Si.Wecky Founded ? 1908 fc k Weekly Founded, 1844 J 1 JifflmBl. WW & V J REPUBLICAN PARTY J i W irSi 1 M 0$ t)l M iJt 0 0 0 66th YEAB. HONBSDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909. s NO. 82 1 i i i . rzr i I DlflTIMr IN PAR ABANDONED FARMS. Ufnir'P PDIICAnr ATLANTIC CITY'S RIOT. IJSH TO uwi JUi6U, MP AD CM Q M( UP I Hill I INIl IN TAR W Secretary Wilson 8... Example, of W 1 1 M T N N I HI SAI l j.M t uA Pnllo .nrf Even Money That He Will Knock Out IV ,A "H .1 HMNIl . I In Protest Against Execu tion of Ferrer In Spain. BICYCLE POLICEMAN IS SHOT. Bullet Was Intended For Prefect of Police Mounted Men Charge Repeatedly on the Mob of Anarchists. Paris. Oct. 14. A manifestation In. protest against the execution of Pro fessor Francisco Ferrer In Spain gave rise to rioting here. A bicycle police man was killed by a shot intended for Protect of Police Lepine. A woman also was killed, and about 200 rioters were wounded. A mass meeting of anarchists had been summoned by Deputy Jaure's newspaper, Humanltc, and Horve's or gan, the Social "War, calling on every one to meet in the Place de CUchy and proceed to the house of the Spanish ambassador. Hcrve's appeal was word ed with more than his customary vio lence. He said: "The royal young Idiot, whose heart has not been touched by Ferrer's daughter's tears or the indignant pro tests of the civilized world, Is nn as sassin. He will end like his neighbor, Portugal's royal hog. He signed his own condemnation to death this morn ing, and when he dies like a dog no man of heart in the whole world will shed a tear over the royal carrion." The article concluded with an appeal to all Unionists, Socialists and an archists to Join in a demonstration of protest. A procession of many thousands of persons, crying "Assassin!" "Vivo Fer rer!" and "A has la Calotte!" and sing ing tho "Internationale." started at a brisk rate from tho Place de Clicliy. The block in which the Spanish am bassador's house is situated had been cordoned. Municipal guards barred the Boulevard do Courcelles and the Place de Cllchy. When"tT?'""iroi-esS.foi in' rived" lt'ahi fifty yards of the municipal guards tho latter advanced smartly to meet them. Five revolver shots were fired from the ranks of tho procession. Imme diately ro-enforccments of mounted nen and police hurried up and drove back the crowd a hundred yards with blows from their sheathed swords. The rioting then became general. The crowd broke all the gas lamps In the surrounding streets. The mounted men charged repeatedly. The mob stopped three autobuses within 200 yards of each other in the Rue Toequo vllle and set them on fire. An attempt was made to form a bar ricade with lamp posts which wore torn down. An order was given to draw sabers, and the mounted men, numbering sixty, followed by the po lice, mnilo a savage charge, hitting men and women Indiscriminately. HOTEL MAN'S STRANGE DEATH Mrs. Hippolyte Dubois Says Husband Committed Suicide. Ilackensack, N. .T Oct. 14. Hippo lyte Dubois, who for several years conducted a hotel in New York, died on a lonely part of Hudson terrace, near Fort Lee, under peculiar circum stances. Mrs. Ella Dubois, his wife, was with him at the time he died, and her at tempt to escape to Now York without having notified the authorities landed the woman In the detention room of the Ilackensack Jail. It was near midnight when Mrs. Du bois stopped nn automobile that was traveling toward the Edgowater ferry for New York. She asked for a ride. "My husband has Just committed suicide on the roadside," said Mrs. Du bois to the autoist, and tho latter noti fied the Edgowater police when he reached the ferry. Policemen Gould and Allison Inter cepted Mrs. Dubois as she boarded the ferry and prevailed upon her to return to the spot where she left her husband. Sure enough, there lay Dubois dead. An empty bottle from which Mrs. Du bois said he drank lay In tho road near blm. When asked by Coroner Tracey why sho tried to get to New York instead of returning to the Villa Richard at Coytosville, where they had been stop ping for a week, Mrs. Dubois could make no satisfactory reply. Tho boarding house is not four blocks from where Dubois was found. BASEBALL' RESULTS. At Pittsburg-Pittsburg (N. L.), 8; De. trolt (A. t), 4. Batteries Adams and Gibson; Bummers, Wllletts, Schmidt and Btanage. At Boston Boston (A. I), 2; New Tork (N, I), 0. Batteries Collins and Dono hue; Mathewson and Meyers. At Chicago Came postponed; cold Secretary Wilton Sees Examples of Poor Farming In New York State. mica, N. Y., Oct. 14.-Sccrctary or Agriculture Wilson Is making an au tomobile tour of New York state for tho purpose of discovering If possible why there are so many abandoned farms In the state and what plan can bo adopted to remedy this condition, which appears to be alarming. Secretary Wilson said that in the trip from Albany to Utlca he had nev er seen so many examples of poor farming. The farms wore all right, he was convinced, but the farmers were wrong. "It was n beautiful country that wo passed through," he said, "but the farms generally did not show prosper ity. I saw hardly any sheep on the hillsides. Next to the cow the sheep Is the most profitable domestic animal. Many of the districts looked depopu lated. We saw plenty of children in the villages, but few in the rural re gions. The country looks deserted. In fact, interest in agriculture appears to have declined in New York state to a great extent." MARCH ON ZELAYA'S CAPITAL. Nloaraguan Coast Towns In Insur gents Hands. Colon, Oct. 14 (By wireless from Blueficlds). The revolution against President Zolaya was accomplished without the firing of a shot, so far as Blueficlds is concerned, but at Grey town there was fighting between a body of rebels commanded by Colonel Ugarte and the government troops. Some rebels arrived at Greytown be fore tho main body of the Insurgent PRESIDENT JOSE S. ZELAYA. force commanded by General Cha morro Estrada and demanded the sur render of the town. This was refused by tho Zelayalsts, and a skirmish fol lowed, which ended in the capture of the town by Ugarte. The entire force of rebels Is now en route to tho Interior. Fighting Is ex pected at Castillo. The Insurgents in the interior have captured Corluto, Rlvas, Roverat and other places. The entire country is aroused, and tho indications are that President Ze laya, who was last heard of at Cape Graclas, will be forced to flee from Nicaragua. BANK OFFICERS CAGED. Bandit Gets Money, but Commits Sui cide When Pursued by Posse. Chicago, Oct. 14. A fashionably dressed baudlt who robbed the savings bank of D. H. Ersklne & Co. in High land Park, an aristocratic suburb on the lake shore, committed suicide by shooting himself in tho mouth when driven to bay by the marshal and a posso of citizens. A companion of the robber who nail driven him to the bank in an automo bile was captured Immediately follow ing the robbery, forcing the principal perpetrator of tho daring daylight crime to flee on foot. Ho was engag ed In a running duel with Town Mar shal John Shcchan, who was the tar get for many bullets from the fugitive bandit's revolver, one of which went through the sleeve of his coat. The robbery was conducted In a de liberate and spectacular manner, the bandit securing nbout $500 In gold coin and bills after ho had forced John C. Duffy, cashier of the bank; Miss Nellie Fitzgerald, the bookkeep er, and Joseph F. Richards, the re ceiving teller, Into the cashier's cage. NEW BALLOON, RECORD. Forbes and Flelschman Win Lahm Cup by Flight of 731 Miles. Richmond. Vn.. Oct. 14. Winning the Lahm cup for the longest flight made In a balloon under tho auspices of the Aero Club of America and breaking all speed records for long distance flights, A Holland Forbes of New York and former Mayor Max C. Flelschman of Cinclrfnatl landed near here. The trip from St Louis was made In the bal loon New York, In which Forbes won tho duration contest In the Indianapo lis contest The distance, 731 miles, was made In 19 hours IK minutes at an average rate of thirty-eight miles an hour. Mrs. Clarence Mackay Out Against Militant Methods. PUTS BAN ON MRS. PANKHURST Says It Is Not Necessary to Go Out on Street Corners and Shriek Out Propaganda to the Passerby. New York, Oct. 14. Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay, president of the Equal Franchise society, announces that she will refuse to Introduce Mrs. Pank hurst, the English suffragette, when the latter appears In Carneglo hall to advocate nn aggressive crusade for woman suffrage. Mrs. Mackay at the same time issued a statement defining the purposes and the position of the Equal Franchise society, In which she deplores militant methods and declares that the move men for franchise for women is not t fight for rights, but merely the log ical evolution of Justice. The state ment In part says: "Wo feel that to secure the franchise for women It Is not necessary for us to imitate methods which are being used In other countries. AVc shall achieve our nlm without sensational ism. I will not Indorse tho militant methods, It has not seemed necessary in the past and 1 do not think It will be necessary In the future for us to go out to the street comers and shriek out tlie propaganda to the passerby. "Wo do not think that as an organ ization wo have a right to demand nn expression of opinion from the candi dates at this coming election. We prefer to leave politics alone until our sex is sharing tne respousiuimy with the other sex. I feel that the main reason for suffrage Is community of interest between tho sexes. It is not in any sense a fight for rights, but the logical evolution of Justice. "Si has been repeatedly paid to me by men In public life and men in pri vate life that when the women of the United Stntes unite In demanding the vote they will get It. And I think that Is perfectly true and that therefore what Is needed to further the suffrage cause is to give all sorts and kinds of women the opportunity of listening to speakers who will explain Just what the suffrage will mean to us all. "Wo have but to plead our cause without raising our voice to those men and women who are not with us. We can always assume that they are not willfully ignorant of what woman suf- rage should mean. We want them to appreciate the fact that throughout this country the strongest suffragists are these women who devote their best energies toward tho developing of their children In order to make them citi zens worthy of our great country. "Among the most recent additions to our membership are .Mrs. William Schielllln, Mrs. Milton Barger, Mrs. Rudolph Sfhirmer, Mrs. Archibald Al exander, Mrs. Everett Colby, Mrs. Richard Stevens, Mrs. Walter May nard, Miss Sponce, Mrs. Paul Morton, Miss Elizabeth Burchenal and Miss Dorothy Whitney." DARTMOUTH'S INAUGURATION. Professor Ernest F. Nichols Installed as College's Tenth President. Hanover, N. H Oct. 14. With near ly a century and a half behind her 140 years to bo exact Dartmouth col lege today brought to the inauguration of her tenth president, Ernest Fox Nichols, traditions and customs fully as unique if not as historic as those of Harvard. Tho ceremonies began with a serv ice In Rollins chapel under the direc tion of Professor John K. Lord, after which the academy procession formed and marched to Webster hnll for the inauguration oxercises. Dclegntes from more than 200 col leges and universities were present. In the group were President (emeritus) Eliot and President Lowell of Har vard, President Hadley of Yale and the presidents of Columbia, Pennsyl vania and Johns Hopkins. Ambassa dor Bryce and Governor Qulnby of New Hampshire were also present. The cornerstone of the new gym nasium was afterward laid by Presi dent Nichols, and the address was giv en by Professor Edwin J. Bartlctt of the college faculty and a son of an honored president of Dartmouth. Craig Wadsworth Resigns. London, Oct. 14. Craig Wadsworth, second secretary of the American em bassy here, has resigned. Ho Is going to some warm climate to recover from the neuritis from which bo has boon suffering for some time. Justice Trenchard Blames Police and Calls For Indictments. Mays Landing, N. J., Oct. 14. Jus tice Thomas Trenchard In his charge to tho grand Jury, of which Captain John L. Young, tho Atlantic City finan cier and hotel man, is foreman, said: "There can be no excuse for failure to enforce the law In Atlantic City. A rofusal of the grand Jury to Indict all offenders breeds contempt for tho ad ministration of Justice, which Is a fore runner of anarchy and tends to the de struction of civil liberty. "The prosecutor will present to you evidence of gambling in Atlantic City. Much of it relates to gambling houses conducted so openly ns to be notorious. He will exhibit to you faro and rou lette wheels, chips and other gambling Instruments seized on raiding the houses; he wltl show you the actual money in large sums which the gam blers were using in their play. Such evidence will require Indictments at your hands. "It will also be your duty to Investi gate a riot which occurred in Atlantic Clfy. There will be evidence tending to show that state detectives employed by the prosecution were mobbed on the public streets by rioters armed with revolvers and clubs. "The prosecutor's men were pursued through five city blocks by the mob, and many shots were fired. The prose cutor has evidence that the mob was Incited and led by members of the At lantic City police force. Tho gravity f this charge is apparent. "If the police of Atlantic City are to be permitted to drive out olllccrs en gaged In executing state warrants what Is to become of the personal se curity and property of citizens?" STRANDED STEAMER ON FIRE. Six of the Stone's Crew Drowned While Trying to Reach Shore. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 14. Caught in the, gale on Lake Erie, the steamer George Stone ran on Grubbs reef, caught fire and is a total loss. Six of the crew, including Captain Paul How ell of Erie, Pa., were drowned while tryiug to make shore In n small boat. Two of these In the yawl clung to it until It was carried to shoal water and then struggled ashore. Ten who remained on tho steamer were taken off by tho steamer F. M. Osborne and landed at Detroit. Hardly had those brought to land by the steamer Osborne been landed than they were set upon by union men or their sympathizers, and one was knocked Into the river. He was rescued by the harbor master. Others of the crew were attacked upon the street, and several of them were roughly handled. The crew was escorted to the Wabash depot by the police. Captain Grubb of the Pelee light went out In a gasoline boat and picked up the yawl from the Stone and also recovered three of the bodies. It is said tho boiler went wrong in the gale, causing the Stone to become unman ageable, ner anchors were dropped, but failed to hold her. Sho caught firo forward, and her cabins were burned off. CRANE'S FATHER ANGRY. Says Son's Dismissal Was a "Frame up" on Secretary Knox's Part. Chicago, Oct. 14. Richard T, Crane, president of the Crane company and father of the deposed minister to Chi na, Charles H. Crane, denounces the discharge of his son as an outrage and tho result of a plot. "It is the most outrageous thing I, over heard of," said Mr. Crane. "It is absolutely unreasonable and a burning shame. They never even gave the boy a decent chance. Ho had no Instruc tions whatever. There is certainly something behind It. The reasons ad vanced for requesting Charlie's resig nation are not the real ones, I am con- vlnced. It is surely n plot of some kind. "Yes," he continued as some one suggested the word to him, "It must be a 'frameup.' That's all there is to it.' HANNA'S GRANDSON MARRIED Wedding Was on July 30, but An nouncement Is Only Just Made. New York, Oct. 14. Announcement is made of the marrlago on July 30 last of Gertrude Jerome Leavitt daughter of tho late Edward Leavitt of Woodbury, Conn., nnd young Carl H. Hanna, grandson of tho late Sena tor Marcus A. Hanna and son of Dan lei R. Hanna. The marrlago ceremony was performed at Brldgeburg, Ont, by tho Rev. Robert Mclntyrc. The bride- groom is nineteen years old. Mr. Hanna is tho second son of Dan R. Hanna, only son of the senator. His mother was Moy Harrington, Mr. Hanna's first wife, who obtained a dl vorco In 1808 and who Is now the wife of Edmund K. Swallow of Now York Rioting by Mob In Genoa. London, Oct. 14. A dispatch from Genoa states that rioting is going on there nnd that the police aro firing on the mob. Even Money That He Will Knock Out Ketchet In Fifteen Rounds. San Francisco, Oct. 14. Both Jack Johnson and Stanley Ketchel have fin ished training for tho championship fight on Saturday afternoon. Johnson will weigh 105 pounds in the ring, which is lighter than he was In the fight with Burns. Ketchel will weigh 170 pounds. Some of Ketchel's admirers fear he Is carrying too much weight, but Wil lie Britt says Ketchel was never better in wind than now. While Ketchel Is much stronger than In his last fight with Papke, Sam Fltz patrlck, who has kept his eyes open during the negro's training, said: "Jack was never in better condition than now. Yet these people who talk about a short fight arc mistaken. John son is naturally cautious, and he won't take any chances with such a power ful hitter as Ketchel. I should not bo surprised to see the fight go beyond fifteen rounds, and, though Ketchel Is sure to be cut up, Johnson may win only on points." Betting on the fight remains tho same as for the last ten days, 10 to 4 on tho result and even money that Johnson will knock out Ketchel Inside of fifteen rounds. Although there are many who claim to like Ketchel's chances, they do not come up with their coin. JOINS IN ACCUSING GAYNOR. Assistant District Attorney Says Judge Aided Race Track Men. Now York-, Oct. 14. In a signed statement Assistant District Attorney Robert H. Elder of Brooklyn corrobo rated the charge made by William M. Ivins that Justice Gnynor. Democratic candidate for mayor, conspired and consulted with Senator Patrick II. McCarren and Eugene Wood to nullify the race track anti-gambling law. Elder charges that Justice Gnynor plotted with Wood, a political lobby ist, and McCarren, political boss and race track patron, to bring up an "ar rnnged." or test, case on a habeas corpus writ to be heard before Gny- nor. on which a decision would bo handed down legalizing tho laying down of bets. That the efforts of Elder and his assistants to have a real 'case on which to obtain a decision were foiled by the race track forces Is charged by Elder, who tells lu detail of tho plotters' struggle to have Gnynor personally pass upon any "arranged" nctlon. Elder savs further that he heard from two sources, one of which, he says, is a public official, that Gaynor had been in conference with McCar ren and Wood nnd that Gaynor's ac tions In cases antedating the race track litigation made Elder suspicious of the Justice's Interest In tho litigation. SUIT CASE MYSTERY CLEWS. Marks on Dead Girl's Foot Lead to Partial Identification. Tiverton. II. I., Oct. 14. Tho suit case tragedy of Bulger Marsh road is now nearer solution, as developments tend to clear up the mystery should the clews on which the police are friends. To most of his political ns worklng prove fruitful. I soclates he had declared he "never felt All the detached members of the body of the victim of tho crime except the head have now been found hidden In the underbrush of the lonely road through tho marsh. From marks on the right foot it is believed that the body may prove to be that of Miss Gertrude Edwards, a seventeen-year-old girl of South Scituato, Mass. This girl has been missing since Saturday last, when sho loft her homo In the company of a young man who tad been paying attention to her. They left In an automobile. The police of Providence have been notified to make a close search for the automobile and the young man. An autopsy was performed by physi cians from Newport, at the close of which It was announced that the im mediate cause of death was strangula- tlon. The girl was nbout to become a mother, and heroin lies the evident mo- tive for the murder. VANDERBILT CONTROL STANDS Harriman's Place In Central Board Taken by Hughitt. New York, Oct. 14. Three corpora tions with which E. H. Harrlman was connected ns a director elected suc cessors to him. On the Pacific Coast board John I. Wnterbury was chosen. Mr. Wnterbury is president of tho Manhattan Trust company, the Chase National bank, the International Mer cantile Marine and Louisville and Nashville. In Western Union tho three new di rectors are Alvln W. Krech, Edward T. Jeffery and Klngdon Gould. Signif icant of the extent of Mr. Harriman's personal influence and Its passing with him was tho election of Marvin Hugh, ltt as his successor In New York Ccn. tral. It was In New York Central that Mr. Harrlman made tho most important extension of his influenco In tho year preceding bis death, but the election of Mr. nughltt shows that tho Vonder btlts still control the road. Willi tll VIIIIIIIIU 2 5 Brooklyn 5 enator Very Low Afteiin Operation. IS SEIZED WITH APPENDICITIS. He Is Hurried From His Headquar ters to a Hospital and the Doc tors Say That They Fear the Worst. New York, Oct. 14. State Senator Patrick H. McCarren, the Democratic party leader of Brooklyn, has beea suddenly eliminated from further par ticipation In the heated political cam paign by an acute attack of appendi citis which required an Immediate op eration. He was taken ill while at work 1b his headquarters at the Clarendon ho tel and was removed at once to St Catherine's hospital in Brooklyn, where an operation was performed. SENATOR P. H. M'CAitriiJii.. His condition is extremely critical, and the doctors say they fear be cannot re cover. Senator McCarren had been very conspicuous In the political fights now on, and his loss to the Democrats as a campaign manager is very serious. McCarren's lieutenants were shocked at the suddenness of his attack, and realizing the Importance of bavins an Immediate substitute to take up the leadership Arthur C. Salmon, treasurer of tho Kings county Democratic com mittee, issued a call for a meeting of the county executive committee today to take action on the matter. Senator McCarren had not been well for three or four days, but had kept ' the fact from all but his most Intimate better in his life." After attending a mooting of the Democratic executive committee the senator was taken very 111 at his hotel. Dr. Blerwlrth made a quick examina tion and diagnosed the trouble as acute appendicitis. Senator McCarren then asked that his personal physician, I Dr. Peter Hughes, be sent for. Dr. i Hughes corroborated Dr. Rierwlrth's diagnosis, and the two physicians to gether advised that an operation be performed immediately. A taxicab was called and Senator McCarren placed inside and driven to the St. Catherine's hospital. The phy sicians at the hospital agreed with those who had previously examined the senator that an operation was urgent. Tho senator's mother, Mrs. Mary McCarren, who Is now eighty-four years old, lives in the family home at 87 Berry street, Brooklyn. She has been 111 nnd falling rapidly for a long time, and the family did not think It advisable to tell her of her son's Ill ness. An aunt of tho senator, Mrs. Bernard J. McCann, and his nephews, David nnd Edward McCarren, with their sister, went to tho hospital nnd remained there waiting for news. Senator McCarren Is In his sixty-first year. He was born on July 18, 1840. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call was 4H per cent; time money and mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices of stocks were: Amal. Copper... 78 Norf. & West... 85H Atchison 120ft B. & O 116 Brooklyn It. T.. 1iM Chen. & Ohio.... SS C. C.C.&St.U. 76 D. & H 186T4 Erie 33ft Gen. Electric... 163 III. Central 149 Int.-Met 16 Louis. & Nash.. 1514 Manhattan 14214 Missouri rac... 674 N. Y. Central. . . .13574 Northwestern .. 187V Penn. R. R. 146ft Reading' 161 Rock Island SSVi St. Paul 157 Southern Pac.USty Southern Ry..,. 29V4 South. Ry pf... 8 Sugar UOtt Texas Pacific... XH Union Pacific. .SIKH U. 8. Steel 87H U. S. Steel pf.,.U7K Wist. Union.,,. TTH k