The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 29, 1909, Image 2

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Life of Ease For 28-Ycar-Old Trick
Circus Horse.
New York can boast or many pam
pered pets, but down at Garden City
there is one living In luxurious ease,
the guest for life of a big hotel, with
a Japanese valet to o.are for him,
oven though he has not registered
Blnco his arrival.
This is Tom. the first trick pony
of the now extinct Barnum & Bailey
Circus, which at the uae of twenty
eight years Is living as the guest ot
the Garden City Hotel, pensioned for
life by Robert Stlckney.
The aged pony, according to Brook
lyn Life, has not only n sumptuous
box stall but a Japanese valet as well,
who dally lends the uniintl out for its
exercise, during which It is the re
cipient of gifts and attention from
a large circle of boy and girl friends.
While advanced years have brought
stiffness, the pony still attempts a
few of Its old time tricks.
Cipher Dispatches.
The result of the Presidential elec
tion of 1876 was long In doubt, and
depended upon the electoral votes of
four States South Carolina, Florida,
Louisiana and Oregon. This entire
number was needed by Mr. Hayes, the
Republican candidate, while only one
vote was necessary to secure the elec
tion of Mr. Tllden. the Democratic
candidate. While awaiting the result,
many dispatches la cipher passed be
tween Tildon and his friends relative
to the States in dispute. They were
translated and printed by a New York
newspaper in 1877. and suggested at
tempted bribery. The charges were
investigated by a committee of Con
gress, which declared that Mr. Tllden
v".s not implicated in the affair. On
October IS, 1878, Mr. Tllden published
a card in which he publicly disclaimed
knowledge of the dispatches.
Blanks In the Matrimonial Lottery.
"Cooking." said May Irwin, "Is a
cure for nervous prostration. This
euro is cheaper than a European trip.
It commends Itself better to husbands,
"For my part I like the kind of
Woman who proferB the cooking to
the travel cure. Deliver me from the
kind of woman who is too big for her
"Up near Irwin Island l know one
ot these objectionable women. Her
husband was going fishing the other
day. He said bitterly:
" 'My fishing trousars haven't a
single button on them!'
"'How fortunate," laid his wife.
Now If you're drowned it will be so
easy to identify your body, won't It,
"'No,' the husband roared. 'For
all the other chaps in the crowd are
married, too!"'
Oysters In Neck of Bottle.
Thomas A. Barrett, of Pine street,
has a curiosity in the form of an oys
ter shell which grew Inside the neck
of a broken bottle, the latter remain
ing around the centre of the shell,
which accommodated Itself to the un
usual shape, while the ends continued
to grow, fan shaped. He came upon
it about six inches under the surface
of the sand while clamming, the oys
ter being alive at the time. The thin
side of the shell has since been
broken off, leaving the thick side in
its original shape. The glass which
forms the band around it was appar
ently the neck of a pint flask. Inside
of which the oyster grew perfectly
round, the shell pressing so closely to
the glass that It Is immovable. Prov
idence Journal.
The "Black Rice."
It Is difficult to estimate how many
of the Chinese have acquired the use
of opium. Various estimates, accord
ing to E. W. Thwlng, secretary of the
International Reform Bureau, claim
that a moderate figure would be be
tween 10 and 20 per cent, of the malo
population for 2 1-2 to 5 per cent, of
the total population. It is said that
in some places 80 per cent, of the
adult males use opium, and at least
one-tenth of the women. Before the
present anti-opium campaign begun
there were over a thousand registered
opium dons in the city of Koo Chow
alone. The Chinese often call opium
the "black rice."
Republicans Told of Danger 01
Ing election. Next year we must elect
Governor Stuart's successor and othei
state ofllclals, a new legislature that
will elect Senator Oliver's successor,
and a congressional delegation. A re
duced majority in November would
not only bo a backward step; It would
encourage tho Democracy and inspire
it with hope ot success in 1910.
"Tho Republican party in Pennsyl
vania has never been in better con
dition than it is today. But, as'l have
said, it is necessary that every Re
publican do his duty on Nov. 2."
What She Did with the Scum.
rate clerk in tho Sarta Fo gen
eral offices in Topeka. Kan., recently
bru-ight a brldo from oan Francisco.
SI.- had never kept house and knew
ln.t llttlo about things in the kitchen.
A mw mornings ago she got after the
"What is the matter of your milk?"
said sho with great vehemence.
"I don't know," ho replied. "What
di you find wrong with It?"
"Well," said she, "every morning
it is covered with a naaty slimy, .vol
low scum."
"And what do you do with the
s -n?"
"Why, I skim it off, of course, and
throw it in tho garbage."
Doubtful Devotion.
A certain small boy who lives in a
historic town along the Hudson, views
the Decoration Day doings there with
mingled emotions. When the profes
sions of school children go to iho
cemetery with their wreaths and gar
lands ho has been known to weep
with chagrin because his family
boasts no grave of "their very own"
to trim. Last year he reserved his
tears till bedtime, when he sniffed
back the threatened flood to kiss his
mother good-night. "Never mind, ma
ma," he sobbed on her shoulder, 'I'll
rwait as patiently as I can. I'd ntver
put flowers on yours and dnddy's
feraves, anyway, than on any ono
Seeking Complimentary Votes Foi
Nominee For Supreme Bench ano
Banking Upon a Small Poll by Ma
Jority Party.
Special Correspondence.
Philadelphia. Oct. 2G.
Colonel Wesley R. Andrews, chair
man of the Republican state commit
tee, today sounded a note of warning
to tho Republicans of Pennsylvania.
Ho made it clear that he expects
every Republican voter in this state
to do his duty on Nov. 2.
With election day only about one
week off tho state chairman Insists
that there must he a lining up of the
Republican forces In every county If
the Republican ticket is to be elected,
as it ought to be, by an overwhelming
majority. Since early In September
Chairman Andrews, from tho head
quarters of the Republican state com
mittee in this city, ha been directing
an aggressive campaign. Not that the
Republican ticket is In danger; it is
not. But many Republicans of Penn
sylvania frequently tnko Republican
success for granted and make no espe
cial effort to go to the polls.
It was this danger of over-confidence
that Colonel Andrews had In mind to
day. "Pennsylvania Is the banner Repub
lican state; we have the votes, and to
poll the right kind of majority It Is
only necessary for the voters to cast
their ballots," said the chairman.
".Many Republicans In an off-year like
this, when there Is no particular ex
citement, proceed upon tho theory that
the rest of tho party will vote and thus
Insure the election of tho ticket. Now
it Is an aclom of warfare that an
army must constantly be on guard. I
want to warn Iho Republicans of this
state against the 'last card' In politics.
They should see that Democratic ef
fort does not threaten Republican suc
cess. "Tho Republican party has a splen
did ticket. A better one has never
been offered tho people of Pennsylva
nia. A. E. Slsson and J. A. Stober are
able and experienced men; they have
records that commend them to the
people, and they are public spirited
citizens. They will contribute their
full share to a continuance of good
government in this commonwealth.
The Judicial Canvass.
"Judge Robert von Moschzlskor will
make a groat supreme court justice.
He has a splendid record as a com
mon pleas pudge; he is known to the
lawyers of the . state as one of the
ablest members of tho Pennsylvania
bar, and he has the confidence of all
of the people. Not a syllable has
been uttered against him since his
nomination. His qualifications for the
supreme bench are conceded by every
body. Ho ought to bo elected by a
tremendous majority. His Democratic
opponent, Mr. Munson, Is presenting
this state with a spectacle It has never
before witnessed. He Is the only can
didate for a high judicial office, who,
in his eagerness for election, has so
far overlooked tho proprieties as to
make a personal and compromising
campaign for votes. Ho Is now on a
campaign tour, meeting the voters and
making what are nothing more nor
loss than ordinary stump speeches. In
Willlamsport he maintains a large lit
erary bureau, which has sent out
thousands of documents and letters,
in which he asks the voters to sup
port him as a non-partisan candidate.
He has adopted the endless chain sys
tem of letter writing and by this
means hopes to reach every voter In
tho state.
The old-fashioned Idea that judi
cial office should seek tho man and not
the man seek tho office manifestly has
no place In the Democratic candidate's
plan of politics. I do not bollovo many
Republicans will entertain for a mo
ment tho proposition that they vote I
for a Democratic candidate for the su-
preme court.
"Mr. Munson's conduct In tho cam
paign Illustrates his conception of tho
dignity of the highest judicial tribunal
in this commonwealth. Judge von
Moschzlsker has taken no part what
ever In tho campaign. He has asked
no ono to voto for him. Ho will take
his scat on the supremo bench with
out having violated Its sacred tradi
tions. National and State Issues.
"As I have repeatedly said, the
elections in Pennsylvania this year aro
of national importance. A failure of
the Republicans of tho Keystone Stato
to score a handsome majority would
be accepted by tho low tariff revision
ists of tho middle west as evidence
that our people aro not particularly In
terested In tho protective system.
"A reduced majority will furnish an
Impetus to agitation for a lowering of
tho tariff rates. Pennsylvania is sat
isfied with tho new tariff law because
It is bringing prosperity. It should be
the first state to record its indorse
ment of that legislation.
"Thor.e Is another and very sound
reason why the Republicans of the
Keystone State should poll an unpre
cedented off-year majority at the com-
Democratic Aspirant For Su
preme Bench Condemned.
Interesting Plan Being Tried by a
Mercantile Concern.
A large mercantile company, which
has branches in nine of our cities, has
put Into effect an employo'a old age
pension system, which Is an interest
ing experiment. To this the employes
themselves contribute nothing, but all
are ellglblo at sixty years ot age If
they have served tho company for 20
years. Provision, too, is made for
those who, at any age, are incapaci
tated for work after 20 years of ser
vice. Tho amount of a pension is
based upon the salary of an employe.
The salary llgured on is the aver-
ago salary during the live years pte-
cedlng retirement, and tho pension
amounts to one per cent, of this, mul
tiplied by the number of years of scr-
Ice. Thus, a man whoso salary is
$2,000 a year, upon retiring after 25
years' service, will receive a pension
of $500. Tho smallest pension paid Is
300, the largest ?1,000; so that the
system strongly favors those who
have received small or moderate sal
aries and who, unable to save as they
have gone along, have looked forward
to old ngo with consternation.
World's Work.
Unprecedented and Undignified Course
of Candidate For Highest Court In
the Commonwealth Severely Criti
cised. Special Correspondence.
Harrlsburg, Oct. 26.
Tho visit here last week ot C. La
Rue Munson, the Democratic nominee
for tho supreme bench, on his cam
paigning tour or tho stato, gave mem
bers of the bar and others an oppor
tunity of verifying the reports regard
ing Mr. Munson's political methods and
his utter disregard of tho proprieties
and complete lack of appreciation of
the dignity of tho office to which he
No candidate for ward constable
could do moro than has been dally ex
hibited by this aspirant for a seat In
the highest court of the common
wealth. Upon his visit here Mr. Munson
made his headquarters at one of the
hotels. He evidently expected a num
ber of tho Republican members of the
bar to at least call upon him. but In
this he was sorely disappointed. His
coming had been heralded In advance
nnd every effort possible was made by
Democratic politicians who aro engi
neering the canvass for Mr. Munson to
persuade Republican members of the
legal profession to "pay their respects"
to the gentleman from Willlamsport.
Republicans Wideawake.
But Republicans were not caught
napping. They did not give the Demo
cratic candidate an opportunity to ex
ploit his "non-partisan" campaign
game, and they left him alone with his
Democratic contingent, which was but
a corporal's guard.
An enormous sum of money Is being
spent to promote Mr. Munson's candi
Whore It Is coming from Republi
cans can only surmise.
The fact that Mr. Munson has among
his clients a number of powerful cor
porations has been accentuated since
he started out on his hunt for votes,
and tho mails have been flooded with
tons of expensive campaign Uteraturo
exploiting hl3 candidacy and attacking
his Republican opponent.
Misleading post cards give a map of
Pennsylvania, so marked as to create
the Impression that tho incumbents on
tho supreme bench come from but a
small section of tho state, have been
circulated by the thousands. If upon
these very maps lines are drawn from
north to south It will be shown that
the state will be blocked off so that
every section will have a representa
tive on the supremo court.
Cheap Game to Catch Votes.
Justices of the supreme court are
not representatives of counties or dls
trlcts. Each justice represents tho
whole state, and local lines havo noth
Ing to do with it.
It would be just as reasonable and
just as correct to argue that a mucl
larger portion of the commonwealth
has no representation In the executive
branch of tho state government. There
Is but ono governor, and of necesslt
he resides In ono of tho slxty-nlno
counties. Shall it then bo argued that
tho other sixty-nlglit counties have no
representation In the office of tho gov
emor? The friends of Mr. Munson
ought to call in those campaign docu
ments. They may do him harm by giv
Inc tho Impression that ho Is makln
his canvars on the platform tf local
repreesntation In the supreme court
This would bo both illegal and lllog
But nttempts to catch votes by such
tactics simply emphnslzos tho undlgu
fled and puerile character of the can
vass being made by Mr. Munson and
his political associates.
In tho selection of men for tho su
premo bench geographical consldor
atlons are of minor momont.
Men of judicial temperament, of
knowledge of the law, of known char
acter and Integrity and of keen appre
elation of the dignity of tho high of
fice and of Its grave and serious re
sponslblltles aro wanted by tho peo
ple Judge Robert von Moschzlsker, the
Republican nominee, is Just such a
As a loyal and patriotic citizen, as
an able lawyer and as a tried and ca
pable Judge, ho has shown his fitness
for tho honorable position for which
he has been named.
His attitude in absolutely holding
aloof from the political campaign has
been the subject of favorable comment
upon every hand, when contrasted
with the political campaigning of his
Few Women Vote Who Have Right.
There are 005,906 women In Eng
land and Wales qualified to vote for
members of county councils; 2G5.8G2
women to 4Vote for county borough
councils, and 137,324 women are quali
fied to vote for non-county borough
councils These totals have just been
completed and they are being used as
an argument against the suffragists.
Thoy provide a strong argument, too,
for the women who exerclso their
franchise privilege form only a trifling
fraction of tho total. These qualified
oters show the Indifference which It
Is charged the average woman woa'.d
how were she to have an unresisted
ballot. There are many boroughs in
England in which the women might
wield tho balance of power, but they
exert no influence as they do not go
to the polls. This is the first time
the noses of the women voters in Eng
land have been counted, and the com
pleted lists, contrasted with the scat
tering votes nctually cast, mean one
of the hardest blows the suffragist
cause has received since it became a
live issue several years ago.
May Soon Breathe Again.
We are living In an era of expan
sion in more ways than one. For in
stance, now, from some indefinite
source (you never can tell where to
lay the blame, or eke tho credit for
such things), comes the news that
the dlrectoiro gown is to yield even
the scant space It occupies, and to
pass from sight to memory. In .ts
place our sidewalks and street car
seats aro to bo crowded with more
voluminous skirts. The inhabitants
of these costumes, freed from fash-
Ion's policy of repression, will like
wise expand to more normal condl
Hons nnd comfortable sighs. Indian
apolis News.
Tuberculous Children.
In tho cities of New York and Boston
there are, according to special com
missions which recently Investigated
the subject, over 30,000 children In
theso two cities alone that have tu
berculosis. On the basis of these and
other investigations it is estimated by
certain authorities that there are
nearly 1,000,000 school children in the
United States to-day who will prob
ably die of tuberculosis before they
havo reached tho age of IS. This
would mean that the public is paying
annually about $7,500,000 for tho edu
cation of children who will die before
thoy reach tho age of IS.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and 'which has boon i
In nso for over 80 years, has homo tho Bignatnro of '
. - and haa been mado under his por-
Sv jCt777s Sonal supervision Blnco its Infancy.
uzsyji 4CtCAM Allow no ono to dccolvo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro bufc
Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
'gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fcvcrislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Prlcnd.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
W. 15. HOLMES, President.
A. T. SKAKLK, Vice 1'iies.
II. S. SALMON, Casiiiek
W. J. WAltD, Ass't Cashier
We want you to understand tho reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
nf this Bank.
355,00). 00
A Doubtful Compliment.
"Ma wants two pounds of butter ex
actly like what you sent us last. If It
ain't exactly like thot sho won't take
It," said the small hoy.
The grocer turned to his numerous
customers and remarked blandly:
"Some people In my business don't
like particular customers, but I do.
It's my delight to serve them what
they want. I will attend to you in a
moment, llttlo boy."
"Be sure to get the same kind," said
the boy. "A lot of pa's relations is
visiting at our house and inn doesn't'
want 'em to comn again." --Tit-Illts.
EVERY DOLLAR of which must be ost before any dopositor can lose a PENNY.
It has conducted a growing nnd successful business for over i$5 years, serving
an increasing number of customers with iidcelity and satisfaction.
Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS.
All of these things, coupled with conservative management, insured
by the CAKKFUL l'KltSONAL ATTENTION constantly Riven the
names iuinirs nyn noiaoiyame isouru 01 Directors assures tne patrons
ot that SUI'IIEMK SAFETY which Is the .prime essential of a good
Total Assets,
V. 1!. HOI,MI
A. T. SHAH r.E,
v. i kimblk
Law of Attraction.
Tho attractions of men to women
and women to men aro full of tho
most perplexing inconsistencies and
contradictions imaginable. It is, for
instance a physical law that magne
tism is not simple attraction of ono
thing for another, but tho dlfferonco
of two opposing forces of attraction
and repulsion, of which the former is
tho greater. The samo law holds in
relation to tho attract Ion of men and
women for each other, in which, as a
rule, tho masculine is tho superior
force. T. P.'s Weekly. London.
TEN CENTS SAVED every day will, in fifty years,
grow to $0,504.
TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years
amount to $19,006.
Tho way to accumulate money is to save small sums system
atically and with regularity.
At .'(per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in 23
years and HH days.
At 0 pur cent, money doubles itself in 11 years and 1127
If you would save 50 cents a day, in 50 years you would have
If von would save $1.00 a day, at, the end of 50 years you
would havo $95,042.
Makes a Living, as Pawning Agent.
A woman who appeared in a Lon
don police court tho other day was de
scribed as a "pawning agent." She
makes her living by pawning things
for her neighbors, who pay her a com
mission becnuso thoy believe sho can
securo larger loans than they could.
Good Knowledge for Divers.
As part of tho education of tho Eng
lish naval divers, tho beginners aro
taught how to save themselves, should
thoy become exhausted, by allowing
their suits to fill with air and shoot
ing rapidly upward to the surface,
;where they aro dragged into tho boat
by the attendants.
Begin NOW n
Savings Account
at the
Honesdale Dime
Mouoy lirmad to all Wayne cnunto ms furnish
hr; ).l security. Notes discounted. First
in iru won ro il estate taken, Safest and cheap
est way to send mouoy to forolsn countries Is by
drafts, to be had at this bank. (Dm
Bearing Another's Burden.
"I never knew any man In my 11 fo
who could not bear another's misfor
tunes perfectly like a Christian
Pone. . . .
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensivo construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the servico and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other servico without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building.