The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 08, 1909, Image 7

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Novelized From Eugene
Walter's Great Play
Ctnritto, 1908. by C W. DillimbM C.
FOR a long time Mrs. Brooks
stood gazing In silence at her
husband, her heart rent with
conflicting emotions. Her hap
piness of the past few months, then,
bad been built upon the precarious
foundation of peculation. Oh, the hor
ror! Oh, the shame of It! On tho
very morrow the name she bore would
be held up to disgrace and derision.
He would b cast Into prison. The
misery of their struggles with poverty
was as nothing compared with that of
their sudden downfall.
Numbed though her heart was with
the shock, shrunk by the terror of
their ghastly position, It was yet not
Impervious to pity, and the hopeless
wretchedness of her husband lnsplrod
It She thought of how he had lavish
ed his stealings upon her, how he ap
peared to be moved by the one desire
to make her comfortable and happy.
She went to him and put her hand
on his head, smoothing his hair.
"Oh, Joe! Oh, my boyl" she said
brokenly. "How could you do it?"
Didn't you know sooner or later you'd
be found out? Now I know why you've
been interested in the races you've
been betting on the horses."
"I I wanted to get the money back,"
be sobbed.
"But didn't you know you couldn't?
Oh, why didn't you leave things as
they were the flat, the struggle and
all that? Why did you bring me hero
and show me all this this happiness
with money that you stole?"
His sobbing ceased, and he pushed
her away and rose.
"That's right. You call me a thief!
If there was one person In the world I
thought I could turn to It's you, and
you turn on me."
"Joe, you mustn't say that. I haven't
turned on you. Only I can't help but
"What? That man Williams drove
me to taking money."
"Drove you?"
"Tes, ho did. He went away so I
tould take It. I expected you to stand
by me. Do you know the hole I'm in?
There are three central office men
downstairs watching. If I make a
move I'll bo nabbed. If s 'all Very1 well
for you to stop and preach you always
were so d d saintly but what of
me? That's the question what of
He thumped his breast violently.
She drew back, hurt by his re
proaches. "If I thought you were yourself I'd
never forgive you for saying that to
me," she declared.
"I'm not asking your forgiveness,
nor your mother's, nor your sister's.
What I want now is somebody to help
me out. I don't want to go to jail. It
would kill me."
"Do you think I want you to go to
jail? Do you think I want the dis
grace" "The disgrace that's it! I knew
that would come sooner or later, but I
didn't think it would come from you.
There's always somebody to hammer
that Into a fellow when he's down."
"I'm not trying to hammer anything
Into you. What I want to know Is
what can be done, what are we going
to do?"
"I don't know unless"
"Unless we can get the money to
pay back. There's Jlmsy."
"That won't do. It's too much. He
hasn't got it. Besides, it's too late
Williams means business. He wouldn't
take the money. He's not that kind."
"Oh. if I only knew a way If 1
could only help!"
She wrung her hands and sank hope
lessly into a chair by the table.
Brooks paced the room restlessly,
like a wild animal in a cage. Now and
then he shot a peculiar, furtive glance
In the direction of his wife. Finally
he sat opposite to her, leaned toward
her on tho table and said in a low, In
tense voice:
"If anything is to be done lfs got to
be done tonight, Emma. Williams is
the only man. You can square it with
"I can?"
"Yes, and no -one but you."
"What can I do?"
He looked at her meaningly.
"He likes you."
Startled, she returned his gaze in
quiringly. "Yes, ho does," he went on. "He al
ways did. Women are his weak point.
He's liked you for years. That's why
he hangs around. I've seen it and
heard what bo said tonight about what
he'd do for a girl like you. lie meant
that, Emma. Hell do anything you
ask him if if you go to him right"
Beginning to understand what ho
wantod of her, she rose slowly, in.
credulous horror in her eyes. He roso
also and went toward her,
"He's home now," he urgwi eagerly.
"You can go. No one will know but
just Williams, you and me. And you
can do more than that yoa can make
him give us money, mora money, to
keep on living like this, and there won't
be any risk."
vSbe, recoiled from him, consumed with
race and sham, ha
"I hope I don't understand aright!"
The words came in quivering gasps.
"Yon mean me to go to his apartment
tonight to see hlra and and"
"No one will know tho difference,"
ho coaxed softly. "You can handle
him all right Besides, you know how
far you can let a man go all women
know that"
"Oh, I can't believo I'm listening to
you! A husband to ask a wife"
She stopped, pressing her cheeks
between her clinched hands, appalled
at his Infamy.
"Then you won't do it?" he cried
angrily. "You won't come to the front?
I suppose you don't think I ought to
ask. Why shouldn't I? Who did I
steal the money for? I did it because
you made me!"
"That's a lie!"
"You know it's the truth. When I
married you your father was to help
me, and he died, and then you had to
do your own work, and you whlded
and complained."
"That's another lie!"
"Oh, you never said so in so many
words, but I saw it for four years
around the house. I saw you sighing
and moping because you didn't have
enough to live on. Then there were
that mother of your and your sister
they never stopped. You tried to make
yourself a martyr. Every moment of
your life was a mute protest against
our poverty yea. it was, and you know
it Do you remember that night when
you said you couldn't go to the theater
because you didn't have clothes? That
was the flrst time I took money. Thaf
when I began."
"You knew I wouldn't have gone if
I had known."
"But you did go you kept on go
ing, .and I kept on stealing for you.
God, how I've suffered for you, for the
clothes on your back. Every night
has been a nightmare. Now I'm going
to jail, you know that I'm going up
there on the river for years because
you won't do your part"
"I can't do what you want"
He became satantlcally persuasive
"Why can't you?" he urged. "Other
women have for less reason one to get
control of a transcontinental railroad
for her husband. I've risked every
thing for you. If you go there tonight
I won't go to jail; I won't be hauled
into court; no one will know but the
three of us. No one will think the less
of you. I've gone through to the limit
for you; it's up to you to go through
for me."
"Then If you go to jail you mean
that I've sent you there?"
"Yes, and down in your heart you
know you have."
Every instinct of her pure woman
hood, every fiber of her flesh, 'revolted
at this cynical exhibition of his vile
ness. She contemplated him with
"Now that I see you naked In all
your nasty meanness, your contempti
ble viciousness, I wonder how I ever
made, the mistake of thinking you even
half a man," she said.
This scathing, denunciation made no
Impression on hla deadened sense of
honor and decency.
"You can't dodge -the responsibility
with fine speeches," he replied, shrug
ging his shoulders. "I've gone wrong
for you. What are you going to do?
Be square with me and take this
chance an easy chance and you know
you're safe."
She did not answer, but stood there,
her face set In Its expression of abhor
rence and indignation, deliberating as
to the best course to pursue toward
this unspeakable villain to whom she
was bound and who watched her wltli
anxious, cringing mien.
She addressed him finally In cold,
harsh tones:
"Whatever I may do or promise to
do, I promise simply because you
btame me."
"Emma, I knew you'd"
"Don't make the mistake that I care
for you. Whatever I felt for you, and
1 thought it was love, you've assassl
nated in the last ten minutes. But I
don't want you to go to jail pointing a
finger of accusation at me."
"Then you'll be square you'll help
"You understand that if I bargain
with Captain Williams for your free
dom I make the bargain."
"I know. I'll never ask."
"It will be my business alone."
"Yea, just yours."
"Is he home?"
"Yes, I think so. He said he was
going there."
"Telephone and ask him If he can
see me now alone."
Ho jumped to the instrument but as
his hand grasped the receiver he host
tated, and a flush suffused his white,
drawn cheeks, brought there by the
first true consciousness of the enor
mity of his crime. He looked around
guiltily at his wife. She was standing
rigid, her back toward him. He took
down the receiver.
"Seven-slx-clght-four Bryant," he
V A JPHEN Jlmsy Smith had told
Iff Emma and Joe that Cap
W W tain Williams lived in a lit
tle south sea island nook
moved into his flat and that it was
dirty the description had done justice
to tho place in a general way. It was
in a hotel not far from that in which
the Brookses had so recently taken up
their residence, and the living room
was a curious combination of natural
history museum and ship's cabin.
A wooden capstan In the center did
duty for a round table, and on it, in
addition to an electric reading lamp,
an untidy litter of papers and maga
lines, some writing paper, envelopes.
pens and Ink, were a huge tin box of
tobacoo and a rack containing pipes of
wood ana meerschaum of all site.
shapes and colon. Ilamarkablo amour
the few chairs of rattan or rush was
one, a largo rocking chair, partially
constructed of two small anchors, the
flukes forming the rockers. In a cor
ner over a comfortable lounge was a
canopy made of a piece of sail can
vas supported by south sea island
spears and decorated with leather
shields, worclubs, boomerangs and
other native weapons, together with
necklaces and various ornaments of
sharks' teeth. Covering the walls
were stuffed fishes of weird shape.
Over the entranco door was a ship's
wheel and on the mantel a model of
an old time trading schooner with all
sails set Among other objects on the
mantel also was a faded daguerreo
type showing Captain Williams as a
young man, in uniform. On each side
of the capstan was a dirty cuspidor.
The carpet also was dirty and spotted,
and dust had settled thickly every
where. In this queer abode Williams
lived alone, save for Sato, a Japanese
valet, who had served him for many
The massive form of tho captain
himself, minus his coat, might have
been descried in the light of the lamp
throngh the cloud of tobacco smoke
that enveloped him as be sat reading
a magazine some time after his de
parture from tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Brooks. He was rather annoyed
when tho telephone bell rang and had
he not been expecting Smith would
hot have troubled to answer it. As It
was, he swore a little and rose lazily
to respond.
"HeUot tee, this is Captain Wil
liams," he said in his usual stentorian
voice. "What Brooks? I won't talk
with you over the phone no what?
Mrs. Brooks? What here? Well,
well! Yes, I'm at home yes. Right
away, yon say? Yes, I'll wait"
Williams could hardly believe what
be had beard. He turned it over in his
mind for fully three minutes figuring
out just what it could mean.
"Going to send his wife here! What
a skunk he is!" he grunted.
He ambled to the telephone again
and instructed the hotel clerk that if
any visitors called to see him they
were to be shown right up. From
there he went to the door of an ad
joining room and roared for his valet.
"Any beer on ice?" he demanded
when the Japanese, who evidently had
been asleep, presented himself.
"Yes, saar."
"Got limes and rum the kind I
brought up from the West Indies?"
"Yes, saar."
"Plenty ice?"
'Tes, saar."
"That's all."
He could not get over the wonder
Brooks' telephone communication had
caused him.
"Told her he'd got a raise of pay, eh?
What a skunk he is! And what a fine
girl she is!"
He gazed abstractedly at the model
of the schooner on the mantel opposite
to him and became burled in thought
so deep that he actually stopped smok
ing and let his pipe go out. Presently
he roused himself, fished a sheet of
writing paper from among the reading
matter on the capstan table and wrote
something upon It after which he
folded the paper carefully and hid it
between the leaves of a magazine.
Then he shouted again for his valet.
"Sato," he ordered, "bring my slip
pers and smoking jacket. There's a
lady coming to see me."
The man grinned knowingly.
"You might as well take a walk,
"Yes, saar."
"And you needn't come back right
"No, saar."
"Here's a couple of dollars for you,
Take 'em and get to blazes out of here.
"Yes, saar."
"And stay out" he recommended as
the Japanese prepared to obey.
When the valet had vanished the
captain took a survey of ills domain
rather anxiously.
"Ifs a little dirty a little dirty
but it'll have to do," he muttered.
There was a knock at the door. Wil
liams wreathed his physiognomy in the
most amiable smile of which It was
capable, felt his tie to assure himself
that it had not slipped round toward
his left ear, as it had a bad bablt of
doing when not hauled taut and clamp
ed in place, and went to let his vis
itor in.
The caller, however, was only Smith.
"Come in, but make your business
short," was Williams' blunt greeting.
"I'm expecting an important visitor."
"All right, captain," responded
Smith tranquilly, entering and helping
himself to a chair.
"Have a pipe?" invited tho host
pushing the tobacco tin toward him.
"Too hot" was the laconic declination.
"Well, how did you leave tho Brooks
"She knows."
"You tell her?"
"No; Joe did."
"Didn't think he had the nerve."
"He hasn't."
"How's that?"
"It was because be lost It that be
told her. Busted right out the moment
the door was closed on you."
"Did they have a row?"
"Don't know. She took it like a
major and asked mo to leave 'em
"Thafa natural."
"Have you got the exact figures?"
"What figures?"
"Of how much be took."
"I guess so to the penny," said Wil
liams, reaching for a memorandum
book and consulting It "It was just
110,880 three days ago."
"Any more now?"
"Not that I know of. Guess that
covers It"
Smith shook bis head moodily,
That's too bad too bad," he murmured.
"That's right It is too bad," agreed
the captain.
Smith thought for a minute, looked
straight at the captain, who was re
garding him curiously and snld firmly
and more quickly than his employer
had over heard him speak before:
"Williams, I don't think It'll take
three minutes for you and rac to come
to an understanding about B rooks."
"What about him?"
"I want to square this thing for
"Where' do you como in, Smith?"
"In plain words, Williams, that's my
business. But I want to square it"
"How do you think you can square
It, Smith?"
As Jlmsy prepared to answer the
question he fell back into his old fa
miliar drawl.
"Well, Williams," he said, "you ain't
got any callous on your fingers from
banding out coin to the folks who've
worked for you, but I've always been
treated about right."
"You were always worth treating
right, Smith."
"Always found you n fair man do
ing tilings yon said you'd do in a fair
"I ain't never been much of a spend
thrift, Williams. I've saved and been
a little lucky in investing the little I've
bad. I can raise about (14,000 by noon
tomorrow, and I'll give you my note
for the rest, with security I mean col
lateral." "So it ain't none of my business why
you do this?"
"Smith, I don't think you can square
this llttlo matter for Brooks."
"Don't think my note's good, eh?"
"'Taln't that You couldn't square
this, Smith, if you had a million right
in your clothes this minute."
"Why not?"
"To tell the truth, I'm going to open
negotiations with another party."
"That so?"
"Mrs. Brooks."
"She's coming up hero to see me
soon. Maybe she and me can come to
some mutually pleasant arrangement
that will keep Brooks out of jail."
"When is she coming?"
The captain puffed at his pipe and
scrutinized Smith's face closely as he
"Expect her any moment"
"How do you know?"
If Williams expected to see any sign
in his visitor of the utter amazement
the profound consternation, the impart
ing of this information caused, he was
doomed to disappointment Smith re
mained as unreadable as the sphinx.
But it was sixty seconds before be
"I suppose thaf a a hint for me to bo
on my way?" he interrogated.
"Thafs about tho meaning I meant
to convey," admitted the captain, with
out circumlocution.
Jlmsy rose slowly, took his hat and
went toward the door. Before he
reached it he turned.
"Williams," he said, "you know I've
known Emma Mrs. Brooks ever since
she was in short clothes and used to
come down to the office to go home
with her daddy."
"So I've heard."
"She's always been able to look into
my face with them big blue eyes and
smile. Some time some day if I get
back I'm going to make it my busi
ness to see her."
' "All right."
"And 'if she shouldn't happen to look
up into my face and smile I'm going
to find you, Williams, and I'm coming
The captain puffed his pipe placidly
"What style heels might you be
wearing now, Smith?" he inquired.
with great deliberation.
"Well," answered the always delib
erate Jlmsy, "if you should consult
the particular shoemaker who fur
nishes them he'd describe that. heel as
of 45 caliber."
"Good night, Smith," said the cap
tain dryly.
Smith did not reply.
Williams gazed In the direction of
the door after bis superintendent bad
closed it. Thero was on enigmatical
smile on bis face. It slowly died
away, and his pugnacious underjaw
protruded ominously. Reaching round
to his hip pocket he brought out a re-
volver. it was a formidable TooKing
weapon, with a long barrel. He broke
the breach, examined the cartridges
and replaced it in his pocket.
"Darned if he wouldn't do it too,"
he muttered.
to be continued.
But the Young Rebel Couldn't Break
His Habit.
Among the prisoners taken during
the Civil War by the Northern men
was a young fellow who made the
lives of the boys in blue miserable by
constantly crowing over their defeat
at the battle of Chlckamauga.
"Maybe we didn't eat you up at
Chlckamauga," he would say to every
one with whom he come in contact.
until tho soldiers could stand It no
longer, and reported the matter to
He was summoned before Gen.
Grant, who arraigned him for his con
duct, and gave him his choice of
swearing allegiance to the Union or
going to a Northern prison. After
considering the matter for a time the
young fellow decided to swear allegi
ance to the Union. He took the oath
and was then dismissed. He started
away, but stopped as he reached tho
"Say," he said.
"Well," said Grant, as he turned in
differently from the desk, having dis
missed the matter from his mind.
"I was just thinking," the young
rebel replied, "they sure did give us
hell at Chlckamauga."
It Was Catching.
A kindergarten teacher tells the fol
lowing story of one of her little pupils.
The rules require that when a child
reports Illness in the family, the teach
er shall find out whether the illness Is
contagious or not and when one of
the little boys reported that "his
mamma was sick" he was sent home
to find out the nature of the Illness.
He soon returned with the Informa
tion: "Mamma says it ain't catch
ing." "That won't do," replied the teach
er. "You must go home and find out
and then como and tell me just what
tho matter is with your mamma. Pret
ty soon the hoy came back and said:
"Teacher, it's all right Mamma says
It's a boy, and it ain't catching."
Story that Will Be Appreciated by
Knights of the Cue.
Calvin Demarest, the amateur bil
liard champion, described at a dinner
In Chicago some poor billiard tables.
"One summer in the country," he
said, "another man and I were over
taken by a storm and had to go into
a tavern for shelter. The rain fell
steadily. We had three or four long
hours before us. Time began to
bang heavily on our hands.
"'Landlord,' sold I, 'do you happen
to have a billiard table?'
"'Sure,' said the landlord. 'Sure.
Just step this way, gents.'
"He proudly threw open the - door
of a dark, stuffy room. We saw an
antiquated table with a patched cloth,
and in the corner was a rack of crook
ed cues.
'"Any balls!' said I.
"'Sure,' said the landlord, and be
unlocked a closet and laid on the to-'
bio three white balls, all alike there
was no spot you know,
'"But, see here,' I remonstrated,
'bow do you tell these balls apart?'
" Oh, that's all right, said he. You
soon get to know 'em by their
shape.' "Washington Star,
The Reason Why,
First Guest Won't you Join me In
requesting young Squalls to recite?
Second Quest But I don't llko re
citations. First Guest Neither do I. But it
the young beggar doesn't recite, hell
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
1127X Main Street.
You will make money
by having me.
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