THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1000. CENT A WORD COLUMNl I)ST On Slain street, near 11th street, a pockotbook with a small sum of money; was picked up by one ot three young ladles. Kindly return to the Citizen office or hand to Supt. Koehler. FOR SALE A heating stove, In good condition, suitable for office or house. Inquire of Mrs. H. Wilson, 307 Fifteenth street. 89tf. FOB RENT. Three rooms, heat ed. Address, P. O. Box No. 895. 2t LOCAL MENTION. Thanksgiving Day next week. The football season will close on Thanksgiving day. A daughter was born on Wed nesday to Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Blrdsall. The weather during Institute week was excellent and the teach ers enjoyed their visit to Hones dale. Tho Amity Social club have Is sued Invitations to their annual ball which will be held Wednesday even ing, Nov. 24th. The standard from which the English yard measure is taken was the arm of King Henry I., which was exactly three feet In length. State Prison has several men who were sent there simply because they had Axmlnster desires and rag carpet capacities. Marriage licenses have been granted to Ambrose A. Keleher and Minnie F. Roegner of Honesdale; James Soden and Josephine Carpen ter, of Starrucca. Last Sunday at the meetin' house Elder Hudnutt proposed that the church give something for tho orphans. Deacon Stubbs, our local philanthropist, arose and proposed that they give three cheers for the orphans. For somo reason the com mendable entertainments of Insti tute week at the Lyric were poorly attended by the town people, but on Thursday evening there was a well-filled house who were not over pleased with the show. The Semi-Annual meeting of Wayne County Pennsylvania Society of New York City will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 1909, at 8:30 p. m., at the Hotel Manhattan, corner 42nd street and Madison Avenue, New York City. The Rev. Dr. Finks gave an il lustrated lecture Sunday night at the Presbyterian church on the "Moun taineers of North Carolina." On Sun day night he lectured on "Alaska," and accompanied his lecture with views that gave his audience an In sight Into, that wonderful section of our country1; 3 1 F. T. McQuler, ot Philadelphia, has received the contract to rebuild the Blooming Grove club house at that place. Contract price", $80,000. Work on the excavation for the basement waB commenced one day last week. The club's former house was destroyed by fire last February. An unknown man, presumed to be a foreigner, was struck by a north-bound freight train near Arch bald on Sunday night about 10 o'clock. Both arms and legs' were severed from the body and the man's head fractured. He died at the State Hospital, in Scranton, shortly afterwards. On Friday last, a masked ban dit, working alone, stole between $8,000 and $10,000 In cash and bonds from the home of Schuyler Ranler, 72 years old, a wealthy farmer, residing near Florence, Bur lington county, N. J. The robber, after locking the farmer's aged wife into a room dynamited the safe and got the cash and escaped. Don't keep your money In the house. The open season for deer in this state begins on Monday next and continues until the end of No vember. Each hunter is allowed to kill but one deer, which in every In stance must be a buck with horns. Dogs must not bo used. Reports from all parts of Pike county where the deer abound are to the effect that tho big game is more plentiful than over. Local hunters are ready for tho fray. At tho Wayno County School Directors' meeting, which was held last week in the High school audi torium, tho following officers were elected: President, R. M. Stocker; first vice president, Thomas Dunn; second vice president, Edward Delt- zer; treasurer, Fred Saunders; secro tary, A. M. Lelno; delegates to the Directors' Convention which will be held In Harrisburg, A. W. Eno, I. J Many, Thomas Smith, George Eber hardt, Edward Deltzer, E. R. Bodle and L. Atkinson. Tho wave of a great movement, which has been spreading over this country, has reached Scranton, and on November 22nd and 24th a con vention of the Laymen of Northeast era Pennsylvania will bo held, the outcome of which will bo far-reach ing in its effect upon tho people of this section of our State. The con ventlon will be opened with a ban quet to which all laymen are invited A registration fee ot $1.00 will be charged which includes the banquet. Regular sessions of the convention will be held In the Elm Park Metho dist church. A cordial invitation is extended to the laymen ot Wayne county, and William B. Holmes and M. E. Simons have been appointed to receive notifications from those who intend being present bo that arrangements can be made to seat Frank H. Bridge, ot Dlngman township, and Minnie Roloson, of MUford, were married last Friday in Honesdale, by Rev., A. L. Whlt taker. A positive cure for cancer has been discovered by the pathological department of Columbia University, so it is said. In eight cases, the new cure which is in the nature of a serum, has been successful. The Parish Aid Society of Grace church will hold their annual supper in the Sunday school room Thursday evening, November 18th. Tickets, 50c. First table 5:30. Fancy work and candy for sale at 2 o'clock. Menu fried chicken, cold ham, potatoes, cabbage salad, jelly, rolls, coffee, Ice cream and cake. At Weldo, Pa., there Is an apple tree that has netted Its owner $20, 000. This amount has not come, however, from the fruit of the tree, but from the picture which the own er has painted of It when it was bearing Its blossoms and half opened green leaves. The apple blossoms became famous, and the pictures were as good as sold before the ar tist began his work. Superintendent Westbrook, of Pike county, says in his report to the Department of Public Instruction: We have better qualified teachers and more of them this year than for the past several years. Less trouble than usual has been experienced In obtaining teachers for all schools, and all Indications point towards a successful school year. The Rev. Amos N. Somers, a Unitarian minister at Montague, Mass., states that he has succeeded In growing a "bugproof" potato. Ho says: "The vines of my potatoes have a peculiar odor which is offensive to the potato bug, for It never goes near them. I have taken bugs from plants of the type In the next row in my potato patch, and put them In my new vines, and In half an hour I can't find one." In a test examination recently held of twenty-four students In a college, seven could not name one jus tice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and several could only give the last name of one while only one of the number was able to give the full name of one. This may be over drawn but It Is stated for a fact. If true It proves that a certain kind, of higher education does not educate. Suppose our high school pupils were put to this test. The following young peoplo from Wayne county are students at the Bloomsburg State Normal school: Ethel Blesecker, Holllsterville; Ha zel Franc, Holllsterville; Harold Box, Gravity; Irene Curtis, Way mart; Grace Gillner, Sterling; Hu bert Gleason, Gravity; Elna Nelson, Slko; ..Minnie Novllle, Callopoose; Bertha Polley and George Polley, Seelyvllle; Blair Shaffer, Varden; Lllllo Sheard, Calkins; Burton Shu man, Torrey; Emily Spring and Grace Wegge, Hawley. In speaking of the election at Hancock the Herald of that place says: .After waiting, working and praying for twenty-flye years, the advocates of temperance were re warded on Tuesday. The town went no-license on all four liquor proposi tions by the following majorities: Saloon 283, wholesale 301, pharma cist 240, hotels 98. When the result became known late Tuesday night there was great rejoicing. The church and school bells were rung and parties of men, women and children paraded the streets giving vent to their feelings of joy and thankfulness in song and blowing of h6rns. The law will become ef fective Oct. 1, 1910. Present Indications are that p'ersons wishing first rate, plump, juicy turkeys for their Thanksgiv ing dinners will be obliged to pay from 25 to 30 cents for every pound thereof. Because of unfavorable weather conditions ,the turkey sup ply all over the country Is falling short ot last year. In the principal turkey centres, which aro Vermont, Maryland and Virginia, the supply has fallen off 30 or 40 per cent. In addition to this tho weather has been so warm that the meat has not developed the way it should, and is still soft and dry in a great number of the birds, which havo survived tho delicate ago and have grown to their full size. Two weeks of dry, cold weather, with a little frost, would put the birds In fine condition and harden tho meat considerably Tho stato railroad commission In tho matter of tho depot at Haw ley, has determined that they have no legal authority to compel tho Erie railroad to restore tho freight department at the lower, or Eddy, station. The commission, however, has notified tho company that It must maintain passenger accommo dations at the depot and bill freight In carload lots at that place. It was announced by some ot the un der officials of tho Erie railroad that the sale ot tickets and accommoda' tlon of passengers would soon be taken away. The decision of the commission will prevent this action on the nart of the Erlo company and tho peoplo of Hawley need not worry any longer about tho passen ger accommodations at tho lower station. Attorney F. P. Klmblo np pearod tor tho Hawley people while the company was represented by the general attorney ot New York city. Tho people interested in this depot have won a halt victory, but It is understood that they will not be satisfied until the matter ot the freight department la aettled by the Don't forget chicken supper and solo of fancy work and candy at Grace church Thursday evening. i The Honesdale Business Men's Association has placed a ban on raf fles and will prosecute parties hold ing them, if they can get suitable evidence. We received a postal from Nor-' wlch, N. Y., which was unsigned asking us to make note of the- death of Franklin P. Gilpin of Norwich, N. Y., formerly ot Honesdale, aged 57 years. Edmund Finnerty, who has been our local news gatherer for some time, has accepted a most excellent offer from the Buffalo Wrench Co., to take charge of their sale depart ment, and will leave for Buffalo on Thursday to assume his duties. J. Gardner Sanderson, aged about 70, ot Green Ridge, died at the Hahnemann Hospital, New York city, on Monday morning. Ho was born In Towanda, Bradford county on Feb. 3, 1840, but was a resident of Scranton for many years. He leaves a widow. Dr. H. J. Gibbons, a native of Honesdale, who has been practicing in New York for the past few years, will return to Scranton shortly and open pormancnt offices In the Hcng ler building at Jefferson and Spruce street. His son, Dr. Horace Gib bons, will occupy the same suite. Paul Prevol's house at Bear Swamp, took fire on Friday night and was burned to the ground. An aged lady, named Stenzhorn, who occu pied the house had a narrow escape from being burned to death. The building was insured for $300 in our local company. Arthur Avery, formerly of Haw ley, was badly burned about the arms and head recently. The acci dent was due to an explosion w,hlch occurred while he was doing some plumbing work at his home at Brooklyn and It Is believed, was caused by a leak' in one of the gas pipes. His injuries, although very painful, were not dangerous. Because he spanked a 12-year- old school boy with a shingle, Tim othy Tripp, a district school master in the town of Greene, N. Y., was found guilty of assault and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 or serve twenty days in the county Jail. Tripp chose the jail and began serving his sent ence, but a few hours later he chang- hls mind, paid the fine and was re leased. Up in New England where Thanksgiving Is observed with re ligious zeal a new trial confronts the people. Some years ago a strange disease attacked and killed thous ands ot pheasants and this year a similar malady has destroyed hund reds of flocks of turkeys. It is found by scientists to be a parasite which brings on an inflammation in birds similar to appendicitis In men. This Is the 28th year of the Waymart High school under the supervision of J. F. Dooley; Flor ence Capwell, Intermediate teacher; Jennie Smith, primary teacher. All of these teachers are doing excellent work. One hundred and fifty pupils have been enrolled to date. This Is the largest enrollment In the his tory of the school. Over 60 non residents are in attendance from eight different townships. John S. Kennedy, the modest millionaire, who died of whooping cough recently in New York, left thirty million dollars to various Presbyterian boards ranging In sums from ten thousand to two and a half million dollars. Did you ever hear of him before his death? Think of his unassuming ways as compared with tho many showy moths who flicker around the flame of wealth and when they die leave no memory of any deed well done or any char ity usefully bestowed. Burglars forcibly entered the waiting room of the West Hawley Erie station some time Thursday evening or 'early Friday morning of last week by prying open one of the windows with an iron bar. The gum machine and what it might con tain in gum, candles and pennies seemed to be the attraction for the thieves at this point. The machine was smashed and all Its contents were taken, which by the way did not consist of very many pennies as Mr. McAndrew, the station agent, had removed all of them the day before. S. S. Spears, of Hawley, return ed homo from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Avery, of Brooklyn, and Air. and Mrs. J. W. Stlckney, of Baldwins, Long Island Word was received hero since his re turn home that Mrs. Spears, who ac companied her husband to Brooklyn, and has since been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Avery, was dangerously 111 of pneumonia. Mr. Spears and daughter, Mrs. W. C. Knapp, expect to leave for Brooklyn Friday, We trust they will find her Illness Is not as dangerous as present re ports would Indicate. On Friday, Nov. 6th, Governor Stuart appointed Dr. Samuel H GUllland, ot Marietta, Lancaster county, State Veterinarian to sue ceed tho late Dr. Leonard Pearson, deceased. He was born on a farm in Harris township, Centre county, a llttlo over thirty years ago and before his father was appointed agent on tho Lowlsburg and Tyrono railroad at Oak Hall. His early life was spent on the farm and In attend lng the public schools. Later he took a course in the Bellefonte Academy following which he attend ed the Mlllersvllle State Normal. He graduated .from the University of Pennsylvania veterinary department R. W. Penwarden left tor tho west for an Indefinite period. Ho will have his business here closed up. The weather man .informed us yesterday that a cold wave was com ing; so be on the alert and get your winter wraps ready. Tho operation performed' In New York City on Mrs. Jno. Heumann to remove a cataract from her eye, was successful and she is now home. Rev. Dr. H. O. fioenen will ho Installed nastor of St. John's Luth eran church on Thanksgiving even ing, Nov. 25th. Rev. Mr. Rommel of Greenfield, Mass., will preach the sermon. A barn belonging, to Charles Clauson, ot Damascus, was burned last Wednesday night. It is almost a total loss. He carried an Insur ance of $300 on the barn and $200 on contents In our local company. The cause of the fire Is supposed to be of an Incendiary origin. The Scranton electric light sys tem went on a strike Monday morn ing. Current disturber Short Cir cuit, exercised his authority and shut down every concern in Scranton de pending upon electricity for light or power, compelling them to go back to old time methods for light and power. Three bombs were exploded last Sunday In the big labor convention now In session at Toronto, which made the saloon and liquor men shake In their boots. They wore hurled by John Mitchell, Treasurer Jno. B. Lennon, and President Tom Lewis of the Miner's Union. Mitch ell stated that wherever n saloon was destroyed, a reputable business will arise In Its place. Lennon said that the liquor business lowers the stand ard of efficiency of tho worklngman, and Lewis said we have prohibited our members from selling intoxi cants even at picnics, and will in sist upon having meeting places In buildings where liquor Is not sold. PERSONAL MENTION. Sloan Truscott, of Scranton, was a visitor In town on Sunday. Harold Rowland has resigned his position at L. Helfrlch's store. Mrs. George Esmay, of Utlca, is visiting relatives at this place. Miss Millie Schwelger spent Sun day with relatives in Scranton. Misses Marie and Helen Ward were visitors In Carbondale on Sun day. Miss Mary Bodle has returned home after a visit with relatives in Scranton. Thomas Tuman resigned his posi tion with the Brunlg store and re turned to Scranton on Wednesday. Daniel Drlscoll, Jr., of Scranton, avree'ent guest of Mr. and Mrs. John jjidercher, haB returned to his home'. H. T. Menner, George Genung, and Thomas Holland left Monday for a few days' hunting trip In Pike county. William McKenna has returned after a two months' business trip in the interest of the Wayne Cut Glass Company. Mrs. D. L. Jones and daughter. of Scranton, spent several days last week as the guests of Miss Ella Sharpsteen. Duane Faatz left Monday for Hawley where he has accepted a posi tion with the Bell Telephone Co., who are rebuilding their lines at that place. Registrar Spencer reports two whooping cough cases on River street, Bessie and Rose.. Wolf son, aged two and four years, respec tively. Dr. William Clark, wife and son David, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the home of tho former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark of Cliff street. Frank Sherwood, of this place, and Edward Hacker, of Bethany, left Sunday In the former's automo bile for Pike county, where they will spend a few days hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Potter, of Patchogue, Long Island, are guests of their uncle and .aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Spettlgue, Jr. Mrs. Potter was formerly Miss Mlgnon Wobd. Mrs. Addison Wlckman, two chil dren, son Walter and daughter Alma, of Montauk, L. I., have re turned after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Loercher, on Church street. PARTY FOR DR. BURNS. Relatives and Nurses Gathered on Ills 05th Birthday and Present Cup Upon the occasion of his G5th birthday a pleasant party was ten dered Dr. Reed Burns at his private hospital, Jefferson avenue and Gib son street, Scranton, Thursday even ing last. The guests Included all the children and grandchildren as well as all the nurses who ever served In the hospital. Miss Bobbins, superintendent of the hospital, gave a dinner to the guests which was very much ap preciated. A silver loving cup giv en by the nurses was presented to Dr. Burns by bis grandson, Reed Burns Walte. The social program of the evening Included a poem, written by Dr. Woodcock and read by Miss Casoy, Deutscher Gottesdicnat. Den Deutschon von Honesdale und Umgegend zur Kenntnlss das in der Lutherlschen Kircbe, Church street, Jeden Sonntag morgen deutcher Got- tesdlenit stattflndet wqcu alle Deuta- chen herillch emgeladea tiad. H. COSNBN, PMtor. Promotion of Rov. Richard Roberts. Tho session of the Second Presby terian church of Scranton, Pa., have called the Rev. Richard Roberts, formerly of Bethany, to become the minister of their Adams, Avenue chapel. They agree to pay him the sum of $1,000 annually In monthly payments, allowing one month's va cation. He has accepted .the call, and the meeting of the Lackawanna Presbytery Is to be held In the Sec ond church of Scranton, on the 23rd Inst, tor the purpose of dissolving his. pastoral relations with his church at Old Forge, and arranging to in stall him pastor of the Adams Ave nue Chapel, of Scranton. We con gratulate Brother Roberts on his promotion. Anti-Saloon League Meeting. A meeting of the members of the Anti-Saloon League will be held In the court house on Friday, Novem ber 19th, at 2 and 7:45 p. m. At the afternoon session plans for ef fective county work will be dis cussed and, if possible, adopted. The evening session will be a popular mass meeting to be addressed by Rev. S. E. Nicholson, State Supt., Rev. C. H. Brandt, District Supt., and others. This will bo an im portant meeting and everyone is urged to be present. Fortune Founded on Tips. Mrs. Ellen J. Thcllmann, widow of James Thellmann, formerly man ager of Delmonlco's, obtained one day recently letters testamentary on his estate, valued at '$500,000. It was stated by Charles Garnler, manager at Delmonlco's, that Thell mann entered the service of the late Charles Dclmonlco In 1872, and worked his way until he became manager of the restaurant. It Is said he made his money on judici ous Investments in stocks on "tips" given him by patrons of Delmonlco's. He was also a heavy and successful speculator in real estate. Well Recommended. Manager Dittrich of the Lyric has just received a personal letter from Chas. M. Southwell, former manager of the Lyceum and Academy of Scranton, but now manager of the Norristown Grand Opera House, In which he commends recent perform ances of William Lawrence in "Uncle Dave Holcomb" which is to be the attraction at tho Lyric on Tuesday evening, Nov. 23rd. Mr. Southwell says: "The play Is equal in many respects to "The Old Homestead" and Mr. Lawrence ap pears to better advantage in this new play than he did in his old part of "Uncle Josh" which he played for five years. You can safely recom mend Mr. Lawrence and his company to your patrons." . . Accident at RUeyville. Last week Tuesday, while Harvey, son of George Madden, and young Joseph Lent, both ot RUeyville, were out hunting squirrels, young Lent In a playful manner, pointed his gun at his companion when the gun accidentally was discharged, and the charge of blrdshot, which It was loaded with, entered young Hadden's foot. The shooting oc curred near uiai Brown's sugar grove. The wound although very painful did not deter the boy from walking to Lent's home about three miles from where the accident happened. On arriving young Lent, who was heart-broken over the ac cident, fainted, while the wounded boy bore up bravely, although suf fering Intense pain, A doctor was immediately called who dressed the wound. On the following morning Dr. H. C. Many, of Tyler Hill, as sisted by Dr. Courson, amputated the foot at the instep. The patient was doing well at last report. Rummage Sale. The Rebekahs will hold a rum mage sale, Nov. 18th, 19th and 20th, In the Bennett Building, on Seventh street. Look for tho flag." Con tributions will be received Wednes day, tho 17th. Yesterday was a cloudy day and It gave promise of a good, long rain (which Is needed in this locality. HONESDALE DIME BANK S-T-A-T-E-M-E-N-T f At Close of Business November 6th, 1909. KESOUROKS. LIABILITIES. Cash and Reserve $52,502. 09 Cap,tn, $75,000.00 Bonds and Mortgages 7o! Surplus and Trout 30,048,50 Heal Estate, Furniture and Deposits 508,482.43 Fixtures 20,000.00 $ 023,431.02 023,431.02 STATEMENT SHOWING GROWTH. Deposits May 26th, 1906 $136,341.72 " Nov. 26th, 1906 218,243.37 it May 28th, Dec. 16th, May 19th, Nov. 27th, April 28th, Nov. 6th, ( OFFICERS. X, O. MUMFORD, Preildent. WM. F. RIEFLKR, Vloa PrMldcnt. J. A, FISCH, C&tiutti DIRB0T0K8. 4W Advertised Letters. The following letterB remain un called for at tho postoffico here: Mrs. O. A. Glbbs, Mr. Eddie Ray, Miss Clara M. Ward, Mrs. Isaac Wil liams, Mrs. Adallne Smith. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. Joseph H. Ynrnes v. Sadie n. Yarnes. No. 65 March Term, 1909. Libel In Divorce. To SADIE H. YAUNES. You are hereby required to appear In the said Court on the second Monday ol March next, to answer tho complaint exhibited to the Judge ol said court by Joseph II. Yarnes, your husband. In the cause above stated, or In default there of a decree ot. divorce as prayed for In said complaint may be made agalnstyon In your uusence. . . ii.liiuiiUKAMAA, Salmon, Attjy. Honesdale, Pa., Nov. 18, 1909. Sheriff. Wt4 New Belts New style Belts with fancy Buckels at popular prices. Belt Buckels Separate Buckels in new and artistic designs. BELT PINS There is not a finer collection to be seen than what we have just re ceived. ART LINENS Beautiful line of linen Bureau covers, Center pieces, Shams, Doilies, Tray cloths, and Lunch cloths. Table Linen and Napkins SPECIAL SALE of Table Linen for Thanks giving Day. Don't miss this opportunity to get Irish and German Damask Linen at -old prices. Kate Bros. Gibbs' Art Millinery QUALITY SHOP Exclusive Fall De Luxe Styles 206 Adams Ave, Scranton, Pa. Your Patronage Solicited. MRS. GEORGE GIBBS, Designer. 1907 290,872.14 1907 350,269.97 1908 340,655.94 1908 408,857.61 1909 469,078.90 1909 508,482.43 nssin them at the bmu. court. la 1901.