The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 15, 1909, Image 4

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Knteredas Fecoiiit-clnss mutter, lit tbepost
olllce. Ilonesctnlc. l'n.
0. n. DOKFMNOElt. M, II. AI.I.KN.
$1.50 per year
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15, 11)01).
. Judge Robert Yon Mosch.lskcr,
or l'lilhidolphlii.
j of Eric.
, Jeremiah A. Stolid,
of Lancaster.
W. II. litillock.
Easy money Is the hardest to
The family tree sometimes hears
pretty poor fruit.
A .Missouri man has been put into
jail for having married thirteen
wives. He's not a criminal. lie's
n lunatic.
We all like to brag of our an
cestors, hut sometimes forget to
live so that our descendants can do
the same tiling.
Cooks get better wages than
school teachers. Brain food don't
have to he as well prepared as that
that you put in your stomach.
Why is it that ninety-nine times
out of a hundred the friends who
borrow from you are fellows you
couldn't get a nickel from if you
wanted to borrow yourself?
A man who slips on a banana
peeling, then arises and without
waste of words or milled temper
removes the peeling so that others
may not slip on it, is a Christian.
The beesting cure for rheumatism
is again coming into prominence.
We should imagine that u few well
directed bee stings properly applied
would do wonders in limbering up
stiff muscles for the time being at
Love, sunshine and common
sense, thoroughly mixed in tho prop
er proportion, beat all the patent
medicines on the market as a cure
all for the ills of mind and body
and no alcohol is needed as a dis
solvent or preservative. "Children
cry for it."
Decollette gowns are being worn
just a trifle lower than formerly
the sheath gown will be slit just a
wee bit more and now conies the
seatless and "nuthin', nuthin' "
gowns. We men will soon have to
turn Christian Scientists and just
imagine we don't see anything.
The appointment must necessarily
be made under the existing law,
and this provides that it shall con
tinue to the first Monday of Janu
ary, 1911, and that the election for
the full term shall take place in
November, 1911. A constitutional
amendment has been proposed, and
is to be voted on at tho election
this year, providing (schedule, last
paragraph), that judges of the
several judicial districts, holding
office when the amendment is
adopted, whose terms may end in
3 911, shall continue in office until
the first Monday of January, 1912.
Should this amendment, if adopt
ed, be held applicable to the pres
ent appointment, it will leave a
vacancy on tho llrat Monday of
January, 1911, which must be
tilled by appointment until the first
Monday of January, 1912. That
such will be its effect would seem
probable, from the proposed amend
ment, providing that elections for
Judges of tho several judicial dis
tricts shall be held in an odd num
bered year, and this will require
the election for the regular term
to be held in November, 1911.
Ocean Waters.
A ton of water from the Atlantic
ocean, when evaporated, will yield
tight pounds of salt; a ton from the
Paclflo, 79 pounds; and a ton from tho
Dead Sea, 187 pounds.
Great Speed of Pigeon.
A speed of more than 2,300 yards
k minute (or 71 miles has been at
tained by a homing pigeon belonging
to Mrs. R. Bwarbric! Roebuck, in the
Northwest Lancashire Federation race
from Stafford. London Standard.
Democrats Will Acqnicsco in Repub
lican Appointment to Judgeship.
Tho Democratic members of the
Wayne County Bar held n meeting
on Friday last and decided not to
present the name of any of its
members of the Bar for the appoint
ment to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of lion. George S. Purdy.
The following letter wns drawn up
and placed in the hands of M. 13.
Simons, chnlrmnn of the Republi
can Committee.
To M. E. Simons, Esq.,
Chairman of the Republican
County Committee:
Dear Sir: We, tho undersigned
Democratic members of the Bar for
tho 22d Judical District of Pennsyl
vania, take this opportunity of lu
formng you that we will not present
the naino of any Democratic mem
ber of our Ilnr for appointment tem
porarily to the judgeship to fill the
vacancy caused by the deatli of
lion. George S. Purdy.
Any member of our Bar whose
name shall be presented to the
Go ernor for appointment by the
Republican members of our Bar, or
a majority thereof, will bo satis
factory to us; this action however,
shall not be construed as influenc
ing our individual preference in the
nomination or election of a candi
date for Judge as provided by law
at a general election. (Signed.)
W. II. Dlmmick,
O. I,. Rowland,
('has. .McCarty,
l- P. Kimble.
R. M. Stocker,
Herman Harmes,
John Kuhbaeh,
P. II.Hoff,
Honesdale. Pa., Sept. 10, 1909.
The anti-bad egg bill is No. 9.
It is aimed at eggs of the cold stor
age variety. Tho penalty for sell
ing or offering to sell eggs unfit for
use is a line of between 200 and
?1000, or imprisonment between
three and nine months.
In acts Nos. 10 and 11, bad soft
drinks and impure lard are respec
tively attacked. Any person who
sells a non-alcoholic drink that is
deleterous to health is liable to a
fine of not less than $25, nor more
than $100; a dealer who handles
impure lard may be fined either
550 or ?100. If an Imitation lard
is sold the can must contain tho
words "imitation lard" or "lard
Druggists arc not permitted to
sell carbolic acid to a stranger or
a minor if Act No. 20 is lived up
to. The word "poison" must be
marked on the bottle and tho apo
thecary is directed to keep a register
containing the names of all persons
to whom he sells the acid.
Act 22 gives a board of town
ship commissioners the right to
levy a tax for the establishment of
a lire department. Before this tax
is levied however the board must
receive the consent of the electors
at a popular election.
Act 23 has to do witli tho care
of burial grounds and authorizes a
court to refuso a charter to any
association which does not expend
at least one-tenth of the amount
arising from the sale of lots for tho
care of graves and the grounds gen
erally. A justice of the peace is prohibi
ted, in Act 24, from binding a per
son over to court on a surety of the
peace charge unless it is clearly
shown that the prosecutor is actu
ally in danger of being hurt in body
or estate.
Law :i 1 amends tho tax exoner
ation act so as to exempt hospitals,
universities, colleges, seminaries,
academies, associations and other
institutions of learning only when
the entire revenue derived by the
same is applied to the support of
the institution and for no other
By Act 32 the census of a second
class township may bo taken any
time, not less than two years before
the government's decennial census,
upon petition of the owners of 25
per cent, of the assessed valuation.
If the census shows a population
large enough for a first class town
ship the change is made through
the courts.
Act 34 makes it a misdemeanor
on the part of a manager of a tele-
grapah company or of the corpora
tion itself to send a minor child to
a house of assignation. The penalty
is a fine of ?1000 or one year's im
prisonment. Sale of impure milk is legalized
against in act 37, while 38 Is di
rected at adulterated ice cream.
Deleterious flavoring matter in
Ice cream makes "the dealer liable to
a fine of $50.
Act 46 gives a justice of the peace
the authority to enter actions of as
sumpsit for the recovery and collec
tion of municipal claims by Hen.
In Act 47 It is provided that the
last of a decedent, to be effective
against boda fide conveyances or
mortgages of the real or personal
estate of the decedent, must be
offered for probate within three
years before the date of tho death
of the testator, or before the re
cording of conveyance as on mort
gage. The next act In the laws gives
boroughs tho right to acquire by
condemnation proceedings such real
estate as may be necessary to erect
garbage or incinerating plants.
No. 50 amends the intestate laws
so as to allow a widow the first
$5,000 out of the estate before it is
distributed according to the sche
dule laid down In the act of 1833.
In No. 51 the probation officer of
a Juvenile court is allowed a salary
not to exceed $100 per month, if
the Judge of the court sees fit to
approve the proposition.
The new nnd greatly abbreviated
form of deed of conveyance is pre
scribed In No. 53.
It is directed in act 56 that every
township legally entitled to receive
the 15 per cent, bonus be paid by
the Commonwealth. This is for
abolishing the work tax. '
Act 104 fixes the fees to be re
ceived by constables as follows:
For attendance on court and making
returns thereto, $2.50; for serving
notices of election upon township or
borough officers, for cncli service, 15
It is made a misdemeanor to make,
utter, ciculate or transmit false
statements affecting the solvency of
a bank, accoidlng to act 121. The
penalty is $5,000 and imprisonment
at hard labor for five years.
No. 159 is tho liveryman pro
tective net. It mnkes it a misde
meanor to keep a horse that is
hired longer than the prescribed
time or to drive him to a point be
yond which tho oral contract called
for. A fine of $100 or imprison
ment for thirty dnys is the penalty
attached to the now law.
No. 175 designates the 12th day
of October as a legal holiday, to be
known as Columbus Day.
Gypsies are made the subject of
Act 247. It provides that It shall
bo unlawful for any roving band of
nomads to pitch its encampment or
carry on its business or craft within
the limits of the county without first
taking out a license. The license Is
$50 to bo paid to the county treas
urer for the use of the county.
Spitting in public places is pro
hibited by Act 2 SO. It makes it a
misdemeanor punshable by a line
for any person to spit on a public
walk, on the steps of a public build
ing, or in any railroad or railway
Tin Hifiti School Alimini Dinner. ,
The reunion of the Alumni was a j
great suet ess and a most enjoyable j
evening was spent by all. The ex
erckos were very entertaining. Mr. J
Stocker's talk wn? n treat; he creat-'
ed quite a hit bv liis wit and humor. 1
Prof. Shaw's talk about the school)
in the (Jo's was very interesting, j
Miss Harriet Rockwell's reply to'
the toast of The Alumnae" was
very spicy and showed that her
grasp of the subjc?c t wru- uii"sually
strong:, making her leninrks very'
appropriate, dev. John II. Atkin-'
son with his fund of stories, helped
wonderfully to make the occasion
long to bo remembered. Homer ,
Greene's beautiful poem, "Back to I
tho Old Home," read by Prof. Oday,
was a crowning piece to the even
ing's entertainment:
By Homer Greene.
Back to the old homo; back to the
Where tho tender feet went stray
ing, Where the maples bend in their old
time grace.
And the elms in the wind are sway
ing Back to the old home; buck to the
You trod in the time.i that are old
en; Where the moon-bright nUlus and
the sun-kissed days
Are hallow.ed with memories olden.
Back from the long stieots; back
from the roar
Of tho city's ninu-built breakers;
From the mountain mist and the
sea-washed shore.
And the sweep of the western acres.
Here are the old days open for
Welcome and love at the portal;
Here are the old ' hearts; hei r aro
the new.
Friendship nnd youth are Immortal.
Tho winter of 1907, Darling's Animal Circus was engaged to be
one of the feature acts of the Barnuni & Bailey show at Madison
Square Garden for four weeks. At the Wayne County Pair Oct.
4th, nth, fith and 7th.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. '
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his Arm.
Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood nfid mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials runt free.
Prlco 75 cents er bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Ah! but the old friends; aro they
not here
Time has cut deep in his flying.
Some have gone from us for many
a year,
Some now in the graveyard are ly
' Ing.
But we of the old guard, grizzled
and worn
Defending the gates of the city;
We're finding the afterglow brignt
as the morn,
We do not want sighing or pity.
For with us are young hearts tem
pered and true,
And the new blood runs red as the
old did;
And we look to the future as brave
ly as yoy,
Wherever jour tenia aie unfolded.
Back to the old homo; back to the
For though we may fall on tho
Till tho long home opeii3 Its portals
to you,
God guard you, in joy and in sorrow.
J. B. Schriever, of Wyoming ave
nue, Scranton, has on exhibition a
photograph in natural colors made
without the use of special lens.
The object is a vase of variegated
llowers and the photo shows every
color, tine and shade of the bou
quet and even discloses that the
tin of tho roof on which the vase
rested when photographed had been
freshly painted in spots, the dull
ness and brightness of the old and
new paint, respectively, being read
ily discernible. Tho plate was
made in France, but the camera was
a f" olio taken from stock.
The technical description of the
process is given by Mr. Schriever as
The reproduction of an object in
sensitive silver salts whkh was made
practical by Dagnue, was received
with much wonder. Not less than
this do we at the present time look
anon the making of colored pictures
with practically one operation to bo
lully as wonderful.
.Many attempts have been made by
scientific men to solve this problem.
Vuriovs processes,- which are at the
pi c tent time in an experimental
--.go, fail to come up to what tho
; or.eral public, and particularly
; i.iateur and professional workers
" By means of the "Autocli
rom'' plate and tho ordinary hand
camera, to produce the most won
derfully true reproductions of colors
exacily they exist in nature, the
bh os being reproduced as blue, the
reds as red, the yellows as yellow,
and all intermediate tints and
shades rendered with perfect ac
curacy. To accomplish this re
M'lires no more trouble, nnd but
i.c more chemists, 'than the ordi
i.n ry finishing of a photographic
Tlie process whii li we herein de
scribo in its most simplified manner
of procedure embodies the use of
but two solutions and three opera
tions. The enmo".!. or the lens employed
in making ordinary photographic j
negatives can be tii-od. The better
tiie lens, ho . ever, the shorter will
bo the rei ulreil exposure. However,
tho ordinary recti linear or annstimat
lens gives i.n.-t excellent results.
Tho single a ' lens can be
need, but the ox insure is consider
ably increase d, and it is also diffi
u.k to attn h a ray filter to the
mo'inting of tho single lens,
"Autochror-." plates differ from
ordinary plate.' n- follows:
interposed between the sensitive
cos Mi:,? and t' e rI.isb is a thin layer
of microscopical starch
Rini, dyed orange, led, green, and
uo'.et, fiveac' without overlapping,,
mi'- i.u.-.i-u in sin ii proportion tnat
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Pride.
Pride that dines on variety sups on
contempt. Pride breakfasted with
plenty, dined with poverty and supped
With Infamy. Benjamin Franklin.
Force of Example.
Some men are so governed by ex
ample that they can't even see a full
moon without wanting to get full, too,
Philadelphia Record.
A Good Cauie for Gratlturfn.
, tics should bo thankful to those that
are. Tbey leave a lot of good Jobs
for ua to fill. j
the layer appears colorless when
examined by transmitted light, and
absorbs but a small percentage of
the light received.
The sensitive coating Is extreme
ly thin and made of a special fine
grained panchromatic emulsion.
When such a plate Is exposed In
the camera, the glass side toward
the lens the light, beforo reaching
the sensitive coating, passes through
the colored starch grains, which act,
Individually, ns mlniito screens,
each one nbsorbing nil colors but
Its own. A microscopical selection
takes place and after development
there Is found under each grain a
corresponding black image (reduc
ed silver) of a density proportionate
to the amount of color received and
transmitted by this particular grain.
Were tho plates fixed at tills stage,
the picture, when examined by
transmitted light would show only
tho colors complementary to those
of tho original, since tho true col
ors aro masked by tho black images
they created benoatli the grains.
But Alien the reduced silver is dis
solved (In tho permanganate solu
tion) the imago is reversed; the
opaguo imago under each grain be
comes translucent and transmits
colored lights precisely of the samo
hue as tho light transmitted by the
grain when the pinto was exposed in
the camera; in other words, the
color is reconstructed just as It was
decomposed during the exposure.
A special yellow screen must bo
fitted to the lens in order to equalize
the action of the light and compen
sate for tho predominant actinism
of tho violet and blue rays, to which
the panchromatic emulsion is most
sensitive. Aside from this screen
tho actual camera equipment Is the
same as for making ordinary negatives.
Residence and fU(),00() in Property
Left to Widow who is Executor.
The will of Judge George S. Purdy
was admitted to probate on Wednes
day, Sept. Stli. Among tho princi
pal bequests appears tho following:
All his personal property in and
around tho barn and lot, including
animals and vehicles ol all kinds, all
loose property on the premises; also
all household goods in his resi
dence; also $20,000 in property to
be selected by his wife, Agnes.
All the rest and remainder of his
property he leaves in trust, tho use
and income to his wife, coupled
with certain conditions, and the re
mainder as follows:
To the First Presbyterian Society
of Honesdale, $1,000.
What then remains to bo divided
equally among the nieces of tho de
ceased, Edith, Faith, and Phyllis
Wyatt and Druley Pooler, and
nephew, George F. Purely, and the
survivors of them, per stirpes.
Judge Purdy appoints his wife
executor and trustee of the funds
and In case that she Is incapaclated
in any way, E. C. Mumford to be
executor and trustee of funds.
The will was made the 24th day
of February, 1909, and tho witnes
ses were M. J. Ilanlan, E. W. Gam
mell and George P. Ross.
Says the Grouch.
Woman can make or break a man.
an' when it's leap year she gln'lly
makes him first an' breaks him after
ward. Los Angeles Express.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1IKN1IY '.. nrssKLr.,
rr.iil)KXT. .
This Bank was Organized In December, I&36, and Nationalized
in December, 1864.
Since its organization it
to its Stock
The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the fact that Its Surplus Fund more than
equals Its capital stock.
What Class 9
are YOU in'
The world has always been divided into two classes thoEe who have
saved, thope who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant.
It is the savers who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, tho
railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand for man's
advancement and happiness.
The spenders are slaves to the eavers. It is the law of nature. Wo
want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department
and be independent.
One Dollar will Start an Account.
This Bank will be pleased to receive all
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
Hudson-Fulton Celebration.
Come to the Brooklyn Eaglo Of
fice, 26 East Twenty-third street,
opposlto Metropolitan Towor, Man
hattan, or Second Floor, World
Building, City Hall Square, Man
hattan, for full Information about
boarding houses and furnished
rooms In Now York City during tho
great Exposition. Get a free pro
gramme of events. No chargo for
the service, and a pleasure to help
Order your furalturo by mall and ect
factory prices.
Only $3.92
for this fine, brass-lrlnimcd Iron Bed la
any size. Lacquered brass rods, orna
ments nnd vases. Iieoutlfully enameled
In every detail. Reverse rails to fit any
kind of sprltiff. A bed of similar stylo
and quality retails In stores for 5.50.
Carefully packed, shipped
for $3.92. Do you wish to
save fully a third in buy
ing your furniture?
Send today for our Factory-Brlce Cat
alogue. Sent free- on request. "Stlckley
Brandt" furnlturo Is tho kind that servos
you longest and best.
Our New Fall Dress Goods
Novelty Trimmings,
Latest Effects
Our Long Corsets for
the present season are
all built for Modern
In the Glove depart
ment all the new shades
can be found in the best
quality goods.
New House Furnish
ings in the late designs
of Rugs, Portieres Cur
tains and Carpets.
Leading Stores
AI.l'.I-'l'T C', LINDSAY
assistant cAsiuun
has paid in Dividends