TI1E CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15, 1000. 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN! LOST Ladies' Gold Wntch On Monday morning, between 8 and 11 a. m. In Honesdale. Monogram on cover, "P. C." Suitable reward by returning same to Faith Clark. Main and Fifteenth streets. 72t2 THE hardware stores of Hones dale will all close their stores on Monday evenings, beginning Oct. 4, 1U0!). 2t. MISS ll.mi:ISi:it;iT, teacher of piano, all grades, from the kin dergarten to the graduate; also theory and harmony. Scranton Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurs days; Honesdale, Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. WANTED ijorrosiioiidenls In every town, hamlet and village in Wayne county. Address, Citizen, Honesdnle, I'a. A comi ress. Mrs. STENT cook and laund Mnry 11. Tracy, 140 7 Main street. Vltf TAKE NOTICE All persons in Texas township, in Geo. Mackley's district, in arrer.s for road taxes, are quested to apply to George Erk at once for work. Tltl! I 'OH SALE Beautiful upright piano, good as new, used about three months. Cost $300, wilt sell for $185.00 cash. This is a standard piano. A number one and can be seen and examined at .T. Oscar Terrel's grocery store in Honesdale. SPECIAL attention given to chil dren at Charlcsworth's Studio. 2S l'OH SALE Hay house, on East Extension street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M. E. Simons. 3Seoitf. LOCAL MENTION. All tlio hij-u 21 for couth. Fair time Oct. 4, 5, 0 and The High School team will play a team from White Mills on Satur day afternoon. Bregstein Bros, will close on Thursday and Friday, during the Jewish holidays. Freeman's orchestra will con duct a dance at the Lyric hall on Friday evening. Leslie Fuller, of Cherry Hidge, mot with an accident on Friday. He was chopping wood. He cut two lingers from the left hand. Dr. Powell attended him. Miss Petersen and Miss Char lotto Lane will sail from England on S. S. Minnewaska, Atlantic Transport Line, Sept. IS, and will reach home about Sept. 2S. The remarkable prosperity and wonderful longevity attained by "East Lynne" can bo explained only by the fact that the story the play unfolds Is intensely human. Although numberless dramas have been written in imitation of tills excellent play, not one of them reaches the depths of feeling or sounds the note of human appeal as truly as does Ihis dramatic pict ure of tlio joys and sorrows of the beautiful, unfortunate Lady Isabel. To adequately portray the varying emotions of this complex character is a task requiring not only the charm of youthful beauty, but a marked degree of histrionic ability as well. It will bo seen at the Lyric on .Monday evening, Sept. 20. Last Friday evening Michael Dolau appeared upon .Main street in, a drunken condition. He met oilicer Uegroat and asked him for a night's lodging. The ofllcer took him to the borough lock-up. Dur ing the night Dolan started a quarrel with "Christy" Habbitt, another prisoner in the lock-up. Rabbitt called officer Canlvan when he came to the cell door. Dolan became very abusive. The officer had to use rough means to make the prisoner behave. On Saturday Dolan was brought before Burgess John Kuhbaeh who sentenced him to thirty dnys at hard labor upon the streets of Honesdale. He said ho lived in Scranton. On Saturday morning Miss I Martha Kimble, daughter of John Kuhbaeh, our worthy Mayor, while out rowing on the Lackawaxen river, was accosted by William Bau man. Noticing ho was Intoxicated she paid no attention to his remarks and proceeded on her way to the landing near her home. While in ildstream sho heard the report of a pistol thus far the story Is true, b it Scranton papers add the follow ing which. Miss Kimble says is un true nnd almost immediately felt a stin?ing sensation on tlio left hip. Sho paid but slight attention to samo, but on arising from the boat, and while on her way to the house, the Intensity of the pain, called for an Investigation, which was made at her home, when It was dscovered that the bullet had struck her corset steel, badly dis coloring the flesh. Officer Canlvan arrested Bauman and he was held In ?1000 ball by Square Wm. H. Hara to appear at the next term of court. In 1907 Darling's circus closed a successful season with the Or rln Brothers Circus In Mexico and Yucatan for a period of thirty weeks. Was pronounced by the peoplo In this foreign country to be one of the beBt animal acts from the United States. Thl3 show will be seen at the Wayne county fair in uctouer next. Plan to come to the fair on the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of October. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. William Huppert, of Main street, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf, of , Hldgo street, are rejoicing over the : arrival of a daughter. The annual Wayne county Sun day school convention will be held nt Bethany October tst. The children that have been misusing the school property of Texas township, are warned against so doing. Charles P. Searle won the champion golf cup on the Hones dale link, on Saturday last. Cash ier 11. S. Salmon was Mr. Sonrlo's opponent In the play o.f. The semi-annual sesson of the Wayne County Teachers' Associa tion will be held at Lake Comn Oct. 2nd. Supt. C. F. lloban, of Dun mnre, will deliver ills lecture on "The Schools of England." In an attempt to get out of bed a few days since, Mrs. S. M. Decker, of Court street, fell to the floor and fractured three ribs. Dr. William Sclioonover, of New York city, reduced the fracture. During the winter of 1 90S, Dnrllng's educated animals were playing through Cuba, from 11a vanna to Santiago and proved to be a new novelty act for that country and pronounced so by the leading papers of that vicinity. It will be i seen nt the Wayne county fair this year In October. Survivors of Company B. Third j llesiment, Pennsylvania He-servo i volunteers, with their families and friends held a reunion and outing at Lake Ariel on Saturday last. The day was spent In various amuse ments and in recounting the tales of war times which never seem to lose their interest among tlio vet erans nnd their friends. The old officers of the association wore re elected as follows: President, L. T. j Adams; first vice president, F. Brundage; second vice president, C. W. Hubbard; secretary, W. .1. Hand: assistant secretary and I treasurer, W. G. Moore. Those present were: 11. S. Potter, C. 11. Hubbard and wife, E. A. Marshall and wife, Henry llnynes and wife, Joseph Hnchon, C. E. Mitchell, W. 0. Moore, Benjamin Bennett, F. Brundage and wife. The Scranton Republican, of Saturday last, has this to say about Honesdale: Honesdale's Old Home Week has ended, and appropriately enough with the dedication .of a new High school building that is a pride and satisfaction to tlio town. Honesdale's educational ideals have always been high, and perhaps no place of Its size has produced a larger number of persons eminent in their various professions and lines of work. From its beginning educational advantages have been of prime importance to its citizens. Perhaps no local interest of Hones dale will receive a greater impetus from Old Home Week than the Vil lage Improvement society. This town was the pioneer in the work that has spread over the continent and has been an Inspiration in chics to thousands of other com munities. Much of the aesthetic satisfaction that returned visitors felt in their old home was the re sult of activities of the organization of women that for years lias work ed for the improvement of Hones dale, in its sanitary conditions as well as Its appearance. Thus the praise and admiration of guests during the last few days should af ford encouragement to all who have helped to make the town a better and a brighter place of residence, and renewed efforts will bo expect ed from all the residents. The Rev. P. J. O'Malley, pastor of St. John's church, Ptttston, and the Rev. R. A. McAndrow, of St. Mary's church, Wllkes-Barre, will be invested with the robes and in signia of a monsignor on Sunday, October 10 ,aud on Sunday, Octo ber 24, respectively, lho ceremony, although not so elaborato as tlio ordination of a priest or the con secration of a bishop, has its own peculiar ritual and prescribed cer emonies. The investiture will take j,in,.0 during the celebration of high mass, "coram episcopo, mat is in tlio presence of the bishop of the diocese. ' Just before the newly created monsignor receives the ro galia of his office, ho walks from the sacristy clad In the purplo robes which ho will wear henceforth in stead of the black soutano of the ordinary priest. Ho will bo then handed the tangible indications of his office, such as the ring and skull cap, by the bishop, after . which a sermon appropriate to the occasion will be preached by a priest select ed for this purpose. Usually there are a large number of priests pres ent In the sanctuary on such an oc casion. These are invited1" to dine with the new prelate after his In vestiture. The parishioners, as well as the priest consider themselves honored in having conferred upon their pastor the dignity of monsig nor by the pope, as it is only In stituted with the approbation ,of tho bishop. The Rev. James P. O'Mal ley was the Roman Catholic rector at Hawley for many years, and en joyed the sincere regard and esteem of all classes there regardless of caste or creed. The Rev. Richard McAndrew is a Hawley "boy"; as Is also the Rt. Rev. Michael Hoban, the Bishop of Scranton. Both hav ing been born and reared there. Of Bishop Hobnn's broad activities ard charities, much might be said. Christy Mathewson, the star pitcher of tho New York Nationals, and who Is well known here, has . pitched 20 games so far this sea-! son and has won 24 of them. This , puts Christy nt the head of the Na tional Lenguo pitchers. 1 PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Joel Hill and dnughter are at Mt. Clemens, Mich., for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Hill wore visitors here during Old Homo Week. L. II. Rehkop. of Cnrbondnle, was In Honesdale on Saturday. Ray Simons has returned to his home In Hawley after having spent tho week here. W. E. Sherwood, of New ork, was a guest of Mrs. J. W. Kessler for a few days. Misses Maine Walsh and Margaret McCormlck, of Scranton, were visi tors In town last week. Mrs. M. Russell, of New York City, has been the guest of friends here for the past week. Mrs. Catherine Goetz, of Greeley, Pike county, was visiting friends for tile past week here. William Rhoade3 of Stone street, Scranton, was here enjoying the good times at Maple City. Mrs. Lizzie Campbell, of Cnr bondnle, was tlio guest of Miss May Lynett for the past week. Miss Estelle Wick, of Scranton, Is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Loorcher, on Church street. Miss Maine Brader, of Plains, spoilt last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brader, of Dyberry Place. Mrs. George Sampson returned to her home at Taylor on Saturday, after a week spent In tills place. Dr. F. Smith, of Prescott avenue, Scranton, was here for the past few days enjoying Old Homo Week with friends. Miss Margaret Igo, who for sev eral weeks has been at Asbury Park, N. J., has returned much improved iu health. Mrs. Charles Cade and son, Hobt. left Saturday for a few weeks' so journ with relatives and friends in Ellenvllle. .Mrs. Patience Burger spent Sunday with her son and dnughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burger, at White Mills. John Donnelly, who for the past three weeks has been visiting at Port Richmond, L. I., returned homo last Saturday. John Korb returned to Warren on Saturday after spending Old Home Week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Korb. Marcus and August Bregstein and Samuel and Harry Freeman and John Stegner left for New York City Monday morning. Father Griffin, of Wilkes-Barro, Father Canivan, of Brooklyn, and Father Cro'gan, of Scranton, were guests of Father Hanly recently. Miss Henrietta Hulso and Mrs. Emma .Decker of New York City, were guests ot Miss Minnie Bayley on Willow street during Old Home Week. Elisha Gray, wife and sons, Wil liam and Edward, left lor Atlantic City Friday after a ten days' stay at life brother's on lower Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Grambs, of Scranton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Krantz on Upper Main street Mondny. Miss Nettie Pollock, a trained nurse of New York, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Os car Terrell, and at her homo at Galileo. Mrs. Harry Ralney and daughter Evelyn of Ninth street, Scranton, who were the guests of William Lano and wife, on Main street, have returned home. The Misses Elizabetli and Mamo Donnelly have returned to their home in Scranton, after a few days pleasantly spent with friends and relatives in Honesdale. George Little, of Jersey City, who has been summering at Greeley, Pike county, for the summer, spent I tho past week enjoying the Old Home Week celebration. William Grambs, prominent in Seattle busuess circles, was tho guest of relatives and left Satur day for a trip to Now York and other places prior to his going home. Charles Hilton, the popular Pull man conductor on tho Honesdale branch, Is now on his annual vaca tion in Atlantic City. W. E. Con dlt, of Ornnge, N. J., is filling nis place. Mrs. Morris Sampson of Cherry Ridge, contemplates selling her farm since her husband's death a week ago, and make her future homo with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Marsh, C. J. Dibble, Delaware and Hud son agent nt this place, left on Sat urday for Lake Chaniplain, where he expects to nttend a convention of that company's agents on Mon dny. He was a guest of his parents nt Windsor, N. Y., over Sunday. C. E. Decker and wife left on Thursday for Scranton, where they will spend a few days; then return to their California home after an absence of four months. Mr. Decker Is now In the employ of the corporation of the City of San Fran clsco in the department of arch! tecture, having finished his work on the Palnce hotel, on which he hnd been engaged nearly three years. Samuel Freeman, of New York, spent last week In town. Mrs. Anthony Connor, of Carbon dale, is visiting relatives In town. Hon. F. P. Kimble left Tuesday for a few days trip in New Jersey. Mary Monaghan, of Carbondnle, was a visitor In town on Monday. Mrs. W. V .Wheeler, of Eleventh street, Is seriously ill of pneumonia. George Heycock, clerk at Hotel Allen, spent Sunday at his homo In Carbondnle. Mr. Donahue, the singer at tho Lyric Theatre, spent Sunday In Carbondale. Misses Mae and Elizabeth Bur gos are spending a few dnys In the Electric City. Miss Margaret llagen, of Tren ton, Is spending her vacation with relatives In town. Mrs. Harriet Weaver, mother of Architect Weaver, Is confined to her bed with pneumonia. Misses Mac and Elizabeth Burger left on Saturday for a few days' so journ In tho Electric City. John Byrnes and Miss Mnme Con nor, of Plttston, returned Mondny after spending a few days in this place. Charles and Margaret Griffin left for New York yesterday. The former will return to Schenectady on Friday. Misses Ella and Carrie Colenton, of Goshen. N. .Y.. attended the fu neral of Eugene Walsh, which was held on Friday. Misses Mary Cawley and Mary Mcllugh, of Scranton, have return ed to their homes after a visit with relatives in town. Miss Frances Marsh has returned to her homo in Towanda, after a week's visit with Miss Florence Kim ble on Court street. Eugene Cauileld returned to St. Ponavontures College on Sunday alter spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cau ileld, on Park street. Henry Jennings, of Phoenix, Arizona, arrived in town last Sun daya for a six weeks' visit with relatives. .Mr. Jennings was a former resident of Wayne county. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brandemoro, of Scranton, who was the guest of I flin l'nrmnp hrntlwii rn T?lnr ctrnnt ' for tho holiday week, returned to that city Monday afternoon. Miss Mae Bunnell is visiting 'her aunt. Mrs. Edward Heroy, In Brook lyn. John Bone, of Scranton, is also with his daughter. Mrs. Heroy, and expects to spend the winter. Misses Jessie and Helen Trible of Nanticoke, who wore the guests of Miss Eva Wilson on Fifteenth street, returned home Monday nfter an enjoyable time for the past week. Hugh Gallagher, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with Honesdale friends. Mr. Gallagher was form erly messenger on tho Delaware & Hudson train of the Honesdale branch. Mrs. William P. Coon and two daughters, Elizabeth and Mildred, returned to their home at Clark's Green on Saturday after spending the week with the. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Decker, on Fif teenth street. Xotlce to Teachers (if Wayne Co. On Tuesday, October o, all school children will ho admitted free to the county fair. Teachers are request ed to send at once the number of their pupils to Emniorson V. Gam mill, Secretary. Admission tickets will be mailed to children and teach ers. Mrs. Patrick Weil- Dead. Mrs. Patrick Weir died in Gos hen, X. Y., on Sunday evening. The deceased was 43 years of age. She was born in this place and was a hlnhly esteemed resident of this place for a number of years. Mrs. Weir had been In poor health for some time, and tlio past week men ingetis of the brain developed. She was taken to the sanatarium at Goshen and died at that place Sun day. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mario and Dorothy, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Drumn, two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Malia, and Miss Jennie Drumn, and four brother, Charles, Frank, John and Eugene, all of New York City. The remains were brought to Honesdale on Monday afternoon and removed to her late home on River street. Flower Show. A ilower show will bo held at the High school building Friday, Sept. 17th, nt 3 p. m. The results of the seeds sold tho children by the Honesdale Improvement Associa tion will be displayed at this time and prizes awarded as follows: One for the most perfect bouquet of one variety of flowers; one for the prettiest bouquet; one for the great est variety of flowers raised by one person; a first and second prize will be nwarded for the best vegetable display. Respect to Ilarrininn. At 3:30 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 12th, every train nnd engine on all the railroads lately controlled by and those in which Mr. Hnrriman had been Interested, came to a stand still and remained so for two min utes out of respect to his memory. It was nt this Instant that the cof fin containing his remains were low ered Into the grave. Fair time Oct. 4, C, 6 and 7. HYMENEAL. On Saturday morning, nt 8 o'clock, Mr. Olnf M. Spettague, Jr., and Mae Owen Wood were united In mar riage at the home of O. M. Spettl gue, Sr., by the Rev. Dr. Swift. They left on the 8:27 a. m. Erie train for a two weeks' trip to De troit by way of the Great Lakes. The New Play A Success. It will be gratifying to the better class of theatre-goers to learn that Minnie Vlctorson and her company of nrtlsts Is booked for an enrly ap pearance hero In "The Woman Pnya." This Is the play which made such an unqualified success at the Maxlno Elliott Theatre, Now York last season and pleased the critical London so well that tlio run of the play has been twice extended. "The Woman Pays" Is an exquisite piece of dramatic literature by Avery Hopwood who also wrote "Clothes" In which Grace George had such a successful run. From the Hood of rubbish which Is deluging tho present day stage It is nost refresh ing to turn to a play which is true to life and full of human interest, replete with intensely dramatic sll uatlons, enlivened with consistent and clover comedy. Town Booming Helps III. Make Noise Like 8l Dollar The man who gets ahead is the one who makes a noise, and it's the same with a town. But it must be the RIGHT KIND OF NOISE. There are millions of noises in the world and only one kind worth making. That's-' the kind a man learned about when he tried to in terview a great financier. He had spent several days trying to get into the private office of the old skinflint, but was always headed off. At last he went to a friend for ad vice. "I'll tell you what to do," said the friend. "You go down and stand in front of the old fellow's door and MAKE A NOISE LIKE A D0LLAK. V7hen he comes out to grab you, that will be your chance." j That's the kind of noise we should 1 make in this town, We should sound like ready money and look like it. ' Nothing would bring new busi j ness and hustling citizens quicker ' than a NOISE LIKE A D0LLAH. i Every letter that goes out should be ' an advertisement for ourtown. 1 If you don't know how to make a I NOISE LIKE A DOLLATl, just call j on us, and we'll try to help you. One way is to advertise. When j everybody gets to making the rirht , kind of noise it will be worth while u-ntnhinp- tliinr-s hnnm. store if only for the pleasure of seeing these Handsome New Dress Goods YOU simply cannot afford to miss the display if you care to know what others are going to wear this season-and we believe you will select a new dress yourself when you learn how reason able our Dress Materials are. KATZ BROS. Our store will be closed Thursday Sept. I6th. REPORT OV THE CONDITION or tiii: HONESDALE NAHQ'M BANK AT IIONKSIur.H. WAYNK COUNTY. PA, At tllO cloM) of ImslllCJS.Kl'pt. 1, 1WJ. nwofnci:. I.o:ut and l)iceiint f 1NI.231 29 OvcrilrnftH.si.curccl turn unccurcil 4!) 70 r. .s. ischium to .(cure I'lrrtiiutinn, os.nuo (Hi Premium on P. S. I'.omls 2.CU0 00 lldllil", securities, rc. . . 1132,4211 31 Iliiiikliiir-liDiiic. furniture ami tlx ' tares 40,000 00 Due from .Vittiutiiil limiks unit lic-erve Arelitsi . 3,772 7G Due from State Hunks nnd KiinU- , er.s 42" M Due from npprtiviu le-crvu uncut 175.711 lit Clici ks iilul oilier cult llcmt. 8,715 4:1 Notes nt oilier National Dunk.. 1115 III) I'nictloniil paper currency, lilcU els mill cents.. . 21)3 5!) Lawful Money licserve in I'.ink, viz: specie ici.ua "ji Lccnl tender notes (i.25.1 00- H1.716 CO lfedeniptlon fund with I.'. S. Ttciimiici-, (5 per cent. of clrcu- , hit lunj 2,750 00 Due from ('. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per icut. redemption fund Total $t,!l20,207 07 ii.Mili.nii:s. Capital Stock paid In $ 150.000 00 Surplus limit 150.000 00 I'ndlvldcd prollts, lc-s expenses and tuxes paid TXmt fit) National Hank notesoutstimdln;? 51.100 00 State Hank notes outslaiidlnu'.... 000 00 Due to other National Hanks.. .. 1.US2 5!) Due to State Hanks and It.inkcM 741 28 Individual deposits stiPlcct lo , check l.lii.t,l'll It Demand certificate ot deposit .. 2).0" l I Cert llled checks "JU iu Cashier's clucks out standim: 252 1H-LIS8.5IB 51 rtonds hummed Nono Notes and hills ivdl -counted . Nono Dills payahle. Iiwlndlu.' certlll- catcs of deposit for money hor . rowed Nono Llnhil It ics other than tho-e.ihove stated Nono Total f 1.020.207 07 State ot rcimsylviuila. County of Wayne, ss. 1. K. I". 'lo!:r.i:v. r -hler of the nhovo named Dank, do solcumy swear Ihat tho sihove . stall men! l i.-uc ;.. the licit of my knowlcdneiind Pelicf. I'. Torrey. Cashier. Suhscrll ed end ivn'ii to hetore mo this !)th day of Sep'. W. h TONK. N. I'. Correct 'it'est : II. . Hi :-: ! . I ho.-.trti (.1,, is1. Director. l.oi I.- ). :mi;i i ixii.ui, I 72v4 ONE OF THE MANY STYLES NEW AU XR'N SUIT lot' Lad e M.- 'nil .1 . ml i New Long 0 , . '"iirD Jackets and In.c i'Cju Ji). Dress Goods this fall show a marvel ous variety of Beautiful styles and patterns. We want you to come to our