The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 03, 1909, Image 1

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    TUB WEATHER Os Friday partly closely to overcast weather and or Saturday generally overcast wct her aad rata.
. ar if K" dp if K r tf r tr K f
Scml-Weckly Founded sj
k 1908 2
Weekly Founded, 1844 J
Wayne County Organ
J6 of the
? republicparty
66th YEAB.
NO. 96
'Knox Sends Passport
to Zelaya s Minister.
Administration Resents Kill
ing of Americans.
Washington, Dec. 2. Resenting the
barbarous and despotic acts of Presi
dent Zelaya, culminating In the execu
tion of the two Americans, Leonard
Groce and Leroy Cannon, the United
States government has sercred all dip
lomatic relations with Nicaragua.
This action, taken by Secretary
Knox with the full sanction and au
thority of President Taft, brings the
crisis as near to the status of war as
executive action can bring it without
a definite declaration by both houses
of congress, which convene next Mon
day. Secretary Knox Kent to Felipe Rod
riguez, charge d'affaires of the Niea
raguau legation, his passports, togeth
er with a letter scathingly denouncing
President Zelaya and expressing the
determination of this government to
hold him, the chief executive of an
other nation, personally responsible as
a common criminal for the torture and
execution of Groce and Cannon.
Secretary Knox virtually announces
the recognition of the revolutionary
party as the real government of Nica
ragua, ' ,. , ti . '
Henry Caldera, Amorican consul at
Managua, has been recalled, and the
United States has landed 250 marines
President of Nicaragua.
to protect American cltlzenh. Six
American warships are in NIcaraguan
waters ready for action.
In his letter to Senor Rodriguez, Sec
retary Knox said:
"It is notorious that President Ze
laya has almost continuously kept
Central America In tension or turmoil;
-that he has repeatedly and flagrantly
violated the provisions of the conven
tions and by a baleful Influence upon
Honduras, whose neutrality the con
ventions were to assure, has sought to
discredit these sacred international ob
ligations to tho great detriment of
Costa Rica, Salvador and Guatemala,
whose governments meanwhile appear
to have been able patiently to strive
for the loyal support of the engage
ment so solemnly undertaken at Wash
ington In 1007 under the auspices of
the United States and Mexico.
"It Is equally a matter of common
knowledge that under the regime of
President Zelaya republican Institu
tions have ceased In Nicaragua to ex
ist except in name, that public opinion
end the press have been throttled and
that prison has been the reward of
any tendency to real patriotism.
"My consideration for you personally
impels me to abstain from unnecessary
'discussion of the painful details of a
regime which unfortunately has been
a blot upon the history of Nicaragua
and a discouragement to a group of
republics whoso aspirations need only
the opportunity of free and honest gov
ernment "In view of the Interests of the Unit
ed States and of Its relation to the
Washington conventions, an appeal
against this situation has long since
ben made to this government by a
nalnrUv At thm flaataal Amajtaaa a.
publics: There Is flow added the ap
peal through the revolution of a great
body of the NIcaraguan people.
'Two Americans, who, this govern
ment Is now convinced, were officers
connected with the revolutionary
forces and therefore entitled to be
dealt with according to the enlightened
practice of civilized nations, have been
killed by direct order of President Ze
laya. Their execution is said to have
been preceded by barbarous cruelties.
'"The consulate at Managua Is now
officially reported to havo been men
aced. There Is thus a sinister culmina
tion of nn administration, also ehnrnc-
terlzed by a cruelty to Its own citizens,
which has until the recent outrage
found vent In the case of this country
in succession of petty annoyances and
Indignities which many months ago
mado It impossible to ask an American
minister longer to reside nt Managua.
"From every point of .view it has
evidently become difficult for the Unit
ed States further to delay more ac
tive response to the appeals so long
made' to its duty to its citizens, to Its
dignity, to Central America and to
"Tho government of the United
States Is convinced that the revolu
tion represents the Ideals and the will
of a majority of the NIcaraguan people
more faithfully than docs the govern
ment of President Zelaya and that its
peaceable control Is well nigh as ex
tensive as that hitherto so sternly at
tempted by the government at Mana
gua. "There Is now added the fact, as
reported from more than one quarter,
that there are already indications of
a rising In the westernN provinces In
favor of a presidential candidate in
timately associated with the old re
gime. In this It is easy to see new
elements tending toward a condition
of anarchy which leaves at a given time
no definite responsible source to which
the government of the United States
could look for reparation for the kill
ing of Messrs. Cannon and Groce or
indeed for tho protection which must
bo assured American citizens and
Amerlcnu interests in Nicaragua.
"In these circumstances the presi
dent no longer feels for the govern
ment of President Zelaya that respect
and confidence which would enable It
hereafter to maintain with It regulai
diplomatic relations, Implying the will
:and the ability to respect and assure
what is due from one state to another.
"The government of Nicaragua,
which you have hitherto represented,
Is hereby notified, as will be also the
leaders of the revolution, that the gov-
crnment of the United States will hold
strictly accountable for the protection
of American life and property the fac-
tlons de factl in control of the eastern
and western portions of the republic
of Nicaragua.
"As for the reparation found due,
after careful consideration, for the
killing of Messrs. Groce and Cannon,
the government of the United States
would be loath to impose upon the in
nocent people of Nicaragua n too
heavy burden of expiating the acts of
a regime forced upon them or to exact
from a succeeding government, if It
have quite different policies, the Impo
sition of such a burden.
"Into the question of ultimate repa-
ration there must enter the question
of the existence at Managua of a gov
ernment capable of responding to de
mands. There must enter also the
question how far it is possible to reach
those actually responsible and those
who perpetrated the tortures reported
to have preceded the executions, and
the question whether the government
be one entirely dissociated from the
present intolerable conditions and
worthy to be trusted to make Impossl
blc a recurrence of such acts, in which
case the president as a friend of your
country, as He is also of the other re
publics of Central America, might be
disposed to have indemnity confined
to what was reasonably due to the
relatives of the deceased and punitive
only in so far as the punishment
might fall where really due-.
"In pursuance of this policy the gov
ernment of the United States will tern
pornrlly withhold Its demand for rep
aration, in the meanwhile taking such
steps as It deems wise and proper to
protect American Interests."
"To insure the future protection oi
legitimate American Interests in con
slderation of the interests of the ma
Jorlty of tho Central American repub
lies and in the bope of making more
effective the friendly offices exerted
under the Washington conventions the
government of the United States re
serves for further consideration at tho
proper time the question of stipulating
also that the constitutional govern
ment of Nicaragua obligate itself by
convention for the benefit of all the
governments concerned as a guarantee
for its future loyal support of tho
Washington conventions and tholr
peaceful and progressive alms.
"Prom tho foregoing it will bo ap
parent to you that your office of charge
d'affaires Is at nn end. I have the
honor to Inclose your passport for use
in case you desire to leave this coun
try." WSafhsr Probabilities.
Fair; warmer; light to moderate
north to east winds.
Police Say Mrs. Snead End
ed Her Own Life.
In It the Young Woman Said She
Would Commit Suicide, and the
Handwriting Appears to
Be Hers.
East Orange, N. J., Dec. 2. After a
thorough Investigation Into the myste
rious death of Mrs. Ocey W. M. Snead,
whose dead body was found In a bath
tub in a house here, where she resided
with her aunt, Miss Virginia Ward
law, Detective George O'Neill of the
East Orange police declared that the
woman had taken her own life and
that Miss Wnrdlaw Is unjustly held in
prison on the charge of murder. Chief
of Police Dell agrees with O'Neill In
this conclusion.
The note found near the body of
Mrs. Snead, pinned to a dress, has
hitherto been regarded as a forgery by
those who joined in the belief that the
young woman was murdered. The
note ran as follows:
Last year my little daughter died. Oth
er near and dear ones bave gone before.
I want to join them In heaven. I have
been prostrated with illness a long time.
When you read this I will have commit
ted suicide. Do not grieve for me. Re
joice with me that death brings a blessed
relief from pain and suffering greater
than 1 can bear.
Detective O'Neill found that Mrs.
Snead's husband worked as a stock
man In the lumber yards of John It.
Corbln in New York In January lost
and that Mrs. Snead often made up
her husband's accounts.
The writing in the books of the Cor-;
bin company, Detective O'Neill said,
coincides .with the writing of the note
she .left saying that she intended to
uouniy I'nysician iicKenzie and
Deputy County Physician Simmons of
Essex county developed the fact that
Mrs. Snead's lungs were filled with
water, indicating death from drown
ing. The stomach is said to have
shown no symptoms of irritation, but
the. contents were removed for exami
nation, as it was thought possible
traces of poison might be found.
Locked up in the Essex county jail
as the murderer of her niece, Miss
Wnrdlaw, the Wfty-seveu-year-oid spin
ster, refused to say a word when told
that an Infant's skull and bunches of
hair, different In color, had been found
in the kitchen stove of apartments she
formerly occupied nt 1503 East Forty
eight street, Brooklyn.
There were two bunches of hair, one
of n reddish hue and the other bloud
in color, and their discovery led the
detectives to believe that two children
might have been done away with.
What looked like blood stains were
found on the parlor floor. They led
up the stairs to the second floor and
alone the hall to the bathroom. There
the trail stopped.
The detectives have satisfied them
selves that Mrs. Snead's husband died
last August and that her three-month-old
baby Is now In St. Christopher's
hospital, Brooklyn.
The three elderly women who lived
with young Mrs. Snead in a house in
the Flntlauds district of Brooklyn
seemed to exercise a strange spell over
her. They are Mrs. Martha Wardlaw,
about eighty-three years old; Miss Vir
ginia Wurdlaw, fifty-seven years old
and daughter of Martha, and Mrs.
Mary Snead, daughter of Martha, sis
ter of Virginia and mother-in-law of
the dead girl. They are all from
Chrlstiansburg, Va., where Fletchei
Snead and Virginia Ocey Martin were
married three years ago.
The old women and Ocey, the girl,
lived In the town of Chrlstiansburg,
near Roanoke, until a couple of years
ago. There during the winter they
conducted the Montgomery Female
college. During the summer this was
u boarding house or hotel. Mrs. Mar
tin, Ocey's mother, taught In- the
school, having been a teacher in New
York a good many years ago.
Besides this place the Wardlaws
owned other property. Ocey owned
about $10,000 worth of real estate In
Virginia and Ohio.
In February, 1000, there was consid
erable mystery about the death of
John Snead, n brother of Fletcher, the
missing husband of Ocey, He was
found in a small outbuilding near the
school in Chrlstiansburg burned to a
crisp. He had been married, but was
not living with bis wife. His rela
tives tho same who have been with
Ocey lately attempted to collect his
life insurance at once.
Jllss Virginia Wardlaw, the present
prisoner, and Mrs. Martin demanded
tho money of the Mutual Life Assur
ance company. One pollcjield by
this concern was for $l,O0oBfcras
only six months old. Pavmd
was' refused Be'CauSS tTTe company de
cided that John Snead was n suicide
' wl 41m r.1 lnr haA nn nntlfltlliMA
In addition, the young man had a
$2,500 Insurance policy with a Hart
ford (Conn.) company. In April, 1000, J
Mrs. Martin, Miss Wsrdlaw and Mrs.
Snead went to New York to collect tho
money, but the Insurance company re
fused to give it to them, as the policy
was assigned to his estate, and he had
a wife living.
Mrs. Occy Snead's life was Insured
for $17,000, and on this policy Miss
Wnrdlaw had borrowed $4,000.
Superintendent of Lakewood Institu
tion Held For Grand Jury.
Lakewood, N. J., Dec. 2. Dr. Sher
burn "Wheelwright, superintendent of
the preventorium at the .old G rover
Cleveland cottage, was given a bear
ing here and held lu $2,500 ball for
the grand jury.
Wheelwright was arrested on a
charge of violation of the statute
which prohibits the bringing of de
pendent children of unsound body or
mind into this state and requires the
depositing of a bond of $1,000 with the
state commissioner of charities for
each child.
Tremendous local interest caused the
authorities to secure the Lyric the
ater, which seats over 400 persons, for
the hearing, and it was filled with the
townspeople who are taking the keen
est interest in this fight against the
establishment of the preventorium In
this resort.
Justice John J. Cowan was the pre
siding Justice, and there was a formid
able array of counsel on both- sides, as
this is generally conceded to be the
first and opening gun In a struggle
which' will be carried if necessary to
the highest courts to save this famed
resort from the preventorium.
Marcus Marks of New York, presi
dent of the preventorium, was called to
the stand and denied that the trustees
brought dependent children into the
state. Neither Marks nor his counsel
.would state whether or not they pos
sessed the necessary permit to bring
children into the state, and the sworn
statement of L. It. Fort, the governor's
secretary, was necessary on the wit
ness stand to establish the fact that
'fho New York, philanthropists have
ucen conuuuuug uie luamuiiuu uuiu
its inception without authorization by
the proper officers.
Justice Cowan decided to bold
Wheelwright for the action of the
grand Jury, which sits Dec. 14 at
Toms River.
Georgia Lynching Mob Inflicts Horri
ble Torture on Negro.
Hawkinsville, Ga., Dec. 2. Rev.
John Howurd, a negro preacher, was
burned at the stake by a mob ncai
here because he shot and mortally
wounded W. D. Booth, one of the
wealthiest men in tills section.
The negro had some business trans
action with Booth, and they were dis
cussing the matter when the negro
shot Booth twice.
Howard fled, but was pursued by
parties in automobiles. After n chase
of three hours he was captured, and
the cry of "Lynch him!" was raised.
There were about 300 white men in
the posse, and they voted unanimously
to burn the preacher.
Howard was taken to the scene of
the crime, bound to a stake, and fagots
were plied about him. All this time
the negro was praying to the Lord to
save bim and singing hymns. Even
when the fagots were fired the negro
continued to sing and pray, but when
the flames began to scorch him he
called down horrible curses on the
men who were torturing him.
The negro's agony became so fright
ful that more merciful members of
the mob ended his misery by a volley
of bullets. The fire was kept going
jntll the negro's body was consumed.
Attorney General Gives Him a Clean
Bill After Thorough Investigation.
Washington, Dec. 2. Attorney Gen
eral WIckersham has made an exhaus
tive report after a thorough investiga
tion of the administration of Richard
A. Ballinger, both as land commis
sioner and as secretary of the interior.
The report, which is now In tho
hands of President Taft, completely
exonerates Mr. Ballinger of any net,
either in office or during the brief
time he was a private citizen after
leaving the laud office and before be
returned to Washington as secretary
of the interior.
The effect of the attorney general's
report, in the opinion of men In the of
ficial circle here, who have been
watching the controversy, is to put the
whole matter up to Glfford Pincbot,
chief forester.
Undoubtedly the president would
like to have the whole matter end with
this report and be allowed to avail
himself of the services of both Ballin
ger and Plnchot In his administration.
But persons whg know Mr. Plnchot
and the agencies that are working
with bim In the conservation policy
belleye that ha will not quietly onbmlt
to the solution of the question reached
y toe attoraygperl.
Fails In Fight to
Oust Executor.
Counsel For Traction Magnate's
Wife Says She Will Carry the
Contest to United States
Supreme Court.
New York, Dec. 2. Mrs. Charles T.
Yerkes lost her fight to prevent Louis
S. Owsley, who was named as admin
istrator of the Yerkes estate, from tak
ing ancillary letters which would per
mit him to take charge of the $8,000,
000 estate here when Surrogate Thom
as granted Mr. Owsley's application
for the ancillary letters.
Mrs. Yerkes resisted the application
not only as the widow of the testator,
but as a creditor, claiming that there
had been improper procedure and that
Mr. Owsley was not n proper person
anyhow. She was defeated hi Chi
cago, where the will was probated,
and an Injunction restraining Mr.
Owsley from taking possession of the.
estate was recently dissolved there,
although the widow has an appeal
It was largely on the ground that
the Chicago court had Issued the let
ters of administration that Surrogate
Thomas granted the application for
ancillary letters. The surrogate said
lu his opinion that the administrator
Is entitled as of right to ancillary let
ters here, the law being mandatory on
that point. He disagreed with counsel
for Mrs. Yerkes that the word "may"
In the code made it discretionary and
not mandatory to Issue the ancillary
letters upon application.
Surrogate Thomas says that the
question of the competency of the ad
ministrator rests with the Chicago
court which granted the principal let
ters, and since that court is satisfied
with Mr. Owsley he is entitled to the
assistance of the New York laws in
taking possession of the estate. This
relieves bim of trying all the issues
raised in the case, be said.
The surrogate says It Is his duty to
require a sufficient bond to protect
all creditors and names $2,200,000 as
the amount required of Mr. Owsley.
James Russell Soley, counsel for Mrs.
Yerkes, said that she would at once
appeal the case to the appellate divi
sion of the supreme court and that if
necessary the case will go to the Unit
ed States supreme court, so that there
is no likelihood that the administra
tion of tho Yerkes estate will begin at
British Court Rules That Right of Pe
tition Isn't Right to Riot.
London, Dec. 2. Tho appellate court
has dismissed the appeal of Miss Chris
tobel Pankburst and the Hon. Mrs.
Haverfleld against their conviction by
a magistrate in the Bow street police
court. TheBe two women and 114 oth
er suffragettes were arrested for the
raid on tho bouse of commons when
they attempted to present a, petition to
Premier Asqultb.
The two leaders were fined $25 each,
with tho alternative of going to jail
for a month. The magistrate suspend
ed the operation of the sentence, how
ever, pending an appeal to the higher
court on the constitutional question
of whothor the suffragettes had tho
right to petition tho premier under an
act of Charles II.
This was the question which Is now
decided against tho two women. The
cases against the other suffragettes
were adjourned pending a decision on
the appeal of Mrs. Pankburst and Mrs.
Jeffries-Johnson Bout May
Bring In $500,000.
Purse of $101,000 and Two-thirds
Picture Honey For Contest In ,
Utah, Nevada or Califor- ',
nia Offered.
New York, Dec. 2. Judging from
the bids offered for the Jeffries-Johnson
fight, the pugilists may battle for
a purse and picture privileges netting
more than $500,000. Bids were opened
at a Hobokcn hotel, but the fighters
and their representatives asked for
twenty-four hours to consider the va
rious offers.
Five bids were received by Stake
holder Bob Murphy. They came from
T. J. M :Cnrey of Los Angeles, Edward
G y of San Francisco, Hugh D.
Mcintosh of Sydney, "a; Jack
Gleason nr.d J. W. of San
Francisco, coupled, x Rlckard
of Ely, Nov., and Jack leason, cou
pled also.
Rlckard, who pulled off the forty
two round Gans-Nelson fight at Gold
field, when nsked for his bid handed
over $15,000 In ensh and a certified
check for $5,000, $20,000 In all, as a
guarantee of good faltb. Rlckard and
Gloason stated in writing that they
were ready to pull off the fight on July
4, 11)10, in Utah, Nevada or California
for' a pufrse of $101,000 and all the
moving picture money, provided Jef
fries and Johnson would agree to pay
them 33 1-3 per cent of the profits of
said pictures.
The Gleason'-Coffroth bid contained
three separate propositions and 'was
"accompanied by a $5,000 draft. The
first proposition was the flat offer of
$125,000 for the fight, nil "privileges"
to be retained by Gleason and Coff
roth. The second proposition was an offer
of n $75,000 purse and GO 2-3 percent
of the moving picture privileges, while
the third was an offer of 80 per cent
of the gross receipts and CO 2-3 pei
cent of the pictures.
T. J. McCarey of the Pacific Athletic
club, Los Angeles, filed a bid contain
ing two offers. The first was an offei
of 100 per cent of the gross gate re
ceipts and 50 per cent of the moving
picture privileges, while the second
was an offer of u $110,000 purse and
50 per cent of the pictures.
Ed Graney's offer In behalf of the
Tuxedo club of San Francisco made
three propositions first, 80 per cent
of the gross receipts, with a guarantee
of $75,000 and the entire picture privt
lege to go to the pugilists; second, 80
per cent of the gross receipts, with n
$70,000 guarantee, and $20,000 for one
third of the pictures; third, 00 per cent
of the gross receipts nnd entire picture
privileges, with no guarantee. In this
offer it was also stated that the club
would have an open pavilion, 25,000
seating capacity, located in or within
five miles of San Francisco.
Hugh D. Mcintosh's offer, sent by
cable from Sydney, N. S. W., was foi
the whole of the gross gate receipts
for a fight In Australia, with picture,
rights reserved to Mcintosh.
According to the articles of agree
ment, the fight must take place not
later than Julv 15. 1MQ
Burley Society Affairs Turned Over to
Court Pending Appeal.
Lexington, Ky Nov. 30. After a
conference of several hours held here
the officials and attorneys of the Bur
ley Tobacco society turned over to
Rufus Llslcy and Lee S. Baldwin, re
cently nppointed receivers of the soci
ety by Judge James M. Benton, $311,
000 and nil other property of the soci
ety accruing from the 1000 nnd 1007
The decision of Judge Benton In
placing the society In the hands of 8
receiver ban been appealed, but the
receivers will manage the affairs of
the society until tho appellate court
has decided tho case.
Polar Explorer Is Taking Rest Cura
at 8anitarium.
White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 2. Dr.
Frederick A- Cook, tho polar explorer
and mountain climber, who has been
missing since last Saturday, when he
announced that he was about to sail
for Europe on tho Caronla, is at Wil
liam Muldoon's sanitarium, near hero,
taking the rest cure.
Dr. Cook came to the sanitarium all
worn out by the nervous strain due to
bis arduous work in preparing bis 80,.
000 word report of his polar trip for
the University of Copenhagen. He to
subjecting himself to a severe regime
and taking dally horseback rides 1b
tho private estate attached to the Baal-
sL-yaa-LA.,..? v Afe-gwa-mM