The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 17, 1909, Image 6

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    IHE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, BEPX, 17, 1000.
nu mi'
The Coming of
Uncle Byron
John Holnian drew an envelope
Irom his pocket and looked across the
tabic at his wife. "A small surprise,
my dear," he said.
"Not an unpleasant one?"
John emilcd a little ruefully.
"It depends on the point of view."
Ho slowly produced a letter.
"We are to have a visitor," ho said.
"A visitor!" sho echoed.
"Yes. He says he'll come if it's
"What did you answer him?"
"Nothing. He's on his way here
now. He's coming in person to find
out whether It's convenient"
"Who is he, John?"
"He's my gvoat-unclo. I'd forgot
ten all about him, but ho hadn't for
gotten me. He's my mother's Undo
By, her youngest uncle."
"Uncle By?"
"Short for Byron. Undo Byron
"And what is he?"
"He neglects to say. Writes that
he's been knocking around a good
deal. Sort of rolling stone, I fancy.
Poor, too, no doubt. Wints to renew
his acquaintance with his dear nep
hew, and incidentally with his dear
niece if there is one."
"And where is he to sleep, John?"
"I don't think thero is any neces
sity for worrying about that until we
make up our minds whether we want
him or not Ho may bo quite impos
sible." "If he comes here, John, wo are not
going to turn him from the door. And
I feel suro ho wouldn't have written
that letter if ho wasn't fit to come.
We'll keep him one night, anyway,
"You're all right, Clare," cried the
young husband. "And if he doesn't
prove to be too long he can sleep in
the hall bedroom. And if he is too
long wo will have to give him our
room and camp down in the hall bed
room ourselves."
"Read the letter, John."
"Sure. It isn't much to look at,
but the spelling is fair and the writer
seems to understand how to mako
himself understood. Here goes: "My
dear nephew John. You may have
some difficulty in recalling me, but I
am your great uncle, Byron Train,
the youngest of your great-grandfath-er.'s
sons. I want to come and see
you, John, and if you have a wife I
want to see her, too. I've been knock
ing around the earth for a good many
years, and I want to have a little
rest and get acquainted with my sur
viving relatives. If you can't keep
mo over night, John, tell me so frank
ly. I know I'm not much to look at,
but I'm your great-uncle, and on your
dear mother's account sho nnd I
were playmates in our youthful days
I wan't to know you. I'll give you a
call, anyway, and then .-ou can let me
know whether it is convenient or not
for me to stay. So expect mo most
any time. Goodby until I see you, and
my regards to Mrs. John if there is
Mrs. John smiled.
"Not much of an index to his char
acter," she said. "Nor does it con
jure up nny picture of the man. Wo
will have to see him before wo pass
She was interrupted by a quick
blast from the speaking tube.
"Eh!" said John Holman. "There's
the man now."
"Good gracious!" cried Mrs. John
as she reached for a wandering lock
of hair.
John looked around.
"Is he welcome?"
"He is."
John picked up the tube.
"A gentleman to see Mr. Holman?
Send him up."
John's wife cast a hurried glance
about the room.
"It's luck his letter reached us
first," she said.
"Thero is something in that," John
A muffled croak and rattle from
the hallway announced the stopping
of the elevator. A moment later there
was a light knock at the door.
"Sit down and try to look uncon
cerned," whispered John. Then ho
opened tho door and extended his
But tho man in tho doorway failed
to notice thiB friendly overture. Ho
was a tall man, very erect, with a
white mustache, and a somewhat
flushed countenance. He was irre
proachably dressed and in hi3 hand
he bore a silk hat
"I beg your pardon," he said, with
a slight inclination of his head. "I
am looking for Mr. Holman, Mr. John
"I am Mr. Holman," said John. "Will
you come in?"
The tall man accepted tho invita
tion. "I am Mr. Cuthbert Marsh," ho said.
"My wife, Mr. Marsh."
The tall man bowed a little stiffly.
"I am sorry to trouble you," ho said,
"but my errand will bo a brief one.
Thank you, I will not take a chair."
He hesitated a moment "I have
called to meet a guest of yours, Mr.
Byron Train."
"Mr. Byron Train," repeated John.
"Yes. Is he here?"
"No." John replied.
"Pardon me, but have you 'seen
'No. I have never seen him."
"Excubo my insistence. You tnow
Df his whereabouts?"
"Nothing whatever."
The tall man again hesitated.
"I am very sorry to have bothered
you," ho- said, "I was led to believe
ma: Mr. Train was nero. Uooa even
ing, madam. Good evening, sir."
And tho tall man backed gracefully
through tho doorway.
John closed the door and put his
back against it
"What do you think of that?" ho
"I think wo are highly honored,"
Mrs. John replied. "I only hope that
our neighbors across the hall saw tho
aristocratic Mr. Marsh when ho dark
ened our portals."
"Be serious, Clare. What does that
old blue-blood want of our great un
cle?" "You don't suppose, John, that he's
dono anything?"
"Well, nothing bad enough to call
Cuthbert Mar3h to tho fifth story of
an apartment houso on a rainy night"
They both suddenly started. It was
only tho squeak of tho speaking tube.
John hurried to it.
"Well?" ho called. Then ho drop
ped the tube.
"I'm wanted on tho houso 'phono,"
ho said.
"You don't suppose tho offlco is on
"They wouldn't bother to toll me
of It." Ho looked around in the door
way. "I'll bet It's some now develop
ment in tho Uncle Byron mystery."
It was fully twenty minutes later
when he returned to his room. There
was confusion on tho wires and ho
had trouble in finding out who had
called him. Before ho could leave
tho offlco ho was called again.
But tho timo had passed rapidly
with Mrs. John. Scarcely had tho
elevator bearing her husband gone
down when a light rap at tho door
drew her attention.
An elderly man confronted her on
tho threshold. He was a man of less
than medium height, quite gray and
his wrinkled faco had a weather-beaten
look. He was very plainly dressed,
the string tie about his old style col
lar was out of place and tho soft hat
he held by tho brim was much tho
worse for wear.
"Then there is a Mrs. John,' was
his somewhat startling greeting.
Mrs. John suddenly laughed.
"Come In, Uncle Byron," sho said,
and drew him into tho room and took
his hat and shabby little bag.
"Uncle Byron, eh? That sounds
good." He stared at Mrs. John. "Am
I welcome?"
"Certainly, Uncle Byron."
"Talked it over with John, eh?"
"He agrees with you?"
"About you? Yes."
"Better think it over. I may want
to stay."
"Stay as long as you like."
Mrs. John suddenly laughed. '
"Haven't I an hone3t face?"
"You have a very nice face, my
dear. And a very nice voice. I hope
John deserves you."
Mrs. John's face flushed.
"He thinks he does."
"That's different. How's John?"
"Quito well. He will be back in a
few moments. Take this easy chair,
Uncle Byrcn."
"I will. Snug little place."
"Bather too snug. It's tho best we
could afford. Sho suddenly laughed.
"I'm glad you aro not taller, Undo
"Eh, Why?"
"Because we are going to put you
into tho hall bedroom. It's our only
guest chamber."
"Bather close quarters, eh? But
that's all right. I'm used to camping
down anywhere. Is there a window
where I can get lots of air?"
"Pine. How's John doing?"
"Fairly well.'
"Takes good caro of you, eh?"
Mrs. John was much amused.
"Do I look like an abused woman?"
"Not a bit of it. I wouldn't ask for
a better recommendation for John.
And you are quite sure I'm welcome?"
"Very sure."
"I'm not much to look at You'll be
ashamed of me."
"That's unkind."
"So it is. But I didnt mean any
thing by it. And there's to bo noth
ing said about paying board?"
"Nothing. You are our guest"
"Good. That suits me." He sud
denly fumbled in his pockets. "I'm
awfully careless about money. Could
you let me have a couple of dollars,
my dear?"
She didn't hesitate, but opened a
table drawer and drew out a little
purse. He watched her closely.
"Hero It is, Uncle Byron."
"I wouldn't want John to know
about this," he said as ho took tho
"Then you mustn't tell him."
"Good. I like you still better, my
dear. I can see that wo are going to
get along amazingly well. And I
haven't said a word about paying back
the money."
Mrs. John nodded at him.
"I'm not worrying about that" Sho
paused with a little laugh. "I think
you borrowed it just to test mo?"
The old man laughtcd too.
"You'ro as sharp as tacks, my dear.
But you'll never see this money
again. Best assured of that"
"Very well, Undo Byron. Say no
more about It Thero, I mustn't for
get to tell you that you had a caller
this evening."
"A caller? Who?"
"Mr. Cuthbert Marsh."
"Oh, yes. Looking for me, is ho?
"Ho seemed quite anxious to find
"Very likely. Ho wasn't homo when
I called. I saw Mrs. Marsh. Very
impressive woman. Kept mo waiting
too long in her grand parlor. I told
her that Cuthbert was the son of my
half-brother Robert. Bho wasn't a
bit ovorcomo by tho information. If
I expected to be asked to stay to din
ner I was disappointed. She showed
too plainly that she wasn't pleased Dy
my apearance. Told me flatly that I
could And her husband in his office
and turned me over to the butler who
hustled me out Pine woman, but a
littlo hard and a little hasty."
"Mrs. Cuthbert Marsh is ono of tho
queens of society," said John's wife.
"Well, I'm not one of her subjects,"
the old man chuckled.
She looked at him reflectively,
"I don't understand you, Undo By
ron," sho said.
"You'll understand mo bettor if I
stay hero long enough," he cried and
chuckled again.
And then the door opened and John
came In. For a moment ho didn't
notice the old man in the high backed
"Tho mystery deepens," ho said.
"Somebody at The Sutherland is wild
to And Uncle Byron; thero aro flvo
telegrams awaiting him at Tho Gros
venor, and thero soems to bo a wild
impression that I'm concealing him
"Hullo, John," said the old man
The younger man started.
"Uncle Byron," said John's wifo
a sudden laugh.
The old man put out his hand.
"How are you, my boy? Taken pos
session, you see. Going to camp down
indefinitely. Fixed it all with Mrs.
John. What do you think of an incu
bus like that?"
A queer twinkle in the old man's
eyes caught John's attention. Some
how he seemed drawn to this odd
"You aro heartily welcome, Undo
Byron," ho said. "What Mrs. John
says always goe3."
"I took that for granted. She said
I was welcomo and that was enough.
A littlo tor, good for you." And his
eyes twinkled as he nodded toward
the young wife.
"Not a bit of doubt of it," the young
mnn heartily agreed.
The old man drew a quick breath.
"You looked just like your mother
when you said that, John." Ho sighed
and was silent for a moment. "That
seems a weary while ago. But there
I know more about you than you
think, my boy. Give mo your hand
again. There are but two of my kin
left, and one of them oh, well, let
that pass."
"And your telegrams, Undo By
ron?" "Never mind them. They will keep."
Thero was a rap at the door. John
looked at his wife with a comical
smile. Then, he turned the knob.
There stood a police officer in all his
"Good evening," he said, as he
stepped across tho threshold. He was
a fine looking officer, his gold badge
indicating the rank of captain. "My
errand can be briefly stated. I am
looking for an elderly man, by the
name of Train, Byron Train."
"What's tho charge, officer?" tho
old man drily Interrupted.
"Kidnapping," ho answered. "Tho
party is supposed to have kidnapped
himself. A particular friend of mine
who stands pretty high in tho finan
cial world i3 very anxious about the
matter and applied to me personally.
We learned that Mr. Train had enter
ed this apartment house and I decid
ed to follow the trail myself." His
gaze rested on tho old man. "You
aro Mr. Train?"
"And you aro all right?"
"All right, thank you, and very com
fortable." "Glad to know it," said the big cap
tain. "Sorry to havo troubled you.
Good evening all."
And he was gone.
John looked at Mrs. John and Mrs.
John looked at John, and they both
looked at the old man.
"What a lot of meddling pooplo
there are in tho world," ho chuckled.
"Oh, you are going to find me a regu
lar nuisance."
And then came another knock nt
tho door.
This time the caller wa3 a trim
young man with keen, gray eyes. Ho
made a sweeping littlo bow as ho en
tered. "Good evening," he said in a quick,
nervous fashion. "I am looking for
Mr. Byron Train."
"I am Byron Train," said the old
"Thank you," the young man said
wih a quick nod. "I am from the
'Daily Argus' and tho 'Argus' would
like to know why tho owner of tho
famous Byron zinc mines and the
Byron silver mines and the Utah
Southern railway, and numerous oth
er noted enterprises, who has kept
his identity so long concealed, is in
the city."
"That's very kind of the 'Argus,"
said tho old man. "But I haven't
much for your readers to-night. I'm
looking tho ground over. Thero are
several wildcat mining companies that
will do well to got under cover com
panies that have been trading on tho
strength of my developments. You
may also say that I am going to or
ganize a company to open up certain
new mining properties that look very
promising. And I want you to men
tion that I am the guest of my nep
hew, John Holman, and his wife. That
is all right
"Thank you," said tho reporter, and
turned toward the door.
"One moment," tho old man called
to him. "In your reference to that
now company you may say that the
secretary and assistant manager will
bo John Holman."
"Good night," said tho reporter.
' John and Mrs. John exchanged
swift glances.
"I'm pretty tired," said tho guest
"Too many details for ono old man.
I'm going to rely a good, deal on you,
John. And now I wish Mrs. John
would show me to that little hall
bedroom." W. R. Roso In Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Side of a Mountain Broken Up to Sup
ply Railroad Ballast.
Ono of tho biggest things in tho
blasting line ever dono took place tho
other day near Stein's Pass, Arizona,
when tho whole side of a mountain
was dislodged to ballast 100 miles ol
track, all in ono explosion.
Preparations for the blast had been
going on for soveral weeks under tho
direction of G. W. Kearney, powder
expert for tho Southern Pacific, and
A. B. Crane, an export for tho com
pany which furnished the powdor. In
making the blast 73,000 pounds of
powdor was used.
The object was to obtain rock for
ballasting tho Tucson division of tho
Southern Pacific. The sight when the
powder was touched oil was ono of
the most remarkable ever witnessed
in this part of tho Southwest The
whole side of the mountain was lifted
about twonty-Svo feet and then set
tled back with a groan, a broken mass
of stone.
It is estimated that a body of rock
weighing 775,000,000 pounds was dis
lodged by this explosion.
Thoughtless Speech Brings Sorrow.
A man will never be sorry for hear
ing both sides before passing Judg
ment, for thinking twice before speak
ing, for holding his tongue when he
is angry, for closing his ears to the re
cital of gossip, for'' discrediting ovll
reports, for being kind to those in dis
tress, for being patient with those
who make mistakes, for apologizing
to those whom ho has injured, for be
ing courteous to those around him,
or for doing his duty every day. If
we shun what wo would be sorry for,
wo will be happy in almost any sphere
or condition of life. Scottish Reform
er. Catch Phrases.
People catch up striking phrases
and work them until tjiey becoine very
tiresome. Tho pulpit and tho prayer
meeting are especially in danger of
such over-doing. It is well for the
preacher and for the leader in prayer
to watch themselves, and if they find
that one certain phrase is becoming
very common in their utterances to
call a halt nt once. The more striking
the phrase tho greater r.eoO to use it
rarely if its significance or force Ir to
be hold. Presbyterian of the South.
s no time to be regretting your neglect
to get insured. A little ;nio beforehand
is worth moie than any amount ol re
Genera! insurance Agents
Bobbins Iilemonal, St. Rose Cemetery,
Cai-bondale, Pa,
Designed and built by
a have the sort of tooth brushes that are
mndu to thoroughly cleanse and save the
, They nre the kind thnt clean teeth without
leavlns vour mouth lull ol bristles.
We recommend those costlne 25 cents or
more, na we can guarantee them nnd will ro
place, free, any that show defects of manu
facture within three moijtbs.
Opp.U. & H. Station, HONESDALE, PA.
oppress' r-vT -1 "Vf . i3.t.t vjr;:CTjraimnrai.iUiija',l
The Giant Event of the Season's End
. Every Passing Season finds our Stock Broken in every department. Small
lots are bound to accumulate here and therein a busy store like ours, Wo never
have and never will carry over goods from one season to another, no indeed, Sir,
the policy of this house demands that tho wearables here mentioned leaves us
when the season does, so to this end we go through .all departments and clip
down the prices unmindful of tho cost to us. July is not a timo for profits.
Here following we mean to speak in deeds of many saving opportunities not in
words galore ; so if that means anything to yon read on
$15 Suits now 10
i?ia Suits now 13
20 Suits now 15
$25 Stilts now 18
5 Suits now 3.50
1 Suits now 2.75
3.50 Suits now 2.25
3.00 Suits now 2.00
50c, 75c., to 1.00 Worth Double
tho Price.
Underwear at
Remember the Place--a
This year opens witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about bv our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTOK'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for the pre
1st No one can mix abetter mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfiedjjwith it,
and recommend its use to others.
with every box of 6 pairs
Retails for $1.50 a box of 6 pairs.
Come in Black and Tan. Sold with a Six Months' Guarantee on Every Pair.
L. Ac Helferich's
We Are Here to
Do Your Printing
We Have a Large Assortment
of Type Ready to Serve You
What You Want,
The Way You Want It
And When You Want It
10 Suits now $7
1) Suits now 0
8 Suits now 5
7 Suits . .' now 4
Eclipse shirts, high grade in every
respects. Coat cut, cuffs attached:
1.50 vnluo nt LOO
1.00 vnluo nt 70c.
Reduced Prices.
Full Line of Everything.
Mixed Paints !
- eminence of CHILTON PAINTS;
of our Insured Hose for $1. 50.
The Insurance Policy
INSURANCE CO. of Chicago. A company
who have been in business for 23 years, and
have a surplus and assets of over $025,000.00.
For Loss of Life $1,000.00
For Loss of both Eyes 1,000.00
For Loss of both Hands 1,000.00
For Loss of both Feet 1,000.00
For. Loss of One Hand and
One Foot 1,000.00
For Loss of One Hand1 250.00
For Loss of One Foot 250.00
For Loss of One Eye 100.00
Seven and oO-ICO Dollars per week for 0 weeks
as per policy in case of accident.
is a Two Thread Combed Egyptian Reinforced
Heel and Toe All Value.