The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 22, 1909, Image 4

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muuiD stxbt mmnasiT akd fbidat bt
Bntarod&a eecond-class matter, at the post
office. Honesdale. Fa.
0. b. dobrukoeb. m. b. allkh.
bbkbt wu.bok. k. b. naboehbbbqh.
WEDNESDAY, DEO. 22, 1000.
Christmas week makes weak pocket-books.
Have a right merry Christmas and
royal good time.
A poet sings, "Oh, what will the
Christmas bring?" Dills, sir, bills.
It is sad to note that the average
Christmas .stocking is longer than
most purses.
Money gets tight, the same as
brokers and bankers, about Christ
mas time.
Say not that Christ has been born
in your heart if the poor bo not borne
npon it. '
For immediate results the town
newspapers are the battleships of
the advertising fleet.
Somebody should send Zelaya a
liberal quantity of stovaine. He will
need It when the paddle is applied.
It really requires a marvelous
amount of tact to appear thankful
at Christmas for something you
didn't want.
Just because your wife tells you to
buy her something useful, don't
think she will be satisfied if you send
her home a barrel of floUr.
Use a little judgment In buying
Christmas presents. Don't give your
girl a pair of No. 8 boots, or pur
chase a looking-glass for a blind
Never mind, ladles. The Christ
mas shopping doesn't come out of
your pockets. It is your annual op
portunity to get more than even with
the men, folks.
.The store clerk who gets seven
dollars a1' week and spends twenty
dollars for a Christmas present for
his girl should be classed among
" (J hristmas greens."
It looks as if the scientists at
Copenhagen who have been examin
ing Dr. Cook's polar reports, will
report that his evidence of having
reached the pole is insufficient.
It is a trying moment to a mar
ried man when he is debating with
himself whether it Is best to buy his
wife a Christmas present or to use
the money in settling the big bill
which he owes at the little saloon
around the corner.
Up to the time of our going to
Dress we have only the names of
three candidates for Congress from
Bradford county. Evidently their
political hatchery for the propoga
tlon of bric-a-brac statesmen, has
been effected as our Fish hatchery
has been, by the unparalleled drought
A town whose citizens have
public spirit Is on the way to the
The citizen who will do nothing to
help his town is helping to dig its
The citizen who growls about hs
town being "the worst ever" is as
sisting in Its burial.
The business man who will not ad
vertise is driving the hearse.
The citizen who "knocks" and
i.bwls "hard times" preaches the
funeral sermon.
The Dead Line of Regulation.
Here is a telegraphed summary of
the unanimous decision of the Court
of Appeals overruling the action of
the up-state Public Service commis
sion In refusing to authorize the is
je, by tne Delaware ana tiuason
C0pany, of ?7,000,000 In bonds to
payllndebtodness incurred In acqulr
InK fcertaln property:
' . . - . . . ...
ruo court holds that tne legisiu
ture did not Intend to make the com
mission the financial manager of
corporations or empower It to substt
tuto its judgment and discretion for
that of the directors and stock hold
ers of a corporation as to the wisdom
of a transaction; that a statute that
made such substitution would proh
abjy bo unconstitutional for the
ownership of property carries with
It the right or occupancy ana man'
anomont. and a statute that would de
prlye an owner of that rlgnt would
undermine bis right to protect and
make his property remunerative"
The Justice of this decision Is ob
tIoub enough, and yet It has boon nc
Marr for our highest court to affirm
Jt, and It will be necewiry for pub
lic opinion to heed it, and for legis
lators constantly to bear It In mind.
Tho Stato Railroad Commission and
the Interstate commission are phy
sically incapable of managing tho
railroad business of tho country
which engages tho attention of some
thousands of its ablest minds. Even
were they physically able to do so,
they have not the incentive of self-'
interest nor the constitutional war
rant. No law that sought to Install
them as managers of our transporta
tion business would stand examina
tion In the courts, so long as It did
not provide for the government's as
suming full financial responsibility,
oy purchasing the property of the
railroads in short, by government
There Is always the temptation to
push the policy of government regu
lation until It reaches the point of
government management; but there
can be no legitimate government
management without government
ownership. In the enthusiasm of
cutting rates and laying down limi
tations, through the action of a leg
islature or1 a regulating commission,
there Is always the danger that the"
public will want both to have Its
cake and to eat It to avoid finan
cial responsibility, and yet so to
draw to itself the rewards of that
responsibility as to leave nothing for
the' stockholder.
Up to a certain point, tho regula
tion of corporations In the line of re
ducing the charges they exact of the
public and limiting their profits is as
just In theory as It is necessary in
practice. Beyond, that, It cannot be
carried without introducing a princi
ple novel here, but recognized In
Holland and elsewhere some guar
anty of a minimum profit to corpora
tions to balance the refusal to per
mit the.m to make more than a speci
fied maximum profit. New York
Eyenlng Mail.
December 20, 1909.
Judge Searle, of Honesdale, was a
visitor to the Capitol last week, ac
companied by Victor A. Decker,
Cashier of the First National Bank
of Hawley. While the latter has not
been here for some years, the former
is well known and popular here,
from his service as Assistant U. S.
District Attorney. While here, Judge
Searle called upon Governor Stuart,
the first meeting for each, and both
seemed well pleased to make ac
quaintance. The Judge also called
upon Judges Kunkel and McCarrell
of the Dauphin county bench, having
a long acquaintance with the latter.
He was asked to come to Harrisburg
In' January to hold court, but was
obliged to decline as the terms for
the two counties come at about the
samedate. There is no doubt as to
Judge Searle proving an excellent
and popular official, and Wayne coun
ty can do no better than to choose
him for the full term in 1911, thus
endorsing the Governor's wise selec
tion. Personally, he is the same
genial Searle he always was. '
HarrisDurg nas enjoyea consiaer
able notorletyrecentlyjCrom the faqt
that Leroy Cannon, one of the young'
men who was. the cause of the pres
ent trouble with Nicaragua, was a
resident of this city. This was not
his only difficulty, as he got into
trouble several years ago with Presk
dent Zelaya, though of a less serious
nature. Secretary Knox has recently
written the parents of the unfortun
ate young man, that he will make
every effort to have the body sent
home, and every phase of the diffi
culty fully Investigated. Nicaragua
contends that Cannon met his fate in
accordance with the rules of civil
ized warfare. The matter will be
thoroughly 'probed, the three Penn
sylvanians in the Cabinet giving It
particular attention.
Whether the men "higher up" In
the Sugar Trust cases will be caught
remains an open question. It seems
that, bad as the Trust was fooling the
Government, other sugar people like
the Arbuckles and the National Su
gar, were doing tho same thing, evi
dently regarding it as no crime, but
rather as a smart thing, to get ahead
of Uncle Sam. But your Uncle fi
nally got his hands on the secret and
some people will go to prison, while
the National Treasury Is becoming
enriched through duties Illegally
withheld. The fellows who pulled
the chestnuts out of the fire, or who
did the dirty work, ought not to be
the only ones to suffer. They did not
profit by the transaction, and proba
bly only did as they were told.
District Attorney Weiss of this
county has started a crusade against
the gambling institutions, making a
start on the people who raffled tur
keys. A dozen or more men are un
der arrest, and the slot machines,
wheels of fortune and other devices
Intended to separate a man from his
coin on a chance of getting more,
are to be captured next. The price
of turkeys is likely to range lower
for a few days. N. E. HAUSE.
Catholic Cemetery Drops Into Mine.
The entire Slovak Catholic ceme
tery In Plains dropped Into the mines
Wednesday aftornoon last, the Sa
cred Heart cemetery, which adjoins
It was seriously affected, the street
facing the cemeteries Is full of wide
Assures, and several houses were
badly damaged by a cave-In, of the
mine workings of the Pino Ridge
colliery of the Delaware and Hudson
company in Plains. A big Held near
the cemeteries also .dropped several
feet toward the mines, and water
mains broken by the cave-In have
caused almoBt flood conditions to
prevail near tho burying grounds.
The Pino nidge workings have
been considered dangerous for some
time, and the company officials say
that the recent heavy rains have
contributed to the settling.
The surface of the Slovak ceme
tery hat dropped from nine to .fifteen
feet in different placet. Many bodies
have fallen Uto the mlae, It Is Mid.
Julia, wife of Abram Lovolaos,
died at her homo in Berlin, township,
on Saturday, Dec. IB, 1909, in her
67th ydar." Mrs. Lovolasa was a
woman of. amiable disposition and a
loving wife and 'tnothor. A husband
and fourteen children are left to
mourn their great loss. The funeral
services were held yesterday after
noon from the White Mills. Methodist
church. Interment will be made in
the Indian Orchard cemetery.
At the home on East Main, street,
Hancock, just at the meridian of
life, 'when the world seemed bright
est, the gentle spirit of Mrs. Gertrude
Barnes passed from earth to God who
gave it, Wednesday evening, Dec. 8,
after an Illness of less than a week.
Deceased was born at Beach Lake,
Wayne county, Pa May 23, 1870,
and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Branning, now residents of
Narrowsburg, N. Y. April 20, 1887,
at Port Jervls she was united In mar
riage with O. Edward Barnes. They,
resided in Equinunk until a year ago
last February, when they came to
Hancock, Mr. Barnes having pur
chased the Bussman blacksmith shop
and business. Besides her husband
and parents, surviving are one son,
Joseph, and two sisters, Miss Edna,
residing at home, and Mrs. James G.
Hornbeck of Port Jervls.
Mrs. Barnes was a zealous member
of the Methodist church and choir,
also of Howard Rebekah Lodge, No.
347, and Chehocton Chapter No. 327,
Order of Eastern Star; loved by many
for her amiable and generous dis
position. The announcement of her
sudden death was a shock to the
community, for just a week prior ap
parently in her usual health, she had
attended the Rebekah Lodge, and on
Thursday evening was present at
prayer meeting and choir rehersal.'
In their great sorrow, the profound
sympathy of all goes out to the be
reaved ones.
The funeral was held In the Meth
odist church Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock, the service being conducted
by a former pastor of the deceased,
Rev. J. T. Gardner, of Equinunk, as
sisted by the pastor of the church,
Rev. Coddington. Many friends from
Equinunk and elsewhere attended,
and with the Rebekah, Eastern Star
and other town-people, taxed the
capacity of the edifice. At the grave
the last sad rites of the Rebekah
ritualistic service were performed bpr
the Noble Grand, Mrs. Fred Lakl'n;
vice grand, Mrs. James Mattlson, and
the Chaplin, Mrs. Charles Codding
ton, the members of the order form
ing a cordon about the remains of
their departed sister and mourners.
Order early at the Maple
Green Houses. Both phones.
Electricity Known of Old.
A writer In the Elektrotechnlsche
Anzeiger cites many incidents to show
that electricity was not unknown to
the ancients, and that George Eber's
'suggestion in a novel that the Egyp
tlans made use of lightning conduc
tors was well founded. Instruments
much like the modern heliograph
were also used, the writer says, by
priests, as a means of communica
tion between temples. There can be
no doubt, he says, as to the temple
having been protected by lightning
rods. The Biblical description shows
that the roof was provided with me
tallic points held aloft by cojumns
and that these ending in chains ter
minated in great water tanks. He
adds: "All of which is vouched for
in the first book of Kings and the
second book of Chronicles."
Adopted by Wilkcs-Bnrro Family
Young Woman Told of Secret and
Leaves Foster Mother.
Of all tho cases that have come to
the official notice of Superintendent
of Police Taylor, that of Genevieve
Byers, of Wllkes-Barre, Pa., who In a
voluminous communication states
that she is In search of the grave of
her mother whom she had never seen
and her father, who Is also a strang
er to her. The pathetic plea of the
girl, who Is eighteen years of age, Is
that she be granted whatever assist
ance that Is In the power of the
police to give.
Born In 1891, the letter says, the
girl, when an Infant, was taken from
the care of her mother by tho Society
for tho Prevention of Cruelty to
Children. Her parents were not In
a position to give her the attention
that was demanded by tho Society.
Subsequently, at the age of three
years, the child was adopted by n
family, Byres by name, of great
means and Influence In Wilkes-Bar
re. Amid luxury and persons or cul
ture the girl grew to be a young
woman and In th'ose eighteen years,
she says, her life was one of happi
ness. At this time tho girl was Informed
that her right name was not Byres
and that her real name was Jennie.
From a pedestal of happiness and
contentment the girl was plunged
Into the pit of gloom. The fact that
there was some mystery about hor
parentage preyed, ,upon her mind and
unable to longor typar the association
of those whom she had long loved,
she ran away and took up her apart
ments in seclusion.
Learning of this Mrs. Byres wrote
to the girl, declaring her an ingrate
and disowning her. Tho young wo
man appealed to the Cruelty Boclety
who searched tho records, at tho re
quest of the girl, for her parent's
identity. The society learned that
"Peter and Delia Reese were the girl's
parents. With this Information the
?r)ter pleaded of Superintendent
aylor to help her out of her dlffl
eulty. Philadelphia Star.
Fatal Accident at Prompton.
On Thursday aftornoon about 6
o'clock Frank Magloskle, a Polander,
'while' hauling mine 'props for Frank
HoJIonbecb at .Prompton, met with an
accident which resulted in his death.
Ho was driving a team, which t vr&a
heavily loaded with props. One of
tho sleighs skidded and he load over
turned upon Maglaskle. He man
aged to extricate himself although ho
was found to be Injured Internally.
Dr. Peterson was called and on exami
nation 'found no bruises or bones
broken. The man suffered and had
great difficulty in breathing. He
romalned In a conscious condition
and repeatedly told the Doctor In
broken ' English that he would tell
him his trouble and where he was
hurt when he could talk better, as
It was with difficulty that he could
breathe, but at 9 o'clock he died and
it was then ascertained that he had
suffered from an Internal abdominal
hemorage. A priest was summon
ed from Forest City. He is surviv
ed by a wife and seven children.
He was a good neighbor and
friendly to all. He will be greatly
missed in Prompton and Steene where
he was widely known. The body was
taken on Sunday to Forest City
where the funeral services were held
at the home of his' brother.
Wayno County Society of New York.
At the semi-annual meeting of the
Wayne County Pennsylvania society
of New York held on the 16th ult. the
president, Wm. F. Dorflinger, ap
pointed as the dinner committee,,
Chas. S. Penwarden, chairman; Ed
win P. Kllroe, Chas. P. Schuller, F.
R. Seeman and John H. Torrey.
The committee held a meeting on
Saturday afternoon, Dec. 11th, and
decided, to hold the fourth annual
banquet of the society on Thursday
evening, February 3d, 1910, at the
Hbtel Manhattan.
Special Invitations have been ex
tended to Hon. A. T. Searle, Revs.
W. H. Swift and Thomas M. Hanley
of Honesdale; Horace G. Young of
Albany, N. Y., Judge Charles S.
Whitman, the District Attorney
elect of New York, Rev. Dr. James
M. Farrarr of Brooklyn and others,
all of whom will be guests of honor
and speakers at the fourth annual
banquet of the Boclety.
Any Wayne countean who may de
sire to attend the banquet of this
society of New York City Is request
ed to communlcate'wlth the secretary
of the society, Chas. S. Penwarden,
care of the Hanover National Bank,
New York City.
New Postal Card Design.
Designs for the new postal cards'
to be Issued by the Government have
been approved by Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock. The cards will be
furnished to the Postofflce Depart
ment by the Government printing
office In accordance with a contract
effective on January 1,1910. On the
ordinary card, the head of the late
President McKlnley will appear, asi
now, but a much better, likeness has
been selected. On the new small
'card, intended for the Index purposes
and for social correspondence, a like
ness of President Lincoln will ap
pear. The two-cent International
card will bear a portrait of General
Grant. A novel and pleasing Inno
vation has been made for the double,
or reply, postal card. On the first
half will appear a portrait of Geo.
Washington, while the stamp on the
second or reply half will be a like
ness of "Martha Washington.
Jurors Voted "Guilty" So They Could
Go Home.
Judge Lyon, of New Brunswick,
N. J., last Saturday granted a new
trial to Jame3 Duane, convicted of
forging a $30 note which had the
name of A. B. Cornish of Metuchen
signed to it.
The application was based on an
affidavit signed by the foreman of
the jury, Robert L. Adams. He de
clared tho verdict was rendered be
cause tho jurors thought they would
have to stay out from Friday until
Tuesday. They stood 7 to 5 for con
viction and at 4 o'clock Friday sent
word that they could not agree. Up
on being told that the court would
not be back until Tuesday they took
It to mean they would be locked up
until then and voted to convict.
CURY, as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing It through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reput
able physicians, as the damage they
will do Is ten fold to tho good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co,, Toledo, 0 contains no
mercury, and Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists, Prlco 76c. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Wayno County Sav
ings Bank for the oloctlon of direc
tors, will be held at the banking of
fice on
TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1010,
between the hours ot three and four
o'clock p, m.
H. S, SALMON, Cashier,
, Honesdale, Pa., Dee. 18, 180
'SPECIAL lines of useful goods for
Christmas sifts at Monnor Co.'s
All orders promptly filled at the
Maple City Green House. Both
BENJ. H.DITTRICH, Lessee & Mauaeer
MONDAY Dec. 27
ATinixy pvfmna roa. miwtinw-m,
Prices: 50-75-1.00 and 1,50
i- SEAT SALE opens at the Box Office
at 9:00a. m., Friday Dec. 2Uh. -
This Bank was Organized In December, 1836, and Nationalized
In December, 1864.
Since its organization it
to Its Stock
The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the fact that Its SnrpIua'Fund more than
What Class
are YOU in
The world has always been divided into two classes those who have
saved, thono who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant.
It is the savers who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the
railroads, the ships and all the other great wprks which stand for man's
advancement and happiness.
The spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. We
want you to be' a saver to open an account in our Savings Department
and be independent.
One Dollar will Start an Account.
This Bank will be pleased to receive all
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
Special Holiday Cash Sale.
Brass Beds, full size, 2 inch post, $15.
Quartered Oak Sideboard, Canopytop, three Mirrors,
worth, $42., only $29.
Quartered Oak Buffet, Mirror back $15.
China Closet, bent glass ends, $15.
5 piece Parlor Suit, Upholstered in Silk Velour
at $28.
Parlor Suit, Loose Cushions, Upholstered in Silk
Velours, $24.
Telephone and Telegram orders promptly attended to at
MOT AT I ,',
No matter what you pay
for a box of cigars select
ed from our
every one a leader, you
get the best that can be
had for the money.
A particular smoker ap
preciates nothing more
than a box of GOOD CI
GARS. Our brands are selected
from the best sellers this
world over and are second
to none In Quality and
Imported, Clear Hava
na, Porto Rlcan & Domes
tic from 48 cts. for a box
of 12, to $5.25 for a box
of 25.
Nothing fancy
Just Good Cigars.
041 Main Street.
OUR six foot Bhow case full of
Ladles' and Gent's Gold and Gold
Filled Watches. Three hundred dif
ferent designs to select from.
SOMMBR, The Jeweler.
has paid In Dividends
'capital stock. v-
".'ft 101"
1 ' 1