The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 15, 1909, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER a Wednesday fair Mid considerably colder weather will prevail, with fresh wctitorly to northerly winds.
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k Wayne County Organ
J4 of the
Semi-Weekly Founded
& Weekly Founded, 1844 J
Jc Jt Jt Jt J Ut Jt .St Jt J J J 0 S
66th YEAR.
NO. 99
after pin
Renewed Attack Upon Sec
retary of the Interior.
President Taft's Adviser Said to
Have Shut His Eyes to Glaring
Frauds Urged Claims Be
fore Congress.
New Tork, Dec. 14. Fuel Is added,
to the fire of the Balllnger-Pinchot
controversy by n forthcoming article
in Collier's Weekly headed "Can This
Be Whitewashed Also?" and outlining
a conspiracy to control the copper and
coal lands In Alaska. The article says:
"It Is common knowledge through
out Alaska and the west generally
that the Morgan Interests are allied
with the Guggenheim mining Interests
and that the same financial forces are
allied with the Hill railroad Interests.
When Richard A. Balllnger, now sec
retary of the interior, was nominated
and elected mayor of Seattle he was
put forward by the Hill political man
agers, ostensibly to put down certain
local evils, but really to put the Hill
forces In control of local politics.
Balllnger supported Levi Ankcny, the
railroad candidate who notoriously
bought his seat in the United States
"An important detail of Ballinger's
record to remember is his grant as
secretary of the interior of the rail
road right of way along the Des
Chutes river, In Oregon. Balllnger
himself was an Incorporator of the
original Des Chutes railroad and was
Its vice president and counsel. He is
said to have disposed of his Interest
in this road to his partner at the time
of his recent appointment as secre
tary of the Interior.
"In the confession of S. A. D. Puter,
king of the Oregon land fraud ring,
convicted by, Heney, Puter charged
that during Ballinger's short term as
commissioner of the general land office
Northern Pacific land patents by the
wholesale were Issued. He also stat
ed that the general laud office under
the Balllnger and Dennett administra
tion shut its eyes to glaring land
frauds in Oregon. r
"As far back as. Aug. 13, 1007, Spe
cial Agent Horace T. Jones reported
to Richard A. Balllnger, commissioner
of the general land office, that the
Guggenheim companies were monop
olizing the Alaska Coal lands and
building railroads near Kalalla, Alas
ka, for the purpose of taking out the
oil, minerals, etc. Kalalla Is the loca
tion of the Cunningham claims, and
Cunningham's books showed the re
ceipt of $1,305 from Daniel Guggen
heim 'for expenses incurred for s ex
amination of coal lands on his ac
count.' "Commissioner Balllnger appeared
before the house committee on public
lands and urged the passage of the
Cale bill to legalize the Cunningham
claims. With Balllnger appeared Dan
iel R. McKenzle, a well known Wash
ington lobbyist and a supporter of Sen
ator Piles of Washington, Ballinger's
"On June 28, this year, McKenzle
took S. W. Eccles of the Guggenheim
syndicate to see Special Agents Glavls
and Jones in Seattle to urge the Cun
ningham claims.
"In October, 1008, in Portland, Ore.,
while the presidential campaign was
on, Balllnger spoke to Glavls of the
difficulty of raising campaign funds.
Ho told Glavls that some of the Cun
ningham claimants had contributed
freely in previous campaigns, but wore
unwilling to do so at that time on ac
count of the investigation of their
claims and urged Glavls not to prose
cute his investigations further until
fter election.
"In his written report to President
Taft nt Beverly, Glavls stated that a
number of the Alaska coal claimants
'are men prominent in the state of
Washington, nnd many of them are
personal friends of Mr. Balllnger.'
"Clarence Cunningham lived at Wal
lace, Ida., at the time he first became
Interested in the Cunningham claims.
Wallace Is the chief town in the Coeur
d'Alene mining region. The .Guggen-
helms control the lead output of the
Coeur d'Alenes. Wallace is the resi
dence of Senator W. B. Heybura of
Idaho. Cunningham and Heyburn are
and hare been for years friends.
"Another claimant is Charles Swee
ney, Coeur d'Alene mine owner, who
floated some Coeur d'Alene mines and
sold them to Standard OH interests.
Court records in Seattle show thnt Bal
linger's law firm represented the
Standard Oil company in three differ
ent suits.
. "Senator Heyburn was at the time of
his election to the United States sen
ate the leading attorney at Wallace for
some of the large Coeur d'Alene mine
interests. After the hearing on the
Cale bill Senator Heyburn on April 23,
1008, introduced in the senate another
bill which would have legalized the
Cunningham claims and which would
have passed but for the intervention
of Secretary Garfield.
"tn Washington, Heyburn and Bal
llnger appear to have acted in con
cert. It is unlawful for a United
States senator to act as attorney for
persons interested in urging claims be
fore the departments at Washington.
In Cunningham's books, under date of
September, 1003, nine months after
Heyburn's election as senator, there is
an entry which reads as follows:
'Have agreed with W. B. Heyburn In
consideration for his services ns attor
ney to carry him for one claim of 1G0
acres In the coal free of cost to him,
and he agrees to do all our legal work
In procuring titles, etc., free of expense
to us.'
"When Balllnger represented Cun
ningham he represented nil the Cun
ningham claims. Not only this, but
tho record Is quick with the evidence
of his employment by other Alaska
coal claimants at different times. Un
der date of Dec. 23, 1003, a little over
two months before he took office as
secretary of the interior, Balllnger
wrote to the register nnd receiver of
the United States land office at Ju-
neru,' Alp ska, Kijicg -that he repre
sented W. G. Whorf, whose entry was
known ns coal survey No. 315.
"On Jan. 7, 1000, less than sixty days
before Balllnger became secretary of
the interior, M. A. Green, who repre
sents another Alaska coal syndicate,
wrote to John W. Dudley, register of
the Juneau (Alaska) land office, 'I sub
mitted this scrip to Judge Balllnger
as my lawyer, and he has approved
tho same, saying it was regular in ev
ery way, so 1 bought It and paid for
it and am sending It forward to you at
this time.'
"Under date of April 10, 1000, six
weeks after Balllnger took the oath
of office as secretary of the Interior,
Walter M. French of tho law firm of
Allen & French of Seattle wrote John
W. Dudley, register of the Juneau
land office, 'Mr. Hnrriraan, whom I
represenc, has on several occasions
taken the matter of sale up with Judge
Balllnger, whose firm represented the
purchasers, nud with Mr. Hartllne, and
the parties have at all times seemed
to be In perfect accord.'
"On June 20, 1000, Donald R. Mc
Kenzle, Ballinger's intimate associate
and client, told Special Agents Jones
and Glavis in Seattle that Secretary
Garfield's attitude toward the Alaska
coal claims, in which he nnd his
friends were interested, was such 'that
they brought pressure to bear on sena
tors and representatives to prevent bis
remaining In the cabinet under Presi
dent Taft. Are the same influences
that kept Garfield out keeping Bal
llnger in? Will the president consider
these facts in weighing the arguments
now being pressed upon him by mem
bers of his cabinet?"
New Jersey Railroad Commission Hold
That It Has No Authority.
Trenton, N. J., Dec. 14. Holding that
it has no jurisdiction over the rates
charged by express companies, the
state railroad commission has dis
missed a petition filed by the Elizabeth
board of trade complaining of the
charges made by the Adams and Unit
ed States Express companies between
that city and New York.
The board held that the mere fact of
its not having power to Interfere under
the statute is no reason why its juris
diction should not bo extended and an
nounced its intention of urging in its
forthcoming annual report that Its du
ties bo extended to include supervision
over the rates and charges of express
To Elect Senators by Popular Vote.
Washington, Dec. 14. The first Joint
resolution of tho session, providing for
a constitutional amendment authoriz
ing the election of United States sena
tors by popular vote, was Introduced
in the senate by Senator Brlatow of
Mrs. Brokaw Says Suicide
Attempt Was Genuine.
Declares That Husband Went to
Her Boom With a Gun and
Threatened to Blow Out
What Brains She Had.
Mlneola, N. 2., Dec. 14. Mrs. Mary
Blair Brokaw, who is suing her hus
band, W. Gould Brokaw, for a separa
tion and $30,000 a year alimony, spent
five more hours on the witness stand
in court here under cross examination
y John F. Mclntyre.
Mrs. Brokaw stood the ordeal well
and caused frequent smiles nnd some
laughter by her ready replies to' the
questions put to her. She told more
about the disputes between herself and
her husband, and some of the causes
of their differences were amusing even
to the court.
Mrs. Brokaw said that in Paris, just
after the death of Jlmmie Martin, Mr.
Brokaw's nephew, she had proposed
4 '
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taking some gowns from Mrs. .Martin
ns nn accommodation, and her hus
band said that he would not have Mrs.
Brokaw wearing "hand me down"
clothes. This brought about a rupture
that lasted oil the way from Paris to
New York via London.
Mrs. Brokaw said that at a dinner at
High Point when one of the guests
poured just a little bit of champagne
Into her glass she drank it, not know
ing for the moment that she hnd been
deceived, her husband called her from
the table and told her that cue knew
what she had been drinking and that
she had taken a great deal more than
the few sips she admitted having
"Madam, do you remember that at
High Point Mr. Brokaw made protest
against your drinking?" asked Mr. Mc
lntyre. The witness said that the pro
test was not made nt High Point.
Q. Don't you recall that the . second
man took cocktails to your room and that
there was a protest? A. I do not. I nev
er drank cocktails.
Q. Do you mean to say that you never
tasted a cocktail? A. No; I did not say
that. I have on one or two occasions.
Q. Then what did you drink 7 A. I had
a little port wine each day at Mr. Bro
kaw's request.
Q. The second man used to take ciga
rettes to your room, did he not? A. He
did not.
Q. What sort of poison was It you took
wnen you tried to take your own life?
A. I don't know.
Q. Did you take It accidentally? A. I
did not.
Q. How do you know that you took
polfon? A. The bottle was labeled.
Q. Pardon the word, madam, but didn't
you take tho stun as a bluff? A. I did
not. I wanted to die.
Q. You say that after a luncheon on
New Year's day Mr. Brokaw went to
your room with a nun and told you that
with the weapon he'd blow out what lit
tle brains you had. Do you remember
what sort of a gun It was?
Mrs. Brokaw replied that she did
not. Mr. Brokaw, she said, had thirty
or forty guns, and she could not tell
which ono it was. Nevertheless, sho
was terrified at tho time, but sho did
not tell uny ono about It.
After the gun episode Mrs. Brokaw
went In a runabout with tho coachman
as far as the station, which was nine
miles from Falrvlow Park, tho Bro
kaw place. When sho got to tho High
Point station she put up at a hotel
there and was called on tho telephone
by her husbnnd nnd her brother, who
begged her to return.
Antl-Conners Cruisde Abandoned.
New York, Dec. 14. Tho executive
oommlttco of the Democratic League
of Now York State has abandoned all
efforts to retire William J. Oonners of
Buffalo as chairman of the Democrat
ic stats committee
Army Officer Sentenced to Two and a
Half Years In Prison.
New York, Dec. 14. Captain Thomas
Franklin, U. S. A., pleaded guilty in
the United States circuit court of em
bezzling government money and pre
senting false vouchers for approval
while stationed at West Point as com
missary and treasurer from 1002 to
1007 and was sentenced by Judge
Hand to serve two years and six
months in the federal prison at At
lanta, Go.
He wept bitterly as he received the
sentence. Before It was pronounced
he had been asked if he had anything
to say.
"I would like to say," he began in a
husky voice, "that both my counsel
and Mr. Wise have spoken well of my
army record. During the six years
that I was stationed at West Point I
handled very large sums of money, but
the amount that has been stated as
that I had taken is not correct, the
actual amount not exceeding $700.
"These gentlemen," turning to Colo
nel Hull and Major Winshlp, who rep
resented the wnr department in the
proceedings, "are wrong in stating
that I took between $10,000 nnd $14,
000. You ought to know specifically
what tho amount was," he said, ad
dressing the two officers directly. "It
is hardly fair that I should be wrong'
ed In regard to that."
Charles N. Crittenton Leaves It Half of
His $4,000,000 Estate.
New York, Dec. 14.-Charles N. Crlt
tenton, the wholesale druggist and
founder of the Florence Crittenton
missions for women, girls and chil
dren, left half his deslduary estate,
valued at $4,000,000, for the benefit of
the missions, and ho left $200,000 to
eight old ci ployces.
Mr. Crittenton turned his attention
to mission work In 1882 after the death
,of his youngest daughter, Florence,
'and in 1808, after his wife and three
daughters had died, he founded the
National Florence Crittenton mission,
'which has Its headquarters In Wash
ington. Branches of the mission have formed
rapidly until at present there are about
soventy-flve, not only in most of the
large cities of this country, but in Mar
seilles, Tokyo, Shanghai and the City
of Mexico.
Exciting Moment When He Gets News
of His Nomination.
Cincinnati, Dec. 14. Judge Horace
II. I.urton and his associates were In
the midst of the hearing of a will ense
here when a messenger entered the
court with-the news of the judge's ap
pointment to the United States su
preme bench. The messenger whls-
pored tho news to tho court clerk, who
wrote It on a slip of paper and sent it
to the judge.
Tho judge folded the slip and stuck
It In his pocket without oven commu
nicating the news to the two judges
who sat beside him.
Afterward Judgo Lurton said: "It
was the most exciting moment In my
llfo when I received the news. I had
tho hardest work to keep from betray,
lug my feelings nnd to give my atten
tion to tho case before the court. Of
courso I am glad that the president
has honored me. It has been the am
bition of my life to sit in the United
States supreme court. Of course I
shall accept."
Argentlna Aroused by Recent Out
ragesTry to Lynch Prisoners.
Buenos Aires, Dec. 14. Owing to nu
merous recent outrages C00 anarchists
have been arrested here.
While the arrests were being made
a crowd of people attempted to lynch
iome of the anarchists'. The police,
however, rescued them.
Some of them will be expelled, while
others will be sent to the penal colo
nies in Terra del Fueso.
Woman Describes Horrors
on Ocean Liners.
Immigration Commission Recom
mends That Law Be Passed to
Station Women Government
Agents on Liners.
Washington, Dec. 14. Appalling
steerage conditions on transatlantic
liners are described in a report sent to
congress by the immigration commis
sion, and effective remedial legislation
is recommended.
The commission transmits the re
ports of twelve women agents giving
their experiences on board steamships
when they posed as steerage passen
gers. Summing up one such trip, a
woman agent of the immigration com
mission who was Insulted and com
pelled to undergo privations which
were repulsive to her nature said:
"During tuese twelve days in the
steerage I lived in disorder and in sur
roundings that offended every sense.
The vile language of the men, the
screams of the women defending
themselves, the crying of children
wretched because of their surround
ings, irritated beyond endurance.
"Everything was dirty, sticky nnd
disagreeable to the touclv Every Im
pression wus offensive.
"For fifteen hours each day I wit
nessed nil around me improper, inde
cent and forced miugling of men and
women. People cannot live in such
surroundings and not be Influenced."
The report says that on many of tho
steamships men stewards nnd -members
of the crew as well as male steer
age passengers crowd into the com
partments set aside for women and
constantly pass through the passage
way of such compartments, po that no
woman ' in the steerage "had a- mo-,
ihentfs privacy."
During the hour preceding tho break
fast bell, while the women were rising
and dressing, several men usually pass
ed through and returned for no ostensi
ble reawous.
. "Members of the crew," says one
woman agent, "never failed to deal a
woman passenger u blow when she
was found standing on the framework
of a lower berth to get anything from
an upper berth.
"In making free with the women
the men of tho crew went as fur as
possible without exposing themselves
to the danger of punishment."
The report says of one voyage that
not one young woman in the steerage
escaped insult. The writer herself was
i no exception unci lens ui repeuuig uu
i vances on the part of members of the
crew nnd stewards with blows in the
i offenders' faces.
"The manner," she says, "In which
the sailors, stewards, firemen nnd oth
ers mingled with the women passen
gers was thoroughly revolting. Their
lnnguage and tho topics of their con
versation were vile. Their comments
about the women made In their pres
ence were coarse. Some of the ere?
were always on deck and took all man
ner of liberties with the women In
broad daylight as well as after dark."
"The universal human needs of
space, nlr, food, sleep and privacy are
recognized to the degree now made
compulsory by law," says the commis
sion. "Beyond that the persons car
ried are looked upon as so much
freight, with mere transportation ns
their only due."
The sleeping quarters are described
ts being in mnny cases filthy, inade
quate and nil that Is bad.
It is urged that n statute be imme
diately enacted providing for the plac
ing of women government agents in
disguiso on vessels carrying third class
and steerage passengers, the expense
to be borne by the steamship compa
nies. Senator Dillingham, chairman of the
immigration commission, Introduced In
tho senate two bills Intended to correct
much of the evil of which complaint
is made.
More Than 90,000 Acres Burned Over
In the Past Year.
Trenton, N. J., Dec. 14. The forest
park reservoir commission says in its
annual report to Governor Fort that
during the last year thero were 608
forest fires In New Jersey, covering an
area of 01,340 acres and involving a
loss of $140,210.
The report says the commission is
convinced that forestry in the state is
almost useless unless means can be
provided to keep the fires under rea
sonable control. It 1b useless, the com
mission says, to advocate forest plant
ing or to urge that woodlands be
tared for so long as no assurance can
to given that the venture and invest
ment will not bo un in smoke.
Belgian King Says, "I Know
My End Is Near."
Bnt Sends No Reply to Telegram
From Princess Louise Asking
For Interview Pope Sends
Brussels, Dec. 14. Fully conscious,
but in a state of extreme physical
weakness, Leopold, king of the Bel
gians, lies expecting death.
The aged ruler is calm and shows
not the slightest fear for the future.
While suffering excruciating pain, he
bears up with remarkable fortitude
and displays a courage that is admira
He greeted his physicians with per
fect serenity and to one of them said:
"I am going to make a long Journey
Later to a member of his family who
stood by his bedside he remarked:
"I know my end is near."
The king utters no complaints. Dur
ing tho day he bade farewell to a num
ber of court officials, notably the court
marshal, Count Doultremont, to whom
he said:
"You hnve served me well for more
than twenty years, and 1 want to give
you my thanks before I die. I am very
grateful to you."
The count was greatly agitated and
left the room weeping bitterly.
A most affecting interview was that
between the king and his favorite
daughter, Clementine. He. kissed her a,
number of times and tried to consolo
her. She wns terribly distressed and
was led away half 'fainting.
The king's eldest daughter, Louise,
princess of Snxe-Coburg and tiptl.ot,
from whom he has. been complo'.iy
estranged, telegraphed asfethgrio- a,
uum interview, uux no repiy uaa vii
Thus" fur th,e. physicians in-atteaai,"
hnce have been able, only to retjucc the
ncutencss of the royal patient's pain.
The intestinal obstruction, which lies
at the root of the king's illness, has
not been relieved, nnd unless this is
accomplished the surgeons will reluc
tantly perform an operation with' the
forlorn hope of saving the monarch's
The king is fully aware of the dan
ger which will attend an operation-at
this time. He. knows that it Is likely
to kill him. Owing to the obstruction
he has been unable for three days to
take any food other than a small
quantity of thin soup.
Cardinnl Mercler, archbishop of
Mechlin, who administered the last
sacrament, remains in the king's bed
chamber. Prince Albert of Flanders,
the heir to the throne, and Princess
Albert are also at the palace.
The pope has sent tho papal bene
diction to King Leopold
"I Am Mot Crossing a Bridge," H
Says, "Until I Come to It."
Washington, Dec. 14. Speaker Can
non made one of his characteristic
comments when prodded about a re
port that he would retire from the
speakership at the close of the present
"Laugh and the world laughs with
you," said the speaker. "Please take
note that I am not weeping. A mnn
may retire from the house, may retire
from the speakership; a man may re
sign from tho house, a man may re
sign the speakership, but I am not
crossing a bridge before I come to- it;
Incidentally tho man who wroto the
story saying I would get out has a
very vivid imagination."
Craft Turns Turtle In Cale That U
Pounding the Jersey Coast.
Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 14.-Canght
in the easterly gale that Is driving bis
breakers into every harbor entrance on
the coast a barge loaded with stone
nnd In charge of Captain Martin Coop
er turned turtle while being towed
into Cold Spring inlet, between this
city and Cape May.
Other men aboard the craft Jumped
overboard in order to clear the wreck,
but Captain Cooper stuck to bis vessel
nnd wns carried down with her.
The members of the crew were pick
ed up by life savers from Cold Spring;
station suffering only from cold and
exposure. The barge was owned by
the Philadelphia Transportation and
Lighterage company.
The storm Is tho fiercest of the year.
(Government shore patrols have been
doubled to keep watch for vessels that
may be caught In the gale and mist
hanging off the shore. Rain falling la
torrents haB flooded the streets, and
only the hardy have been able to face
the high winds nnd rain on the board-
r if I