THK WKATHKli Wede 1 wiW d seferly stationary temper Attires will prevail. P IT J? IP JC.K tf" IP K" C tC tC P K IT Semi-Weekly Founded 3 fc 1908 3 Weekly Founded, 1844 J if P JP K P IP JP JP P JP IP C P P f P Wayne County Organ 5 of the 1 REPUBLICAN PARTY v; 0 1 a - 66th TEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1909. NO. 101 MDwASwfPED Butler Testifies Against Mrs. Brokajy In Suit. SAW HER SMOKE CIGARETTES. He Served Cocktails to Her In Teacups, Tumblers and Shaken. Broker's Brother-in-law a Witness. Mlneola, N. Y., Dec. 21. That some one horsewhipped and kicked Mlsa Lee, who was Mrs. Brokaw's maid at High Point, N. O.; that Woods, the Imtler, served frequent cocktails and cigarettes at Mrs. Brokaw's door and that a bill Mrs. Brokaw had set down at $5,000 when she tried to figure up the $30,000 that Brokaw spent on her in one year was for only $2,510 were some of the things brought out by the defense in court here in Mrs. Bro kaw's suit for separation and alimony. Woods, the butler, said that the day Mrs. Brokaw tried to leave Falrvlew for High Point her father asked him to lock the telephone booth so that she could uot telephone for a carriage and that later when Mrs. Brokaw saw the nurse in the booth and the nurse would not let her in be heard her say to Miss Lee that she would make it hot for her some day. After that Mrs. Bro kaw told the witness that she had dis charged Miss Lee. Woods said he told Mrs. Brokaw that he was sorry, as he had just giv en Miss Lee some witch hazel to rub her arm end leg where she had been horsewhipped and kicked. Woods was not suro that Miss Lee had rubbed the extract anywhere except on her hand because he didn't see her make the application. When asked if he had told Mr. Bro kaw who had struck and kicked Miss Lee, Woods said that he had not, be cause Mrs. Brokaw knew who did it. , "I carried a .cocktail, to Mrs. Bro kaw in the sun parjor," Woods testi fied, "and she mentioned to me that she had discharged Miss Lee. Then I told her what I had given the nurse. I said that Miss Lee told me that she had been discharged by Mrs. Brokaw, and she wanted the liniment to apply to some bruises caused by kicks and lashes from a whip." "Was the name of the person men tioned who applied the whip or did the kicking?" "Mrs. Brokaw knew who did it," re plied the butler firmly. "Was anything said to indicate she had knowledge of the cuts on Miss Lee's limbs?" "Mrs. Brokaw was very cross, and nobody asked her." Woods declared that he had served cigarettes to Mrs. Brokaw. "Ever see her smoke them?" he was asked. "Yes, sir; one time I saw her extract one from a small box. It was in the log cabin. I saw her pulling." Ho also declared that he brought her cocktails in teacups, tumblers and shakers. H. Bramhall Gilbert, brothcr-ln-law of Brokaw, recalled that Mrs. Brokaw bad visited at his town house on a cer tain occasion while the Brokaws were staying at the Sussex and that Mrs. Brokaw had annoyed his wife so much with little things that he had told her not to do It any more. "She disturbed my wife to such a marked degree that I asked Mrs. Bro kaw to cease her unnecessary visits," said Mr. Gilbert. RAILROAD MEN'S DEMANDS. Boston and Maine and New Haven Called to Negotiate With Unions. Boston, Dec. 21. The New Haven and the Boston and Maine have been called upon to prepare for negotiations with their employees' unions for a re adjustment of wages and working rules. The official announcement from Chi cago has reached the local union offi cials that the proposition for higher wages and a ten hour day was carried almost unanimously in the referendum vote of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and the Order of Railroad Conductors, tha vote carrying with It an expression of willingness to sup port the demands with a strike. The new standard scale which the unions will seek to force through on the New Haven and Boston and Maine systems will amount to about 10 per cent increase. Bill to Prevent Gambling In Cotton. Washington, Doc. 21. Representative Levering of Massachusetts has pre sented to President Taft a bill design ed to prevent gambling In cotton and agricultural products. The bill was framed by Representative Scott of Kansas, chairman of the house com mute pa. agrieultws. ESTRADA APPEALS TO TT. S. Insurgent Leader In Nicaragua Asks For Recognition. Washington Dec. 21. President Juan J. Estrada of the provisional govern ment in? Nicaragua has appealed to Secretary of State Knox for formal recognition. The United States will not recognize the provisional government until it Is In complete and undisputed control of the machinery of the government of Nicaragua and is competent to enter into international obligations. Senor Estrada's cable dispatch to Secretary Knox was as follows: To Secretary of State, Washington: no cnange in the person or Zelaya as chief enscutlve (elected by him or by the congress he controls will be accepted by the majority of the Nlcaraguan people allied to our cause In the struggle for jus tice. Peace in this country can only be assured by the complete exclusion of Ze laya and his followers. We will continue fighting: until this is secured. In the name of liberty and Justice on our side we ask you to recognize my government. ESTRADA. Henry Caldera, the American vice consul at Managua, reported to the etate department the arrival there of Jose Madriz, whom the Zelaya party has placed in the presidency. Zelaya, Mr. Caldera added, is mak ing active military preparations and is placing in office supporters of Senor Idas, who, it is thought, will hold the real power through his office of com mander in chief of the army. MADRIZ TAKES THE OATH. Unanimously Elected President by Nl caraguan Congress. Managua, Dec. 21. Dr. Jose Madriz, who has been judge of the Central American court of justice at Cartuge for some years, was unanimously elect ed president of the Nlcaraguan repub lic by the national assembly. He at once took the oath and assumed the powers of his office. Dr. Madriz's election came at the close of rather a stormy session of congress, but the members were all heartily in favor of his election. Action on the part of Secretary Knox is awaited here with great anxiety by the large American interests in Nica ragua. General Juau Pablo Reyes, who led the unsuccessful revolt against Zelaya In 1890, has deserted Kstrhda. He se cured a furlough ostensibly to visit his family, but in reality to join Madriz. When Estrada learned of the treach ery of Reyes he denounced him bitter ly. '"' 11 T-- $2,500,000 FIRE IN LONDON. Five Bodies Found In Store Ruins. Twenty Employees Missing. London, Dec. 21. The loss in the destructive fire at Clapham Junction is placed at $2,500,000. Five bodlds have been recovered In the ruins of Ardlng & Hobbs' store, and twenty employees are missing. It is feared that they are dead under the debris. It was in one of the show windows of Ardlng & Hobbs' store that the Are had its origin. A clerk while show ing some goods to a customer knock ed an umbrella against an electric lamp. The bulb was broken, and the glowing filament fell on one of the numerous celluloid articles on display. In an Instant the entire contents of the window went up in flame. It is probably true that no building was ever consumed in such a short space of time. The flames roared from shop to shop until nearly half an acre of buildings was on fire. The proprietors, who were on the premises, as well as the heads of de partments, acted with coolness and promptitude. Immediately the flames were discovered the customers were led across the buildings to a side street, where all made their exit in safety. There were about COO employees In the building when the alarm was given, but the greater number escaped with out injury. Four were Instantly killed by leaping from third story windows DR. DAY'S ADVICE. He Tells Syracuse 8tudents to Learn to "Drivo With One Arm." Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 21. Chancellor James R. Day In his farewell address to the students on the' eve of the Christmas vacation delivered in chapel said: "I hope that you aro favored with gopd sleighing while you young people are at home. I hope also that all the young men know how to drive with one arm. If I were a girl I would not go driving with a young man unless be could drive with one arm." The chancellor's address waa recelr ed with" enthusiasm. MEDALS P0R AERO FLIGHT. Frenoh Academy of Science Remem bers Zeppelin and the Wrights. Paris, Dec. 21. The Academy of Sci ences has decided to award gold med als for aerial flights to the following aviators: Blerlot, Henry Farman, Count de Lambert, Latham, Bantos Dumont, Count Delavaulx, Gabriel Volsln, Orville and Wilbur Wright and Count Zeppelin. . BALL1NCER ANGRY Secretary of Interior De mands Congress Inquiry. STIRRED BY ENEMIES' CHARGES President Taft Considers Him Much Wronged Man Chief Forester Pinchot May Have to Go. Washington, Dec. 21. Moved to an ger by the charges and insinuations made against him in connection with the water power site policy of his ad ministration and the Cunningham coal cases In Alaska, Secretary of the Inte rior Richard A. Ballinger has deter mined to remain quiet no longer. Mr. Ballinger now demands an in vestigation by congress into his offi cial conduct. The way has been paved for such an Inquiry, and cither the senate or the house will appoint a committee to look into the allegations Involving Mr. Ballinger. The resolution for an inquiry will be presented in the senate by Mr. Nelson of Minnesota, who is chairman of the committee on public lands, or Mr. Jones of Washington, Mr. Balllnger's own state. The resolution will provide for an Inquiry also into the workings and policies of the forestry bureau, a subordinate branch of the agricultural department, of which Gilford Pinchot Is chief. President Taft is in thorough sympa thy with Secretary Balllnger's desire for a probing into the coal land cases and the water power site controversy. He believes that the attacks made on Mr. Ballinger' are the most outrageous ever directed against a public man and bus expressed indignation on account of them. In the president's opinion Mr. Ballln ger's official conduct has been abso lutely clean, and any investigation into what he has done as secretary of'-the interior or into his conduct as commis sioner, of the general' lurid office or as a practicing attorney in the interim be tween leaving one federal office and taking up the duties of another will demonstrate that .lie has been deeply wronged by -,the newspapers, maga zines, periodicals and Individuals who have sought t bring his good, name into disrepute. Mr. Balllngersays he will welcome an investigation, and he hopes con gress will take up the matter without delay. The attack made last week on Mr. Ballinger and Commissioner Den nett of the general land office by Rep resentative Hitchcock, a Nebraska Democrat, is regarded as having had much to do with the decision of the secretary of the interior to invite con gress to look Into his stewardship. It Is reported on good authority that the administration has come to the conclusion that it would be well for Forester Pinchot to leave the govern ment service. The nttacks on Ballin ger are attributed to employees In Pin chot's forestry bureau. PRINCESSES WILL SUE. Contest For $56,000,000 Estate Left by King Leopold. Brussels, Dec. 21. Princesses Louise and Stephanie have definitely decided to take legal proceedings to recover the fortune of the late King Leopold, the value of which Is stated to be $50, 000,000 in real estate and shares in in dustrial companies and $0,000,000 In objects of nrt and jewels. Lawyers for the Princesses Louise and Stephanie will shortly commence legal proceedings with this object in view. The action will be brought against the Soclete Immoblllere Anon yme, which was founded by the late king, and also against the royal en dowment In respect to the Kongo and ugainst the Countess Vaughan. The Countess Vaughan has left here for the Chateau de Balllncourt In France. A dispatch from Rome says a long communication has been receiv ed at the Vatican from the Belgian authorities in regard to the status of the Countess Vaughan and her chil dren. The Belgian minister, it was said, had discussed the matter with Cardinal Merry del Vol, the papal sec retary of state. PREACHER BURNS LKITT0RS. Revivalist 8t!rs Merchants to Give Their Stock to the Flames. Carson, Nev., Dec. 21. Dr. F. E. Koakum, founder of the Pisgah move ment in Los Angeles, who professed to heal cripples and all diseases in the name of Christ, is here. Ho has started the greatest revival in the history of Nevada. Ho has burn ed hundreds of gallons of liquors and many pounds of tobacco given' to him by mercantile establishments that have seen the error of their ways. ADOPTED BY SIX NATIONS. Mrs. Troy Receives Highest Honor Conferred by Indians. Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 21. The highest honor ever conferred upon a white per son by the red man was granted to Mrs. Helen F. Troy of this city at the Onondaga Indian reservation, the capi tal of the Six Nations, when she was formally adopted into the clan of the Snipe. In the presence of the Onondaga braves and representatives of the Mo hawks, Oneldas, Cayugas and Senecas the wlerd ceremonies of adoption and christening were carried out, with Chief Logan, the patriarch of the Onondagas, in charge. Mrs. Troy was christened by Polly Laforte, the head woman of the Onondagas. She was given the name of Qar-Weh-Ne-Sho, moaning the spirit dipping into the si lent waters. Mrs. Troy, seated with the chiefs, was the center of the dance of pleas ure, while all the braves chanted a mystic phrase. The ceremony ended with a feast of the Indian dish, com posed of corn, beans and beef juice. Mrs. Troy received her name be cause of lifelong research into Iroquois legends and mythology. She Is the author of an Indian dictionary in the six Iroquois dialects. IRELAND TO SAT0LLI. American Archbishop Cables a Prayer to Dying Cardinal. Rome, Dec. 21. The slight improve ment in the condition of Cardinal Sa tolll has been followed by a relapse. The physicians now believe that his death is 'only a matter of a few hours. The following cable dispatch has been received from Archbishop Ire land of St. Paul: "With a whole heart full of admira tion for you I pray God to continue to CARDINAL SATOLLI. watch and care for you durlug your illness." Cable dispatches have also been re ceived from practically the entire American esplscopate expressing the hope that the cardinal may recover. Although extremely weak, the car dinal retains consciousness and, real izing that he is nearing the end, says that he is prepared for death. COUNTESS SEEKS DIVORCE. Widow of Millionaire Stetson Returns Alone From Europe. ' Philadelphia, Dec. 21. Much curiosi ty was aroused In society circles here when it was learned that Countes3 Eulalia, who was Mrs. John B. Stet son, widow of the millionaire hat man ufacturer, had returned from Portu gal without her husband, Alexlo de Querloz Rlderlo de Sotto, Count de Santa Eulalia. She has fetlred to Idro, her country estate in KIkins Park, and will sue for divorce. The count and countess went abroad in October, shortly after Mrs. Jo sephine P. Ernest of Chicago announc ed that the count owed her $10,000 for having introduced him Into society, presented him to Mrs. Stetson and taught him to make love to the wealthy widow. Count Eulalia Is an artist and re cently bad a studio In New York. Re cently he has been engaged in a me morial of Augustus St. Gaudens. The countess is worth several mil lion dollars. The wedding was cele brated In July, 1008, after a special dispensation, the bride being a Protes tant, had been granted by Archbishop v Balfour Kept Out of Campaign. London, Dec. 21. Arthur J. Balfour, the Unionist leader, Is confined to his home with an attack of pulmonary ca tarrh. Ho has been unable to attend any of tho pwitical meetings. Diamond From a Rooster's (Hazard. Caldwell, N. J., Dec" 21. John Carl, a farmer, near Montvllle, killed a nine pound rooster for the family dinner. In tho gizzard of the bird he found a diamond, which a jeweler told him was worth $75. Yale Professor Dies In Sanitarium. Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 2L Professor Emeritus George Park Fisher of Yale university died suddenly la a saatta Ham hers. BSbBSb9b"s tSPflBSHstBaw bIbBvJBHHbSw' ' iSsBBBBBBti KILLED JB RAILS. Interstate Commission Re ports 1 0,3 1 3 Slain. 1 05,234 WERE INJURED IN YEAR Board Asks Congress to Amend Law So That It May More Effec tively Enforce Reason able Rates. Washington, Dec. 21. The report of the interstate commerce commission, presented today to the senate and house of representatives, sbowr that the total number of casualties to per sons on the railways for the year end ed June 30, 1008, was 114,418, of which 10,188 represented the numb'er of per sons killed and 104,230 the number in jured. These figures do not include acci dents reported by switching and ter minal companies, as follows: Employ ees, 05 killed, 880 injured; passengers, 2 killed, 30 injured: other persons, 58 .killed, 88 injured; total, 125 killed, 1,004 injured. Casualties occurred among three gen eral classes of railway employees in the service of carriers other than those classed as switching and termi nal, as follows: Trainmen, 1,842 killed and 35,821 injured; switch feeders, crossing tenders and watchmen, 137 killed, 1,008 Injured; other employees, 1,420 killed, 45,508 Injured. The casual ties to employees coupling and uncou pling cars were: Employees killed, 222; injured, 3,378. The total number of casualties to persons other than employees from be ing struck by trains, locomotives or cars was 5,018 killed and 4,572 Injured. Urging the need of amendments to the law, the commission says: "The experience of the past yCar confirms our conviction that .certAin' amendments are necessary to enable the commission to more fully accom plish the purposes of the act. "There is, in our opinion, urgent need of a physical valuation of the interstate railways of this country. Even assuming that the valuation of our railways would be of no assist ance to this commission in establish ing reasonable rates, It is still nec essary if those rates are to be success fully defended when attacked by the carriers that some means be furnished by which within reasonable limits a value can be established which shall be binding upon the courts and the commission. "It seems plain to us also that some method should be provided by which railroads can be prevented from ad vancing their rates or changing their regulations and practices to the disad vantage of the shipper pending an in vestigation into the reasonableness of the proposed change. Confusion and discrimination result from present con ditions. "Nothing can be more fallacious than to assume that damages are in most Instances a remedy for the extortion of an unreasonable rate, nor, if it should b'e finally held that courts have authority to prohibit advances, are the injured parties in most cases able to conduct an expensive litigation and file the enormous bonds which are neces sary to the obtaining of an injunction. "There is no absolute standard of a reasonable freight rate, and there is therefore no absolute right upon the part of a railroad to charge a particu lar rate. Where a given rate has been in effect, often for years, a strong pre sumption of its reasonableness arises, and there is no hardship in giving this commission authority in its sound dis cretion to require a continuance of that rate .until opportunity has been afforded to investigate the proposed advance. "If this body Is to be relied upon to correct unreasonable railway rates, regulations and practices, instances must freauently arise in which no formal ' complaint will be tiled, but where Investigations ought to be had and. orders made. Our experience shows that it will often bo necessary to broaden the scope of complaints which aro filed and prosecuted if jus tlco is to be done between different communities. We believe that wher ever it appears, either from a formal complaint filed or from informal com' plaint received or from the general knowledge of the commission, that a given situation ought to bo Investigate ed, tho commission should have au thority upon its own motion or by modifying a complaint already filed to prosecute an adequate inquiry upon notice to the carrier and to mako a re lieving order If one bo required. "The need of exercising control over railway capitalization is again urged upon the attention of the congress. "The commission also recommends that It have broader authority to pre scribe and enforce general regulations relating to the movement of .traJHc. 3 When a e tice has b tary actio Ird of reasonable prac :tabllsbed by the volun the carriers or can be ,ied by suitable lnvestl- fairly asc, gation conformlty to that standard should be made obligatory, and thia can best be done, lu our judgment, by, empowering the commission to moke suitable regulations. This gives to tho approved practice the sanction and suppport of public authority and oper ates to secura its uniform observance." Court Decides Baby Was foisted on Nobleman. FROM A PALACE TO A HUT, Woman Confesses on Her Death bed That She Bought the Child In Order to Practice Deception. Berlin, Dec. 21. The end has been, reached of a famous case of child sub stitution which has occupied the .at tention of the German courts for years. It was decided by the highest tri bunal at Posen that the boy Joseph Kwileckl, who has been the cause ot all the litigation, is not a scion of a noted Polish house, but is the child of a simple Gallcian peasant. The court decrees that he must leavo the palace or castle, where he has been treated as the heir to high honors and rich estates, for the hut of a crossing watchman on a Gallcian railway. That is where his foster mother is cm ployed. The case has been full of surprises from its inception. At first tho courts decided that the lad was the son of the Countess Kwileckl of Poland.- After some' years the woman gross ing 'keeper cam' forward at the-'be hest of-the-Kwileckl heir's and confess ed that her mother ha bought tbe child from n midwife in Cralow. There was a pretended accouchement of tbe countess at Berlin. After the countess" death the boy was regarded as the genuine heir. The crossing sweeper told the court that her mother on her deathbed ex acted from her a promise that she would reveal the truth to the Kwileckl heirs. The court held that the story as told by the woman was provea, and the decision followed. Joseph Adolf Stanislaus, Graf von Kwlllz-Kwileckl, was born in Berlin on Jan. 27, 1897, the fourth child and only son of Anton Joseph von Bellna Weslerskl, Graf von Kwilez-KwileckL and his wife Isabella, Grafin von Buln Buinsku. The mother was born on March 3, 1840, and was therefore fifty-one ycara old at the time of the birth of the boy. She was married in July, 1864, and her three daughters were born, Luise on Sept. 10, 1805; Isabella, June 13, 1873, and Marie, Oct. 12, 1870. The house belongs to the Roman Catholic Polish nobility, but the title was only assigned to the present branch in 1853, and the disputed child's putative father succeeded to it on the death of Count Joseph Kwi leckl on Nov. 3, 1800. The entailed estate of Wroblewo, together with Wierzochln, Klodzlsko, Gluchowo, Pa kawls and Dabrowa in Posen, go with, the title. New Police Chief For Canal Zone. Washington, Dec. 21. Colonel J. P, Fytfe of Kentucky has been appointed by Secretary of War Dickinson to com- mand the police department of the Panama canal zone. He was colonel of a Tennessee regiment during tha Spanish war and is one of the most widely known national guardsmen la tiio smith. LEAVES JEWEL TO QUEEN. Will of Consuelo, Duchess of Manches ter, Expresses Affection. London, Dec. 21. The will of Con suelo, dowager duchess of Manches ter, who before her marriage was Miss Consuelo Yznaga, has been probated here. Tho estate is valued at $1,050, 000. After making provision for her grandson, Viscount Maudevllle, and the other children of her son, the Duke of Manchester, and his wife, formcrly Helcua Zimmerman of Cincinnati, the will directs that tbe residue of the estate shall be held In trust for the duke for life. Tho will bequeaths to Queen Alexan dra a rubv and diamond bracelet NOT COUNT'S SON which, tho testator says, "I would ,lkJ my respectful affection." From tbo American estate a sum of $250,000 Is put In trust for tbe yotragec children of the Duke of Manchester, J-' 7j
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