The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 17, 1909, Image 1

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    THfc WKATHWt Oa Friday fair wother ad light norUi westerly winds prevail, with lower temperature
ip tc c if it tp p if p ic it tc r ip tc tr t?
Scml-VVcekly Founded 5
fc 1908 5
fc Weekly Founded, 1844 J
k Wlayne County Organ
J6 of the 1
66th YEAB.
NO. 100
Uncle Sam Gets $695,573
For Sugar Frauds.
Special Counsel For Government
Makes Discoveries Criminal
Prosecution to Be Poshed In
Spite of Settlement.
New York, Dec. 10. Arbuckle Bros.,
rivals of the sugar trust, have admit
ted that sugar imported by them bas
been underwelghed for nine years, and
they -have paid $695,573 to the govern
ment, Imitating in this respect the sug
ar trust, which paid to Uncle Sam un
der similar circumstances the sum of
Henry L. Stimson, special govern
ment prosecutor in the sugar weighing
frauds, made the following statement:
In June last Messrs. Stimson and W. T.
Denlson as special counsel for the gov
ernment commenced an Investigation as
to the weights on which duties wero paid
on sugar landed on the docks ot the
sugar refinery of Messrs Arbuckle Bros.
In the port of New York. The members
of that firm voluntarily gave them ac
cess to' their books, and a thorough in
vestigation was made of those books and
of the custom house records.
As a result It was ascertained that
there had been a shortage In the pay
ment of duties on Importations of sugar
made by that nrm between 1S98, when
their refinery commenced operation, and
November, 1007, amounting to $695,673.
This shortage was reported to the mem
bers of the firm, and as soon as they
harl .,atf1a3 th.'a Amir.. lUv
"Jluntarlly offered to pay this sum with
out suit Into the treasury of the United
oTUtes government. This payment has
ben accepted by the secretary of the
treasury, with the concurrence of the
attorney general, In full payment of all
civil .claims against Messrs. Arbuckle
This settlement In nowise affects the
criminal prosecution of any Individuals
who may be shown to have been reapon-
e'ASk far .the co'muiIsiIon-wc-iji.' ix..,J
specx to aisrQr tneso matters, ana xno
Investigation and' proseoutlon t any ttch
persons wtll' be vigorously pushed.
Mr. Stimson added that the $005,8T3
had been paid in cash into the sub
treasury In this city.
,ArbuckIe Bros., the head of which Is
John Arbuckle, were for a long time
Supposed to be the strongest opponents J
of tlie sugar trust. tft
John Arbuckle, who won fame anff
wealth by lighting the sugar trust
years ago and underselling it in its
own line, formerly owned a 55,000
acre farm, the "P. O." ranch, near
Cheyenne. The government in 1007
discovered that he had put his wire
fencing, forty-five miles of it, around
adjoining public land. He was ordered
to remove his fence from the govern
ment property. The notion of the gov
ernment annoyed him so that he di
rected his ranch sold out at once.
James H. Post, president of the Na
tional Sugar Refining company, the
$20,000,000 corporation In which the
sugar trust holds stock, admits that
his company may have to restoro to
the United States treasury in satisfac
tion of duties on underwelghted sugar
an amount of money approximating
what Arbuckle Bros, have just re
stored. President Post said that the govern
ment's special counsel in customs
cases have been going over the Na
tional's books and that they have
made a demand upon him and his fel
low officials for more than $700,000.
The National Sugar Refining com
pany is the most important refining
company in the east outside of the
trust itself. It Imports annually about
600,000,000 pounds of sugar, upon
which the duty is about a cent and a
quarter a pound.
Associated with Mr. Post in tho Na
tional are Frederick j3. Mollenhauer,
George R. Bunker, Arthur Donner,
John Mayer, Harry F. Mollenhauer
and George H. Frazier, All of these
men are directors. Mr, Donner is the
sugar trust's representative in the di
rectorate, and the sugar trust has a
minority stock Interest in the National.
To Reassure Business St. Petersburg
Denies Existence of Friction.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 10. In conse
quence of the feeling of anxiety and
the reluctance of business men to em
bark In commercial and industrial un
dertakings In the far east owing to
disquieting reports that complications
have arisen there between Russia and
Japan and that an inevitable conflict Is
Impending an official communication
has been Issued declaring emphatically
that such rumors are absolutely un
It is declared that the Russlan-Japa
nese relations are harmonious and that
there has been no friction since the
treaty of 1007. There are no misun
derstandings, ana complete mutual
good will exists.
Author of New York High License Law
Succumbs In Hospital.
Canandalgua, N. Y., Dec. 10. Sena
tor John Raines, nuthor of the famous
high license law, died at the Memorial
hospital here at 2:15 a. in. today of
ptomaine poisoning.
John Raines was born In Canandal
gua, N. Y., May tf, 1840, and was ad
mitted, to the bar in 1801. Later In
that year he helped to organize a com
pany of volunteers, of which he was
captain. His command was Incorpo
rated In the Eighty-fifth New York
volunteers, and with that regiment ho
served for about a year and a half, re
turning to Geneva In July, 1803, to be
gin the practice of law.
He was elected assemblyman in 1881,
1883 nnd'l885. In 1880 he went to the
senate and remained there until he
..Senator john raines.
was elected a representative in con
gress In 1890. He was re-elected to
congress in 1S02, but in December,
1805, took a nomination to fill a vacan
cy in his senate district. He was elect
ed, returned to the senate and was re
elected biennially since that time.
It was soon after his return to Al
bany from Washington that Senator
Raines gained more than state wide thimiaI,iliuktiuL!tiiieHt'-ui;-.irt.
hew state excise act popularly known
. as the "Raines law." This law, advo
A. ' - . " - - .
cated by its author as a reform mens-
,ure, was denounced, bitterly through
out the state as a promoter of a spe
cially vicious character of resort
known as the "Raines law hotel."
Senator Raines' most recent public
controversy was with Congressman
tSbtbkrt Parsons, who charged Raines
wjtuvn rurauiiB, wuu cuurguu nan
fruffftving engineered a deal
Washington whereby certain elect
bills at Albany were to be killed as a
price of Tammany congressmen vot
ing to sustain Speaker Cannon.
Got Another Spanish Sweetheart When
Young. Zelaya Left.
New York, Dec. 10. Miss Juliet
Hero, who Is suing Dr. Anabel Ze
laya, nephew of President Zelaya of
Nicaracua. for $100,000 for aliened
breach of promise, was cross Examined
In the trial of the suit before Supreme
Court Justice Biscbofl! and was some
what surprised when Zelaya's counsel
produced a package of her own letters
to some one else.
She said she found another sweet
heart after the young Nlcaraguan left
her, and she got as well h wrote a lot
of letters.
"Did you ever write to a Mr. Mod
ras?" she was asked.
"I may have."
"Ever call him 'dear?' "
"I may have yes."
Counsel then brought out a letter ad
dressed to "My Dearest Eugene," In
which she said his photos gave great
satisfaction, "no doubt the result of
my sincere affection." Counsel also
read another letter dated September
last, in which she said:
Now, dearest Eugene, can I ever con
vince you ot my sincere love and sincer
ity? I know we shall meet with mischief
makers at times; but, my dear, rest as
sured that from now on there shall be no
obstruction to our future happiness. 1
want to share your sorrows and joys,
Eugonc, let us forget the past.
In another letter dated in tho month
previous Miss Hero said she wished
she were dead and added, "Oh, why
should I suffer so" She asked Modras
to meet her at a subway station.
Miss Hero testified that she met
Modras at the home of a friend of the
family, but couldn't remember when.
Announced That Banking House Has
Taken Two Ohio Concerns.
Toledo, O., Dec. 16. J. P. Morgan &
Co. has purchased tho bulk of the
stock of the United States Long Dls
tanco and the Cuyahoga Telephone
companies. Clarence Brown, attorney
for these companies, said:
"I am authorized to announce that J,
Plerpont Morgan & Co, has purchased
for their own account a majority of
the stocks of the United rotates. Long
jjisianco auq iiynogs xeiepnone co
panles." -
Mother of Murdered Young
Woman a Prisoner.
Handwriting In Her Hotel Rooms
Like That In Letter Pinned
to Clothes of Bathtub
New York, Dec. 16. Mrs. Caroline
B. Martin, who has been sought by
the police ever since the tragic death
of her daughter, Mrs. Ocey Wardlaw
Martin Snead, who was found dead in
a bathtub in an unfurnished bouse In
East Orange, N. J., was arrested in
the Hotel Bayard, this city, by central
office detectives.
Her arrest was due to the discovery
of three notes similar in several re
spects to the so called "suicide" note
found pinned to the clothing of the'
bathtub victim. These notes were
found In a suit case which Mrs. Mar
tip left In Room 855, to which she was
first assigned and from which she was
taken to another part of the hotel.
The fact that these notes not only
resembled the handwriting of the sui
cide note so closely as to lead to the
conclusion that all were penned by the
same person, but were on the same
kind of bond paper, points to them as
important, perhaps vital, evidence In
the case In which Mrs. Virginia Ward
law, aunt of the dead girl, has been
accused of her murder.
Prosecutor Mott of New Jersey, who
did not know of the existence even of
the three notes, was quick to declare
their vital Importance, and he at once
had a warrant for Mrs. Martin's arrest
sworn out before Recorder Mott of
East Orange.
Since the death of her daughter Mrs.
Martin had been in. hiding. .. The ,po-
Mlce learned that she had stopped at
the Mnrtha 'Washington and the Aldlne
hotels under the name of "Mrs. May
brick." They finally traced her to the
Hotel Bayard, and she begged the
management to let her escape' by a
rear passage. They refused, and she
changed her room.
In the room she first occupied the
police found a handbag In which were
three notes, two of which read as fol
lows: My little daughter has died. Other near
and dear ones have died. I want to Join
them In heaven. I have been prostrate
with Illness a long time. When you have
read this I will be dead from suicide. Do
not grieve for me. Rejoice that death
brings me a painless sleep, a relief from
sickness, suffering and pain greater than
I can bear. OCEY W. M. SNEAD.
Last year my daughter died. Other
near and dear kindred, too, have gone to
heaven. I long to go there. I'd been very
weak and 111 a long time. Death will be
a blessed relief to me In my sufferings.
When you have read this I will have
committed suicide. My sorrow and pain
in this world are greater than I can en
dure. OCEY W. M. SNEAD.
In the small letter "r" and in the
capital "D" the handwriting In these
notes and In thut found In the bath
room are almost identical. The letters
are shaded the same, and the punctua
tion is done with the same care. Even
the color of the ink appears to be the
The existence of so many suicide
notes suggests practice in writing them
until one was obtained to suit; also
that the writer was calm enough to
write until one that contained just the
right sentiment just the right mean
inghad been penned. Tho writing of
none of the notes showed the slightest
degree of wavering or nervousness in
the formation of the letters. All were
written with a steady hand.
In the suit case were several receipt
ed bills of the Hotel Martha Washing
ton. One of them showed that Mrs.
Martin had been charged $15 for a
room In the hotel from Nov. 20, tho
day Mrs. Snead's body was found In
the East Orange house, until Dec. 0
and that she had paid $4.50 and 'owed
a balance of $10.50.
He Suffered 8troko of Apoplexy at Ex
ecutive Mansion at Albany.
Albany, N. Y., Dec. 10. The Rev.
David C. Hughes, father of Governor
Charles B. Hughes, died at the execu
tive mansion hero of apoplexy. His
son was with him at the end.
Dr. Hughes, who was born in Wales
lu 1832, came to the United States at
the ago of twenty-three. He held pas
torates of Baptist churches at Glens
Falls, N. Y.; Sandy Hill, N. Y.; Os
wego, N. Y.; Newark, N. J,; Brooklyn,
Jersey City and Scranton, Pa.
Miss Dodge Gives $350,000.
London, Dec. 10. The hitherto anon
ymous donor of $350,000 to the Shake
speare Memorial theater here la Mlsa
Mary Hoadley Dodge of New York,
daughter 'of the late William p. Dodge,
George and Jay Survive Train .Wreck.
Fifteen Others Killed.
Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 10. George
Gould and his son Jay were In a
wreck on the Southern road near
Brown Summit, fifteen miles from
here. Fifteen persons nre reported
killed and thirty injured. Mr. Gould
escaped Injury, but his son was taken
to a hospital here suffering from nerv
ous shock.
After treatment by the hospital phy
sicians young Jay Gould was able to
accompany his father to High Point,
N. 0., where they have an estate.
The train was running from Rich
mond to Charlotte. It was going at a
high rate of speed in an effort to make
up lost time when as It was crossing a
trestle over a small river one of the
wheels jumped the track, and several
cars were thrown from the bridge.
Mr. Gould and his son were in tho
Norfolk sleeper and were on their way
to Thomasrllle, Ga to hunt on the
Gould preserves there. They were
thrown from their seats when tho
crash came.
The escape of the Goulds and their
secretary from death was almost a
miracle. George Gould knocked a hole
in the car window with his shotgun,
and the three jumped through it.
Twelve bodies have been recovered
from the wreckage, but It is said that
there are probably three more burled
In the mud on the bed of the creek.
She Is Accused by Ex-Senator Piatt
and He Is Not Ready.
New York, Dec. 10. Mae C. Wood,
who is under indictment on charges of
forgery and perjury in connection with
her suit for divorce against, Senator
Thomas C. Piatt, nppearfed in person in
the court of general sessions for trial.
She came on from a ranch at Jules
burg, Colo., where she has been ill.
She was accompanied by her lawyer,
Mr. Hubbell.
As Miss Wood walked toward Judge
Foster a special officer of the surety
company that has been on her bond
grabbed her by the arm.
"You are under arrest," he said,
"nod you will have to come over to the
Tombs with me."
Assistant District Attorney Gnrvan
explained that the surety company de
sired to surrender Miss Wood to the
Mr. Garvan then informed the court
that the case against Miss Wood on
the paVt of the people was not ready.
"Senator Piatt, our main witness,"
said Mr. Garvan, "is not well enough
to go on with the case."
"That's the way it always is," broke
In Mr. Hubbell. "Every time we nre
ready the prosecution is not, and If
the defendant waits until Senator Piatt
is well enough to go on with the case
she will remain forever in the Tombs."
It was then agreed to reduce the bail
from $5,000 to $1,000, and Miss Wood
was taken to the Tombs, as she was
unable to furnish it.
Given by National Geographic Society.
Carnegie Present.
Washington, Dec. 10. Commander
Robert E. Peary, U. S. N., was pre
sented with a special gold medal by
the National Geographic society here.
The presentation speech was made
by Willis L. Moore, president of the
society, in a glowing tribute to the ex
plorer's arctic achievement, the ac
curacy of Peary's data and the way
In which he had borne himself under
trying circumstances.
Andrew Carnegie and Rear Admiral
thester, U. S. N., preceded President
Ssore in paying high tributes to the
A telegram of congratulation to Com
mander Peary from the Duke of the
Abruzzl was read and received with
great applause.
When Commander Peary rose to
make acknowledgment of the medal
be was greeted with a great demon
ttratlon of applause and was unable
lb proceed for several minutes.
Twice 'Uses Stovaine Successfully In
Upper Part of Spine.
Philadelphia, Dec. 16. For the first
time since his arrival in America Dr.
Thomas Jonnesco was able to give
what ho considered a fair and com
plete test of stovaine at the Medico
Chlmrgical hospital here, when 2,000
physicians and students witnessed bis
In both cases the anaesthetic was
Injected high up in the spinal column
at the base of the neck. One operation
was for a disease of the eye, and the
other was for a fracture of the jaw
Dr. Jonnesco finished the first opera
tion in eight mhiutes, including the
time required for injecting the an
aesthetic. Ho finished the second, op
eration in fourteen minutes.
When he hoi completed the two op.
orations the assembled medical mm
rose and applauded him for MTsral
Succeeds Genera! Del! as
Chief of Staff.
His Rise From Assistant Surgeon to
Highest Position In Military
Service Has Been Rapid
Beyond Precedent.
Washington, Dec. 10. Major General
Leonard Wood, now in command of
the department of the east, with bead
quarters at Governors island, has been
selected by Secretary of War Dickin
son as chief of staff of the army to
succeed Major General J. Franklin
He Is the youngest man to attain
that rank In the American army, and
his rise has been rapid beyond prece
dent. General Wood was born In 1800 at
Winchester, N. H. He entered the
army as assistant surgeon in 1880.
His first service was in the campaigns
against the hostile Indians in Arizona
and New Mexico. He was a member
of Lawton's expedition against the
band of Apaches under Geronlmo.
During these campaigns in the south
west he was commended in general
orders for heroism.
A medal of honor was awarded to
General Wood for distinguished con
duct in the campaign when in carrying
dispatches he rode seventy miles In
one night through territory In the pos
session of the Indians and walked
thirty miles the following day to de
liver bis dispatches.
After serving at various army posts
from July, 1889, to September, 1805,
General Wood was ordered to Wash
ington for duty ns attending surgeon
to the, army officers serving in Wash
ington; 'It was during tlils. period that
.he became acquainted with Colonel
General Wood was one of the physi
cians to President McKInlcy and Sec
retary of War Alger. When the Span
ish war broke out Colonel Roosevelt,
who bad a high regard for General
Wood's ability as a soldier, obtained
President McKinley's consent for the
organization of the First United States
Volunteer cavalry, which became
known as the rough riders. At Colonel
Roosevelt's request General Wood was
appointed colonel of the regiment. Aft
er organizing and equipping the rough
riders at San Antonio, Tex., the regi
ment went to the front and served
through the whole Cuban campaign.
On July 8, 1898, General Wood was
made a brigadier general of volunteers
and assumed command of the Second
brigade, cavalry division, of the Fifth
army corps, which participated in the
battles of Las Guasimas and San Juan.
When the Spanish forces at Santiago
surrendered In July, 1898, General
Wood was appointed military governor
of that city, and on Oct. 7, 1898, he
was assigned to the command of the
department of Santiago, serving also
as civil governor of the province of
On July 1, 1899, the two eastern
provinces of Cuba, Santiago and Puer
to Principe, were consolidated and
placed under General Wood's com
mand. From Dec. 20, 1899, to Mny 20,
1902, when the American troops left
Cuba, General Wood cerved as mili
tary governor.
In February, 1901, President McKln
ley appointed General Wood a briga
dier general In the regular army. From
August, 1003, to April, 1900, he com
manded the department of Mindanao
and was civil governor of Moro prov
ince, In the Philippines. He command
ed the Philippines division from Feb
ruary, 1000, to February, 1908.
Old Man's Feet Burned With Candles
and Matches.
Shenandoah, Pa., Dec. 16. Jacob
Gimbler, a. aged farmer, was called
to his door here, struck upon the head,
bound and gagged.
His wife, hearing the noise, ran from
a back room to be confronted by four
men, with revolvers who bound and
gagged her also.
Two of the men ransacked tho house
and got $00. They demanded more
money, and when Gimbler protested
they took off bis shoes and tortured
him by burning his feet with a candle
and matches, until he told them where
to find $45. The robbers got the cash,
came back and put both old peoplo
Into a bed, threatened to burn them
allvo and beat them cruelly. The old
man finally told them where his last
$05 In gold was bid.
Mr. Gimbler managed to free himself
after the thieves bad gone and notified
the police, who, assisted by the state
constabulary on norseuacK, sr searcB'
ing for the robbers.
Antisuffrage Woman Novelist Says So
cialists Are Mate Suffragettes.
London, Dec. 10. Marie Corelll's Ir
reconcilable antagonism to woman suf
frage does not prevent her fronj aim
ing to obtain political Influence. She
has written an address to the electors
paying that the very life of England la
now in the balance.
The empire, she says, Is standing
like a victim on the rock of suspense, '
waiting to be hurled Into the devour
ing waters of socialism or rescued and
led back to the security of home with
peace and honor. A Socialist she de
scribes as a sort of male suffragette
seeking to upset the laws of nature In
order that he may assert himself as.
superior to nature.
Disloyalty to the throne and consti
tution has seized a great part of the
people, she says. Miss Corelll appeals
to voters to think and to be true to'
God, king and country.
Ha Proposes Judge Jose Madriz aa
President of Nicaragua.
Washington, Dec. 10. Henry Caldo
ra, American vice consul at Managua,
reports to the state department that
President Zelaya has published a
statement to the people of Nicaragua
announcing his readiness to abdicate
in favor of Jose Madriz, the Nlcara
guan judge In the Central American
court of justice at Cartage, Costa Rica.
Senor Madriz, Mr. Caldera added, is
not the choice of the people, and his
election would bo contested because ha
is closely allied with the Zelaya ele
ment. Large crowds gathered In front ot
the American legatlou, Mr. Caldera
continued, shouting for the United
States.' There were several arrests.
More Turbulence In Managua.
Panama, Dec. 10. There was more
trouble in the streets of Managua, the
capital city of Nicaragua, when a
speecli was delivered at n meeting of
the aldermen which flayed Judge Jose
Madriz, who Is proposed by the follow
ers of Zelnya to succeed him in the
presidency. The speaker was applaud
ed and hissed by the two factions, and
the differences of opinion led to blows.
Madriz would not be accepted by
the insurgents, the speaker asserted.
Estrada and his associates and the
revolution they typify were Indorsed
by the speaker.
The fighting became more Intense
when the speaker had finished, and re
volver shots were discharged. It was
necessary to call upon the soldiers to
keep order. Twenty arrests wero made.
Secretary of War Goes There to Decid
on Changes In Foraker Act.
Washington, Dec. 16. Secretary ot
War Dickinson left here today on
board the naval yacht Mayflower to
visit Porto Rico. He was accompanied
by Brigadier General Edwards, chief
of the bureau of insular affairs, and
Lieutenant Colonel Jefferson R. Kean
of the medical corps of the army.
Secretary Dickinson goes to Porto
Rico to decide on the proposed changes
in the Foraker act, which Is the organ
ic law of Porto Rico. The oulcers of
the Insular bureau have been studying
the question with a view to recom--mending
to congress several Important
amendments to this law. One of these
amendments will have to do with the
power to supervise the sanitation of
the Island! Colonel Kean Is an expert
on sanitation and will make a special
study of this phase of the situation.
The party probably will return te
Washington about Jan. 1.
Ex President Preparing to Start For
Uganda on Saturday.
Mombasa, Dec. 16, Colonel Theo
lore Rooseyett Is at Nairobi.
He is making preparations to start
Jbr Uganda, British East Africa, ear
Wsathsr Probabilities. ,
Fair; isoderate westerly winds. J
l. v M