the citizen, Wednesday, dec. s, loos. ATELLITES USE OF MOON'S GRATERS Their Impact the Explanation Given by Prof. See, of the United States Navy LUNA IS THE EARTH'S CAPTIVE And Other Planets Held In Captivity by 8uno, Which Caught Them In Their Flight Unexpeoted Light on Origin of Universe. San Francisco, Cal. Extending and completing his researches on the ori gin of the planets and satellites of the solar system, earlier accounts of -which were made public a few months ago, Professor T. J. J. See, the astron omer In charge of the Naral Obaerrar tory at Mare Island, gave to the as tronomical Society of tho Pacific an explanation of the origin of the cra ters of tho moon, and proceeded to apply the new thoory to the obliqui ties of the planets which overcame the last difficulty in tho way of the "Capture Theory," recently advanced by him as supplanting the nebular hy pothesis of Laplace. Professor See announced that the lunar craters were undoubtedly due to the Impact of smaller satellites against the surface of the moon, and not to volcanic action, as had been be lieved generally since tho time of Gali leo. The view that the lunar craters might bo due to Impact had occurred to Proctor as long ago as 1873, and had been mentioned as a curiosity by Newcomb In 1878; while It had besn more fully developed by Dr. O. K. Gil bert of the United States Geological Survey in 1892. But the Impact tho ory had never been accepted by geo logists or astronomers, and was not mentioned In any recent works on as tronomy, so great has been the force of traditional opinion Inclining to the old volcanic theory. Professor See, however, pointed out detailed reasons which, he thinks ab solutely decisive against the volcanic theory, and remarked that there would now be less difficulty in seeing the truth of the impact theory than formerly, because he had recently proved that the moon Is not a part of the earth thrown oft by rapid rota tion, but a planet captured from space. The new theory of the capture of tho moon had been favorably received by the scientific world, but it would be of still greater use in bringing to light other discoveries, such as those i announced to-night Dr. See said a typical crater on the ' moon was a large circular depression, with steep walls Inside and sloping walls outside, and a small pea m the centre, with the top of it below the average level of the lunar surface. If any one supposed the craters to be volcanic. It was Impossible to account (or the depressions Where the craters stand; and no forces directed from within could dig out the circular trough about the peak In the centre. Then, too, the way the craters Uo over one another shows that they are nothing but satellite indentations. About the newer craters, as Coperni cus, Tycho and Arlstarchus, the bright rays radiating in all directions show that at the time of tho collisions the force of the Impact was such that matter was melted, vaporised and driven out from theso centres In all directions. A satellite hitting the moon might have its temperature raised to 4,000 degrees or higher, and the blight rays from the craters were due to the spattering of highly heat ed matter. Dr. See announced that he had now proved that tho planets had been cap tured by the sun, and that their orbits had been gradually reduced in slxe and rounded up under the secular ac tion of a resisting medium; that the satellites likewise had been captured by their several planets, and had had their orbits transformed In the same manner; finally that tho moon had been captured by the earth, and the craters on its surface had been form ed by the Impact of satellites, when the moon revolved among the aster oids or further out. The time Invol ved in the formation of the solar sys tem was to be reckoned In billions of years may have elapsed since the moon was captured by the earth. All the principal phenomena of the solar system were now fully explained in accordance with known mechanical laws, and astronomers had gained an unexpected light on tho origin of th systems of the universe. TEARS RESTORE HI3 8IQHT. Prodigal's Return Causes Father to Weep Away His Blindness. Sioux City, Iowa. The sight of "William Holloway has been suddenly restored to him, following a brief spell of weeping. When Thomas Holloway, a son who 'had net been home in a long time, came here on a visit, the father buried his face on the son's shoulder and wept Wiping away the tears Mr, Holloway suddenly exclaimed: "I eaa see you, Tom!" The light bad re turned to his eyes. Prod lota Aecplno 'Bus. London. Ballin Blade, speaking at a meeting of the Homber Cycle and Motor Company at Coveatry, said that he beltevdd that wHMn the next tew years aereylaaM wsaU be buHt to err as osmifcwss tar Xkm eesryteg mm A GOOD HENHOUSE. It Will Comfortably Accommodate Over a Hundred Hens. This henhouse is designed for 109 bens but by crowding It fill hold 150. It Is built 20 foet by 10, 3 1-2 feet high at rear and nine feet at front This plan Is for a shlnglo roof. It Iron Is used the front can be lowered If de sired. The roosts are hung on the back Bide with hinges, so they can be raised when tho house Is cleaned. In Front Elevation of House, the front are two windows 10x12 Inches, two ventilators and tho door. Tho windows ore placed low down so as to got as much sun as possible. T 7T M I I I I i I I I ULi XO FT Floor Plan of House. Roosts are 16 Inches apart The nest boxes at one side are 12 inches square. Poultry House Ventilation. It is a very difficult matter to venti late a poultry house without causing draughts of air on tho fowls at night Tho proper mode Is to keep the poul try house clean, leave the doors open during the day, and shut the house at night, allowing no ventilation at alL We have found that it is very difficult to keep the fresh air from coming in, and it Is a fact that many who take pains to render the poultry house warm and comfortable, by stopping all cracks with paper, make a hole in tho roof or gable ends, which they style a "ventilator," and thus let in more cold than they desire. There is not as much foul air in a poultry house as may be supposed. The severe cold renders all gases heavy, and less volatile matter exists. Fll a poultry house with smoke, and close the door; then step outside and notice where it escapes. Tou will at once be convinced that you need no "ventilator," and that despite all our precautions, your house is full of air holes that you cannot eaelly close. and your birds are liable to roup and other disease, due to cold draughts of air over them at night Egg Tests. A good egg will sink in water. Stale eggs are glassy sad smooth of shell. A fresh egg has a Ume-Uke surface to its shell. Tho boiled eggs which adhere to the shell are fresh laid. Eggs packed in bran for a long tints smell and taste musty. Thin shell are caused by a lack of gravel, etc., among the hens laying After an egg has been laid a day or more the shell comes oft easily when boiled. A boiled egg which is done will dry quickly on the shell when taken from the kettle. Eggs which have been packed in lime look stained and show the action of the lime on tho surface. If an egg is clean and golden in ap pearance when held to the light. It Is good; if dark or spotted, it is bad. Breeding Poultry. The tendency among all poultry raisers at tho present time la to hare one breed of fowls, and not have such a mixture of breeds In their flocks as was formerly and Is still tho case. Much better results and larger profits can be obtained with pure bred fowls than with mixed breeds. Wherever we see a nice flock of fowls, all of one breed, we see a farm well kept and prosperous. In order to find out for yourself whether pure bred fowls do better than a mixed breed, put up for ty scrub fowU such as you see about almost all farms, in one lot, and for ty pure bred fowls In another lot; give both lots the same care and treatment and you will find at the end of sev eral months that the pure bred flock has layed more eggs and mode bigger profits than tho mixed flocks. Poultry Notes. Boiled oats or other grain makes a good laying feed. Be sure the hens are. provided with a dust bath. Old bens make the best mothers, but the pullets are the better layers. The breed you like best Is tho best breed for you to keep. By running vegetable parings, bones small potatoes, dry bread and other scraps through a bone cutter each day and feeding It to the hens, you will have eggs when others bar none. Be Prepared. Oet ready for the boaey flow a give tho bees every cbaaoe to build up. Section boxes and brood frame should also be rotten In readiness. It la easy to bulbs re bees whea uw yra- i I EH C3 yaraUry work u doss, I Of Tniarasf to Women What lha Aeroplane Owes to Miss Catherine WrigbHESrotW Eaperi MaUd According to Their Sister's Calcnlatloas Mlsa WriM Cerrs- spoaded with Fardgn Officials. Miss Wright made the calculation and her brothers made tho experi ments. The three worked together. Beforo any demonstration was made, before her brothers had tested the machine they were building, Mlas Wright knew that it was possible for man to fly. She was the first woman In the world to know It positively. She knew it because she horself had made tho calculations. She was will ing to stake what little money she had saved from her salary as a school teacher, along with the smaller amount her brothers had saved, upon the outcome of the device to be made according to her calculations. She staked It and she won. When the machine was completed and was found to be a success, and It became desirable to get In touch with tho nations of the world, it was Catherine Wright who brought the aeroplane to the attention of the men who would have to be dealt with. The letters which the representatives of foreign governments received were written by this woman in tho name of her brothers. All this time Miss Wright was going dally to the schoolroom. Even their neighbors did not know she took any Interest in the flying machine They knew that it was characteristic of the Wrights to be devoted to one another. But they did not know that this pati ent school teacher had mastered the intricacies of the air and that she had been in correspondence with govern ments, carrying on the promotion end of the flying machine. Even after the Wright aeroplane had become famous and her brothers were demonstrating it to the world, Miss Wright continued her occupation of teaching. It was not until Orvllle Wright met with the accident at Fort Wright, which came near costing him his life, that she gave up her position and hastened to him. She remained until he was able to travel, took him home, nursed him to health and ac companied him on his trip to France. Her 8ad Mistake. The clubwoman closed her book on "Domestic Responsibility," and, with a tinge of remorse, went out on the lawn, where her children were at play. "Mary," she Informed her children's nurse, "I've neglected my young ones for the clubs too much these last few years, and I'm going to try and make amends. Now, this afternoon I intend to dress one of them with my own hands and take it for an outing in the park." It was quite late that afternoon when tho reformed clubwoman, after pushing a go-cart containing the youngster she had selected and pre pared for its outing about the spacious public park for several hours, started toward home. She had hardly come within sight of it when the nurse rushed up, palpably agitated. "Oh, mum" "The child's all right, Mary," the mother announced, by way of assur ance. "I humored It all the afternoon with sweets and fruit." "But, mum," cried the nurse, en deavoring to regain her breath, "Mrs. Smith next door's been scared into a fit, the perllce has been notified and or, Lord, mum!" "Dont act so, Mary I Why should you get so excited over that hysterical Mrs. Smith?" "You've gone and took her child, mum I" Tit-Bits. Dangerous to Suppress Feelings. It Is better, especially If you are a woman, not to suppress your emo tions, advises Dr. Samuel McComb, of Emmanuel Church, Boston, writing on causes of nervousness in Harper's Ba- lar. These strangulated emotions, these griefs and moral wounds and deep-rooted but frustrated desires of which you never speak oven to your dearest, are the causes of your head' ache, your nervous dyspepsia, the ir ritation of your blood and flesh. Have a heart to heart talk wltn a dear friend or a trusted adviser, and watch thorn' disappear. Women, especially, will carry moral wretchedness con cealed in their hearts for years, says the writer, with the Inevitable result of a nervous catastrophe. Mr. Mc Comb thinks such as these will do well to relieve themselves by confld lng their troubles "either to a wise minister of religion or to a psychologl cally trained-physician." Laughs at Superstitions. Mrs. Peter Leys of Qrand Rapids, Mich., believes It is lucky to walk un dor a ladder and to raise an umbrella in the house. She laughs at super stition, and never is happier than when she spills salt or breaks a ralr ror. Thirteen has been her lucky number. Many of ber brightest ex perionces have fallen on the 13th of the month, and on August 13, which was a Friday, she gave birth to her thirteenth child. An exoellent way to brush down dusty walls is to take a roll of cotton batting and fasten a thick pad of it on the end of a stick. With this go over all the wall surface, burning the cotton as It becomes soiled and re newing the pad. This method Is coaoraleal and efficient morn so thaa the ord'aary cloth, whleb. Is toe Ubb MODEL PRESENTATION SPEECH. How the German Mechanic Put In It a Little Sentiment. John Smith bad worked for the Valro corporation for forty-two years and decided to quit Tho eompaay ia consideration of his long and faithful service arranged to give him a aaone tary recognition. The superlate&d,. ant of the works, a German and an extra good mechanic, was asked to present it Ho was advised to we a littlo sentiment in making the pre sentation speech, and this is the way he did it: "Joan, you haff work tor the com pany orer forty years T" Tea." "Tou are going to qultf "Tee." "Veil! They are so Urn glad of it that they asked me to hand you tkls hundred dollars." YOUNGER. "Don't you think this dress makes me look younger, Eusoblo?" "Tea, my dear, easily a hundred years younger." Sourire. Heard at Breakfast T used to be a weather prophet in my home town," confided the new boarder as he speared a potato with his fork. "Sot" commented the eomediaa boarder laconically. "Tee, and every time I look at that steak it reminds me of a winter's cay." "How cor "Cold and raw." "Quite ciever. How does the coffee strike your That reminds me of a November day cloudlr and unsettled." "Good. And do you notice that the landlady is w-tching usT" "Tea, aad -he reminds see of a March dayf" Tell as why." "Because aba is cold aad eesmy." Aad tho look that the lem2ady passed down to that eod of the table would have cemsjealed a red-hot stove. LHtte Wrilla Knew. Little Willis, the sen of a Genaan town woman, was playtng one day with the girl next door, when the lat ter exclaimed: "Dont you hear your mother call ing youT That's three tk oea she's done so. Aren't you going InT" "Not yet," responded Will la im pert urb ably. "Wont she whip youf" demanded the little girl, awed. "Naw!" exclaimed Willie, in dis gust "She aia't goin' to whip no body! She's got company. Bo, when I go In, shell Just say: The poor lit tle man has been so deaf since he's had the measles!'" Edwin Tarrisse, in Llpplneott's. Why Didnt ShsT A little boy of 5 years, playing with his sister one day, leaned too far out of the second-story window, lost his balance and fell Into the yard below, Very miraculously he escaped being Injured, and his parents and friends were so delighted that they gave him quite a number of pennies, nickels and dimes. The next day, after ho recovered from tho shock of the fall, he was counting his money, and on seeing his little Bister enter the room, exclaimed: "Gee, Gladys, look at all the money I got for falling out of the window Why dent you try ltT" The Delinea tor. The Patient Mule. The kind-hearted woman was very solicitous about a mule belonging to Eraatus Plnkley. The mule had a sad and and heavy appearance, and never looked more 'dejected than when Its proprietor brought it up with a flourish at the front gate, says a writer In the Washington Star. "Do you ever abuse that mule of yours?" she inquired one day. "Lan' sake, miss," answered Mr. Eraatus, "I should say not I Dat mule has had me on do defensive foh de las' six yoars." Youth's Companion Cought with the Goods. "Hogan's cow bruk Into the straw berry patch this mornln', sorr, an' It's hlvvy damages ye sh'uld git from him." "It's ao use, Patrick. He'll be sure to swear it was someooay else's cow: "The dlvil a bit sorr; he can't 01 skat tho baste In there fur Ividence." Jwege. A Learned Lessen. Teacher James,- what Is grammar? CasaM (fcNaa Jattalo) Grammar Is wMek mm us ow to HIMALAYAS MOVING SOUTH. Maamtalns Also Increased Their Height In Earttteake of 1KXJ. At tho conference of the Interna tional Geodetic Associatloa at Cam bridge, Lieut Col. Burrard said that recent leveling operations) ia India showed that the Blwalik range gained a few centimeters in height in the great earthquake of 1006. Geologists believe that the whole mass of the Himalayas and Tibet was being push ed south, and wrinkling up a new range out of the alluvial plain. Two facts supported this view the folds of the new mountains conform ed to the shape of the quadrilateral of old mountains In Southern India, as if they were .being squeesed up against an Immovable butt; and the compensation of gravity was more nearly complete ia the new mountains than in the old. The surrey authori ties had recently laid down six lines of bench marks, which would be re observed every ten years to examine this very Interesting question. Lon don Standard. The Moon's Troubles. The sun attracts both the earth and the moon, and, as they are always either at different distances from the sun, they will be differently attracted by tho sun; and hence their relative motions will be disturbed. Thus rise the perturbations of .the moon's ap parent motions. Did Good Work Early. At 29 Sclplo gained the- battle of Pana and James Watts revolutionized the industries of the earth by making steam the most powerful agency In tho progress of mankind. It was at this age, 29, that Shelley died after en riching the world of literature with htq unrivaled pootry. Henry Snyder & Son. 602 & 604 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Pa. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR Poultry, Efgs, Butter, Lambs, Calves and Live Stock. Apples in Season A SQUARE DEAL FOR THE FARMER. Old Phone 588 B New Phone 1123 i-i"i"i"i"!"H"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i- Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the system Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foster Building. We Pay the Freight No charge for packing this chair It is sold for GASH at BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE at $4.50 each Roll of HONOR Attention ia called to the STRENGTH of tho Wayne County MI ill The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL 01 HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list tho WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,T33,000.00 Honesdale. Pa., May 29 1908., .w..h..i..h..i..:..x..m..i..i..:..i..mI' KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Companies ONLY f pMssBgyrs. to do the work wjjl