The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 17, 1909, Image 4

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    THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPT, 17, 1000.
Kntored as second-class mntter. nt the post
olllce. Honesdnle. Pa.
0. h. dorfuxqer. m. b. allen,
bknrt wilson. e. b. 11ar0enber0ii.
$1.50 per year
VKI1AV, SEPT. 17, 1000.
. Judge Robert Von Moschzlskcr,
of Philadelphia.
of Erie.
Jeremiah A. Stober,
of Lancaster.
W. H. Bullock.
It is all right to be selfish with
your troubles.
Don't carry your Christian Sci
ence so far that you Imagine your
In these physical culture days
some people display great ability In
dodging taxes.
If there were no loafers In this
old world, the police courts wouldn't
have much to do.
When it comes to teaching orthog
raphy, the old-style spelling match
is a pronounced success.
People who are always harping
on their troubles dor.'t dispense a
very high grade of music.
Peary is more anxious to prove
Dr. Cook a liar than he is to prove
iis own discovery of the North
Each step taken for mother adds
to the time she will be with you to
enjoy your deeds of love and to
cheer you with your smile.
There are many different terms
for chauffeur. Some of them will
readly come to mind about the time
you get bumped by a machine.
The wasp waist is the latest in
feminine wearing apparel and the
boys will have to be careful where
they put their arms after this.
Radium has been put on the free
list and the bottom has fallen out
of the market. The frugal and
economic housewife can now pur
chase this household necessity at
?2,000,000 an ounce.
Col. L. A. Watres, of Scranton,
Is talked of as a candidate for Gov
ernor. If Northeastern Pennsylva
nia is to supply the man the Colonel
can 1111 the bill alright.
Down east where there are some
who spend 525,000 on a supper for
a dog, whle others can't get what
a dog would ordinarily be satisfied
with, is a good breeding place for
The former prime minister of
China has been sent the yellow cord
which is a polite way the Chinese
have of telling him to go off and
Oslerize himself.
Bryan has butted into the North
Pole controversy by claiming that
both Peary and Cook are Demo
crats, reasoning that as Democrats
having been so long out in the cold,
they can do their best work there.
How seldom people think to be
stow praise upon those with whom
they nre in daily contact. Your
employes, your associates, your chil
dren and your wife would find their
loads lightened by a word of com
mendation now and then.
The controversy between the two
self-announced discoverers of the
North Pole, has become very bitter,
and Is bringing out the human make
up of these candidates for the
crown of fame. Dr. Cook so far
has shown better taste than Peary
by being willing to submit his
claims to the highest court of au
thority on this question of nrtlc ex
ploration while Peary has very ar
rogantly made assertions which
would lead the public to believe that
the North Pole had been established
by the Maker of the Universe for
the express purpose of having him
discover It, and that Dr. Cook con
Bequently could not have got there
ahead of him, and if by accident he
had the fact should be blotted out,
Any girl with ruby lips and gold
en hair ought to be a treasure worth
striving for.
A man named Clover has just
been married and soon there will
be several blades of grass where
there was formerly but one.
Next fall Mars will come within
251,000,000 miles of tlie earth.
Prepare to gossip over the back
fence with your neighbors in that
Alonzo T. Searle was appointed
by Governor Stuart on Wednesday,
September 15, Judge of the 22d
Judicial District of this State to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the
death of Judge George S. Purdy.
Judge Searle was born in Berk
shire county, Mass., and passed his
boyhood after the manner of most
village lads, with the advantages
however of a refined home, and Its
salutary influences. He received a
liberal public school education, then
entered college at St. Johnsbury,
Vermont, from whence he graduated
In 1S73; he then entered Amherst
College, graduating In 1877, receiv
ing the degree of A. M. He taught
school at Rutland, Vermont, one
year and still later was a teacher of
Latin and Mathematics at Chelten
ham (Pa.) Academy. Having de
cided on making the profession of
law his life work, in 1880 he enter
ed the office of Hon. B. S. Bentley
of Williamsport, Pa., as a student.
He remained there eighteen months,
then removed to Honesdale and
continued the study of law In the
office of George G. Waller. In 18S2
he was admitted to the Bar and
became a partner with Mr. Waller,
which arrangement continued until
18SS, or until Mr. Waller died. Mr.
Searle then assumed entire control
of the business, and has built up
an extensive practice, and is to-day
justly recognized as one of the
leading lawyers of Northeastern
Pennsylvania. He Is assistant
United States District Attorney for
the .Middle District of Pennsylvania.
He has always taken a deep interest
in educational matters, and while
not an offlee seeker, has been re
peatedly elected school director and
is at present President of the Hones
dale school board. In religious
faith he is a Presbyterian, and has
served as trustee several terms.
Socially he is connected with the
Exchange Club, a member of P.
and A. M. and Royal Arcanum. He
is prominent in the State bar as
sociation, being an active member
of several Important committees.
Ho is a life member of the State
Forestry Association and afllliated
with ninny college and class socie
ties. He is descended from William
Searle who settled In this county
in 1GG4. His father, Richard
Thurston Searle, was a distinguish
ed Congregational minister of Ver
mont, who died in 1SS0. His moth
er, who is alive and resides witli
him, was a Putnam, a descendent
of General Israel Putnam of Revo
lutionary fame, she being born in
the old Putnam homestead, which
was also the birthplace of General
Putnam. This homestead Is now in
possession of an uncle of our sub
ject. Judge Searle, being a man of
culture and refinement, which, with
his knowledge and ability as a
jurist, will enable him to fill the
position he has been appointed to,
witli dignity, honor, and to the sat
isfaction of the justice-loving peo
ple wherever lie presides.
New Federal Law That Goes Into
Kll'ect January 1.
A new Federal law, which wil go
into effect January 1, will be a sur
prise to many bankers and business
men. The law was passed by the
last Congress, and one section of
the law will set many guessing.
It provides that no nersou shall
draw a check upon a bank for less
tnan ifi, and a violation of the pro
vision of the law can be minlshorf
by a fine of $500 or a sentence of
six months, or both, the fine and
sentence. The law reads:
No person shall make, issue, cir
culate or pay out any note, check,
memorandum, token or other ob
ligation for a less sum than S1. in.
tended to circulate as money or to
ue received or used In lieu of law
ful money of the United Stntpn nmi
every person so offending shall be
iiueu noi more tnan $500 or im
prisonment not more than six
months, or both.
Card of Thnnks.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to tho
many friends and neighbors who so
kindly assisted us in our sad be
reavement; also to those who ex
pressed their sympathy In floral of
ferings. Henry Stevenson and Family.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Ha?o Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The twenty-sixth annual conven
tion of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union of Wayne county con
vened at the Hamllnton M. E.
church September 7th and 8th.
The convention was called to or
der by Mrs. Minnie Coleman, county
president. Mrs. Anna Lakln con
ducted the devotional exercises, fol
lowed by the singing of the Cru
saders' Hymn.
The roll call of officers and sup
erintendents showed the following
to be present: President, Mrs. Min
nie Coleman; Vice President, Mrs.
Penina Tuttle; recording secretary,
Mrs. Agnes Skellet; Treasurer, Mrs.
Anna Lakln; Superintendents
Franchise, Miss Samson; Loyal
Temperance Legion, Mrs. Mayme
Stevens; Fair Work, Mrs. Ellen
Varcoe; Medal Work, Miss E. M.
Buckingham; Sci. Tern. Ins., Mrs.
S. A. Brown; Flower Mission, Mrs.
Agnes Skellet; Jail Work, Mrs.
Myra Gillen; Legislature, Mrs. S.
Huyck; Social Work, Mrs. Jennie
Bingham; Temperance Light Bear
er, Mrs. Christine Boyce; Press
Work, Mrs. Anna Lakln.
The following committees were
then appointed by the President
and accepted by tha convention:
Resolutions, Courtesies, Creden
tials, Auditing, Programme, Solici
tors for Papers, Reporters.
Mrs. Varcoo was the first to give
a department report. Her's being
fair work. It was decided to have
a W. C. T. U. rest room at the next
county fair.
The report of the Superintendent
of Purity Work was read by Mrs.
Excellent work has been done
along the line of Medical Temper
ance. Mrs. Anna Lakin then gave the
Press Work report, followed by
some valuable suggestions by Miss
The little Temperance Light
Bearers, directed by Mrs. Boyce,
then rendered a very beautiful song.
The evening session was opened
with music by the choir, followed
by the devotional exercises conduct
ed by Mrs. Pheobe Oliver.
Rev. J. H. Boyce then welcomed
the convention in behalf of the
church, followed by a welcome from
the Hamllnton W. C. 'i. U., given
by Miss Edna Chumnrd. Response
was given by Mrs. Sarah Huyck. A
trio was then rendered by Misses
Anna and Florence Boyce and Miss
Louise Rutlodge.
Miss Lillian Phelps, the speaker
for the evening, was then introduc
ed by Mrs. Coleman.
Miss Phelps gave a very fine talk
in which she strongly emphasized
the fact that the liquor traffic will
cease when the Christian people
want it to cease. After Miss Phelp's
lecture the choir gave another selec
tion and Rev. Boyce dismissed the
Wednesday morning session was
opened by Mrs. Boyce, after which
Mrs. Skellet read the minutes which
were accepted by the convention.
Mrs. Tuttle read the report of the
corresponding secretary, showing
that during the past year two Unions
have died and two new Unions or
ganized, and there are now seven
more members in Wayne county
than there were last year.
The Galilee Union lias gained
more members than any other
Union, having been organized only
since last June. They have gained
fifteen members and four honorary
members. Reports of committees
then followed, after which .Mrs.
Lakln, county treasurer, gave her
report showing that 5222.37 have
been taken into the treasury in the
past year and 5195.54 expended.
.Mrs. Pheobe Oliver and Mrs. Lak
in then rendered a very beautiful
and appropriate selection, "Wear
Your White Ribbon." Mrs. S. A.
Brown gave a good report on
"Scientific Temperance Instruction."
A very helpful address was then
given by the county president, Mrs.
Minnie Coleman. It was moved and
carried by the convention that Mrs.
Coleman's address should be print
ed. It will appear in a later issue
of this paper.
The election of officers then fol
lowed: President, Mrs. Minnie Cole
man; Vice President, Mrs. Penina
Tuttle; Corresponding Secretary,
Miss Margaret Loy; Recording Sec
retary, Mrs. Agnes Skellet; Treas
urer, Mrs. Anna Lakln.
Miss Phelps then offered the noon
tide prayer after which the meet
ing was adjourned.
Meet nu at the Wayne County Fair Oct. !, 5, O and 7. Professor
Darling's Dog; Monkey and Pony thaw will he among tho many attractions.
The afternoon session was, open
ed by Mrs. Skellet who conducted
the memorial services. Memorials
were read to the following of our
beloved members who have left us
for n happier home during the last
year: Hon. Farley, of Equlnunk;
Miss Celia Stevens, of Hamllnton;
Mrs. Stephens, of Hawley; Mrs.
Tompkins nnd Mrs. Masters.
The report of Mothers' Work was
then read by Mrs. Tuttle.
The Legislative report was then
given by Mrs. Huyck, followed by
Mrs. Bingham's report on social
Mrs. Maymo Stevens reported
good work done In the Loyal Tem
perance Legion during the past
Mrs. Penina Tuttle gave a very
instructive drill on reports.
The following resolutions, having
been adopted by the resolution
committee, were submitted to the
approval of the convention by Mrs.
Agnes Skellet.
Whereas, We, as White Rlbbon
ers, in convention assembled, do
here acknowledge our allegiance to
our Heavenly Father and our trust
in his divine guidance, and
Whereas, We do hereby express
our loyalty to his cause and for its
advancement, have espoused the
work as planned by the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union; there
fore Resolved, That we to-day renew
our allegiance to the main issue
the annihilation of the liquor traf
fic. Resolved, That we deplore the
lack of law enforcement, not only
In our own county, but elsewhere,
and the growing indifference to
Sabbath desecration; the evasion of
the law on the part of the dealers
in the deadly cigarette and the lacK
of chivalry on the part of tobacco
Resolved, That we co-operate
with those fearless agitators In fer
reting out the system of the White
Slave Traffic and in trying to break
down the false modesty which has
kept this giant evil so long hidden
from the public.
Resolved, That while we deplore
the death of our county official,
Judge George Purdy, we, as a coun
ty Union, do send a strong protest
to our State Executive against ap
pointing a judge who will be un
willing to listen to our remonstran
ces as they may come before him
from time to time.
Resolved, That we hail as a good
omen the fact that President Taft
has turned his glass down and de
clared himself a total abstainer and
furthermore that the discoverer of
the North Pole, Dr. Cook, refused
to accept the tendering of beer, af
firming that it had never been car
ried northward.
Resolved, That we do rejoice in
the rapid strides that have been
made along the lines of prohibition
elsewhere and that we will not cease
working until the liquor trillic with
all its kindred evils shall be placed
under the ban of the law.
Resolved, That we double our ef
forts in securing the passing of an
good measures touching the home.
Resolved, That we tender our
thanks to Miss Phelps for her ex
cellent suggestions for furthering
the press work of our county and
also to the pastor, Rev. Boyce, for
supplementing her remarks in so
kindly a manner.
Resohcd, -That we should con
sider it our duty to become sub
scribers to our National and State
papers, using them as sharp-edged
tools with which to do good and
efficient work.
Resolved, That our tender sym
pathy goes to those who are mourn
ing the loss of their loved ones, and
to those who are mourning the loss
of ther loved ones, and prayerfully
recommend them to Him who "tem
pereth the wind to the shorn lamb."
Resolved. That wo extend hearty
thanks to the ladies of Hnmlinton
who have so hospitably entertained
us; to the resident nastor wim lm
been alert for our comfort and hap
pinessto the decorating commit
tee to the choir and others who
so delightfully sang for us; to the
trustees who gave the use of the
church for this convention; to the
pastor and others who have in anv
way contributed to the success of
mis convention of 1909.
Resolution Cora.
l:ev. Van Sciver, of Ariel, then
dismissed the congregation.
The ovening session was opened
by singing. Mrs. Butler conducted
the devotional exercises. Miss
Dickens then favored the conven
tion with a solo.
Miss Phelps occupied the re
mainder of the evening with a very
good lecture In which she spoke es
pecially to the mothers concerning
their daughters.
Miss .Stone rendered a beautiful
solo after which Rev. Van Sciver
pronounced the benediction.
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty
God to remove from our midst, Geo
S. Purdy, one of the members of our
club, who, whether as a member
with us or in the pursuits of pri
vate life, always merited our re
spect and esteem; therefore
Resolved, That we have heard,
with deep regret and profound sor
row, of the death of our fellow-member,
whose genial manner and high
character had endeared him to every
member of our club, and that we
extend to his widow our sincerest
sympathy in her bereavement.
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be entered upon the rec
ords of our club, a copy sent to
the widow of the deceased and that
they be published in the local pa
N. Frank Frailey, Sec'y.
Curd of Thanks.
To all friends whose sympathy at
this time ha3 been shown or felt, I
return thanks which I feel deeper
than words can tell.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Walding, Klunan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. HKN'IiY Z. KTSSELL,
This Bank was Organized In December, 1836, and Nationalized
in December, 1864.
Since its organization it has paid in Dividends
to its Stock holders,
The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the fact that Its Snrplus Fund more than
equals Its capital stock.
What Class 0
are YOU in
The world has always been divided into two classes those who have
saved, those who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant.
It is the savers who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the
railroads, the shins and all the other great works which stand for man's
advancement and happiness.
The spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. We
and beindependentVer-t Pen account ln our SavinE8 Department
One Dollar will Start an Account.
This Bank yviil be pleased to receive all
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
Yom Klppur Celebrated at a Feast Day
All Over the World.
New York, Sept 10. In the Jewish
calendar today Is the beginning of the
year B070. Rosh Hashona, or tho Jew
ish new year, is celebrated as a feast
day by Jews all over the world.
The most orthodox observe the new
year for two days, but tho Jews of the
reformed faith nlso celebrate Yom
Hazzlkaron, or "head of the year," as
it is also called.
It Is the annual memorial of the cre
ation of tho world. Still another des
ignation is Yom Hadln, or "day of the
Judgment," from an old belief that on
this day all stand before the Lord to
answer for wrongdoing during the
year Just closed.
One Night Only
SEPT. 20
A play that will live forever. A story ot
woman's wrones. It touches tho hearts
or nil. without question the greatest
emotional drama of the present Genera
tion. PRICES 15, 25, 35 and 50c
- SEAT SALE opens at the box oilice
nt U n. ni Monday, September 20th.
o a.
Our New Fall Dress Goods
Novelty Trimmings,
Latest Effects
Our Long Corsets for
j the present season are
I all built for Modern
i Dress.
J In the Glove depart-
f ment all the new shades
can be found in the best
quality goods.
S New House Furnish-
ings in the late designs
of Rugs, Portieres Cur
t tains and Carpets.
Leading Stores
"EAST! i
m an"
iMenner & Go's.
as Irregular, and not authentic.