The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 17, 1909, Image 7
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1009. PAID IN FULL Novelized From Eugene Walter's Great Play JOHN W. HARDING I Copyright, 1908, by C W. Dllliohm Co. CHAPTER VI. WHEN the door had closed behind tho visitors Mrs. Brooks and Smith sat down and gazed at each other in silence for some minutes. "Well?" exclaimed Emma, Interrog atively, at last. "Well," be replied, "between you and me, Joe came as near getting iklnned alive as any one I ever saw." "It was terrlblel" "It was terribly true. You saved Mm." "I know." "The captain must like you. I never Bid think he could like anybody." "I hate him!" she declared, with a grimace of disgust. "Ugh, what a beast!" Bmlth reflected. "Maybe, and maybe not," be mused. "I can't Just make him out" .At this Juncture the front door opened and Brooks entered. "I saw them drive off," he said, drop ping Into a chair. "I hope they will itay away In future. That mother tnd sister of yours make me tired! I tan't stand for them, and, what's more. I won'tl They'd drive a saint to drink, and I'm no saint and don't purpose to be, either." His wife began to reproach him for his attack upon Captain Williams and for his general ill humor during the evening, but he cut her short sharply: "We won't talk about that! Not a word, you understand? Not from you or any one else. That's final !" "Very well; it's dropped," she said and, angry at last In turn, rose and went to her room. Indifferently he watched her go, then turned to Smith. "Got anything to smoke, Jlmsy?" he demanded. "No," he replied, fumbling hi his pockets, "as usual, I'm Just out, but I'll run around to the corner store and set some cigars." Left alone, Brooks began to give way to the uneasiness and apprehension that had followed upon bis scene with Captain Williams. "I wonder if Williams will Are me," he muttered. "If he doesn't it's on ac count of Emma. He acted as if he'd go a long ways for Emma." He" was anxious"' to'khow 'what had happened after his brusque departure. He went Into the bedroom and found his wife In tears. "Don't cry, Emma," he said soothing ly, going to her and taking her In his arms. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know I've got a fierce grouch on tonight, but I can't help It So would you have one If you'd had to put up with what I have today." Mrs. Brooks was one of those sweet natured women who could not sulk for more than five minutes If they tried. It needed but his caress and apparent contrition to dispel her resentment "You certainly have bad cause to worry, dear," she assented. "After what's happened tonight I'll have to hunt another Job," he said. "But I don't care. I'm glad I told the beast what I thought of him. Some day somebody '11 tell him what they think of him and plug him, too, as sure as he's born." "You'll not have to hunt for another job yet awhile," she told him. "The captain said he would overlook It and that it wouldn't make any difference." Her husband looked at her in aston ishment half Incredulous. "He said that?" "Yes, and I'm glad It's turned out as it has, for bow we'd manage if you were out of work Just now goodness knows. I don't!" "Just how did ho put it?" "He said he was almighty sorry for -what had occurred, that be knew he bad been hard at times and that as far as your place and we were con cerned there would be no change." Brooks' relief showed in his face. "Well, that knocks me," ho comment ed. "Nobody else eyer bucked up against him and got off scot free. I can't understand It Did your mother put in a word for me?" "No." "Then it's you who inuBt have a pull. He died right down when you spoke to him. I never would have believed such a thing. If you had been a man standing thuro In front of him he'd havo smashed you. Darn It, I won der who's ringing now? Can't be Jlmsy; ho hasn't had time to get to the street at tho gait bo goes." Ho wont to tho head of the stairs and met a messenger boy who was bearing a lettor and had received In structions to wait for an answer. "Sure!" he exclaimed joyfully as bo perused the missive. "Tickled to death! Go and get your things on, Emma. It's from Beatrice Langley and Willie Ferguson. Willie's giving a sort of theater party, and they want us to go with them. There's going to bo a llttlo supper afterward." She shook her head. "Tell them we can't go," "Can't gol Why not?" "I simply can't" ' "I don't see why." "Well, then, I won't; so there! You'd bettor maka soma armaa- . "Write it yourself, then," ho said, irritated and deeply disappointed. "I'm npt going to He to them." Without another word she fetched some writing material, Indited the note and sent It off by the messenger. "What's the matter? Are you sore over what happened tonight?" he de manded sulkily. "No, I'm not sore, Joe." "Then why can't you go?" "Because I can't That's all!" "I think you might If you didn't want to go yourself you might have accepted for my soke. I never get any amusement, and you're always complaining." "When do I complain, and of what?" "It's the selfish way you act, I mean, for, once we get a chance to go and see a decent show and afterward have a supper party, you get sore. You simply don't want to go. You haven't any consideration for me." Burning with indignation, she went up to him and forced him to look her In the face. "You say I have no consideration for you!" she said. "You know as well as I do why I can't go. I haven't had a new dress In a year. My gloves are all worn out I've skimped and struggled and economized until I can't do any more. I'd go to tho theater If I could go alono or with you or with Jlmsy and hide somewhere In the corner, but do you think I want to go to a party looking like a kitchen maid? My shoes are cracked. Everything is secondhand and old and ugly. And look at me I Do you know what s hap pened to mo? I've grown common and coarse and cheap. Sometimes when I look at myself in the glass it seems as though I could seo the dirt and the grease and the horrid nastl-' ness of It all staring me right In tho face. Why don't I go? I'm ashamed, that's all. And you make It harder. It has almost reached my limit of en durance." She turned from him, tears of vexa tion and humiliation in her eyes. As she did so Smith, the peacemaker, entered. He had arrived in time to hear the last part of the confession that had boen forced from her by her husband's injustice and selfishness. "Emma," he said soothingly, "there ain't no use in making Joe feel worse than he docs. He works like the devil, but somehow Joe wasn't built exactly lucky. He Is one of those fellows like I used to know in Colorado who spend all their lives looking for a gold mine and never quite find one. But Joe's all right, and Just to make this event ful sort of evening end up nicely I'm going to hike to' the best show In town, and you two are going to hit my trail while I dig up the necessary spondullcs to defray any and all expense incurred, Including a slight and Belect grub stake after the entertainment Now, what do you think of that?" Brooks, who had been listening to his wife and friend sullenly, was filled with a sudden resolve. "No, you won'tl" ho said tempestu ously. "I nln't going to be an object of charity. I'm as sick and tired of this whole business as she is. Emma, you put on the best dress you've got nnd fix yourelf up the best you can, and I'll take you to a show, and If Jlmsy wants to come he can come as my guest. I'm still a man, and it's Just as right I Bhould take care of my wife and let her have a little fun as' it is for the Astors and Vanderbllts and all of them to spend money on their families. I'm going to do it and I don't caro whether I can afford if or not I can find a way all right Hurry up, Emma!" Mrs. Brooks would much rather have stayed at home. She was worn out with the constant quarreling and ex citing happenings of the evening, but she did not wont to be accused of con trariness. So she said: "If you think we can really afford it I'd like to go. I haven't seen a show in nearly a year. Do you think I'd better go, Jlmsy?" "Why, surely, my girl," was Smith's reply. "There's no use of sticking around here all tho time and getting into more rows. Go ahead!" "Then I'll hurry and get ready," she said, hastening to her room. Brooks had seated himself and wa3 gazing before him with a determined expression, bis hands clasped between bis knees. Smith went to him and tendered a bill to him. "Joe," ho said kindly, "you'd better let me slip you the ten that will be necessary to pay for this business. You know Emma don't need to know, and you ain't got the coin to blow in." "Yes, I have," he asserted, pushing the note from him, "and I'll pay for it myself." "All right, Joe. But take my tip, when you go into tho borrowing busi ness you'd better borrow from the fel low who knows he's giving it to you and ain't In a hurry to get it back." "Look here, Jlmsy!" exclaimed Brooks hotly, Jumping up. "Don't you butt Into my business! IfB none of your affair! And, by tho way, It might bo just as well to remind you that Emma's my wlfo tnv wife, you hear?' She married me, no one else Just me although I've been told she had other chances at tho time." Bmlth gazed at him without any trace of offense, but with a look of pain in bis eyes. "I'm sorry you said that, Joe," ho answered in his slow, quiet voice, "Yes, I know Emma's your wife and that she chose you after I asked her to bo mine, and It is Just because I do know that that I don't want you Lto go wrong, and for Just that samo rooson I want you to understand that It you ever get Into a tight holo you can gamble on me for help, and I I ain't always been a spendthrift. Good night!" "You'ro not going, then?" inquired Brooks as his friend moved toward tho hall, bat there was. nothing In Jho tone of the query designed to encour age tho great hearted fellow to- accom pany them. "No; you two had better go togetlN cr," he replied as ho passed out. When, he had gone Brooks drew quickly from the inside pocket of bis waistcoat the pockctbook containing the collections in checks aud bills that ho had not had time to turn in to tho company, extracted a bill of $10 and returned the wad to Its hiding place. Emma emerged from tho bedroom With her hat and Jacket on. "WEy, where's Jlmsy?" she nsked7 "Ho went home. Ho said he guessed he'd better not come, as he wanted to get up early, or something or other," lied Brooks. "I wonder why he changed his mind so suddenly," she said. It was 9 o'clock when they found themselves In the street, and Brooks decided on a vaudeville show as being the only possible place of entertain ment they could go to at that hour. It had been so long since they had permitted themselves the cxtravaganco of a night out that Mrs. Brooks en joyed the chango to tho full. Watch ing the actors and laughing at their jokes and antics, she forgot for the time her worries, and the painful im pression of tho early evening wob com pletely dispelled. As tho performance progressed Brooks also underwent a change of mood, and by the time the curtain fell he had softened to some thing of bis old self and was tender and attentive. When they found themselves outside again she was for going straight homo. "No," he said gayly, squeezing her arm that she had passed under his and patting her hand affectionately; "we are out for a good time for once, and we're going to have it" She demurred feebly, wanting to go, but feeling that scrapie on the ground of expense which, from the necessity of exercising strict and unrelenting economy, entered Into all her house hold expenditures, but he brushed aside her cautious calculations, and soon they were seated in a restaurant of quite Imposing aspect and he was ordering broiled lobsters and wine with the air of a man to whom money was no object He Was in rare high spirits and gallant with a tenderness he had not manifested toward her In many a moon. He chattered and chat tered, and his animation communicat ed Itself to her, so that her eyes spar kled, her puctty face was wreathed in happy smiles, and she returned his glances of love and admiration as in the happy days of their early married life, when they were all In all to each other and there was none so handsome and so noblo minded as he In all the world. CHAPTER VII. SOMETHING untoward was hap pening or Impending at the ex tensive piers and docks of the Xatln-Amercan Steamship com pany on South street Manhattan. This had been evident from an early hour, for when as whistle sounding time ap proached the workmen trooped toward the docks and warehouses to begin their dally toll they found groups of policemen stationed about the ap proaches to the Latin-American line's property. On the faces of the men who entered its gates was an expres sion of expectancy and determination. The earliest man to arrive saw tho toll, gaunt form of Mr. Smith, tho superintendent, standing at the door of the office building. He had been working hard while they slept, but there was no evidence of his all night labor upon his cheerful visage, nor was any sign of anxiety or of the knowl edge that any unusual situation bad arisen discernible In his phlegmatic demeanor. He appeared to be enjoy ing tho morning air and his cigar without n care in the world. His presence there at that hour was the only Indication that he expected trou ble. He had not allowed one police man to remain within tho gates. Hard ly a man passed in but saluted him verbally or with a touch of the hat, and not a salute was given without being acknowledged. To some he re sponded with a genial smile and a "Hello, Toml" or "Howdy, Bill!" When they had started their work, which was to be stopped completely at 10 o'clock, he vanished upstairs, nor was he seen again until tho hands of the clock approached that hour and the strike leaders began to go among the restless men. Then he sauntered out, ordered work stopped, and, mount ing a crate of merchandise, assembled the men about him. "You boys," he said In his slow, dis tinct voice, "havo made up your minds to quit at 10 o'clock because some body told you you ought to bo getting more pay and a raise was refused. Well, this Is a free country, and every man's right to sell bis labor where ho likes and at what price he likes Is guaranteed him by the constitution. If you want to walk out of here you are free to do so, but if you take my advice" "Seo here," interrupted one of the leaders roughly, pushing to the front, "wo ain't askln' no advice from you nor no one else. What wo want is money. Do wo get that raise or don't wo? If wo do, all right; It wo don't, we quit hero and now, and that's all there Is to It" A murmur of approval greeted this ultimatum. "No," answered the superintendent. "I ain't going to leave you In doubt about It for a minute. You don't get It" "Then shut up!" ordered tho man. "Wo ain't go In' to loso our time 11s tenln' to no cheap talk. We've voted to quit and all talk Is off." "All right;" retorted Smith. "Con sider you've all quit Now, that being the case, you have heaps of time on, tkmk band and axe likely to bave foe an Indefinite period unless you have provided Jobs for yourselves In antic ipation of this. I've got something I'd llko to say to you. Those who don't want to hear mo don't have to. As I raid, this Is a free country." "Go ahead, Jlmsy!" cried, a voice In the crowd. "You're "all right! You'vo always given us a square deal." "I hopo so," ho replied, "and one square deal deserves another." "Aw, come on, fellows!" admonished the leader. "We're not kids. A strike's a strike. This ain't noebatln' bet-, and we don't belong to no mutual ad miration society." Some of the men turned away, but others voiced the view that a hearing ought to be given to the superintendent since he wished to speak to them, and, seeing that their fellows remained, the others soon returned. "I haven't got a lot to say, and I'm no preacher," ho continued. "What I want to give you is not a lecture on what you've got to do that's your business but an explanation in your Interest. I want to tell you' things other people haven't told you and that you evidently don't know. Please let me get through, then you do as you like. I don't have to tell you that the rate of pay is governed, like every thing else, by tho law of supply and demand. What Is the situation today? Wo have had rush work for several reeks, and the docks here and all along tho water front are choked up with freight But back of this, al though you may not know It, the rall- "I put it up to you, and you've made good." roads everywhere ore laying off freight cars, mills are laying off men, and signs point to a serious slump in busi ness all over the country, which will reach here soon. The indications are that In the natural course of things during the coming winter there won't be work for more than half of you and that you'll need badly all the spare coin you can save now. Yet you chose this very time to demand an In crease from the company and give it eighteen hours' notice, including twelve nonworklng hours, in which to think It over. I don't call that a square deal, whatever you may think about it. Now, the country towns are full of men anxious to get Jobs, and tho com pany, notwithstanding the short no tice. Is fully prepared for a strike. In that shed yonder arc 3,000 cots, put there during last night, and provision has been made to feed 3,000 men for several days. Captain Williams" An outburst of curses and yells greet ed this mention of the president's name, with cries of "We know Williams!" "Captain Williams," went on tho su perintendent calmly, "says that any man who goes out on strike now will never enter the employ of the lino again in this or any other port. And I'll sec personally to It that ho doesn't. This man here said a strike had been decided on, but anybody who wants to stay and work Instead of making a fool of himself by quirting will be taken care of, I'll promise that. That's all. It's up to you." Amid dead silence he got down from the crate and returned to his office. The men remained assembled for consultation, and in the crowd were many doubtful faces. It was clear that Smith's calm, drawled harangue bad made a profound Impression. Just as in private life he attracted tho warmest friendships, so In business, to which ho gave strict and Intelligent attention, he earned the respect of all with whom he had to deal. The strike leader mounted tho crate and, amid the applause of the hot beaded and discontented, delivered himself of a fierce denunciation of the company as a greedy, grasping, oppress- lve corporation and of its dock super intendent as a "flour flusher" and a dispenser of "con" talk, meaning there by of words Intended to deceive. But there were too many who knew that Smith was neither. "For my part," ono of tho laborers said, "I've got a wife and six kids, tho eldest of which Is nine. I movo that we take another vote on this here strike." The motion was adopted with accla matlon. The result of the ballot was overwhelmingly In favor of remaining at work. While delegates appolntod to Inform tho superintendent that there would be no turnout were waiting upon him In his office, tho other men passed the shed Indicated by Smith, pmbed open the door and gased. la. wfcUe oUmm crowded up behind them. Arranged all around the vast space were neat, white cots, and in tho center were long tables and benches. "Say," remarked, one of the men. 'Jlmsy Smith ain't no bluff. Is ho? For a slow spcakln' and movln' man- he's the liveliest hustler I ever seen." Half an hour later Smith once more lowered himself Into the chair beside tho president's desk. "Well," said Captain Williams gruff- y, "I understand the strike's off." "Yep," was the reply. "How did you do It?" "Told 'em the truth." The captain regarded him from un der his bushy eyebrows, brought to gether In his usual frown. "I guess you don't often He, Smith." "Not more than I have' to." "What preparations had you made for trouble?" "Three thousand hired army cots In No. 2 shed, with tables and benches. Then there's these." He laid before tho president a num ber of bids for supplying rations three times a day to from 500' to 3,000 men and telegrams from various towns worded something to this effect: On terms offered can ship 200 men with in forty-eight hours. Williams read each paper carefully. "A strike at this time would havo meant heavy loss to the line," he ob served. Smith nodded. Then the captain gave utterance to the highest compliment be had ever made to a man in his life. "I put it up to you," ho said, "and you'vo made good. I guessed it was likely you would. Have a cigar." to be continued. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Llnscott for the In ternational Newspaper Bible Study Club. (Copjrritht 1609 by Rev. T. a Llnicott, D.D.) Nov. 21st, 1909. (Copyright, 1909, by Rev. T. S. Llnscott, D.D.) Paul's Story of His Life. II Cor. xl:21 to aclltlO. Golden Text He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength Is made perfect in weakness. II Cor. xii:9. Verse 21 Do you know any person In all history who had a better right to boldly tell of his sufferings than Paul? Vorses 22-23 Is there any lack of modesty, or good taste, in Paul, or any other true man, giving a full account of his qualifications and his sufferings for Christ's cause? What advantage Is it to be born of good stock? What advantage was it to Paul that he was a Hebrew, an Israelite ,and of the seed of Abraham? Is there any higher privilege, or greater honor than to have labored and suffered, for tho cause of Christ, which Is the cause of humanity? Does a true ministry, then and now, always Imply much suffering and self denial? Verses 24-27 What Is the best word picture you can give, of the noble hero who, at the .expense of life-long and unparalleled suffering, gave himself up to the service of others? (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) Read until the story of this bitter and prolonged suffering is burned Into your memory, and .then read the story of Paul's great work and of the won derful love and grace of God to him, and then think of the sumptuous lives of the chief priests who were, in great measure, responsible for Paul's suf fering, and then say, after all, which got the more aggregate Joy out of life, Paul or they? How many of these cruel sufferings, to which Paul here refers, are men tioned elsewhere in the New Testa ment? Give chapter and verse. (Seo Acts lx: 24-25; xlv:19; xvl:22 et seq.) Verses 28-33 Is Paul an exception, or is It the duty of all of us to have a great care for all the churches, and to be in sympathy with everybody, weeping with those who weep, and re joicing with those who rejoice? Which is the greater man, the one who excels in education, in science, In oratory, in statesmanship; or the one who excels in his love for the churches, for the poor, for sinners and in a heart that sympathizes with all mankind? Chapter xil: 1-6 What Is the logical or scientific value of Paul's experience of heaven? What is the only real proof of God, of immortality and of the wisdom of the spiritual life? Is It probable, or possible, that per sons to-day may have similar exper ience of the unseen world as Paul? Verses 7-10 What was Paul's "thorn la tho flesh?" What Is the greatest "thorn in tho flesh" that strong and healthy spirit ual men have to-day? Lesson for Sunday, Nov. 28th, 1909. Paul on Self Denial. (World's Tem nerance Lesson). Rom. xlv: 10-21. How They Shoe Geese In Poland. Three million geese ore brought rosularly to the October market in Warsaw, Poland. Often coming from remote provinces, many of these cense have to travel over long di.S' tances upon roads which would wear out their feet If they were not "enoa." Tor this purpose they are driven through tar poured over the ground, and then through sand. After tho operation has been repeated several times the feet of the geese become covered with .a hard crust MARK OF A THOROUGHBRED. He Will Keep Going When a Common Horae Will Quit As on old horseman who has bred and handled horses of many types, says a writer In Outing, I have fre quently been surprised at the answers given by the majority of people when asked the question: "What consti tutes the most striking difference be tween the thoroughbred and the com mon horse?" Nineteen out of twenty will name tho beauty or tho speed of this thor oughbred; but Important as are both of thoso qualities, neither answer is correct It is simply that the thor oughbred when he Is tired will keep on with an undiminished courage and ambition, while a common horse un der the same circumstances will quit Even the Snail. Tho "mock snail" Is a new speci men which will have to be added to the collection of strange things served by restaurant keepers. The edible snail is disappearing from the vino yards and gardens of Burgundy, where formerly it existod in. countless thousands. The scarcity and consa. .fluent dearness of the escargot has caused some unscruplous proprietors of restaurants in Paris to invent tho mock snail. It Is made out of veal. All that Is required Is a quantity of empty snail shells and veal fat Tho fat 1b cleverly cut into spirals and worked into the shell. The disappear ance of the real snail is taken so seri ously in France that the county coun cil of the Cote d'Or has suggested that a law Bhould be passed giving tho es cargot a close season, from April IS to July IB In Barn vpn. ttttttt MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. Glasses O. G. WEAVER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, 1127:Main Street. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER. You will make money by having me. bell phone 9-u Bethany, Pa. Time Card In Effect Oct 81st, 1909. SCRANT0N DIVISION 3 It it Stations 8 3 SI 7 80lArN.Y. iMBt.Lv 7 V, P Hi rnur 1 00,Ar....cacKMl !,v 210 216 T5o 4 06 410 11 01 18 60 " ...uancocK..., " " ..Starlight.... " " Preston Park " " ..Wlnwood... " " ..Pontelle... " Orson " " Pleasant Mt. " " ..Unlondale.. " " .Forest Cltr. '.' " OTbUaaleYd " " .Carbondale. " " White Brldis " .Mayneld Yd. " ....Jermin " " ..Archibald.. " .... 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