The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 17, 1909, Image 8
THE CITIZIBN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1000. It" CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMN THE MOST RELIABLE MEDIUM FOR SPREADING INFORMATION 4""I-l"I"I"I"I"M-H''l"I"I"I"I"I'4'lH"3 WHITES VALLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards and son, Winfleld, of Ariel, are visiting at G. N. Bonham's. Miss Helen Odell, of Honesdale, is spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bonham and son, Prank, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Bonham, arrived Sunday in their automobile and spent the day at G. N. Bonham's, returning to Carbondale via. Uniondale. Miss Susie Odell recently visited several days at Maple Grove. Mrs. John Jankowskl and son, Gordon Fletcher, have returned to Passaic, N. J. Miss Ruth Fletcher Doyle has re turned to Mlddletown, N. Y., after spending several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Gail E. White have returned to Anaconda, Mont., after spending a five weeks' vacation with Wayne county relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Spencer are occupying their new home at Lake LoMar. Mrs. Bates F. White of Lester shire, N. Y., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pomery. Mrs. Cal Bonham and daughter, Esther, of Carbondale, are guests at W. H. Fetze on Cherry Hill. USWICK AND LAKEVILLE. There will be preaching service in the M. E. church at this place on Sunday evening, Nov. 14, by Rev. Mr. Perkiss of Plymouth, beginning at 7:30. His text will be "Afraid of a Woman." Quarterly meeting will be held at the M. E. church on Sunday, Nov. 21st, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Preaching service by Superintend ent Fuller at that service. Let every one attend. C. B. Glosenger of Uswlck, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. David Perry and family, at Pink. He returned home on Monday. We are pleased to learn that An drew Kostoch of Scranton, who has pneumonia, is now Improving. His mother, Mrs. William Mordwanac, of Uswlck, returned home on Mon day, having spent Sunday with her son. Mr. C. Sanders and daughter, Augusta, went to Mount Vernon, N. Y., on Wednesday. Augusta expects to return to her home at Uswlck with her brother in about a week, as her brother Albert expects to move to Uswlck on the Sanders farm next week. Net proceeds from the Hallowe'en entertainment and supper were ?20. Lee Kimble, of Clark's Summit, is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Swan, at Uswick. He arrived Saturday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Blrton Daniels of Lakevllle on Sunday last. This is the first child born to the Rebekahs of Hildagard Lodge. Congratulations. Mr. Klein and a friend of his from New York, who have been visiting Mr. Hoffman at Bone Ridge, and calling on some friends at Us wick, returned to New York on Fri ,day last. Misses Virginia and Ella Keith spent Saturday at their home at Us wlck and returned to New York on Sunday. We regret to learn that Miss Harriet is still in poor health. BEACH LAKE. We have enjoyed the week of fine weather and wish for it to continue. A dinner will be served at the Beach Lake House, Thanksgiving, Nov. 26th. A general invitation is extended and a pleasant time is ex pected. Dinner 25 cents; proceeds for repairs on church. Mr. George Dunn, of Hawley, is spending a few weeks with his rela tives here. Wm. Ives and sons are visiting in New York City. Ruth Coleman is the guest of her young friends at this place. Miss Llbble Bailey Is spending some time In Beach Lake. Mr. Philip Knoll and Mrs. Llbble Tyler are quite ill. Mrs. Frank Wells is somewhat in disposed. "Billy" Stevens had the misfort une to break his leg a few days ago. Quite a number have severe colds. Prayer meeting Friday afternoon at, Mrs. Eberspacher's; Bible study every Saturday evening at Mrs. Neels. Rev. Mr. Tuthill is having extra meetings at White Mills the present week. The Free Methodist Quarterly meeting will commence on Friday evening, Nov. 27th and continue over Sunday. INDIAN ORCHARD. All in this vicinity are anxious to have several days' rain, as water is becoming scarce. Very true, my dear brother. The Berlin schools reopened on Monday morning last; no doubt their visit at the teachers' institute last week will Inspire the teachers to do more and better work during the remainder of term. Joseph G. Swartz spent last week working at his trade, that of car penter, at Honesdale. Mrs. Ira K. Bishop was a recent visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. T. Bishop, of East Honea-flale. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wenders are rejoicing over the arrival of a little girl., Charles Carhuff was a business caller in the vicinity of Forest Lake on Friday last. Thomas B. ' Marshall, who has been spending several weeks at the Lake, has returned to the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. O. Blake, of Bethany. Fred Avery Is kept very busy at hauling his potatoes to market. AH at this place who have eaten them say they cannot be excelled. Several of Thomas Ham's friends visited him on Wednesday last and spent the day at plowing. R. E. Bayly is busily engaged at carpenter and mason work, having assisted at repairing several cow stables at this place and vicinity. J. H. Penwarden spent Sunday last at W. H. Marshall's. Mr. Bates, agent for the Wayne County Farmers' Insurance com pany, was a recent caller at Altoona Farm. The many friends of William Stephens were sorry to learn that he had broken his leg. He is doing as well as can he expected, under the skillful treatment of Dr. Gavltte of White Mills. W. C. Spry is busily engaged at hauling apples for William Ives of Beach Lake. Charles Budd, Berlin's assessor, is making his annual call on the tax payers. Mrs. William Colwlll and daugh ter Edna, of Torry, were visitors among relatives here over Sunday last. A great many from here attended Cortrlght & Decker's sale at Lau rella on Tuesday last. Stock of all kinds brought high prices. Mr. and Mrs. William vVeeks of White Mills, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bunnell. W. H. Hall is visiting friends in Scranton. SHERMAN: Mrs. M. Clearwater is visiting her children in Deposit. No preaching on Sunday on ac count of illness of our pastor. Miss Maggie Thompson is visiting friends in Blnghamton. Wonderful weather for this time of the year. Ira Clearwater was In Blnghamton last week on business. Wm. Simmons has moved in Clin ton Garlow's house. Valentine Sylvester is working for Mrs. Moon. Alice Lincoln and Mrs. McClure are visiting relatives in Blnghamton. Mrs. B. W. Raymond visited friends In Deposit last Saturday. (From Another Correspondent) We are glad to note that George Hitchcock is recovering from his recent illness. Clint Garlow is in New York City on business this week. Miss Dorothy Sands spent insti tute week with friends in Hancock. Mr. G. Simmons and family have moved into C. Garlow's house. Mr. and Mrs. B. Loder, of Deposit, visited at I. VanPelt's over Sunday. Mrs. W. Browning, of Scranton, visited Miss Harriet Arneke, the last of the week. Rev. J. C. Moon Is quite ill. There was no services either Sunday morn ing or evening on account "of his Ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. A. Warner, of Blnghamton. Mrs. James McClure and son, Guy, visited her daughter, Mrs. E. Spear beck, of Great Bend last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Evans and daughter, Alice, visited relatives in Hancock recently. Rev. W. D. Greenleaf, wife and daughter, Florence, of Hale Eddy, visited at Tracey Webster's on Wed nesday. Misses Louisa Lynch and Edna Fox attended the Institute In lionet dale last week. KELLAM. Schools opened again this week after being closed for Institute. Rev. Ira Mallory and wife, of Blnghamton, visited two days last week at D. M. Stalker's. Mrs. D. M. Stalker, Clyde and Edith spent the last of the week with her brother, Sheriff Braman, at Honesdale. John Moore moved last Monday to Hanklns. Miss Alice Allen returned from New York and her brother, Walter, has gone to Liberty, N. Y, ' HAWLEY AND WILSONVILLE. The fine, balmy days of the past week invited many to seek their country homes again to remain as long as this ideal weather continues. Among those to go out were R. W. Murphy and wife, who entertained at Woodslde on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. D, J. Brannlng. The gasoline launches probably made their farewell trip up the Pau pack yesterday. Mrs. Floyd McFarland and little son, of Ariel, visited her parents, L. Phillips and wife over Sunday, George Bennett ot Ledgedale, called on Wilsonvllle friends last week. John Schleupner, wife and daugh ter Minnie, called on Hawley friends Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. C. White of Hawley, was shopping in Scrantpn on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Irmlsh and little daughter, of Tafton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doppel of Bone Ridge. ' Julia Smith, the obliging clerk in the postoIQce, has changed her boarding place, and will make her home in the future with Mary Pen nell and family on the Glass Row. Elizabeth Martin, who has been having her eyes treated by an ocu list in Scranton, returned to her home on the East Side' on Thursday. George BIgelow has moved his family to Waymart. F. C. White Is having the interior of his handsome residence repaper ed and many modern improvements added. Margaret Wheele has been enjoy ing a vacation during the past week Messrs. Palmer and Peters, of De posit, have rented the Belridere House opposite the postofBce. They have added many improvements and offer to the public first-class ac commodation. Michael Drier, of Shiny Mountain, while driving to town on Sunday met an auto which frightened his horse. The result was slight In juries to the man and wagon totally demolished. Amos Baird, of East Hawley, call ed on Wilsonvllle friends on Sunday afternoon. Whi. Sheeley and family, of Lake vllle, will move to Hawley this week. He will do blacksmithing at the stand recently vacated by the firm of Dunn and Runyon. Frank and James Sheeley, his sons, will work in Glbb's glass works and board at- home. Mrs. Smith and daughter have moved from Rowland's into the house formerly occupied by the late Conrad Krouse. They are preparing to take some boarders. DREHER. Floyd Frisbie, Edward and William Hay, Simon and Horace Beehlor, Chris. Rose and George Croft, Jr., of Greentown, Pike county, with H.' F. Nicholson, "Mine Host" of Salem Corners, and H. E. Robacker, of "Hotel Bartholomew," Newfound land, will go into camp in the vicin ity of Promised Land Pond on Mon day, Nov. 15th. It is their intention to hunt deer and have a good time generally and judging from their stock of supplies they do not intend to be dry or hungry. Neither Wayne or Pike counties have voted "Dry" and it is not the intention of these campers to go away out in the wilds of Pike county and not take any1 antidote for snake bites along. Their latch string will hang out and thejr promise to be kind to visitors. They expect to be in camp about ten dayg; or longer, if the fish bite good. "Go see 'em." Philip Eck is seriously afflicted with kidney trouble and is under the doctor's care. F. D. Waltz is loading another car load of apples this week at Goulds boro. Work on the state road In Dreher is almost completed and in a few days the finishers will have gone to some other. locality. E. W. Waltz lost a horse a few days ago from old age and general debility. Charles Wolfe, of Greentown, lost a valuable horse on Wednesday last, caused by a bursted net. Gilpin & Sons, of Greentown, are Installing a band saw, planer and shaper in their stick and turning mill to assist in turning out more work. Freddie Deltz, Jr., has two fur naces and is baking bread for any who need It. He is laying plans to start a bakery. Charlie Hart, employed on the Jacob Waltz saw mill near Angels, Pa., lost a part of one finger and had another badly mangled on Nov. 13th by coming in contact with a rapidly revolving circular saw. John Hazelton caught two large coons last week and he reports the fur and meat In fine condition. The weather during the last week was Ideal for getting fall work done, but It is very inconvenient, not to have plenty of water for general use. MAPLEWOOD. The Butterfly social held at the home of Elmer Bell was a decided success. The rooms were prettily decorated with artificial butterflies while hot pancakes at the table made the butter fly there. The enter tainment was well attended and $16.51 and a lot of nails were the results. Mr. and Mrs. Abbe Black are the happy parents of a baby girl. While Estella, Verna and Cora Bartlow, accompanied by Mrs. Alice Angel, were driving to Salem Satur day, the horse became frightened at the stone crusher and ran away wrecking the wagon and severely bruising the occupants. Mr. Garrett Black is suffering from an attack of heart trouble. John Wagner and N. R. Walter man of Scranton, spent Saturday at Lake Henry. Wm. Glbbs was kicked by his young colt Friday and Is suffering from a broken rib and bruised hip. Rev. J. G. Rosenberger spent Sun day at Newfoundland where he preaches once a month. The Ladles' Aid at Wimmers will serve a Thanksgiving dinner at noon on the 25th. There will be preach ing at the church at 10 o'clock. Everyone Is invited to attend the' service and stay for dinner. The proceeds will go to the parsonage fund. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, Klzer of Var den, were guests of, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Klzer on Sunday. F. S. and E. M. Keene have finish ed repairing George Jackson's house at Wlmmer's. Many springs and wells have gone dry and several mills are patiently waiting water to resume operations. Sensational Arrest. A sensational arrest was made in Scranton last week when the police took Into custody William DeGarls, alias "Dickson," who claims Cort land, N. Y., as his residence. De Garls Is charged with carrying on the white slave traffic and of having procured two Scranton girls. The warrant for his arrest was issued at the instance of Charles Williams, whose sister DeGarls is alleged to have Induced to leave Scranton and go to Cortland. The man was clev erly trapped. When he attempted to lure away a second Williams girl, she went to her mother with the story and the two plotted to have the man meet the girl at the rail road station, presumably to go to New York. When the appointment arrived, an officer arrived with it and collared DeGarls. The latter claims he is a farmer by occupation and 53 years old. He was released on Friday last on fl.OOO ball. ROUGHLY TREATED IN ASYLUM. Inmate in Trenton Insane Asylum Has Broken Ribs. A dispatch from Trenton, N. J., says: Henry D. Crusen, the Trenton letter carrier recently committed to the State Hospital for the Insane, after he had become deranged by religion, is dead from half a dozen broken ribs and other injuries. Ill treatment at the hands of attending nurses is intimated, and Coroner Grove is investigating. Clinton J. Swartz, Republican leader in Com mon Council, has been chosen as foreman of the Coroner's jury, and a thorough inquiry is promised. The outcome may be a complete investigation of the institution. It Is not believed that any scandal in "high places" will be developed, but there may be need of reform in the nursing forces. Dr. Henry A. Cotton, the new medl cal director, recently issued an order releasing from chains and other ciose detention au violent pa tients, and It is thought the nursing force may be too small to cope with the situation. Dr. Cotton believes there can be no hope of recovery for patients who are kept tied up continually, or even closely confined to their rooms j He is a believer in the gentler, calmer methods and insists .there shall be no rough treatment. It is reported, however, that many of the attendants are not in sympa thy with his refbrm ideas, and pos- sibly these men and women may be venting their spite on the patients when he is not present. It is ad mitted at the asylum that Crusen was unruly and hard to manage. ZELAYA GENERAL IN A TRAP. Insurgent Leader Has Greytown Cut Off by Land and Sea. Blueflelds, Nicaragua, Nov. 10. Gen eral Chamorro, commanding the rebel forces, after destroying a number of river boats and harbor tugs has evac uated Greytown, which is now occu pied by General Toledo with 2,000 gov ernment troops. Chamorro, however, with the gun boat Ometepo and several converted war vessels is maintaining an effec tive blockade of the port. The government forces are in a dangerous position, as the only exit from Greytown now Is by sea. Ze laya's forces are bottled up after be ing outmaneuvered by the rebels. Chamorro Is expected to lay siege to Greytown, and In that event General Toledo will have to capitulate. Provi sions in the town are scarce, and none are allowed to enter by the rebel forces. SIX FOOT PIE FOR TAFT. Thanksgiving Givers Are Looking For an Oven Fit to Bako It In. New York, Nov. 0. President Wal lerstein of the Pie Salesmen's union, which has decided to present a mam moth mince pie to President Taft on Thanksgiving day, has appointed a committee to select a suitable oven for baking the pie. He explains that a big pie, unlike a monster loaf, cannot be baked In sections. The union will make the pie two days before Thanksgiving day, so that it will be in prime shape to be eaten. The largest pie ever previously baked was built by a Brooklyn pie baking concern. It was rectangular, about three and a half feet wide and eight reet long. "We want a circular pie for the president tlx feet in diameter," Mr. Wallerstein Baid. "We want a home made pie highly magnified. We don't want a monstrosity." FRAUD IN DRIED 8AU8AGE. Diseased Meats Sometimes Used ae Well as Dog and Cat Flesh. Paris. A member of the Pure Food Congress, here said that much of the Italian, German, and French dried sausage commonly used in hora d'oeu vres Is made of the flesh of horses and donkeys. "There 1b no objection to this in principle," he added, "but in some cases the flesh of diseased horses, docs, and eats Is so used, and more strliigt measures should be takes to fnsvMat th& practice.'' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Atoney on call was 4 per cent; time money and mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices ot stocks were: Amal. Copper... 94 Norf. & West... 96H Atchison 120 Northwestern ..185 II. & 0 11614 Penn. R. R. 132 Brooklyn R. T.. 76 Reading 1SS Ches. &Ohlo.... 88 Rock Island 40 C. ,C.,C.&8t.L.. 77 St. Paul 166 D. &H 184 Southern Pac.129 Erie 33 Southern Ry.... 31 Gen. Electric... 162 South. Ry. pf... 70 III. Central 146 Sugar 123 Int.-Met 23 Texas Pacific... 36 Louis. & Nash.. 163 Union Pacific. ..202 Manhattan 140 U. S. Steel 90 Missouri Pac... 71 U. S. Steel pf.,.126 N.T. Central... 132 West. Union.... 83 Farmers' and Me chanics' Bank, OF HONESDALE, WAYNE COUNTY. PA at the close ot business. Nov. 6th, 1009. IlESOCBCES. Reserve fund $ Cash, specie nnd notes, $8,128 Due from approved re serve ncenfs $31,484 M-39.612 4 Nickels, cents and fractional currency 1,142 21 Checks and other cash Items urn 21 llllls discounted, not duo 74.093 29 Hills discounted, time loans with collateral 20.ROOOO Loans on cull with collateral 15.4:11 47 Loans on call upon one name LOGO 00 Loans upon call upon two or more . names 23,103 00 Loans secured by bonds and mort- , eases 14.1GOO0 investment securities ownca exclu sive ot reserve bonds, viz Stocks, bonds, etc $14,290 41 Morteaces and Judg ments of record 30.480 22-80,770 63 Office Building and Lot 18,899 53 Furniture ana fixtures 1,80141 $ 293,413 33 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 76,000 00 nurpms f una o.WU uu Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 4,630 IB Deposits, suDject to cnecK. .hsuhw oi Deposits, special 142.80TI 11 Cashier's Checks outstanding, 171 50-208,913 15 $293,443 33 State of Pennsylvania, County ot Wayne, ss : I. C. A. Emery, Cashier of the above named company, do solemnly Bwoar that tho above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, C. A. EMERY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of Nov. 1909. Kena S. EDQErr. N. P. Correct attest: M. E. Simons. ) V. W. KnEtTNEn, y Directors. W. M. Fowler. I REGSTEIN BROS. II i? !L, L. The need of heavier garments is as insistent as we are about hurry ing you male folks here. We Tcnow what a great store this is; know how well prepared we are to save you. That's why we say with all the confidence In the world, "Come Here." HIGH ART AND COLLEGIAN Suits and Overcoats are-ready in all the striking patterns for the present season. Styles for the young man styles for the older. All in all, it's a grand gathering of clothes you should wear $10 to 920. Uaf. If your price is $1.B0, we'll show the Prominent; if you'll pay $2.00, Gold Bond is the hat for you. Then comes the Knox at $8,00. Variety a plenty. Furnishings There are a great many places to buy fixings, but there's always one Bregstein Brothers, AKIUVAIi AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS Delaware & Hudson It. It. Trains leave at 6: EG a. m and 12:25 and 4:30 p. m. Sundays at 11:06 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Trains arrive at 9:55 a. ,m 3:1& and 7:31 p. m. Sundays at 10:15 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. Erie U. K. Trains leave at 8:25 a. m. and 2:48 p. m. Sundays at 2:48 p. m. Trains arrive at 1:40 and 8:08 p. m. Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 and leaves at 7:10. Sundays at 7:02 p. m. Advertlso in the Citizen. This Parlor Table is made ot Qnartcr sawed Oak: Retails in stores tor 14.59 to (5.00. El Only $3.35 For this handsome Parlor Table In Quartered Oak. Finished and polished golden Quartered Oak, Fancy 24 x ti top, richly carved rim, shaped undershelf. French style legs. Also In the rich Mahogsnlzed Birch for 13.85. Carefully rocked and shipped tor $3.35. Do not spend another cent for Furniture until you have seen our latest catalogue. Sent tree. BIN6HAMTON. K". Y. STEADY ACCUMULATION of funds will wear away the hardest rock adversity plants in your path. Dollars, dollars and yet dollars, slowly but surely deposited with ub will slowly, but regularly and sure ly win 8 per cent. Interest each year, with its compounding. FARMERS & MECHANICS Honesdale, Pa. T OPENING. We want you here today ! Rather a pointed request but we're saying it by right of superior knowledge on the subject of PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. OOTRIOHT teol ar STROUBB A BROS SMTMeoa . I best place. It's here. The Eclipse tho Just Right Qlove, $1.00 to $2.00 and the Corliss Coon collars? In Quarter sizes, 2 for 25c. Underwear We feature the Australian natu ral wool underwear at $1.00 per garment; also Betsnug Union Suits for men at $1.00 to. $8.00 per suit. $2$. MAIN STREET, Honeftfalp, Pa. V it.-.