THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7t 1600. DAIRY ano ft CREAMEPOC COW PASTURE GATE. Dairy Euentlal That Can Bo Cheap ly Constructed and Keeps In Repair. In order to build a cow posture gate that will never sag and roqulrea Tery little repairing countersink two pieces and pin them together. Then set up two 2x4 pieces two feet higher than the gate so It can be raised in winter. Mortise and set In between Motes and Comment Of Interest to Women Readers NEW KITCHEN CABINET. Bread, Cake, 8ploes and Flour All In Same Place In this One. In household affairs as well as In business the. best results are obtained where there Is a minimum of lost en ergy. System can be as carefully followed In the kitchen as in the counting house, and a good cook never runs around In circles looking for a lost Ingredient whllo the cake burns, tn those days of handy devices, how ever, there Is no excuse ror losing anything. For use In the kitchen two Chicago men have designed a cabinet which keeps a variety of articles at the cook's elbow and saves nor tho Wire-Covered Gate That Balances, the cross-pieces, which are 12 Inches apart, the board, a, and fasten a cap to the top of the frame. The gate Is 16 feet long, 12 feet being for the gateway and four feet for the Weights to balance It The frame is of 2x4's. Cover the 4-foot end with boards and fill with enough stones to balance It when hung. Cover the gate with wire fencing and hang by a chain. Put n bolt through the lower part of the frame into the crossplece, a. Cows Glvlna Down Milk. John Burrows, the well-known scien tist, in regard to cows giving down their milk, says: "Many persons think that giving down or holding up the milk by the cow Is a voluntary act In fact they fancy the udder as a ves sel filled with milk, and that the cow releases or withholds It Just as she chooses. But the udder Is a manufac tory; it is filled with blood, from rwhlch the milk Is manufactured While you milk. This process is con trolled by the cow's nervous system. "When she is excited or In any way dis turbed, as by strangers or by taking away her calf or any other cause, the process is arrested and the milk will nnt flow. The nervous energy goes elswhere. The whole process Is aa involuntary as Is digestion in man nn4 is disturbed or arrested in about the same way. Dairy Notes. "Working in filth about the dairy Is only a habit "When a man says he has a hard time drying up a cow, you may know be has a good one. The average cow produces only about 165 pounds of butter yearly. Bhe would produce more if she had the chance. , Throw some corn fodder over the fence to the cows if you can't spare tho time to put them in the barn and feed them there. i n m I. SPICK ' ' ' J e!Z5Ljf 8aves Cook Worry, necessity of hunting for them. The top of the cabinet, which is tall enough to stand on the floor, is di vided Into a series of small compart, ments, each with a separate lid for spices. Below this la another com partment, a trifle larger, for mis' 1 laneous articles. Then come3 a still larger space for cakes, the -blggist space of all for bread, and a draper with a semi-circular bottom for flour. Boston Post MAKING AUTOMOBILE PARTS. Manufacturers Abandon Other Unii to Supply New Demand. Thn lariTH number of manufacturers who have been planning to predee automobile parts promises to be ma terially Increased by tho announce ment of the automobile builder that thnv nm nnnhln to secure anoueh parts to make the output planned for 1910. Tvi1v the movement li talnr la many manufacturers whose previous training has been in other directions. and according to the iron Age ine departure may be too radical to bo wise. Enthusiasm for the new pro duct may mean the neglect and seri ous Injury to the old. At the present timo the suotessrui automobile parts brings tho hand- nrnflt which a nneclftltr usually commands. But, as with every other business, the time must come whon competition will get down to tho nor mal basts, with pronts reauoea to ine usual level. Thousands of Inventors are work-in-- on new means to accomplish the same ends and Improvements aro coming in quick succession. Found New Eskimo Tribe. W. J. Bower, an Arctic explorer, re ports the discovery or a trine oi juski- mos who, according to bis statement, live on a point of Prince Albert Land. They call themselves Nunaeaotlcs, are tall, and look like North Ameri can Indians. The explorer was cor dially welcomed by them, and he pro cured many rich furs. From the town of the Nunaeaotlcs, Bower proceeded farther north, where he discovered immense copper de posits. On this trip he lost an eye through the bite of a spider. This was not the end of Bowers's troubles. for after the eyeball was removed by the crude Burgery of an Kskimo, the schooner used by the party was wrecked and the adventurers had to walk 130 miles to Point Barrow, where they were taken on board the whaler Jeannette. HOME DRESSMAKIINJ By Charlotte Martla- . - bm. ma a, 1 LITTLt UIKL'O fUftin V.UW. . I Ce . -----. NEW GOODS FOR (Autumn Menner&Co X Pattern No. 450. A coat like this Is always useful. Blue serge is the ma terial used with black silk collar and cuffs. The closing is made with large pearl buttons. This pattern is cut in three sizes, 4, 6 and 8 years. Size 6 requires 3 1-4 yards of 27-Inch material. Keystone , Block Our New Fall Dress Goods and , Novelty Trimmings, Latest Effects Our Long Corsets for the present season arc all built for Modern Dress. In the Glove depart ment all the new shades can be found In the best quality goods. New House Furnish ings in the late designs tains and Carpets. MENNER&CO. Leading Stores Roll of HONOR Attention is caUed to the STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL OP HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks nnd Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY 8AVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,T33,0Q0.00 Honesdale. Pa.. May 20 1P08., LADIES' SKIRT. Wet Feed or Dry? If I feed my cows ground feed of any kind, should it be fed wet or dry? Which will produce the larger quanti ty of milk? George W. Rapp. In general it will make very little idlfference wwhether ground feed is (fed wet or dry. In absence of succulent food, as roots or ensilage, it may be to advantage to moisten the grain, and there are certain dry foods like knalt sprouts that are made distinctly mom nnlatable by being moistened, which Is also an advantage. Country Gentleman. Art In the Country. Home. We neglect the corners of our rooms too much. Fine effects can be secured by hanging long and narrow pictures there. Try this, and see 11 i am noi right Corners are excellent places for upright flower pieces. Great care must be taken to nang pictures covered with glass in post whom thn lieht will not strike them in such a manner as to cause reflections, as from a mirror. All pic tures under glass aro moat effective on walls which do not face windows. Never buy a picture that doesn t please you because a friend urges you tn An so. You are buying for yourself, thereby let your own taste decide tho matter. You may not have wnat is called "a cultivated taste." but you can tell when a picture pleases you as well as if you had all the cultivation In the world, and that's tne criterion fnr thn mireh&ser to judge a picture by does It please? A picture need not be expensive to be gooa. tteauy flne onea can be bought cheaply. A irnnri nlrtnrn has as much of a mis sion in the family as a good book has. Books, pictures, music ana now ora urn thn four anostles of the gos pel of the beautiful In the home. From "The Country House interior, by Eben E. Rexford. THE LATE8T HEALTH CORSET. Earthenware for Milk. Milk utensllls should be made of metal and have all points perfectly unii nmnothlv soldered. Is a rule laid down In a dairy text The best palls to use are the common enameica rmPH which have become so cheap within the past few years that they are within the reach of all. Nothing la superior for milk ana cream 10 nrthnnware. which can be purchased at the country store at from eight to ten cents per gallon measure. Farm era Homo Journal. Packing Butter for Shipment Packages of butter often rocolvo rough handling while In transit For this reason the maker should take pains In fixing the package so that It twill not reach its destination broken. In his report of the last butter con test Earle Brlntnall, assistant pro fessor of dairying at Manhattan, Kan., recommends packing the small tub In a larger one and filling the Interven ing space with paper, or wrapping In paper and then In a gunnysack, both of which ho says are good methods. The Test by Heat. At the national dairy show at Chi cago last winter samples of milk and cream sent In for testing for flavor were heated In a water bath to a temperaturo of about 100 degrees. This heating seemed to bring out ob jectionable flavors In a more marked degree than when the milk was cold, although tests were made of both tho cold and warm milk. Spray the Cows. Spraying the cows will discourage the flies and keep up the milk sup ply. Too much trouble. Well, trou ble of this kind usually pays big. 4 mmmm iaaa m If the cows tod a little feed tn Uw feoxe Id their ctane ri they ooene la lit night tier a Mt la lag la- Try K. The design shows a type of health brace that has become very popular with the society dames of Paris whire an advanced group of women are car rying on a crusade for Its universal adoption. Removlna Iron Rust. Wherever the ordinary hooks and eyes have been used on light-colored frocks there Is almost sure to bo spots of Iron rust as a result The very first thing to do IB to rip on tne fastoners and get the rustless kind. Then rub each spot of rust with salts of lemon and wash out thor nnzhlv. It may be necessary to re peat this two or three times, but it is worth the trouble. If vou haven't this nreDaration use plain lemon Juice, soak tho salt In It put It on the spot and expose to mo sun. if nil of this nrocess Is useless, and the garment Is of white cotton or wool, try chlorinated soda. Culture In Cambridge. Thorn in n famous "mothers' club" In Cambridge. Most of the members dinner fhv nroxv) to the faculty of Harvard College. Borne years ago, a member met anotner memoer me mnrnlns after a meeting and asked about it, not having been present "It was charming," exciaimea me other member, "So helpful. Miss n tiki about the care of very young babies, and Dean H spoke of the problems or aomesuc service ana hov. to keep our maids." Harper's Baiar. ' Ordinary fine Bait should be kept on every kltehea washaUsd (Ue it Is tcfeaaM la oleaaUx atolaa from the Nat Cold Weather to Htm. Dnn of the guests at a reception held In Washington some time ago had a poor memory for faces, and In nHiminn was a little nearsighted. Dur ing the evening he took the host to one side, after the manner of a man who had some Important secret he was about to disclose, and In a deep whisper Inquired: "You see that tall man standing by the door?" "Yes." answered tho host "Well. I was talklne to him awhile ago about the terribly cold weather we had In Nebraska laBt winter, and he yawned in my race, nnn't vou know who that is?" in quired the host, trying his best to hide a smllo. "Why, that's Commander Robert EL Peary." The Cantata's Renartee. Thn cantata of a trans-Atlantic havlncr become Irritable as a re sult of some minor troubles in the shin's management and the unusually large number of ridiculous Inquiries made by tourists, was heading for the "bridge" when a dapper young man hxHnrt him tn Innulra the cause of the commotion off the starboard side of the ship. Being on the port side, the cantttln nolltely replied, with some sarcasm, he was not certain, but thought it possible that a cat nsn noa Just had kittens. wnat-io-uiau r.anital Punishment In Germany. Although little Is heard outside Prussia of capital punishment with in tho kingdom, me law is Dy no mnana a dead letter. In seven years there have been 98 executions, ten of the condemned being women. Silesia heads the list with 211 escsutlons, fol lowed by Brandenburg, Posen and Rhlneland. No executions tako piaoe In Berlin, the condemned being taken to the prison at Ploetzeniee, in Bran denburg, where they have a standing guillotine. Didn't Forget Himself. A thrp.vear-old waif in a deacon- nesses home offered up this prayer, aava thn Delineator: "Oh. God bless all In this home (mentioning each by name), "and all the sailors in me ana that the shtDB won't run over them, and all the poor boys and girls that they may get breaa ana canay, and bless Alfred Warren Randall" fhimaniMa hesitation, then added. "the one what's got tho nightgown on. Woman's Oonortunlty. Good sense is the greatest preser vative of health. Never neiora nave women had such a chance in the Trnrid aa to-day and in this country. Rut the chance will avail them noth ing unless they have the health to Mice It and the vigor to noia it, DuiIm of Military Attache. Thn Antlna nf a military attache are to make himself thoroughly acquaint ed with every change that takes niora in militarr affairs and to report fmm time to time on the mobilisa tion, armament and equipment of the power to which be is accredited. The Quest of Honor. A charMterUUc story is told of aa oooaaloB when Lord Avebury bad to tiA-jman auraHeal AtMratlcA. Till friends esdeavored to persuade aim to take eaiorororm. "no laaaor u reatied, "I would nueh rather be preh eat at the iteration, " Net a Prefltafcle Jtfe. rjoaatta' work." TJeie Sfeea. la? jMk mPftWft fcel I Mftht 0 fcP Henry Snyder & Son. 602 & 604 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Pa. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Lambs, Calves and Livestock. Apples in Season A SQUARE DEAL FOR THE FARMER. Old Phone 588B New Phone 1123 451 .t-T..T..T.,T..t..T..T..!..MMfrfrM 4 4 4 KRAFT & CONGER Pattern No. 431. This skirt is cut in 4 gores and is one of the easiest patterns to put together and to adapt to any figure. The material is the popular Shantung pongee In its nat ural shade. The lower edge of th skirt has an appllqued hem of silk slightly darker and above this hem Is a simple deslgnJn brown braid with flat button moulds covered with the silk set on. The trimming band shown in the back view Is a bias band and cut in sections like the skirt and sewed on at the top on a line marked by per forations in the pattern. The design is suitable for any material ana can be made to close at any of seams. It is particularly good for wash ma terlals as there are no gathers oi pleats and If desired the closing can be made the entire length of the skirt This pattern Is cut In 5 sizes, 22 to 30 waist measure. Size 26 requires 5 3-4 yards of 27-lnch material. HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Comnaniesl ONLY Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the . . Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the Bystempatronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foster uunaing. LADIES' NEGLIGEE. 409 V Pattern No. 409. This negligee Is on the kimono order but a seam in thn enntflr of'thn buck and thn (r a th fir ed arrangement of the front fits it to tbe figure. Tho material is ecru veiling, trimmed with flowered rib bon, but la suitable for any material. This pattern is cut in six sizes, 32 to 42 bust measure. Slse 36 requires S yards or SB-inch material. UMII TO niDIR RATTCRNB. ,- eea ltfeefcttara de- New Yrtb otrt "i.'wp We Pay the Freight No charge for packing this chair It Is sold for CASH ' t BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE 3 at $450 each
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers