The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 20, 1909, Image 1

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tC K- C C V m V K" tC K
J Scml-Wfekly Founded?
k 1908 2
Weekly Founded, 1844 J
Wayne County Organ
of the
66th YEAR.
NO. 83
1 nnmTnirrTimr
iz rrnn ulll u l
Reconsiders His Resolve to
Remain Silent.
Ho Submits Complete Records of His
Trip to North Pole to National
Geographical Soeiety In
New York, Oct 10. Commander
Robert E. Peary has reconsidered the
resolve he made upon his return to civ
ilization not to appear In public until
after the controversy between Dr.
Cook and himself should be settled.
Ho finds, so a close friend and ad
viser of his says, that adherence to his
original lntontlon has thrown hlra di
rectly under the dictation of Dr. Cook,
who has postponed the submission of
his polar data until next summer and
by so doing hns postponed until that
date the settlement of the question
that Peary urges upon the Immediate
attention of a scientific board of refer
ees. Commander Peary takes the position
that his submission of records and ob
servations made on his successful dash
to the pole to the board of managers
of the National Geographical society
In Washington, being the only course
left open to him by Cook's delay, ab
solves him from further adherence to
his determination of reticence. These
complete records ho has placed In the
hands of the geographical society's
The first public appearance that Pea
'ry will make will bo as the ?uest of
the Peary Arctic club at a club dinner
tendered in his honor here. Hereto
fore the club has always greeted the
commander upon his return by giving
him such n dinner, but because of his
desire not to bo made the object of
any honoring functions upon his last
return this event had been postponed.
Several geographical societies of
note, especially the Royal Geographical
society of London and the Royal Scot
tish Geographical society of Edin
burgh, have sent pressing invitations
to Peary to lecture bofore them, and
these he has now accepted.
The commander has as yet made no
definite plans for a lecture tour
through this country, but ho will ac
cept Invitations after the geographical
societies, whose Invitations carry rec
ognltlon of much weight In the scien
tific world, have heard him.
$1,000,000 FOR WOMEN'S WAR
Lady Cook Says She Will Spend For
tune In Suffrage Crusade.
New York, Oct. 10. Lady Francis
Cook, arriving from London to prepare
plans for a big suffragette campaign
hero this winter, was mot by a hun
dred women from the National Pro-
igresslve Woman's Suffrage union, who
gave licr an enthusiastic welcome.
Lady Cook said that she had spent
forty years of her life In tho cause
and expected to see the great point
gained tills winter. She said she was
willing to spend tho remainder of her
fortune as well as the remainder of
her life In tho cause and would shortly
bring over $1,000,000 or more to spend
In tho movement. She said she would
place tho money with a prominent firm
of bankers here.
Lady Cook will also visit Washing
ton in the near future for the purpose
of seeing President Taft to Induce
him to urge congress to give women
the right to vote.
Joaquin Miller Says His Strenuous
Theory Leads to All Kinds of Crime.
San Francisco, Oct. 10. Joaquin
Miller, the poet of tiie Sierras, in an
address to San Quentia prison con
victs declared that President Roose
velt and his policy of strenuous life
are responsible for more evils nnd
crime In this country than any other
After warning the convicts against
the evils of lying Miller said:
"Thero is something wrong with the
way peoplo In this country live. They
aro too strenuous, too active, too high
ly aroused.
"Roosevelt as head of this great na
tion pushed people into all sorts of
crlmo. His strenuous theory of life is
crlmoful. He has infected us with a
sort of Insane activity. America's
madness is energy. It, is a mania pe
culiar to us, and Roosevelt is responsi
ble for much of it."
Operation on Gabrllowltsch.
Now York, Oct. 10. Osslp Gabrllo
wltsch, the pianist and husband of
Miss Clara Clemens, whoso bridal trip
was interrupted by appendicitis, was
operated upon here by Dr. Frank Hart
ley, and his recovery is expected.
Police Say They Are Tightening
Meshes Around Murder 8uspeot.
Providence, R. I., Oct. 10. The po
lice of Fall River say they are tighten
ing a net of cvldenco about "Dr."
Frank Hill, charged with the murder
of Amelia St. Jean.
A new piece of evidence against Hill
developed when a newsdealer who
lives near where the parts of the body
were found said that a week ago last
Sunday morning in company with a
friend he was boating on Stafford pond,
and when about fifteen feot from the
shore they were startled by hearing a
rustling in tho underbrush near the
edge of tho pond.
They stopped the boat and saw tho
figure of a man break through the
bushes which fringe the pond. Tho
man was carrying a market basket in
his arms, but as soon as he saw tho
men in the boat he turned and dashed
back into the brush. The newsdealer
said that the man was within sight
long enough to recognize him as Hill.
A box found on a farm and supposed
to have been used for carrying the
body of the slain girl was identified by
nn Italian as one he had seen in Hill's
Former President Has a Narrow Es
cape In African Jungle.
Nairobi, British East Africa, Oct
10. Mr. Croswell, a government engi
neer in the public works department,
brings word that ex-President Roose
velt had n very narrow escape when
shooting his first elephant bull.
When shooting elephants it is often
necessary to creep Into the herd and
shoot the selected bull at a range of
fifteen to thirty yards.
Mr. Roosevelt, accompanied by Mr.
Cunuinghame, the big game hunter
nnd guide, followed this procedure
and killed his elephant at the second
Suddenly, before Mr. Roosevelt could
reload, another elephant bull charged
him at close range from tho herd.
Roth Mr. Cunuinghame and Mr. Roose
velt got behind trees, and Mr. Cun
ninghamc turned the bull from Mr.
Roosevelt just lu time.
Other reliable sources confirm the
account of Mr. Roosevelt's narrow es
Buchanan's Death In London Due !
to a Stroke of Apoplexy. !
London, Oct. 10. The body of Wll-!
Ham I. Buchanan, former minister to
Panama and special commissioner to
Venezuela, who died suddenly in this
city, will be shipped to the United
States. The Inquest will be held to
morrow. The police state that the circum
stances surrounding Mr, Buchanan's
death absolutely exclude the Idea of
foul play. The autopsy resulted in
showing that Mr. Buchanan's death
was duo to a stroke of apoplexy.
Negotiations to Prolong Present Rates
Fail Maximum Threatened.
Paris, Oct. 10. The negotiations be
tween France and the United States
for the prolongation of the present tar
iff arrangements have failed.
Franco, believing that the failure Is
definite, is preparing a decree applying
tho maximum tariff on American goods
after Nov. 1.
They Have Received Re-enforcements
and Now Take the Offensive.
Melllla, Oct. 10. After several days
of quiet the RifC war has been resum
ed, The Moors, in nowise depressed
by their past defeats, have received
re-enforceiiients from the interior and
are taking the offensive.
A sharp skirmish lias occurred near
here, and the Spanish artillery caused
serious loss to tho Moors. Two Span
ish officers and threo soldiers were
killed and 120 wore wounded.
The warships Carlos V. and Admiral
Pinzou have sailed to bombard the
Tres Forcas Coast.
Russian Anarchists Caged at San Re
mo Mascagni Commandeered.
Rome, Oct. 10. Three Russians
have been arrested at San Remo at
tho house of the anarchist Cappa.
The latter escaped, but It is stated that
a number of compromising documents
were seized by the authorities.
King Victor Emmanuel has invited
Pietro Mascagni to conduct a concert
at the Palace of Racconigl in honor
of tho coming visit of the czar.
Vanderbilt Closing Racing Stable.
Paris, Oct. 10. W. K. Vanderbilt has
closed his racing stnble until tho end
of tho year. Duke, his trainer, will go
to Now York.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair; cooler; moderate north
northwest winds.
Frank Wbrk's Daughter Ac
cuses Two Women.
Husband Denies His Guilt Evi
dence Offered of His Ride In
a Taxicab With One of
the Corespondents.
Now York, Oct 10. The suit brought
by Mrs. Frances Work Batonyl for an
absolute divorce from Aurel Batonyl Is
n trial here before Justice O'Gorman
and a jury in the supreme court.
At the opening of the trial Mr. 01
cott, counsel for Mrs. Batonyl, an
nounced that of the four women
named in the amended complaint two,
Esther Leigh or Lee and Nellie Shake
speare, had been eliminated, leaving
the allegations standing against Luclle
Brabant or Brevalne, whose true name
is Beatrice Dreyfuss, and Margaret
I Allen, known nlso as Mrs. Lawrence.
Mr. Olcott told tho jury that much of
the evidence against Batonyl was cir
cumstantial, but he thought It was
conclusive of Ratonyi's misconduct
with Margaret Allen and Beatrice Bre
valne. He said that the allegations
concerning Mrs. Margaret Allen con
cern Batonyl's visit to her on the night
of Dec. 19, 1007, when the man with
whom she Is living as her husband
was away. Tho alleged misconduct
with Beatrice Brevalne occurred, he
said, on tho night of March 4 and 5,
1008, wlille the two were riding In a
Eugene Areouet, tho taxicab driver,
testified that after Batonyl hired his
cab he ordered it to go to the St. Re
gis. Later Ratonyi told him to go to a
houso In West Forty-seventh street to
find a woman who would be waiting
there. lie found her In tho vestibule,
he said, nnd took her to the cab and
saw her get in. Batonyl -was not In
side then, and he had to bunt for him.
Ho told of driving up to One Hundred
and Ninety-fifth street and back and
said that the only stop was at a drug
store, where the occupants got out.
George F. Smith, a druggist, testified
that Batonyl came into tho store on
March 4. VMS, and got a glass of
vichy with aromatic spirits of ammo
nia. Just as Batonyl was leaving the
store to take the vichy and ammonia
to some oflo outside a young woman
entered, and Batonyl said:
" liy did you come in hero? I wns
going to take this out to you."
"Tho young woman's hair was com
ing down on mm side and over her
forehead," continued tho witness, "and
she was trying to put it back. She
asked for some hairpins, but wo did
not sell them. Then she drank the
vichy and ammonia."
When they got back into tho taxicab
the druggist noticed that the curtain
was drawn to cover tho glass.
Mrs. Shakespeare, a stout woman,
with reddish hair, said that she was
with. Beatrice Bromine on March 4
when Batonyl called Miss Brevalne
on tho telephone. Miss Brevalne ask
ed the witness to put her ear up to
the receiver. Batonyl then asked If
she would keep her appointment to go
out with him. Miss Brevalne asked
Batonyl if ho intended to take her to
a hotel. Batonyl replied that a taxi
cab would do just as well. Miss Bre
valne agreed.
Harry A. Swinton nnd Adam F.
Haupt, private detectives, told of
watching the house on Central Park
West, where Margaret Allen lived.
They said they were thero on Dec. 10,
1907, from 7:a0 a. in. to 12:30 a. m.
the next morning. They saw Batonyl
go in at 7:15 p. m., but ho hadn't como
out when they left. Clarence Bambry,
the negro elevator runner in the house,
testified that he took Batonyl up to
Miss Allen's rooms on tho third floor
' '
that night and that ho didn't see Ba
tonyl go away before late that night.
Justice O'Gorman denied a motion
to dismiss tho complaint, and Mr.
Moss then said that Mr. Batonyl would
deny absolutely all the testimony
against him.
Successful Opening of Aviation Com
petition at Blackpool,
Blackpool, England, Oct. 10. Eng
land's great aviation meeting opened
here, with twenty-one flying machines
ontcrcd. The meeting will continue a
week. Of the twenty-one entries sev
en aro French. The English entrants
include Mr. Parkinson, a Blackpool
councilman, with a Blerlot machine.
A hundred thousand spectators as
sembled to witness the flights. Paul
hau and Farmau opened the proceed
ings by completing n circuit the for
mer going at the rate of forty miles
an hour. The latter flew about fifty
In the speed competition Farman
made a magnificent flight of seventeen
and a half miles. He flew like a bird
around and around the course. Rou
gler also made one of the most suc
cessful flights. He beat Farman's dis
tance and covered twenty miles before
Ho Lets Lieuts. Lahm and Humphreys
Assume Control of Biplane.
College Park, Md., Oct. 10. Wilbur
Wright resigned the reins of authority
at tho College Park school of aeronau
tics and permitted Lieutenants Frank
P. Lahm and F. E. Humphreys of the
signal corps to' assume practically
complete supervision of the operation
of the biplane for the first time since
the trials.
Roth pupils showed ability as bi
plane operators, and Lieutenant Hum
I phreys during one of the flights manip
i ulatcd the Wright machine with a skill
that won the knowing ones present.
! Mr. Wright made six (lights. On
I threo of them he took with him Lieu
I tenant Humphreys, and on the other
Lieutenant Lahm was the passenger.
Lambert Performs an Exploit, Starting
From Juvisy Aviation Grounds.
Juvisy, Franco, Oct. 10. Aviator
Lambert made an ascent hero In a
Wright biplane, nnd after going once
around the track he rose to a height of
100 yards and started in tho direction
of Paris. Arriving there, Lambert
sailed around tho Eiffel tower and
passed over the Place St. Michael, no
then started on his return here.
There wns a serious accident here
when Blanc's aeroplane fell into a
crowd and injured several women.
Mother end Aunt of Ono of Child Vic
tims Attack Him In Court.
Utica. N. Y Oct. 10. With twelve
jurors In the box the trial of Theodore
Rlzzo, accused of the murder of
Theresa Proeoplo and Ferdinandino
Infusino nnd the wounding of Fannie
Iufusino began hero today,
Tiie district attorney, in addition to
the confession Rizzo is alleged to have
made, claims to have a complete case
against tho prisoner.
There was a melodramatic incident
when Mrs. Raeffalo Proeoplo, the
mother of ono of the murdered chil
dren, came In, followed by her hus
band's sister, Mrs. Peter Bouatza, each
bearing an infant in arms.
Suddenly, with a scream, Mrs. Pro
eoplo darted at Rim) full tilt and laud
ed a blow on IMzzo's face.
Sergeant Corrou thought sho had a
knife and seized her. She broke from
liini and would have been at Rizzo
again, only tills time Chief of Police
Bropliy was between them.
Mrs. Ronntza then darted at Rlzzo
and belabored him with her fists. Tho
woman was subdued with dillleulty.
Buzalski Not Guilty of Murder of
Girl by Poison.
Lockport, N. Y Oct. 10. Tho jury In
the case of Mrs. Blanche Buzalski of
Niagara Falls, indicted for murder in
tho first degree and charged with ad
ministering poison to Sophia Kamln
ski, roturned a verdict of not guilty
after being out three hours.
Mrs. Buzalski received tho news of
her acquittal with a smile of joy. Her
husband clasped her in his arms nnd
kissed her. Her attorney thanked each
The prosecution claimed Mrs. Buzal
ski, who conducted an employment
agency for girls, got Sophia Knmlnski
a position, had her llfo insured nnd
gave her fifty grains of arsenic, from
which tho girl died.
Five Years For Bank Teller
Trenton, N. J., Oct. 10. Eugene R.
Wlltbank, teller of tho Second Nation
al bank of Atlantic City, was sen
tenced in tho United States district
court hero to five years In tho peniten
tiary at Atlanta for tho embezzlement
of $7,500, Ho pleaded guilty.
Men Swear Mrs. Treat Pop
ped the Question Often.
Youthful Husband and Elderly
Bride Listen In Court In Suit
to Have Guardian Appoint
ed For Her Estate.
Hartford, Conn., Oct 10. Although
her sorenty-one years have ripened
her to a certain degree, Mrs. Luclnda
Treat Godard is no older than she
feels, as was made plain in court here
before Judge Waldo Marvin.
The testimony went to prove that
tho coquettish Mrs. Godard had exer
cised the right of every woman to
change her mind, to plant and trans
plant her affections, until last month,
when she married Charles R. Godard,
twenty-one years old, u junior at the
Yale University Law school.
Mrs. Godard's son, Edwin Treat
head of a fire Insurance company and
old enough to be her husband's father,
asked the court to make him guardian
of his mother's estate, alleging that
she Is In danger of wasting her for
tune because of mental and physical
infirmities due to advanced age.
Mrs. Godard retorts that she is per
fectly capable of managing her own
affairs and that her son and his wife
yearn for her money.
Miss Hazel May Cox, formerly Mr.
Treat's stenographer, testified that
Mrs. Godard shortly before her wed
ding behaved in a very girlish way
and simpered when she tried to coax
Miss Cox to Introduce her to some of
her "young gentlemen friends."
"Mrs. Godard rode on my car,"
Charles W. Thrall, a trolley conductor,
swore. "She had so much powder on
her face that when she scratched her
check her fingers left furrows In the
The boss painter who had the con
tract to paint Mrs. Godard's house
last summer testified that she paid so
many attentions to his painters that
they lost time and he lost $10.50 on the
"Mrs. Treat wanted to marry me last
summer," swore John .D. Mnllender, a
paperhanger. "I told her there was
nothing doing; that I had a wife and
children. She said she would get a di
vorce for mo and give me all her prop
erty. Before the painters sho kissed
mo nnd told them she loved mo."
Mrs. Annie .T. Welch, a neighbor of
Mrs. Godard. testified that Godard,
the youthful suitor, called at her house,
and the conversation turned to the
then Mrs. Treat. Godard laughed and
said: "Oh, you mean that funny old
woman around the corner? I've been
there twice, and I guess I could marry
her and havo plenty of money when I
get out of college to marry a young
"I was at Mrs. Treat's house one day
when sho put her arm around me and
made mo sit on a sofa beside her,"
swore narold Chamberlain, a good
looking lad of twenty. "Then she pro
posed that wo get married the next
week. I told my folks about it, and
they scolded me and told mo never to
go thero again. So I didn't."
Godard and his bride sat side by
side in court. He took many notes; she
helped. The case was adjourned until
next Monday.
Godard met his mature spouse when
he was selling stockings to support
himself while studying law. He is un
der .$1,000 ball charged with perjury
based on the allegation that lie told tho
clerk in the marriage license bureau
here that his brido was thirty-six.
Gives Ambassador a Message Relative
to Welcomo to His Ships.
Berlin, Oct. 1!). Count von Bern
storff, German ambassador to the Unit
ed States, was received in audience by
tho kaiser at Potsdam.
Tho knlscr Intrusted the count with
a message to bo delivered to Presi
dent Taft when ho reaches Washing
ton. In the message the kaiser ex
presses his thanks at the reception
tendered Admiral von Koester during
his stay iu New York at the Hudson
Fultou celebration.
Aviator Falls In Berlin.
Berlin, Oct. 10. Aviator Kclndel, fly
ing in a Wright machine, fell from a
height of tpn meters here. He was
slightly injured, and his machine was
Griffith Defeats Kid Ash.
Cincinnati, Oct. 10. Billy Griffith
defeated Kid Ash in a ten round go be
fore the Clifton Athletic club here. It
was one of the best contests seen here
in years.
Discovery by
Woods P
Fnyvlllfr, N. -ton
of a woma'
woods botweei
points to n mui
Coroner Sava
In Long Island
to Murder.
2t. 10. The skele
nd by boys in the
mtwood and Islip
of the opinion that
a the woods for at
'the body had lui5
least a year. From remnants of cloth
ing and a pair of shoes the coroner In
ferred that the woman's attire was of
fine quality.
Around the neck of the skeleton was
a pearl pendant necklace, and an auto
mobile veil found near bore in em
broidered letters the name Schwartz.
On the left wrist was a gold and pcaEt
The finding of the skeleton recalls a
story told last Thanksgiving day by a
woman living on the Brentwood roai
that she heard in tho night the screams
of a woman in distress and that the
cries for help came apparently from
an automobile which passed. Several
persons living near Oakdalo reported
having heard the. cries of distress.
A theory of the police is that the
girl was the missing fiancee of Gus
tavo Schwartz, now in Rlverhead Jail
under indictment for the murder of
Irving J. Nelson of Central Isllp.
Varied Diversions For President on Hi
Brother's Texas Ranch.
Gregory, Tex., Oct. 10. A wildcat
hunt, a dny's tarpou fishing, motor
boating aud automoblllng, jack rab
bit chasing and golf are a few of the
diversions lu which President Taft is
expected to Indulge iu the course of his
four days' rest at his brother's big
ranch here.
Tho president Is dctcrmlucd to de
vote the next four days to having a
good time.
At tho Charles P. Taft ranch the
president will be among those who ap
preciate his need of rest and recrea
tion. No local committeemen will be
allowed within the precincts of the
100,000 acre ranch.
' The Taft ranch fronts on three bays
of the gulf. It Is devoted largely to
cattle raising. The president's brother
has provided a big strong horse for
ids guest, and the president will do
considerable riding.
They do their wildcat hunting along
about dusk, when the creatures ven
ture from tho woods in search of prey.
Charles P. Taft has several fine
hounds trained for wildcats, and local
hunters assure the president that he
will have great sport.
Packers In Convention Say That Prices
Never Can Go Lower.
Chicago, Oct. 10. Prices of meat to
the people throughout the United
States will soon take another jump up
ward, according to action taken by
nearly a thousand packers In conven
tion here.
"Prices now aro higher than they
have been for years," the committee
reports. "Prices never can go lower
and In all probability must go up.
"There is little chance for the de
crease In live stock prices, and if they
continue to go up it will lie necessary
to charge more for meat.
"Tho prices of live stock foodstuffs
have been extremely high throughout
tho year," the report continued, "nnd
this consequently has resulted In tho
Increased cost of production to feeders
nnd raisers. It follows that the cost to
us is increased, which means that we
must charge more. The wholesalers
and retailers cannot afford to pay the
loss, and It consequently falls on tho
public, tho consumer.
"It is not anything that this associa
tion has control over. It merely Is a
question of supply nnd demand."
Margaret lllington Asks Divorce From
Theatrical Manager.
Reno, Nov., Oct. 10. Margaret llling
ton has filed suit for divorce from
Daniel Frohnian In the district court
here, giving as causo his failure to
provide for her support during tho last
two years.
No alimony Is demanded. Tho ac
tress has been In Reno nearly a year,
going out only for early morning walks
or horseback rides. Sho has gained
llesli and looks very healthy. It Is not
thought that Mr. Frohnian will make
any contest.
Two Supreme Court Justices Confer
With Governor Hughes.
Albany, N. Y., Oct. 10. Supremo
Court Justieo Abel E. Blackmar of
Brooklyn and Supremo Court Justice
John Woodward, who Is a member of
the Brooklyn appellate division, had
talks with Governor Hughes here.
Although the governor has announc
ed ho will not fill the Gaynor vacancy
on the supremo court bench or In tho
Brooklyn appellate division until after
election, these two supremo court Jus
tices discussed the situation with tho