The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 06, 1909, Image 4

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Entered as scccmil-clnss mutter, nt the post
olllce. llonesdnle. l'n.
$1.50 per year
. Jnclgo Robert Von Moschzlskcr,
of Philadelphia.
of Eric.
Jeremiah A. Stober,
of Lancaster.
W. H. BuUock.
Believe In yourself; believe In
everybody; believe In all that has
Do your best under every circum
stance, and believe that every cir
cumstance will give Us best to you.
This Bryan and Bailey verbal
scrap reminds one of Barnum &
Bailey when they were amusing and
fooling the people.
If Peary and Cook continue to hold
back the proofs of their discovery
of the North Pole, the public will
recommend that they bo given the
third degree by the police.
Uncle Sam's receipt for cleaning
brass: One quart of common nitric
acid, to one-half quart of sulphuric
acid. Keep mixture in a stone Jar,
. having a pailful of fresh water and
a box full of sawdust.
Don't croak. Leave that to frogs
In stagnant pools. A few croakers
though are necessary in every com
munity to measure the rate of pro
gress at which live men are advanc
ing. The religious crank is up in arms
because President Taft preached in
the Mormon Temple at Salt Lake
City. He took a text from Proverbs
and expounded a practical, common
sense Christian talk.
Bryan is again going to rock the
Democratic boat as soon as all the
presidential possibilities get aboard.
He'll spill them all out and straddle
the keel himself and then float
around to another defeat.
One of the secrets of success in
character or attainment Is to ac
quire the ability to practice persist
ently those principles of thought
and action on which they are
founded, after the zest of newness
is past, and repetition has made
their performance common place
and trival.
The amendments which are to be
voted on this next election meet the
approval of every one excepting the
professional politician, his chief ob
jection is that there will be one less
election each year and less oppor
tunity for him to get his work in.
These amendments will save the
State at least half a million dollars
and this of itself is justification
enough for adopting them.
Robert Ingersoll held strange
views on religion and immortality,
but that he had a fine mind is at
tested by the following expression,
which may well be repeated often
and again: "Make home the loafing
place and playground of your chil
dren and ten chances to one the feet
that have tracked your floors with
mud will not leave their footprints
along the paths of vice and crime,
and the sweet faces of your boys
that have been such joy to you in
their childhood will not adorn the
rogues gallery; the little hand that
has so often been preased to your
lips will not push tho chips across
the gambler's table; the chubby arms
of your daughters, that have so of
ten entwined your neck, will not
be employed to embrace a street
rowdy and the Hps not Tressed to
those befouled with obscene language
nor the wine that leads to shame."
Wright for Governor?
Former Congressman C. P. Wright
of Susquehanna, .is being mentioned
in some of the papers of northeast
ern Pennsylvania, as a candidate for
Governor of Pennsylvania. This
Mr. Wright is the same Mr. Wright
mentioned in the application of C.
P. Wright and others to the Public
Service Commission to give electric
and power Bervice to Port Jervis.
Port Jervia Gazette.
Vnluo of Discovery.
Rear Admiral Melvlllo speaking
of the discovery concerning the
North Pole says: "For one thing it
will put an end to the Arctic fad.
The only use to which tho discov
ery could bo put would bo scientific.
If tho exact point of the north polo
has been located it would bo possible
to send a party of scientists there,
and by erecting a pendulum and
measuring its movements, and later
removing the same pendulum to the
equator for similar measurement
there, the exact weight of the earth
could bo computed. The attraction
of the earth to heavenly bodies and
vice versa would also be thereby
The Contest for Mayor of New York
City Is Now On.
The nomination of Otto T. Ban
nnrd by the Republicans of New
York for mayor and that of William
J. Gaynor by the Democrats promise
a hot light up to the very day of the
November election. Mr. Bannard
Is the fusion nominee, the commit
tee of one hundred and the Citizens'
Union indorsing him. Judge Gay
nor also has more than the Tam
many nomination behind him, for
he Is also the candidate of tho poli
tical body known as the Municipal
Democracy. Mr. Bannard has been
active in the councils of tho Repub
lican party for years, but has never
held any office except member of the
school board. He is prominent in
financial circles and Is a close friend
of Theodore Roosevelt and President
Taft. Judge Gaynor is a member
of the Supreme court, which corre
sponds to circuit and district courts
in many of the states.
Tidings of Prosperity.
Homestead, Pa., Sept. 28. Tid
ings of prosperity came from the
mill section when it was announced
that tho chests of sliver and gold
brought out from Pittsburg banks
contained the largest pay roll known
in tho mills of tho United States
Steel corporation and the Carnegie
mills since prior to tho panic, two
yeurs ago. To-day's pay amounted
to over ?2G0,000.
State Aid for Townships.
If an act passed by tho last Gen
eral Assembly and approved by the
Governor on May 13, 1909, receives
the attention it should, the average
county road in Pennsylvania will
be a very creditable thoroughfare
after this year. The law, which
makes many important changes in
the administration of township af
fairs, provides that road taxes be
paid in cash, unless otherwise order
ed by a majority vote at a municipal
election, and that the State will pay
each township for the improvement
of its roads 50 per cent, of the
amount of cash road taxes collected,
not exceeding, however, ?20 for
each mile of township road. Pro
vision is further made that within
six months after the passage of this
act that is, before November 13
the supervisors of each township
shall have measured the number of
miles of road in their respective
townships and shall have made their
reports to the highway department.
In this way the State has made a
liberal offer to assist sparsely set
tled townships that are burdened
with a considerable road mileage
that they could not afford in the past
to keep In good condition, says the
Easton Free Press. With this state
aid, however, there can be no ex
cuse in the future for ill-kept town
ship roads, for the offer of the State
is liberal to those townships where
roads are more numerous than tax
payers and in the case of the small
but thickly populated townships the
individual tax burden necessary to
keep the roads in good repair is in
significant. Burning of tho Old Grow Homestead
On Saturday nicht. Sent. 25. near 12
o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Graham,
who owns and occupies the old Grow
homestead about a quarter of a mile
north and who were on their wav home
from Nicholson, discovered Are in the
woodshed connected with the old Fred
Grow home and gave the alarm.
Mrs. W. P. Kellogg, a daughter of
the late Frederick Grow, and her
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Benedict, were In the house at the
time. Mr. Kellogg was away.
The inmates of the house escaped
and about one-half of the contents
were removed. There being no fire
protection In the place the citizens
could only stand by and see the valu
able property go up in smoke.
The loss is about ?10,000. The
property was insured for ?E,000,
13,000 on building and ?2,000 on
contents. Black & Stephens had
the insurance.
The building was one of the most
elegant In finish and furnishing in
Northeastern Pennsylvania, and was
the homo of tho Honorable Galusha
A. Grow, of national fame, for many
years, and In which ho died about
two years ago.
Glenwood has had quite a num
ber of big fires in its history, in
cluding the tannery which burned
twice, the large hotel which for
many years was a popular summer
resort, and the large mills which
the Grows operated there.
Also the large iron works which
Charles W. Conrad conducted. With
the exception of the mills and the
hotel none were rebuilt, and the ho
tel was let to rot down with the small
exception of tho present Grange hall.
Glenwood was once a very flourish
ing town but the coming of the iron
horse cast it aside and it is going
to decay. Nicholson Examiner.
Mrs. Gcorgo Marsh Dead.
Mrs. George Marsh passed away
at her home on West street Monday
night last. Deceased was sixty-five
years of age. Mrs. Marsh was born
In New York City but lived In Wayne
county a number of years, most of
the time residing in Dyberry. She
has been suffering from cancer of
the stomach for some time and tho
past six weeks her condition became
critical. Besides her husband, she
Is survived by the following chil
dren: Mrs. Fred Mann, of Scranton;
Mrs. Klrt Brooks, Honesdalc; Miss
Lizzie, at home; Enos, of Dyberry;
Mrs. Warren Miller, of Oregon, and
Fred and William, of Honesdalo;
also three brothers, B. F. Dunn, of
Scranton; F. H. Dunn and Jules D.
Dunn of Dyberry. The funeral
will be held Friday morning at ten
o'clock with services at the house,
Rev. A. C. Olver officiating. Inter
ment will be made In East Dyberry
Death of a Nonagenarian.
Mrs. Harriet S. Tuthill, aged 93
years and 11 months, died at the
home of her son George, on Maple
Avenue, Hawley, at 8:40 o'clock
Tuesday morning, Sept. 28. The
severe shock caused by a fall down
a flight of stairs leading from the
first to the second floor of her srin's
home on Tuesday, Sept. 14, jiist two
weeks before she died was the cause
of death. Just how the accident
occurred Is not known as she never
recovered sufficiently after ths mis
hap to give an Intelligent explana
tion of how it happened. Up until
the time of this accident Mrs. Tut
hill enjoyed remarkably good health
for one of her advanced years, and
she retained all her faculties to a
marked degree. Deceased was held
In high esteem by all who knew
her and has resided in Hawley or
Its Immediate vicinity for over half
a century. She was born in Sussex
county, N. J., Oct. 29, 1815, and in
1834 left that place with her hus
band for Honesdale. They passed
through Hawley enroute to Hones
dale and at that time the country
hereabouts was a vast wilderness,
and there was only one building on
the site of the present borough and
that was located at the Eddy. Mr.
and Mrs. Tuthill came to Hawley
from Honesdale In 1857 and she
has since resided in this place or Its
immediate vicinity. Deceased is
survived by six children: Floyd Tut
hill, of New York City; George, of
Hawley; Mrs. Frances Shannon, of
Palantlne Bridge, N. Y.; Mrs. Alva
Hanners, of Baoba; Horace, of
Brooklyn, and Mrs. S. Y. Ferguson,
of Menands, N. Y.; also twenty-six
grandchildren and twenty-two great
grandchildren. The funeral was
held from the home of her son
George on Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock. The services were con
ducted by Rev. W. S. Peterson of
the Presbyterian church. Interment
was made in Walnut Grove ceme
tery. Hawley Times.
They Are Published Each Week in
The Citizen.
The importance of the coming
November election will be better
understood by the voter when he is
made to realize that in addition to
the regular state and county tickets
to be voted for, there are also ten
proposed amendments to the state
constitution upon which he Is invit
ed to pass judgment. Some of these
amendments are of great Import
ance and should receive the careful
attention of the voters. They have
been thus outlined:
"The first amendment provides
that where a vacancy occurs, two
months before a general election In
November, In an office that Is filled
by appointment by the governor, the
office shall be filled at that election.
At present If the vacancy occurs
three months before election it is
so filled.
"The second amendment fixes the
terms of tho auditor general and the
state treasurer at four years each
At the present time the state treas
urer's term is two years and the
auditor general's three years. The
state treasurer and auditor general
elected this year shall each serve
three years and after that be elected
for four years.
"The third amendment changes
the term of justices of the peace and
of aldermen from five to six years.
"The fourth amendment applies
only to Philadelphia and fixes the
term of magistrates from five to six
"The fifth amendment changes the
general election from annual to
biennial, all to be held in the even
numbered years.
"The sixth amendment does away
with all spring elections, abolishing
them entirely, and all municipal
elections will be held in November
in odd numbered years.
"The seventh amendment pro
vides that election boards shall be
elected biennially instead of an
nually, "The eighth amendment provides
that elections of state officers shall
be held on a general election day,
except when in either case, special
elections may be required to fill un
expired terms.
"The ninth amendment changes
the terms of all county offices to
four years.
"The tenth amendment fixes the
terms of county commissioners and
county auditors at four years, evi
dently classifying them in the coun
ty officers coming under the ninth
Hold Up.
A Tyler Hill man was held up at
Hanklns one night last week by two
robbers. He fired four shots at
them and escaped with his life and
property. One Bhot took effect and
caused the holdup to groan with
pain. The next morning an exami
nation was made of the premises and
blood was found on the ground.
Another noticeable thing was the
footprints. One Bhoe left tho print
of a horse shoe, and thereby also
hangs a tale. Two or three days
before some one entered tho Italian
shack at that place nnd exchanged
shoes. One of the Italian's shoes
had a horseshoe on the heel. The
man who stole the shoes evidently
Is the man who held up the Tyler
Hill man.
Anicrcan Achievements.
An American invented the steam
ship. An American invented the tele
graph. An American invented the tele
phone. An American invented the electric
An American invented tho reaper.
An American invented the sewing
An American laid wires under the
An American opened Japan.
An American explored Africa.
It just had to be an American
who first reached the Pole. Syra
cuse Post-Standard.
Governor Johnson's Surgeons.
Rochester, Minn., where Gover
nor Johnson struggled In vain for
life at the hospital of the Drs. Mayo,
had less than 7,000 Inhabitants In
the year 1900. It is about 60 miles
south of St. Paul and In ordinary
speech, a physician or surgeon lo
cated lri such a place would be
called a "country doctor." Possibly
many persons in tho East have
wondered why the Governor should
have gone to such a small town for
his operation, nnd It may be worth
while to enlighten them. Hero Is
a case Illustrating the fact that It
Is not necessary for talented sur
geons to locate In large cities If
they are great enough to draw pati
ents to them, no matter now far
they may be from the centers of
The Drs. Mayo, William and
Charles H., brothers, stand very high
in their profession. The elder has
the degree LL. D. from the Univer
sity of Toronto and the University
of Maryland, and A. M. from the
University of Michigan, and F. R.
C. S. (Edinburg). He has always
been the president of the American
Medical association. The younger
has an A. M. from Northwest Uni
versity and has been president of
the Minnesota State Medical associa
tion. This is doing very well for
"country doctors," who have never
practised except in their little home
town of Rochester, Minn.
They established their own hos
pital and to-day they draw patients
from a radius of 1,000 miles. A
Baltimore surgeon of excellent
standing, who visited the Mayo es
tablished a few years ago, is quoted
as saying concerning them:
"One of the reasons of their great
success in keeping themselves al
ways up-to-date Is that they al
ways have from their earliest college
days made It a point to spend three
months of every year abroad or
traveling In this country, visiting
the principal, medical centers to get
new ideas and keep themselves
thoroughly up to the times. In this
way, while they have no medical
school attached to their hospital,
they constantly review the work of
others and so stimulate their own
efforts. They always have 15 or 20
surgeons attending their operations
to witness their work, and to these
they extend the most courteous
treatment. These men have com
pletely swept away the common Idea
that a medical man with great tal
ents has the best field for them in
a large city, and they remain in
Rochester by preference. The rea
son of this preference, as explained
by one of these men, is that they be
lieve they can do more and better
work when relieved from all the
obligations and consultations which
would be required of them In a big
city, to say nothing of the social du
ties which would be Incumbent upon
them. As It is now, they begin
their operating at 8:30 in the morn
ing and continue this until about
12 o'clock or later, and the afternoon
Is devoted to lookng over the results
of examinations made of patients
by their assistants. When the
day's work Is over they can go
home and go to bed, and be fresh
and ready for the next day's work.
And they certainly do an enormous
amount of work, enough to kill the
best of surgeons In a large city,
their average being about 10 major
operations a day, and they often
only stop for lack of beds in which
to place the patients after opera
tions." , ,
The Drs. Mayo are the sons of
Dr. William W. Mayo, an English
surgeon who served in the United
States army and who settled in
Rochester after his retirement from
army life. These facts are of suffi
cient Interest to place in the record'
of Governor Johnson's case, since
they demonstrate that the Gover
nor of Minnesota had the very best
of professional attendance and care,
notwithstanding that a small and
remote community has been the
place where he went for treatment.
Springfield Republican.
Legal blanks at Tho Citizen office.
A New York man was fined $2
the other day for calling a telephone
girl a "Dutch Mutt," with several
blank-te-blank trimmings. This
should bo a warning to those who
expect telephone operators to be
mind readers to omit the profanity
when defining the offending creat
ures over tho wires.
For these
when It is too early to start a fire in your stove
or furnace, our PERFECT OIL HEATER Is Just
the thing.
There is no smoke nor odor from the PERFECT
OIL HEATER. It will heat a large room in a
short time, and can be carried from room to
room without the slightest danger.
The PERFECT OIL HEATER has a brass fount
holding one gallon, and is equipped with an in
dicator which shows the exact amount of oil in
the fount.
We guarantee it to
can be bought.
Take one home and try it; if It is not the best oil
The need of heavier garments is as insistent as we are about hurry
ing you male folks here. We know what a great store this is; know
how well prepared we are to save you. That's why we say with all the
confidence in the world, "Come Here."
Suits and Overcoats are ready in all the striking patterns for the
present season. Styles for the young man styles for the older. All
in all, it's a grand gathering of clothes you should wear-910 to 920.
If your price Is 91.50, we'll show
the Prominent; if you'll pay 92.00,
Gold Bond is the hat for you. Then
comes the Knox at 93.00. Variety
a plenty.
There are a great many places to
buy fixings, but there's always one
Bregstein Brothers, hT'p..
, You will make money
byhavlne me.
iBKLLPiioNEvBmny, Pa.
chilly days
be the best oil heater that
We want you here
today !
Rather a pointed request
but we're saying it by right
of superior knowledge on
the subject of PALL AND
best place. It's here. The Eclipse
shirt, 91.00 to 92.00. Ever wear
the Just Right Glove, 91.00 to 92.00
and the Corliss Coon collars? In
quarter sizes, 2 for 25c.
We feature the Australian natu
ral wool underwear at 91.00 per
garment; also Setsnug Union Suits
for men at 91.00 to 92.00 per suit.