The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 06, 1909, Image 8
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEIt 0, 1000. onsoN. Blain Lee and I. W. Hlne were elected delegates to the Wayne County Sunday School convention held at Bethany on Friday of last week. Miss Grace Hall, secretary of the fifth district of the county, was present. A very Interesting meeting was held at the Grange last Friday night, and two new members were received, Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Myra Belknap. Mrs. Clinton Hlne and sister, Mrs. Jesse Teraperton, of Forest City, are attending the fair at Blnghamton this week. Rev. O. G. Russell Is on his va cation visiting friends In New York state. Cards were received here last week announcing' the marriage on Wed nesday, September 15th of Miss Luella Gaylord and Mr. Harry H. Hitchcock, both of Cortland, N. Y. The bride Is well known In this coun ty, her parents having lived here many years. She has the best wishes of her many friends for a long and happy life. Miss Nellie Hennehan, of Peck vllle, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Brink. Howard Palmer, wife and family, of Jermyn, spent Sunday at the home of his father, H. Palmer, at this place. Miss Sarah Whipple Is visiting friends In Blnghamton, N. Y. HAMMNTON. Lulu Chapman, of Wllkes-Barre, visited her parents over last Sunday. Mrs. Amanda Clearwater and Miss D. P. Hamlin have returned from Hackettstown, N. J. Miss Erne Walker is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hattlo Van Sickle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, of Philadelphia, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Alt last week. Miss Cora Alt and Mrs. D. W. Ed wards are the delegates from our Epworth League who are attending the Epworth League convention, held at Jermyn, Sept. 27th and 28th. Mrs. G. W. Simons expects to leave soon to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Foultz, of Mendota, 111. Mrc. B. F. Hamlin and family left last week for a month's sojourn at Wildwood, N. J. Mrs. Hoyle, of Herrick Centre, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Marlon Bldwell. Revival services are 'now in pro gress at Bidwell Hill. Dr. W. A. Stevens is spending a few days in Philadelphia. The Salem campground will be sold at public sale, held on the grounds of the same on October 16, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stone and Mr. Brown, of Scranton, have been staying at the Stone place for the past few days. We are told that Mr. Stone is gathering his apple crop. Mrs. G. W. Simons entertained the members of the Book Club on Wed nesday afternoon, Sept. 29th. SHERSIAN. Miss Maggie Barlow is visiting friends in town. J. H. Smith is taking in the Bing hamton fair this week. Ray Arnoke has an new auto. Eugene Cortright of Honesdale, was calling on friends here this' week. George Hitchcock Is some better. Mrs. E. Garlow is very sick. Amelia Evans is to be married this week. We do not know the lucky man's name. Ira Clearwater Is working in De posit. Mrs. Carl is going to New York next week to visit her children. Tracy Webster and bride are ex pected here in a few days. They will occupy rooms in the Cordelia Reynolds house. PLEASANT MOUNT. Messrs. Deitrick, Kennedy and Will O'Neill, and Misses Mary Bun nell, Emma Lempke, Nell Brannan, Amanda and Marguerite Kennedy attended the teachers' meeting at Lake Como on Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Tiffany was in Scran ton part of last week. Mary Wheeler, of Carbondale, who has been visiting Mrs. Grace Spencer, returned home on Satur day. Mrs. L. C. Bush, Allison Sterling and Harry Moase represented the Presbyterian Sunday school of this place at Bethany last week. Little Eva Wilcox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilcox, is serious ly 111 with a swelling on her leg. Drs. Knapp and Miller operated on the diseased member last week and found It In a very serious condition. The result is still uncertain. Mrs. Nathan Sherman entertain- tained the Ladies' Society of tho Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon of week before last, and ber house was filled to the limit The Interest in the occasion was heightened because of its being the Boventy-flfth anniversary of the or ganlzatlon of that society,, and be VILLAGE, HAMLET, FARM. Doings in Rural Wayne. Interesting Items Picked Up by Our Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents cause one person was present who attended that first meeting, namely Mrs. L. Cornelia Bush. Mrs. Bush read before the society the minu tes of the organization meeting,, and a sketch of the work of the years was given by Mrs. J. H. Kennedy. Fred Kennedy, of this place, died at Halstead where he had gone, apparently in usual health, to attend a business meeting of the North eastern Telephone company of which he was President. He had just called the meeting to order and was about to put a vote before the body when he was noticed to hesitate. He sank rapidly and died In less than three hours from the time of being stricken. The family were Immedi ately notified and Mrs. Kennedy taken In a motor car, but was too late to see him alive. The funeral was held at the Kennedy home on Tuesday. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Schenk of the M. E. church with Mr. Crosier, of Thomp son, as funeral director. Seldom has such a full representation of the town's people turned out to show their regard and sympathy for one of their number who has gone. Relatives, friends and neighbors came with hearts full of sympathy and regret. Fred. Kennedy was horn in Pleasant Mount fifty years ago, and had lived andprospered In his home town. He was a very successful man, a kind friend and a devoted and loving son, husband and father. Besides the wife he leaves three children Bert and Melvln and Luclle, wife of Charles Rolphs, of Brooklyn, N. Y. He will be missed, but nowhere as in the home. Sympathy is hereby ex tended to the aged mother and the family of deceased who look In vain for his home coming. "I shall go to Him, but he shall not return to mo." WAYMAUT. Irene Lyons, who has been spend ing the past month at Bninbridge, N. Y., has returned home. Frank Jeffrey, of Jermyn, visited at the parsonage over Sunday. Frank Nichols, ex-mayor of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sunday at the home of D. E. Wilson. Z. A. Wonnacott and family, who have been on an extended automo bile trip for the past several weeks, returned home Saturday. David Clpperly and wife, of South Canaan, have moved Into their re cently purchased home here. The celebrated Rhine Bros, ex pect to begin their evangelistic work here in the M. E. church October 18th and continue until the 31st. Mrs. Leonard Smith Is among the sick. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Rounds, of Dillon, Montana, are visiting the former's father here. WILSONVILLE. Mrs. Albert Tetzloff and Mary Eppel, of Fowlertown, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. John De groat, at East Hawley on Tuesday. Mr. Smith, who spent tho summer at Cherry Ridge cottage, returned to his home in New York on the 24 of September. Raymond Williams of Tafton, was a recent visitor of his cousin, Mrs. Wm. Masten. After a vacation of two weeks passed In the Electric City George Gilpin has again resumed his duties in the store of C. H. Woodward at Hawley. Planks have been drawn with which to build a new floor to the bridge that spans the Paupac at this place and the one that spans the Lackawaxen at East Hawley. Howard Degroat called on friends at Fowlertown on Sunday evening. Mrs. Evelyn Gallagher, of Deposit is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. Keary, .Mr. Gallagher arrived on Sunday evening returning on Tuesday after noon. William Madden, of Hawley, was taken to a sanitarium for medical treatment tho first of tho week. It Is rumored that Richard Phil- Hps, of Paupac, will take charge of the Forest Lake club house as sup erintendent in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Unger enter tained the former's mother and sis ter, of Hawley, Mrs. Meyer and Miss Anna of Tafton, also other guests this afternoon. Richard James, of Bohemia, visit ed friends here latter part of the week. Mr. Keesler of Tafton is enter tainlng his brother of Sterling. Frank Gilpin, of the electric light plant, will spend Sunday with rela tlves at Greentown and Paupac. Five school directors attended the meeting at Lakevllle on Saturday. After attending to all preliminary business and discussing the advlsa blllty of closing the Bone Ridge school for tho present term, it was, decided to leave the matter as voted on at the last meeting. Superintendent J. J. Koehlorand C. A. Cramer Inspected the school closets last week. and found the san itary condition of the same such as not to require new buildings this year. Hattlo Rosencrance, teacher of Uswlck school, called at this placo on Sunday. Paul Matter and friend, of Haw ley, called at the Dafllne and Grum sen farm this afternoon. Wall & Murphy's saw mill at this place is now running full blast. BEAOJLl LAKE. We expect a joiiy time nt Fair, seeing and greeting old tllO ac- qualntances. Everything seems to say fall is here. Rev. Mr. Tomblyn's sale Saturday went fairly well. H. Wood was the auctioneer. Mr. Tamblyn will now move to Dallas, Pa. Wm. Buddenhagen will move In the house vacated by Mr. Tamblyn's family. Rev. Mr. Tuthlll delivered an ex cellent sermon Sunday morning. Miss Lena Setfrled of Scranton, treated the audience with a fine solo. We really think The Citizen Is a fine paper, and should be In every home; both secular and religious reading. Mrs. Algers and son Raymond, have returned to Hartford, Conn. Our pastor's little son, Joseph, fell last Monday and broke his arm at the elbow. He will have to be taken to the doctor that set the broken bone every day this week to have the arm straightened. The W. C. T. U. had their dinner at the home of Mrs. W. P. Budd in stead of at the parsonage on account of little Joseph's misfortune. Eliza Dunn moves to-day In Wm. Ive's tenant house. Mr. Ives Is buying the apples around here. Mrs. Hattlo Olver Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Grace Barnes, who is not gaining mueh. She will spend the winter in Scranton if she is able to go that far. Blanche Oliver, who was attend ing Honesdale school, was very sick with tonsllltls and had to be brought home. Earl Ham Is doing the threshing around this locality. WAYNE COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS MEET. Enthusiastic GutlierinK f Christian Workers nt Bethany. The annual convention of the Wayne County Sunday School Asso ciation met at Bethany on Friday, In the Presbyterian church. This edi fice is the oldest house of worship standing in the county. Work on construction commenced in 1822, and it was not completed until 1835. The church cost $5,000.. A number of ministers labored In this church until Rev. E. O. Ward was called to the pastorate In 1853, and continued in the field until compelled to dis continue on account of age. Rev. J. B. Cody Is now pastor of the Beth any church. The first Sunday schools in this county were organized in 1818. There were three schools organized that year at Bethany, Canaan and Salem. An interesting incident of the Canaan school Is that Abigail Frlsble recited' 3..062 verses on eight Sundays, for which she receiv ed a Bible and hymn book. The Bethany Sunday school was organ ized July 19, 1818, in the court house at that place, with six teach ers, 30 scholars, and V. M. Dlbol as superintendent. This school organ ized as association in 1819 for the opening of schools elsewhere and through the work of this organiza tion Sunday schools were started in other parts of the county. Rev. E. O. Ward superintended this school for more than 30 years and It Is still in existence. There was a Sun day school union movement in the county about 1830, but the greatest organized Sunday school movement in Wayne county was in 1871, when the Wayne County Sabbath School Association was organized in the Presbyterian church at Honesdale. The convention proper opened at 10:30 a. m. with devotions led by Rev. W. B. Slgnor, pastor of the Bethany Methodist church. Rev. J. B. Cody, pastor of tho Presbyterian church in which tho convention was held, gave the "Welcome to Bethany" address. R. M. Stocker, Esq., of Honesdale, Wayne county's historian, then gave a most interest ing talk upon "Bethany, the First Home of Sabbath Schools In This Section." The next half hour was spent in receiving reports from the different departments upon the fol lowing subjects and offered by the following persons: "Teaching Training," Rev. A. L. Whittaker, rector of Grace Episco pal church. Several good points were brought out. "Adult Bible Class," J. A. Bodle. Mr. Bodle's report was extremely interesting. "Home Department," Miss Grace Hall. She gave a number of sound facts that furnished thought for re flection. Miss Caroline A. Kallsch, who presented "Primary Depart ment and Cradle Roll," thoroughly understood her subject and offered a number of suggestions that are helpful to teachers of the primary department. The addresB of the morning was given by Mrs. M. J. Baldwin, a field worker. She gave an Interesting half-hour talk upon "Self Training of the Elementary Teacher." The speaker Is an enthusiastic Sunday school worker and her address was highly appreciated. The afternoon exercises were open ed at 2 o'clock by a song and praise meeting conducted by Miss Cody, At 2:15 W. D. Reed of the Pennsyl vania State field, spoke upon "Prac tical Methods in tho Modern Sunday School." At 2:45 J. A. Brown of Honesdale, spoke upon "How to Keep Our Young People Interested In the Sunday School.' This was followed by an address on "Our New Graded Lessons,'" by Mrs. M. J. Baldwin. At 3:30 Rev. A. L. Whittaker spoke on "Open Confer ence," Rev. W. H. Hlller on "The Sunday School vs. The Saloon," and Rev. W. S. Peterson on "The Sun day Schools In Mission Fields." The evening session convened at 7:30, after a session of song and praise, led by Miss Cody. Rev. G. S. Wendell spoke on "The Teacher in Training," who was followed by W. D. Reel whose subject was "Round Table Conference." 'After report of committees the following officers were elected: Andrew Thompson, President; William J. Ward, Vice President; C. R. Calla way, secretary; M. E. Simons, treas urer, and Rev. J. B. Cody, district superintendent. WHITNEY SUSTAINS COOK. Tells How They Had to Subdue Boatswain and That Doctor Told of Pole. Boston, Oct. 2. Threats of death and savage bickerings at Etah on the frozen shores of North Green land attended the arrival at the Peary camp there of Dr. Frederick. A. Cook. On one occasion, when appealing to Boatswain John Mur phy, of the Roosevelt, to extend the courtesies of the camp to the wasted and half-famished explorer Cook, Harry Whitney, the young New Haven sportsman, who came here from fourteen months in the Arctic Circle, was threatened with an axe by Murphy and had to threaten Murphy in turn with a shotgun be fore the fiery boatswain's temper cooled. This and other quarrels with Mur phy at Etah are the secrets that Whitney has so closely guarded and concerning which he refuses to ut ter a syllable. To friends who came down from St. John's, N. F., with him after he left the Jennie on Tuesday he unbosomed himself. He HENRY Z. RUSSELL, PRESIDENT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Organized In December, 1836, and Nationalized in Deccmbor, 1864. Since its organization it. has paid in Dividends to its Stock holders, $1,905,800.00 The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR ROLL, from the fact that its Snrplus Fund more than equals Its capital stock. hat Class 0 are YOU in The world has always been divided into two classes those who have saved, those who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant. It is the savers who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand for man's advancement and happiness. The spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. We want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business. .i..i..i..I..illI.,I.,I..I..IIIIIIII.,II. told them of many months of bick erings and quarrels with Murphy; of Murphy's bulldozing and bully Ins methods, and of the final quarrel over Cook's stores and the Peary provisions at Etah, In which the boatswain flared up with savage fury and raised an axe to attack him. The cabin boy, Pritchard, It seems, was on Whitney's side In this quar rel and seized a gun, ns did Whit ney. Murphy 1b a gangling, raw-boned Newfoundlander who can neither read nor write; a man of volcanic temper and an arm of steel. Futile rumors of an unpleasantness at Etah between Murphy and Whitney have been simmering since the inception of the Cook .controversy. Whitney has frankly told the few friends ho met since his return to civilization that he was forced to leave the Peary camp and go and live among the Esquimaux. Having been placed In charge of the Peary stores at Etah, and at the same time having been Instructed by Peary to likewise exercise a su pervision over the Cook stores there, Murphy took his responsibilities tremendously to heart In a purely primeval way. And strange as it may seem, it was to a man of this calibre, a man of dense ignorance, that Peary left written Instructions concerning what should be done with Cook's and his own stores. When Murphy had finally been cowed by Whitney and! hia plucky little champion Pritchard Cook was naturally deeply Indebted to them for their services on his behalf. So It came about that he told Whitney and Pritchard about having been to the North Pole, whereas he had not a word to say on the subject to the bullying boatswain. Little Pritch ard kept the secret locked in his bosom until It was drawn from him by interviewers at Battle Harbor. "I admire Peary Immensely," said Whitney to-day, "and believe he should receive the applause of the world for the great work he has done; I also admire Cook for h.s wonderful achievement, believing firmly that the story he tells about being to the Pole Is true." Advertise in The Citizen. STEADY ACCUMULATION of funds will wear away tho hardest rook adversity plants In your path. Dollars, dollars and yet dollars, slowly but surely deposited with us will slowly, but regularly and sure ly win 3 per cent. Interest each year, wifch fts compounding. $ FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK Honesdale, Pa. EDWIN F.TOltREY CASHIER. ALBERT C.LINDSAY AbSISTANT CASHIER KRAFT & CONGER, INSURANCE HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Comnanies ONLY. "Siiokley-Drandt Furniture' ia made of honest materials and by skilled workman. Only $S.9Q For tbls bnndsomo and massive stylo Dining Table, made ot selected golden Oak, Heavy beveled top, round corners, fancy rim, masalvo fluted and fancy turned less, built on tho famous Hercules frame. This excellent Tablo retails In Btores for 111. SO and upwards. Carefully packed and shipped f relght charges pre paid for $3.00. Why pay the retailer's profit when you can buy at factory prices? Send TO-DAY for our latest catalogue of Furniture. Mailed FREE. BINGHAMTON. N. TT. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OF WALLACK BRUCE KEKNEY, Late ot Preston, Pa. All nersmis Indebted to said estate are nntl. tied to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned : and those having claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested for settlement. nkllik v. kkknki, Administratrix. Orson. August 28. 1909. 70t0 REPORT OP THE CONDITION HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business, Sept. 1, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 189,231 29 Overdrafts.securcd and unsecured 49 70 U. S. Honds to secure circulation. 55,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Honda 2,800 00 Honds, securities, etc 1,352,429 31 lluiiklng-house, furniture and fix tures 40,000 00 Due front National Hanks (not lteservo Agents) 3,772 76 Due from Stute Hunks nnd Hank ers 427 85 Due from approved reservo agents 175,744 W Checks nnd other cash Items.... 3,715 43 Notes of other National Hunks.. 315 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 235 59 Lawful .Money Reserve in Hank, Viz : Specie $87,4112 50 , . Legal tender notos 6.253 00- 10,715 50 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (5 per cent, ol circu lation) 2,750 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other tbun 5 per cent, redemption fund Total ...$1,920,207 07 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and tuxes paid National Hank notes outstanding State Hank notes outstanding.. .. Due to other National Hanks Due t State Hanks and Hankers Individual deposits subject to check......... $1,4UJ,134 41 150,000 00 150.000 00 "1.C00 69 54.400 00 WW 00 MSB 69 741 28 jjemtuiu ccrtiucaies Ol deposit Certllicd checks Cashier's checks out standing Honds borrowed 25.075 00 55 00 232 10-1,483,516 51 NOI10 None Notes and bills redlscounted Hills payable, including certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed Liabilities other than those above stated None None Total $1,920,207 07 State nf Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, h. I Torrey, Cushler of the above named Hunk, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is truo to tho best ot my knowledge and belief. ... E. F. Torrey, Cashier. Subscribed' and sworn to before mo this 9tb day of Sept. 1909. W. H. STONE, N. P. Correct attest: II. Z. UUSSEM,, ) IIomeh Ureene, Directors. Louis J. Dorfukqer, J 72w4 I NEW GOODS FOR A.titu in hi Keystone Block- Our New Fall Dress Goods and Novelty Trimmings, Latest Effects Our Long Corsets for the present season are all built for Modern Dress. In the Glove depart ment all the new shades can be found in the best quality goods. New House Furnish ings In the late designs of Rugs, Portieres Cur tains and Carpets. MENNER&CO. Leading Stores i AT fHenner & Co's. Advertise in tho Citizen. I t