The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 20, 1909, Image 2

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80 Says the Rev. D. H. Carrlck and
Quits Pulpit to Become a Street
Car Conductor.
Lawrence, Kan. "I don't believe a
minister of the Gospel can lead an
honest Ufo now," was the startling
statement made by the Rev. D. H.
Carrlck, who lias just resigned the
pastorate of the North Lawrence
Christian Church.
Mr. Carrlck has given up his ambi
tion to teach the religion of Christ,
and has accepted a Job with the Law
rence Street Railway Company as a
"The public never sees behind the
screen of the pastor's home," said
Mr. Carrlck, "or It might realize the
trials, the griefs and pains the pastor
and his wife are forced to bear. A
preacher's wife cannot even make a
pretense of dressing or dining well or
the people will think they are paying
their pastor too much, or that ho
ought to save part of his salary and
give It to the missions. He cannot
put on a pair of patent leather shoes
without every single person who has
contributed the smallest mite toward
his salary looking at them as If to say,
I helped to pay for those shoes;
there's where our money goes.'
"No, sir, I don't believe a preacher
can live a really honest life. If he
preaches the truth he will be con
demning the Uvea of most of his con
gregation and offending them. In
stead of preaching their convictions,
the preachers of the Gospel avoid any
thing that might tread upon personal
grounds for fear of giving offense.
The preacher passes over thlB and
that, and lives a He every day of his
life In order not to offend the influ
ential members of his congregation.
"Thank God, I am earning an hon
est living now, and nobody can criti
cise me."
He Was left In charge of the late
Russell Sage's enormous fortune and
his fees as executor have amounted to
more than a million dollars so far.
Thirteenth Child of a Thirteenth
Child on Mother's Side, and Sev
enth Son of a Seventh Son.
Atlanta, Ga. For the thirteenth
time Judge R. B. Russell of the Court
of Appeals of Georgia, and one of the
strongest men politically in Georgia,
is a father.
The lost arrival, according to in
formation received in Atlanta from
the home of the Judge In Winder, is
a strapping Cn boy.
Although scarcely twenty-four hours
old, he is far more than the usual
every day baby boy. He Is a baby boy
with a proud record behind hhn, for
lie lis the thirteenth child of a thir
teenth child on his mother's side, and
the seventh son of a seventh Bon the
side of his father.
Judge RoseeU send Mrs. Russell and
their numerous friends are now puz
zling over a suitable name for the
youaceter. It 1 agreed by all that a
boy with oooh a distinguished record
must DAT a name to match.
Man, TherMgWy Curd, Doctors Say,
Lmvm Hoepttcl.
Brooklyn. W. T. William Smith, of
No. 4TT Oimrral avrane. William o
burg, fco he Ms stomach removed
three iwwili in th Buahwiofe Hos
pital by Dr. "William Francis Camp
bell, laft (teat hwtterttoa thoroughly
"TTura is bo rurwinn why Smith can
not lire for rsan," mii one of th
hospital looters. Smith most exist oa
predlgeated fooas.
awoftoFian pmncss boat.
Import! led Men Win a Victory Over
Their Marine Aeeallant
Long Beach, 01. While Btirard
Kbrito and Charts MePherson were
returning from Ahuartea Wjr, a large
swordfUdt rammed Its sword through
the slaa of thate boat.
Wltfe aa Iron bar sa a weapon the
fish was ahumed and captured, after
which the hole fat their craft -wax
plugged up and the Btea rawdc their
way to the pier.
LMMt for Mteelene.
MesttgainatT City, Ua Bishop D.
8. Tattle, preatdeat of th mission
board of Um eatire Bpieoopal Church
in America, said he had receivod ad
Vice that unexpected ooUecUons of
more than fL,0t0,W had boon raised
by his cfcaMsi far fee cause of ml
Demand For Almost Inhuman Per
fection on the Links.
Immediately after playing a game
of golf nnd mnklng a fairly good
score, a prominent man committed
suicide. Though there is no reason
to suppose that there is any casual re
lation between golf and suicide, yet
the incident calls to mind eertnln
characteristics of the game, at least
as they appear to a beginner. The
serious Intensity required far out
does that demanded by baseball or
tennis. Good-natured Indifference Is
regarded on the links as an aesthetic
crime. A man who contemplates the
landscape, or enjoys the atmosphere
Is a Philistine of the ranicest kind; or
If he indulges in conversation over
heard by the serious ones, he Is
looked upon as a common pest That
gloriously free thing, tho baseball
"rooter," does not affect the nerves of
the calm nnd automatic player; but a
laugh, a careless motion, or an Irrel
evant gesture on the golf links Is a
sign of moral and aesthetic turpitude.
Is It because tho golf player begins
the sport later In life, when he has
fully developed nerves and moral
sensibilities, that the gme has the
hair-trigger character?
In golf, there Is a certain demand
for almost Inhuman perfection, not
only in skill, but in form, etiquette,
and the minor moralities; and such
demand for excellence Is a strain on
the Imperfect human being.
Not Instinct, but Habit.
If anything In the entire animal
kingdom would seem to bo a matter
of pure Instinct, that thing Is the tra
ditional antipathy of cat and mouse.
Yet a recent study by C. S. Berry,
made in Professor Munsterberg's la
boratory at Harvard, shows pretty
clearly that a cat has no Instinctive
Impulse to kill and eat mice nor the
mouse any instinctive fear of cats.
Berry finds that a mouse may smell
the nose of an inexperienced cat, or
even perch on its back, and bo quite
safe, so long as It does not run away.
For the Instinct of the kitten is to
chase any small moving object ball,
spool, tall, mouse Indifferently. It
Is not the mouse that interests it. but
the mouse in motion. Some day, often
by accident, the kitten plays too
roughly with its captive, and discov
ers that there is meat inside. It Is
well known that cuts specialize their
hunting, some catching mice, some
squirrels, some birds. It seems, in
ea h case, to dp"nd cn accidents of
discovery. A good mnuser, then, is
not a cat with a strong instinct for
catching mice, but one with a strong
habit of doing so.
Advice From the Bench.
Some years ago many farmers along
the line of the Missouri, Kansas &
Texas Railway brought suit against
it and engaged a young lawyer named
Brown. Judge Gantt, who was pre
siding, was compelled 10 throw many
of the cases out of court because they
were improperly brought Brown was
mad all over. Swelling with Indig
nation, he arose and said: "Your
Honor, will you please tell me how It
Is possible In this court to get justice
against a railroad company?"
Judge Gantt quietly Ignored the con
tempt of court shown iy the lawyer
and asked: "Do you wish an answer
to that question, Mr. Brown?"
"Yes, sir," defiantly replied the In
dignant lawyer; "yes, sir, and I want
to know how a farmer can get his
case into this court so that it will be
Judge Gantt smiled and said: "Well,
first, Mr. Brown, I'd ndviio the farmer
to hire a lawyer."
Brown wilted. Cleveland Leader.
Woman Champion Cotton Picker.
The world's record for cotton pick
ing is hld by Miss Margaret Mont
gomery, of Stillwater, Okla. In a
four-hour contest she picked 350
pounds, or eighty-seven and a half
pounds an hour. She defeated erack
cotton pickers from all parts of the
cotton-growing belt averaging nbout
Ave pounds an hour more than her
nearest competitor. Mies Montgom
ery ie the daughter of a wealthy cot
ton grower aad she picks only for her
own amusement There were men
and woitvra in the field against her.
For three hours she easily led every
body then she began to lag from
weary arms and cramps ta the fingers.
She lacked the training of the others
but showed her pluck by holding on
and retaining her lead until the time
limit expired.
OoHtvate Friendliness.
It ie the oelf-eentred hero who lays
held at n tt Is erer the comradeship
of hovees. Dumas' Three Musket
eers" (Med the GaMon who made the
greater Jem th, with their osih, "Etoah
tor alt, mmA all for each," inherit that
"Jdngdieat erf romance." How seldom
one paoaes to think of the infinite
meaning ef friendliness, how tittle It
easts cad bow erervide&lng is its dr-
Hnd SeweKKre Ear for Muete.
A Htaatth servant girl has given no
tfoa beoaaae she says her mietrcas
perctata ta staring classical muate tor
a couple of hours every morning, al
tbovtjb ah aa net th slightest no-
mt ft ifcmdd be tetanwefeed.
Th Reason.
"Oa4et ef the vertd does not
ksow bew fee other half stoea.
"WelL II tm mtifjta te fisfetk Oust
oao-feaK at fc vorid nHmte to it
own bsMtMaa," Peek.
What They Really Are.
nusqr so-eaiiea
Am ten
Aitswor One Written Question
Each Week For Fifty-Two
Weoks and Win a Prize.
October 24th, 1909.
(Copyright, 1909, by Rev. T. 8. Llnocott, D.D.I
Paul a Prisoner Before Festus and
Agrippa Aots xxv:6-12; Chap. xxvi.
Golden Text I know whom I have
believed, and am persuaded that he
is able to keep that which I have com
mitted unto him against that day.
2 Tim. 1:12.
Veree 6 Who was this Festus re
ferred to in this verse?
From the preceding five verses
what had the Jews requested FestuB
to do?
Verse 7 On what principle can you
explain the bitter hatred which the
Jews had for Paul 7
Will a religious bigot, who Is full of
hatred as these Jews were, stop short
of swearing to a lie to accomplish his
Should any Christian believe or cir
culate a charge against any person
that he has not got ample proof of?
Verse 8 As a matter of fact had
Paul, In any sense, broken any Jewish
Which, at this time, were really In
tho most unenviable situation, Paul or
hla accusers, and why?
Verses 9-12 When a judge or a
magistrate favors the prosecution,
and makes harsh remarks against the
prisoner during the taking of the evi
dence, thus prejudicing the jury, 1s
such a man fit for a judicial position?
When a Christian is accused of
wrong doing, and is innocent, should
he insist upon his Innocence or be pa
tient and silent, and wait for the facts
to speak?
Paul was no doubt wise In refusing
to go to Jerusalem but was he equally
wise In not Insisting that his trial be
finished at Caesarea, and In his appeal
to Caesar?
If you were a minister to be tried
for heresy, which tribunal would you
rathor select, a prejudiced Conference,
or Synod, or General Assembly, or
Convention, or a committee of secular
High Court Judges?
Chapter xxvi: 1-11 Who was this
Arrtppa and what had brought him to
If a man's cause Is just, will a knowl
edge of all tho facts always help him?
What are the lending points here
outlined, of Paul's defence before King
"Why should It be thought a thing
Incredible with you that God should
raise the dead?" v-8.
Was Paul any better when he per
secuted and caused Christians to be
put to death, than the Jews were then
in wanting to put him to death?
How do you estimate Paul's charac
ter before his conversion?
Verses 12-18 What points of re
semblance are there between Paul's
conversion and that of a sinner to
day? Why did Paul so frequently describe
his conversion?
What was God's object, as here de
scribed In Paul's conversion, and what
Is God's object in every conversion?
Verses 19-23 Is it possible that
some sinners get a call from God fully
as marked as Paul's and yet refuse to
comply and go on in their sins?
What difference Is there between a
man before and after he turns to God?
(This question must be answered In
writing by members of the club.)
Verses 24-32 Why did Festus in
terrupt Paul and say he was mad?
Why did not Festus and Agrippa
both turn to God, seeing that they
were clearly convinced of the truth of
Christianity and their need of salva
tion? Why are not all persons Christians
who have heard the voice of God call
ing them to repentance?
Lesson for Snnday, October 31,
1909. Paul a Prisoner The Voyage.
AftR TXVtl!t-2fi.
Hucbands Own Wives' Clothes.
A married woman In Louisiana does
not own her own clothes. Judge W.
W. Ferguson, of New Orleans, re
vealed that fact the other day In an
address to the women of the Era Club
In that city. He Bald this was nn In
equality which should be rectified, as
a husband had the power at any time
to seize his wife's wardrobe and sell
It or bestow it as a gift. Tho some law
prevails In Delaware, and a Wilming
ton judge has been guided by it In a
ruling to the distress and humiliation
of a woman well known In that city.
Following a divorce the husband de
manded his former wife's wardrobe.
She indignantly refused, and he ap
pealed to the courtB. The decision
was in his favor and tho woman had
no recourse except to deliver her
clothes to him. It was decided under
the law that even If a husband gave
money to hie wife nnd she invested
the money In clothes, he remained
rwner of every garment
He Delayed the Game.
An Eastern college graduate applied
for wortc in a Michigan lumber camp,
saya a writer In Everybody's Maga
zine. He free told to oocupy himself
with one end of a cross-eaw, the other
end being in charge of an old and ex
perienced lumberman.
At the end of the second day the
young man's strength began to wane.
Suddenly the old roan stopped the saw
a moment
"Sonny," he said, not unkindly, "I
dont mind yer riding on this saw, but
if it's jest the same to you I wish
you'd keep yer feet off the ground."
What a patient and self sacrificing young wife endured
for love, is made vividly real in this wonderful story.
An intensely absorbing tale that causes the reader
to imagine himself living the part of a character in this
word drama of action and life.
Discovery by Rockefeller Institute
Means Much for Africa.
A cure for the African sleeping
sickness has been discovered by the
John D. Rockefeller Institute for Med
ical Research. At least tho scientists
in the institution believe they have
hit upon a cure, but they refuse to
make any definite anouncement to the
medical world until the new medicine
has been put to the most severe tests.
They have been collaborating with a
German scientist of world-wide fame
for several months In compounding a
powder from which a serum is made
that cures the scourage of the Afra
can jungles.
Two doctors connected with tho in
stitute recently admitted they thought
they had a cure for the disease. They
said the serum had been used with suc
cess in several cases of the sleeping
sickness. They think the serum is as
pronounced a specific for the disease
as antitoxin is for dlptheria.
The powder is light brown. It is
dissolved In from ten to twelve parts
of water and administered hypodermi
colly. The patient begins to show im
provement in a few hours and is com
pletely cured within a few days.
"This discovery," said one of the
doctors, "means tho solution of the
African problem. It will open tho way
for white immigration and civilization
In the Dark Continent For this rea
son hero could be nothing more im
portant to the modern world than tho
demonstration of the efficacy of the
The sickness Is caused by the bite
of the tsetse fly which communicatee
the disease Just as the mosquito car
ries yellow fever. Almost every gov
ernment in Europe has sent commis
sions to Africa to study the disease
hoping to find a remedy for it Until
the German scientist and those in the
Rockefeller Institute got to work lit
tle success in treating the disease was
obtained. Sir David Bruoe hoe made
a study of the disease. He has writ
ten much about it He discovered the
parasite after several years' woric In
Zulularid. The diseaee baa levied a
heavy tribute on the African Inhabi
tants in the last eight years. Onoe
the germ gets into the system the pa
tient becomes drowsy and becomes
more so until death.
Novelized by John W. Harding
From Eugene "Walter's Play That Has
Stirred This Country.
A Great Moral Forcibly Presented
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Telephone Announcement
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Honesdale Dime Bank