TIIE WEATHER There will bo showers on Wednesday, with moderate to brisk cosdrly winds. Ctfactt Semi-Weekly Founded 4, fc 1908 5 j ' Weekly Founded, 1844 J .fW' ayne County Organ j of the 5 BPUBL1CAN PARTY J j5t 5? ,St 5 3? (5? fc!t 0 66th YEAR. HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1909. NO. 75 w MOURN FO GOVJOHN Minnesota and Nation Feel His Loss. PRESIDENT GRIEVED Taft Receives News of Death While at Omaha. END GAME AFTER LONG FIGHT Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 21. Not only Minnesota but the whole nntlon mourns the death of Governor John A. Johnson, who died in hospital nt Koch ester, Minn., six days after an opera tion for abscess in the Intestines. The end came after a heroic fight for life on tho part of the governor and was a snd disappointment to hundreds of thousands In all parts of tho coun try who watched the bulletins from tho sick man's room hour after hour and who had come to hope that he would recover In sp.lte of the terrific odds against htm. President Taft. who had boon among tho most optimistic of the governor's GOVERNOR JOHNSON. ' friends and who showed his cordial and kindly sympathy both in public addresses and in private messages, re ceived the news of tho governor's death on his special train en route to Denver. Ho said be was inexpressibly grieved. "Governor Johnson's death is a great loss to his state and to the nation," he added. The governor died shortly after 3 o'clock this (Tuesday) morning, cen tral time (4 o'clock eastern time). Ho was conscious almost to the end, and his last words were addressed to his wife. TO REMOVE FULTON'S BODY. Inventor's Grandchildren Consent to Have It Placed In Mausoleum. Now York, Sept 21. The surviving grandchildren of Robert Pulton, In a letter addressed to Cornelius Vander bllt, president of the Fnlton Monument association, have given their sanction to the removal of Fulton's body from a vault in Trinity church here to a mausoleum on Riverside drive. It is proposed to expend $3,000,000 on the structure. Of this $40,000 has been subscribed. Those identified with the movement include James J. Hill, John D. Archbold, Jacob H. Sen I ft, B. H. Gary and William E. Corey. Havoo on Mississippi Coast. Poscagoula, Miss., Sept. 21. This coast has been In the throes of a gulf storm for twenty-four hours, the wind blowing at the rate of forty miles an hour, accompanied by heavy rains. A dozen or more wharfs have been swept away. Heavy Damage at Natohex. Natchez, Miss., Sept 21, by Tele phone to Memphis. A high wind is prevailing, and the electric light wires have boen broken by fallen trees. The damage here by the storm is very Iiaav.y. 0N TAFT ATDENVER. President Receives a Glad Welcome In Colorado. URGES RATE LAW AMENDMENT Says He Will Recommend to Con gress Important Changes In In terstate Commerce and Antitrust Laws. Denver, Colo., Sept. 21. President Taft, leaving the insurgent states of Minnesota nnd Iowa behind him, pass ed through Nebraska and entered Colo rado on his way to the Pacific coast receiving a glorious welcome in this city. The president found nt Omaha a street car strike. By his special re quest a suspension of hostilities was declared, nnd Mayor James C. Dnhl- man ordered that no attempts be made to run cars during the president's stay. At Des Moines the presidont deliv ered tho second of the Important dec larations of policy he has outlined for his trip. He addressed himself to tho interstate commerce and antitrust laws and detailed at length the recom mendations for amendments to these statutes that ho will make to congress In his message of December next. Mr. Taft recounted the passage of tho railway rate bills several years ago, in which the Interstate commerce commission was given nuthorlty to fix specific rates, and continued: "The rate bill has now been in opera tion some three years, and it must be admitted that It has not furnished the relief against unduly discriminatory rates with tho expedition and effective ness which were expected. The Rcpub llcan platform promised additional leg islation In aid of enforcing tho Inter state commerce law, and I have been engaged in the consideration of what I ought to recommend to congress In or der to comply with that promise. "An examination of the decisions of tho commission and tho resort to the courts by way of temporary injunc tions fully justify the conclusion that one of the defects of the present Inter state commerce law is tho delay en tailed by litigation in tho court over tho correctness of the order in tho commission. Tho court appeal cannot Imj abolished, because It is a constitu tional right. Something must be done to reduce Its effect by way of delay so that the decision of the court shall be prompt, final and effective." He nnnouneed that he would urge tho establishment of an Interstate commerce court of five members to consider appeals from orders and rates fixed by the Interstate oommerce com mission. He will also recommend legislation to prevent one interstate railroad com pany from owning stock In a compet ing line nnd compelling roads thus owning stock to dispose of their hold ings within a given tlmo. Legislation to prevent the overissue of stocks nnd bonds and the watering of stocks -will bo strongly recommend ed, the president's proposition being that no stocks or bonds shall be issued except by permission of the interstate commerce commission after an inquiry has been made into their necessity, The giving to shippers of the choice of route of the shipment of freight is another Important provision which the president favors. In taking up tho antitrust law Presi dent Taft said that he knew of no way In which a distinction could be made between "good" and "bad" trusts, for ho regarded nil combinations to sup press competition and to maintain a monopoly to bo tn the eamo category, whether the terms of tho illegal con tract should bo regarded in somo in- stnnces as "reasonable" or "unreason able." The president also discussed at somo length the proposal to except labor unions and farmers' organizations from the operation of tho nntitrust law, Specifically to except these organiza tions, he said, would bo vicious legis lation, but he pointed a way In which they could be relieved of somo of tho onerous restrictions now placed upon them, but at the same time bo held amenable to Injunctions, which form of procedure he believes adequate to deal with any violations by tho unions, Parcels Post to Dutch Guinea. Washington, Sept. 21. President Taft has signed a parcels post convention with Dutch Guiana. The weight of the packages is limited to cloven pounds, and no limit is placed on the valuation, Mlddlewelghts Fight a Draw, Glens Falls, N. Y., Sept. 21. Bartley Connolly of Maine and Joe Thomas of California, ex-mlddlowelght champion, fought ten rounds to a draw here. Both finished strong. MM Oil. DDK LAIS. Metropolis Filling With Hud- i son-Fulton Visitors. HOTELS WILL BE OVERTAXED. Many of Them Are Already Crowd ed and Turning People Away. A Million Strangers Ex pected For the Fete. New York, Sept. 21. The long her alded "Hudson-Fulton rush" is on. By trains, steamship and motor cars tho out of town contingents are coming in. On Fifth avenue today one sees fow faces that bear the stamp of tho New Yorker. People from Schenectady, Portland, Keokuk, Harrlsburg and tho south throng the shopping district You meet them on every hand. They occupy more tnbles at the restaurants than the Gothamitos. In fact, to the man who lauded from Europe the oth er day the situation is bewildering. Ho finds It difficult to credit that ho is home again. For ten days or more New York is certain to have a million extra people la the streets. A good portion of this million, to bo sure, will go homo to their residences In New Jersey, tho Hudson river valley or rural Long Island, yet a good many thousands must look for bed and board within the city. The Incoming sightseers are to be divided Into three classes such of them, that is, who elect to stay over night in tho city. The vnst majority will return home each evening, If their homes are within an hour's run. Of the three classes of people who stay over night most of them will not patronize the hotels nt all. They will go to boarding nnd furnished room houses. The favorite scheme for the average visitor, who is in own to see all that he can see in the limited time at bin disposal, will be to have a furnished room in a fairly central location, so that ho can get his meals wherever he chooses. This will afford him a chance to sample all the various res taurants and sea the life in them. The second of the three classes will go to the dollar a day hotels of tho older type, where they con get very good fare, comfortable surroundings and naturally not so many luxuries as they could obtain at the first class mod ern hotels. The third clasB, consisting of rather well to do peoplo, will go to hotels Managers of hotels insist that they can meet the demands, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of visitors crowd the streets. And they declare that pricos will not be greatly Increased throughout tho two weeks of festivities Many of tho hotels are crowded now, however, and nre turning people away, One of the leading hotel managers said today: "Ifs as much as we can do to take care of regular guests, and we can't arrange extra sleeping ac commodations, because we need all our spare room to house the extra diners. We have decided to confine our efforts to catering to the dally transients who will come In for meals." Special care is to be taken of passen gers by the railroads, and every effort will be made to maintain a punctual extra train service. Special orronge- ments for the crowd that will witness Saturday's navel parade have already been completed. FRENCH WARSHIPS ARRIVE. Three Battleships to Represent France at Hudson-Fulton Celebration. New York, Sept. 21. Looking very fierce and picturesque, the turret bat tleships Justice, Liberto and Verlto as signed by Franco to represent her in the Hudson-Fulton celebrntlon steam ed up the bay and the North river. They are tho finest wnrshlps In the French navy and rank next to the Dreadnought class. They are tho sec ond division of tho Mediterranean squadron. As they passed Fort Jay, on Gov ernors island, guns from their minor batteries boomed hoarse salutes, which were answered fraternally by the fort. The Justice, the flagship, a fighter of 14,035 tons, bore Rear Admiral L. M. Le Pord and Jean Gaston Darboux of tho French academy, tho mathemati cian and scientist, who will represent during the festival the learning and civic virtues of his country. Rio Crop Nearly Destroyed. Crowley, La., Sept 21. Tho heaviest wind nnd rainstorm in this section foi years prevails here. Many trees in this city and neighboring towns and parishes have been uprooted, and much damage has been done to buildings, Two-thirds of the rice crop has been aeatrovna. Taken From Steamship by Host of Admirers. WIFE IS FIRST TO GREET HIM. Explorer Guest of Honor at Lunch eon Says He Has No Fears of Result of Controversy With Peary. New York, Sept. 21. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, fresh from receiving royal honors hi Denmark as discoverer of tho north pole, was taken today from the Danish steamship Oscar II., and escorted to Brooklyn by a demonstra tion of kouor such as few Americans returning to their native shores have been accorded. A delegation of more than 1,000 friends went down the bay on the steamer Grand Republic and welcom ed tho explorer at quarantine. Mrs. Cook and tho children, on a special tug. had reached the Oscar II. ahead of the larger vessel, and Mi's. Cook was the first to greet her husband, whom she had not seen for more than two years aud for whose safety she had often trembled. Members of tho Arctic club nnd Dr, Cook's fellow townsmen of Brooklyn DR. FREDERICK A. COOK formed a committee which took Dr. Cook off tho vessel and escorted him to .Brooklyn, where he was guest ot honor at the Bushwlck club. After a luncheon at the clubhouse Dr. Cook joined his family at tho Waldorf-As torla. . Bird S. Color, president of the bor ough of Brooklyn, officially welcomed Dr. Cook on the Grand Republic, and Miss Ida Lermaun, daughter of the treasurer of the Brooklyn committee, placed a garland of roses about Dr. Cook's neck. On the pier when the steamboat landed and the streets through which the explorer passed crowds cheered him enthusiastically, and he seemed delighted at his reception. "I have no fears us to tho outcome of the controversy with Commandet Peary," ho said in the first talk to the newspaper men. "My story has been told nnd my records cannot be dis puted. All will come right in the end, "It Is good to be an American, It ! seems about ten years since I left" he added, "instead of only two and half. I would much prefer to have lauded quickly aud quietly without a repetition of the scenes at Copen hagen. I hope that I shall be left In peace with my family by tonight at least" Music, cheering and a display of col ors greeted Dr. Cook in the streets of Brooklyn. A triumphal arch had been erected opposite his old home, under which a parade of automobiles, with the explorer in tho foremost passed on route to the Bushwlck club. Alexander Begg of Washington, rep resenting the National Geographic so ciety, represented tho society on board the Grand Republic. He will also at tend the banquet to Dr. Cook at the Waldorf. BOMBARDMENT OF MT'J.TTJ.A. 8panlsh Artillery Throw Shells Among Women and Children. Melllla, Sept 21. The Spanish army continued its advance against tho Moors today. The enemy made slight resistance to the vigorous attack, which was cov ered by artillery fire, from which great execution resulted, many houses being demolished. Some of the houses showed whlto flags. Tho Moors, women and chil dren, were seen running for their lives everywhere, but were cut off by falling shells. A group that took refuge in a ceme tery was riddled with shrapnel aattA OHITUARY. Mrs. Lucy Decker, widow of John T. Decker, died at her home in Hawley, Saturday, Sept. 11, 1909, i at about 5 p. m. Death was due to heart failure. Deceased was one of the early settlers of Hawley and wa3 held In high esteem by 911 who knew her. She was born in Berlin township, Wayne county, in March, 183C, and was therefore 73 years and 6 months of age. She Is sur vived by one step-son, W. D. Decker, of Dunmore, and the following sis ters:. Mrs. Sarah Shattuck, of Hones dale; Mrs. Benj. Mandevllle, who has made her home with Mrs. Decker for tho past six years, and Mrs. Eunice James, of Blnghamton, N. Y. Mr. Decker died Aug. 22, 1908. The funeral was held from her late home Tuesday morning at 10:00 o'clock, Rev. R. C. H. Catterall offi ciating. ' The remains were interred in the family plot at Indian Orchard cemetery. Arthur W. Brown, one of the old est and best known residents of Starrucca, died Friday, Sept. 10, 1909, as the result of an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Brown had been sick for some time and about a week ago It was decided that an operation was necessary and it was performed on Thursday afternoon by Dr. Reed Burns, of Scranton, assisted by Dr. E. W. Downton, of Starrucca, and Dr. Peck. Owing to his weakened condition he never re covered from the effects. The fu neral was held from the Methodist church at Starrucca, Rev. L. W. Sanford, officiating. Mr. Brown was born Feb. 22, 1857, and was the youngest son of Ellsha and Mana Benson Brown. He married Miss Kate Shew of Jackson, who sur vives him with three children, Allen Ward, Wanlta and Tracy. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Ralph Howard, and three brothers, Fletcher, Dorr and Harvey of Jack son. At the time of his death he was a member of Freedom Lodge, F. and A. M. of Jackson, school di rector and justice of the peace, as well as president of the Starrucca Agricultural Society. William Seenian, for many years a merchant of Honesdale, but dur ing the last quarter of a century t resident of New York City, died at his home on Sunday morning, in the 87th year of his age. The re mains were brought to Honesdale yes terday and Interred, with Masonic services at the grave. A special car accompanied by a Rabbi convey ed the relatives to Honesdale. Mr, Seeman was one of the first jewelers In Honesdale and prior to the fire of 1875 conducted his jewelry store on the site of the old Savings Bank building. He then moved to the building now occupied by Erk Bros., in the Keystone block, where he continued until he left for New York City. Since in the metropolis, the deceased had been in the large wholesale grocery business with See man Bros, until about five years ago Mr. Seeman Is survived by six sons and two daughters, namely: Daniel Joseph, Slgmund, Isaac, Carl, Ru dolph, Mrs. Beno Cohn and Mrs Morris Samuels, all of New York City. The Misses Weiss, of Park street, are nieces of deceased. He was a most excellent citizen, a re vered father and beloved friend to his acquaintances. John J. Balsden, a former rest dent of Hawley, and a well known boat builder at Slelghtsburgh, N Y., died very suddenly of valvular disease of the heart while seated at a table eating his dinner In Orme rod's Hotel at Slelghtsburgh, on Thursday morning, Sept. 2, 1909 Mr. Balsden was born In Chatham England, August 24, 1831, and came with his parents to America in boyhood, attending school In Rondout and Kingston. He learn ed the trade of boat building in Rondout with Brldger & Bishop, re maining with them until 1849, when he went to New York City, finding employment at Greenpoint until 1853, when he returned to .Rond out, where ho framed the barge Joseph P. Davis. In 1854 Mr, Bais den removed to Mongaup, Sullivan county, where ho embarked in the business of building boats for the Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany. In 1857 ho returned to Rondout for a short time, coming to Hawley in tho fall of that year, Here ho engaged in building boats for the canal company and for the Pennsylvania Coal Company, re maining in Hawley until 1882, when he went to New Salem, N. Y., and. bought docks there and at Eddyville whero he engaged in the building and repairing of boats. Later ho acquired the boatyard at Sleights burgh, continuing business at both places until the present time. Mr, Balsden was married January 1862, in Kingston, to Miss Mary E Schoonmaker, who died in 1903. few years ago Mr. Balsden married Miss Kate Ellison, of Slelghtsburgh who survives him, together with the following children: John S. Balsden, of Kingston, N. Y.; Walter Bntsden, of Edgewater, N. J.; Louis Balsden, of Athens; Mrs. Willis Tut- hill, of Hnwley; Mrs. James Fow ler, of Slelghtsburgh; Mrs. A. M. Cooper, of New Salem. Tho funer al was held the Sunday following his death from his lnte home at New Salem. Interment was made at Montrepose cemetery, Kingston. Tho School Bell. The call of the school bell is again heard in tho land, and a host of sun-brown young folks have com menced digging away at their books ago. How we wish that the young peo ple could get the Idea that oppor tunities are before them that soon will pass forever. The young peo ple hear their elders debating edu cational theories, criticizing fads and new ideas, and get tho impres sion that tho schools are not much good. But in splto of all foolish experimenting, the schools of to-day offer a far better opportunity than their fathers over got, and tho boy or girl that does not get what he can out of them is punishing him self terribly. In twenty years many a boy will be working along on scanty day wages because he fooled away his school hours and failed to get into the habits of patient industry and Investigation. Many a woman in twenty years will be called an ig noramus because she failed to store her mind with the common facts of life, but preferred to make up faces at the other girls, and tip winks at the boys. Think it over oung folks! Ex. Undo Snni's New Gun. At the Mldvale Steel company's plant, a new gun Is being built for the United States navy, a 14-lnch breech-loading rifle, which will out rival anything in existence. The in strument of destruction was design ed by Rear Admiral Mason, chief of the ordinance, and son of a Sus quehanna county (Pennsylvania)' farmer. There are army rifles of larger bore, but they are no more powerful. When the 1400-pound steel pro jectile leaves the muzzle of the piece it. will have an energy great enough to lift a weight equal to that of tho water displaced by the proposed 26,000-ton battleships and tho bat tleship Mississippi thrown in one foot in one second. Those three ships displace, combined, 65,000 tons of water. At a distance of five miles a shot from that gun will penetrate 12 6-10 inches of Krupp armor. The heaviest side armor carried by any battleship is about 12 Inches. FULTON'S KIN A SUICIDE. Takes Poison and Leaves Note for Celebration Committee Chairman. Charles Kenneth Moore, grand- nephew of Robert Fulton, builder of the steamer Clermont, killed him self by drinking cyanide of potas sium in his room on Columbus ave nue, New York. Not an hour before his death Moore had completed a letter to Herman Ridder, chairman of the executive committee of the Hudson- Fulton celebration, asking what pro visions had been made for relatives of Robert Fulton during the com ing celebration. Mr. Moore was a civil engineer and was in the employ of the Pear son Construction company on tho work of the Pennsylvania tunnel. While working in the tunnel he was stricken with the bends and was compelled to give up work, but his salary went on. On the trial trip of the Clermont a few days ago Mr. Moore was one of the passengers. Cook's Answer to Peary's Charges. When told that Peary had charg ed him with "Gold Bricking" the people, Dr. Cook, In a few forcible sentences, which may be commend ed to the consideration of students of the art of expression, makes an appeal to tho common sense of tho world which cannot be disregarded and indicates his Intention of estab lishing his right to the title of North Polo discoverer beyond any; dispute. "If I have handed out a gold brick," he says, "I have gold bricked Capt. Sverdrup, Commander Hovgaard, King Frederick, the Danish and Norwegian public, tho President of the United States, my benefactors, my friends and my. family, and am deserving of utter ostracism by all decent people." Further, he declares that considera tion of his data by competent scien tists will settle tho truth or falsity of his claims without delay, and that if he were a fakir he would not now bo sailing to the United States, whero ho would quickly be found out and branded as he deserved. WRemcniber tho Wayno Coun ty Fair.