9 TUB CITIZEN, Fit I DAY, JAKUAlll ?, 1010. FACTS IN rKW LINES. THE MOST RELIAIIJ.E MEDIUM FOR SPREADING INFORMATION SHERMAN. Charles Harrison of Hnllstcad, spent tho past week with his moth er, Mrs. James McClure. Howard Early of Brooklyn, re turned to that city on Friday after spending tho past week with his par ents In this placo. Mr. .1. L. Stewart of Binghnmton, was n business cnller In this placo on Saturday. Rev. C. J. Moon was called to Brandt on Friday td preach tho fun eral sermon of Mrs. Andrew Blank. Mrs. S. T. Smith visited her daugh ter, Mrs. F. A. West, of Binghnmton recently. Among the numher to attend tho Masonic banquet Saturdny evening nt Deposit wore Mr. Jacob Gardlnier and grnnddaughtcr, Muriel, 'Tiny and Florence Arneke. William Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reynolds. A large party of young people from Deposit spent Wednesday evening at the home of George Arneke. STERLING. We find it rather dimcult to write Jnnuary 3rd. 1910, but so It Is. We are having a thaw and have hopes when this snoV leaves us we will have an abundance of water. A small congregation Sunday and the Sunday school candies will not bo distributed until Jan. 17th, which is rather procrastinating Christmas. No school at the High school build ing this week on account of the measley time so many are enjoying. Miss Susan J. Cross returned to Moscow to-day and Margaret Howe to Holllstervllle. W. B. Lesher left for Honesdale to day to attend to his official duties as one of the county auditors. On Thursday, Jan. 13th, the G. A. R. Post expert to have an oyster din ner and have invited the Odd Fel lows. The East Sterling Sunday school haa their Christmas exercises yester dny which was postponed on ac count of the weather. Mrs. A. C. Megargle had a small sale a short time ago and expects to close up tho house and go to Phila delphia this week. The Civil Service Commission an nounces that on Saturday, Feb. 5th, 1910, an examination will be held at Sterling, Pa., for the position of Fourth Class Postmaster nt Jubilee, Pa, Application forms can be secur ed from the Postmaster at Jubilee and must he filed with the Commis sion at Washington by January 29th. IIAML1NTON. Dr. B. G. Hamlin is home from Camden on a short vacation. Mrs. F. Orchard is confined to her home with rheumatism. Mrs. Min nie Brooks Is caring for her. Frances Orchard returned to tho Stroudsburg Normal School on Mon day last. Almus Olver of Weedsport, N. Y., Is visiting at J. H. Boyce's. J T. Stocker is on the sick list. George Poet, Jr., who has been spending the holidays at home, has returned to Deposit, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spangenberg left here on Monday enrouto for St. Cloud, Florida, where they will remain during tho winter. Robert Spangenberg and H. F. Nicholson are busily filling their ice bouses. Charlie Howe of Nobletown was a caller in town on Sunday evening. Howard Peot and family of Hollis terville, took dinner at F. A. Peet's on Sunday. Miss Alma Schuller has returned from her vacation and school has re commenced. Henry Blake has Installed a tele phone. Joseph Quinton has been putting In telephones at BIdwell Hill and vicinity. Among those who have them are Roscoe Conkling, Alexan der Catterson, Luclan Brink and Michael Gerrlty. Eugeno Mitchell has gone to Vir ginia for tho winter. H. C. Pelton visited in Scranton last week. Mr. Leslie Van Campen of tho Globe Store, Scranton, spent Sunday at W. H. Alt's. Florence Williams left on Jan. 1th for SImsbury, Conn., to visit her sister, Mrs. Chas. Andres. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Wright of Scranton, and Kate Moore of Ariel, called on Salem friends one day last week. STEELE. Mrs. Oscar Clarke and son, WU Ham of Doposlt, Mrs. William Wright and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spangenburg of Carbondalo, spent New Year's day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haley at Steene. At this writing Mrs. Warren Buck land la critically 111 without any hopes of her recovery. Mrs. Kathryn Countermnn of Mon roe county, is spending tio holidays with her son, Samuel, at Koone. Our pastor Rev. Mr. Davis preach ed a very Interesting New Year's sermon here at tho chapel on Sunday afternoon, taking for hi Btext Psalms 3 1st chapter and part of tho 3rd and XSth versos. Mr, and Mrs. George Wayman of South Canaan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Wood at Steene. Mrs. Ira Stevens of Scranton, who has been spending tho holldnys with her pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Found at Prompton, has been quite 111 since her nrrlvnl here. At this writing she Is slowly improving. Mrs. George Hnyduck Is seriously ill nt her homo nt Stcene. Mrs. Arch Snodlker Is so much Im proved thnt she gels to tho store a few hours each day lately to help her hUBband who has had his hands full during tho holidays. Elmer Hnmlln of Honesdale, visit ed friends in this section on Sun day. The Lake Lodore Ice company will commence to harvest their Ico some time this week, the weather permitt ing. Mrs. George Fox passed away on Wednesday evening at her home nt Steeno after an illness of two weeks of pleuro-pneumonla. Tho funeral services held and burinl made at Simpson on Friday of last week. Mrs. Oscar Clarke of Deposit. N. Y., visited friends at Honesdale on Monday. JiAKH COMO. Mrs. Sarah Decker and daughter, Hazel, are spending a few days with friends in Carbondale. Miss Mary Healy has returned to Scranton after spending Christmas at her home. The Christmas tree exercises in tho M. E. church was a success. All spent n very pleasant evening. A number of the town people presented Mrs. Emmet a purse of money, also the Epworth League presented Rev. and Mrs. Emmet another purse. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp and dnughter Inez, have returned homo after spending a week with friends In Stamford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilchrist spent Christmas in Binghamton. GOULDSBORO. Mrs. Joseph Mathews and children, Madeline and Augustus,' returned Friday from New York, where they had been spending the Christmas holidays. Miss Emily Garagan returned Fri day from Wilkes-Barre where she had been spending several days. The regular business meeting of the Epworth League will be held on Friday evening In tho basement of the church at S o'clock. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Eilen berger -Saturday, a son. Mrs. Ella Heller of Binghamton, and Mrs. John Garagan of Scranton, were the guests of .Mrs. Charles Gara gan last week. Mr. Northcott of Scranton, deliver ed an address in the Odd Fellows hall on Tuesday evening. Miss Ruth Hopps- of Scranton, spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Mary McAree. Chester H. Rhodes, who hns been spending the holidays with her par ents, Merchant and Mrs. A. Rhodes, returned to Lehigh Univer sity on Monday. A GENIUS WITH A JIGSAW. Pennsylvania!! Tnms Out Almost: Anything that Way. On a farm near Jacksonwald re sides Ezra M. Yoder, who- certainly Is a born ?cnlus. He is known In the neighborhood as tho maa to whom to go when you havo a puzzling arti cle to got made in woodcraft." Tht product of the-jigsaw Is the hobby of Mr. Yoder, and In his Uttlo shop ho has spent many a day, when farm work was not pressing him for time, with his little wonder worker, and the result has been that be has pro duced many articles of great use. Perhaps the most remarkable; piece of handiwork that he has completed with tho Jigsaw, consisted of three sections of wood, so arranged to gether after being sawed that they represented tho Lord3 Prayer. Each of tho three sections was worked out of a solid piece of oak board. The letters are of ornamontal design and wore sawed out without a sin gle break, notwithstanding the fact that tho lines are exceedingly deli cate. To start tho little saw on the va rious ornaments It required the bor ing of 1,720 hole3, which were drill ed Into tho wood with a bit one-sixteenth of an Inch In diameter. The eawa are bo delicate that frequently tho friction caused by working thorn burns thom off, and It took Yoder by surprise when he had finished with only elx dozen oi them used. Among his peculiar little homo made trinkets aro goblets, rings and lodge emblems, the latter made out of bono, and so many havo been com pleted by Yoder that he has one of each design of the many fraternal or. ders. Besides being an expert with the Jigsaw and lathe, Mr. Yoder Is some thing of a musician. Ho plays the piano, mandolin, guitar and violin, He Is left handed and It la necessary to reverse the strings of the In rtTumente In order that he can play them. He Is one of the moat popu lar younr man of the neighborhood, Is veil Informed en farm topics and Just as successful In tilling th sell as wltk Bis saws. BASHFULSTANLEY. l His Respnnso to a Speech of Eulogy at a Dnnquet. Wllllim; II. Khlulm, tells In Mc Clure's MtiKuxtiic of u dinner of the Papyrus club In Boston at which Hen ry M. Stanley, the explorer, was the guest of honor: "Whether ho (Stanley) snt or stood, he fldgctoil and answered In monosyl lables not becnuso lie was unnnilabli? or unappreclatlvc. hut. because ho this man of Iron. God's Instrument, whose word In tho Held brooked no contradic tion or ovnsion. ho who dolled obsta cles and danger nnd pierced tho heart of darkness was bashful even In the company of foflow craftsmen. "His embarrassment grow when aft er dinner tho chnlrmnn eulogized htm to the audience. Ho squirmed nnd nrcrtcd his face as cheer after cheer confirmed tho spenkcr's rhetorical ebul lience of praise. 'Gentlemen, I Intro duce to you Mr. Stanley, who,' etc. The hero stood up slowly, painfully, reluctantly, nnd, with n gesture of dep recation, fumbled In first one nnd then another of his pockets without finding what ho sought. "It was supposed that he was look ing for his notes, and more applause took tho edge off the delay. Ills mouth twitched without speech for another awkwnrd minute before, with a more erect bearing, he produced the object of his search nnd put It on hi head. It was not paper; but a rag of a enp, nnd with that on ho faced the com pany as one who by the net hnd done all that could be expected of him nnd made further acknowledgment of tho honors ho had received superfluous. It was a enp that Livingstone had worn and that Livingstone had given him," ISLAND COMES AND GOES. Rises In August and Disappears Regu larly In February. Ona of Michigan's unsolved myste ricfi y tho island that every summer comes to the surface of Lake Orion and every winter goes back again to the depths from whence It nrose. Its periods of appearance- and dis appearance are- nearly regular. It comes to tho surface about the middle of August and goes down again about Feb. 15. What causes it to act thus strangely Is a conundrum that none has been able to solve, but to keep it above water or compel It to remain In the depths have been alike without re sults. On one occasion a number of farm ers and teamsters resolved to put tho island out of moving business. In their efforts to do so they hauled many loads of stone and deposited therm on it during the early part of winter, be lieving that when it went down In February It would go down for good, weighted as it was with the stones. But tho following August saw It bob up serenely from below minus its load of stones. At another time an effort was made to keep it on the surface, and it was chained to tho surrounding country with heavy log chains When its time for departure came it departed. and the log chains departed with It: The log, chains were never recovered. The Island is composed of soft mild and rushes, and there are some sken tical souls who attribute its formation and appearance nnd disappearance tt tho gathering of vegetation iu one spot by the currents of the lakaand its sub sequent decay. Boston Herald. "Window Leave-." lu South Africa Dr. R. MarloUi dh covered six species of plants posses. ing what are styled "window leaves." They are all stemless sueculcnts, nnd the egg shaped leaves are imbedded lu the gruuud. only the- apexes rv- mainlng visible. This visible part of the leaves is Hat er convex-, on the sirev face and colorless, so that the light can penetrute it and reach:tho interior of the leaf beiow. which-is green en the inside. With the exception of the blunt apex, no part of. tho leaf Is permeable to the light, being surround ed by the soil lu which, it Is burled. The first of these plants, discovered: lu & species of bulblne. London Graphic. The Manly Man. "After you've been two weeks- to: tho house with one of these-terrible handy men that ask their wives to bo- sure to wipe between the tines of the forks and that know. Just how much raising bread ought to have and how to hnug out a wash so. each place will get the best sun It's a real Joy to get back to the ordinary kind of man. Yes. 'tis so!" Mrs. Gregg finished with much emphasis, "t want a man who should have sense- about tho things he's meant to ha'so sense about, but when It conies to. keeping houso I like him real helpless, the way the Lord planned to have- him'." Youth'a Com panion. A Costly Funeral. The most costly state funeral which has over taken placo was perhaps that of Alexander tho Great. A rouud mil lion was spent In laying Alexander to his rest. Tho body was placed In a coffin of gold filled with costly aro rootles, and a diadem wan placed on tho head. The funeral car was embel lished with ornaments of pure gold. and Its weight was so great that it took eigbty-rour routes more man a year to convey It from Babylon to Syria. The Main Thing. Chief of Detectives Noit glvs us a description of your mlssln cashier, now tall was h? Business Man 1 don't know how tan hs was. What wsrrits ra Is that bs wan 910,000 short Jsys are ear wines, fjrurs. tUthtw. Tho Chtneso pupil reciting his les son turns his bnck to tho teacher. Tanning of snnicesklns for women's holts has become a lucrative Industry In Madras. ' i Sweden Is organizing a movement to prevent young men from emigrat ing from thnt country. In southern Italy there nre some 20,000 persons (living In ten vil lages) who speak tho Greek language. Mrs. F. A. Seward of Walpolo, N. II., has a cat that cnught and brought homo n rnbblt weighing three and a 1ml f pounds. Indian statistics give tho tons of coal mined per year per person em ployed as follows: India, 101; Eng lnnd, 290; tho United States, C9G. The Increase of population In Swe den during 1908 wns greater than during nny of tho last ten ycarsr amounting to 01,887, or 9.05 por thousand. Tho total quantity of radium which has been thus far recovered for scien tific use throughout tho world Is esti mated not to exceed a quarter of a pound. Researches In Germnny show that a given quantity of redhot coke will absorb four times the amount of wa ter that will bo absorbed by the samo coke If cold. A tuberculosis congress will be held In Athens next year, to which will he invited not only physicians, but all the mayors and other prominent peo ple of Greece. The detailed formula of overy patent medicine has to be filed with the Austrian government and other requirements fulfilled before Its Im portation Is allowed. Dr. Naff, the director of the depig ment of health ot Philadelphia, has started a movement to eradicate ade noids in the school children of tho Quaker City. The government commissioners ap pointed in: Italy to report on the ques tion of woman suffrage recommend ed that women engaged In trade have tshe right tn vote for members of the chambers of commerce. Poison for catching noxious ani mals is in Norwny obtainable only by exhibition of a certifiaate from the police authorities containing certain information about the purchaser, the nature and use of the poison, etc. A waterless: lock for canoes he two7n two lakes of different levels In a Boston pnrlt. consists of concrete Inclines, with a runway sot with rol lers In tho centers and footways, on either side on which persons walk In dragging the craft over the summit. On-i of the godfathers of tho Ger man wown prince's youngest son Is Count Zeppelin. The gift of the sir navigator to tho- little princo was a huge lamp mndaof glass and bronze. Tho lamp is an exact reproduction of tho dirigible ballot i Zeppelin ill. A Skowhegan (ye.) man who haa been experimenting with kites to quito un extent declares thai, the time is comfiig when fishing will' ho done from Using mnehines instead, of boats. He say that fish are afraid' of boats, but that, they will bite at', halt sus pended" from kites. The novel life belt of P. Guterman, an English Inventor, Is a metal strap adjustable to miin or child' with four air filld metallic floats.. -about the size of an ordinary cocoanut. It is claimed! that thr wearor of the blt must always assume and keep a per pendicular position in tile water. Two ohildren, aged nbout six and eight, wandered Into the receiving ward at! a Londun hospital: The eld er handed tho doctor in charge the following noto from Its mother: 'They havo awful cauf. I think it Is hwoopihg eauff You wait a mlnlt and hear them cauf." She was right. The first post route la the United States; was established ih 1872-. It was hutween Now York: and Boston, and tho schedule was once a month. To-dny. the yearly cost of mail trans portation oil our railroads alone Is aboutt $45,000,000. Tho railway postoffice Hues cover 208,48 4 miles and employ over 15,0-00 officers and clerks. A Russian princes who was rob bed of money and jowerly to the val- uo of about ?C0,000, at a hotel In St. Morlta told tho- police, that all she regretted was the loss of her own pearl necklace and tho necklace of br pet dog. Tho dog's necklaco con sists ot fourteen largo pearls attach ed to a thin band of gold and is worth about $2,250. Eight new sanctuaries tor birds and animals havo been set apart in the state of IVctorla, Australia, by the government within a year. This Is in addition to tho ordinary protec tion afforded by law to kangaroos, platypus, magpies, laughing Jack asses and certain other animals and Is Intended to prevent tho extermina tion of native creatures. This Provos It. They sent htm up for being full, And full ho must havo been. IIU brother had to halt lilm out. And It took a barrel of tin. Llpplncott's Magazine. As to Preachers. "I wonder why It Is so ninny preach ers wear long faces." "If you had to lire ou tho salaries most of them get I guess you'd wear a long face too." lilrralughatn AKC-Uer-ald. Reliable Eloquence. Th erator la still a hit. Thla fact h surtly teaches. Th country will b saved If It Can b prMrvd In epeechas. Washington Star. HapslMS, "Ixt yosr nslghbor as yourself." "I &. Thl why d yea havs such a "I fctto ytf."-New York WM. MISSOURI'S DEST COW. frlnccss Carlotta Alone Could Supply a Hotel with Milk. Princess Carlotta, a Holsteln cow In tho dairy herd of the Missouri Col ic so of Agriculture gives more milk thin any other cow In Missouri. In the, last year she gavo 18,405 pounds of milk, or 1,300 gallons. From this 727 pounds of butter woro made. "This cow shows the advantage of ising good stock In a dnlry," C. II. licklos, professor of dairy husbandry t the University of Missouri, said, -it tho present price of milk in Co 'mbla, 7 1-2 cents a quart, Bhe would ii-.tve brought her owner $690 for this ronr. A cow with a record llko that k worth about $1,500. Her feed cost ,'30, leaving a profit of $C10. This is ure than 40 per cent. Income, look up nt It as an Investment. Princess ,-triotta produced ns much milk as Svi ordinary farm cows. The five 'ow probably would cost $200 to feed, fha same advantage Is gained nu by : at it's?, an efficient machine Instead of m ordinary one. Tho upkeep Is great jr. hut the results are worth It. "A person's averngo daily consurap (on of rallk Is one-third of a quart, in this basis Princess Carlotta could to supplied the milk for a hotel with oventy-flve quests." DENM&IUL ASKS ABOUT ANDHEE Missionary R'eady to Lad Search Par ty to. Reindeer Lake. Prince Albert, Sask., Jan. C Cable messages havo been received here by Bishop Pascal from the Danish gov ernment uskltig. Zurther details of the traces of Professor Andree. the are tic explorer, and- bis companions, dis covered around Rrindoer lake. Fnther Turguetlk. the missionary Who brought the nows down from the remote north nbout Indians seeing An drea's balloon, has expressed his will ingness to lead an expedition for the purpose of Inquiring Into the reports. He has no doubt thnt the explorers are dead, although he- is not sure that they were murdered by the natives. He thinks that a roller expeditwu can obtain Indisputable evidence of the presence around Reindeer lake of An dree's balloon. I FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. I Closing Stock Quotations. Money on cull was 7 to S per cent; tlm money nnd mercantile pauer unchanged In rate. Closing prices of" stocks were: AmaU Copper... SGT4 Norf. & West... 88; Atchison 121i Northwestern ..1TS'4 B. &O 117!i Pen n. It. It... . 13S Urooklyn It. T. . T854 IteaUiDK llj7V Ches. & Ohio...'. iO Hock Island C .CCSt St.L. St. Paul J55, D. &H 1S2 Southern Pac.1331 Erie Southern Ky... Si5 Gen. Electric... UiD'fe South. Ity. pr..."3i: 111. Central H7 Sugar J22 Int-Met 13 Texas Pacific... I.huIs. & Nash.. I5X Union Paclllc. .. 2004 Manhattan 137'i U. S. Steel; 87U Missouri Pac... 71't U. S. Steel p..aaH N. Y Central... 153 West. Union 76 Market Reports. ntJTTEJt Firmer; receipts. 3,401 pack ages; creamery, specials, 35o); uxtrua, 34o.; thirds to firsts. ;aa33c; heldi seconds to specials, 23a34c; state dairy, common to tlnest, 2iia34c; process, llrsta to specials, SOalUc.; western, factory, seoonds to-drsts, 24a2Sc. ; Imitation creamery. lUa2c. ClIKESK Firm; receipts, 1.737 boxes; state, new, full cream, sjwclal. ITHulSc. ; September, fancy, 17c; Ootobar. best, 16V4C. ; winter made, beat. IGUo. ; ctmmon to good, ISalSc. ; skims, full to Hpeclals. SaHVic. I2UUS Strung; receipts, 4, SIS cases: state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hannery. white,. 40a50c.; gathered, white. 3a45c: henuery, brown nnd mbeed, fancy, 42a 4oc. ; gathered, brown, fair to prlum, 87u. 42c; western, extra firsts, 35c; firsts, 37a 3Sc. ; corids, 3i3Cc. ; refrigerator, spe cial marks, fancy, 27aS7Hc.; firsts, :da. 2(c. ; seconds. 24MjaS,.ic. 1 DltESSBD POUL.TUY Steadier; tur- Ueys, nearby, LMaStiC.; selected, western, dry picked, 24c; scalded, 24c; fair ta prime, yestern, 22a23c; brollarj. nearby, fancy, jijuab. per pair, TSaSOc.; 3 lbs, to. pair, pr lb., 24a30c. ; western, dry picked, milk fed, 24a25c; cornj fed, 19a21c; scald ed. lSalSc; roasting chickens, nearby, fan cy, 20a2Cc. ; western, milk fed. fancy, 21s I2c; corn fed, fancy, 17alSc; mixed weight chickens, nearby, faacy. lSa22c. western, milk fed, ISo.j dry picked, corn fed. average best, 15c. HAY AND STItAW Firm; timothy, por hundred, S7Vica$I.Oi4; shipping, 83c.; clo ver, mixed, feOaSuc. ; clover. SOaWc. ; Ions rye straw, EJaDOa. oat ani wheat. G&c.: half bales, 2a5u less. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. TfiB Kind. Yeu llaia Always Bought Boars tha Signature of V. K. HOLMES, PiiESinKNT. A. T. SEARLK, Vice Pues. We want you to understand tho reasons for the-ABSOLUTE SISCUUITV of thin Hank. -a.i3ju- WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF ... ' $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 394,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 494,000.00 EVERY DOLLAR of which must bo lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It hns conducted a growing and successful business for over 3S yeur, serving an increasing number of customers with fldeelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds aro protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these thines.eounled with mservatlve ruanacement, Insured hy the CAHKKUL I'KKSOKAI. ATTKNTION constantly clven ".he Total Assets, - - - '$2,886,000.00 DEPOSITS MAY -DIRECTORS- W, II. H01.UH9 A. T. BEA1M.II T. Il.CLAUC. CnA8.J.8MITH. w v. suifpAk. Can You Tell What Ails This Man? He has a good appetite, but no desire for work or exercise. His sleep it trou bled, he has pains In back and shoulders, a coated tongue and a dark brown taste In his mouth. Ho is dizzy when he arises from stooping over. His bowels are Irreg ular and often constipated. Do you know what alls him? Did you ever feel that way? The truth Is he Is bilious. His bowels are clogged up. The bile and poi sonous secretions of the stomach, not find ing their natural outlet, are being absorbed by the blood. He is being poisoned I In all such cases take Smith's Pine apple and Butternut Pills, which are an Infallible remedy for biliousness and all other forms of liver trouble. Their effects aro quickly seen In a complete Changs of spirits, regular daily movements of the bowels, refreshing sleep and a rapid return of healthy appetite and digestion. Physi cians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them oa hand. These little Vegetable Pills will, ward off many Ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITHS VOR. ti HiiififtMio a t.oTi&it& Alton. mfltAmC l.tiUipuineii AND indigestion. nadcheana BUTTERNUT; Diseases or ihft Stomach PILLS IfYerdndB&tpt GO I'llls In Olnss Vint 25c-AU Dealers. SMITH'S BUCHU LITHIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys Bltdder D!easrt, Itheomatltm, the one belt rtnwdj. tollable, endorsed to? leading phyilclana ; safe, eSecIiutl. Kesnlta luting. On the market IS jean. Hare cared thousands, loo pUls In original Elan packige, CO centa. Trial tieMplUs,S5 cent8. All drngglju Kll and recommend. .ves Glasses O. G. WEAVER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, WllXi Main Street. Railway Hail Clerks Wanted. The Government Pays Kail way Mall Clerks $800 to ijSl.UOO, nnd other employees up to 2,r00 anuuully. Uncle Sam will hold spring exami nations throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks. Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Departmental Clerks and other Gov ernment Positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in City or Coun try can get Instruction nnd free In formation by writing at once to the Hurenu of Instruction, G65. Hamlin Building, Rochester. N. V. 103eoUy AKIUVAIj AX1) PICPAUTimE OF & Hudson it. it. Trains leave at C:5& a. m., and 12:25 and 4:30 p. in. Sundays at 11:05 a. in. and 7:16 p. m. Trains arrive at 9-:55 a. m 3:lo and 7:31 xi ra. Sundays at 10:15- a. m. and 6:50 p. m. Erio R. It. Trains leave at 8:25 a. m. and 2:48 p. m. Sundays at 2:48 p. m. Trains arrive at 1:40 and 8:08 p. ru. Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 and leaves at 7:10. Sundays at 7:02 p. ru. II. S. SALMON, Cashieb W. J. WMU), ASS'T CA6H1KR DE MADE BY MAIL. "9 5y t. P. KIMHLB U. 8. BALMOS