The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 24, 1909, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER Friday fair weather and nearly stationary temperature will prevail.
C IP r t? K" fl t IT if if P IT K" tf P if
Scml-Weekly Founded
fc 1908 . 5
fc Weekly Founded, 1844
j j j j jt jt ji ,x jt j: j j ,
jm iim i
Wayne C .y Organ 5
66th TEAR.
NO. 102
Sailed to Meet Explorer In
a French Port.
His Former Friend and Counsel
Says Discredited Polar Traveler
Will End His Says In
Greenland or Norway.
New York, Dec. 23. Mrs. Frederick
A. Cook, wife of the once honored arc
tic explorer, has disappeared from her
home In Brooklyn, and H. Wellington
Wack, legal adviser and former inti
mate friend of Dr. Cook, says she is In
"Mrs. Cook sailed for Europe nine
teen days ago," said Mr. Wack today.
"She sailed under an assumed name
on board a steamer for Naples and
was to meet her husband in a French
"Ho had sailed two days ahead of
her on a faster ship, and her under
standing with him was that within
forty-eight hours after her arrival at
Naples she would receive a telegram
from him telling her where he would
meet her in France.
"I have every reason to believe that
Dr. Cook is now in Norway and that
be and Mrs. Cook are together. 1 am
convinced that Dr. Cook will never
dare to face the public here after his
exposure. He will probably end his
days In Norway or Greenland. He
said that If the verdict of the Copen
hagen university should be i gainst
him he would go to Greenland."
i Dr. Cook also told another friend,
Charles Wake, that if he waa not sup
ported by. the university at Copenha
gen he would not appeal to any other
tribunal. To Mr. Wake he confided
bis determination In case of the re
fusal of the Danish scientists to accept
'bis contentions to spend the rest of his
life among the Eskimos In Greenland,
.doing work such as Dr. Grenfell, the
Labrador missionary, does for the
usher folk of that coast.
"There would be no other place In
the world for me," Mr. Wake quotes
Dr. Cook as having said.
Mr. Wake, who is still loyal to Dr.
Cook, puts forward the remarkable
theory that Dr. Cook did not present
his "original records" for examination
by the committee of the Copenhagen
university at the same time that he of
fered through Secretary Lonsdale his
80,000 word analysis of the hypotheti
cal trip to the pole because of an un
fortunate conjunction of circumstances
In London. This prevented Cook's sec
retary from connecting with the pre-
clous originals, even though they had
been carried across the water by a
person who was not shadowed by detectives.
This person, Mr. Wake said, waa no
less than Mrs. Cook, whp insisted upon
remalnlnc In anonymity, ana she sail
d from New York oa Dec. 4 with the
original diary and original observa
tlons that her husband had written by
the aid of a magnifying glass In the
lonely igloo at Jones sound seenre la
her possession,
From the time that Cook had finish
ed bis exhaustive preparation of the
'Copenhagen data in the Grama Us Ina
kaaqi afUr U had sailed from Kew.
York on Nov. 27, said Mr. Wake, all of
his original documents and first band
records bad remained securely im
mured behind the steel doors of a safe
In Mr. Wake's office.
Mr. Wake, who is employed by the
Equitable Life Assurance society, had
been considered a guardian safer even
than any reputable safe depoBli com
pany. But after Walter Lonsdale had sail
ed from New York with only carbon
copies of the Cook data in his posses
sion Dr. Cook had arranged with his
wife, so Mr. Wake said, that she
should slip out of New York, carefully
avoiding all detectives who lurked
along the waterfront, and, with the
prized originals In her possession, she
should hasten to London.
There Lonsdale was to get Into com
munication with Mrs. Cook, and in
that neutral town, far away from the
espionage of the gang of hired sleuths
that had been perching on the gables
of the Gramatan inn for so many try
ing weeks, Mrs. Cook was to give to
the trusted secretary all of the memo
randa, stained and spotted as they
were with the walrus drippings from
the lamp in that lonely Igloo on Jones
Mrs. Cook did sail, and she did carry
with her the all Important originals,
so Mr.' Wake says. She bad Intended
sailing earlier than she did, but all the
stories of attempts which were to be
made to steal Dr. Cook's proofs en
route made her delay her departure
until after some of this smoke had
blown away. She went to -London,
there to await the arrival of Lonsdale.
But somehow Lonsdale never appear
ed in London to relieve her of her bur
den, nor did Dr. Cook, who by that
time was somewhere between Naples
end Christlan'sand, Norway, meet his
wife and take from her the original
Jones sound data for transmission to
Therefore, according to Mr. Wake,
Mrs. Cook Is now in Europe with the
facts which would have meant vindi
cation and glory for Dr. Cook still in
her reticule. Cook himself is some
where in Europe, bereft of his precious
memoranda which this time last year
he was penciling by the aid of a mag
nifying glass in that storm bound
igloo. Lonsdale is in Copenhagen, al
together discomfited. Just where the
slip up occurred Mr. Wake himself
does not know. J
Norwegian Explorer Thinks Doctor
Ought to Vanish.
Chrlstlanla, Dec. 23. Fridtjof Nan
sen, the Norwegian nrctlc explorer, has
broken his long silence on the Peary
Cook controversy.
"Cook is practically a dead man," he
said, "and he ought to vanish from
the consideration of the world. I nev
er trusted him, for the first report
which he made did not inspire confi
dence, especially his statements con
cerning the distance of fourteen sec
onds from the pole. This proved that
Cook was ignorant of the simplest
principles of astronomical observation.
Even his later reports contained noth
ing of value. On the contrary, they
were filled with Improbabilities and
"From the first I was unable to sup
port Dr. Cook. I therefore preferred
to keep silent. As for Peary, I never
doubted his veracity, and It Is easy to
understand his indignation. At leust
be is a man, and there is no compari
son between him and Cook."
Governor's Son Denounces
Snead Indictments.
Prosecution, He Declares, Has Been
Pushed by Hysterical Authori
ties, Utterly lacking In
Chivalry and Decency.
It is the first time in the history of
Essox county that a'person.bas been
called upon to make n defense against
a charge of causing another to do self
Well Known Major League Player Die
Suddenly In Hospital.
Willlamsport, Pa., Dec. 23.-James
D. Sebrlng, the well known major
ipnmif hnseball nlavor. died at-tbe hos
pital here after an Illness of only a
row hours.
Hehrlnir was nlavlnir with Brooklyn
last season when Injured. He was to
have nlaved In the 1010 season with
th Washinirton Americans. In the
Tristato he played with both Williams
port and Harrlaburg. His sudden
death came as a great shock to wil
llamsport people generally, with whom
the well known right fielder was a
great favorite.
Theater Manager Found Dead In Bed.
New York, Dee. 23. Alexander Com'
stock, a well known theatrical man'
agtr. was found dead In bed at his
home here. Apoplexy Is supposed to
have been the cause of death, HU
production of the "Black Crock" made
Newark, N. J., Dec. 23. Franklin W.
Fort, son of the governor of New Jer
sey and counsel for Miss Virginia
Wardlaw, is Indignant at the action
of the grand jury of Essex county In
Indicting Mrs. Caroline B. Martin, Mis.
Mnry W. Snead and Miss Wardluw,
the sisters accused of having to do
with the death of Mrs. Ocey W. M.
Snead In East Orange.
The Inquisitors returned two indict
ments, which consisted of nine counts,
against the three. One Indictment
charged all three with having mur
dered Ocey Snead by drowning her in
the half filled bathtub in the East
Orange cottage. In the same true bill
the three women are charged as acces
sories. The second document holds all
three -as having nbetted and aided
Ocey Snead in committing suicide.
Mr. Fort can hardly find words
strong enough to characterize the ac
tion of the grand jury and the prose
cuting authorities here. He says the
charge of murder is utterly baseless,
as Mrs. Snead was clearly a suicide,
the prosecution's own expert, William
J. Kinsley, having reported that the
suicide notes are in her handwriting.
Mr. Fort says the women ore victims
of persecution Incited by the yellow
press of New York city.
As counsel for Miss Wardlaw, Mr.
Fort has sent an appeal to members
of many prominent families In the
south In the form of ti circular letter
In which he asks those who receive
them to aid in helping his client to
clear herself of the crime she is ac
cused of. The letter reads as follows:
Dear Sir Your name has honn mrt.
ed to me as that of an old friend of Miss
Wardlaw, formerly head of Souie college.
Murfreesboro, Tenn. Whether you hav
Deen imprmea or the utterly and despic
ably Groundless charge of murder matin
against Miss Wardlaw growing out of
the suicide of her niece, Mrs. Ocey Snead,
on Monday, Nov. 29, I do not know. If
not I can only Inform you that the
charge has been made without even a de
cent basis of suspicion and Is ridiculously
absurd In view of the known facts.
The charge Is, however, being strongly
pushed by the press and some of the pub
lic authorities, who have worked them
selves Into a hysterical condition unprece
dented so rar as 1 can recall, and the
life and character of Miss Wardlaw, the
thorough beauty and glory of which have
Impressed me through and through In a
week's acquaintance, are being dragged
Into the mire of a venomous and dis
gusting publicity.
Every circumstance or her life, upon
which her natural pride and reticence
have refused information, has been treat
ed oa though it was the coverlnr of a
disgraceful scandal, and Insinuation and
brutal deduction have followed until a
northerner such as I am is ashamed of
the utter lack of decency, chivalry and
consideration for a defenseless woman
which Is being exhibited.
May I ask you to add your tribute to
the many beautiful letters I have received
from those who have known, admired and
iovea miss waraiawr
This letter Is written, It Is true, by Miss
Wardlaw'a counsel, but every statement
made herein comes from a sincere and ut
ter confidence In her Innocence and
loftiest admiration for her beautiful and
wonderful character.
I have no doubt that those who have
been favored and blessed with the friend
ship of Miss Wardlaw longer than I will
welcome any chance to assist In vindi
cating a reputation which, if based upon
character, should be of the highest.
The indictment charging the women
with abetting and aiding a suicide is
significant, Inasmuch as It led to the
belief that the prosecutor Is without
positive evidenco as to how tbo bath
tub victim mot her fate. So far as the
three women are concerned, It places
some credence In the theory that Mrs.
Ocey Bnead was driven to suicide by
the treatment of her relatives.
The drawing up of the extra indict
ment in the case is looked upon as a
precautionary move by Prosecutor
Mott, who Is desirous that no one of
the three aged women shall bare any
leepbole through which to .escape re
(jWMUtUfly for the MTtUrteas death.
State Accepts Plea of 8econd Degree
Murder In Killing Wife.
Hackensack. N. J., Dec. 23. William
Ely Westervelt, a contractor of Tea
Neck, who shot and killed his wife
and was to have been tried here on an
Indictment charging him with murder,
retracted his plea of not guilty and
pleaded guilty of murder in the second
Prosecutor Wendel J. Wrfght said be
would agree because he considered it
impossible to convict the accused of
first degree murder. The state was
unable to prove a motive, and there
were no witnesses to the shooting.
In sentencing the prisoner to fifteen
years In state prison Supreme Court
Justice Parker said It should bo noted
that the rolatlves of Westervclf s dead
wife were inclined to believe the
shooting purely accidental.
Falls Forward In Chair In Library of
His Mississippi Home.
Brandon, Miss., Dec. 23. While seat
ed In an easy chair In his library nt his
home here United States Senator A. .1..
McLaurin fell forward and died. Phy
sicians say death was due to heart fail
ure, lie had been 111 as a result of eat
ing fried oysters, which brought on
ptomaine poisoning. Only a few min
utes before his death be said he was
feeling flue.
Ausclm Joseph McLaurin was one .of
the most popular men In the United
States senate. His good humor was
constant, and bis executive session sto
ries were u cause of great Joy to those
who served with him. Senator Mc
Laurin was boru March 20, 1848, at
Brandon, Miss. At the age of sixteen
he joined the Confederate army and
served throughout the war as n pri
vate. Ho began to practice law in 18(18.
was elected district attorney in 1871.
went to the legislature In 1871) and be
came governor of Mississippi in 181)5.
In 1000, tho year after his term as
governor expired, he was elected to the
United States senate. Ue was elected
for another term of six yars in 1007.
Mr. McLaurin was one of the most
industrious members of the senate.
He was a member of eleven commit
tees and attended to his duties on nil
of them. In the last tariff debate his
hobby was to put agricultural Imple
ments and mechanical Instruments on
the free list, and his persistence in of
fering appropriate amendments caused
much amusement In the senate.
Governor Noel will not appoint a
successor to Senator McLaurin, but
will leave the choice to the legislature,
which meets in January. Ex-jovcrnor
Yardman, who was defeated for the
senate by John Sharpe Williams, will
be a candidate to succeed. McLaurin.
New York East 8lde Tammany Leader
8uceumbs to Paresis.
New York, Dec. 23. Alderman Tim
othy P. Sullivan, better known as "Lit
tle Tim," brother of Senator "Big Tim"
Sullivan and one of the most pictur
esque characters in the political life of
this city, died at his home here of
"Little Tim" during lucid moments
bade an affectionate goodby to the
members of his family gathered about
his bedside and then sank back on to
the pillow unconscious. Sullivan suf
fered a nervous breakdown several
months ago. Since then he has been
falling rapidly. A short time ago he
went to Hot Springs, Ark., in nn effort
to regain his health, but returned to
sit as a member of the sinking fund
commission. His last nppearnnce at
the city hnll was on Dec. 3. At the
close of the meeting he went to his
home and had been confined to bis bed
over since.
Sullivan was born on June 22, 1870.
He was elected to the assembly in
1807 and re-elected thrc" times, suc
ceeding his brother, Ti nothy D. Sulli
van. He was a Tammany Hnll leader.
Whatever has been thought or said
of "Little Tim," who rose from selling
papers on the streets to a position
where he was practical dictator of the
city's lawmakers, the east side will
mourn him as a great man and a
To thousands the word of this qu'
uneducated man had been law
years. His constituents looked u; n
him as second in power only to le
president of the United States.
Big Four Embezzler Pleads Guilty and
Gets Six Years.
Cincinnati, Dee. 2.".. Charles L. War
rluer, the former treasurer of the Big
Four, who was found $043,000 short
In his accounts, pleaded guilty in court
hero and was sentenced to six years
In the penitentiary.
Warrlner threw himself on the mer
cy of tho court. He declared that he
Alexandra Bestows Alms on Thames
Embankment Waifs.
jLondon, Dec. 23. Agents of Queen
Alexandra have collected the homeless
destitute people who frequent the Vic
toria embankment and have given to
each man a knitted jacket, gloves, a
scarf and n shilling and to each wo
man a shawl, gloves and a shilling.
The queen, stirred by the newspaper
stories of the wanderers who seek ref
uge on the embankment, has taken this
means of providing them with Christ
mas presents.
Banker Wante Lawyer to Aooount For
8100,000 Inheritance.
New York, Dec. 23. William Nelson
Cromwell, ono of New York's best
known lawyers, who negotiated the
sale of the Panama canal, Is defendant
In a supremo court action for an ac
counting. John CEno, former president of the
Second National bank, has begun pro
ceedings to have Cromwell render a
detailed statement of S100.000 of which
he has been the steward.
This fortune was left to Eno as a
port of the estate of Amos It. Eno, his
multimillionaire father, who died In
1008. Borne tlmo afterward Cromwell
was placed In charge of this part pf
the younger Eno'a estate.
U ST 1
He Says He Never Was
Cruel to His Wife.
Declares He Loves Her Still, Though.
She Had Given Him Cause
For Dissatisfaction and
suffered worse than death for more
than fifteen years. His counsel In
making a plen for mercy also alluded
to his suffering during the past fifteen
years when he was blackmailed by a
man and n woman who found out
about a small peculation of which he
was guilty and made hlra pay them
larce sums.
Two Prime Ministers and British Jus
tice In India Are Victims.
I.ondon, Dec. 23. Tho diplomatic
world is astounded at the news of the
assassination of two officials high in
office and murderous attacks on two
others at points thousands of miles
distant from each other.
Yl Won Yon, prime minister of Ko
rea, waB fatally stabbed in Beoul, Ko
rea, by a man who Is believed to have
been actuated by a spirit of antago
nism against Japanese control of that
Colonel Knrpoff, chief of the secret
service, was blown to pieces by the ex
plosion of a bomb In St Petersburg, it
Is believed that the bomb was thrown
by an anarchist.
Arthur M. T. Jackson, chief Justice
at Naslk, British India, was shot to
death by a native as he was entering a
theater In Bombay, probably as a re
sult of the native feeling against the
Jonel J. C. Brntlano, Roumanian
prime tnlnlate and minister of foreign
affairs, was shot and seriously wound
ed by an anarchist in Bucharest, Hon-
Mlneoln, N. Y., Dec. 23.-Wlll!nn
Gould Brokaw, the millionaire, whose
young wife is suing him for separation
and ?30,000 u year alimony, went on
the stand today in the supreme court
here as a witness in his own defense.
Mr. Brokaw under examination by
his counsel, John F. Mclntyre, protest
ed that he was not guilty oil acts of
cruelty or neglect, as charged by his
wife, und denied that he was in the
habit of drinking to excess.
He declared that he loved his wife
still, though she had given him vari
ous causes for dissatisfaction and sor
row. Major Thomas Finch, former sheriff
of Randolph county, N. C, testified
that Mr. Brokaw owns about n thou
sand acres of laud In the North Caro
lina hills and leases from his neighbors
some 10,000 acres over which be and
his friends may hunt.
Major Finch said that the payroll at
Fulrview on the farm alone was about
$800 a mouth. Major French said that
the place cost u great deal more than
it was worth and that of late it bad
run down. Instead of some 15,000
pheasants being raised there in one
year. Finch said that Brokaw was
lucky If a thousand got big enough to
be shot nt In the bunting season.
Colonel Archibald H. Boyden, former
mayor of Salisbury, N. C, gave Bro
kaw as good a character as any wit
ness yet and said that in all of tbo
twenty-live years he had known Bro
kaw ho had yet to see him even under
the influence of liquor.
"How have you found his disposi
tion?" asked Eugene L. Bushe of coun
sel for Brokaw.
"He was the most delightful host It
was ever my good fortune to visit,
sir," replied the witness Impressively.
"At all times, sir, he was exceedingly
kind and considerate, most solicitous,
"You have met the plaintiff V"
"I have had that pleasure, sir."
"What was Mr. Brokaw's attitude
toward her?"
"Exceedingly polite and courteous,
H. Bramhall Gilbert,. Brokaw's brother-in-law,
was recalled to tell about
the time when Mrs. Brokaw got the
mall on board the steamship and kept
it for awhile from Brokaw. Bushe
asked him If bo knew anything about
the "confiscation."
"Very considerable," replied tho wit
ness. Mr. Gilbert said that he went to
a stewnrd und told him to get the
mall from Mrs. Brokaw, and the stew
ard replied:
"I .have been there three times al
ready. 1 can nothing do such a woman
Then the witness went to Captain
Hoegemanu. Gilbert showed Just ex
actly the way the ship's commander
acted with his bands.
"I could under arrest her put," the
German officer is quoted as saying.
"If she were a man nchl"
Mr. Gilbert saia the next day tne
mall was forthcoming.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on Call was i per cent: time
money and mercantile paper unchanged
to rates. Closing prices of stocks were:
Amal. Copper... 8814 Norf. ft West,.. ft
Atchison ltttt Northwestern ..181
B. ft O UTV4 Penn. R. It IM.
Brooklyn R. T.. N Heading 171
Ches. ft Ohio.... 8t Rock Island 4&
CCC.ASt.L.. Sttt Bt. Paul
D.ftR IB6H Southern Pao...lMV
Erie Mi Southern By.... IVK
nn. Kleetrlo....lHU South. By. of... 7ML
JU. Central iff Bugar .lrt
Int-Met MM Texas Paclflo. Hfc
Louis. ftNsjih..HT14 Union Pacific, Id
Manhattan...... 1 U, S. Bteel. ...... HU
Missouri Pc. Tltt U. B. Bteel pf.Ut
N. T. Central... Uw West. Union.... T7
; i - r 1) i
( mania
.2?xV.Z.j.1!VAAIL.i tti. ' .' . isTe.. - . : - . . m. ... . . i immJ' iTn Hiif'iBi f M r ' - r i i nt ; .. .... .V...5.i. ... . - - .
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