The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 12, 1909, Image 7

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Perfect Confidence of a Mexican Who
Could Doubt Hie Eyes, but
not His Sweetheart
Pueblo, Mexico. For the past week
the physicians In charge of one of the
sanitariums here havo been dealing
with one of the most puzzling and ob
stinate cases of eye trouble ever
brought to their notice. Their sus
picion that the subject has nothing
the matter with his eyes was con
firmed by a naive confession made by
the patient
The man's name Is Estanlslao Ruiz.
He stated that he lives In Cholula and
shortly before coming here he was
shocked one evening, upon passing
the house of his novla, to see her kiss
ing a very dandlly dressed stranger
through the bars of her window. Fear
ing that he might cause a scandal by
intereferlng, he retired quietly, and
later in the evening returned to speak
to the young lady about It She denied
the matter emphatically.
"But I saw you with my own eyes,"
he maintained.
"Do you believe your dulce or do
you believe your eyes," she demanded
"I believe my dulco," he onwered.
There was a hearty embrace, and he
came here Immediately to have his
eyes treated.
Massachusetts Vegetable Would Make
Meal for Twenty Families.
Boston, Mass. A young restaurant
was brought into this city a few days
ago in the form of a cabbage that is
a giant In its class. And there Is some
class to it, as it fills the top of a good
sized table and would make a meal for
twenty families. The monster Is fully
three feet In height and weighs In the
vicinity of thirty pounds. It was
raised In the garden of Albert To
desce of Rosllndale.
The seed that this cabbage came
from has heretofore never been guilty
of any such conduct and had been sat
isfied to bring forth ordinary editions
of the vegetable that Is commonly em
braced with the name of corned beef.
When the head grew in size Mr.
Todesce was about to cut it off when
he noticed that although It was larger
than any of the others It was, not
nearly full grown, and allowed It to
remain on Its stalk and awaited its
full growth. He expected the head
wpuld be a large one, but never anti
cipated that It would become what
it really did. After waiting several
weeks and seeing that the head was
still enlarging, he cut away the sur
rounding plants to allow It to have
enough room for Its growth.
All Wore Gray and Bride Says She's
an Unreconstructed Rebel.
Atlanta, Ga. With the church drap
ed in Confederate colors, the brtde
and bridegroom dressed In Confed
erate gray, and the minister and ush
ers Confederate veterans in full uni
form, a unique wedding was solemn
ized at the Second Baptist Church.
The bride was Miss Lodl Will Byrd,
the daughter of a Confederate veteran,
and the bridegroom was George E.
Morgan. The ceremony was performed
by Gen. Clement A. Evans, dressed In
a complete Confederate uniform. Six
veterans of the Confederacy, In uni
form, acted as ushers, and Gen. A. J.
West, In a Confederate uniform, gave
away the bride, who was attended by
six girl friends, .also In Confederate
Confederate airs were played on the
organ, and "Dixie" was rendered as
the wedding party left the church.
The bride says she Is an "unrecon
structed rebel."
Connecting Link Between Widely Sep
arated Tribes Received.
New York, N. Y. Did the progeni
tors of the Eskimos once ride over
the plains in the command of the
Grand Cham of Tartary? This is the
interesting question which Is raised
by the receipt at the American Muse
um of Natural History of a collec
tion of specimens from Point Barrow,
gathered by Mr. V. Steffanson, an ex
plorer who Is on an expedition for the
Among the articles Is a bow bent al
most In a half circle and precisely of
the same pattern as that used by the
Tartar horsemen. There are also ar
rows and darts of a peculiar design,
with heads of sheet copper.
MIssourlan Wants Postmaster Gen
eral to Make Good His Loss.
Washington. Postmaster General
Hitchcock has been requested by
& MIssourlan to make good the loss
of a 95 bill which was chewed up by
the Missourlan's "young pup dog." In
the communication was an affidavit
telling of the destruction of the bill,
with four small pieces which the pup
py had not consumed.
The communication, with the rem
nants of the note, has been turned
over to the Treasury Department tor
such disposition as it can make of it
Jailer Says It Makes Them Well Be
haved. Little Rock, Ark. Superintendent
Cohn of the Arkansas penitentiary Is
sued on order Instructing all convict
camps to give their men pumpkin pie
four days each week. He believes
experiments show that convicts fed
on a diversity of food, and especially
on pumpkin pie, are all well behaved.
He said that at camps where such
diet was offered they had not whipped
a eoavtet for mora than a month.
Sides Can Be Taken Away, Leaving
Print In Perfect 8hape.
Of especial interest to dairymen
and farmers Is the butter mould de
signed by a Colorado man, but it la
also of Interest to those whose ac
quaintance with butter Is limited to
meeting it on the table. The chief
advantage of this mould which 1b a
pronounced advantage in that the
sides come apart and the butter can
be taken out with ease and without
spoiling the form or print The mould
consists of a base portion with handle
attached and raised portion to form
the bottom of the mould box. The
sides are made in two parts, arranged
to interlock, and held In position when
they are Interlocked by a clamping
member that swings over and holds
them(flrmly together. In the old stylo
butter mould It was necessary to push
the print out, the sides being solid.
In this form all that is required Is to
open the clamping device, take the
sides off and the butter appears In
perfect condition.
Keeping Cream Sweet.
The first step In keeping cream
sweet is to keep it as clean as possi
ble. Clean cream cannot be pro
duced by filthy methods of milking
nor by handling the cream or milk In
unclean utensils. Milk cans, stirrers
and palls should be thoroughly scald
ed In hot water and dried and ex
posed to the sunlight and pure air.
The next step is to remove the ani
mal heat from the cream as soon as
possible after separating. Run the
cream from the soparator Into a con
venient utensil for cooling. A 3 or 5
gallon shotgun can Is most conveni
ent. Cool the cream in well water by
stirring. In a few minutes It can be
reducod to the temperature of the
water. After the cream is cooled it
can be added to the cream contained
in the supply can used In delivering
cream to the station. The cream sup
ply can, while being filled and held for
delivery, should be kept In water nt
as near the temperature of freshly
pumped water as possible. The aver
age temperature of well water In
Kansas is about 56 degrees. With It
cream can easily be held at 58 or 60
degrees, and at this temperature will
remain sweet for delivery In good
snape at the station. Kansas Farm
er. Feeding Value of Milk.
In speaking of the difference be
tween the feeding value of fresh skim
milk, warm milk cooled and then re
heated to the same temperature when
It was desired to feed it, D. H. Otis
declares that there Is practically no
difference. He says: In a test I
have fed two lots of calves in com
parison, giving one fresh hand-separator
skim milk still containing the ani
mal beat, and feeding the other lot
sterilized creamery skimmed cooled
to about 58 degrees F., to keep it
sweet from 12 to 14 hours. As good
results were obtained with one as
with the other. Under ordinary form
conditions it is difficult and often in
convenient to keep skim milk sweet,
and for this reason better results are
usually obtained with hand separator
skim milk. Sufficient heating will,
however, prevent the transmission of
tuberculosis, which is quite frequently
spread through skim milk.
Recipe for Whitewash.
Tho best whitewash for Inside or
outside use Is made as follows: One
holt .bushel unslacked lime; slack
warm water; cover it during the pro
cess of steaming; strain the liquid;
dissolve a peck of salt in warm wa
ter; boll three pounds of ground rice
to a thin paste, add one-half pound
of powdered whiting and a pound of
glue, which has been dissolved over
a slow fire, and add five gallons of
hot water to the mixture; stir well
and let it stand 48 hours. It properly
applied one pint will cover a square
Worrying the Cows.
It will mean a loss to the farmer to
have the cow afraid of him. It is a
loss every time she is frightened. To
run a cow to pasture is like throwing
money away. A cow in any way wor
ried will not do her best The cow
that Is made a pot of will make money
for its own?. The milk of a fright
ened or abased cow is poisonous.
Peed Before Milk.
Something from nothing never
worka out In the dairy. Ton must
put the feed into the cows If you are
going to vet the milk out of tbeea.
Can Stand Being Snubbed by a Man,
but Hatee to be Ignored by a Woman.
"I don't suppose I ought to be so
sensitive,'' said Mr. Gosllngton, "but
It seems to be the way I'm built. I
can stand being snubbed by a man,
but it hurts my feelings to be Ignored
by a woman.
"This morning coming in at a door
through which from within I was
about, to go out was a woman. When
I saw her coming I of course opened
the door for her as politely as I could
and stood back to let her pass.
"Did she as she passed through
thank mo or graciously Incline her
head to me or by any token acknowl
edge my deference to her? By not so
much as the bat of an eye or the
quiver of an eyelash; she simply ig
nored me; she passed me by as if I
had been the knob on the door in
stead of the man holding the door
open for her.
"Do you know that Jarred on me.
Hurt my feelings sorter. I don't sup
pose I ought to be so sensitive, but I
seem to be built that way."
"The Easiest Way."
Prof. Alfred E. Stearns, principal of
the Phillips Andover Academy, said
at the recent alumni dlnnor in New
"The easiest way, in raising funds
as In other things, Is the wrong way.
I remember an Orange man and his
easy spelling rule.
"In Orange, in my childhood, I once
complained of the difficulties of spell'
lng. I said that 'el' and 'to,' in such
words as "believe' and 'receive,' al
ways stumped me.
"Then this Orange man patted me
on the head, and smiled, and said:
" 'My boy, I will give you an infalli
ble rule for 'el' and 'le' a rule that In
47 years has never failed me.'
"I expressed my delight and waited.
The man resumed:
"'The rule is simply this: Write
your '1' and 'e' exactly alike, and put
your dot exactly between them.'"
Microbes In Cold Lands.
We are accustomed to think of se
vere and continuous cold as being an
enemy to life of every sort but data
furnished to the Pasteurlnstltute in
Paris by Dr. Charcot, the Antarctic
explorer, proves conclusively that the
Intense cold of the south polar regions
still allows various forms of micro
scopic life to flourish. On examining
the intestines of animals twenty-four
different kinds of microbes were
found, and of these fifteen were varie
ties already known in Europe. Even
the microbes found in soil taken from
the Antarctic continent where the
foot of man had never trod were found
to be identical with those of the in
habited world.
lo Tired of Praying.
A little girl in St. Louis the" other
evening was going through the usual
form of prayer: "God bless mamma,
and papa and make me a good girl,"
and so on, when all at once she seem
ed to come to a decision. "Now that
is the last time I am going to say
that prayer," she said, very gravely,
looking at her mother. "You are old
er than I am and It is your place to
ask for all those things and I don't
see any use in two people's asking
the same thing." Since then she has
firmly refused to pray, Insisting that
It Is her mother's place to ask God
for blessings.
A Boomerang.
Little Archie, aged four, had been
very troublesome all day, and especial
ly trying to his father, who had had
to stay at home as he was not well
enough to go to work. In the even
ing after the little fellow had said his
prayers, his father called him, think
ing it a good time to say a "word In
season" and began by asking: "My
son, why is it that father and mother
have had to punish you so much to
day?" Archie thought a minute, and
then to his father's discomfort re
plied: "I guess it was cos you were
both sick and cross to-day." Deline
ator. Pole Shifts Its Position.
Later Information on the results of
Lieut Shackleton's expedition to the
antarctic revealed much that was not
discussed in the preliminary dis
patches. It is now brought out plain
ly that the south magnetic pole, like
the north magnetic pole, shifts its
position. Tho discovery will enable
geographers to revise tho magnetic
charts and this will render navigation
Best Use of the Bath.
The human body is covered with the
most wonderful and beautiful fabric
in the world, flexible as silk, resistant
as steel, tought as leather and, beau
ty of beauties, flushed by some three
millions of glands, so that it is abso
lutely self-cleaning. Therefore, says
our doctor, speaking of tho bath:
"Don't scrub; seldom use soap; use
as cold water as you can enjoy."
For Better or Worse.
"I'm tired of this oternal philosoph
ical scrap about the respective influ
ences of heredity and environment"
says the Philosopher of Folly. "If
heredity brings a man enough money,
ho can make his own environment"
Where Falsehood Is Justifiable.
There are two occasions when the
most veraclouss man is likely to pre
varicate when he tells a love ro
mance or a bunting story. Parte Fi
garo, Done for.
A New York woman has need a
whip Instead of the divorce court.
She has ruined ber matrimonial int
uit Washington Poet
8omo Things that the Road Foreman
Must Know.
With a sandy soil nnd a subsoil of
clay or clay and gravel plow deep so
as to raise and mix the clay with tho
surface soil and sand.
The combination forms a sand-clay
road at a trifling expense.
If the road be entirely of sand a
mistake will bo made if it is plowed,
unless clay can be added.
Such plowing would merely deepen
the sand, and at the same time break
up the small amount of hard surface
material which may be formed.
If the subsoil Is clay and tho sur
face scant in sand or gravel, plowing
should not be resorted to, as It would
result in a clay surface rather than
one of sand or gravel.
A road foreman must know not only
what to plow and what not to plow,
but how and when to plow.
If the road is of the kind which ac
cording to the above Instructions
should be plowed over its whole width
the best method Is to run the first fur
row in the middle of tho road and
work .out the sides, thus forming a
Results from such plowing are the
greatest In the spring or early sum
mer. In ditches a plow can bo used to
good advantage, but should be fol
lowed by a scraper or grader.
To make wide, deep ditches noth
ing better than the ordinary drag
scraper has yet been devised.
For hauls under 100 feet or in mak
ing "fills" it is especially serviceable.
Road Drags as Good Roads Advocates
Probably few, If any, who know tho
truth about the use of drags, even
the simplest and cheapest in form, on
the ordinary country road, have
doubts as to the good effects of this
device. The direct and Immediate ef
fect of the dragging is the filling of
ruts and puddles, the raising of the
crown, and the shedding of storm wa
ter.. This results In gradually harden
ing the road until It will remain
smooth much longer under traffic
than It could without this dragging.
Another and perhaps more lasting,
therefore greater benefit which comes
from dragging, is in the fact that roads
so dragged are object lessons. To
those who use the better roads they
suggest the thought: If so simp.u a
device can make a difference so gieat
as this can add so much to our con
venience nnd comfort, why should we
not go farther, spend a little more
money and so make these roads per
manently smooth and dry and hard?
Beyond doubt the drag has been an
efficient educator, to the profit of all
How Road Leveler Is Made.
E Is plank two by ten inches, six
feet long. T, T are two by fours two
or three feet long burled In E. N
Road Leveler.
is strip of iron to which rods M and
a ring are attached with loop bolts.
When using stand on T, T.
Cumulative Value of Good Roads.
Improved roads are breeders of
traffic. Commerce Invariably follows
the line of the least resistance and
rarely is a good road constructed that
much travel Is not diverted to it from
other courses. In addition to this, it
may almost invariably be found that
new industries, new and greater pro
ductions, spring up along the well
built roads. With the added com
merce comes added enlightenment
added sociability, enlarged business,
and more and more developed and
perfected citizenship.
Thin Edges.
Since the wear at the center of .ho
roadway Is always greater than at
the sides, some saving in stone may
be made by reducing the thickness at
the outer edges. A layer of loose
stones more than 6 lnche3 deep can
not be compacted with a roller easily,
if at all, and modern roads are all
built in two or more layers or courses.
Lowers Wagon Rates.
Railway freights have been steadily
reduced by the Improvement of road
beds 'and rolling-stock, to which work
managers have applied all that sci
ence, experience and invention have
developed, and In like manner the ex
pense of wagon transportation will
gradually decrease as the condition of
our highways Is Improved.
Macadam Adaptable.
In the State road work In Massa
chusetts several sections of macadam
are used, the highway commission
recognizing that a uniform depth of
stone throughout the State is undesir
able, because of differences In local
Crown Every Road.
Every macadam road should be
crowned, In order that the water fall
ing upon It may run quickly to the
gutters; It is also necessary that the
shoulders should havs the same or
perhaps a lttUe greater elope than the
Contains a Chamber Where Meal le
Regularly Provided.
One of the most curious tombs in
the United Kingdom is in County Wex
ford. In it is laid the body of one
of that curious body the resurrection
ists. One portion of the tomb Is a
furnished chamber, with a table and
a few choirs. On the table will be
found at any time a dainty meal of
considerable dimensions, with a fowl,
a ham, a leg of mutton and the neces
sary drinkables. The departed resur
rectionist providos by his will that
this meal shall be laid each fortnight
and "if the meal is untouched in the
meantime, it shall be given to the
poor and a fresh meal laid." So tar
the meal has been untouched, though
eeveral rumors spread round tho dis
trict from time to time that in spirit
form the gentleman has appeared and
has enjoyed his meal. Curious stories
aro told of poor people to whom tho
ham or the leg of mutton has been
given being awakened in the night by
strange rapplngs on their doors and
windows, and even by demands in a
grim voice for a portion of the food
which has been distributed. As a con
sequence and probably for another
sod reason, It has come to be the prac
tice to consume tho food Immediately
it is brought home. It 1b the only way
to counteract the envy of tho spirit,
with whom, apparently, hunger is con
stantly present Dundee Advertiser.
Moroccan Red Tape.
Official correspondence in Morocco
la couched in a very flowery and flam
boyant style. It Is Interspersed with
a variety of meaningless adulatory
phrases that tend to confound the real
meaning of the epistle. For example,
an order to the minister of finance to
contract a loan begins thus:
"In our presont letter (God increase
his power and make the glorious sun
and his moon glitter In the firmament
of his felicity), we have authorized
our incorruptible servant (here fol
lows name), to contract In the anme
and behoof of the treasury (heaven
fill It), a loan of " etc.
Considering that the "Incorruptible
servant" is filching as much as he pos
sibly can from the treasury It is cer
tainly necessary to pray that "heav
en fill It"
Alcohol Distillation.
The government distillery for mak
ing denatured alcohol from corn and
potatoes and the explanation of Its
use Is very Interesting. Dr. Sawyer
of the United States department of
agriculture says that the magazine
and newspaper articles concerning de
natured alcohol have all, so far as he
can recall, given misleading impres
sion. He says there Is no question
that the use of denatured alcohol Is
going to be of great service, but that
so far the department has been un
able to build machinery simple enough
and cheap enough for the ordinary
farmer to use. This problem, Dr. Saw
yer says, is receiving a great deal of
English Women Smoke Cigarettes.
A dealer In cigarettes in London
says that the practice of cigarette
smoking is Increasing rapidly among
women in the higher circles. His
firm has sold 100 per cent more of
cigarettes to women this year than It
did last. Among recent purchasers
on a large scale was the queen of
Bpaln, who bought however, for the
purpose of making gifts to her friends.
She has ordered a number of red
morocco cases, with the Spanish arms
on the Up in gold, each to contain 22
varieties of cigarettes.
The Captain was Right.
During the recent financial depres
sion in England Pat and Mike enlist
ed in the British army. After their
drill the, captain, thinking the circum
stances opportune for a little lecture
on patriotism, demanded eloquently:
"Soldiers, why should a man die for
his king and country?"
This struck Pat as a proper ques
tion. Turning to Mike, he said:
"Faith, Molke, the captain is roight!
Who! ?" Everybody 's.
Record Mountain Climber.
Long's peak. In Colorado, which has
been called the American Matterhorn,
has been successfully climbed by a
small girl of 13 years, little Emily
Zoynton. She scorned the aid of a
guide, even in the dangerous places,
but went clear to the top, a distance
of 14,271 feet. This gives her the re
cord for mountain climbing among
children of the world possibly.
The Age of the Microbe.
People Just now are living In a state
of almost morbid apprehension con
cerning what they should eat and
drink. There have been the paleo
lithic age and the red sandstone age.
The present age would come to be
known as the baccllus, mlcrobee and
tubercle age. Lord Rabbleesdale in
House of Lords.
Make the Moet of Everything.
A man who knows the -world will
not only make the most of every
thing he does know, but of many
things he does not know; and will
gain more credit by his adroit mode
of hiding Ignorance than the pedant
by his awkward attempt to exhibit his
erudition. Colton.
Sorrows of the Rich.
Almost any millionaire would be
willing to give up a large percentage
of his fortune If he could tell the dif
ference between a masterpiece and a
Canadian Farmere Own Homes.
About 87 per cent of the farmers
of Canada preside over their own
Colored Girls from South not Pro
tected Enough, Matron Says.
Savannah, Ga. "Our graduate
cannot enter the homes of whites as
servants or house 'girls. There is not
sufficient protection in the house for
them. When they finish their work at
night they are allowed to roam tha
treats to be subjected to temptatlo
and are lost They may return to
their own families less pure and a
disgrace to tholr families."
So reported Ellen Young, colored,
matron of the Paine Annex Home for
Negro Girls at Augusta, Ga., to tha
Women's Board of Home Missions of
tho Methodist Church, South. In sev
en years she had known 600 negro
girls who went North and bellovef
that 550 of them will have died or re
turned South broken In health.
Thoy Own Land Valued at $3,0O0,0G0y
000, New Document Shows.
London. The London County Coun
cil has spent a decade in preparing a
ground plan of London showing the
owners of the land. This la nearly
It shows that 34,600 landlords own'
land covering 113 square miles, these
being mostly single house owners.
Sixty square miles are owned by 187
persons, organizations, and corpora
tions. One-third of this area belongs)
to the Crown, the ecclesiastical com
missioners, tho County Council, and
the city corporation.
It is estimated that the present
value of the land on which London is
built is (3,000,000,000, which will be
Increased to 3.17B.OOO.O0O bv 1930.
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
1127X;Main Street.
You will make money
dell phone 9-u Bethany, Pa.
Time Card In Effect 8ept 14th, 190.
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