The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 27, 1909, Image 1

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    if p ip if if $c r jc it jr ic r ic tc
Semi-Weekly Founded
k 1908 3
fc Weekly Founded, 1844
Wayne County Organ
J6 of the
J J 0 J . J & Jt & jt Jl J6
66th YEAB.
NO. 87
Tombs Prisoner Must Testi
fy at Ice Trust Trial.
deputy Attorney General Says Con
vioted Magnate Used the Com
pany's Officers as His Dum
mies and Puppets.
New York, Oct. 20. When the trial
of the American Ice company on
charges of creating a mouopoly in the
ice business In violation of the Don-
nolly antitrust law was continued be
fore Justleo Wheeler in the criminal
branch of the supreme court the prose
cution began a line of questioning In
tended to show the relation which
Charles W. Morso held to the compa
ny at its beginning.
Tho questions concerning Morso
were led" up to by the Introduction In
evidence of many bills of sale of inde
pendent companies to the American
Ice company. One of these dated Dec.
24, 1S1)8, recorded the delivery by
Charles W. Morse and William II.
Gcishcncn of several New York city
Jce companies to tho corporation. The
price was $5"0000. The customers
who had formerly bought ice of these
independent ice companies numbered
about 2,000.
Another transaction involved a doz
en independents in New York whose
property was valued at $2,775,000.
These companies supplied 10,000 cus
tomers. These latter sales were re
corded as having been made by 1. O.
Blake, by the Crystal Ice company and
by that concern, which the prosecution
maintains was an agent of the Ameri
can Ice company, to the latter com
pany. A. C. Sprague, tho clerk of the
Knickerbocker Steam Towing compa
ny of Bath, Me., to whom $15,000,000
was given for some purpose unrevenl
ed in the books of the American Ice
company, came in for a share of atten
tion. Sprague is dead, and tho minutes of
the meeting nfthjjJ)o.iir1-j?f..dIrectnrs
at which" the' transaction was consid
ered have been lost. Mr. Osborne in
troduced in evidence documents which
showed that Sprague purchased many
properties and turned theni over to the
American Ice company.
John R. Bennett, secretary of the
ice company, was asked, "Is It not n
fact that with your knowledge and
approval Charles W. Morse took
charge of the assets of the American
Ice company?"
Mr. Bennett replied that in view of
the large Held of the American Ice
company's business he couldn't nn
swer accurately. lie was asked If
Morse hadn't taken under his control
a part of the corporation's assets. Mr.
Bennett said that lie couldn't answer
in the absence of the records, which
are lost.
In reply to Mr. Stauchflcld's renew
ed objection Deputy Attorney General
Osborne said: "I intend to show that
Morse was the intellect and brains be
hind the corporation and that he used
others as dummies and puppies. It is
not material that his name was not
recorded in the minutes of the cor-,
poratiou. If we can prove that ho
performed all the executive acts, then
any statement or act of his is ma
terial. "I can prove that Morse attended
every meeting of tho board of direc
tors and performed substantially all
tho acts of president or general man
ager. Morse told them what to do
and they did what ho told them."
Morse will bo called to testify to
morrow, and the deputy attorney gen
eral says ho will have to testify as to
the acts hidden by the theft of the
company's minute books.
Shoots Himself In Vault After Hand
ing Depositor Some Money.
Flushing, N. Y., Oct. 20.-Henry C.
Carpenter, cashier of the Queens
County Savings bank here, went into
tho bank vault and, placing tho muz
zle of n revolver in his mouth, fired a
shot into his brain and dropped dead.
He had just previously handed over a
large sum to a woman depositor.
Both the bank officials and the fam
ily of the dead man were unable to
ascribe a motive for the deed. Ac
cording to President Franklin, the
state bank examiner two weeks ago
found tho affairs of the Institution In
a flourishing condition and everything
correct. The bank's deposits amount
to $2,200,000, and the surplus Is $150,
000. President Franklin said that the
cashier's accounts were correct.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair; warmer; moderate variable
Asks $100,000 Damages For Alleged
Libel In Brisbane Article.
Now York, Oct. 20. William J. Gay
nor, Democratic candidate for mayor,
has begun suit against the Now York
World for $100,000 damages for alleged
The complaint Is based on an article
written by Arthur Brisbane, In which
the writer describes the proceedings
involving the appointment by Judge
Morschauser of Poughkcepslc of Ru
dolph Block ns an aqueduct commis
sioner. Block was then under contract
as an editor to William Randolph
He Talked With King Victor Emman
uel on the Balkan Question.
Racconlgl, Oct. 2(1. The czar has
left here on his hoinoward journey,
and a semlotllclal communique is giv
en out by M. Isvolsks. Russian min
ister of foreign affairs, and Slgnor
Tlttonl, tho Italian foreign minister, as
to his meeting with King Victor Em
manuel. It was enlled forth by specu
lation as to the object of the czar's
visit and Its effect on the affairs of
Thu communique snys the meeting
of Emperor Nicholas and King Victor
Emmanuel was marked by great cor
diality. This was shown particular
ly by the toasts at tho banquet, which
emphasized not only the personal sen
timents uniting tho sovereigns, but
also the complete Identity of tho Inter
ests and views of tho two govern
ments. The Interviews between Isvolsky
and Tlttonl, the communique says, re
lated particularly to the Balkan ques
tion. It was shown that in this mat
ter the Russian and Italian govern
ments have tho same objects namely,
the strengthening of the present status
quo in Turkey nnd tho independence
and normal pacific development of the
Balkan states.
Tho understanding therefore, It Is
added, cannot provoke any mistrust
whatever nnd will certainly be wel
comed by all the powers as a strong
factor In the preservation of peace.
Market Reports.
BUTTER Steady to firm; receipts, G.027
packages; creamery, specials, 32a32v4c.;
extras, SlaSl'fcc; thirds to firsts, 2GVa30c;
state dairy, common to finest, !Sa31c:
process, firsts to specials, 2Ca2Sc; west
ern, factory, seconds to llrsts, 21a2Jc. ; lm
ltntlon creamery, 2Ca27c.
CHEESE Firm; receipts, 1,433 boxes;
state, new, full cream, special, IG'iaU'ic.;
September, fancy, lGlic ; October, best,
laYic; common to good, isualS'ic. ; slums,
full to specials, Gal4c.
POTATOES Steady; Maine, per sack,
$1.25al,75; state and western, t.50al.75;
Jersey, jl.E0al.87; sweets, Jersey, No. 1,
per basket, COaSOc; southern, per bbl
EGGS Strong; receipts, 7,709 cases;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery,
white. 42a4Gc: gathered, white, 2Sa40c,
hennery, brown and mixed, fancy, 34aS7c;
gathered, brown, fair to prime, 2Sa32c.j
western, extra firsts, 28a29',c;; firsts, 2Ga
2714c.: seconds, 24aI5i4c.;- refrigerator ape
clal marks, fancy, 25V4a2Gc; firsts, 24&a
LIVE POULTRY Weak; prices unset-
t ed.
DRESSED POULTRY Weak; broilers,
nearby, fancy, squab, per pair, 4OaG0c:
3 lbs. to pair, per lb., 20a25c; western, dry
picked, milk led, ac; corn iea, no,;
scalded, 15al6c; roasting chickens, near
by, fancy, 21a26c; western, milk fed, fan
cy, 19c; corn red, fancy, ioc; mixea
weight chickens, nearby, fan' y, 16a22c.:
western, milk- fed, 16c; wrjtern, dry
picked, corn lea, average pes1, lavtaiic:
scalded, average best, 13al4c; Michigan,
scalded, average best, 14V4c; Ohio scald
ed, average best. 14al4V&c: poor, llaizc.;
fowls, dry picked, boxes, 48 lbs. and over
to doz., lGVlc; 30 to 45 lbs. to doz., 14a
loHc: iced, dry picked, average test, jac;
scalded, average best, 14c; old roosters,
lie; spring ducks, nearby, 19a20c; west
ern, 10al4c.; squabs, white, per doz., 12.26a
PIGS Country dressed pigs, 10al2c.
New York's Mayor and Tammany
Leader Murphy Among Mourners.
Now York, Oct. 2G. The funeral to
day of State Senator Patrick H. Mc
Carren was the biggest and most Im
pressive ever seen here. So grent was
the tltrong that '!00 policemen, mount
ed and on foot, were required to keep
tho crowd from blocking the streets
near the1 homo of tho senator's mother
in Bergen street and at tho Church of
St. Vincent do Paul.
Leader Charles P. Murphy nnd for
mer Justice William J. Gaynor were
among the mourners, and the pall
bearers Included Mayor McClollan,
Comptroller Metz, City Chamberlain
James J. Martin, Senator Thomas P.
Grady, Senator John Raines, former
Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Supreme Court
Justices Almet P. Jenks nnd Luke D.
Stnpleton, Anthony N. Brady and for
mer Senntor William II. Reynolds.
In tho funeral procession were dele
gations from the New York state legis
lature, Kings county Democratic gen
eral committee, Tannnnny Hall gen
eral committee, Seymour club, Benev
olent Order of Elks, Prntemal Order
of Eagles, Knights of Columbus nnd
Poresters of America.
The Rev. Thomas E. Carroll, pastor
of the church, was tho celebrant of
the requiem mass; tho Rev. John T.
Woods, deacon; the Rev. Prancls Lu
deke, subdeacon, and tho Rev. John
Pl.vnn. master of ceremonies. The
Rev. Edward McCarty of St. Angus
tine's church delivered the eulogy.
$75,000 FOR BIG FIGHT.
James J. Jeffries Receives Offer From
Club Vi San Francisco.
Now York, Oct. 20. Sid Hester, a
San Fruncbeo light promoter, has
made a bid for the proposed Joffries
.Tchnson battle that will receive seri
ous attention. Hester, who runs the
Mission Athletic club in the earth
quake city, telegraphed Jeffries that
ho would hang up a guaranteed purse
of $75,000, or the men could take 70
per cent of tho gross receipts, also 50
per cent of tho moving picture privi
lege for n bout of from twenty to n
hundred rounds.
Hester also stated that the pugilists .
could select tho date and that he
would post $25,000 tho day articles are
signed, the balance, $50,000, to be
posted one month before the battle. !., ,. . . , , ,. ,
,,,, tii i.i . i ... il Prom photo taken before he shaved off
Uion Jeffries read tho telegram he. hls nluatache wnen arrcst wns lmml.
said: , -J ncnt.
"The Mission club is one of the most ,
substantial in the country, nnd any-
thing Hester says he'll do can be re-1 aide's death
lied upon. At present It is simply a Vlnay 'he "broke down, nnd tho con
question of getting Johnson to sign fosson to pom. from nls trera.
articles. Then we can consider the i.ii,,., ina ,..i,nn .. iUl -wppHvos
New Jersey Primary Officers Accused
of Ballot Box Stuffing.
Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 20 The first
of a batch of primary election officers
Indicted by the Hudson county grand
jury for consi iracy in connection with
illeged ballot box stuffing frauds at
the Republican primaries on April 28,
1008, for the election of delegates to
tho state and congressional conven-'
tlons at which delegates to the na-
tional convention were chosen was
placed on trial in the court of quarter
sessions hero before County Judges
John A. Blair and Robert Carey and a
struck jury.
In opening for tho state Assistant
Prosecutor McCarthy told the story of
tho primary election with a total of
090 votes counted, nlthough a tally
kept by Now Idea watchers showed
that only -109 men had voted, and the
capture by tho opposition at tho con
clusion of tho count of the ballot box
which contained a piece of cardboard
manipulated by a string behind which
ballots were alleged to bo started.
Contractors, Architects and County
Officials Accused.
Wllkeslmrre, Pa., Oct. 20. County
Commissioners Smith, Jones nnd Mc
Avoy, Architects McCormlck and
French, Contractors Frank Carluccl
and Oresto Formlgll and Inspectors
"Michael Lynch and Charles Norris
were all hold under .$2,000 bail here
on charges of conspiracy to defraud
tho county by grafting In tho erection
of tho $2,000,000 courthouse.
Tho cases will now go before tho
grand jury, which is expected to re
turn indictments ngainst all of tho ac
cused. Accused of Looting a Bank.
Denver, Oct. 20. O. II. Boles, pres
ident of tho Bank of Sulphur Springs,
was held here on tho charge of looting
the bank of $20,000. Mr. Boles has
been in charge of the bank only a
Aurel Batonyi'a Father Dead.
Newport, R. I., Oct. 20. Aurel Ba
tonyl got word by cable of the death
In Budapest of his father, Leopold Ba
tonyl, who leaves a fortune of between
$2,000,000 and $3,000,000.
Mueller Killed Anna Luther
In Woods Near Islip.
He Told Her That, Though He Had
Married Her, He Had a Wife
Living and Must Return
Home and Leave Her.
New York, Oct. 20.-"She told mo
she loved me, nnd she kissed me. As
she put up ho face to kiss me again I
shot her dead.'-'
With these words Otto Mueller, tho
piano maker, telling how he murdered
pretty Anna Luther In tho woods near
Islip, N. Y completed the most un
emotional confession of n murder that
tho police have ever heard.
Prom tho time of his arrest In Asto
ria, whore ho lived with his wife and
two children under the name of Pred
Gebhardt, tho assassin, while admit
ting that ho committed bigamy when
uo limrriod Anna' iiUther, absolutely
aoni(Hl all knowledge of his voune
;aspcd at .he brutal enormity of tho
"I married her In February," he
said, "and toon her to Europe. Before
Wi ever got 1 was planning to
get rid of her, but I didn't mean to
kill her then.
"But she hung on so close that I
finally decided to tlx her for good. On
April 1) I took her down to Long Is-
laud, telling L.r I wanted to show her
some land I owned. Wo went to Bay
1 Shore and then walked into tho woods,
"Late In tho afternoon, when we
were in a lonely place, I told her that
1 was already married and had r. wife
and a child, whom I loved. I told her
I must go back to thorn and that I
hoped she wouldn't make nny fuss,
She began to cry, saying she loved me,
too, and jogged mo not to quit her.
.Vll this time I was getting my gun
out, and I had it behind my back
"She kept screaming and begging
and running about. Then she put up
her face and kissed inc. As she tried
to kiss mo again I shot her in the
right sldo of tho head, and sho fell
over mid died. Then I ran away, and
1 didn't worry any more about it until
; last week, when they found her skele
' ton and be:ran to look for whoever
IkkI done 11.
"I never thought it worth while to
go back and bury her, because I
thought everything was settled. I
wrote some letters to her friends iu
Newark and to her family in the old
country tolling thorn that sho was in
poor health and that I had taken her
to Florida. I knew that would keep
them qulul for awhile.
"Months went by and I heard noth
ing, and 1 quit bothering my head
with Anna. That Is ull except that I
didn't marry her for her money. I
thought I was going to caro for her.
but 1 got to longing for my other wife,'
and then I decided to got rid of her."
This astounding confession was
made to Coroner William Savage of
Suffolk county iu tho presence of Po
lice Captain Cougblau and his de
tectives. For more than an hour tho
stolid looking prisoner bad dodged and
twisted and wriggled under their In
quisition, sliding out of ono contradic
tion into another.
Finally he mentioned tho name of
Bradley. Ho thought Anna Luther
might have gone away with a man
named Bradley. Then the questioners
knew they had him, for a letter In
Mucdler's handwriting mentioning a
purely imaginary person named Brad
ley had been put in their hands by
th Onrman ronnul wonm-al tn wHv
it was sent. Coroner Savage drew tho
letter from his pocket.
At the sight of it Mueller's heavy
Jaw dropped, his pasty white face
wont a shade whiter, and ho began to
Bhiver. Tho others waited. Ho
thought a minute nnd said:
"Oh. well, what's the use, anyway?
You have me, nnd I might as well tell
it all. 1 killed her."
Heavily ironed, Mueller was taken
to tho old jail at RIverhead. The In
quest over his victim a proceeding
which may bo productive of fresh sen
sationsIs to take place this evening
at Islip.
President Starts a Four Day River
Journey With 176 Congressmen.
St. Louis, Oct. 20. President Taft
started Ills 1,200 mile trip down tho
Mississippi river to the tooting of
whistles nnd the cheers of thousands,
ffhe trip is to last four days.
Plfteen big Mississippi river steam
boats swung out behind tho little Unit
ed States lighthouse tender Oleander,
on which the president was quartered.
Included in the escort are tho vice
president of the United Stntes, two
cabinet members, twenty United Stntes
senators, four representatives of for
eign nations, the speaker of the house
of representatives, with 170 of his fel
low congressmen, nnd hundreds of
prominent business men of the middle
There will bo no racing, ns there was
when President Roosevelt went down
tho river, and any engineer who blows
his whistle more thau once will be
1 guilty of high treason.
I Some Idea of the size of this excur-
i slon may be gleaned from tho stuff
packed In tho lleot's larders. There
were 20,000 pounds of fresh ment, 2S0
dozen chickens, 1,800 turkeys, 125 gal-
1 Ions of oysters, 2,500 pounds of fish,
a80 bushels of potntoes, 1,920 dozen of i
- ....
1 CggS, 2,400 pounds Of butter, OD.OOO
, cigars and wines and liquors unesti-!
Neither Party Represented In Court.
Grounds For Action Kept Secret.
Philadelphia, Oct. 20. Mrs. Irene j
Frizolio Isman wife of Felix Isman,
the millionaire real estate operator, !
got a divorce In tho common plea
court hero. Great secrecy has beeii
maintained, and not even the ground .
for the action is positively known,
though It Is said to be "cruel nnd bar-1
barons treatment."
When the clerk called tho case olj
Isman versus Isman not only wns
neither of the parties present, but the
attornoys saw no necessity for being
on hand.
"I have nothing whatever to say ,
about the cas-," was Ismail's only ut
terance concerning It. '
Tho papers in the case being im-1
pounded, they could uot bo examined.
Judge Kinsoy read the testimony in J
chambers and decided thnt it war-1
ranted tho decree sought.
Mrs. Isman, who wns an actress bo-1
fore her marriage, a foW years ago, is
an attractive blonde.
Natives Charge Foreigners With Vio
lating a Bird Game Law.
Dover, N. J., Oct. 2C Accordlug to
game experts in this part of the state,
New Jersey's law, which permits hunt
ing all but rabbits on and after Oct.
15, is a bad law. Tho birds that are
Included in the open list are not fit foi
shooting, but ninny of the hunters
fail to draw the line and do not hesi
tate to bag them.
Tho older game birds are just
through molting at this season of the
year, and the younger ones nro not
fully enough developed. Tho hunters
who ai-o guilty of shooting rabbits bo
fore tho season opens for that game
are largely foreigners. Tho natives
claim that no game should be unpro
tected by law, while It Is possible to
shoot other game, for tho foreigners
make no distinction. They also claim
that the small number of game ward
ens makes it Impossible to detect vio
Homicidal Mania Said to Be Due to
Religious Brooding.
Millvlllo, N. J., Oct. 20. A sudden
nttack of homicidal mania brought on
by brooding over religion drove Mrs.
George Thompson to attack her hus
band hero with a curviug knife.
Before he could wrest tho weapon
from her she had inflicted serious
wounds. Tho woman was arrested.
British Firms Said to Be Interested In
a $10,000,000 Enterprise.
Ottawa, Ont, Oct. 20. Application
Is to be made to incorporate a $10,
000,000 shipbuilding plant for Halifax.
Swan & Hunter and tho "Wlgham
Richardson company, the Tyneslde
shipbuilders, will put tho enterprise
iocial Leader Seeks
f divorce John Jacob.
Wife of Multimillionaire Returns
From Europe Incognito and Brings
Separation Suit Husband
on Yachting Trip.
New York, Oct. 20. Mrs. John Jacob
Astor, the beautiful and queenly lead
er of the Pour Hundred, is suing her
distinguished husband for limited di
vorce. Tho proceedings have been conduct
ed quietly and with dispatch. The case
Is now in tho hands of tho referee, O.
II. Young, who was uppoluted by the
supremo court
Mrs. Astor returned from Europe on
Oct. 15. She traveled incognito. Mr.
Astor is now on his yacht Nourmnhol
in Cuban waters, having sailed three
days before his wife's arrival home.
Mrs. Astor did not go to her city
mansion on Plfth avenue nor to her
beautiful country scat at Rhlncbcck.
She went to the homo of her friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Guinness, and
left there to visit friends in tho coun
try. Mr. Astor's attorney in the suit is
Lewis Cass Ledyard, who is recog-
nlzed as a master in the conduct of
cases requiring tne nignest diplomacy.
r . ... i.. .. ,1 l T 1
Jiau'r i ruiucsumuu uj uuuii.
H. Cadwallader, former president of
tho New York Bar association.
Mrs. John Jacob Astor, who suc-
ceeded tho luto Mrs. William Astor oa
,'!i.T'l " '
recognized leader of New York society,
1 has won besides social triumphs of
Knglnnd and America an enviable rep
utation for her wise charities and phi
lanthropic efforts. With a linn though
gentle hand she has upheld tho stand
ards of society In accordance with her
own high ideals. Her son, William
Vincent Astor, Is uo? seventeen years
old, and her little daughter, Alice, is
A Phlladelphlan by birth, she was
Miss Alva Lowle Willing, a daughter
of Edward S. Willing and a descend
ant of the Willlngs and Bartons, who
were prominent in early American his
tory. She was married to John Jacob As
tor Feb. 17, IS'Jl. She is of excep
tional beauty. Tall, regal and willowy,
her movements are marked by unusual
grace. Her manner Is gentle and
Sho has made It a custom to spend a
part of each year abroad and has
achieved as much fame as a hostess
there as here. Her last largo alfalr in
London was in Juno of last year, when
she gave a dinner and ball, attended
by tho most distinguished personages
in England.
John Jacob Astor, tho great-grandson
of the llrst famous man of that
name, wns born nt Rhlnebcck in 1804.
j no graduated from Harvard in tho
cnss of 1888, three years before his
Appointed to the staff of Governor
Levi P. Morton with the rank of colo
nel, ho received iu 1898 the commis
sion of lieutenant colonel of United
States volunteers and served with
General Breckenrldge at Chlckamauga
park and General Shatter in the cam
paign in Cuba. At his own expense ho
organized nnd equipped a mountain
battery which served throughout the
Philippine operations. His fortune is
estimated at $85,000,000.
Gladstone's Son toRule In Africa.
London, Oct. 20. Herbert Gladstone,
secretary of state for homo affairs, has
been offered the post of governor gen
eral of United South Africa.