TJIK CTREE If, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 98, 1000. CENT A WORD COLUMNS YOU WILL FIND the largest line of sleighs, prlcea right, at B. T. Smith's. 1120 Church street, Hones dale, Pa. 89el8. THE ANNUAL MEETING of Mtlan Tllle Bridge Company will bo held at Mllanvllle, Pa., on Monday, Jan. 3, 1910, nt 10 o'clock a. m. ChaB. E. Beach, Secretary. 2eoI101 PHOTOGRAPHS taken up to and Including Wednesday, Dec. 22, nnlsh ed for Xxnas, at Charlesyrorth's studio., f9t3. SIX FOOT show case full of La-, dies' Gent's and Children's Solid Signet and Stone sot Rings. Fif teen hundred different styles to select from. SOMMER, The Jewe ler. ALL GOODS sold engraved free of charge. SOMMER, The Jeweler. OIL HEATERS make nice Xmas presents. See our now styles. MURRAY CO.'S. RAZORS, SAFETY RAZORS and all kinds of men's gifts at MURRAY CO.'S. WASHING MACHINES, Wringers, Carpet Sweepers or Sewing Machines will make mothers happy on Xmas and all the New Year. They are not so expensive If you buy them at MURRAY CO.'S. OUR show windows will give an "idea of what the Interior of the store looks like. Step In nnd con vince yourself. SOMMER, The Jeweler. 96eol6 A SET OF NICE HARNESS al ways makes a good Xmas present. See them at MURRAY CO.'S. WE HAVE a wonderful display of Clocks all the leading makes and latest styles. SOMMER, The Jew eler. HEAVY BOBS and farm sleighs in large variety at MURRAY CO,'S. MAIL or telephone your orders to G. P. SOMMER, The Jeweler. PLUSH ROBES and Horse Blank ets make handsome gifts for horse owners. Large variety at MURRAY CO.'S. CHAINS, Lockets, Lavelieres, Brooches, Fobs, Belt Pins, Veil Pins, Collar Sets, Back Combs,, Side Combs, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, an endless variety. SOMMER, The Jeweler. KEEN KUTTEB,1.tool3, will make father or brother happy morn. You will find them at MUR RAY CO.'S. FOR SALE A heating stove, in good condition, suitable for office or house. Inquire of Mrs., H. Wilson, 307 Fifteenth street. 89tf. A USEFUL PRESENT Is doubly appreciated. Murray Co.'s Is head quarters for this kind of gift. WE CARRY the largest stock this side of New York and Philadel phia of Sterling or Solid Silver Ware, staple and fancy pieces, beau tiful designs. SOMMER, The Jew eler. FOR THE CHILDREN, boys' wagons, skates and flexible sleds at MURRAY CO.'S. iv imAnuiiETS wo have every style new thlB fall, in Gold and Gold Filled. Quality guarantees &um MER, The Jeweler. CUTLERY, SILVERWARE and Carving Sets make useful Xmas presents. MURRAY CO. AT.nnn hnvs best stock farm In Wayne county. Between 600 and 700 acres. Would make a great club resort for city boarders. A lake covering about 200 acres. Best of fishing and hunting. 14 build ings, lumber, wood, etc. 1 miles from Beach Lake; 6 miles from 'llbnesdale. Good roads. Come and ftok at It. Inquire of T E. E. WILLIAMS, f gttf Honesdalo, Pa. LADIES' HAND BAGS, Novelty Purses, and Leather Goods of all kinds at MURRAY CO'S. PIANO quality for a King, price for a Peasant. Where? At Mcln tyre's, of course. 2t IN Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets anaf 'all other toilet articles we have an Jndless variety. SOMMER, The jereler. 3 LOCAL MENTION. -A charter Will bo applied for by Hose Company No. 1 on January 7th to the court of common pleaB. -The skating hero is very good and a great many are availing them selves of the opportunity to enjoy the eport. Sunday night was the coldest bo far this season here In Honosdalo. The thermometer registered two degrees below eero. Tho person who shall do the most to cheer tho hearts of the needy poor will have the merriest Christ inas and the happiest New Year. Try It and seo. The Beelyvllle Hign scnooi win i an wioroBwun juvtiwiumvu. ' a.oiOTiiia nhRtiel on Thursday BtBS, Doc. $8, at 8 o'clock, Ad rian 10 BU1 J i--- itun raAlr4 af the i " v.a. nlMi Mm4 at the -The Honesdalo National Bank will be cloaed Saturday, Christmas, day and evening. Oi M. Betz has been In business for over 30 years and this Is tho first time ho has offered goods at cost. What Mr. Bete bays he means. Read his advertisement in tb-day's issue. ii , Members of Grace Episcopal Sunday bchobi aro-practicirtg a bright Christmas, cantata entitled "The Re volt of Ihe ToyB" to be given In the Sunday school room Dec. 31, at 7 p. m. The Herbeck-Demer Co. have contracted for 1050 square feet of skylight to bo put In the roof of their factory, so as to get light for 50 more frames. They will ateo put in a show room 40x20.. This concern has 'seventy-nine on the pay roll. The following young people are home from school to spend the holi days: William F. Relfler, Jr., from Chester Military School; Albert Krantz, of tho University of Penn sylvania; Fred Suydam, from Potts vllle School; Miss Dorothy Menner of Vassar College. Rev. W. H. Hlller, pastor of the M. E. church, performed two -marriage- ceremonies Wednesday after noon at tho.parsouage. Tho contract ing parties were: Forest Wod and Miss Harriet Rosevear, both of. Boyds Mills, and Herbert Sherwood, of Cream'ton, and Miss Gladys Miller, of Whites Valley. . -Thos. V. Cooper, veteran state legislator; formerly collector of the port at Philadelphia, was burned to death at his home In Media, Dela ware county, on Sunday. While smok lng- a cigar he either fell asleep or had a paralytic stroke. His bath robe became Ignited and he was dead before ihe flames were put out by members of his family. "Of course," he said, reflectively, "I am. not making any complaint about It. All I desire to say Is that I can't understand it." "You can't understand what?" inquired his wife. "Why you can put gilded spheres and gaudy fabrics all over a Christmas tree six feet high and four, feet thick for 75, cents, when it costs at least $18 to trim a bonnet four inches In diameter." Mrs. John Canlvan. wife of Oft! cer Canlvan, oi this borough, who underwent a very serious operation at Doctor Thompson's hospital In Scranton last week, Is reported as recuperating very nicely and will soon be home. The operation was performed by Doctor Richard Gib bons who has a branch office at Scranton, being there two days each week. Bregsteln Bros, report an ex cellent trade and feel encouraged .over. the. new departure they made lately of sharing profits with their customers. Their plan Is to pur chase only the best of goods, add a reasonable profit and from this profit a 10 per cent, discount Is deducted In favor' of the buyer. The result is that they are clothing more satisfied people than any concern In Wayne county. The Maple City Camp of Modern Woodman of America were visited by George W. Rlelly, of Danville, 111., National Lecturer, M. H. Wye koff, of North Glrard, State Deputy, and D. D. Finn of Scranton. The of ficers for tho ensuing year are: Geo, Ross. Consul: Fred J. Tolley, Ad viser; H. M. Miller, clerk; A. C Lindsay, banker; Thos. Andrews, es cort; Clarence Bond, watchman; Clarence Harris, sentry; F. W, Schuerholz, member of board of managers; C. J. Miller, auditor. The Wayne County Medical as sociation met at tho Allen House Thursday. It was the fourth meeting of tho year, but not the annual ses sion. A fine dinner was served at 1:30 p. m. and at 2:30 a business session was held at which time pa pers were read and discussed. A good representation of the profes slon was in attendance. Dr. Charles W. Parsells, of Narrows burg, was elected to membership County Medical Inspector Ely read a paper on "State Medicine." Judge C. B. Staples has filed his opinion In the case of Gregory vs. Perkins. A rule for a new trial was disposed of by the opinion. The case was brought by Mr. Gregory for damages which ho alleged ho suf fered by reason of the unlawful flow of water on hlB land caused by the raising of the dam of the grist mill of Mr. Perkins In Berlin township. The case was twice tried In the Wayne county courts, tho palntiu winning a verdict the first trial and the Jury rendering a verdict In favor of the defendant the secoml trial. While standing in the postofflce one evening we wore amused at a conversation between two of our prominent young ladles who were discussing their Christmas beaux. This 1b what ono of them said: "They come," sho says, "right along the yoar around until about tho first of December and then you see them thin out. First one and then another disappears' until tho first thing you know you don't receive a call in a week. That is a sure sign that Christmas Is at hand. Oh, we've got the thing down flno and we know what It means. This time, though, when Bomo of these fellowa come sneaking back after New Year's and Invito their old friends to take a two-dollar Blelgh ride or a seventy-flve-cent show ticket they'll think something has dropped. The times may ba bard, but I know a doien girls who are -not. so herd up (or beau aa to overlook & cam of spy t'wiotw dlaawMramea at OhrlatMM time, TUc U t bmp t taa jwar wbw a youac laajr eu aiwara A marriage license has been granted to Charles Weeks of Torrey, Pa., and Miss Ida May Tompkin of Honesdalo. Freeman's orchestra will hold two dances In the Lyric theatre on Xmas. One In the afternoon and another in the evening. The annual election of the Amity Club took place at the club rooms last evening. Name of the newly elected officers will appear In our next Issue. ' For falling to support his wife and deserting her, George Whltmore of Hawley, was placed In Jail. He was unable to give ball In the sum of 300. Another fraternal organization is under consideration. State Organ izer H. Haves is in Honesdalo and Is meeting with success In organizing the "Owls." Myron E. SlmonB, president of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of thlB place, has been elected a di rector in the New York, Lackawanna Realty and Bond company. H. B. Plum, tho Seventh street liveryman, is soon to retire from busi ness. He has leased his barn to Fred Rickard who will connect It with his holdings, as a boarding stable. Allen C. Stewart, who lived In Honesdalo at one time and was edu cated at the High school, has been appointed postmaster at Union which Is one of the growing towns near Bingham ton. The "Gang," an organization of two winters, will hold a banquet at the home of Ralph Brown on Tues day, Dec. 28th, and on Thursday, Dec. 30th, they will entertain trlends at a dance in the Lyric hall. The business hours at the post office for Christmas day are as fol lows: General delivery window open from 10 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. m. The carriers' window and money or der department will be closed all day. The Carbondale contestants at the High School Literary Contest to be held here In February are: Miss Margaret Murvlan, essay, "Pennsyl vania In Music"; Raymond Bellamy in the Declamation, and Miss Marie Seaman in the Recitation. A double-face clock will be erected In front of the Farmers' and Mechanics' BanK on Main street. The clock will be Illuminated anu will be mounted on a pedestal about 15 feet high. Martin Caufleld Is doing the erecting. On Friday, Dec. 24, the Erie and Wyoming Railroad will run their regular Scranton train from Hawley to Honesdale, stopping at White Mills. Train will reach Honesdale at 3:45 p. m. and leave at 7:10 p. tn thus, giving' the sameV' service'' as they do on Saturdays. The Indian Orchard Sunday school will hold their Christmas fes tival on Thursday, Dec. 23, at 8 p. m., in the school house. There will be a Christmas tree which it is ex pected that Santa Claus himself will visit. Carols, recitations and invl vldual pupils will complete the good time. Attention, Veterans! The In stallation services of Capt. Ham Post, G. A. R. and of the Ladies' Circle, will be held In the Post room on Fri day evening, February 4th, 1910, in stead of at the January meeting. The regular meeting of the Post for January will be held as usual, on Friday evening, Jan. 7th. Chas. H. Dorfllnger had a birth day celebration at his home last Sat urday evening. Hon. A. T. Searle, Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh, Drs. E. T. Brown and C. R. Brady, T. B. Clark, T. M. Fuller, Carl Prosch, W. G. Blakney and L. J. Dorfllnger were present with their congratulations. The visitors made the trip in auto mobiles. Mr. Dorfllnger leaves for Europe In a few days. Honesdale council, Royal Ar canum, elected tho following officers Tuesday evening: F. P. Kimble, re gent; John E. Krantz, vice regent; Charles W. Deln, orator; George P. Ross, secretary; M. Bregsteln, col lector; Otto Taeubner, treasurer; W, P. Schenck, chaplain; E. F. Charles- worth, guide; Fred C. Keen, warden; Conrad Roeschlau, sentry; A. T. Searle, E. B. Hardenbergh, B. F. Haines, trustees; George P. Ross, delegate to associated councils. The following students are home from their respective schools and col leges to pass the holidays: Milton Russell, Fessenden; Margaret Green, St. Agnes School, Albany; Florence Brown, Wellsley; Marcey Ely, Bal timore Medical; Wm. Donnelly, Medlco-Chl, Fred Hlller, U. of P., Max Plum, Lackawanna Business Col lege; Florence Rlefler, Wilson; Mar guerite Dolmetsh, Wells; Constance Kimble, Blalrstown Academy, Flor ence Dunning and Harold Van Keuren, State College. The following transfers of real estate have been recorded: Horace G, Young and wife of Albany, N. Y., to Frank Hollenback, of Carbondale, 12 acres of land at Farvlew; con sideration, $90. Emmett Swingle and wife of Prompton to the Dela ware & Hudson Co., land at Promp ton; consideration, II, and other valuablo consideration. The Dole ware & Hudson Co. to Emmett Swingle of Prompton, land In Promp ton; consideration, 11, and other valuable consideration. Mona Rlehn of Texas township, to Herman Utegg, of the same township, land In. Texas; consideration, f 1600. Mary H. Wes ton of Honesdale, to Emma E. Tay lor, of the sanje place, property sit uated on If ark street, Honesdale; consideration, $3600. Martin S, Oalrin and jwlfe of HonUl, to Rom HeKetan ot Uo.aasM !, M-OMtiy atnuttoi fttvti oomor of PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Helen Ward'' Is visiting In the Maple City. Jesse Wonnocot of Waymart, spent Saturday In town. Ralph Brown spent Saturday In Scranton on business. Will Donahue of Wllkes-Barre, was In town on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Perkins, of Carbon dale, spent the week end In town. Station Agent Dibble and son Ray spent Saturday In Scranton. Miss Georglana Martin spent Sun day with her sister in Scranton. Benjamin Gardner is spending a few days with his Bon In Scranton. Edgar Brown has taken a position In the O'Neill stores In New York. Nicholas Lorls and son, Paul, of Scranton, are spending a few days In this place. Walter Watts and wife, of NeW York, are spending a few days at the home of the former's father at this place. John Torrey Fuller, of Little Rock, Ark., arrived In town Monday to spend the holiday with his wife and children. Norman Farnham has returned from a Bhort trip In the Interest of Ulrdsall Brothers, whom ho now represents. John Canavan and children will leave Friday to spend the Merry Xmas with his wife and their, mother at Scranton. Mrs. Delwan Woodward of Hawley spent Saturday and Sunday with her aaughter, Mrs. E. W. Burns of Tenth street. Ray Brown, who has been on a business trip through the west in the interest of C. A. Cortrlght & Son, returned Sunday evening. Joe McClosky, of Hawley, who Is attending West Chester Normal school, was In town on Saturday on his way home for Xmas. Irving Kreiter, who Is employed at the National Elevator Works, had several of his fingers quite badly mutilated on Friday last while at work on a machine. E. M. McCracken, of tho Bell Tele- phone Co., has spent the last week In Carbondale, soliciting new business there. He reports that up to Satur day there had been 150 new subscrib ers secured. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Willauer of Denver, Colo., arrived in the Maple City Tuesday evening and are stop ping at the Allen House. Mr. Mil hauser Is here in the interest of the Honesdale Footwear company and will represent that company In the west. or v. , Special Christmas Dinner ' at Allen House, 50 Cents. Menu: Little Necks ,l Cream of Chicken Celery Salted Almonds Olives Fried Scallopes, Tarter Sauce Broiled Squabs, Currant Jelly 'Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Long Island Duckling, Apple Sauce Browned Sweet Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes Asparagus Tips, Sweet Corn Lettuce and Tomato Salad, French Dressing Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce Neapolitan Ice Cream Cheese Crackers Cake Nuts Raisins Coffee Milk Tea Holly wreaths at tho Maple City Green House. Both phones. Lewis Claims Ho Is Elected. Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 16. T. L. Lewis, national president of tho United Mine Workers of America, to night declared before leaving for In dianapolis, that he had been re elected president of the union min ers. Mr. Lewis produced figures in sup port of his claim that in the No. 1 anthracite district of Pennsylvania alone 41 locals had given him a ma jority of 3,000, and that in 20 Ohio locals the vote showed a proportion of four to one in his favor. Mr. Lewis says that Tennessee was practi cally unanimous in his favor. Two New Foremen for I). & II. The resignation of M. F. Barrett, general round-house foreman of the Delaware and Hudson company, went Into effect Wednesday. He is suc ceeded by Thomas Holmes, who has been assistant to Mr. 'Barrett for some time past. Mr. Holmes Is one of the most popular employes of the Delaware and Hudson company nnd his promotion to the position of gen eral foreman will be pleasant news to his many friends. M. Downs of tho Delaware and Hudson shops at Oneonta, N. Y has been appointed foreman of boiler makers at the local locomotive shops, succeeding W. H. Hamilton, who re signed a short tlmo ago, Ho has en tered upon his new duties. HoBosdalo Girls Win. Tho contest of the Scranton Trlb uno for a trip to the West Indies and Panama ended Saturday night, and Miss Jeanetto Freeman with 336,700 votes to her credit wins tho trip to the West Indies and Panama from this district, and Miss M. A. Igo with 160,180 votes wins a trip to Washington. Mlas Blanche Van Brunt, of Moscow, was third; Mbw Agnes Baahen, of Hawlsy, fourth, and Mica Ktlla Bartnow of Mania wood, Sttn., Tkaro war mIm dla trtota, a-Mdata ym in Um Had Two Wives. Mlddletown, N. Y Dec. 17. When Pension Agedt Edwards of Goshen came here yesterday to claim tho pension papers of William H, Wood, war veteran of this city, and for years an employee in one of the city departments, who died a few days ago, ho brought to light tho fact that Wood had two wives, from neither of whom he had been di vorced. Wood had been living in this city with his second wife, while wife No. 1 lived eight miles away. Agent Edwards claimed Wood's pension papers on behalf of Kathar ine Delancey Wood, Wifo No. 1, who, he stated, was married to Wood Dec. 8, 1868. Instead of nroducine Dollars $ As a matter o! business we earnest ly solicit the accounts of Individuals or Firms, cither for Savings or Checking Accounts. a a A FRIEND OF THE Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant, Manufacturer, Laborer and Professional man nan Money loaned to' parties having reliable backing. a a a Safe deposit boxes for rent in our, fire proof vault. a ,a a When in Honesdale do not fail to give us a call at the corner of Ninth and Main street. $ Farmers & MeGbaniGS Bank COST NO HUMBUG All kinds of Factory-made Har ness at cost. About 100 Sets of Factory-made Single Harness. The only fine line of Trunks and Dress Suit Oases, Hand Bags and Ladies' Pocket-books in Honesdale. BETZ HARNESS STORE LADIES' PURSES and POCKET BOOKS Linen Tabic Sets Damask Napkins Hemstitched Towels and Battenburg Squares GLOVES! GLOVES! GLOVES! Ladles Dress and Plain Misses Lined and Kid Children's Wool and Leather Gsnts' Knit and BVSII srw tho pension papere, Mrs. Emma Wright Wood, Wife No. 2, who says that Bho married Wood Feb. II, 1889, and, who had lived with him over Blnce, stated that she burled tho papom with tho body of Wood at his request. "I put tno papers between my hus band's left arm and his body, as close to his heart aa possible," she said. Sho denied she had done this to pre vent the other Mrs. Wood from bo curlng a widow's pension. "I did not know of the first wife when I married Mr. Wood," Bald Mrs. Wood No. 2. "When I heard about her, I gave my husband $300 to give to her, bo that she Bhould not be penniless." $ Cents. 1 LINEN HDKFS. Ladies Gents' Children's Embroidered, Ini tial and Hemstitched. Ladies' Fur Muffs Rug and Pillow, Collars and Boas MissesSet8,ReaI Goods. HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Rugs, Portlers, Curtains, Table Covers, Mats, Blankets, Sheets and Pillow Cases Etc., Etc., Etc WMMt CriM, II. M7, OI MT rath and conn i MonnerA Co. -' mU Utt sJVa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers