TUB CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DEO. IS, 1000. 1 , FIFTEEN THOUSAND BREEDING FISH DIED AT THE PLEASANT MOUNT HATCHERY! IP RAIN DOES NOT COME SOON THE ENTIRE STOCK OP FISH WILL BE LOST. PLEASANT MOUNT, Pa., Dec. 10. The rain of the early week and the snow of last week have not done much towards replenishing the springs and the streams of North eastern Pennsylvania. Conditions hereabouts in this respect have not been equalled by those experienced since the drought of 1908, followed by that of the past summer and fall, which cast Its blight upon the seep ing hillsides and meadow lands which have made Wayne county famous as a country of lakes and noverfalllng springs and small streams. These and wells, not alone In Pleasant Mount township but in all the adjacent territory, have nev er been so low. At the Wayne Fish Hatchery, which lies In the upper valley of the Lackawazen creek, Just over the first hill from this village towards the Ontario and Western railroad, the conditions have been and still are alarmingly serious. The entire creek at the present day under a twelve-inch pressure could be run through a 2-inch pipe, and the wa ter is so Impure that In the past four months the Hatchery has suffered a loss of about fifteen thousand breeding trout. Unless more and copious rains fall, and there docs not appear much hope for such in this freezing weather, the entire stock of breeding trout may be lost. On October 8th, Commissioner W. E. Meehan made a visit of in spection of the conditions at the Wayne hatchery. He decided to at once put down an artesian well for the purpose of supplying water to the trout ponds to prevent the loss by death of the breeding trout. W. L. Barton, of Olyphant, was later awarded the contract for this well, and it is now being drilled, Mr. Bar ton starting the work last week. This well, when completed, will be no less than two hundred feet deep, -with an 8-inch hole, and capable of supplying 125 gallons per minute. This well will go deep enough to guarantee this volume of flow. A new ice house of 150 tons capacity Is also being constructed. Many improvements have been made at the hatchery the past sea son by enlarging the original build ing, which was 20x60 feet, until now Its dimensions are 72x85 feet, all under one roof. The capacity of the present buildings in the output of trout will be 3,000,000 and for pickerel and perch 13,000,000. The battery of two hundred jars for hatching pickerel and perch will shortly be increased to 350. In the spring of 1910 the work of beautifying the grounds will begin. On the square plot midway between the bass pond and the line of brood ing ponds a fountain will be erect ed. This will be of concrete, thirty feet in diameter, with a circular bottom. The fountain will be ten feet high and will have ten jets, the center one the largest. Around the ponds will be planted trees, gravel walks will be made, and along the edges of the ponds, willows will be planted so as to prevent the heat of the sun from warming the water to Buch degree as to cause the death of fish. At the extreme north end of the grounds a concrete dam has been built to turn the water Into the Hatchery grounds to supply the ponds, through a concrete Inlet, the water passing from pond to pond. Below the concrete dam there will be built a Japanese arch foot bridge to cross the creek from the Hatch ery grounds to a grove of maples, this being the only way to approach that portion of the grounds. In this grove will be fitted up seats, swings, etc., for the accommodation of visitors to the Hatchery, in the pleasant surroundings of which they may wish to spend the day. The creek from the concrete dam to the southern extremity of the Hatchery grounds will be of a uni form width of twenty-two feet, with concrete walls on either side to pro tect the embarkments. At Inter vals of about three hundred feet pools of various depths will be made in which trout from the creek can winter and bo protected from weas els, coons and other animals that prey upon them. A perch pond Is also being con structed which, when completed will cover one and one-half acres, the greatest depth being fourteen feet, the shoalest portion four feet, making an average depth of nine feet. This, when completed, will have a capacity of 15,000 perch, capable of furnishing 3,000,000 eggs. Two of the largo fry ponds are to be cut into a brood pond for bass. 'This pond will also be cap able of maintaining 150,000 bass. On the northeast corner of the grounds is a very pretty elevation which will be cleared of stumps and rocks, made of uniform grade and seeded down. On this plot will be planted hemlock, spruce and pine, which will grow right down to the edge of the bass pond. The greater part of this work will be completed by the end of the coming year. During the past summer various extensions have been made at all the hatcheries throughout the state. The Torresdale hatchery was com pleted this year. It is the most picturesque in the State. The Corry hatchery has been almost en tirely remodeled. At the Spruce ,Cntek hatchery ice and boat house have been built and over four acres In ponds, all for lake trout. These trout will be planted mostly In Wayne and Susquehanna county lakes. At Conneaut Lake, a large bass pond has been built. It Is nearly two acres In size. At Union City a number of small ponds were made. At Bellefonte a new natch ery houBe 40x100 feet has been built, and five concrete ponds con structed. They now have there two hatching houses and sixty-five trout ponds which will Increase the out put of the Bellefonte hatchery five millions of trout. There are now at all the hatcheries of the state 143 trout ponds. It will take 8,000,000 young trout to supply these ponds to a breeding age. The bass and perch ponds are estimated to yield eight million eggs, which Is hardly one-eighth of the output of eggB that are gathered from the various lakes of Wayne county. Most of the eggs gathered from these lakes are shipped direct to other hatcheries for hatching purposes. The capac ity of all the hatching houses with all the Improvements attached will make a total of 17,000,000 brook trout and 7,000,000 lake trout, a grand total of 24,000,000 trout. The expense of running a hatch ery seems large, but one accustom ed to seeing it from day to day will wonder how It can be run at so small a margin. The estimate of feeding the fish alone for all the hatcheries for meat Is ?3,000, while the labor figures up to $1,000. It costs from 14.000 to ?6,000 a year to run each hatchery. The last leg islature appropriated J10.000 for Improvements and extensions, and the work done the past year by the fish commission has been done very economically. All this work was planned at the bureau of fisheries in Harrlsburg, and much credit is due Commissioner Meehan for the man ner in which he has conducted the work and made It a success. Much criticism has been made in regard to the way hatcheries are conducted. The writer has often heard it said that It was a snap to hold a government position as an employe at a fish hatchery. During the last three years I have had more or less to do with the Wayne Hatch ery, and I can vouch for myself that if I was looking for a snap I woulu look for some other occupation. It is no sinecure, I am certain, for there are many conditions about the work that calls for real hardship on the' person doing' it, as well as pa tient care and a devoted interest to the work that requires his full time, so that the best Interests of the com monwealth in the protection and de velopment of Its food and game fishes can be attained. R. P. MUMFORD. The Comet Visible. Halley's comet is now visible to the naked eye for the first time since its disappearance 75 years ago. This celestial wanderer is rushing through space towards the earth at a rate of a million miles a day. From the day It first appears it will continue to grow brighter until May 18th, when the earth will sweep through its fiery tail. It will then begin to grow dimmer un til some time In September, when it will disappear from sight for 75 years. This comet promises to be one of the most gorgeous spectacles ever witnessed and will during Its presence In reach of human vision be the cause of much comment and speculation. It appears every 75 years. The comet was at its aphelion, or point farthest from the sun, In 1874. It passed within the orbit of Nep tune about 1895, past the course of Uranus in 1903, of Saturn in 1908, and of Jupiter this year. While it is on a visit to the sun, it will come only within about 66,000,000 miles of the sun Its perihelion before turning back on Its course. That will be about April 13th'hext. About May 18th folowlng it will be within 12,000,000 or 13,000,000 miles of the earth, near enough to lash its great tall over us, and perhaps de stroy our life with carbonic acid gas or set us on fire with acetylene, If it were not for the Inexorable law which Newton discovered, and some other laws of astronomical physics which the savants are still puzzling their heads over. Some 800 comets are on record, of which about half were recorded before the discovery of the telescope In 1610. Of the 400 discovered since that date only some 70 or 80 have been visible to the naked oye. The most brilliant comet of the last century was the comet of 1882. Whether Halley's comet will be still more of a spectacle next spring can not certainly be foretold. Various astronomical elements enter into the speculation. It is said, for instance, that comets are very likely to lose some of their substance on their visits to the sun, so that, other things being equal, a comet on each return should be less brilliant than on its previous visit. But, what ever the lfs and buts, great expecta tions may safely be entertained for the spring visit in 1910 of the great nomad of the skies. ADDS IN THE CITIZEN ALWAYS BRING KS8UMH FARMERS WILL HELP Accurate Accounts of Operations for Year an Important Part of Cen sus Inquiry. Tho thirteenth goneral census of the United States will bo taken, be ginning April 15, 1910. By prepar ing an accurate account of his farm operations during the year ending December 31, 1909, of all his farm possessions, the farmers of the coun try can render the census bureau and the public at large an inestimable service. It was not to be expected that farmers will ever keep as complete accounts as do manufacturers and merchants. The fact that a large part of his dally bread is supplied from his own farm, Instead of being purchased out of cash on hands, nat urally causes the farmer to place an uncertain value on the products con sumed In his home. Nevertheless, a constantly Increas ing number of farmers are keeping accurate records of their dally re ceipts and expenses and of the exact quantities of all classes of products grown or raised on their farms. Wherever such records are kept the census enumerators are able to ob tain highly accurate reports without taking more than a fow minutes of the farmer's time and without troubling htm to make difficult esti mates. In order that the great majority of farmers who do not ordinarily keep book records of these farm operations may be given an oppor tunity to familiarize themselves with the scope of the census to be taken next April, an outline of the schedule has been prepared. Every farm op erator Is strongly urged to study this outline carefully and to write down the answer to each queston as soon as the necessary information be comes available. When complete, the notebook should be laid aside for reference when the enumerator calls. The schedule may be divided into classes as follows: Personal Information regarding the farmer. General Information regarding farm acreage, values and expenses. A statement of the acreage, yield and value of all farm crops harvest ed In 1909, and all animal products that Is, dairy products, eggs, live stock sold, etc. An Inventory of all live stock, In cluding poultry and bees, on hand April 15. 1910. Miscellaneous information. Farmers will be asked to give their name, postofllce address, color or race, age, nation In which 'born, ten ure, length of residence on farm, and if a tenant, the name and address of the person from whom land is leased. By obtaining the ages of farmers the census will be able to classify farm property by age periods of the operators and thus show what pro portion of all farm Wealth Is con trolled by farmers under 25 years of age, between 45 and 50 years of age, or for any other age period. The rate of gain in wealth as the farm ers increase in age will be a general index to the profitableness of farm ing as an occupation In different sec tions of the country. The question of tenure, from many standpoints, is one of the most in teresting on the schedule. The three principal tenures are owned, cash tenants and share tenant. Each farm operator will be re quired to state the total number of acres In his farm, and also the num ber of acres of improved land. By improved land, Is meant all regular ly tilled or mowed land temporarily pastured, land lying fallow, land In gardens, orchards, vineyards, and nurseries, and occupied by build ings. The number of acres of tim ber land will also be called for. Statements will be required of the value of all land, buildings, imple ments and machinery. It should be born In mind that the figures, de sired are the values on April 15, 1910, and should be determined by carefully estimating the amounts that could be realized from sales un der average conditions. Inquiry will be made for the total amount expended for farm labor in 1909, exclusive of expenditures for housework. A third question calls for the amount paid in 1909 for ma nure and other fertilizers. A new question in farm census in vestigations calls for the amount paid In 1909 for hay, grain and other art icles not raised on the farm, but pur chased for feed and domestic ani mals and poultry. Four facts aro required to be as certained regarding each principal crop grown on the farm in 1909. The number of acres harvested, the quan tity produced, the value of the pro duct, and the number of acres sown or planted or to bo sown or planted for harvest In 1910. The values giv en should be based upon prices re ceived in the local markets. The crops called for on the schedule are: Crops grown exclusively for their grain or seed; crops grown exclusive ly for hay and forage; crops of sun dry classes; crops grown for sugar or syrup, fruit and nuts, vegetables, fruit products, forest products, ani mal products, animals sold alive and those slaughtered, wool and mohair, dairy products, poultry and eggs and bees and honey. The census classification of do mestic animals according to kind and age follow closely the classifications used by the United States depart ment of agriculture and the principal live stock breeders' associations. The classification by ages is very simple, and in addition to this information, a statement is desired of the num ber of calves, lambs, colts, mule colts, kids and pigs brought forth oa the farm during 1909. The num ber raised may he substituted for the number brought forth when such number alone Is known. Farmers owning pure-bred ani mals that are registered or eligible for register may be asked to report the number of each kind, giving In each case the name of the breed. It is also probable that an inquiry will be made regarding the number of cows that were regularly milked for more than three months during 1909. This Information will be of Interest In connection with the re port of dairy products. STAR GAZING. The Study of tho Constellations as a Pastime. Probably every reader has often admired the beauty of a starlight night. A little careful observation on such a night will show that the brighter stars may be divided into groups or "constellations," as tho astronomers call them, most of which are known by the names of animals or legendary persons, such for example as "the Great Bear," "the Swan," "Hercules," "Androm eda," etc. The easiest method of learning these "constellations" is from some one already acquainted with them, but If the beginner is not fortunate enough to know any such person tho majority can be learned from any cheap star maps Buch as are sometimes contained In almanacs. Now, If the budding astronomer will notice the position of any of these groups or constellations at a particular hour of any night and then look a few hours afterwards he will see that during the interval the stars which appeared low down in the east have risen to the south in a somewhat similar manner to the apparent motion of the sun and moon, while closer attention on several evenings will show a circu lar or rotary movement around the north pole of the heavens, the mo tion being the opposite way to the hands of a clock. Near the north pole Is a bright star called the "Pole star." This star is easily found when the ob server has once noted the seven bright stars of the "Great Bear," the two outer stars of the four forming the "square" known as the "pointers" point almost directly at the Polar star. This majestic movement of the. stars around the pole of the heavens is a most sub lime and wonderful sight. Coun try Side. Courtship in Church. A young gentleman happening to sit in church In a pew adjoining one In which sat a young lady, for whom he conceived a sudden and violent passion, was desirous of entering Into a courtship on the spot; but the place not suiting a formal de claration, the exigency of the case suggested the following plan: He politely handed his fair neighbor a Bible (open) with a pin stuck in the following text: Second Epistle of John, verse fifth "And now I be seech thee lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we owe one an other." She returned it, pointing to the second chapter of Ruth, verse tenth "Then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground, and- said unto .him, 'Why have I found grace In thine eyes, that thou shouldst take knowledge of me, see ing that I am a stranger?' " He re turned the book, pointing to, the thirteenth verse of the Third Epistle of John "Having many things to write upon to you, I would not write with paper and ink, but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full." From the above Interview a marriage took place the ensuing week. Tho Cigarette Smoker. Elbert Hubbard Isn't the best au thority in the world on all subjects, but he Is unquestionably correct in pronouncing against the use of ciga rettes, especially by the young. In a late number of the Philistine he says: "As a close observer and employ er of labor for over twenty-five years, I give you this: Never advance tho pay of a cigarette smoker; nev er promote him; never trust him to carry a roll to Garcia, unless you do not care for Garcia and are will ing to lose the roll. Cigarette smok ing begins with an effort to be smart. It soon becomes a pleasure, a satisfaction, and serves to bridge over a moment of nervousness or embarrassment. Next it becomes a necessity of life, a fixed habit. This last stage soon evolves Into a third condition, a stage of fever and un restful, wandering mind, accompa nied by loss of moral and mental control." Inevitably cigarette smoking im pairs health, lessens usefulness and jeopardizes happiness, and all with out compensation worthy of the name. All smokers are not affected to the same degree, but there is none who would not be better off 'without the habit. Science as Evidence. VICTORIA, B. C Dec. 10. A moving picture of tho assassination of Prince Ito at Harbin Is to be used in the trial of the Korean assassin, according to advices brought by the steamer Kaga Maru to-day. A Russian photographer had pre pared to make moving pictures of the meeting of Prince Ito and Minis ter Kokovostoff, and caught the as saulnation scene upon his films. Japanese officials obtained a film five hundred feet long showing every detail of the tragedy. Tkki will be exhibited at tin trial. . .. REPORT OP THta CONDITION or THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE, WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business, Nov. 16,1909. BisouncES. Loans and Discounts I 209,038 01 Overdrafts.secured and unsecured 60 82 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation. 65,000 00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 2300 00 Honda, securities, etc 13338 45 Banking-house, furniture and fix tures .................. 40,000 00 Duo from National Banks (not Reserve Agents)... 4.603 05 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers. Trust Companies, and SavIngB Banks 81 88 Due from approved reserve agents 139(96 44 Checks and other cash Items.... 2,609 31 ,Notes ol other National Banks.. 325 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 250 84 Lawful Money Keserve In Bank, Viz: Specie fS6,337 00 Legal tender notes 0.607 00- 91,944 M Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (6 per cent, of circu lation) 2,750 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund Total $1,932,687 S3 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In I 150,000 09 Surplus fund 150,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 83,250 69 National Bank notes outstanding 64.400 01 State Bank notes outstanding.... 900 04 Due to other National Banks 660 29 Due to State and Private Bunks and Bankers..... 967 68 Individual deposits sublecl to subject to check.... $1,466,468 11 Demand certificates of deposit 20,017 00 Certified check 69 63 Cashier's checks out standing 148 72-1,492,703 3D Bonds borrowed None Notes and bills rediBCountcd None Bills payable. Including certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total 11.932.887 S3 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, K. F. Torbey, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. F. Torrey. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before rue this 19th day of Nov. 1909. W. H. STONE, N. P. Correct attest: M. Z. Russell ) K, B. Hardenueroii, -Directors. J. C. BlRDBALL. J lUWl REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HOHE8DALE, WAYNE CO.. PA., at the close of business, Nov. 6,1909. RESOURCES Reserve fund t Cash, specie and notes, $48,840 60 Legal securities 45,000 00 Due from approved re- serve agents 118,341 64-212,182 14 Nickels, cents and fractional cur rency 143 61 Checks and cash Items 2.6U9 65 Due from Banks and Trust Co's.not reserve agents 15.093 03 Bills discounted not due; $334,115 62 Bills discounted, time loans with collateral... 44,035 00 Loans on call with col lateral 101,625 75 Loans on call upon one name 4,550 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 68,726 75 Loans secured by bond and mortgage 21.300 577,353 02 Investment securities owned ex clusive of reserve bonds, viz: , Stocks, Bonds, etc.. 1,815,872 21 Mortgages and Judg ments of record.,., 227,379 772,013.251 98 Office Building and Lot 27.000 00 Other Real Estate 6,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,000 00 Overdrafts 217 60 Miscellaneous Assets 400 00 $2,886,310 93 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid in $ 100.000 00 Surplus Fund 310,000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 84,143 35 Deposits subject to check $160,912 81 Time certllicates of de posit 3,238 78 Saving Fund Deposit, 2,190,823 16 Cashier's check outst'tr 271 29-2,355,216 04 Due to Commonwealth 25,000 00 Due to banks and Trust Cos. not re serve agents 11,891 51 Dividends unpaid , 0u 00 $2,886,310 93 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss: I, H. Scott Salmon, Cashier of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) II. 8. SALMON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to.before me this 13th day of Nov. 1909. (Signed) ROBERT A. SMITH, N, P. Notarial Seal) Correct Attest : W B. Holmes, 1 F. P. Kimble, V Directors. 11. J. Conger. J For New Late Novelties -IN JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES SPENCER, The Jeweler "Guaranteed articles only sold." ARRIVAIi AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS Delaware & Hudson R. R. Trains leave at 6:55 a. m., and 12:26 and 4:30 p. m. ' Sundays at 11:05 a. m. and 7:16 p. m. Trains arrive at 9:66 a. m., 3: Id and 7:31 p.. m. Sundays at 10:16 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. Erie R. R. Trains leave at 8:26 a. m. and 2:48 p. m. Sundays at 2:48. p. m. Trains arrive at 1:40 and 8:08 p. a. Saturdays; arrive at 2; 46 aad leaves at 7:16. Sundays at 7:02 V- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attornevs-at'Law. HTYILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUNBILOB-AT-LAW. Office, Masonic building, second floor Honesdale, Pa. WM. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOIt-AT-LAW. Office over post office. All legal business promptly attended to. Honesdale, Pa. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-t AW . Office Liberty Hall building, opposite the Post Office, Uonesdale. Pa. HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over Rett's store. Honesdale Pa. A T. SEARLE. fx. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office near Court House Honesdale. Pa. 0L. ROWLAND, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAWi Office ver Post Office. Honesdale. Pa CHARLES A. McOARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Special and prompt attention given to tho collection of claims. Office over Relf's new store. Honesdale, Pa. FP. KIMBLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAWi Office over the nost office- Honesdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW, Oflice in the Court Houso, Honesdale. Pa. HERMAN HARMEb, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOIt-AT-LAW Patents and pensions secured. Office In the Schuerholz building Honesdale. Pa. PETER H. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office Second floor old Savings Brit building. Honesdale. Pa, RM. SALMON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office Next door toivtt ifllie. Formerl occupied bvW II. Dlmmick. Honesdale, Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN,. DENTIST. Office First floor, old Savings Bank'.bulld ing, Honesdale. Pa. Dr. C. R. BRADY. Dentist. Honesdale.'Pa.tf Office Hours-8 a. m. to 5 p. m Any evening by appointment. Citizens' phone. 33. Residence. No. 66-X Physicians. DR. H. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Office and residence 1019 Court !strect telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and 6 00fo8:00.D. in. Livery. LIVEKY. Fred. G. Rickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 76yl JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug otore, Honesdale. If you don'Jt insure with us, we both lose. General Insurance White Mills PaJ O. G. WEAVER, Graduate Optician, 1127 H Main St., HONESDALE. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes that are made' to thoroughly cleanse and lave, the teeth. They are the kind that Clean teeth wlthost eavlns your mouth full ot bristles. We recommend .those costing; 28 cents or more, as we can guarantee them and will r Jilace. tree, any that hpw detects ol maau acture within three months. Ol T. CKAHBERS, PHART1ACIST, Om.B..H' HONMOALB, PA, m e Ml GO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers