TUB CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1000. WRITING 10 TAFT SUICIDE Urging Them to Marry While So - - o t, Marriage and Maternity Get Little Protection la ruble HOW TO TREAT WIFE DESERTERS They Should Co Punished Like Army Deserters Look at Hoch, Who Mar ried and Abandoned or Killed Thirty-two Women, Correspondent Says. Cincinnati, Ohio. Tho subjoined open letter to President Taft. was adopted unanimously as the sense of the Susan B. Anthony Club, composed of representative Cincinnati women. Dr. Sarah M. Slewors, President of the club, was authorized to forward It to Mr. Taft. To Hon. William II. Taft. President of tho United States: Out of tho din raised by a multitude of voices against the women of our country for race suicide, for going Into lndustrln' and professional pursuits Instead of marrying and rearing largo families as their grandmothers did, I wish to raise one voice for a Federal law that will protect mothers and children and compel truant fathers to help support their children. Deserters from families of children should bo pursued and punished as diligently as deserters from the army and navy. As the laws now stand a decree for support given to tho moth er of children can be evaded by the father going to another State to live. In Cincinnati the Humane Socloty reported 2,7700 doserting fathers In eleven months up to Dec. 1. In Chica go 1,500 men deserted their families In three winter months on the west side alone. The Humane Societies of other large cities could no doubt re port similar numbers of deserters. What beepmes of these men? Do they become homeless tramps? Not they. But they go to another State and pass themselves off for single men and marry some unwary girl. Seven years ago a enso of multiple bigamy was apprehended, who con fessed to having a wife in thirty-two different States. His crimes were treated as a joke, and tho conse quences to the deluded wives, and to the faith and trust of all women over looked. Then came Hoch, who con fessed to having married many more, but the rest trusted him with their money before the ceremony was per formed, so he did not stay for It. Somo of tho wives were not easily de serted, so he despatched them as he would a tronblesome animal. Now Madson has married so many women that he cannot remember their names and was sentenced for only seven years. These three cases are symptoms of a national disease that must be stamped out If tho integrity of the nation is to bo preserved. The germs of this disease are penetrating and coloring the minds and morals of so ciety to an alarming extent, and In consequence we have an ever in creasing army of irresponsible bigam ists and deserters. The wives of these deserters strug gle heroically against fearful odds to keep their families together, but when the mother must go to work to sup port tho children there is no home life, and the street, reformatories and Jails overflow with them. Urging women to marry while mar riage and maternity receive no more protection thnn our present laws af ford is futile, for now women can sup port themselves and need not marry for a home. Mothers should have a voice In law making or they and their children should be protected In their right to survive honorably. Respectfully, SARAH M. SIBWERS, M. D., President Susan B. Anthony Club. Cincinnati, O. RESCUES CHILD FROM BEAR. Father Fatally Clawed In Saving His Little Daughter. Nyack, Mont. Hearing his four- year-old daughter screaming, James Doollttle, a homesteader, who was behind his houso and happened to bo mounted, rodo around to tho front and saw her about 200 yards away be ing carried off by n grizzly bear. Doollttle gave chaso and was closo up when ho was thrown by his horse and sustained a broken leg. Tho grizzly turned and clawed him In a Irlghtful manner, nlmost dlacmbowol ling him and chewing both legs and arms almost to a pulp hoforo help ar rived. Asido from n few scratches, the baby was uninjured. HE W(NISJODIE POOR Dr. Pearson Has Donated $4,000,000 to Smaller Colleges and Universi ties During Last 26 Years. Chicago. Daniel K. Pearsons ("Die- Poor Pearsons"), millionaire philan thropist, who has given away over $4, 000,000 to 43 small colleges located principally In tho west and south, in the course of an interview doclared that his reason for so doing was his desire to act as his own executor. Mr. Pearsons intends to give away what remains of his fortune before his ninetieth birthday, he says: "I have been administrator of a number of estates," said he, "and I have never felt that such a trust can be satisfactorily executed. I have al ways Intended to die a poor man at least, that has been my purpose for a quarter of a century. I have quite definite views of how my money Grapevine Bears Apples. South Bend, Ind. It will be of In terest to Wizard Burbank to know that apples grow on vines at Lapaz, this county. J. M. Sherwood of River Park, a suburb of South Bend, shows apples growing on a grapevine. The apple-bearing grapevine Is on the farm of Mrs. Clara Cross, where the vino has boon growing in an old apple-tree for some years. The apples are about tho size of a crab apple. The seeds are said to be a cross be tween the grape seed and tho apple seed. Passes Through Many Hands. In tho course of manufacture tho champagne bottle passes through tho ftpofls of 45 workmen. AROUSED should bo Invested for tho public benefit. Why then, should I myself not assume tho responsibility of mak ing the investment? "You want to know what Impelled me to set about giving away my for tune? Well, I've been a hunter after poverty all my life and It isn't hard to And It even In America. I have wanted to give young men the advan tages of education because they need it, and the country needs educated young men. "I have selected what you might call tho wilderness for my gifts just because in the wilderness education is more needed and there It yields tho richest returns ou a small invests ment." Mr. Pearsons himself does not know how much money ho has given to edu cational institutions. His latest gift was one of $23,000 for the establish ment of a woman's department in tho Chicago Theological seminary. At different times he has advanced sums aggregating $150,000 to needy stu dents. Dr. Pearsons made his money in real estate in the early days of Chi cago. Ho not only dealt In city real estate, but made a specialty of farm lands. He represented the Illinois Central railwuy In disposing of mil lions of ilne farms in its land grant, given by the 'stato when the road was constructed. For almost GO years Dr. Pearsons has been active in real es tate. Investments that he made In Chicago in the early years Increased a thousandfold and have now been sold. Mr. Pearsons gives tho credit for his philanthropic Interests largely to his wife, who died threo years ago. HAWK ATTACKS AN INFANT. Bird Changed Its Plan After Chasing Chickens Into a House. Po Ell, Wash. Tho year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Shepherd, who live on n farm about two miles from Pe Ell, was attacked by a hawk a few days ago. There were two pet chickens on the place, which at this time were on the doorstep. Tho hawk was evidently after tho chickens and swooped to ward thorn. Tho chickens ran Into the house and under the lounge. The hawk followed and, not noticing tho chickens but noticing the child, which was playing on the floor, attacked It and Bank Its talons into the child's face, lacerating it. Tho mother heard tho child scream and ran to its assistance. She scream ed and scared the hawk off the child and it flow Into the kitchen. William Shophord heard tho noise and came Into tho houso and despatched tho hawk with a club. It was a largo bird, measuring 3 feet 4 Inches from tip to tip. BODY BECOMES PETRIFIED. Sixth Case of the Kind In Cemetery at Portland, Ore. Portland, Ore. When, at tho Mount Calvary Cemetery, the body of Paul Limerick, who died ten years ago, was disinterred preparatory to removal and reburlal, It was found tho remains had become petrified. The features, with tho exception of the nose and eyes, were perfectly pre served and tho hair and mustache were as natural as in life. Tho potrl fled remains had assumed a dark brown color. This is tho sixth case of petrifica tion found In Mount Calvary In re cent years, but the other bodies wero not nearly as well preserved as that of Limerick. It required flvo men to remove the body. E BY KIEFF MASSACRE Details Slowly Trickling in About the Slaughter of Jews in Russia TRYING TO SUPPRESS THE NEWS Special Advices to Papers of Berlin, Vienna, and London Say that Many Were Killed and Injured In the Riots Fugitives Crossing Frontier. Berlin, Sept. 30. Not since tho Kishenev massacre of 1903 has tho German press been so aroused over an anti-Jewish outrage as to-day over the reports of tho attack on the Jew ish quarters of Kleff and its suburb of Solomka, and the attempt of tho Rus sian authorities to suppress all news of the outrage. The official news agency of Russia and tho Russian newspapers, under orders from the government, are deny ing the story as sent yesterday to Berlin. That the story was reliable is Bhown by to-day's accounts from spe cial correspondents, which bear out the account, even to the details. In quiries made of Russian sources have met with denials, and it has remained for the true story to filter out through the special correspondents. Every paper in Berlin prints long stories of tho three days' rioting in Kleff, which began with the Jewish Now Year. The Morgen Post says that "tho corpses of many of the murdered Russians were convoyed to the mor tuaries and many of tho woundod wero removed to tho hospitals." The Tageblatt has a message from Kleff, via the frontier, to the effect that between twenty and thirty per sons wero killed and hundreds wounded. The Lokal Anzelger has a long story from Podwoloczyska, tho first Aus trian town this side of tho frontier. In part it says: "Great anti-Jewish riots have taken place In Kloff, and In tho suburb of Solomka, where tho Jows live in large numbers. Armed bands of reac tionaries marched to tho ghetto, shouting mockingly: 'Hurrah for tho equality of the Jews!' "Tho mobs demolished tho homes and shops of tho Jewish residents and plundered everything that thoy could lay their hands on. In terror tho Jews fled to tho collars and at tics of their homes, but in neither place wero they safe from the savage attacks. In defending thomselves, many Jews wero nhot and others were brutally beaten and fatally wounded. Tho rioters spared neither women nor children. "Tho police watched the rioting with no thought of Interfering, and there is no telling to what length it might have gone had not a deputation of leading Jows waited on Governor Gen. Ivanoff, and demanded protec tion. Troops were then sent to Kleff, and they dispersed tho mob In short order and occupied tho approaches to the ghetto to prevent further outrages. None of tho rioters have as yet been arrested, the authorities evidently condoning the outrage. "Tho severest censorship is being exercised to prevent the news of the affair from reaching foreign countries. Many Jewish families fled from the city, and are now living abroad." Tho Hartunglsche Zeltung of Koe nigsbnrg, on the Russian frontier, says that the "streets were littered with tho prostrate victims, some -dead, oth ers writhing in agony." Fugitives from Kieff have crossed the frontier, and are telegraphing In dividual accounts of the massacre to their friends and benevolent associa tions here and in other cities, appeal ing for financial aid. INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB. Answer One Written Question Each Week For Fifty-Two Weeks and Win a Prize. $250,000JilE FINE New York State to Start Proceedings In Cold-Storage Case. New York, N. Y., Sept. 27. Tho largest seizure of gamo held out of season that has been made by agents of Commissioner Whipple of the State Forest, Fish and Gamo Department was announced in Albany. Tho solz uro was made in the plant of the Har rison Street Cold Storage Company, No. 7 Harrison street, this city. Part of tho garao was found to have been kept on ice for more than two years. About ninety .barrels and boxes wero seized. Tho law makes it a misde meanor to have In one's possession certain kinds of gamo out of season, and somebody is liable to fines aggre gating more than $250,000 as a result of these disclosures. The gamo seized includes par tridges, ducks, pheasants, plover and other wild birds. Dog's Short Legs Cause His Death. Walla Walla, Wash. D. W. McFad den's valuable dashshund was drown ed In a shallow mud puddle. Tho ani mal had tried to wade across, but got stuck in the middle and was unable to pull Itself from the sticky anbstanca on account of Its short legs. STEAMER ANDJ5 MEN LOST 8lx Survivors of the Crew Safe on Lightship. Baltimore, Md Sept. 29. Battered and tossed by wind and wave in a ter rific northeaster which swept the At lantlc Ocean off the Chesapeake and Delaware capes, a small freight steam boat, believed to bo tho Gero, bound from Philadelphia to Cuba, is report ed to have been foundered, carrying down twelve of her crew. Six others were saved in a small lifeboat and are now marooned by nature's forces aboard the winter quarter llghtahlp which lies nine mlloa off the coast botweon Capes Charles and HonloDnn. THE PRIZES. First Series A gold medal to each of the first five eontestants. Second Serlei A silver medal to each of the next five contestants. Third Scrlesi-A Teacher's Bible, price $5.50, to each of the next five contestants. Fourth Series The book "Tho Heart of Christianity," prloe $1.50, to each of the next thirty-five contestants. Fifth Series A developed mind, an expanded Imagination, a richer exper ience and a more profound knowledge of the Bible and of life, to all who take this course whether winning any other prize or not. Each medal will be suitably engrav ed, giving the name of the winner, and for what It Is awarded, and In like manner each Bible and book will be Inscribed. All who can write, and have Ideas, are urged to take up these studios re gardless of the degree of their educa tion, as the papers are not valued from an edueatlonal or literary standpoint, but from the point of vliw of the cog tncy of their reasoned Ideas. October 10th; 1909. (Copyright, 1903, by Rev. T. S. Ltnecott, D.D.) Paul a Prisoner The Plot Acts xxli:30 to xxlti:35. Golden Text I will say of the lard He Is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust Ps. xcl:2. Verse 30 Which showed the fairer spirit toward Paul, the Roman chief Captain or the Jews? If you bad .o be tried on a ques tion of religious doctrines, basing your , decision on history, which court would you selevt, a committee of sec ular judge. &t- a committee of pro fessional prios'.j? Versos 1-2 What was It, In Paul's opening, statement, which caused the high priest to fcavo him slapped on tho mouth? When Christens these days profess lo live all the time well pleasing to God, Is It a popular testimony with average ChristUn people? Why did the high priest object to Paul's professli of having "lived in all good conscience before God?" Is It poiBlblo, and is it tho duty of every ChristlaN to live all the time, "with a good cscience before God?" Verses 3-5 When either pope, bish op, priest or pawon, acts llko a dem agogue, why shcwld he not receive the treatment due t- demagogue? Should the fkt that a bad man Is on tho bench, or at the bar, or In the pulpit, secure fy him the respect of good men, for tbe sake of the office, or of "tho clothV Verses 6-10 M'hen Paul saw the spirit of thlB Jewish Council, did he probably changt tho style of his ad dress, and If so, hy did he do so? When a jury is packed, or prejudiced against the prisoner and there is no hope for acquittal, what Is the next best thing for tho prisoner to aim for? Paul's defence was clearly the truth, but was it the whole truth? Is It always wise or right to tell the whole truth? What was Paul's real crime, from the standpoint of this Jewish Council? What was the difference between the belief of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, as to immortality? What good reason is there for the belief that the soul will live after death? What did Paul's tactics result in, besides dividing the enemy? Is it always or sometimes true that, "when rogues fall out honest men get their dues," and how did It work In this ense? Verse 11 Does God generally time His visits to us when wo need Him most? In what guise or shape did the Lord appear to Paul, and how did He speak to him? There Is no way to take the miracu lous out of tho New Testament with out destroying It; now in view of that fact, why did not God rescue Paul, in this Instance, as He did from the pris on at Phlllppl? Can you trace any rule by which God was governed in performing New Testament miracles? Verses 12-15 What was the plot which was formed to bring about Paul's death? Is It possible that theso forty men, with such a murderous intent, could think thoy wero doing God's service? Verses 16-24 How was this murder ous plot frustrated? How can you trace God's hand In this natural deliverance, as clearly as If It .had been done miraculously? (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) Verses 25-30 What fault can you find, or what can you commend, In the actions of this Claudius Lysias from Btart to finish 7 Vorses 31-35 Was Paul Just as much under tho loving care of God, and were his best lntorests being served as If he had been at liberty? Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 17. 1009. Paul a prisoner Before Felix. Acts TXlV. Easy. "In what condition was the Patrl arch Job at the end of his lifo?" ask ed a Sunday-school teacher of a quiet looking boy at the foot of the class, "Dead," calmly replied the quiet-look- lng boy. Illustrated Blta. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which Las been in use lor over u years, has uorno tho signature of - and has been, made under his por Bonal supervision slnco Its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-ffood"aro but Experiments that trlilo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms, nnd allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THceiNTAunaeupAHT. rr MunnAVwurr. newvohhoitv. V. B. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEAKLE, Vice Pkes. II. S. SALMON, Cashier W. J. WARD, Ass'T Cashier We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of this Bank. -aET-E- WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - 100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 355,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 455,000.00 EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose al'J'JWiS Y It has conducted a growing and successful business" for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction. its casn iunus are protected by jhuuukih sxisisij vaults. All of these things, coupled with conservative management, insured by the C'AKEFUL PEU.SON'AL ATTENTION constantly eiven the jianK'S aniurs oy a noiumy nine isoara 01 uirectors assures tne patrons oitnaiaurKfiiiasiift.il wninu is me .prime essential Hank. ot a good Total Assets, $2,733,000.00 COT DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL, -a W. n. holmes A. T. SKAKLE. T.B. OLAIUC -DIRECTORS CHAS.J. SMITH, II. J. CONtiKK. W F. SUYDAM. F.P. KIMBLE 11. S. SALMON Ten Cents Daily TEN CENTS SAVED every day will, in fifty years, grow to $9,504. TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years amount to $19,006. The way to accumulate money is to save small sums system atically and with regularity. At 3 per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in 25 years and 1(34 days. At 6 per cent, money doubles itself in 11 years and 327 days. If you would save 50 cents a day, in 50 years you would havo $47,520. If you would save $1.00 a day, at the end of CO years you would have $95,042. Benin NOW Savings Accou at the Honesdale Dime Bank THREE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID Money loaned to all Wayne cpuute.ius turn sh in;; good security. Notes discounted. l Irst morteuse on real estate taken, hafest and ch eap en way to send money to foreign count rles is by drafts, to bo had at this bank. S 0 HOUSEHOLD BANKS FREE. Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the system Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foster Building.