The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 12, 1909, Image 3

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    OTB OiTEEHN, FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1809.
Here Is Code of Distress Signals
for the Thirsty Souls in
That Dry State
If You Hammer You Can Get "Coffin
Nails" Too Preacher, Ignorant of
Custom, Twirled Thumbs and Got
Two Bottles of Beer.
Topeka, Kan. "Can I get a glass of
beer or a little schnapps J" asked an
Eastern man recently of a friend, Just
after he arrived In a certain Kansas
"Sure," was toe reply. "Sure, If too
signs are right"
To get a drink or a cigarette In
Kansas during these parlous times,
you hare to know toe proper sign of
distress and signal It to "some one
who knows."
Distress Signals.
Here are a list of the most com-mo-Uy
used signs:
Two fingers up with hand turned
In, a bottle of beer.
Left arm extended, thumb down,
fingers straight out, drink of whiskey.
Two thumbs up, fingers closed, half
pint whiskey.
Twirling thumbs with fingers fold
ed, two bottles of beer.
Finger In toe ear, highball.
Pulling toe lobe of the right ear,
gin ricky.
Hands over tho heart, whiskey and
Crossing of legs above knee, stand
ing, royal gin fizz.
Crossing leg below toe knee, silver
gin fizz.
Both arms extended, Patsy Connor.
Finger touching tip of the nose,
Manhattan cocktail.
Hands clasped behind back, Dutch
Shaking hands with yourself, cham
pagne. Whirling fingers around temples, or
making a motion like hammering,
cigarettes or "cofllnnalls."
Some funny Incidents have happen
ed since this sign language came Into
common use.
A good old Methodist preacher who
was In toe habit of clasping his fin
gers and twirling his thumbs, whllo
thinking over the problems of the
ministry, stopped at a hotel In a Kan
sas town toe other day and waited In
the lobby while toe porter did an er
rand for him. Ho got to thinking,
and twirling his thumbs. Another
porter noticed him, walked by toe old
patriarch and whispered:
"111 leave them in your room."
vTha-whatT" asked toe preacher,
startled from his reverie. But toe
porter had gone on.
The preacher went to his room. He
had been there but a minute when in
popped the porter with a mysterious
package. Opening It he placed a cou
ple of pints of beer on the table and
suggested that toe preacher Up him 76
cents for the brace and toe work of
getting them.
"What!" shouted the preacher.
"What do you mean by bringing beer
Into my room? What do you mean,
you law-breaker?"
"What does ah mean, sahT" an
swered toe surprised negro. "What
does you mean, 8 ah? What does you
mean? Didn't you make signs to mo?
Don' gimme no guff now; you Blgned
to me bo' beeh, an' here I done bring
hit Gimme six bits, sah."
Here is a story the truth of which
Is somewhat doubtful, but it Is told
that a certain official in Kansas who
has a lot to do with the law's enforce
ment stopped In a drug store in a
Kansas town some time ago. His ear
itched, and naturally he poked a fin
ger into toe tantalizing auricle.
In about two minutes he got a high
ball and in that way learned that
there is a sign language In Kansas.
Served Him Right, Even If It was His
Wife, Says Judge.
Pittsburg. That a man who shouts
"Oh, you kid," to a woman in toe
street even though she be his own
wife, should be whipped, was the
ground taken by Magistrate James D.
Walker in discharging George B.
Stacy, who had knocked Norman Brad
ley down on hearing him use this
term to a young woman.
The young woman proved to be
Mrs. Bradley, but Magistrate Walker
held that It did not make any differ
ence, that hearing a full grown man
say "Oh, you kid," to a woman on toe
street was enough to make any man
fight He complimented Stacy and
discharged him, telling Bradley he
might take his caso to another alder
man If he didn't like the decision.
Mr. Wlnshlp Enters Ohio University
at Seventy-eight
Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. A. D. Wln
Bhlp, of Racine, Wis., although near
lng her seventy-ninth birthday, has
entered Ohio State University for toe
regular collegiate course. For toe last
two years she attended summer school
at the university, taking special
She will study psychology and liter
ature sspeelslly. Has says that sbi
tea pusses a oowrse c stacy that
1 m asr
By Means of a Holder, 8omo Cotton
and Chloride of Iron.
In an article on toe hygiene of
smoking published in tho Munich Med
ical Weekly, Dr. J. Bamberger says
that the Injury which may follow tho
use of tobacco differs with too man
ner of smoking. Those who use a
mouthpiece, or if not are careful not
to keep too end of tho cigar saturated
with saliva, are much less apt to suf
fer from toe absorption of the various
products of too burning tobacco.
"Dry smokers" run much less risk
of harming themselves than thoso
who chew the ends of their cigars.
Dr. Bamberger suggests that a bit of
absorbent cotton saturated with chlor
ide of Iron be placed in the hold or,
and he claims by doing this some of
the harmful proucts of combustion
are rendered Innocuous.
Weighing Touch.
A wonderful Instrument has recent
ly been Invented for the purpose of
measuring too sense of touch. The
device consists of a series of little
disks, suspended by fine, delicate
threads from wooden handles, the last
being stuck Into holes around a block.
The lightest disk Is taken out and
brought into contact with the skin of
the subject toe latter having closed
his eyes. If nothing is felt a heavier
disk is employed, and so on till the
pressure becomes noticeable.
A touch of a disk weighing three-
one-hundredths of a grain was observ
able on toe temple; one weighing five-
one hundredths on the nose or chin.
and one weighing nine-one hundredths
on toe Inside of tho finger. The Path
Just Cause for Pride.
Tho man admired his wife just
about as much as any man con admire
a wife, nevertheless when he saw
that she was devoting more and more
time each day to mirror gazing he de
termined to take her down a peg. Sold
he, brutally:
"I wouldn't be so stuck on myself
If I were you, just because people
happen to notice you when you go
out It isnt you they're admiring;
its your clothes. I heard a bunch of
women say bo toe other day."
For an Instant toe shock to the
woman's vanity overpowered her,
then, quickly recovering she Bald:
"In that case I am prouder 'than
ever. Nature is responsible for me,
but I designed toe clothes myself."
And then toe man shut up.
Ambergris and Amber.
There is some popular confusion of
ambergris with amber; In fact how
ever, there is no relation between
them. But for a long time toe nature
of ambergris was hidden In mystery.
In ancient days it was commonly be
lieved that it flowed up from the bot
tom of toe sea. Slnbad the Sailor
tells of a spring of ambergris that ha
found; but it was in a crude state.
The fish swallowed it and then dis
gorged It In congealed form, and In
this condition it floated on toe sur
face of the sea. This story harmon
ises perfectly with toe old Arabian ba
llet Tommy Atkins.
The term arose from the little
pocket ledgers served out at one time
to all British soldiers. In these man
uals were to be entered toe name, age,
date of enlistment length of service,
wounds, medals, and so on, of each
Individual. Tho War Offleo sent with
each little book a form of filling it In,
and the hypothetical name selected,
instead of John Doe and Richard Roe
(of the lawyers), or M. N. (of the
Church), was "Tommy Atkins." Hence
every British soldier became a "Tom
my Atkins."
Deceptive Artificial Pearls.
According to toe Dally Mall of Bir
mingham, the centre of England's Jew
elry manufacture, says that there are
now made many imitation pearls
which look so like the real thing that
they deceive experts. They are made
by means of a transparent glass shell,
a little glue, and some essence of the
Orient a silvery, pearly substance,
composed of fine scales rubbed from
a small fish called the "bleak" or toe
"athlete," 17,000 of which require rub
bing to get a pound.
For Future Dreadnoughts.
That the German government be
lieves ships of war will be much big
ger in the future is shown by toe en
largement of toe Kaiser Wllhelm ca
nal, which Is to be deepened at once
to 36 feet with provision for a later
deepening, if necessary, to 46 feet
The width of toe canal Is to be dou
bled. The new dimensions of toe
locks will considerably exceed those
at Panama.
Consider the Difference.
Statisticians Inform us that toe cost
of living has increased 260 per cent
during toe last 100 years. Still, it
will have to be admitted that living
is worth a good deal more than It was
100 years ago.
Aa the Twig Is Bent
There is some hope for toe boy who
has to be driven into the bathtub, but
there Is mighty little hope for toe
boy who has to be driven aw7 from
toe mirror. Atchison Glob.
Almost Perfect Tlmekeepew.
The clock of the tower of Colombia
university, New York. U said U bo
one of the most accurate in shs
world, varying but six secern d a yssr.
Wisdom from Unets Eton.
"tfanta tpows," ssMU?als
m Mri aaiaisAin Am fl i sbh mmim ma
smiMsv s0MPMBBJBb JnilPipPiSWi
fariaa'jntwng ja yan Mats
Others Have Grown Thin and Yellow,
but Only Because of Blanket '
of Too Much Sand.
Trenton, N. J. Oysters, like hu
man beings, may die from overwork.
They are likely to suffocate, too, 12
there Is too much sand or mud on
their gills. They overwork them
selves trying to breathe and eat and
thus grow thin and weak and assume
a dismal yellow appearance. Such
are toe conclusions of Professor Juli
us Nelson, the biologist of the State
Agricultural Station, who has Just fin
ished his investigation of the so-called
epidemic among toe oysters in toe
Muirice River Cove district on toe
Deleware, near Bridgeton.
There were alarming reports from
the cove to the effect many of toe oys
ter's there were dying of a mysterious
disease. The New Jersey Bureau of
Sholl Fisheries was skeptical and sent
Professor Nelson to look toe situation
over. Tho learned professor went out
In a boat with several experienced
planters. He had sample clusters of
oysters dredged up. He felt their
pulses, looked In their mouths, noted
their complexion which was yellow
In many instances and examined
their clothing. Most of toe oysters
thus examined had only one outer gar
ment a hard shell. In some instances
the overcoat was there, but toe own
er, toe oyster, had vanished.
Professor Nelson, in his report says
toe Maurice River cove oysters have
had no disease, no epidemic, no noth
ing except too mucb sand or mud,
which was shifted and piled over their
beds by toe heavy storms of toe
spring and summer. Many oysters
worked themselves thin and pale try
ing to get out from under their blan
ket Their gills were clogged. They
couldn't find their food. So some of
them starved and wasted away until
nothing was left but the shell. In toe
aggregate comparatively few oysters
were affected by toe 'shifting of toe
sand and mud.
Professor Nelson says that so far as
he knows oysters are a very healthy
lot and are not subject to disease, but
thv are exceedingly sensitive to sur
rounding conditions. They show it
even when they have merely a head
ache. When toe wicked typhoid germ
alights on an oyster, there is nothing
doing so far as toe oyster Is concern
ed. It simply passes toe germ along
to the first New Yorker it mcots.
Woman Juror In California.
Los Angeles, Cal. For toe
first time in California a wom
an was sworn In to serve as a
juror when Mrs. Johanna En
gelman of Santa Monica bowed
to the Judge, answered the
questions of toe lawyers satis
factorily and took her place In
the Jury box of toe Superior .
be tried, however, toe lawyers
had agreed on a compromise.
Structure Unearthed Shows Close Kin
ship to Those of Troy.
Berlin. The close kinship existing
between toe ancient Teutonic archi
tecture and toe Greek remains of
Troy has been disclosed through too
excavations carried out by Prof. Schu
chardt of toe Royal Ethnological
Museum, at Nedlitz, near Potsdam.
The careful work of toe professor dur
ing two years has laid bare a forti
fied dwelling dating from 300 to 200
B. C.
The principal structure measures
28 by 119 feet It brings to light toe
first modern knowledge as to how toe
ancient Teutonic house was construct
ed. Among toe fragments of furni
ture found during the excavations are
a stone mill and a stone beater for
pulverizing grain. There ore also sev
eral Iron knives and the bones of cat
tle, sheep, and wild boars, while the
jaws of a catfish In which an iron
fishhook is sticking have been discov
In It Are Stalactites that Make a
Sweet Sound When Struck.
Mitchell, Ind. Quarry men blasting
at toe Mitchell Lime Company's quar
ry near here uncovered an opening to
a large cave and by letting them
selves down twenty-five feet with a
rope found themselves In a dry cav
ern. Hanging from toe roof were large
stalactites. These were, of different
sizes and lengths, and by tapping a
stick across them they gave forth
musical sounds resembling toe notes
of a pipe organ. The room was large
enough to turn a four-horse team
Further exploration resulted In find
ing another room through which a
stream of cold water flowed. The bed
of he stream was covered with black
pebbles. Blind fish were found In toe
wa'er. In toe first cave was a large
bone of some animal. The roof was
sovered with beads of water which re
flected toe light from the explorers'
torches and shone like diamonds.
Policeman Arrests Writer Because He
Had No Health Board License.
Everett Mass. Arthur A. Belyea,
of Boston, a "poem" writer, by eleo
tlon as well as occupation, wss haled
to toe police station by a policeman
minus literary tastes charged with
peddling without a license.
Poet Belyea was .m&klag a hoase to
house canvas with bis literary wares
when the policeman bsU aba aa, He
was, Inform td that h a4 a4 to sjet
a Jlosass frost lbs BoarA of HsaMh let
stttlaf "soessa" yut tk aaaw imM
a. - t. v
"Devins Healer" Imposts? Who
Deceived Thousands Identified
as Dr. McLean
Disappeared In Denver No Trace of
the Man Found After He Had
Reached the Climax of His Mission
Some Cures He Effected.
Hastings. Neb. A man supposed to
be Francis Schlatter, toe famous "di
vine healer," was found dead In a
room at a local hotel and after his
demise it was learned that ho was
Charles McLean, and that for twelve
years he had been Imposing upon
thousands of credulous persons
throughout toe country by posing as
toe original Schlatter, who, It Is now
pretty well established, perished In
tho deserts of New Mexico in 1897.
A family album, containing a pic
ture of too dead man, taken In 1871,
was found In toe room. It bore the
inscription, "Dr. Charles McLean."
Thoso who knew toe original Schlat
ter say the dead man was not he, nor
Is the picture his.
The methods of Schlatter and Mc
Lean were totally dissimilar. Schlat
ter spurned money, while McLean
sought It In fact, he was arrested at
Des Moines last June on a charge of
misappropriating a large sum given to
him in trust by a faithful follower.
The last great "healing" perform
ance of Schlatter was in Denver on
November 14, 1895. On that day ho
"treated" 5,000 persons. Special
trains had carried the afflicted from
many points in the Western States.
All the Denver hotels were filled with
cripples and "incurables" seeking re
lief from Schlatter, and several hun
dred unable to find lodgings, had tak
en shelter under tents. Schlatter dis
appeared when at toe height of his
Denver mission. The only explanation
was In a note left in his room, read
ing: "My mission is finished; Father
takes me away."
Search was made for the man over
several States, but no trace of him
was found. A couple of months after
his disappearance it was reported that
he had been lost in a sandstorm In
New Mexico.
Schlatter was born In France, and
was brought when a boy to this coun
try with his parents. He was a black
smith in Denver for many years. He
went to New Mexico, and it was from
there that the first word came of him
as a "divine healer."
A Mexican girl, deformed and un
able to walk, had been cast off by her
parents. Schlatter took toe girl back
to the mother and offered to work a
cure. Then he carried the child away
in his arms, and toe following day re
turned leading her by tho hand. The
girl was straight and active and com
pletely cured. The Mexicans hailed
him as a prophet and Schlatter look
ed the part He was tall and spare,
with black hair falling over his shoul
ders. His face was full and soft in
expression, with the eyes those of a
dreamer. He wore a beard and his
brow was high and Intellectual. The
Mexicans brought many cripples, and
It was said that Schlatter healed them
all. He went to Hot Springs, Ark., In
1893, and there was sentenced to
three months in toe chain gang as a
fraud. When he was released he re
turned to New Mexico, and for two
years went up and down among too
Mexicans "laying on hands" and say
ing he was a new Messiah.
News of too man spread through
the West and he was invited to Den
ver by Edward Fox, an Alderman In
that city. Schlatter prepared for toe
visit by fasting for forty days in Al
buquerque. He was weak and hardly
able to stand when he reached Den
ver. There were more than 1,000 crip
ples Waiting for him In the railroad
station and when he alighted men and
women fell to the ground before him.
The following day he began treat
ments in the Fox home. He saw per
sons In a constant stream for four
teen hours each day for two weeks.
Then toe patients multiplied until
Schlatter arranged to treat them on
the porch of the Fox home.
All classes were represented, and
It was aserted that many wonderful
"cures" were wrought Crutches were
built In a pile on toe Fox lawn, and
there was another pile of cast-off
bandages. The sick poured Into Den
ver until it was necesary to provide
tents to accommodate them, and toe
Fox home was flanked with toe tents
on three sides.
Schlatter stood on the porch for
about two weeks, while patients came
to him in line. He took every one by
toe hand, placed his other hand on
the head of toe patient, and, leaning
over, moved his lips as if prayer. He
also blessed handkerchiefs, canes and
other articles to be used as instru
ments of healing.
Schlatter was offered large amounts
of money, but he refused to take a
cent He said that he deserved no pay
or fees, because he was only doing the
work of "The Father." On the day,
he disappeared fifty cripples arrived
in Denver from New York for treat
ment McLean came oa the scabs shortly
after Schlatter's Stih. As rsceaUy
as .two years as he aavs "asaMag"
dsssoastrstSoas la Mew Task City,
raursaa, N. J
Office. Masonic building, second Door
Honesdale. Pa.
Office over post office. All local business
promptly attended to. Honesdale. Pa.
Office Liberty Hall building, opposite the
Post Office. Honesdale. Fa.
Office over Relfs store. Honesdale Fa.
Office near Court House Honesdale. Pa.
Office ver Post Office. Honesdale. Pa.
Special and prompt attention given to the
collection of claims. Office over Keifs new
store. Honesdale. Fa.
Office over the cost office- Honesdale. Fa.
Office in the Court House, Honesdale,
Pa. .
Patents and pensions secured. Office in the
Schuerbolz bulldine Honesdale. Fa.
Office Second floor old Savings link
building. Honesdale. Fa.
Office Next door to cost office. TYirmprl
occupied bv W.H. Dlmmlck. Honesdale. Pa
Office First floor, old Savlnira Ranfe- hntld.
ing, Honesdale. Fa.
Dr. C. R. BRADY. Dentist. HonesdaleiPa.
Office Hourb 8 a. m. to 6 p. m
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' pbone. 33. Residence. No. 86-X
Office and residence 1019 Court 'street
telepbones. Office Hours 2:00 to; 1:00 and
6 00(08:00. p. m
LIVEKY." Fred. G. Rickard has re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Church street to Whitney's Stone
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store,
For New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
If you don't insure with
us, we both lose.
White 'Mill Pa.
11VU Ifate St MOiflilllT
You are Cordially Invited
to Inspect
the Complete Assortment
shown in our various
In buying Furslike dia
mondslook for flaws.
Lowest prices in town for
dependable goods.
Pony Skin Coats, and
French Coony Skin Coats
in different lengths.
New pieces all new and
well selected stock.
made from
Tailored Suits
and Coats
We have specially priced
every suit and coat during
Institute week.
Teachers, if you want New
Shapes, New Colorings and
Artistic Combinations visit
our Millinery department.
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Rib
bons, Laces, Embroderies,
Hosiery and Underwear, all
marked down prices during
Institute week.
For Ladles. KImcs nut JaateM.
w. yju. rUitj ' .- ---
J t
ItaMtfrt Cflfs Stall,