partly. oiy not weather and nearly stationary tcmperatHres will prevails Seni!-WtelklV Foafided fc 1908 fc" fc Weekly Founded, 1844 J $ Wayne CMy Organ 3 REPUBUCPARty 5 o 1-1 ; X ".a r i 66th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1909. NO. 90 C SL new m. m Convicted Banker Asks For a Second Trial. ALLEGES JURY ROOM ABUSES. Deolares Jurors Were Allowed to Prink Quarts of Whisky and Were Dominated by Hostile Government Agents. New York, Nov. 11. Charles W. Morse, through his counsel, Martin W. Littleton, served on United States District Attorney Wels notice of mo tion In the circuit court of appeals for permission to move for a new trial boforo the United States circuit court. Morse alleges that the Jury which convicted him was attended by special agents of the government hostile to Morse rather than disinterested bail iffs, as required by law; that these moD discussed the case with them im properly, that the jury was permitted to Indulge In practically unlimited quantities of liquor during the trial, the special agents drinking with them, and that one of the Jurors bad been twice in an asylum with paresis. Morse says the alleged facts upon which he bases his move for a new trial did not come to him until after the case had been appealed. Under the heading "Privilege Ac corded the Jurors of Drinking Unlim ited Quantities of Intoxicating Liq uors" Morse declares that right after the trial commenced the jurors were Informed by government agents that they could take such quantities . of whisky, beer or other drinks as they needed and that thereafter the jurors drank intoxicating liquor. He ulleges that at least eight of the Jurors took quart bottles of whisky. Mr. Morse alleges that in a room provided for them at the Astor House the Jurors would retire during the evening to play cards and tluit.dnr uig XSa game some of the juror's would bring in quarts of "whisky, which would be served to all in the room. The card games lasted until midnight or 1 a. m. He says that one of the jurors admits that they could con sume more than four quarts of whisky a night and that as a flask was emp tied it would be put In the grate or fireplace and "facetiously marked ex hibit so and so." Other charges in the affidavit con cerning the relations between the jurors and the government agents in charge of them are: That fourteen Special agents of the department of justice accompanied the jury about the city, went into saloons with them, joined them In drinking, treated them and were treated in re turn. That one night eight of the jurors and eight special agents went to Coney Island In a "Seeing New York" car, visited saloons on the Bowery and drank whisky and beor together, for which the jurors paid. On another occasion six or eight of the jurors went to Van Cortlandt park with the special agents and drank whisky and beer, the Jurors treating. That the first Saturday after the jury bad been impaneled eight of them went to Staten Island In the company of special agents and that the jurors treated to drinks in a saloon. Mr. Morse recites that he and Alfred H. Curtis were put on trial on Oct IB, 1008, and were found guilty of making false entries on the books of the National Bank of North America and of misapplying the funds of the bank, Curtis being let go under sus pended sentence and Morse sentenced to fifteen years' Imprisonment. MBS. EDDY SATISFIES SONS. She Gives One $245,000 and the Other $45,000. Concord, N. H Nov. 11. A family settlement between Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy and George W. Glover of Lead, 8. D., a son, and Ebcnozer Foster Ed' dy of Waterbury, Vt, an adopted son, lias been concluded, and the deeds have been signed and delivered. Un der these settlement arrangements George W. Glover and his family re ceive $245,000 and Ebenezer Foster Eddy $46,000. The two sons In consideration of these moneys -have executed deeds of all their rights in their mother's es tate, either as helrs-at-law or as lega tees and under any will made by Mrs. Eddy and the sons covenant that nei ther they nor any one claiming under them will contest the probate of any will which their mother may leave. Mexioan Major Loots Army Chest. City of Mexico, Nov. 11. Major Fel pl Murgl Valdez, paymaster of the Seventeenth infantry, Is under arrest Bare charflsd with having decamped from Guaymas with (18,000 of army money, "MONORAIL MAKES GOOD. Forty Foot Car With Gyroscope Works Perfectly at Chatham. London, Nov. 11. The new monorail railway, which works on the principle of the gyroscope, received its first pub lic demonstration on a full scalo on tun war office grounds near Chatham. The guests witnessed a spectacle as marvelous and as revolutionary from the standpoint of transportation as that which aeroplanes have furnished during the last two years. They saw a car forty feet long, ten feet wide and thirteen feet high, weighing twenty-two pounds, mounted on a single rail, running freely about curves of all sorts of angles, carrying forty pas sengers with safety as complete and vibration far less than the ordinary passenger car. The vehicle runs in a circle an eighth of a mile in circumference at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour, with eighty horsepower, without the slight est tendency to leave the rail. Two gyroscopes weighing three-quarters of a ton each automatically supply per fect stability. The rail closely resem bles the ordinary one, except that the top is somewhat curved, and the rims of the wheels correspond to this curve. The gyroscope makes 3,000 revolu tions a minute in vacuo. The motive power is entirely self contained in a petrol engine which is used to drive the dynamo. SUFFRAGAN BISHOPS WANTED. Episcopalians Would Thus Ease Dr. Greer of New York. New York, Nov. 11. The Episcopal convention of the diocese of New York, in session here, voted down the propo sition to cut off Dutchess, Orange and the other Hudson river counties, now forming parts of the diocese, and to ask the general convention to form a new diocese of them. It voted to In form the general convention that New York desires the passage of the new law permitting the election of suffra gan bishops. It was a lively session, in which J. Pierpont Morgan, Mayor Sague of Poughkeepsle, former Lieutenant Gov ernor Chanler and rectors of Manhat tan parishes participated. Mr. Mor gan offered a resolution, which was adopted, authorizing Bishop Greer to tit b'u h-"Utiiance u he mlgut l'ruui. other dioceses until help can be given him in the regular way. The convention opened with a serv ice in the crypt of the Cathedral of St John the Divine, in which Bishop Greer took the principal part. Tho attendance was large, and tho gallery was filled with spectators. LEGISLATOR DEAD IN HOTEL. Young Woman Who Went There With Him Has Vanished. New York, Nov. 11. Edwin Hills, a wealthy manufacturer of Plalnville, Conn., and a member of the Connecti cut legislature, died in the Gllsey House under mysterious circum stances. At the time of his death the police of the city were searching for him on a general alarm sent out by his wife from the Imperial hotel. The manu facturer had disappeared from the Im perial, leaving his wife hysterical with anxiety. He carried $500 in cash, $2, 500 in checks and a quantity of jew elry with him. A young woman whom he took to the Gllsey House vanished just before his body was discovered. He had reg istered as "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finch of New Haven, Conn." FOR M'CARREN'S SEAT. Lively Contest Already on In Sena torial District In Brooklyn. New York, Nov. 11. There is a live ly contest for the senatorial nomina tion in the Seventh senatorial district to succeed the late Senator Patrick H. McCarren. The district is heavily Democratic, and a nomination is equivalent to an election. A leading candidate is Daniel J. Car roll, a mineral water manufacturer, and he has a close competitor in his father, Lawrence F. Carroll, who Is chief clerk in a police court. There are six other candidates for the nom lnatlon. DARING TRAIN ROBBERS. Caught by Detectives After Boarding a New York Central Train. Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 11. A daring attempt was made to rob the Ameri can Express car on the New York Central railroad between Lyons and this city. While the train was running sixty miles an hour two men climbed over the side of one of the cars, opened the express oar door with skeleton keys and entered. Awaiting them inside wer two rail road detectives, who were on the watch. They covered the Intruders with suns and placed them under ax rest. The prisoners wore brought t this city and locked p. WAR ON EASY DIVORCE. Movement to Put a Stop to Such Se crecy as Marked Astor Suit. New York, Nov. 11. The ease and secrecy with which the rich and prom inent in New York state may obtain divorce, Illustrated lu the three min ute session in a courtroom in an up state village which resulted In Mrs. Ava Willing Astor obtaining a divorce from Colonel John Jacob Astor with out the name of either being mention ed in court, are condemned by some prominent lawyers here. It was up held by some of the justices of tho supreme court, on the other hand, as preferable to the publication of the details in such cases. So discreetly was the proceeding conducted that the name of neither Mrs. Astor nor hor husband was men tioned by Henry W. Tnft, her attor ney, or Lewis Oass Ledyard, Colonel Astor's attorney. The uocret divorce granted the As ters, with every court facility placed at their disposal, following the secret divorces granted the Frank J. Goulds, tho Alfred G. Vanderbllts, the Byron D. Chandlers, the Talbot J. Taylors, the Julian Storys (Mme. Emma Eames Story) and the Wilson Mlzners (Mrs. York es), has moved many prominent men and women to denounce "the ob sequiousness of the courts" toward the rich. Some of those who condemn "quiet" dlvort js are Justice Gerard, ex-Justice Roger A. Pryor, Kev. Dr. Charles F. Aketl, Uev. Dr. K. S. MacArthur of Calvary Baptist church and Mrs. Car rie Chapman Catt, chairman of the woman's national suffrage convention. Ex-Justice Pryor declared that hun dreds and even thousands of the cases now before referees, with the cloak of secrecy thrown about them and the law furnishing the lubrication with which they slip noiselessly along, would never have been brought at all if the parties to them thought the de tails would be made public. MARGARET ILLINGTON FREE. Actress Gets Divorce From Daniel Frohman In Twenty-five Minutes. Bono, Nev., Nov. 11. Margaret 111 iugton obtained an absolute divorce from her husband, Daniel Frohman, 10 tl "ittrlcnl manager, here. District Judge Pike signed the de cree making tho actress free after a hearing that lasted only twenty-five minutes and nt which only one wit ness besides the plaintiff was exam ined. The ground upon which the divorce was granted was nonsupport, and an affidavit signed by Daniel Frohman MARGARET ILLINGTON. accepting service and waiving all rights to answer was read into the rec ord. Miss Illington has been 'a member of the divorce colony here for six months. She has been living the simple life, wearing a sunbonnct and attonding to a small garden. She has been known as Miss Leighton. She will !uve here shortly for San Francisco to become the bride of Ed ward J. Bowers, a wealthy real es tate man of that city. Statements made by Mr. Frohman and his actress wife after their sep aration made it clear that the chief difference between the two was wheth er or not Mrs. 7rohman should remain on the stage. She was credited with saying that she would sooner "darn socks" and live a purely domestic life than continue on the stage, which she said she hated; JOHN D. AT BOXING BOUT. He 8tes Jeffries Spar and Says He Is a Great Fighter. New York, Nov. 11. John D. Rocke feller, with his secretary, occupied two seats in the Plaza Music hall hero to see James J, Jeffries box three three- minute rounds with Sam Bcrger. "How did you enjoy yourself, Mr. Rockefeller?" he was asked as he was leaving. "Very much, Indeed," said ho. "What do you think of Jeffries?" "He's a great fighter a fine man,1 aid he, with enthusiasm. AIDS STEjNHEIL. Wealthy Merchant Testifies For Accused Woman. DECLARES SHE IS INNOCENT. Maurice Borderel, Whom It Was Said She Wanted to Marry, Confirms Story That She Telephoned to Him. Paris, Nov. 11. At the continuation of the trial of Mme. Steinhell for the murder of her husband and stepmoth er a witness of much interest was Maurice Borderel, tho wealthy mer chant and former friend of the pris oner. One of the motives alleged against Mme. Steinhell was a desire to rid herself of her husband in order that she might marry Borderel. The mer chant's testimony was distinctly fa vorable to his old time companion. The witness also made an excellent Impression upon the jury by the frank ness with which he admitted his for mer association with the accused. Despite the revelations which had been made to him concerning the wo man's character, Borderel could not be shaken in his declaration that the woman was wholly Innocent of the crime laid nt her door. He was rather vague in his replies when questioned as to his intentions regarding a re marriage, but confirmed his earlier testimony that Mme. Steinhell tele phoned him on the morning following the murders. During his examination Borderel was asked whether he had previously testified that when discussing the dif ficulties in the way of their marriage Mme. Steinhell had said: "One never knows. Let us wait events." Tho witness denied that he had so testi fied. At one time, when the Judge had pointed out discrepancies between the testimony given at tho preliminary hearing and that offered '.in defense, Mme. Steinhell cried out that this com parison was unfair, inasmuch as Mag. istrate Andre, who had heard the orig inal testimony, was prejudiced against her. No servant ever fought more loyal ly for her mistress than did Marietta Wolf, the cook in the Steinhell house hold, when called ns a witness in the trial of Mme. Steinhell for the mur der of her husband and stepmother, When the judge had led her through a labyrinth of contradictory state' ments he suddenly challenged the wit ness with this abstract from her origl nol deposition: "When Mme. Steinhell learned that her husband was dead she ejaculated, 'At last I nm free!' " Without the least hesitation the serv ant replied: "No. I have been misquoted. What madamc said was, 'At last I am alone!' " The witness insisted that the wife was devoted to her artist husband. Next to the prisoner, Marietta Wolf excited the most interest in the court room, as, in the popular mind, she Is suspected of holding the key to the mystery of the Steinhell home. She was gowned in black, and her attitude was as somber as tho clothes she wore, Judge de Valles with considerable difficulty induced the witness to de scribe the Steinhell home and toll how Mme. Steinhell had leased Green lodge In order that sho might there re ceive hor admirers. Marietta declared that Mme. Stein hell had always shown herself yery fond of both her husband and her mother, and she volunteered tho fur ther statement that Steinhell occasion ally took opium. At one point Mme. Steinhell inter rupted angrily and shouted defiantly that if it was true that she had re ceived $1,200 from Chounard, the Iron manufacturer, he had made a hundred times that amount from cllonts whom she had brought him. The testimony of Marietta Wolf, like that of her son, Alexandre, who fol lowed her on the stand, was wholly favorable to the defendant. Alexan dre admitted that the accused woman bad been in tho habit of addressing blra ns "Thou," and that she had kiss ed him on New Year's day. Further testimony to the advantage of the defendant was developed from the witnesses who followed. Among these was a nurse who cared for the widow after the murders and who tes tified originally that Mme. Stelnheil'a .illness at the time appeared to bo feigned. Sho now testified to just the contrary. Weather Probabilities. Fair; warmer; moderate oast to louthwsst winds. TAFT BACK IN WAS! HON. President 13,000 Mile Swi Ground the Circle Is Endc Washington, Nov. 11. Pn j nt Taft got back to Washington 55 m his swing around the circle, .... longest tour over taken by any president dur ing his service In that high office. "I am very glad to got buck," he said. "It was about Aug. 0 when I left Washington. I am glad to get back in just about as good coudltiou as when I left." Tho president was particularly pleas ed with his receptions in the South. He said he believed they indicate a confidence in him and a disposition on the part of the south to meet him more than halfway in carrying out his so called southern policy. He had traveled approximately 13,- 000 miles, had gone into thirty-three states and two territories and had crossed over into Mexico. This record breaking tour' was begun at Beverly, Mass., and extended over a period of fifty-six days. Besides the 13,000 miles that the president covorod by train he made 002 miles in automobiles and 165 miles in stages and carriages. He made 2T0 speeches, an average of about five a day. As a gastronomic feat the presi dent's trip was one of the greatest on record. Ho ate 170 formal breakfasts, luncheons and dinners and onded the trip with his digestion just as good as it ever was. On the tour he tackled about every kind of dish that the United States boasts and a few of Mexico's. He ate cub, bear and venison in Washing ton, codfish in Boston, chill con carat in El Paso, possum In Georgia, pine bark stew in South Carloina and stew ed terrapin In Savannah, not to men tion beaten biscuits, puffs and grits. FATJNCE STIRS THE BAPTISTS. Church Hurt by Slavery to Form, Say University Head. New York, Nov. 11. President Fauuce of Brown university, who was formerly a pastor in this city, made d speech that stirred thasBap- tists at tne congress or that enures 'in the Madison Avenue church last night, The topic under discussion was the open communion. "Baptists face a crisis," said the speaker. "Unity is in the air and is pressing on us. What stands in our way? Ritualism stands In our way of union. Baptists of today nre not fol lowing after the practices of the fa- thers. They were independent. Many of us are slaves to a form. "We condemn holy water, incense and all other forms of literalism as idolatry. Our Immersion belongs with them, and when we cling to form we are as idolatrous as the rest. Prac tically everybody outside our ranks thinks we lay greater stress upon im mersion, a form. Our services in mis sions and many other lines are for gotten. We must disabuse these learn ed minds that we run to a ritual in stead of to real spiritual life." President Fauuce suld he wished 100 Baptist ministers would preach next Sunday fim the text, "Jesus Himself Baptized Jfljt." PENSIONS FOR 100,000 MEN. New York Central Railroad Adopts Plan For Employees. New York, Nov. 11. A pension sys tem that will benefit 100,000 employees of tho New York Central system is announced by President W. C. Brown. It will require the expenditure of $500,000 a year, beginning with Jan. 1. On that, date 1,731 men who come within the requirements of the system will step out and begin to draw pen sions. Under the plan as adopted em ployees on reaching the age of seven ty years are rotlred. If they have been continuously in the service of the company for nt least ten years imme diately preceding their retirement they will be entitled to a pension. An em ployee who has been at least twenty years in continuous service and has become unfit for duty may bo retired with a pension, although he has not reached the age of seventy years. The amount of pension is 1 per cent for each year of continuous service, based upon the average rate of pay re ceived for the ten years next preced ipg retirement. BRYAN TO RUN FOR SENATE. Nebraska Demooratlo Leaders Say That They Must Have Him. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 11. William J. Bryan will be a candidate for the Unit ed States senate in the campaign of 1010., Tho Bryan candidacy was the principal theme for discussion at a conference between Mr. Bryan and party leaders here. Mayor Dahlman of Omaha and Ed gar Howard of Columbus,, acting as spokesmen for the conforees, declared that the exigencies of tho senatorial situation In Nebraska demanded that Mr. Bryan should run. Mr. Bryan, they said, had expressed a preference that some one else should' stand for tho senatorshlp, but the con ferees had been Insistent and Mr. Bry an had left the matter entirely In the hands of the party In bis state. she an ti Mrs. 0. H. P. Belmont Tells of Girlhood FeatyN SHE PUMMELED A BAD ftOYi Also Knocked Him Down, an4.yv;v ,, Was Taken Home In BanjV , Up Condition Story Told to Woman Suffragists. New York, Nov. 11. In a speech here at the headquarters of the Wo man Suffrage association Mrs. Olivet H. P. Belmont, mother of the Duchess of Marlborough and former wife o4 William K. Vanderbllt, took the ant suffragists to task for saying at tha Hotel Waldorf meeting that womos had no business to vote bocauso they were physically the Inferior of men and because so few of them could climb a ladder with a hod of bricks. Mrs. Belmont told a remarkable sto ry from her own girlhood experience; when she climbed a tree to punch a boy. She said: "1 don't believe that there was a sin gle boy among my playmates who could outcllmb me or outrun me. One time I and several otlier little girls climbed a ladder that had been placed ngnlust a tall apple tree in our favorite glen. As soon as we had stepped oft the top rung of tho ladder Into th branches of the tree a boy named Jo sle, who often had tried to get ahead of me, took away tho ladder and be gan to pelt us with green apples. "We were nil furious, but we simply kept out of range as well as wo could for a time nnd said nothing. Finally I sold, 'Well, I'm not going to stand his any longer.' "One of tho other girls said: 'What are you going to do? You can't get down without the ladder.' " 'Can't IV I rejoined. 'We'lUtee.'- i """I Just w'ound my legs nnd armadas" tightly as I could around tho trunk of that tree and slid to the ground. Per haps I did tear my frock and get a scratch or two, but I was perfectly able to attend to Josle. I rushed at him with all my strength nnd knocked him down. He was a year or two older than I too. "Then I pummolod him with all mj might and main, and it took two or three nurses and governesses to tear us apart. He was taken home in a very banged up condition." "But you don't believe in fighting men, do you?" asked one of the stato board of directors of the woman suf frage organization. "Why should I want to fight menf replied Mfi. Belmont "We don't need to fight men. Men are perfectly wil ling to give us the vote just as soon oa wo show them that we are ready to use it. Some of us are ready now, but we have to get tho rest in line before wo can bo victorious. It isn't going to take us very long, either, if we stick to the main issue and don't allow our selves to be led off Into bypaths." ENVOY TO THE HAGUE. William C. Dennis to Conduot Case Against Venezuela Before Tribunal. Washington, Nov. 11. William O. Dennis, assistant solicitor to the state department, has been designated by Secretary Knox as agent of the United States to conduct tho cases on behalf of this government of the Orinoco Steamship company against Venezuela before the International tribunal at The Hague. Mr. Dentois has succeeded to the po sition of agent through the recent death In London of William I: Buchan an, who had first been designated as agent of tho United States, Mr. Den nis then being solicitor to the agent. TELEGRAM STOPS COMBS. U. 8. Minister to Peru Postpones Hams) Visit and Returns to Lima. Lima, Peru, Nov, 11. Leslie Combsu tho American minister, who started for the United Spates by way of Pana ma, has returned. He received a telegram from tha United States on board the steamer nd decided to postpone his trip tttC the present JrUUSHIPMAN COURT MARTIAL.! Carmlchael Alleged to Have Been Un truthful About a Smoke. r Boston, Nov. 11. Midshipman An drew W. Carmlchael of PlatUburf , K;f Y an officer on the scout cruiser, Sa lem, faced a court martial at tit's navy yard here on the charge that he'h been untruthful, It Is alleged that be allows jwj--inir on tho Salem's steam lanaelfvav tho Hudson-Fulton celebratloam York. -Hi k -".t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers