THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, OOTOBEIl 22, 1000. ! CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMNS ; I THE MOST RELIABLE MEDIUM FOR ! SPREADING INFORMATION ; STEENE. From one ana a quarter acres of ground Charles Dennie dug 136 bushels of potatoes, not counting the small ones, from one acre of ground. J. E. Haley dug 100 bush els which are counted two of the best crops for miles around. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spangenburg, of Carbondale, visited Saturday night and Sunday with the latter's par ents at Steene. Patrick Minor has resigned his position with the D. & H. company and accepted a position with lum berman Hollenback. Mrs. Margaret Hurd and son Warren, of Seelyvllle, are visiting friends at Carbondale. The Excelsior factory, which is being built at Prompton, is being rapidly pushed toward completion. Last Monday, the 11th, Charles Dennie and J. E. Haley dug, picked up, and delivered to the house 150 bushels of flrst-class potatoes in nine hours. Mr. Dennle's potato patch beat the record of anything In this section this season. Apples are very scarce throughout Wayne county this season. The cider mills will run less than half time. Farmers that made from ten to twenty casks last season will make from one to two this season. When taking a short cut through the woods one day last week farmer Dennie discovered two red squirrels Tery busily running backward and forward to an old hollow stump, which he found was packed full of butternuts. Getting a bag, he re lieved the little workers of about two bushels and says that he left plenty to winter the couple. LAKE COMO. F. V. Stevens or the County Forestry Association, is spending two .weeks scouting for the chestnut tree disease, "Dlnporthe Parasitica," through the mountain:! of this sec tion. This disease lias proved very disastrous to the chestnut trees throughout New York, New Jersey, Commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Delaware and seems to be spread ing all through the Eastern States entirely killing all chestnut trees through the affected area. The U. S. Forest Service and the State Ex periment stations throughout the country are doing all in their pow er to eradicate this pest which threatens to destroy the entire sup ply of chestnut timber, but as yet no way has been discovered of check ing it as it is a narasitic funeiiH which attacks the coenbium, the ! spores of the fungus entering through wounds, dead twigs, and perhaps in other ways, being under the bark it is impossible to treat it in any way. The Pennsylvania experiment station would be glad to receive reports from all sections of the State re garding the disease. Mr. Stevens and his mother are with their cousin, Charles Knapp. Miss Blair, of Scranton, is visiting her sister here. Inez Knapp, of Scranton, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. John Randall spent Sunday at Hancock. " USWICK AXI) LAKEVILLE. Several Odd Fellows from Uswlck attended the Instatllation Tuesday at Lakeville Lodge, No. 1161, I. O. O. F. After tiie installation they were joined by their families in the dining hall where luncheon was sorved by the Odd Fellows' wives. Mrs. John D. Jordens, of Uswick, is visiting friends in Brooklyn, N. Y., having gone to that city on Wednesday of last week. Mr. C. Sanders is visiting his son in Now Jersey. Burton Daniels and wife, of this place, who moved to Scranton the fore part of last week, moved back home on Friday as Mr. Daniels did not secure the position that he ex pected to get. Miss Katie Daniels is now spend ing some time at Stroudsburg, Pa. John Craun and another man from Adelia, were at Uswick hunt ing on Saturday. They made a brief call at Olmsted's enroute to David Degroat's. Mr. Israel Crane, who has been visiting relatives at Uswick, return ed to his home at Franklin Furnace, N. J., on Thursday of last week. At the Lakeville Lodge, No. 1161, I. O. O. F on Tuesday evening, Oct 19, 1909, ofllcers were Installed by D. D. G. M. Henry Martin, assisted by G. M., George Smith, G. W Frank Chapman, G. S., Peter Os borne of the Ampbltlclan Lodge of Salem, Pa., G. S., Frank R. Olmsted, of Vandermark Lodge, No. 828, Mllford, Pa., Noble Grand, Oscar Alpha; Vice Grand, Geo. A. Goble; Recording Secretary, C. W. Pennell; Financial Secretary, Alfred Locklln; Treasurer, S. R. Crane; Representa tive to Grand Lodge, Frank B. Pen nell. ORSON. Mrs. Jesse Temperton and son, who have been spending the past few weeks at the homo of S H. Leo, will . leave soon for Philadelphia where the family expect to reside hereaf ter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harlow and fam ily; expect to spend the winter in Atlanta, Ga. They will leave Orson on Thursday of this week.. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Evans and lit tle son, Spencer, who spent a few days recently at the home of Mrs. Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Hall, have returned to their homo in Edwardsvllle. Frank and Gainey Belknap visited at the home of their mother here during the past week. Miss Ethel Grlffln is still confined to her bed, having been ill for some time. The young people of the Epworth League expect to give a lecture course during the fall and winter. The first of the course was given last Thursday night when Rev. C. H. Brandt of Wllkes-Barre, Super intendent of the county Temperance League, gave an earnest plea in be half of the cause he represented. The night was stormy but notwith standing all that, there was a good sum realized from the sale of tick ets. Jay Walling and family of Deposit are again residents of the town, having moved here during the past week. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, October 3, and left a son to brighten their home. BETHANY. The wedding of Ethel Bodio and Clark Kimble, of Dyberry, took place Thursday at noon at the pleasant home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bodle. Abaut fifty guests were assembled to witness the ceremony which was performed by Rev. W. B. Signor of Bethany M. E. church. As the bride and groom unattended came down the stairway and entered the room the wedding march from Lohengrin was played on the piano by Miss Ella Gammell and during the ceremony, "Hearts and Flowers." After congratula tions all sat down to an elaborate dinner. The bride looked charming in '. gown of raisin messaline. Her going away costume being a green coat, suit with black picture hat. Mr. and Airs. Kimble took the after noon train for a short wedding trip and on their return will reside with the bride's parents for the winter. There was a varied assortment of presents which will contribute to their personal comfort and home adornment. William Hacker is visiting in Car bondale. Apple picking and cider making are in progress. Russell Gammell spent last week in Seattle attending the exposition going there from Alberta Province, Canada. Helen Manning entertained her girl friends Saturday afternoon for supper. Covers were laid for four teen. Henry Lavo returned Monday to visit his brother, Mortimer Lavo. About seven little friends of Helen Bodie helped her celebrate her third birthday Saturday after noon at her home from four to six. They were Mildred and Hazel Avery, Olga Berg, Charlotte Blake, Lillian Violet and Hilda Smith and all had a most enjoyable time. Mrs. I. J. Many is spending the week in Tyler Hill with her son, Dr. Harry Many, and family. Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Starnes spent the first part of the week In Carbon dale with their son, Walter Starnes, and family. Vinning Cody was called to Honesdale Tuesday to care for Mrs. Seth Powell. Mrs. Thomas L. Fortnam return ed to her home in Tyler Hill on Fri day, after a pleasant visit with her friend, Mrs. James Johns. Mrs. Emerson W. Gammell re ceived a telegram Monday evening from her brother, Frank Brooks, of Chicago, announcing the sudden death at noon that day of another brother, Howard A. Brooks. Ho was the youngest son of the late Major and Eliza Brooks, and Is sur vived by two brother, Frank and Charles, In Chicago, and two sisters, Mrs. Asa Kimble and Mrs. E. W Gammell. His wife and daughter died several years ago. KELLAM. Most of the farmers In this vi cinity are anxious for a few days of rainy weather. A great many springs and wells have failed and all streams are very low. Most crops are below normal and the corn, apple and potato crops are far short of the average yearly crop. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Many, of Blnghamton, spent Sunday at the home of the latter's father, Nicholas Kelly. R. J. Stalker returned from Wash ington last Saturday for a short stay with relatives here. Mr. Allen and bride recently vlBlted his brother and sister at this place. Emma Stalker returned last Thursday having spent three weeks at Penn Yan, N. Y. She was accompanied by Lizzie Gregg of Abramsvllle. Mrs. Warner Adams and two lit tle daughters of Port Jervls, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary White. We are very glad to know she has bo far recovered as to be able to take the trip as she under went a very serious operation about four weeks ago and has been sick since Aug. 1st. The people here have been unable to know who to employ to look af ter their interest in the Knapp Bank failure. But we have been inform' ed by good authority that lawyer Frank Anderson, of Calllcoon, is the man to stand by as he is working against Knapp Bros, and for the creditors. LAKEVILLE. The young people of this place will have a Hallone'en Social at the P. O. S. of A. Hall at this place. Further explanations will appear in next week's Items. R. Hazleton has a number of hunters. Mr. and Mrs. F. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Decker, and Mr. Baker, all of Scranton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reushmler of Honesdale, spent Sunday, tho 18th with her parents, John Bishop and wife. W. S. Seegar Is Improving his residence by building a dandy 8 ft. porch and bay window. L. James Is doing the carpentering. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goble made a business trip to the Maple City on Saturday. Richard Hazleton, we regret to state, is ill. Geo. and Edward Locklln, of Peckvllle, Myron D. Locklln, of For est City, Harlem R. Locklln, of Marshwood, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Locklln and family. Six new members were recently Initiated In the P. O. S. of A. Lodge, namely: Spencer Daniels, Burton Sheeley, Carl Pennell, William Brook, William Seegar, and John C. Pennell. A flock of wild geese passed over this place on Monday. There were, we think, about fifty or sixty in the number. SHERMAN. The cold wave makes us wonder where our summer wages are gone. Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond, of Blnghnmton, are visiting relatives und friends in town. Rev. Mr. Moon preached a very able sermon Sunday morning; In the afternoon he went to Brandts to fill the pulpit for his father who Is not able to preach at present. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Webster among us. He will be such a help in church work. Walter Curtis is attending school in Deposit. Howard Early is attending school in New York City. Prayer meeting at the parsonage Friday afternoon. Everybody wel come. Ira Clearwater, who is working in Deposit, spent Sunday at his home. STERLING. We are having cool, stormy weather but not enough rain to start the spring yet. Thomas Howe, of Scranton, brought Minnie and George Howe out last Saturday and after spending a day at A. C. Howe's returned to Scranton Sunday. Miss Hortense Cliff, of Philadel phia, is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Cliff. District Deputy Martin Installed officers In Sterling Lodge, I. O. O. F. on the 15th at a special meeting and there was a good turnout. Mrs. Jane Leo is under Dr. Gilpin's care and has been quite ill for some time. Last Saturday the G. A. R. barely had enough out to hold a meeting. Last week the teachers of the High school visited the Gouldsboro and Newfoundland High schools. Joseph Catterson has left for Burlington, N. J., where ho expects to spend the winter. Last Friday R. W. Bartleson left for South Sterling. Harry Pew of Ariel, is putting in a cement floor for J. E. Cross to-day. For some time past J. H. Lee has been troubled with a superabundance of saliva and is quite hard of hear ing, but was out to church last Sun day. Mrs. W. B. Leslier was also out again. Many squirrels now realize that the day of doom has come in a barn. WAYMART. Mr. and Isaac Schaffer, of Gravity, spent last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sinquet. .Mrs. Wm. Sampson and two chil dren, of Matamoras, aro visiting at tho homo of Robert Battan. Archdeacon Benjamin F. Thomp son, of Reading, will, with the Rev, A. L. Whittakor," of Honesdale, hold a service on Sunday, Oct. 24th, in the Presbyterian church at 3 p. m. Edward Dirlam, of Brooklyn, N, Y Is visiting friends in town. The celebrated evangelists, the Rlne Bros., are assisting the Rev. W. E. Davis in a series of revival meetings. Ruth Inch spent Monday In Hones dale. Rich on Twenty Acres. How a man may get rich on a farm of 20 ocres has recently been shown at the fair of the Missouri Valley Agricultural and Horticultur al society at Kansas City, Neb, Ar nold Martin, owner of a 20-acro farm In Pawnee county, Nebraska, has an exhibit at the fair and in his lectures, which ho gives every day, tells how he makes upward of $1, 000 a year profit off his land. Mr. Martin has been so successful with Intensive farming that the depart ment): of agricultural sent a man to see his farm and Issued a "farmers' bulletin" about It. Among the things grown on the Martin farm are corn stalks 17 feet high, with the ears 11 feet from the ground. There was one ear of corn raised on his place which took first prize at the state fair this year in Lincoln, Neb. After the fair the managers of It auctioned off all the prize-winning exhibits and Martin bought back his own prize ear of corn for J30. It has 24 rows of corn and 1,100 grains on it. Ten years ago Martin came from Switzerland and worked on a farm In Northwestern Kansas. At the end of three years he had saved ?275. In Pawnee county he found a tract of 20 acres that no one would farm. It was rough land and covered with brush and small trees. Land all around it was selling for ?50 and 70 an acre. He bought the 20 acres for $12.50 an acre and paid $100 down. The farmers' bulletin says about Martin: "His neighbors used to laugh at the young farmer and nicknamed him 'Hazelbrush,' but now they say 'he Is making more money on 20 acres than we do on 160 He does not want any more land, but wants to farm what he has better. In speaking of the size of farms he says 'people of moderate means should not farm too much land. A man can start on 20 acres; 40 acres will do; 80 acres Is enough; 160 an abundance; 320 -a misfortune, and 640 a calamity.' " Martin now has his farm all paid for and docs not owe a dollar. He has a neat house, a barn with a stone basement for stock and the upper part for hay and grain. He has money In the bank and has been of fered $2,5.00 cash for his farm. He has made three pleasant trips to Colorado and spent three months last winter In Switzerland. A small field of nearly two acres Is kept for annual crops. The slopes are rocky In places and the soli Is a residual, clay loam, having been formed mostly by the weathering of the limestone which underlies it. About eight acres of this Is set to orchards, one acre in alfalfa, one In timothy and clover, three in pasture and a little In annual crops. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers of real estate have been recorded: Albert A. Fitz, of Mt. Pleasant, to Daniel E. Megivern. of Mt. Pleasant, 57 acres; consideration $1500. Edwin W. Guernsey, of Scranton, to J. W. Guernsey, of Scranton, 3 acres of land in Lake township; consideration $1000. Conrad Swingle, of Ariel, to J. W. Guernsey, of Scranton, 2 and 3-5 acres of land In village of Ariel; consideration $1750. Phineas A. Clark and Joseph W. Clark, of Clinton, to Russa Clarke, of New York, 100 acres of land in Clinton. Earl Rockwell, of Lake township, to Robert W. Palmer, of Scranton, one acre of land in Lake township; consideration $800. Traders' Real Estate Co. to Robt. W. Palmer, plot of lots at Ariel; consideration $2500. Charles Schlegor, of Scranton, to Earl Rockwell, one acre of land in Lake township. Fred F. Gentler, of Preston, to Charles Stanton, of Preston, two acres of land; consideration $150. Fannie Randall, of Buckingham, to Peter Madigan and others, lot In Buckingham township. George A. Stevens, of Sterling, to Herbert Stamp and Thomas Shields, 22 acres in Sterling; consideration $1400. Heirs of John C. Pierce, late of Englewood, Col., to Joseph Denk, of Waymart, one acre In Waymart. Heirs, to Wm. H. Spencer, late of Mt. Pleasant township, to Jessie Mills, property in Mt. Pleasant; consideration $1200. David Smith of White, Wills, to Joseph E. Edsall of Damascus, 25 acres in Damascus. Arthur J. Osborne, of Dreher, to Eugene Harlow, of Edge Hill, Pa., two acres in Dreher. Peter Randall, of Hancock, to J. A. Stephens, of Starrucca, 310 acres of land in Buckingham township; consideration $5000. Henry Steffens, of Damascus, to Simon J. Barkley, 85 acres of land in Damascus township; considera tion $3500. DEER HUNTERS IN LUCK. Twenty Killed In Fallsburg Since the Seasoned Opened Four Days Ago. Fallsburg. N. Y Oct. 21. Twenty deer hnvo been killed near here since tho opening of the season four days ago, and It Is expected that tho num ber killed will reach a hundred before Oct. 31, the close of the season. Among those who got deer on the first day of the season wns Dr. Joklchl Takamine of Brooklyn, who has a sum mer homo at Merrlwold park, who got a fine buck. Dr. Tnkamine's two sons, Joseph and Eben, eacli brought down two deer. Joseph Ferguson of Jersey City brought down n 250 pound buck, and William Rogers of New York se cured two does. Banker Found Guilty of Forgery. New Orleans, Oct. 21. Wyatt H. In gram, trust officer of the Hlbernla Bank and Trust company, whoso defal cations oggregato $120,000 and who made three attempts at suicide, was put on trial hero and found guilty of forgery. Weather Probabilities. Cloudy and possibly rainy; warmer; moderate south winds. ryinrKot neports. BUTTER Firmer: receipts, 6.573 pack ages: creamery, .specials, Sic.; extras, 31c; thirds to firsts. 2&i20c; state dairy, com mon to flnent. 25a31c; process, firsts to specials, 2fi'.4a27l4e.: western, factory, sec onds to firsts. .'Ia25c. : Imitation cream ery, 26a27c. CHKESE Firm; receipts, 3,871 boxes; state, new, full cream, special, JGUal7c.; Bmall, colored, fancy, 16c: large, colored, fancy, lCc: small, white, fancy, 16c; com mon to Rood, 12'ial5Hc: skims, full to specials, 6al4c. EGOS Firm; receipts, 10,435 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white. 3Sa44c; gathered, white, fflaSSc; hennery, brown and mixed, fancy, 33a3C:.; gathered, brown, fair to prime, 27a32c; storage, prime to fancy, 24l5a6V4c: west ern, extru firsts. 27aSc.; firsts, 25a26c; seconds, 23WaMc. LIVE POULTRY Steady on heavy fowls; chickens weak; fowls, per lb., 15c; roosters, 9c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 14al5c; geese. Ilal2c. DRESSED POULTRY-Weak; broilers, nearby, fancy, squabs, per pair, 40a60c; 3 lbs. to pair, per lb., 2fla2."c; western, dry picked, 17c; scalded, ISnVlc.; roasting chickens, nearby, fancy, 21aMc; western, fancy, 15al6c; mixed weight chickens, nearby, fancy, lta22c; western, milk fed, 16c; western, dry picked, corn fed, aver age best, 13al4c.; scalded, average best, 13al4c; Michigan scalded, average best, 14Hc: Ohio scalded, average best, HaHVic; fowls, barrels, 15al6Hc; old roosters, lie: spring ducks, nearby, 19a20c; squabs, white, per doz., t2.2Sa4.25. GAME Steady: frozen partridges, per pair, 14; woodcock, per pair, Jlal.25; snipe, English, per. dozen, J2.75a3.5; rabbits, per pair, 30a40c; Scotch grouse, per pair, J1.D0 a2; foreign golden plover, per dozen, $3.50; wild ducks, mallard, per pair, tl.60al.76; teal, bluewlng, per pair, Hal. 5; green wing. 76c. a(l; foreign venison, saddles, per lb., g;a40c.: whole deer, per lb., 28aJ0c CALVES Live veal calves, prime to choice, per 100 lbs., J9.25a3.60: common to good, I5.60a8.75; culls. 4.30a3.M; live calves, buttermilks and grassers, 3.76a4.t0: live western calves, (6a6; country dressed veal calves, prime, per lb., 13al3Hc; common to good. tal2V4c.: buttermilk calves, 6aSc. POTATOES Steady; Maine, per bag, ll.25al.75; state and western, per sack, il.60al.75; Jersey, per bbl. or bag.. 31.60a 1.87; sweets, Jersey. No. 1, per basket, tta QtV . unt,,hrn rmr Mil tl 9Ro1 T! liognl blaaka at Tho Citizen office. MR. JESS HARRIS AS " SKIVERS" IX "THE FLOWER OF THE RANCH," AT THE IjYRIC OX TUESDAY NIGHT. HENRY Z. RUSSELL, 1'ItKSIDKKT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Organized In December, 183G, and Nationalized In December, 18G4. Since its organization it has paid in Dividends to its Stock holders, $1,905,800.00 The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR ROLL, from the fact that Its Snrplus Fund more than equals Its capital stock. What Class 1 are YOU in The world has always been divided into two classes those who have saved, those who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant. It is the savers who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand for man's advancement ana happiness. The spenders' are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. We want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business. BELIEVES DR. COOK'S STORY. Antarctic Explorer Degcrlacho IIo- Ilovos Ho Reached Polo Ahead of Peary. Another scientist joined the ranks of the Dr. Cook adherents last week when Captain Degerlache, leader of the Belgian Antarctic expedition, ar rived at Copenhagen. Captain De gerlache commanded the expedition for the Belgian government which Dr. Cook accompanied as surgeon. The Captain declared that Dr. Cook Is among the ablest of Polar scien tists, and that ne believes implicitly In the Doctor's claim that he reach ed the Pole. Degerlache says he Is completely mystified as to why anyone who is acquainted with the American ex plorer should be at all sceptical about his claim. He asserts that Dr. Cook carried instruments of the best and that he could have had no diffi culty, or made no mistake in locating the Pole. v Captain Degerlache says he be lieves Peary also reached the Pole, but some time later than Dr. Cook: FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing 8tock Quotations. Money on call was 4 per cent; time money and mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prides of stocks were: Amal. Copper.. 83K Norf. & West... 95H Atchison -.120 Northwestern ..189 B. & 0 116H Penn. R. R 147K Brooklyn R. T.. 7SH Reading 102H Ches. &Ohlo.... 88 Rock Island 40ft C. C.C.&St.L.. 78ft St. Paul 159V, D. & H 18S Southern Pac...l29ytj Erie 13 Southern Ry.... 31 H Gen. Electric... 164 South. Ry. pf... 71 III. Central 14 Sugar lil Int.-Met 174 Texas Pacific... 36ft Louis. & Nash.. 163W, Union Pacific... 202' Manhattan 142ft U. S. Steel Svft. Missouri Pac... 6S4 U. S. Steel pf,..127 N. Y. Centra 1 1...13GU West. Union.... 77 EDWIN F.TORR I CASHIER. ALBERT C. LINDSA-. ASSISTANT CA8IIIER