The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 12, 1910, Image 8

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Mr. nnd Mrs. Alba HIne of Orson
have Issued invltntlons to their
friends, for Tuesday evening, Janu
ary 18th, the occasion being their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
Margaret Manning Is visiting rela
tives In Cnrbondnlc.
Hev. V. 13. Slgnor spent last week
In Scranton. Miss Collins of Aldon
vlllc, Btayed with Mrs. Slgnor dur
ing Uov. Slgnor's absence.
The death of Mnrtln E. Bolkcom
occurred Friday afternoon at his
home in Beech Grove. The funeral
was held Sunday afternoon at one
o'clock from his home with Inter
ment in Riverside, Honcsdale. There
was a largo attendance from hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paynter, of
Carbondale, spent Sunday with rela
tives here.
Mr. .lames Johns in going to his
barn Saturday evening slipped on
tho ice and struck his head, render
ing him unconscious for a time. Dr.
Burns was called and he Is resting
Mrs. Martin K. Kimble is suffer
ing with blood poisoning In her right
Dr. W. F. Decker, of Philadelphia,
spent the holidays here with his wife
and daughter Minnie.
Henry Meyer from Now York,
snent Christmas with Emil Wnlter
and family. I
Prof. John Storm from Lake Ariel,
was a caller In town on Christmas.
A business meeting and social
was hold at the home of Mr. V. J.
Beehn on Tuesday evening, Jan. 4th,
at which time the officers ot the
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor were elected: Rev. A. E.
Francke. President; Mrs. V. J.
Beehn, Vice President; Miss Ella
Ehrhardt. ' Treasurer; Miss Minnio
Decker, Secretary; Miss Ella Ehr
hardt, Organist.
County Superintendent Kcehler,
of Honesdnle, was a pleasant caller
in town this week.
Mr. L Grambs, of New York, was
a caller in town last week.
Mrs. H. .1. Sleg is visiting frionds
and relatives in Scranton,
Mr. C V. Akers'is afflicted with
On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Cohen entertained Mrs. Har
ris of White Mills, Pa., also a gen
tleman friend from Hawley.
Mrs. George Hazleton of Arling
ton, is spending the holiday season
with her sister, Mrs. David Hess, of
Mr. and Mrs. Orange Whitney, of
Sterling, was the recent guest of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Loveless, for a number of days.
Mr. Harry F. Purdy, of Hones
dale, spent tho day, Friday, with
Mr and Mrs. G. Lafayette James,
of this place.
Edward Lovclesa went to Sterling
on Monday and returned Tuesday.
Stanley Crano, of Uswlck, Lake
ville's teacher, returned on Monday
last after spending some time at
James Shelley, we regret to learn,
is very sick with la grippe and ton
silltls. Bert Shelley in also on the
sick list.
Miss Maude 13. Locklin has a
splendid new piano.
On Wednesday of this week,
Jan 12th, the Ladles' Aid Society
of Lakevillo will meet at tho M. E.
parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. H. T.
Purkess. An invitation is extended
to everybody.
Rev. Father Winters, of Hawley,
pastor of St. Mary's church at
Ledgedale, Pa., preached his fare
well sermon at that place on Thurs
day, Jan. Cth. Father Winters Is
appointed pastor of St. Paul's
church at Green Ridge. Father
Henry Burke takes his place.
Tho ten-month-old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. John Rear, of Arlington,
is very ill with convulsions caused
by cutting teeth. Wo do seriously
hopo tho llttlo one is better.
S, Miller and D. A. Locklin aro
having tho Ice house filled.
Wo hnve certainly had a fine rain.
L. James has three springs on his
farm all of which aro entirely dry.
Old settlers say that ono of them
has never failed until this season.
Tho writer has been reminded dur
ing tho past threo days of how many
luxuries wo all enjoy without giving
any thought as to whom wo aro In
debted. On Friday .tho watering
trough at Wllsonvillo went dry. Tills
frequently happens; not that tho wa
ter supply is exhausted, as Just a
short distance north, beneath tho
darksome shadows of vonerablo
boughs thero hubbies a spring of
puro water out of tho leaf-strewn
earth that has not failed during the
past two dry seasons. But some
thing goes wrong with tho pipes and
not many know that its only through
tho kindness of our obliging land
lord, P. J. Keary, or one of his ten
ants that they aro again put In work
ing order with no rccompenso what
ever excepting tho inner conscious
ness that they havo favored tho pub
lic and what a favor It Is theso water-famine
times to be supplied free
of charge with tills pure, unadul
terated ale of Father Adam, better
than Cognac strong beer or wlno of
any price. In view of tho fact that
people work hotter w.hon expecting
n reward would It not ho well for
those townships which derlvo tho
most benefit to hire some ono to keep
the water flowing and trough filled
over ready to quench the thirst of
man nnd beast.
Mrs. Keturah Brannlng passed
the week with her daughter, Mrs.
William Mott. and fnmlly, of White
Theodore Wall was able to drlvo
out on Saturday.
George Teeter took his automobile
to Glbbs' garage at Honesdalo on
Thursday to be gotten in readiness
for the fast approaching season.
Hnns DIstler entertained Bono
Ridge friends with his guitar on Sun
day afternoon.
Price and 'Butlor concluded their
engagement for the week on Satur
day night by playing the "Runaway
Tramp" to a crowded house. They
seem to have given satisfaction at
each performance.
Mary Krause of Church street,
has Just returned from a sojourn in
the Electric City.
Joshua DeWItt was a business cal-'
ler at Wllsonvllle on Monday.
Frank Miller, of Nowark, visited
his parents on the cast side last
Herbert Plum, who has conducted
a livery business at Honcsdale, has
returned to Hawley where he will
cater to the public In his line of busi
ness at the stand recently vacated by
the blacksmiths, Dunn and Runyon.
V. Huff moved to Ledgedale ilrst
of the week.
Dr. VolgJ was called on Monday
to attend Harry Bea who had con
tracted a heavy cold which settled
mainly in ills throat. He was able
to go out tho latter part of the week.
Eddie Tyler is paying a visit to
his aunt, Mrs. John Degroate, Jr.,
of Tafton.
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E.
church will meet with Mrs. T. F.
Wall on Wednesday afternoon of
'this week.
Fred Hausman is doing chores for
Mr. Keeslor at Tafton and attending
the Hawley graded school.
John KeJlerman, who has the con
tract for filling tho Ice houses at
Hawley, has had six teamc on the
road hauling ice for the past two
Several children nt Hawley have
the chicken pox.
The past two weeks Ave have ex
perienced somo severe weather.
The light thaw on Sunday and Mon
day was soon frozen Into Ice again.
Those who havo to depend on
springs and small streams for wa
ter for their cattle say that tho wa
ter Is frozen down to the bottom
In most places, making It a difficult
matter to supply a BUillcient quan
tity. Curtis Brooks and Enos Marsh of
Honcsdale, were recent business
callers at this place.
Miss Clara Dills is spending the
holidays with her parents, S. K.
Dills and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Braman spent
New Year's with their daughter,
Mrs. E. F. Rice, of White Mills.
Mrs. Downs and Mrs. W. H. Ham
of White Mills, visited Airs. L. R.
Garrett on Wednesday last.
The glass cutters of this place,
who are employed at Dorfllnger's,
are enjoying a week's vacation, ex
pecting to resume work Jan. 10.
W. II. Hall made a business trip
to Glen Ayre recently.
Mrs. Hall recently visited friends
at White Mills.
Mrs. E. E, Avery Is quite serious
ly ill at her home with bronchial
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner en
tertained a number of relatives on
New Year's day,
Mr. Teal Is filling his Ico house
with Ice cut from C. T. Week's
Clyde Leftwlch of Honesdnle,
visited his mother, .Mrs. Rebecca
Leftwlch, for a few days.
Homer Smith accompanied his
brother Horton to Scranton on
Leo Weeks, Fred Wagner and
Homer Smith attended a danco at
Hawley on Now Year's.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dano havo re
turned to their homo In Honesdalo
after spending a few days with R.
Ham nnd wlfo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weeks or
Whito Mills, spent New Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. H. IL Bunnell.
J. I. Honshaw returned ou Tues
dny to his studios at Lafayetto Col
lego. Lester Rico, of White Mills, spent
a part of his vacation with his
grandparents at this place.
(From Another Correspondent).
Saturday and Sunday werq tho
most pleasant days wo havo had for
sovoral weokB and thoso who had
turnouts took advantago of tho good
Howard nnd Harold Smith, who
havo been visiting their mother, have
returned to Honesdalo whero they
are employed at glass cutting.
Miss Grace Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. Minor Crosby have returned to
their homo nt Aldenvlllo.
Mr. Samuel Saundcr's has boon
nmicted during tho past week with
Mrs. E, E, Avery, wo aro sorry to
say, is very sink with pnoumonin.
Gcorgo Swltzer, who has been
visiting friends at Tafton, has ro
turncd home. n
Albert Swnrtz has secured n(Jflno
position with a wealthy New ,ork
business man. Albort is a flno J .ding
man and we aro glad to learn of his
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daln nnd llttlo
son, of Honesdnle, wore recent visi
tors nt R. Ham's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swltzer en
tertained relatives from Tnfton on
Sunday last.
Miss Emma Harvey, who has be6n
very sick, Is reported no better.
Mr. Wonders, of White Mills, wns
a pleasant caller at tho homo of C.
T. Weeks on Sunday.
William Batler and Lester Mc
lntyre, of White Mills, are visiting
relatives here.
Alexander Crosby, ot Beach Lake,
was n business caller at this place on
Monday last.
W. P Downing is busily engaged
at cutting and filling ice houses at
Beach Lake.
Roy and Floyd Bayly aro lllling
Garrett's ice house at Beach Lake.
Herman Hnnsman of Tafton, has
been visiting his uncle Jacob Swlt
zer, during the past week.
Mrs. Charles Schlverghofer of
Scranton, Is visiting her parents,
Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Avery.
Roy and Floyd Bayly have filled
the ice house at tho Dunedin House
nt Beach Lake.
Mrs. Floyd Bayly spent Friday
and Saturday last with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd
Garrett of Beach Lake.
Edith Marshall, ot Beach Lake,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
relatives at the Altoona Farm.
Earl Ham and W. H. Marshall
called on Laurella friends on Sun
day. Michael Smith of Whito Mills, was
calling on friends here yesterday.
W. H. Dunn and wife spent Sunday
with relatives and friends In Haw
ley. Should the weather prove favor
able, several from hero will attend
tho annual meeting of tho Big Eddy
Telephone Co. at Cochecton on
Everett Rainey arrived home from
Now York City Saturday.
Mrs. James Stranahan, and son,
Darwin, are visiting at the liomo of
her mother In Philadelphia.
Marguerite Matono and Harold
Walker were calling in this place re
cently. William Knapp and family, of
Hawley, spent Sunday at the homo
of G. H. Knapp.
Gaston Secly and wife attended
tho funeral of Mrs. Seely's father,
Mr. Minor, of Waymart.
The monthly meeting of tho teach
ers of Clinton township was held In
the high school building last Sat
urday. Edward Manaton and family are
moving to Honesdnle whero Mr.
Mannton has employment with the
Borden Condensed Milk Co.
James Stranahan left Inst week on
n business trip in the interest of the
Clinton Cut Glass Co.
Mrs. Colo and son Clarence spent
Sunday at tho homo of her son,
Ralph Cole, In Honcsdale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonham
spent Sunday at Pleasant Mt. and
Miss Rose Glanvllle returned home
with them.
Mr. Clarence Bryant will spend
several weeks at Gouldsboro, having
secured a position' with tho Ico com
Mrs, S. J. Pomery left recently for
Lanesboro where sho will visit her
son, Howard, who a short time ago
moved from Carbondale to that
place, and before returning will
spend several weeks with her daugh
ter, Mrs. B. F. White, of Lestershlre,
N. Y.
Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Perkins und
son Gordon, of Forest City, are visit
ing at D. E. Hacker's.
On account of the storm the meet
ings nt tho M. E. church Thursday
were not largely attended, but those
present enjoyed them nnd feasted
religiously. The able address giVen
in tho evening by Rev. James Rainey
of Aldcnvllle, wns greatly appreci
ated. Miss Susie Odoll and Mr. Henry
Bartholomew wero entertained Sun
day by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller at
tho Miller homestead.
Mr. J. M. Gilpin mado n biiBln,ess
trip to Stroudshurg on Monday.
Dr. A. J. Simons .and J. E. Houck
spent laBt week Monday In Philadel
phia. Miss Roso Angol spent Sunday
with Lydla Gilpin.
A young son camo to tho homo
of Mr. und Mrs. John Frlck on New
Year's morning.
Tho A. D. K. Boys celebrated Now
Year's day with a flno parade, and in
tho evening had an entertainment
and oystor supper In tho P. O. S. of
A. hall. '
Mrs. Charles Prico, of Canadensis,
wns taken sick with tho measles
while spending a few days nt her
homo, hut is on tho gain iu -v. , ,
Mr. Northop nnd family, f To
wunda, havo takon possessl n of
Mr. Reuben Lancaster's house until
tho first ot April. Mr. Northop is
working for Mr. G. II, Lancaster.
Floyd Courtrlght and brother
spent Saturday and Sunday at tho
home of N. S. Carlton.
Mrs. Angeltno Burke Is spending
the winter with Mr. G. II. Lancaster
and family.
Harry Hitrko of Now York, spent
a few days with Ills mother at Mr.
Lancaster's home.
Russell Frey hns returned from
his ylslt to Wosport. '
Mrs. Alvin Hang and Mrs. William
Osborne, Edna and Lowis Osborne, ,
Francis nnd Guy Haag spent a few
days In Scyintdn recently. i
the home of Mr. C. E. Smith.
Tuesday afternoon while skidding
logs, Harold Lancaster, who was
lending. Mr. Perry Gilpin's blnck
horse, nnd who wns carrying an
nxo on his shoulde, slipped on .the
Ico and fell. The nxo struck tho
horse in the side making a cut so
bad that tho assistance of Dr. Sim
ons wns needed who took several
The caucus or primary for tho
nomination of candidates to be elect
ed In February, will "bo held In tho
new high school building on Jan.
21st. It Is essential to attend tho
primaries as It is the election and
then you have no room to kick.
Earl Bird, aged about 14 years, a
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Bird, is
seriously sick with pneumonia. At
this writing his condition Is slightly
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Kerr have been
Informed by letter from their daugh
ter Eflle, who has been confined In a
Now York hospital with scarlet fe
ver, Is rapidly recovering and ex
pects to leave the hospital In a few
Rev. T .C. Long, President of the
Pennsylvania Conference, M. P.
church, held quarterly meeting ser
vices at East Sterling church on Sat
urday afternoon, Jan. 8th, and
preached at tho Union church on
Sunday evening. The Reverend
Brother In the course of his remarks
to the church people, told them that
the Pennsylvania and New York con
ference would be consolidated In tho
near future, but under what name,
we are not Informed. No perman
ent minister will be sent to the Salem
and Sterling charge, but arrag'ements
have been made to havo a minister
supplied for the regular dates of
F. Leroy Gilpin is visiting his
brother, S. Ward Gilpin, located at
Virginia, Minnesota, where ho holds
a position of county superintendent
of public schools.
Mrs. Sarah Gilpin is visiting her
sister, a Mrs. Rhoades, of Scranton.
Miss Clara Cross, formerly a resi
dent of Dreher, and a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross, both de
censed, was united In matrimony to
Charles Searle, of New York City,
on Janunry Oth. Both are residents
of the city. f
A small army of men and boys
have employment at Gouldsboro har
vesting Ice. It is 18 inches in thick
ness. Some of the public roads are not
open for travel and it causes some
inconvenience to the traveling pub
lic. The late blizzard, scheduled to
bury us under piles of snow, last
week, seems to have been short of
mnterial. "A good thing."
Philip Eck has Just returned from
an extended visit with relatives and
friends in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre,
Catasauqua and White Haven.
Tho Lucks & Haffler saw mill, over
in Jericho, is in operation about half
time, on account of scarcity of water
to generate steam.
Mrs. A. C. Magargle closed up her
house last week and she and her
grandson left for Philadelphia.
Mrs. W. E. Webster and son are
visiting her parents near Waverly,
N. Y.
Tho Ladles' Aid will dine at the
church next Wednesday.
Airs. A. J. Cross heard that her
father had a stroke and left for New
Jersey on Sunday.
After a three weeks' vacation at
tho high school on account of so
many children having the measles
It reopeued again on Monday. Many
are still afflicted.
Thomas Musgrove, Airs. B. F. Lee
and Mrs. T. E. Stevens are still quite
Earl V. Cross returned to Perkio
men Seminary to-day.
Miss Annie Simons Is dressmaking'
for Mrs. S. N. Cross. '
A number of the fraternity nro
very faithfully attending the I. O. O.
F. Lodge and they are having quite
interesting meetings.
'Squiro Hollister was in town last
week. On the 8th the venornblo pat
riot celebrated his 83rd birthday.
J. E. Cross, Abram Neville and S.
N. Cross wore callers In Honcsdale
Samuel Colwell spent Saturday. in
Mrs. Lydla Dlcklns entertnined
Mrs. Moore of North Park Saturday.
Ico cutting is In full swing nt Lake
Henry. Forty-five cars for Scranton
woro loaded Saturday.
Tho trees aro heavily coated with
Ico from tho Friday rain.
Tho chicken-pox has visited nearly
all tho families in this vicinity.
Mrs. DIegtal, who haa been vory
ill, 1b better nt this writing.
E. J. Black is stocking logs on the
old chair factory slto ready for saw
ing In the spring.
Thos. Rutledgo hauled the wreck
of Philip Rlnsland'a autoraobilo Into
Scranton last Thursday tho machine
recently burned at this place.
Tho Grace Sunday school elected
tho following officers last week: Sup
erintendent, F. S. Keene; assistant
superintendent, Alba Black; secre
tary, MIbs Adelaldo Mitcholl; treas
urer, Mrs. O. M. Black; organist,
Ernest Klzer; assistant organist,
Mrs, J. O, Rosenberger; librarian,
Abblo Black; assistant librarians,
Lylo Keeno nnd Lena Hnzcn.
The Ladles' Aid society met at tho
homo of tho pastor last Thursday.
Flno sleighing nt this writing.
Charlotte Early has scarlet fever.
Isaac Vanpolt Is very sick with a
complication of diseases. Curtis Is In Philadelphia.
He went thero to attend his sister's
funeral last week nnd has not re
turned yet.
School hns closed for the present
on account of scarlet fever.
Stephen Gnrlow, formerly of this
place, and a veteran of the Civil war,
died in tho Susquehannn Hospital
Inst week, aged about 70 years.
Mrs. James McClure Is visiting In
Halstcad, Pa.
Rovlval meetings will commence
In tho church next Sunday evnlng.
Let everybody come. Preaching,'every
evening except Saturday.
Prayer meeting at the parsonage.
Friday afternoon.
91,t!00,lil-t,010.HH IN TREASURY.
Count Finished, New Official Gives
Receipt for Amount to His Pre
decessor. Washington, Jan. 8. What Is said
to be tho largest financial transac
tion in. the .world's history occurred
here to-day It consisted in the giv
ing of a receipt for ?1,2C0,134,
940,88 2-3 by Leo McClung, the
treasurer of the United States, to
Charles H. Treat, who retired from
that office October 31, and is an ac
knowledgment of the money and se
curities In the office on November 1.
Since November, treasury employ
ees have been counting the cash and
securities in the office, under the
supervision of a committee. The
count this year was completed In
two months' less time than ever
before. It shows less actual cash In
hand than for years ago when Mr.
Treat assumed the ofllce, but this
was more than offset by the large
Increase In bonds deposited to se
cure circulation.
You will make money
by having me.
eheix phone o-ir HBtnany, 1-9.
V. B. HOLMES, Pkesidknt.
A. T. SEAKLK, Vicb PttES.
We want you to understand tlie reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
of this Bank.
HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $1O0,00o.uu
MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 494.000.uu
EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before' any depositor can lose a I'KN'NY .
It haa conducted a growing and successful business for over Mi years, serving
an .increasing number of customers with iideelitv and satisfaction.
Its cash funds aro protected by MODEHX STEEL VAULTS.
All of theso things, coupled with conservative management, insured
by the CAKIil'UL PKKSONAI. ATTENTION constantly given the
liank'snlfairsbyn notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons
of that SUPHEMK SAFETY whlcii is the .prime essential of a good
Hank. '
Total Assets,
Ladies' Jacket Suits.
Misses' and Junior Tailor Suits.
Winter' Coats and Cloaks.
Evening Capes and Cloaks.
TJp-to-Date and
Collars and Scarfs. Real G-oods.
We have an odd lot of Made-up Waists
in Silk and Wash G-oods that we will sell
out at very low prices.
Proparo for tho visit of tho Unite
States Census ofTlcers next spring.
The Intelligent farmers of tho coun
try will need no urging In tho matter
of furnishing full and nccurato In
formation to tho census agents. The
farming Interest of the country Is
Its grcntcst Interest and It should be
adequately set forth In tho national
accounting In 1910. The mere
counting of the citizens of the Re
public is only an Insignificant feature
of tho ccnBUB. The real value of the
census Is to bo found In tho showine
of the character and variety nnd the
magnitude of tho country's material,
resources nnd Industries. Mnka
your part of that showing comploU
and accurate. You understand what
Is expected and required of you.
Be ready nnd glvo It to the govern
ment agents when they visit your
farm next spring. New York Farmer.
Bad Headache?
How your head throbs and snaps ! But
your head b not to blame. The trouble is
lower down. Your stomach Is all out of
order and your liver is sick. You know
you arc constipated perhaps you have
neglected it for days. The poisonous bile
is getting into your system. Your whole
body rebels. You feel sick all over, but
your head suffers most.
Don't fool or temporize with a bilious
headache Don't take harmful drugs which
only deaden the pain. Start right. Iiegi
at the cause. Stimulate your liver and
bowels to proper action by taking Smith's
Pineapple and Butternut Pills. 1 hey are a
natural laxative and a corrective tonic
They purify and invigorate the blood.
They enable the system to get rid of the
poison which is making all thW disturb
ance. In a few hours you will feel much
better. In the morning life will be worth
living again. Keep this up for a few days
and your headaches will disappear. Phy
sicians use and recommend. They form
no habit You should always keep them
on hand. These little vegetable pills will
ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
Diseases of
the Stomjcti
CO rills In Oluss Tint 35c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Disease, Rheumatism,
the ono bst remedy. Reliable,
endorsed by leading physicians;
cafe, effectual. Results las ting.
On the market 13 years. Hare
cured thousands, 1C0 pills In
original glass package, to cents.
Trial boxes, B0 puis, zz rnts. All
drugglsla eeU and recommend.
II. S. SALMON, Cashibp
J. WAKD, Ass't Cashier
If. P. KIMIir.K
Nobby Fur in Muffs, a