r THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1000. SUSTAINS National Geographic Society Approves His Claim. INVITES HIM TO GIVE LECTURE Commander Spends Seven Hours With Committee and Submits Data and Instruments of Polar Trip. Washington, Nov. I!. A report declar ing that ConimamUT Itobert E. Peary lias substantiated his claim to having reached the north pole ou April !) this year will be given to the public on Thursday bearing the indorsement of the board of managers of the National Geographic society. Soon thereafter Commander l'eary will go ou the lecture platform, and he will make his lirst public appear ance In Washington under the direc tion of the National Geographic so ciety. The society has indicated that it would be pleased to have Command er l'eary lecture on Nov. 12. That the National Geographic socie ty, after proper Investigation, is satis lied that l'eary reached the pole was Indicated by a member of the organ ization, who said: "We have Invited him to address us here this mouth. That ought to satisfy you as to what we think of Peary's exploit in the polar regions." Commander Peary arrived here In response to a request of President Willis L. Moore of the Geographic so ciety that he appear before a sub committee of the society appointed to pass on his data and instruments and to offer such other evidence bearing on his dash to the pole as he cared to submit. This subcommittee is composed of Henry Gannett, chairman of the Unit ed States geographic board; Admiral Colby M. Chester, U. S. N., retired, former superintendent of the United States naval observatory, and O. II. Tittmann, superintendent of the coast and geodetic survey. It was named by the board of managers to make the Initial inquiry into Peary's claim. A portion of Commander Peary's data was placed in the hands of the subcommittee last week. This body wonted more light on certain features of Peary's journey northward, and it was furnished today by the explorer, who was In session with the subcom mittee for seven hours prior to his departure for New York. While no official statement on the subject was made by- any member of the subcommittee, It was learned that Messrs. Gannett, Chester and Titt mann have decided to report to the board substantiating Peary's claim that he reached the pole. This report will be submitted to the board of man agers tomorrow, and it will be made public by the board without delay. There was some gossip here when It became known that the subcommittee had asked Commander Peary to come to Washington and that there were dissensions among members of the Geographic society over Peary's evi dence. Dr. Gannett declared that all euch reports were without foundation. "The subcommittee and the board will act In harmony," he said. "We sent for Peary because we felt that his presence would aid in the comple tion of our report to the board." Commander l'eary saw few people here aside from members of the Na tional Geographic society. He spent the day at the home of Admiral Ches ter, where the subcommittee met in conference with the explorer. To those who sought him he sent word that for the present he would not comment publicly on his polar work, preferring to await the verdict of the National Geographic society. THE SPRAYED SUFFRAGETTE. Gladstone Ssys Hose Was Played on Her to Save Her Life, but He's Sorry. London, Nov. 2. In the house of commons Home Secretary Gladstone explained why the prison committee of Strangeways jail, in Manchester, sanctioned the playing of the hose on one of the Imprisoned sutrragettes. He said the officials were afraid to break in the door of her cell because they feared that the walls might fall and injure the prisoner, whose en forced bath lasted only two or three minutes. The home secretary said ho was sat isfied that the committee meant well, but it had committed a grave error. The prisoner has since been released. MRS. ASTOR'S DIVORCE SUIT. Referee's Report to Be Filed In Pough keepsie Next Week. White Plains, N. Y Nov. 2. The divorce action brought by Mrs. John lacob Astor against Colonel Astor Is a Dutchess county proceeding, and the report of Referee Charles II. Youug nnd all the testimony taken will be filed in the clerk's office at Poughkeep sie. Referee Young has practically com pleted taking the testimony, and ho will submit his report to Supreme Court Justice Isaac N. Mills next week. The suit was brought In Dutchess county because the Astors have their country residence there. 1 111111 1111 111 1111 111M11 HUMOR OF THE. HOUR I Sayings of the Illustrious. Battling Flanagan "The result was never in doubt." Krisklo Twinkletoea "I ' positively deny the rumor of my engagement" Leader Mulligan "I have nothing to say." Popular Athlete at Ovation "Thanking you one and all for this kind reception." Officer Flynn "I only done me duty." Alderman for Re-election "I stand on mo record." Distinguished Foreign Visitor "Your women aro charming." Transportation Magnate "The pub lic be damned." The Damphool "I didn't know 't was loaded." Ecclesiastical Whltcwasher "We must not Judge others." IMPEDIMENTS. Comedian You would bo a good dancer but for two things. Soubrette And what are theyT Comedian Your feet Reflections of a Misogynist. Some women's pasts aro about the only future they can look forward to. Some women are naturally secre tive. They even conceal all tho things that they don't know. The precocity of little girls is even more amazing to me than that of mar ried women. I was talking the other day with one of these fluffy little creatures, who for some reason did not get on well with her brother. "Tho only reason I live with him at all," she confessed to me, 'is on account of my parents." Jungle Detectives. Reporter for the Jungle Journal Whom have you put on this mysteri ous murder case? Chief Zebra (who has many stripes in the service) The Giraffe, on ac count of bis being a natural rubber neck. Jungle Journal Reporter' Has any of the animals been run down as a suspect? Chief Zebra Oh, yes. The Leopard is spotted. Baltimore American. Her Objection. Real Estate Agent (rattling off de scription of house to Mrs. Fradley, a prospective tenant) Here's the kitch en splendid room all modern con veniences hardwood floor Mrs. Fradley (Interrupting): Oh, It won't do at all. My present kitch en has a soft wood floor, and the breakage of dishes even on that is something frightful! LAYING THE BLAME. Madge Dolly was out for a sleigh ride with Charlie but, she didn't seem to have a good time. I suppose the horse was shy. Majorlo From what Dolly said, I guess it was Charlie. Logical Result On the notice-board of a church near Manchester the other day the following announcements appeared to gether: A potato-pie supper will bo held on Saturday evening. Subject for Sunday evening: "A Night of Agony." Manchester Guard Ian. Washington's Eyes. Small Boy Mamma, was General Washington blind? Mamma Of course not Where did you get that idea? Small Boy Nurse took' me to th Old Ladies' Homo to-day and showed me tho portrait of a woman that he kissed. His Finish. "Give woman the credit she de serves," the suffragette cried, "and where would man be?" "If she got all tho credit sho want ed, he'd be in the poorhouse," Bneer ed a coarse person In the rear of the haU. Stray Btorle. NEW PENNSYLVANIA STOCK. About $80,000,000 Worth Is Offered at Par to Stockholders. Philadelphia. Nov. 2. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company voted to Issue additional slock to the amount of 2." per cent of the present capitalization. The slock will be Is sued at par to stockholders of record of Nov. 15. The new Issue will amount to $7i,:i!7,l!2. Following the action of the directors, President McCrea said it was expect ed that the new Issue would be suffi cient to meet tho ?C.0,000,U00 of notes and $20.(K)0,IM)0 of general mortgage bonds maturing in 1!)10. President McCrea added that all the improve ments to tlie property, including the completion of the New York tunnel extension and any new equipment the company might require during 11)10, would be paid for out of the surplus Income and funds now In the treasury of the company. M0MMSEN IN MARBLE. Kaiser Represented at Unveiling of Statue to Great German Historian. Berlin, Nov. 2. The marble statue of Mommsen, the historian, by Adolf Rruetr, was unveiled at the Berlin university in the presence of a crowd of dignitaries. Tho kaiser was repre sented by Prince August Wilhelm. Others present included the Ameri can professors, Wheeler and Moore. The statue portrays the historian In his old days poring over a book. DIVIDE WITH THE SULTAN. Spanish Government Planning an Of fer to Settle Riff Mine Issue. Madrid, Nov. 2. The Spanish gov ernment will soon offer to conclude a treaty with Mulai Hatid, the sultan of Morocco, on the following terms: Spain to retain the present positions In the Riff territory; the Beni BuITru Mining company, about which the trouble arose, to keep 40 per cent of its profits, the sultan nnd Spain divid ing the remainder. DISPUTES WRIGHTS' PATENT. Aeronautic Society Denies That There's Anything New and Useful In It. New York, Nov. 2. The answer of the Aeronautic society to the suit brought by Orvlllc and Wilbur Wright for alleged Infringement of their aero plane patent was tiled in the clerk's office of the United States circuit court. The answer Is a general denial that the Wrights were the true and original inventors of "any new nnd useful Improvements In flying ma chines which were not known or used by others In this country before their Invention." The answer also denies that the let ter patent issued to the Wright broth ers on May 22, 1000, were lawfully is sued or that there were conferred on the patentees any right to make or sell this alleged Invention. COULDN'T HIDE HIS HAIR. Auburn Jailbird Surrenders Knowing He Was a Marked Man. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 2. Despair ing because of his flery red hair of avoiding the people who havo been searching for him since his escape from the Columbia county Jail, James Kelly of Danville returned to the Jail nnd surrendered. lie said that his auburn hair made him a marked man wherever he went, and, knowing that the police all over the state would scan each red haired man they saw as long as he was at liberty, he decided to give himself up. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call was 4 per cent; time money nnd mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices of stocks were: Amal. Copper... S5 Norf. & West... 95H Atchison 12114 Northwestern ..1S9V4 B. & 0 115 Penn. R. R. 14SS Brooklyn R. T.. 75T4 Reading 162H Ches. & Ohio.... 89 Rock Island 40 C. .C..C.& St.L.. 'iSM St. Paul 157 D. & H ISO Southern Pac...l29 Erie Si Southern Ry.... 31 Gen. Electric. ..1C1 South. Ry. pf... "0 111. Central 14S Sugar 133 Int. -Met 13 Texas Paciflc... 36 Louis. & Nash.. 151 Union Paciflc. ..201 Manhattan 112 U. S. Steel 91 Missouri Pac... 70H U. S. Steel pf.12S N. V. Central. ...136 West. Union.... 77 Market Reports. BUTTER Steady; quiet trade; receipts. 4,519 packages; creamery, specials, 32a 32c; extras, 31a31c; thirds to firsts, 20a30c; state dairy, common to finest, I5a31c; process, firsts to specials, 2Ga2Sc: western, factory, seconds to firsts, 24a25c; imitation creamery, 2Ca27c. CHEESE Firm; receipts, EGG boxes; state, new, full cream, special, lGal7,,ic; September, fancy, 16Vlc.; October, best, 15c; common to good, 12Ual5c; skims, full to specials, Gallc. EGGS Stronger on fine fresh; receipts, 7,281 cases; state, Pennsylvania and near by, hennery, white, 4Sa53c; gathered, white, 31al2c; hennery, brown and mixed, fancy, 35a40c.; gathered, brown, fair to prime, 28a35c; western, extra firsts, 30a 32c; firsts, 2Ga29c; seconds, 24a26c; re frigerator special marks, fancy, 25a2Cc; firsts, 21a25c. POTATOES Firm; Maine, per sack, 81.2Sal.85; state and western, Sl.50al.75; Long Island, $2.25a2.50; sweets, Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 60aG5c; per bbl., Jl.25al.75; southern, 75c.al.25. LIVE POULTRY-Dull; prices not set tled. DRESSED POULTRY Weaker; broil ers, nearby, fancy, squab, per pair, 40a GOc.; 3 lbs. to pair, per lb., 20a25c; west ern, dry picked, milk fed, 21c; corn fed, 17c; scalded, tfalGc; roasting chickens, nearby, fancy, 21a2Gc; western, milk fed, fancy, 19c; corn fed, fancy, 16c; mixed weight chickens, nearby, fancy, 16a22c ; western, milk fed, 16c; dry picked, corn fed, average best, 13al3c; scalded, aver age best, 13c; Michigan, scalded, average best, 14c; Ohio, scalded, average beet, 13al4c; poor, llal2c; fowls, dry packed, boxes, 48 lbs. and over to doz.. lGc; 3G to 45 lbs. to doz., 14al5c; Iced, dry picked, average best, 14c; scalded, 13c; old roost ers, Hc; spring ducks, nearby, 19a20c; western, lOallc; squabs, white, per doz., i"M 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1H 1 1 1141 Household HANDY DISH-CARRIER. Scores of Plates and Saucers Can Be Carried Easily and Safely. An article of twofold use in homes Is tho dish carrier designed by a Call fornian. In addition to being a carrier device, this also makes a good drain ing rack. Tho device consists of a frame with rows of inclined slots, somewhat resembling a window blind, and resting at an angle upon supports. It Is set on a table near where the dishes are washed, and as they are dried the plates and saucers are placed In tho openings. Or they can be placed there to drain before they are dried. When tho rack is full scores of dishes can be carried with ease and safety to tho cupboard at one trip, where otherwise a dozen journeys would be necessary. Tho effect of a stumble with this "lazy man's load" of china Is horrible to contemplate, but the Inventor is not expected to take clumsiness into consideration. Ordinarily careful people will find tho devico a time saver. To Iron Fine Clothes. When you Iron waists, one piece dresses and articles liablo to crush on the clothes rack, make a number of tubes with newspapers, tie with stout strings and slip the blouse or dress on these holders and hang them on a nail or a convenient book. Once dry, they will not crash so easily, and can be hung in the closet on these holders. Mailing tubes aro the best for the purpose, but an old magazine or two papers rolled tightly together answer tho purpose. Do not hang Ironed towels over each other, for they will not be smooth If paced while still damp. Hang men's shirts by tho lower por tion, exposing the bosom, neckband and cuffs to dry. Petticoats should be folded but once and hung up to dry around the waistband, which retains some dampness. Handkerchiefs and starched collars should bo laid upon paper or napkins near the fire to dry or in the sunshine. Home-Made Baking Powder. A culinary authority gives the fol lowing recipe for home-made baking powder: Mix together cream of tar tar, bicarbonate of soda and wheat flour In the following proportions: To every two tablespoonfuls of the cream of tartar add a tablcspoonful of soda and into every cupful of the mixture stir about a tablespoonful of wheat flour. Mix all thoroughly to gether In a tin box with a tight fitting To Pickle Cucumbers In Slices. Take three dozen cucumbers, fully grown, slice them as for the table, and lay them In a colander sprinkled thickly with salt. Slice among them four small onions, and let them drain over night. In the morning put them in a pan, and mix with them thorough ly half a cup of whole black pepper and one cup of mustard seed, then put them in a stone jar covered with vinegar. Cover the Jar tightly and keep in a cool place. Pickled Currants. This is an old Virginia recipe. One pound of brown sugar, four pounds of ripe currants, one tablespoonful of ground alsplce, two tablespoonfuls of ground cinnamon and one teacupful of good vinegar. Put all together In the kettle and boll for half an hour. Put Into the jars and seal while hot Moths in the Carpet. If mothB have attacked a carpet try putting gasoline around the edges, soaking the nap of the carpet. Also work powdered borax into the carpet wherever there is a sign of moths or under heavy pieces of furniture wh cannot easily be moved in the weekly sweeping. To Whiten Clothes. Fine linen, such as infants' clothing and pocket handkerchiefs that havo become yellow, may bo whitened by boiling in strong suds, mado of yel low soap, milk and water half milk and half water. Boll for halt an hour, wash In ordinary hot Buds, rinse In clean hot water, then in cold blue water. Gooseberry Food. Top and tall ono quart of ripe ber ries, put them in a pudding dish with ono cupful of water and place them In a slow oven until the skins burst Add enough sugar to make very sweet, rub through a coarse sieve and set aside until very cold. Just before serving stir In one pint of very rloh cream. Woman's Vocations. Though a blacksmith's work Is somewhat out of the regular order of woman's vocations, there aro a num ber of women engaged In that work in the United tSates. In a suburb of Lincoln, Neb., lives Mrs. Wilcox, who for live years was a school teacher. For some time, however, sho has been following the vocation of a blacksmith. She is said to do all branches of the work, forging iron, repairing wagons, and shoeing horses. Sho has thrco daughters who are going to school and taking music lessons nnd who also assist In the shop work. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes that nre made to thoroughly cleanse and save the teeth. They are tho kind that clean teeth without eavlng vour mouth full of bristles. We recommend those costlnsr 23 cents oi more, as we can cuarantee them and will re place, free, nny that show defects of manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARHACIST. Opp.D. & It. Station. HONESDALB, PA. Time Card In Effect Sept. 14th, 1009. SCRANT0N DIVISION a 81 Stations Pa ) 3 a 3 o I HIP HI I. HIP i zuiArn.x. ..gqac.r.T B1M. TT55 1 00Ar....cauo3i i.t 111 Oil 112 581 2 1U .TlanftnrJr ... 815 4 06 10 Mia sfiia 34J12 " -Starlight.... ' Preston Parle " ..WInwood... " -PoynteUa... M " Orson... " " Pleasant Ml. " " .. Unlondalo.. " " .Forest city. " " Crb'ndaleYd " .Carbondslo. " 8 30 8 43 its 4 J0! 10 483 4 45 s oe 10 18 10 0i lias 8 1ft 9 SI 857 El? 11 33 11 SO 840 its 3 S3 B8M ssa 8 33 9 ruhr so tf3 843 ostium f4 04 If6 Ml 9 04 410 COM 8W 10 Kll waito image Jiayneta Yd. " ...Jermyn.. ..Arr.hltlMil 41ft 8 08 4 23 81&I 8 ;io4si 4 21 aim s MI0 MI0 taio tsfio 401 4 SOI 8 50 s R m " ...Peckrule " 83 " ...OlypU&nt 89 " ..Dickson. 4 84 4 89 884 8 191 t&fiorJ 448 4 43 111 ...Tnroop . PmvlifjmM .1 8 851 10 44fl SSfil 819 1(1 IM m VvrVPItM 4M 485 8 41 81 irJii iu uil,y... bcranion ..jm 648 Ik AddMonal trains leave CarDoodUa ftc Uar. Held Yard at 6.50 a. m. dally, and 8.88 p m aSu txoopt Bnnday. Additional trains lekm Mar. - .w. in iwihwh v o 0 ut 1 1 r H I H o js Pjjn. dally except Sunday. 4. OL Ahdebsoc, J. B. Wbiob, TralDo Manager, Travettnff Agos. MBeaTirBtHewYorit. Hone ton, pa. What to Have For Tomorrow's Breakfast No family in all America will eat a better breakfast than yours tomorrow, if you have Beardsley's Shredded Codfish. Even a millionaire's table could boast nothing more delicious. Yet more than enough for five hungry people will cost you only 10 cents. So just for the sake of variety, let your folks try this fine flavored food. Let them feast on it tomorrow "fish day." We promise they'll everyone like it. TRADI cODFlS Ready in 10 Minutes Beardsley's Shredded Codfish means a breakfast prepared without bother. No bones to pick out no washing no soaking no boiling. You can have it ready to serve cooked to the Queen's taste in less than ten minutes. And please don't think there's any "fish-odor" in cooking instead, there's a tempting, savory smell a smell that will make you hungry. You'll See a Big Difference Beardsley's Shredded Codfish doesn't taste at all like other codfish foods. You'll see a vast difference the min ute you open the package. The meat In a package of this is so fine and fluffy and dainty so sweet smelling so delicious looking that you'll be tempted to eat it without waiting to cook it We use none but fat, plump fish the finest that come out of the deep. We pay the top price to get them. THE PACKAGE WITH THE RED BAND Lined with wax-paper. Mo pre.erva tlre whatTer,STe (be pnreit and f Ineit m-muu aiw puiud in tin ud tlua. Sonu of Our Othar Acma Sliced Bacon; Aetna Sliced Dried r j MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works I 1036 MAIN ST. I HONESDALE, PA. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER. You will make money by having me. bell phone 9-u Bethany, Pa. Cod of fair quality can be bought for half what we pay for ours. And we take only the choicest part of each fish the sweetest, most deli cately flavored meat Instead of Eggs or Meat Your folks will find this Shredded Codfish a welcome change from eggs or meat It is more nourishing and strength ening than either. It contains 22 per cent protein. Sirloin steak only 17 per cent Eggs only 12 percent And see what you save by serving it A package of this plenty for five costs only 10 cents. Eggs or meat for five costs three or four times as much. After one breakfast or lunch of this delicious food, your people will want it at least once a week. In New York, where most people know how good our Shredded Codfish is, it is served about that often in nearly every home. There are so many tempting ways to prepare it, that noone ever tires of it Get a Package Today Order a package of this Shredded Codfish today please make sure you get Beardsley's the package with the red band. There is other Codfish in packages. But Beardsley's is the only Shredded Codfish. No other kind will taste half so delicious. Free Book of Recipes Ask your grocer for our free book of recipes directions for dozensof tempt ing new dishes. Or write us we'll 6end you the recipe book also a gen erous sample of our Shredded Codfish. J. W. Beardsley's Sons 474-478 Greenwich St, New York Pura Food Pmrlurtu Beef: Star Brand Boneless Herring. jM Tested I Glasses I Fitted Ik O, G. WEAVER, H GRADUA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers