4 t THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 8, 1000. MESSAGE READ TO CfUdODITOC UNklibQo (Continued from page 1) I'ho fariarria Canal. Tho policy of paying for thereon strnctlon of the Panama canal" not ont of current revenue, but by bond Issue, was adopted in the Spooner act of 1002, and there seems to be no good reason for departing from the princi ple by which a part at least of the burden of the cost of the canal shall fall upon our posterity, who are to enjoy It, and there is all the moro rea son for this view because the actual cost to dute of tho canal, which is now half dono and which will bo completed Jan. 1, 1015, shows that tho cost of engineering and construction will bo $297,700,000 instead of $130,705,200, as originally estimated. In addition to engineering and construction, tho oth er expenses. Including sanitation and government and the amount paid for the properties, tho franchise and the privilege of building the canal, In crease the cost by $75,435,000 to a total of $375,201,000. The increase In tho cost of engineering and construc tion is due to a substantial enlarge ment of the plan of construction by widening tho canal 100 feet in the Cu lebra cut and by Increasing tho di mensions of the locks, to the under estimate of the quantity of the work to be done under the original plan and to an underestimate of the cost of la bor and materials, both of which have greatly enhanced in price since the original estimate was made. Government Economy. In order to avoid a deficit for the ensuing fiscal year I directed the heads of departments in the prepara tion of their estimates to make them as low as possible consistent with im perative Rovernmental necessity. The result has been, as I am advised by the secretary of the treasury, that tho estimates of the expenses of the gov ernment for tho fiscal year ending June 30, toil that Is, for tho next fiscal year-are less by $55,063,000 than the total of appropriations for the current nscal year and less by $04,000,000 than the estimates for that year. So far us tho secretary of tho treasury Is able to form a judgment as to future Income, there will be no deficit In the year ending June 30. 1011, but a small surplus of $712,000. j In the present estimates the needs of the departments and of the gov- ernment have been cut to the quick. For the purpose of securing informa tion which may enable the executive and the legislative branches to unite in a plan for the permanent reduction ot the cost of governmental adminis tration the treasury department hrts Instituted an investigation by one of the most skilled expert accountants in the United States. The object of the investigation is to devise means to In crease the average efficiency of each employee. There Is great room for Im provement toward this end, not only by the reorganization of bureaus and departments and in the avoidance of duplication, but also in the treatment of the Individual employee. Under the present system it constant ly happens that two employees receive the same salary when the work of one is far more difficult and important and exacting than that of tho other. Su perior ability Is not rewarded or en couraged. Civil Pensions. As tho degree of efficiency in all the departments Is much lessened by tho re tention of old employees who have out lived their energy and usefulness it is indispensable to any proper system of economy that provision be made so that their separation from the service shall be easy and inevitable. It is im possible to make such provision unless there is adopted u plan of civil pen sions. We cannot. In view of the ad vancing prices ot living, hope to save money by a reduction in tho standard of salaries paid. Indeed, if any change is made in that regard an Increase rather than a decrease will be uecea sary, and the only means of economy will be In reducing the number of employees and In obtaining a greater average of efficiency from those re tained in the service. Frauds Id the Collection of Customs. I regret to refer to the fact of the discovery of extensive frauds in the collection of the customs revenue at New York city, in which a number of the subordinate employees in tho weighing and other departments were directly concerned and in which the beneficiaries were tho American Sugar rtoflnlng company and others. Tbp frauds consisted In the payment of du ty on underweights of sugar. The gov ernment has recovered from tho Amer ican Sugar Refining company all that it is shown to have been defrauded of. The sum was received In full of the amount duo which might have been recovered by civil action against the beneficiary of tho fraud, but there was an excess reservation In the contract of settlement by which the settlement should not Interfere with or prevent tho criminal prosecution of every one who was found to bo subject to the same. Criminal prosecutions are now pro ceeding against a number ot the gov ernment officers. The treasury de partment and the department of Jus tice are exerting every effort to dls cover all the wrongdoer, Including the c-(tkMB ana employees of the comp nles who may Imve prtvt t , fraud. It would to me Hint m investigation of the frauds by i i gress at present, pending ilic problti. by the truusury department mid fin department of Justice, as proiiowd might by giving Immunity nnd ntliei wise prove nn emliarrnmmpnt In curing conviction of the guilty pan Ion Maximum and Minimum Clous In Tariff Act. Two features of the uew tariff act call for special reference, in order that the maximum duty shall be clinic ed against 'the imports from a country it is necessary that the executive shall find on the part of that country not only discriminations In its laws or the practice under them against the trade of tho United States, but that the dls criminations found shall be undue that is, without good and fair reason. No one is seeking a tariff war or a con dition in which the spirit of retaliation shall be aroused. Tariff Readjustment. The new tariff law enables me to ap point a tariff board to assist me in con nection with the department of state in the administration. of the minimum and maximum clause of the act and also to assist officers of the 'government in the administration of the entire law. I be lieve that tho work of this board will be of prime utility and importance whenever congress shall deem it wise again to readjust the customs duties. If the facts seemed by the tariff board are of such a character as to show gen erally that the rates of duties imposed by the present tariff law are excessive under tho principles of protection as described In the platform of the suc cessful party at the late election I shall not besltato to invite the atten tion of congress to this fact and to the necessity for action predicated there on. Nothing, however, halts business and interferes with the course of pros perity so much as tho threatened revi sion of the tariff, and until the facts are at band, after careful and deliber ate Investigation, upon which such re vision can properly be undertaken. It seems to me unwise to attempt It. War Department. In the interest of immediate econ omy I have required a reduction in the estimates of the war department for the coming fiscal year which brings the total estimates down to an amount forty-five millions less than the corresponding estimates for last year. This could be accomplished only by cutting off new projects and sus pending for the period of one year nil progress In military matters. Vor the same reason I have directed that the army shall not be recruited up to its present authorized strength. Thoso measures can hardly be more than temporary, for 1 am sure that the In terests of the military establishment are seriously In need of careful con sideration by congress. The secretary of wnr calls attention to a number of needed changes In the army, In all of which I concur, but the point upon which I place most em phasis is the need for an elimination bill providing a method by which the merits of officers shall hav some ef fect upon their advancemeut and by which tho advancement of alt may be accelerated by the effective elimination of a definite proportion of the least efficient The military and naval joint board have unanimously agreed that it would be unwise to make the large expendi tures which at one time were contem plated In the establishment of a naval base and station in the Philippine Is lands and have expressed their Judg ment. In which I fully concur, in fa vor of making an extensive naval base at Pearl Harbor, near Honolulu, and not in the Philippines. Tho Navy. The return of the battleship fleet from Its voyage around the world in moro efficient condition than when It started was a noteworthy event of In terest alike to our citizens and the naval authorities of the world. The marked success of the ships In steam ing .around the world in all weathers on schedule time has increased respect for our navy and has added to our na tional prestige. It is a regrettable fact that the higher officers are old for the respon sibilities of the modern navy, and the admirals do not arrive at flag rank young enough to obtain adequate train- lug in their duties as flag officers. Owing to the necessity for economy In expenditures, I have directed the curtailment of recommendations for naval appropriations so that they are thirty-eight millions less than the cor responding estimates of last year, and the request for new naval construction Is limited to two first class battleships and one repair vessel. Tho secretary of the navy has lnau gu rated a tentative plan involving cer tain changes in the organization of the navy department, including the navy yards, all of which have been found by the attorney general to bo in ac cordance with law. I have approved the execution of the plan proposed be cause of the greater efficiency and economy it promises. Department of Justice Expedition Ir Legal Procedure. The deplorable delays to the admin Istratlon of civil and criminal law have received the attention ot committees of the American Bar association and ot many state bar associations as well as tho considered thought of judges and Jurists. In my Judgment, a change In public procedure, with a view to re ducing Its expense to private litigants in civil cases and facilitating the dis patch of business and final decision In both civil and criminal, cases, constl' tutea the greatest need In our Amerl can Institutions. 1 do not doubt for one moment that much of the lawless violence and cruelty exhibited In lynch' toga are directly due to the uncertain ties and lnJnUco growing out of the delays In trials, JuricitK'iitsnud thei-xt-cutlons thereof by our courts. I therefore reconimtnl Ipalslrtlluii providing for the appointment by the president of a commission with author ity to examine the law and equity procedure of the federal courts of first Instance, the law of appeals from those courts .to the courts of appeals and to the supreme court and the costs Imposed In such procedure upon Hie private litigants and upon the public treasury and make recommendation with a view to simplifying and ex pediting the procedure as far as pos sible and making It as Inexpensive as may be to the litigant of little means. The platform of the successful party In the lost election contained the fol lowing: Injunctions Without Notice. "Wo believe that the rules of proce dure In the federal courts with respect to the Issuance of the writ of Injunc tion should be more accurately defined by statute and that no injunction or temporary restraining order should be Issued without notice, except where Irreparable Injury would result from delay, In which case a speedy hearing thereafter should be granted." I recommend that in compliance with the promise thus made appropriate leg islation be adopted. Moreover, every such injunction or restraining order issued without previous notice and op portunity by the defendant to be heard should by force ot the statute expire and be of no effect after seven days from the Issuance thereof or within any time less than that period which the court may fix unless within such seven days or such less period the in junction or order is extended or re newed after previous notice and op portunity to be beard. . Anti-trust and Interstate Commerce Laws. The Jurisdiction of the general gov ernment over Interstate commerce has led to the passage of the so called Sherman anti-trust law" and the "In terstate commerce law" and Its amendments. The developments In the operation of those laws call for a dis cussion and some suggestions as to amendments. These I prefer to em body in a special message. Postoffice Department Second Class Mail Matter. The deficit every year In the post office department Is largely caused by cne low rate of postage of I cent a pound charged on second clas.-; mall matter, which Includes not only news papers, but magazines ana miscella neous periodicals. The actual loss grow ing out of the transmission of this second class mail mutter at 1 cent a pound amounts to about $03,000,000 a year. The average cost of the trans portation of this matter Is more than 0 cents a pound. The statistics of 1907 show that second class mall matter constituted G3.9t per cent of the weight of all the mail and yielded only 5.10 per cent of the revenue. The figures given are startling and show the payment by the government of an enormous subsidy to the news papers, magazines and periodicals. A great saving might be made, amount ing to much more than half of the loss, by imposing upon magazines and peri odicals a higher rate of postage. Postal Savings Banks. I believe postal savings banks to be necessary in order to offer a proper inducement to thrift and saving to a great many people of small means who do not now have banking facilities and to whom such a system would offer an opportunity for the accumulation of capital. They will furnish a satisfactory substitute, based on sound principle and actual successful trial in nearly all the countries of the world, for the system of government guaranty of deposits now being adopted in several western states which, with deference to those who advocate it seems to me to have in it the seeds of demoraliza tion to conservative banking and cer tain financial disaster. Ship Subsidy. Following the course of my dlstln gulshed predecessor, I earnestly rec ommend to congress the consideration and passage of a ship subsidy bill. Interior Department New Mexico and Arizona. The successful party in the last elec tion in its national platform declared In favor of the admission as separate states of New Mexico and Arizona, and I recommend that legislation ap propriate to this end be adopted. Alaska. With respect to the territory of Alas ka, I recommend legislation which shall provide for the appointment by the president of a governor and also of an executive council, the members of which shall during their term ot office reside In the territory and which shall have legislative powers sufficient to enable it to give to the territory lo cal laws adapted to Its present growth. I strongly deprecate legislation looking to the election of a territorial legisla ture In that vast district Conservation of Natural Resources. In several departments there is pre sented tho necessity for legislation looking to the further conservation of our national resources, and the sub ject is one of such Importance as to require a more detailed and extended discussion than can be entered upon In this communication. For that rea son I shall take an early opportunity to send a special message to congress. The White Slave Trade. There Is urgent necessity for addi tional legislation and greater executive activity to suppress the recruiting ot the ranks of prostitutes from tho streams of Immigration into this coun tryan evil which, for want of a bet ter name, baa been called "the white slave trade." Bureau of Health. There seems to be no reason why all the uureuuw nnd iitticex In the general government which have to do with the public health or subjects akin thereto should not be united In n bu reau to be called the "bureau of pub lic health." Political Contributions. I urgently recommend to congress that a law be passed requiring that candidates In elections of members ot the bouse of representatives and com mittees In charge of their candidacy and campaign file in a proper office of the United States government a state ment of the contributions received and of the expenditures Incurred in the campaign for such elections and that similar legislation be enacted In re spect to all other elections which are constitutionally within the control of congress. Conclusion, Speaking generally, the country Is in a high state of prosperity. There Is every reason to believe that we are on the eve of a substantial business ex pansion, and we have just garnered a harvest unexampled In the market val ue of our agricultural products. The high prices which such products bring mean great prosperity for the farming community; but on tho other band. they mean a very considerably Increas ed burden upon those classes in the community whose yearly compensation docs not expand with the Improvement in business and the general prosperity. Various reasons are given for the high prices. The proportionate increase in the output of gold, which today Is the chief medium ot exchange and is in some respects a measure of value, fur nishes a substantial explanation of at least part of the increase In prices. The Increase in population and the more expensive mode of living of the people, which have not been accom panied by a proportionate increase in ncrcago production, may furnish a fur ther reason. It is well to note that the Increase in the cost of living Is not confined to this country, but prevails the world over, and that those who would charge increases in prices to the existing protective tariff must meet the fact that the rise In prices has taken place almost wholly in those products of the factory and farm in respect to which there has been either no increase in the tariff or In many Instances a very considerable redac tion. SUGGESTIVE gffSTOHS On the Sunday Scheol Lessee by Rev. Dr. Llnscott for the In ternational Newspaper Bible Study Club. (Copyri(hl 1909 by Rer. T. 6. LUtrMt, D.D.) Dec. T2tK, 1309. (Copyright, WW, by Rev. T. S. Llnscott, D.D.) Paul's Last Words II. Tim. iv:l-18. Golden Text For to me to live la Christ, and to die is gain. Phil. 1:21. Verses 1-2 When a minister In au thority gives Instructions to a devoted minister under him, concerning the work to which he is appointed, are his words more or less effectual if he calls God to witness? Why or why not? What precisely did Paul mean by "Preach the Word?" What, if any, reason Is there to be lieve that preaching or its equivalent can never be "out of season?" Why Is the duty to preach and prac tice truth, honesty, love, and the pres ence of God never out of season? Why is every wan under vital obli gation to be always on the qui vlve to promote the temporal and eternal In terests of his fellows? Verses 3-4 What Is the minimum of Christian faith necessary for "sound doctrine" and salvation? (This ques tion must be answered In writing by members of the club.) Why Is It that burglars, counter feiters, gamblers, liars, drinkers and other bad men, and women, often per suade themselves that they are right? When men do not believe in the su pernatural, that is, God, prayer, im mortality, rewards and punishments after death, etc., give your reason for your belief whether it is, or not, a re sult of some moral defect In their lives? Verse 5 What are the chances of success, In any calling, for a man who will watch, suffer, work and demon strate his faithfulness? Verse 6 Which is the more desir able time, the day of one's birth or the day of one's death, and why? How did Paul at this time know that the day ot his departure was at hand? Verse 7 What can you say for or against the theory, that the better the man the less he thinks ot himself? State your views as to whether Paul was guilty of boasting here, or wheth er It was but an honest statement that he had "fought a good fight," and that he had kept the faith.". Is' God hard to please', or is it pos slble for an ordinary, honest Christian to please God In all things, and to have the consciousness that o is so pleasing him? Verse 8 Was the crown ot right eousness that Paul was going to re ceive, a gift ot grace, or a reward for merit, .juid will it be the same oam with all the faithful? What will be the nature ot the re ward which awaits the Christian after death? Verse 8-12 Is It a sign of weak ness or strength, and why, when a Christian craves human company and friendship? What is the moral quality of a man Who forsakes his friend when he is in trouble? Are friendships rare, or plentiful, which remain steadfast, and true alike In prosperity and adversity, through evil and good report, and how do you characterise tuoh a triemdasip? verso IS Upon which will a nor mal right thinker put tho emphasis, en things for tho body, mind or spirit, and why? Taking 'Paul s 'cloak" to represent things for the body, his "books" tho mind, ' his "parchments1 the spirit, please say what proportion ot the thought and energy is spent, by the average community, upon these things respectively? Verses 14-15 Is there any reason to believe that Jesus would have prayed that a bad man may he rewarded ac cording to his works? What should he the attitude of a good man toward those who speak evil of him? Verses 16-18 What'effect ought the lack of co-operation of friends, and the opposition of enemies, to have upon the vork ot a true and determined man? Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 19th, 1909. Review. BREGSTEIN BROS. THE LEADING CLOTHIERS KNOX HATS the beat In the market. ON ACCOUNT OF the mild weather we are over stocked with a large line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats, which we are compelled to cut prices on. AH of our stock must go as we do not Intend to carry any goods over. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY AND SAVE MONEY. Remember we handle nothing but the best made clothes in the county. SUITS. For young men or old wo ran please you well for we have suite here made by Strauso Bros, and David Addler, the best makers in the world In so wide a range of patterns and sizes that every taste, everybody con bo fitted perfectly. Remember we have a full line of the Best Gent's Furnishing Goods in the market. Men's Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Pajamas, Trunks, and Dress Suit Cases, Hand Bags and the best Rain Coats to be found. Children's Suits REMEMBER $1 up to $7 BREGSTEIN BROS. Better Than Meat Or All who once try Beardsley's Shredded Codfish like it better than meat or eggs. Some like it so well that they crave it They could eat it three times a day. And all are hungry to have it at least once every week. For its luscious flavor is something no one can ever forget And people can have this fine sea food in dozens of different ways. Bach way new and tempting. Each bringing out a new taste. No wonder all find it a welcome change from the usual breakfast or luncheon fare. TRADB cODFl5 A Meal For 10 Cents Beardsley's Shredded Codfish is more strengthening and nourishing than any other food you could put on the table. It contains 22 per cent protein. Sirloin steak only 17 per cent Eggs only 12. And see what you save by serving It. Each package makes a full meal ior five. Yet the cost is only 10 cents. Meat or TOE PACKAGE WITH THE RED BAND IM with ni'pirii. Ha prucrratlva wfcateTer, im tka pamt aa4 CaMt Ma-ull. AIm packet la Ua aa4 at. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year openj witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. THE ONIjY PJjAOE IN HONESDALE AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE Is JADWIN'S There are reasons for the pro-eminence of OHILTON PAINTS' 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. 2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recomiaaad its use to others. A Queer Importation. As a result of the labors of trained explorers of the bureau of plant in dustry in China, the forest service has been furnished with a supply of seeds of the plstacla chlnesls, an oriental tree resembling the California pepper tree. These seeds were gathered from trees growing in the province ot Shan tung, China, where some of them have reached large proportions, says the San Francisco Call. A tree standing at tho grave of Con fucius has a diameter of over four feet They are well adapted to dry regions and are long lived. It is hoped the trees grown from this seed will serve as a stock of the pistachio nut of commerce. The seeds will be planted at the Lytle Creek nursery station In south ern California, and If the plantations are successful they will be grown ex aivair for reforestation purposes. AND GENT'S FURNISHERS The Heme of the Beat Clothes. OVERCOATS. As with our suits, so it is with our overcoat garments here for young and old made by Strauso Bros, and David Addler to suit tho exacting requirements of the best dressed men in tho world. THE PLACE Children's Over coats $1.50 to $7 Eggs eggs for five would cost three or four times as much. A Meal Without Bother This delicious fish means a meal with out bother or trouble. It is ready to cook the instant you open the package. And the meat is so light and fluffy and dainty that it cooks almost the minute it is reached by heat If this food is all that we say it is, surely you want to try it Why not serve it tomorrow "Fish- , day." Then let your folks decide how i often they want it thereafter. In ordering, please see that yon get Beardsley's the package with the red band. For Beardsley's is the only Shred ded Codfish. Our process is patented. Free Book of Recipes Ask your grocer for our book of new rec ipes. It means pleasing variety in meals. Or write ns we will send you the book, and with it a generous sample of Boards ley's Shredded Codfish. J. W. Beardsley's Sons 474-478 Greenwich St., New Yodi CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS PHARMACY. 0