The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 17, 1909, Image 1

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Woyne County Organ
of the
66th YEAE.
NO. 91
Tells Why Parr, Sugar Trust
Prober, Was Moved.
He Intimates That Special Agent
Zi Claimant For Fact of Trait
$2,000,000 Penalty aa
Washington, Nov. 10. Tho adminis
tration Is aroused thoroughly over tho
continued exposure of the sugar trust
frauds at the Now York custom house,
Involving as It does allegations that
question the Integrity of persons Im
portant In tho government service and
etrlke at tho very foundation of the
treasury management
James Burton Reynolds, former as
sistant secretary of tho treasury, In
charge of customs and now a member
of the tariff board, gave out a prepar
ed statement In answer to the 'allega
tions made by Richard Parr, deputy
(surveyor of customs, In charge of
weighing at the New York custom
house. Mr. Reynolds made a specific
denial of some of the allegations of
Mr. Parr and a general denial of the
allegation that Mr. Reynolds 'while as
sistant secretary of the treasury was
under the influence of the sugar trust.
Prior to making his statement public
Mr. Reynolds had an Interview with
Secretary of tho Treasury MacVeagb,
who is taking a lively interest 'in the
In his statement Mr. Reynolds puts
forward the suggestion that Mr. Parr
Is angered with him because Mr. Reyn
olds Issued an order that employees
of the customs service shall not be en
titled to receive the rewards provided
by law for ferreting out frauds against
the customs.
Under this order Parr is prevented
from getting a portion of the money
radovcrca Tloia .tbevsusar . fcust io
whlch otherwise he would be entitled
if he could prove that its conviction
of frauds was due to his efforts, and
Mr. Reynolds Intimates that Mr.
Parr's statements to the press are In
tended to call attention to Mr. Parr's
part in the prosecution of the sugar
trust In order that he will stand a
better chanco of getting some of the
reward money. Mr. Parr, he said, had
been for some time a claimant for a
share of the sum refunded to the gov
ernment by the sugar trust, amounting
to more than $2,000,000.
As to Mr. Parr's allegation that
when he became active In ferreting
out sugar trust frauds at New York
Mr. Reynolds ordered him to Cuba,
but subsequently directed him to go to
San Francisco, Mr. Reynolds says that
this action was taken at the request of
former District Attorney Stlmson, who
was prosecuting the sugar trust.
In support of this statement Mr.
Reynolds produces a letter dated Dec.
8, 1008, from Winfred T. Denlson, Mr.
Stlrason's assistant In the prosecution
of the sugar trust, withdrawing a pre
vious request of Mr. Stlmson's that
Mr. Parr be ordered to Cuba to Inves
tigate certain matters connected with
the sugar trust prosecution and re
questing that he be sent to San Fran
cisco to compare sugar entries there
with those Involved in the pending
euit nt New York against the trust.
Another thing Involving Mr. Reyn
olds which was put forward by Mr.
Parr in the way of accusation con
cerned the release of the ship Stra
thyre, loaded with raw sugar, after it
had been seized by order of Mr. Parr,
then engaged in investigating sugar
frauds. Mr. Reynolds says that the
fraud In the weight of the sugar car
ried by the vessel was discovered aft
er the sugar had been unloaded and
that the officers of the vessel were in
no way connected with the fraud. For
that reason the vessel itself was re
leased by order of the treasury de
partment, but suit was filed for tho
recovery of the value of the sugar,
nd judgment was obtained.
Of Mr. Parr's charge that Mr. Bates
was assigned to the sugar frauds in
vestigation in opposition to Mr. Parr's
wishes Mr. Reynolds says he has no
information on tho subject; as he was
In Europe at tho time. In conclusion
Mr, Reynolds denies that his office was
in league with or under the influence
of the sugar trust
Grand Jury Acoepts Charast of Em
. btzzlement and Grand Larceny.
Cincinnati, Nov. 10. Charles L.War
rlner, former treasurer of tho Big
Four railroad, was indicted by the
Hamilton county grand jury on
charges of embezzlement and grand
Warrlntr, It la alleged, stole $013,000.
Fears For the Nourmahal With Colonel
Astor and Hit Son Aboard.
Now York, Nov. 10. The steam
yacht Nourmahal, owned by John Ja
cob Astor and flying the flag of tho
Now York Yacht club, which sailed
from Port Antonio on Monday, Nov. 8,
for San Juan, Porto Rico, has not
since been reported.
Colonel Astor, who has been cruising
In tho West Indies for some time to
cscapa the notoriety consequent upon
his wife's suit for divorce, had with
him on the yacht his son Vincent
Tho yacht was undoubtedly In the
West Indian storm, and the lack of
reports of her whereabouts has caused
great anxloty to Colonel Aster's
The Nourmahal was built in 1884 by
Harlan & Holllngsworth at Wilming
ton and is of 709 gross and 522 net
tonnage. Her dimensions are 247 feet
over all, 227 feet on the water line, 80
feet beam, 20 foet depth of hold and
14 feet 0 inches draft. Her engines
are of the compound Inverted type,
having two cylinders.
She was originally barkentlno rig
ged, but a few years ago Colonel As
tor had the rig changed, and she now
has three pole masts.
This yacht was built for Colonel As
tor's father, William Astor, and when
tho colonel was married she was over
hauled and redecorated, and Colonel
Astor and his bride spent their honey
moon on a cruise in southern waters.
President Taft Makes Thursday, Nov.
25, Nation's Day of Gratitude.
Washington, Nov. 10. President
Taft signed the following Thanksgiv
ing proclamation, which was Issued by
Secretary of State Knox:
The season of the year has returned
when, In accordance with the reverent
custom established by our forefathers,
the people of the United States are wont
to meet In their usual places of worship
on a day of thanksgiving appointed by
tho civil magistrate to return thanks to
God for the great mercies "and benefits
which they have enjoyed.
During this past year we have been
highly blessed. No great calamities of
flood or tempest or epidemic sickness
have befallen us. Wo have lived in quiet
ness, undisturbed by wars or rumors of
wars. Peace and the plenty of bounteous
crops and great Industrial production ani
mate a chjnrf'il ArA-,"!i'o"t peon! o jvll
the renewed energies of beneficent Indus
try and material and moral progress.1 It
is altogether fitting that we should hum
bly and gratefully acknowledge the divine
source of these blessings.
Therefore I hereby appoint Thursday,
the 26th day of November, as a day of
general thanksgiving, and I call upon the
people on that day to lay aside their
usual vocations, to repair to their church
es and unite in appropriate services of
Braise and thanksgiving to Almighty Ood.
No Hope of Reaching the 384 Men En
tombed In Mine.
Cherry, 111., Nov. 10. Fire, fanned to
fury by the mistaken efforts of res
cuers, consumed what little oxygon re
mained In the St. Paul mine and car
ried certain death to such of the 384
entombed men as may have been alive.
Rescuers were forced from the
shafts by the flames, and the mine Is
scaled at every opening. Seventy-two
hours have passed since the mine was
first closed, and It will probably be
days before searchers can go below.
Lack of water rendered futile the ef
forts of the fire fighters who had ven
tured into the mine. No pumps were
on hand, and In desperation the ex
perts ordered every opening closed.
Panic ruled the miners' families
when they learned of the new disas
ter. Weakened and worn by three
days of heart breaking suspense, wom
en screamed threats and condemnation
at tho workers and called them cow
ards. Some womon threw themselves
on the ground In wild hysteria.
General Mitslonary Committee Ad
journs After Appropriating $1,036,288.
Albany, N. Y Nov. 10. The Method
1st general missionary committee ad
journed its session here after appro
priating $1,030,288 for foreign mission
ary work. It was decided to hold the
next meeting at Baltimore.
The discussion over the proposition
to combine the foreign and home mis
sionary magazines, World Wide Mis
sion and Christian Republic, was set
tled by putting the matter up to the
two boards, with the recommendation
that they devise means for cutting
down expenses.
William O'Brien, It la 8aid, Will Lead
Faction Hottile to Dillon.
Belfast Nov. 10.-William O'Brien,
the former Irish leader, Is about to re
enter political life. Twenty members
of the Irish party have promised, him
their support and a number of seats
now held by followers 6f John Dillon
will bo contested.
Tho followers of O'Brien say they
bellevo that indignation over the
budget, combined with what they call
the subserviency of the Nationalist
party to the Liberals, will assure their
Paddling and Ducking For
Ex-Football Player.
Brown University Youths Take Of
fense at Note Alleging Favor
itism to Fraternity Men
on the Team.
Providence, R. I., Nov. 10. President
Faunce of Brown university is angry
over the riotous conduct of nearly the
whole student body, who paddled and
ducked under the college pump Ver
non B. Bablngton, a student and re
cent member of the university foot
ball team.
President Faunce says that the af
fair will bo investigated and punish
ment meted out
The cause of the riot was the writ
ing of a letter to a newspaper in
which he declared that "the frater
nity evil Is the real reason for Brown's
bad showing on the gridiron this fall."
He bemoaned the fact that the coach
es favored men from sanctioned fra
ternities and gave the cold shoulder to
others who belonged to the less pow
erful organizations or, "worse still, to
none at all."
Suspicion fastened on Bablngton at
the start. He was on the football
squad at the beginning of the season,
but was dropped. He had been over
heard to remark that he had "been
done dirt" and that Gammons had
failed to keep his promise to him after
Brent Smith, the big guard, was hurt
in the Amherst game.
A delegation of seniors asked Bab
lngton If he wrote the letter. He re
fused to answer at first then acknowl
edged that he was the writer and
wanted to .know what was going to be
done about it.
. Bablngton's case, was submitted--to
ittib student body, and the verdict was
that tho accused should go under the
pump, and the quicker the better.
Whereupon several of the biggest men
in college ran across the middle cam
pus and up to Bablngton's room.
Bablngton was overpowered and
carried downstairs, where the multi
tude was waiting in silence. With
Bablngton and his captors leading the
procession moved over to the pump
behind Hope college.
Once close up to the spout, Bablng
ton was offered an opportunity to tell
why he had written the letter and to
show cause why ho should not bo
ducked. Captain Regnler, Trainer
Charlie Hugglns and other members
of the football team stood In tho front
"1 didn't get a fair show on the
squad," said Bablngton in his own de
fense. "I went out to the field nnd
worked every day, but poorer men
than I were shoved In ahead of me.
Gammons promised to put me in the
team after Smith was hurt, and then
he went and gave Corp the place."
"You were chased from the squad
becauso you were not In condition,"
asserted Captain Regnler. And Charlie
Hugglns backed the captain up in bis
"Which shall It be?" asked the lead
ers, "the word of Kit Regnler or tho
word of Bablngton?" With one ac
cord the students shouted for Kit
Whereupon some one produced a
paddle, and, kicking nnd squirming,
Bablngton went under the spout while
n freshman worked the handle as if
his life depended on it. In about
thrco minutes the thumbs of the stu
dents went up, and Bablngton was
sent off to his room to a ringing fare
well from the paddle.
Market' Reports.
BUTTER Steady to firm; receipts, 6,070
packages: creamery, specials, 31c; extras,
S0e.; thirds to firsts, 26a29Hc; state dairy,
common to finest, 2Ea30c.; process, firsts
to specials, 25Ha28c; western, factory,
seconds to firsts, 23a6c; imitation cream
cry, 26a27c.
CHEESE Firm; receipts, 8,069 boxes;
etate, new, full cream, special, 1054al7Hc;
September, fancy, 1614c; October, best,
16c; common tb good, 14Hal6Kc; skims,
full to specials, 6altUc.
EGOS Irregular; receipts, 8,523 cases;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery,
white, 46aSo.; gathered, white, S5a40c;
hennery, brown and mixed, fancy, 8Sa
40c; gathered, brown, fair to prime, 80a
36c; western, extra firsts, 31a33c; firsts,
28a30c; seconds, 25a27c; refrigerator spe
cial marks, fancy, 2tV4a2Sc.; firsts, Z2Ha
21c; seconds, 21a22c.
POTATOES Steady; Maine, per sack,
tl.EOal.85; state and' western, Sl.40al.65;
Long Island, 32.502.62; sweets, Jersey, No.
1, per basket COc.atl; per bbl., tl.25al.7i;
southern, 'per bbl., tlal.60.
by, i2a.Ua.; selected western, dry picked,
19c; scalded, 16al8c; fair to prime west
rn, 16al8o.; broilers, western, dry picked,
milk fed, 21c; corn fed, UalSc; scalded;
I6al7c; roasting chickens, nearby, fanoy,
18a25c; corn fed, fancy, 17c; mixed weight
chickens, nearby, fancy, UaSOc; dry pick
ed, corn fed, average best, lie.; scalded,
average best 13Hal4c; fowls, dry picked,
IIHal7c; Iced, dry picked, 14Wc; sealded,
Uo.; old roosters, 12o, .
together With His Deputy and Others
For Allowing Lynching.
Washington, Nov. 10. The supreme
rourt Imposed sentences of ninety
days' Imprisonment for contempt upon
Sheriff Joseph E. Shlpp of Memphis
and Luther Williams and Nick Nolan,
citizens of that town, who were mem
bers of the mob which lynched Ed
Johnson, a negro, In 1000, and of sixty
days upon Deputy Sheriff Jeremiah B.
Olbson, Henry Padgett nnd William
Mays, the latter also members of the
The scene In the court when sen
tence was passed was almost without
precedent in the history of that body.
Only once before has the court Inflict
ed punishment for contempt That
was In 1800, when John Chiles of Tex
as was fined $250 for disobeying an
order of tho court by directing the
holders in England of certain Indem
nity bonds Issued by the state of Tol
as in aid of the Confederate cause not
to deliver them up to the state author
ities for cancellation, as the decision
Chief Justice Gummere's Daughter
Testifies to Brutal Treatment.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 10. Bennett
Van Syckel, as special master, filed, a
report In the court of chancery hero
recommending that there be granted
to Mrs. Elizabeth G. Raymond, daugh
ter of Chief Justice Gummera of the
supreme court, a divorce from her
husband, Thomas L. Raymond, first
assistant prosecutor of Essex county.
Mrs. Raymond testified that her hus
band had treated her cruelly and in
some instances brutally. She said that
.on one occasion he threw her down
stairs. At another time, she testified,
he seized her wrists and arms, inflict
ing Injuries which discolored the lat
ter for several days.
Although they occupied the same
house from the time of their mar
riage In 1003 until last May, when she
returned to her father's home, Mrs.
Raymond said that her husband had
never treated her as he should.
Admiral Who Criticised British Navy
Seeks Election In Portsmouth.
London, Nov. 10. Admiral Lord
Charles Beresford will contest the by
election at Portsmouth in the Conserv
ative interest.
At the last general election the two
successful Liberal candidates In this
division received 10,500 nnd 10,236
votes respectively, while their Con
servative opponents polled 7,070 and
7.7D2 vote3. The labor candidates poll
ed 8,172 votes.
As Admiral Lord Borcsford has been
lam warm fight with the present gov
ernment over tho alleged weakness of
the British navy, the election will
doubtless prove very interesting.
District Court of Appeals Denies Ap
plication For a Stay.
Washington, Nov. 10. The court of
appeals of the District of Columbia
denied the application of Samuel
Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank
Morrison, whose jail sentences were
recently upheld by the court to stay
the mandate of tho court for execution
of the sentences.
The court did take under advise
ment, however, a request for two'
weeks' delay and will make known its
decision before Friday next, when un
der the rules of the court tho mandate
will go down unless the supreme court
of the United States intervenes.
Musician Commits Sulcldo.
Austin, Tex., Nov. 10. Prof essor
Adolph Hclchelnelm, ono of the best
known musicians In Texas, killed him
self at his home here by cutting his
throat. He was slxty-ono years old.
$15,000,000 to Be Paid to Russia, Which
Retains Military Rights.
Tokyo, Nov. 10. M. Kokovetsoff, tho
Russian minister of finance, who went
to Manchuria to negotiate with Japan
about railways and who was at Har
bin when Prince Ito was killed, has
sold the East China railway to Japan
for $15,000,000.
Russia reserves the right to use a
portion of the line for tho conveyance
sf troops.
General Marina Reports That the Ka
byles Have Surrendered.
Madrid, Nov. 10. Genoral Marina,
commanding the Spanish forces in Mo
rocco, teleeranhed to the government
from Nador that the hostile Kabyles'
there) have surrendered unconditional
ly. The news, which was quite unex
pected here, has been received with
the greatest satisfaction In all quar
ters, as It is believed to signalize "the
end of the war, which has caused the
cabinet such concern for several
Stops Trial of Her Ally In
New York Otoirch.
Founder of Christian Science Colt
Urges, With All Her Soul,
Union With and Obedience
to Her Authority.
New York, Nov. 10. Mary Baker
Eddy stopped tho congregational meet
ing of the First Church of Christ Sci
entist, after 1,200 members of the con
gregation had gathered to vote on the
proposed removal of First Reader Vir
gil O. Strlckler on charges preferred
by all of the trustees of the church but
The meeting was declared adjourn
ed, the trustees' charges were dropped
without even a vote, and the first read
er, who is Mrs. Eddy's friend and
partisan, was left secure in hiB posi
tion. A personal message from the leader
of the church herself was delivered
to the chairman of the board of trus
tees by special messenger. Tho trus
tees construed the message as a com
mand, and when the first reader
opened the meeting, which had been
presumed to be the crucial test of the
belligerent factions that have split the
First church on the Issue of Mrs. Au
gusta E. Stetson's orthodoxy, Chair
man Hatfield read the following note:
To the Board of Trustees, First Church
of Christ, Scientist:
Beloved Brethren In consideration of
the present momentous question at Issue
In tho First Church of Christ, Scientist,
I am constrained to say If I can settle
this church difficulty amicably by a few
words: as many students think I can, I
herowith cheerfully subscribe these words
of love.
My beloved brethren In the First Church
of Christ, Scientist, New York city, I ad
vise you, with all my soul, to support
the directors of the mother church and
unite with those in your church who are
supporting the mother church directors.
Abide in fellowship with and obedience
to the mother church, and In this way
God will bless and prosper you. This I
know, for he has proved it to me forty
years in succession. Lovingly yours,
A sibilant catching of the breath
sounded through the body of the
church, and each member looked half
startled at his neighbor. The first
reader was on his feet In an Instant.
"A motion to adjourn is in order,'
said he, "but If it Is passed I will ask
you to remain In your seats until we
sing a hymn."
A gray haired man to the right of
the main aisle put the motion, and
second sounded from several quarters.
The first reader put the question, and
there was a weak chorus of "yeas."
There were no "nays," and Mr. Strlck
ler declared the motion carried.
The congregation Joined full throat
ed In the three verses of Mrs. Eddy's
hymn, then slowly dissolved. Many
lingered about the platform, where an
Informal leveo was held in Mr. Stick
ler's honor. They kept him shaking
hands for a half hour in the church
and then followed over to his house.
Before the congregational meeting
had opened a brief meeting of tho
trustees had been held to consider the
message, and at that meeting It had
been ngreed that the word from Mrs.
Eddy precluded further action against
Mr. Strlckler.
"It Is hardly necessary to add that
the trustees have nt all times fully
complied with the advice of Mrs. Eddy
and will now comply with her advice,"
Chairman Hatfield said. "The charges
against Mr. Strlckler are dismissed,
and as a matter of course tho call for
a congregational meeting on Nov. 23 to
discuss the resignation of the present
board of trustees will be withdrawn."
Mr. Hatfield was asked what action
might be taken by Mrs. Stetson's sup
porters in the First church In case she
should be excommunicated as the re
sult of her present examination by tho
directors of the mother church.
"Even If Mrs. Stetson is excommu
nicated we will all abide by tho deci
sion of the board of directors In Bos
ton and stay by the church," Mr. Hat
field roplled. "Mrs. Eddy's word is
law with us all."
Mrs. Stetson, the deposed leader of
the church, Is now on trial in Boston
on charges of using malicious animal
magnetism, and her excommunication
is said to be a foregone conclusion.
Prince Thrown While Hunttno.
Vienna, Not. 16. Prince Alexander
of Thurn and Taxis was thrown from
his horse while hunting near Pardu
bit, suffering fractures of several ribs
and a broken arm.
Severe Weather In Colorado.
Denver, Nov. 10. Very cold weather'
prevails in tho mountain districts of
Colorado. A heavy snow has fallen,
and a temperature ranging from aero
to 17 below Is reported.
M pi
Court Upholds Indictment Against
Oklahoma Governor.
Chlckasha, Okla., Nov. 10. Federal
Judge Marshall overruled demurrers
to the indictments against Governor
Haskell and others for alleged fraud in
tho Muskogee town lot cases and gave
Haskell and his codefendants until
next Saturday in which to enter a plea
of guilty ot not guilty.
An objection upon which tho court
placed the most serious consideration
was that the 'overt acts were not In
their nature such as tend to effect the
objects of conspiracy. Such acts as
filing for record deeds from tho sched
ule of lots to the conspirators and
tho signing of deeds to a subsequent
grantee are held Insufficient, bnt
tho court holds that the object of the
conspiracy was to obtain title to tho
lots, and when this was accomplished
tho conspiracy was executed.
"Until this was done," said the court,
''any act by one of the conspirators
tending to Its accomplishment was the
evert act required by the statute to be
"I am of the opinion that tho fraudn
lent character of the conspiracy did
not depend on the condition of the lota
as to being improved or unimproved.
She Is In a Sanitarium, Calling For
Her Daughter.
Paris, Nov. 10. Mme. Stelnhell la
now In n sanitarium at Veslnet, near
Paris, where she goes under the namo
of Mme. Dumont. Dr. Raffcgean, head,
of the sanitarium, says that she needs
a complete rest, and all visits to her
aro forbidden.
Mme. Stelnhell has not seen her
daughter Marthc for two weeks.
"Condemned, I would go to see her
every Sunday," said tho young girl;
"acquitted, I would be Invisible for
Marthe lives concealed in a religious
boarding school. The silence of her
daughter is a terrible verdict upon
Mine. Stelnhell, who is In despair
over It.
"I will live retired," said she. "No
one will hear me spoken of. I will
live only for my daughter. I will be
a mother a mother uniquely unhap
py." Sobbing, she asks vainly after Mar
Grand Jury Urges Further Investiga
tion of Charges Against Judge Reid,
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 10. The fed
eral grand Jury at Valdez ordered by
the attorney general to Investigate
charges of malfeasance in office made
against ex-Judge Silas N. Reid has re
ported to tho court as follows:
"There Is good ground to believe
that the grossest corruption, conspir
acy, misfeasance and malfeasance In
office have been practiced in the ad
ministration of the district court at
Fairbanks, Alaska, prior to the re
moval of Judge Silas II. Reid and that
erldchce of the same can be obtained
at Fairbanks, Alaska.
"We recommend that a special grand
Jury he Impaneled to diligently Inquire
Into nil matters pertaining to the cor
ruption, conspiracy, misfeasance and
malfeasance charged against Judge
Reid and his associates during their v
incumbency of office." v-
Judge Reid was appointed by Presi
dent Roosevelt from Oklahoma.
Wilhelmina Wants Alimony From
Wolfing, Once teopold Salvator.
Vienna, Nov. 10. Wilhelmina Ada
movies, the divorced actress wife of
the former Archduke Leopold Salva
tor, now known ns Leopold Wolfllng,
has a suit on trial in the Austrian
courts for alimony.
After the couple had lived together
about four years Wilhelmina Joined
an "Adamite" religious sect in Swit
zerland, whose tenets caused her to
live In a practically undraped condi
tion. Leopold then got a divorce and mar
ried Maria Magdalena Rltter, a Swiss
innkeeper's daughter.
Wilhelmina attempted suicide and
was confined In a Swiss lunatic asy
lum. In the present suit her attorneys
allege that owing to her treatment by
her husband she is a mental and phys
ical wreck. It was while she was In a
private asylum that the divorce was
err an tod.
Prisoner Acoused of Making Noise
at Port Richmond Ferry.
. Bayonne, N. J., Nov. 16. Stephen
Gent of West Hoboken was before
Recorder Mara here, charged with
having disturbed the peace by bis snor
ing. Policeman RIgney was on duty at
tho Port Richmond ferry entrance
when he heard the snore. He traced
tho big noise to tho rear of a fruit
stand, where he found Gent fast
asleep and snoring very loudly.
Recorder Mara remanded him.