphia, Jau. 13,-Robertu De
Janou and Ferdinand Cohen, with
whom she eloped, are on their way
here from Chicago in charge of De
tectives Emanuel and Scanlon of Phil
adelphia. They are due here this even
ing. Miss De Jiuiou has u stateroom to
herself. The waiter was put In a sec
tion with the detectives.
Tho Philadelphia detectives quarrel
ed wltli Inspector Wheeler Just before
boarding the train in Chicago. Tho
Phlladelphlaus were angry because
the inspector bad permitted Miss De
Janou to go lo a theater. They
thought she ought to have been kept
in n cell. Inspector Wheeler said Miss
De Janon was not charged with crime,
and he thought she was entitled to a
Utile consideration.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on cull today was 4V4 per cent;
time money and mercantile paper un
changed in rates. Closing prices of stocks
Amal. Copper... SCli Norf. & West... 97
AtchlBon H9H Northwestern ..l(X
U. &O 117H Penn. R. It. 1U
Brooklyn It. T.. 77H Heading Ntt
Chea. & Ohio.... S3 Rock Island HSi
C. ,C..C.&St.L. 79H St. Paul I51i
D. & II 179 Southern l'ac.lUW,
Erie...., 3Si Southern Ily..,. Sttt
Gen. Electric... I675i South. By. pf... 71
111. Central 1V Sugar Uflt
Int. -Met U Texas Paclflo.., 34H
Louis. & Nash..mVi Union Paclflo. ..156S
Manhattan 1J7 U. S. Steel 8SK.
Missouri I'ac..,. CSV! U. S. Steel
N. Y, Central 1UH West Union 75V4.