THE WEATHER On Wednesday partly cloudy weather will prevail, with slight temperature changes; Thursday portly overcast to cloudy. ttoit Semi-Weekly Founded! Wayne County Organ $ I of the 1 REPUBLICAN PARTY- 1908 Weekly Founded, 1844 66th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1909. NO. 73 5 or PEARY CfBIT. Says He Will Conclusively Prove Cook a Liar. -HE NEVER REACHED THE POLE" All White Members of Party Sign Statement One Eskimo Was His Only Companion When He Arrived at Goal. Battle Hnrlior, tahradnr, Sept. 14. Commander Uobort 13. Peary says lie 13 not worrying about Dr. Cook's polo story. He states that 'icz-Jll be able to prove conclusively that Dr. Cook Is a liar and assorts that Hie doctor never saw the pole. He says that he will Imck his nnru nicnts with his own connected chain of observations taken on his journey north nnd the observations of other members of the party. All the white members of the party have signed this statement, lie also has photographs of every camp at which the observations were taken. Further details of Peary's journeys to the pole been gleaned from members of the expedition on the Btonmor Iloosevelt. The only men to reach the pole were Commander Peary and one Eskimo, Eglng Wall. The white members that left Cnio Columbia were sent back one by one as Peary drew nearer to his objective. Matthew llenson and three Eskimos, the only other members of the reduced party that made the tlnal dash, were left one march south of the pole. On March 14 Professor Donald P.. McMillan was sent back, his feet hav ing been badly frozen. Ocoru'e Ilorup returned to land from 8." degree 2:5 minutes with two Eskimos, and Pro fessor Unas (?. Marvin turned back in latitude 8," degrees 48 minutes. The party now consisted of Peary, Hnrtlett, Matthew llenson, the colored man, who has been Peary's personal assistant on so many of his expedi tions; the Eskimos, seven sledges and sixty dogs, and the journey northward was resumed. Tho Ice was perfectly level ns far nrf the eye could see. ' Hart let t took the observations on the eighty-eighth par allel on April 2 and then reluctantly returned, leaving Peary, llenson and four Eskimos to make tho final dash to tlK' pole. This reduced party started the morn Jug of April .'?. The men walked that day for ten hours and made twenty miles. They then slept near the eighty ninth parallel. The next observation was made at 80 degrees 2." minutes. The next two marches were made In a dense fog. The sun was sighted on the third march, and the observation showed S!l degrees 57 minutes. nenson and three Eskimos turned bad;, and Peary and Eglng Wah went on alone. The pole was reached April G, and a series of observations were taken at 00. Peary deposited his rec ords and hoisted the American flag. The temperature was 32 degrees be low zero F. Tho pole appeared as n frozen sea. Peary tried to take u sounding, but got no bottom at 1,500 fathoms. Peary stayed at the pole for thirty four hours aud then started on his return Journey tho afternoon of April 7. Commander Peary's steamer, the Roosevelt, has been examined nnd found to bo in good condition. He will leave Battle Harbor on Thursday or Friday for North Sydney. From that port the Roosevelt will proceed to New York and will take imrt In tho naval parade at the Hudson-Fulton celebra tion. SAYS COOK MISSED POLE. Mistook His Latitude by 316 Miles, Says Cleveland Scientist. Cleveland, O., Sept. 11. John N. Stockwell, A. M. Ph. D., a Cleveland scientist, says that Dr. Frederick A. Cook's data as published shows a great error and Indicates that ho mistook his latitude and missed the pole by more than 300 miles. "Dr. Cook tells us that the night of April 7 was made notable by tho swinging of tho midnight sun over the northern ice,' " says Dr. Stockwell. "Now, we have no reason to doubt his statement that April 7 showed hlra tho first midnight sun, ns so simple an ob servation as seeing the sun could be made by an untutored Eskimo ns well ns the most intelligent white man. "Dr. Cook gives his latitude at that time ns 80 degrees nnd 38 minutes. There is, therfore, a discrepancy of 4 degrees nnd 33 minutes in ills latitude, equivalent in linear distance to 310 miles. "If his latitude on April 7 wns only 82 degrees and S minutes, then he was BOO miles from the pole, and in order to reach it on April 21 he must have traveled thirty-nine miles u day, It appears, .therefore, that Dr. Cook was really ftoO miles from the pole when he claims he was only 2154 miles from that point. Ills observations show a dis crepancy of 310 miles." FLAG RAISING NOT ENOUGH. I Claim That North Pole Must Be Occu- ! pied to Give Sovereignty. i Paris, Sept. 14. Tho Temps, discuss ing tho sovereignty of tho north pole, expresses the opinion that the relative permanence of tho lec there might properly raise the question whether i this territory comes under tho ordlunry : International rules applying to land I nnd the high seas. j It Insists, however, that exploring expeditions such as Peary's cannot j give tmo anu quotes cuivo to the ef fect that the acquiring of sovereignty Is Involved with effective occupation accompanied or followed by the com mencement of administrative organiza tion or commercial nnd industrial ex ploitation. A majority of tho authorities agree, the Temps says, that the simple plant lug of the Hag Is not sufficient. It points out that tills doctrine was nllli'ined by the International confer ence at Berlin of 18S4 nnd that it was j applied by the pope when he acted as ! mediator between Germany and Spain j In 1SS5 in the dispute regarding the j Caroline islands. The pontiff held that j Spain was obliged to occupy the is lands 'effectively. GOLD MEDAL FOR DR. COOK. Arctic Club Declines to Take Sides In Peary Controversy. New York. Sopt. I t. After a meeting of tho executive committee of the Arc tic Club of America here Dr. R. O. Stobbins, Its chairman, gave the club's attitude on the controversy. "The Arctic Club of America," he said, "has nothing to do with the con I troversy over the discovery of the pole, j All that tho. Arctic club recognizes is that Dr. Cook Is the discoverer of the , pole and that Peary reached there, j Our only desire is to honor the dlseov- erer. Neither side has proved Its case I to America, but since the Danish gov ernment has recognized Dr. Cook wo feel that tho burden of proof now falls on his opponents. "The Arctic club will present to Dr. Cook a gold medal two and a half inches in diameter showing In bas re lief Dr. Cook standing on the top of tho globe waving the stars and PImP!." 1 'reparations to honor Dr. Coek nre more advanced than those for Peary because the hitter's arrival Is more distant. Hinging societies of Brooklyn have arranged to go down the harbor in a chartered steamer to welcome their hero. Bells will ring and whis tles blow from factories, ferries and all tho water craft of the bay. Preparations are being made nt the 'American Museum of Natural history here to sot apart n special section of the building for a display of Peary's arctic collections. WAITING FOR MISS ELKLNS. Hitch In Wedding to Duke of Abruzzi Not Due to Family. Paris, Sept. 14. A high personage In touch with previous preliminary ar rangements regarding the marriage of the Duke of the Abruzzi and Miss Katherlne Elklns says that, contrary to the popular Impression, the real hitch Is not due to objections on the part of the Italian roynl family, but to the attitude of Miss Elklns herself. "If Miss Elklns would accept the duke," said this authority, "there would be no obstacle placed in the way of tho marriage by his family. I know that tho king and tho royal fam ily have offered to grant their consent not to a morganatic union, but to a marriage which would Include the privileges and rank for Miss Elklns to which the duke Ib entitled. "The queen mother perhaps wns not pleased with tho prospect of the duke contracting a union with an Ameri can, but her objections would have been withdrawn. Tho duke's fate rests with Miss Elklns herself. If she should say the word the duke would be at her sldo tomorrow, and the marriage would not long be delnyed." M'GOVERN WINS BOUT. Punishes Joe Wagner Severely In Ten Round Fight In Brooklyn. Now York, Sept. 14. Phllllo McGov ern, n younger brother of "Terriblo Torry," and Joe Wagner of New York, bantamweights, fought ten hard and fast rounds nt the Bedford Athletic club liore. Wagner got tho worst of tho ilght. McGovern had the better of the lead ing in all but the third, seventh and ninth rounds. His most effective blow wns a hard right smash to tho heart, and In the sixth ho landed a stagger ing uppercut flush on tho Jaw. Tho seventh, however, saw Wagner tearing tn again as fast as ever. McGovern was freeh at tho closo and unmarked. Wngner showed his punish mont in a closed left eyo and a bleed ing right. A decision would have gone '.o McGovern. PRESIDENT DFE. Leaves Beverly to Begin His Eight Weeks' Tour. MRS. TAFT TO REMAIN THERE i First Stop Will Be Made Tonight at Boston, Where Nation's Chief Speaks at the Chamber of Commerce Banquet. I Beverly, Mass., Sept. 14. President ' Tuft said goodby to Beverly today, for ! many weeks at least, and started on tho long western trip which really had ! its beginning when he motored Into 1 Boston to attend the banquet of the j chamber of commerce. The president j will spend the night In Boston, Icav- j lug there for Chicago tomorrow morn- ' ing. I There was no formality about the president' going, and, in fact, his de- ' parture seemed like the usual after noon automobile ride, for Mrs. Taft . A DR. J, J. RICHARDSON. accompanied her husband on the sev enteen mile Journey Into Boston. Mrs. Mure. Mrs. Tuft's sister, was also in the party. As soon as the president alights at the hotel In Boston, where he will stop overnight, Mrs. Taft and .Mrs. More will begin their return trip to Beverly. It is now Mrs. Taft's Intention to re main in Beverly until Nov. 12, when it is expected that the president will arrive here to take her back to Wash ington. Returning to Washington Nov. 10 from his western trip, tho president will leave there again the afternoon of the 11th to attend the installation of a new president of Wesleyuu university at Middletown, Conn. It is the plan for the president to come direct here j from Washington, spend the morning in Beverly and reach Middleton In the I afternoon. I The executive oflices In the board of trade building closed immediately the president left Beverly. All of the clerks and attaches left for Washing ton on the 2:'J7 train. Secretary Car penter will uttund the Boston banquet and return to Washington next Thurs day. The president was busy the early part of today assembling the numerous papers, documents and reference books which ho will need In the preparation of his speeches on his eight weeks' tour. II Is secretary hud collected most of theno, and It was tho president's tusk to revise the list. The president's party will consist of himself, Captain Archibald W. Butt, his military aid; Dr. J. J. Richardson, Wendell W. NIschler, assistant secre tary; a stenographer, secret service otlicers aud six newspaper men. CANAL ZONE EXEMPT. New Tariff Law Does Not Apply There, Says Attorney General. Washington, Sept. 14. The new tar iff law does not apply to tho isthmian canal zone, nccording to a decision given by Acting Attorney General Wudo II. Ellis to the secretary of war. The canul zone Is not one of the "pos sessions" of the United States within the meaning of that terra in the first clause of the tariff act, says tho acting nttornoy general, but, rather, is a place subject to the use, occupation and con trol of the United States for the con struction and mulntenunco of a ship cannl connecting the waters of the At lantic nnd Pacific. The effect of this decision will be to continuo the present system by which the Panama government collects du ties on all Importations into the canal zone which nre not for the use or the commission or Its employees in connec tion with tho canal construction and on such importations as are not In transit across the Isthmus, LOVETT ELECTED. Succeeds Harriman as Un ion Pacific Chairman. STANDARD OIL IN DIRECTORATE William Rockefeller and Jacob H. j Setoff Elected Members of the I Executive Committee Lo- i ree to Be President. I New York. Sept. 14. Kolmrt S. Lev el t was elected chairman of the execu tive committee of the Union Pacltic rail road to succeed Edward II. Harriman nt a special meeting of the directors hero, and Jacob H. Schiff and William Rockefeller were elected directors In place of Mr. Ilurrlman and II. II. Rog. ers. Botli of the new directors wilt haw places on the executive commit tee. Tho ollice which Lovett assumes Is by far the most important in tho man agement of the company and Insures for the time being u continuation of the Harriman jtollcy. While the Cnion l'acllic still remains without a president, well Informed men express the opinion that L. F. I.oroo, president of the Delaware and Hudson, will 1k offered that jMisltlon to succeed Mr. Harriman. Lovett and I.oree are more familiar with Ilarrl man's point of view In the undeveloped plans of the Union Pacillc and allied lines than nny other men. As tho executive committee of tho Union Pacltic stands today, with tho members Increased from live to six. It remains a Kuhn, Loeb-Stundard Oil board. Besides Jacob II. Schiff and William Rockefeller the other mem bers are II. C. Frlek, Marvin Hugliitt, R. S. Ivett and Flunk A. Vnnderllp. Robert S. Lovett came to this city three years ago, having boon brought hero from Texas by E. H. Ilarrtmun as counsel of tho Harriman Hues. He wns bo.-n In Texas In 1800, the son of a farmer. As a youth he worked upon the farm and later went to Houston as a railroad freight clerk. While serving as freight clerk young Iivett studied law at night and was admitted to the law firm of Charles Stewart, then a representative In con gress. Ho soon returned to Texas a country fouiisol of the railroad In which lie formerly had been employed, journeying from village to village, try ing cattle cases. In which he was re markably successful. The receivers of tile road made him a district counsel. He straightened out the affairs of the bankrnpt company and Incidentally earned promotion as general counsel. Governor Brown made him assistant general counsel for the Texas aud Pa cific railroad at Dallas, and when Brown retired Mr. Lovett became gen eral counsel for the Gould property. His next step was to become counsel for the Southern Pnclllc. He amalga mated the sjstom under Harriman nnd was elected to the presidency of the Houston and Texas railroad. BICH BANKEB A SUICIDE. President of Trust Company Goes to Hotel and Cuts His Throat. New York. Sopt. 14. John W. Cas tles, president of Hie Union Trust com pany, took his life In a room nt the Grand Union hotel by slashing his throat with a razor, severing tho jugu lar vein and windpipe. Mr. Castles was up to the 1st of last Januaiy proaldout of the Guarantee Trust company. At that time lte wns elected president of tho Union Trust company, but for almost every minute of the time elapsing Rince his election he has been suffering from nervous breakdown. He has given no time to the duties of his now ollice by reason of his ill health. Ho had Ikh-u treated for nervous troubles nnd upon the advlco of Dr. Dana went, to Kenhonkson, N. Y where ho entered n snnltnrlum. Ho had been there for the past four months, returning last Wednesday. He was constantly under surveil lance, but escaiHxl from his nurse, reg istered nt the hotel nnd committed sui cido. He wns n man of large wealth and had no financial troubles. FINANCIAL AND C0MMEECIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call was 2 per cent; time money and mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices of stocks were; Amal. Copper... 7Si Norf. & West... 83 Atchison 117 Northwestern ..192 B. & O llOft Penn. IL R 140 Brooklyn R. T. , K Readmit U2 Ches. &Ohto.... li'A Rock Island 38 C. C.C.&St.L. 71 St. Paul 156 D. & H 190 Southern Pac. ,126ft Erie' S4tt Southern Ry.... 30Vi Gen. Electric.... 164 South. Ry. pf... 68 111. Central 151 Sugar 129 Int.-Met 14H Texas Pacific... 35 Louis. & Nash.. 14914 Union Paclno...201W Manhattan 141V4 U. S. Steel 78W Missouri Pac.... 694 U. B. Steel pf.,.124 N. Y. Central. ...133H West Union.... 7 BASEBALL RESULTS. Games Played In National, American j and Eastern Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston Boston, t); New York, 1. Batteries Mattern and Graham; Wlltse and Meyers. Second Kame Boston, 4; New York, 4 (game called end of thirteenth lnnlnsr by i darkness). Batteries Ferguson, Richie nnd Shaw; Ames and Schlel. At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, 7; Brook lyn, 0. Batteries Corrldon and Dooln; Bell and Marshall. At St. Loula-Plttstmrir. 4; St. Louis. 1. Batteries I.eevcr nnd Gibson; Raleigh and Bresnahan. . At Cincinnati Cincinnati. 3; Chicago, 1. Batteries Fromme and Roth; Rucluach and Archer. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. w. L. P.O. Pittsburg. 93 30 .725 Phlla'phla. til 09 ,4S1 Chicago... 90 42 .632 St. Louis. 47 83 .Ml New York"? 61 .Ml Brooklyn. 4t 84 .354 Cincinnati tW 04 .50S Boston.... 3" 93 .1X1 AMERICAN LEAGtTE. At New York Philadelphia. 10; New York, 2. Batteries Morgan and Living stone; Doyle, Manning and Swecnev. At Detroit Detroit, 10; St. Louis, 2. Batteries Mullln and Stannge; Rose and Kllllfor. At Chlcago-Clilcngo. 2; Cleveland, 0. Batteries Wnlsh and Sullivan; Joss and Hlgglns. At Boston Boston, 4; Washington, 2. Batteries Smith and Donoliuo; Gray and Street. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. W. l. p.c. Detroit.... M 4i .C.7 Clevelnnd. OS (19 .497 Philu'phlaK! SO .f,21 New York CO 71 .4M Boston.... 7.S U .3X2 Bt. Louis. HO 77 .421 I'hlcngo... OS OT .501 Wash'ton. 31 US .1SS EASTERN LEAGUE. At Baltimore Baltimore, 5; Jcrsev City. 2. Second gmiw Baltimore, lo; Jersey City, il. At Newark Newark, 1; Providence, 0. At Toronto-.-Toronto, 4; Buffalo, 1. At Montreal Montreal. 4; Rochester, 2. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. w. l. P.C. Rochester. 7! 59 .572 Buffalo.... 03 72 . 471 Newark... 77 CD .tot) Montreal.. M 75 .41S Toronto... 72 iH .02) Baltimore, in 76 .415 Provi'cnct-73 OS .SIS Jersey G'y IH 7S .127 THBEAT TO DESTB0Y FACT0BY. Blackmailer Confesses That Ho Sent Letters Demanding $50,000. New Hrunswlck, N. J Sept. 14. Pe ter Uregus has confessed that he threatened to kill John A. Manly, su perlntenuent of the Johnson & Johnson medical supply factory hero and also that he threatened to dynamite the factory, with its 1,200 employees, nnd to blow up the home of tho superin tendent In event of refusal to pay 950,000 blackmail. Judge Charles W. Sodam received the confession in the county jail. The arrest of Uregus followed the declaration in writing that the man was one of sixty Hungarian outlaws who had blackmailed eighteen big companies, robbed a train and kid naped and held children for ransom. In the Jail Uregus denied that any one was Implicated with him. no said the other fifty-nine blackmailers were creatures of his Imagination and that he had written the letters because Mr. Mauley refused to give him work. Uregus sent three letters to Mr. Man ley, the lirst demanding $20,000, the second $40,000 and tho third .ffiO.OOO. The grand jury will take up the case on Friday. The punishment for tho crime is fifteen years in state prison. DEWEY CAN'T ATTEND PABADE He Regrets That American Navy Has No Flag Officer of Highest Rank. Washington, Sept. 14, Yery much to his regret. Admiral Dewey will not Iks able to attend the festivities Incident to the Hudson-Fulton eclebratiou at New York. Although his health is good, It behooves him to lie careful of himself. For this reason the admiral feels that ho Is compelled to deny him self participation in events in which he otherwise would gladly Join. Admiral Dewey has wnrm admira tion for Sir Edward II. Seymour, the English admiral, who will be the rank ing officer In tike naval parade and whom he would like to meet. He thought It regrettable that the Ameri can navy did not have Hag officers equal In rank to those of foreign na vies, and ho hied tho coming occasion would forcibly call tho matter to the attention of congress. "There Is Admiral Schroodor nt the head of the great American HeeL who will be outranked by a numler of for eigners, nnd this, too, when he will have under his command more ships than all tho other nations combined," Bald the ndmlrnl. B0BDEN COTTON MILLS CLOSE. Five Thousand Men Idle Owing to Strike of 1,000 Weavers. Fall Itlver, Mnss., SepL 14. The en tire plant of the Fall River Cotton mills, owned by M. C. D. Cordon of New York, has been closed following a strike of the weavers, and 5,000 opera tives are In idleness. Tho plant comprises seven mills and is the largest concentrated cotton man ufacturlng plant In tho world owned by a single individual. The weavers, numbering a thousand, went out on strike to enforce their demand for an Increase of 10 per cent in wages, and their absenco so hampered the other departments that the management de cided to close tho whole plant. SUTTi J AUTOPSY. w Said to Show Lieutenant Was Shot by Another. HAIR AND SCALP NOT BURNED Body Beinterred In Same Grave at Arlington After Ground Had Been Consecrated by a Catholic Priest, Washington, Sept. 14. When tho body of Lieutenant James M. Sutton, Jr.. the young marine otllcor who met his death at Annapolis, was exhumed at Arlington cemetery un autopsy per formed by physicians representing the navy department and young Sutton's mother disclosed the fact that no bonea were broken, although a contusion was found over the right eye. It iiad been Mrs. Sutton's contention that her son's arm had been broken In the tight which preceded his death anu that this being tho case the shot which ended his life could not have been self InUlctcd. Dr. Ucorge Tully Vaughun, who rep resented Mrs. Sutton at the autopsy, said that the bullet wound which caus ed his death was three Inches above the right car and was clean cut. There was no Indication that tho hair and scalp had been burned by powder. Surgeon Spenr, who represented the navy department, declined to make a statement, saying that he would make a report direct to the navy depart ment. Attorney Van Dyke, nssistnnt coun sel for Mrs. Sutton, said that he was convinced that the shot had been fired at least five feet from tho officer's) head and that the wound showed con clusively that it was a physical Im possibility for Sutton to have fired the shot. if Dr. Yaughan issued the following statement: "I found tho body lu a fair state of preservation, except a softening of the chest, trunk and arms. I found no broken bones. There was a contusion or bruise over tho right eye about two and a half inches by one and a half Inches. "The bullet wound in the scalp was three Inches above the right ear. There was no sign of burning of the hair. There were two or three cuts lu con nection with the bullet wound oue In the scalp near the bullet hole and the other about the middle of the "4MB This last cut may hnve been madP? tho postmortem or by a blunt Instru ment before death." After the autopsy the body was re Interred In the same grave after the grouud had been consecrated by Kev. Father Alonzo Olds of St. Augustine's Catholic church. KNOX CBEATES NEW BUBEATJ. Division In State Department For Latin-American Affairs. Washington, Sept. 14. Secretary ot State Knox Is giving special attention to the develpouient and protection of the commercial Interests of the United States In Latin-America and to that end has created In the state depart ment n new division known as the di vision of Latin-American nffnlrs which is to be devoted exclusively to these matters. Ho has npjKiinted Thomas C. Daw son of Iowa. United States minister to Chile, ns chief of the new division nndi' William T, S. Doyle as assistant chief. The Increasing Investment of Amer ican capital In Latin-America nnd tho obligations resulting from closer po litical relations letween this country and those of all the countries of Cen tral and South America Impose upon the department of state one of its heaviest duties. To deal with these opportunities, to foster nnd facilitate? legitimate American enterprise and to protect Aiuerlcnn property nnd proper ty rights In Central and South America, Secretary Knox has created this new division. CHILD KUEDEBEB ESCAPES. Cowardly Assassin Kills Baby and Seven-year-old Girl. Utioa, N. Y., Sept. 14. Seldom has a community been stirred to such a fe ver heat as is this city over the un provoked murder of Ferdinand Infu slno, thirty months old, aud seven-year-old Theresa Proclplo and tho shooting; of six-year-old Fannie Infuslno, Citi zens have Joined with the police in the hunt for the assassin who made these Innocent children his victims. The children were lured away from their horn by a ninn about forty years old who, when ho got them in a lonely spot, deliberately sent a bullet through the breast of Theresa, killing her in Ktuntly, and then, turning his weapon upon the other two children, mortally wounding tho baby aud seriously in juring the little girl.