The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 10, 1909, Image 2

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    THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 10, 1000.
Arrest Follows Queerest Circum
stances Ever Put on a
Police Blotter
Visitor at Undertaking Shop Called to
Seek His Friend's Wealth Says
Currency was Stolen from Sailor
with Whom They Were Fishing.
The Refrigerator Car the Invention of
a Cape Cod Yankee.
Gustavus Franklin Swift, the first
of his commercial dynasty, was .1
Cape Cod Yankee who bought a steer
now and then and peddled the meat
from tho bank of a certain go-cart
which has since become famous.
He moved to Albany and went deep
er Into meats, discarding one after an
other partners who had not the fore
sight and daring which he possessed.
He located In Chicago at the begin
ning of those days of great possibili
ties In bringing Into touch the new
West and the older East.
It was he who Invented tho first re
frigerator cars. This was the one
revolutionary act which put his sons
and a few other sons In very fair con
trol of half of tho meat of America.
New York City. Michael Murphy,
a driver, of No. 1,332 Atlantic avenue,
Brooklyn, was locked up In Police
Headquarters on suspicion of know
ing something of the death of An
drew Erlcson, of No. 11 Chatham
square. Circumstances leading to
Murphy's arrest are about the queer
est that have ever been recorded on
a police blotter.
Erlcson was a bartender In "Dia
mond Dan" O'ltourke's cafe, No. ISO
Park row, and Murphy was one of the
men who frequented the place. Erie
son's body was picked up In the Sound
and It wan generally believed he had
bei'U drowned. ISrlcson's body was
brought to tho city and placed In the
undertaking establishment conducted
by Samuel J. Murphy, at No. 2Co Pearl
That night Michael Murphy called
at the undertaker's and expressed a
desire to see Erlcson's body.
"Could 1 see my old pal for a few
minutes?" asked Mr. Murphy.
"Certainly," said the undertaker.
"He's In the back room."
The two Murphys made their way
to the rear of the shop.
"If you don't mind I'd like to be
alone with him for a little while,"
said Murphy, the driver, with some
"Take your time," said tho under
taker. "I'm in no hurry to close up."
Saying which the undertaker left
tho visitor alone with his dead friend
and went out to the front of the shop.
A half hour rolled by, but there was
no sign of the caller's leaving. Feeling
that the visitor had sufficient time to
exhaust his grief, tho undertaker
went into the rear room. By tho dim
light of a gas jot ho saw Michael
Murphy working around the jaws of
the dead man. So intent was he in
his work he did not hear the other's
"What are you trying to do there?"
yelled the undertaker, when ho recov
ered his voice.
"I'm trying to open this fellow's
mouth," said Michael Murphy.
"What's the matter with his
"It's full of money."
"We can settle that in a few min
utes," said the undertaker. "I'll take
care of any money in his mouth, but
I think you're crazy."
After some effort the teeth were
pried apart. The undertaker inserted
the thumb, and forefinger of his loft
hand in the dead man's mouth. When
he drew them forth they held a five
dollar bill.
"What did I tell you?" exclaimed
the driver.
"You were right," answered tho
other Murphy.
"There's more money where that
one came from," said Michael Mur
phy. "He has a mouthful of it."
Once more Samuel Murphy's fingers
reached in and drew out a live dollar
bill. He was on the point of giving
up tho search when Michael Murphy
bade him try again. He did so, anu
the result was a third five dollar bill.
Michpel Murphy said that was all the
monnv the dead man had. The two
Murphys then got into a heated argu
ment as to who should have tho
money. It ended with the undertaker
Bhovini; the bills into his pocjtet and
ordering tho driver to make himself
No one knot's how the police got
hold of the s;ory, but they did. They
got to the undertaking rooms about
an hour later. Tho undertaker turn
ed over the money to them. From
the description he gave of Michael
Murphy they had no trouble In find
inK the latter in O'Rourke's saloon.
When ho was fikon to Police Head
quarters Murphy told this story:
"Erlcson, myself and a oailor, whose
name I don't know, mot in the Bow
erv earlv last Sunday morning.' Wo
had been drinking heavily together
but the sailor had all tho money
Some one proposed wo spend tho day
fishing. Tho sailor agreed to this
and wo all started for Canarsle. On
tho way we bought a bottle of wills
key, and after wo got In tho boat ve
poured the liquor into tho sailor until
he fell over In tho bottom of tho boat
While ho was In that condition Erie-
son went through his pockets and got
three flvo dollar bills.
"Wo were deciding on how wo
would divide tho money when th
sailor woke up. He complained of
being robbed, and In order to bo on
tho safe side In case he should de
mand a search Erlcson slipped the
money In his mouth. Wo were pulling
toward shore at tho time, as a heav;
storm was just beginning to break
During tho argument one of tho oars
fell in the water and drifted away,
Erlcson dived in after it. He was car
ried beyond our reach and went down
Wo wore helped ashore by a launch
and wo reported tho fact that he had
been drowned. I heard his body had
been found and brought to tho under
taker's and I went around to get that
$16. I flcured be still had it."
The Way of the Lion.
T-e Masai, who still spear many
lions, and in the old days killed many
more than they do now, told me posi
tively that when their warriors were
charged by a lion they always stood
stock still. To move meant death, to
stand quite immovable meant that, bo
fore closing, the lion, if unwounded,
would stand, too. Then came tho
spearman's one chance. The stories
you hear of lions charging when un
wounded, and from a distance, are
generally liked the same sort of story
told about rhino or elephant. Itev.
Dr. W. S. Kalnsford In World's Work.
A Miniature Watch.
A wealthy resident of Moscow owns
the smallest watch In the world, which
once belonged to the last Empress of
Brazil. It was mndo In Geneva by tho
famous watchmaker. Y. Gogolln, and
cost over 0,000 guineas. It has a dia
meter of one-fifth part of an inch, nnd
is set in an artistically worked linger
ring, which is studded with diamonds.
If the watch Is taken out of Its ring
case it can be set in tho mouth of c
Igarette holder. Gogolln Is said 'o
have worked three years on It, -md
permanently weakened his eyesight in
the task. Tit-Bits.
The Land of the Poisoned Dart.
The Rev. W. S. Rainsford, D. D.,
presents a vivid picture of the wild
customs among tho tribes of the East
African hinterland, In Harper's Week
ly. Many of these are wholly uncivil
ized, and they live in a state of chron-
c warfare. Among certain peoples a
warrior who has committed homicide
must cleanse himself by killing three
women of another tribe, until which
feat has been accomplished he is de
barred from partaking of the rites of
his tribe.
William Hicks, Amateur Showman,
Cuts Live Electric Wire and
Drops Dead.
Kansas City, Mo. Tho boyish ro
mance that goes with the digging of
a cave turned to tragedy here whon
William Hicks, 14 years old, was
killed by a shock from an electric
wire which he was endeavoring to
sever with a pair of nippers. It had
been a summer of much Interest for
William and his three playmates,
Nathaniel Fleming, Dan Davidson and
Otto Smith. There was nothing to
do except play and live, without tho
thought of grammar or geography.
Tho boys were interested in electric
ity, a nickel motion picture show be
ing the inspiration.
The boys began operations in a
barn In the rear of Fleming's house,
operations that were a thing of mys
tuiy to the other kids of the neighbor
hood, and about which the four boys
told little but hinted much. Then
opening day came. The "mystery"
was a magic lantern show with an ad
mission fee of six pins, and with all
the improvements of any of the "ave
nue" theaties. There were electric
lights, which the boys had wired
there, and tho slides were shown by
tho same process.
liuslniss was so prosperous that
the boys decided they needed an "of
fice." An Idea of a cavo was roman
tic and suggestive of coolness, and
with spade and pick the four worked
h:irl In a vacant lot until the cave
was made largo enough for their
needs. Then came the question of
Humiliation. An electric light would
be Just the thing. Wires were strung
from tho barn, and tho work of Illumi
nating tho cave began. Tho wire
needed cutting, and, believing tho cur
rent had been cut, young Hicks en
deavored to sever It. He pressed the
nippers against tho deadly copper
thread and penetrated the Insulation,
A scream followed, the boy's hold on
the wire relaxed and he fell to the
floor of the cave. The other boys ran
for aid, but when Dr. 55. Nason reach
ed the cavo tho lad was dead.
y LIVE &
Popular Science.
Tho "fixed" stars are changing their
positions at an appreciable rate, ac
cording to astronomers, who say that
even the most familiar constellations
have changed their forms since the
time of the ancients who named them.
The touch of the right hand is gen
erally more sensitive than the left.
A peculiar poison, the use of whlctt
Is attributable to English gypsies.
kills domestic animals, but does not
render their flesh unsafe to eat.
Author In Italy.
Maud Howard Elliott, author of
Sun and Shadow in Spain," and
daughter of Julia Ward Howe, is spend
ing the winter in Rome and has been
made a member of the American re
lief committee for the help of earth
quake sufferers In Italy. She will
write about it later. Her husband, a
member of the same committee, has
taken some very fine photographs of
the scenes of the earthquake.
Sees Increased Armaments.
Augustine Birrell, chief secretary
for Ireland, is quoted from Bristol,
England, as expressing the belief that
President Taft in his inaugural ad
dress, pronounced the doom of the
hope for the disarmament of nations
There is a universal feeling abroad in
which the United States now joins,
Mr. Birrell said, for increased arma'
iiu nts.
At the Court of Madrid.
Miss Marjorie Ide will have charge
of her father's house, now that ho has
been appointed minister at Madrid.
Sho will not be accorded the honors
of a minister's wife, but she will have
a very dignified position at the head
of her father's house, falio was also
in tho Philippines with her father, as
was her sister who became Mrs.
Bourke Cockran soon after.
Now York City. High heels and a
kimono of sheer silk nearly cost Mrs.
A. W. Teele, wife of a well-known
public accountant, her life. During
Then It Is No Trouble In Producing
Like from Like.
"Like produces like" Is the golden
rule and summary of the science of
breeding, says the American Cultiva
tor. It must be remembered that the
resemblance is decided not only by
the immediate parents, but by the
grandparents and the great grandpar
ents, etc., all being connected like the
links in a chain, or rather like the
twigs of a tree to tho main branch.
Hence the qualities of the family
must extend through several genera
tions, better a dozen generations, to
appear with fair certainty in the off
spring. Whon a characteristic has once
struck into the organiaztion of a line
of stock it remains with great per
sistence, even when mated with un
like individuals, as, for Instance, the
broad belt of the Dutch cattle, which
is nearly always impressed upon a
cross of that breed; or the pecullnr
build and disposition of the Morgan
horse which persists in spite of mnny
removes from the pure Morgan stock.
These prepotent families nro usually
established and fixed by considerable
Inbreeding at the start, which is tho
readiest way of uniting Individuals,
possessing similar good qualities.
Then, by cnrol'ul selection nnd out
breeding, ' o qualities onco fixed havo
been maintained. By tnklng Into nc
count the Influence of the remote ad
well as the direct ancestors, tho
breeder will have no great trouble in
producing like from like with regularity.
Food During Farrowing.
Sows that have been fed an almost
exclusive diet of corn during preg
nancy, reach the farrowing period in a
highly feverish state, are irritable
nnd nervous a.ul crave some flesh
forming food. They very likely kill
one of the pigs and eat it and having
once tasted flesh the chances are they
will devour the entire litter if left
to themselves. Other troubles at far
rowing aro also frequent where sows
have been fed too much fattening
food and have had little exercise. The
pregnant sow is a pig factory and the
feed she demands is that which will
make bone, muscle and gristle, for
that Is what the pig consists of. Feed
her whole oats, barley, shorts, a little
oil meal, etc., and only enough corn
to keep her In good condition. See
that she takes ample exercise. Feed
her some distance from her pen and
scatter whole grain thinly on the
ground making it necessary for her to
spend considerable time In gathering
enough to satisfy her. Sows fed in
this way will seldom have any trou
ble at farrowing or evince any desire
to eat their young.
Tripped by High Heels,
the night she went to the window of
the music room of her home, No. 422
West End avenue, to pull down the
blinds. The sill of the window was
only a foot above the floor, and as
she leaned over, her heels slipped out
from under her on her kimono and
she fell headlong to the sidewalk.
Mrs. Teele's head struck the con
crete pavement outside, and her phy
sicians, Dr. H., Lyon Hunt,, Dr. W.
G. Hoag and Dr. Roy Baum, feared
thnt her skull was fractured.
Mr. Teele, who assisted District
Attorney Jerome in tho Metropolitan
traction inquiry, nnd was the chief
aide to Comptroller Fitch in the ex
posures which marked Mayor Strong's
administration, was in Washington
when his wife was hurt. Ho returned
early next morning.
The Proper Question.
The man with the glassy eye and
preternaturally solemn demeanor put
down a sovereign at tho booking office
at Charing Cross, and demanded "a
ticket." "What station?" snapped the
booking clerk. The would-be traveller
steadied himself. "What stations
have you?" he asked with quiet dig
nity. London Globe.
For the Spelling Bee.
"I prophesy an agreeable ecstuey In
perceiving the unparalleled embarrass
ment of a harassed position while
gauging tho symmetry of a potato
pooled by a sibyl."
Dictate this sentence and find how
many of your friends will bo nblo to
spell it aright! Gentlewoman.
Girls of Other Days.
When mother folt morbid and down
cast and punk, away to tho garret
she'd steal, and snuggle down close
by an old leather trunk and read a
few yards of "Lucille." Pittsburg
Shut Upt
A pretty woman can find friends
with her eyes shut and hold them by
keeping her mouth shut Galveston
Police Refuse to Allow the Afflicted
to Walk Barefoot on Oiled Streets.
Chicago, Walk on freshly oiled
streets in your bare foot and eun
your rheumatism. This Is the latest
fad in Oak Park, but It struck a snag
Several of the residents who ob
jected to the presence of the unshod
on tho thoroughfares registered a
complaint at the police station. I'o
lleemen were stationed at several
corners and tho barefoot folk were
told gently but firmly to go to their
hollies. They wero also told that oil'
ed htroets did not possess curative
properties for rheumatism.
Dr. A. F. Storke, the village health
officer, received many Inquiries il ur
ine tho day regarding tho fad. To
all ho answered that there was no
healing power In tho kind of oil ucod
on tho streets of Oak Park.
Sayc Ministers Will Anoint with Oil
Chicago. "In about tliree years,
perhaps, ministers will be given nu
thorlty and orders to anoint with oil,"
said Bishop Fallows a few nights ago,
"It is true that somo ministers would
probably not bo as efficient as others,"
he added, "but we see this difference
In skill In the men who follow all tho
arts and professions. The cures
which have been effected by anointing
with oil have been marvelous,"
Rubbing Post for Live Stock.
An inventor living in Nebraska has
carried the automatic Idea to the ex
tent of enabling live stock themselves
to apply insecticide, or soothing oils to
parts that are irritated or affected by
vermin. The invention consists of a
rubbing post In which is a reservoir
filled with the insecticide, and which
may be placed at any suitable place
convenient to the live stock. The
M v'
., .
the Stomachs andBowelsof
We want you to understand tlic reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
f this Bank.
pusirao rest roa
Lin stocx.
rubbing post Is formed with a central
reservoir in which the oil is kept. Be-
tween this and tho outer casing of the
post is a felt-llko filling. A wick serves
to carry the oil from the reservoir to
this filling. Tho outer casing of tho
post Is perforated so that when the
animal rubs against it the oil will ex-
ude from tho perforations and be
spread upon the affected part.
Live Stock Notes.
Good pastuiage is essential to sue-
cessful hog mining.
Corn ground cob and nil, together
with a portion of oats, makes a good
feed, not only for cows, but the
horses as well.
Always be cm the lookout for the
development of a brood sow with a
gentle, Intelligent disposition.
No better way of maintaining tho
fertility of the soil than by stock rnlS'
Salt, charcoal und ashes shouid bo
kept where the hogs can help them
It Is an easy thing to push the
horses so hard with the early work as
to nut them out of condition. Such
methods do not pay.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promoles Digeslionheeri
Opiuni.Morphirtc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic, i
Rtwpktn Seed'
Him Seed
QanfkiSUMr wtomenTlami
Anerfect Rcmcdv for Conslija-
Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoea
ncss ondLoss ofSleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Guaranteed under the t
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
ry Jp In
(v X Use
j For Over
Thirty Years
1. C. HAM), I'unsmr.NT.
W. 11. HOLM US, Viu: I'nr.s.
II. S. SALMON, Casiiikr
W. J. WAUD, Ass't Casiheh
HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $1 no, 000. 00
EVERY DOLLA1! of which must be lost before any depositor can foseat'JiJNJNY
it has conducted a growing anu successlul business lor over o years, serving
an increasing number of custonieis with fidelity and satisfaction.
Its cash funds are protected by JlUJJEKfS STKKli VAULTS.
All of these things, coupled with conservative management. Insured
by tic CAltHKU. I'KKMJ.VAL ATTENTION constantly given the
flank's altiurs by a notahly utile Hoard of Directors assures the patrons
of that SUl'KK.MIJ SAl-'KTY which Is the prime essential of u good '
Total Assets, - - -
rsy oki'osits may be made by mail.
11. ('. HAND.
f. 15. 1'I.AKK
Ten Cents
TEN CENTS SAVED every day will, in fifty years,
grow to $9,504.
TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years
amount to $19,006.
The way to accumulate money is to save small sums system
atically, and with regularity.
At 3 per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in 2.)
years and 1(14 days.
At (i per cent, money doubles itself in 11 years and 327
If you would save "0 cents a day, in 50 years you would have
If vou would save $1.00 a day, at the end of 50 years you
would have $95,042.
Begin NOW o
Savings Account
at the
Honesdale Dime Bank
Money loaned to all Wayne cmintcans furnish
in;; koihI security. Notes discounted. I lrst
mortcau' estate taken, safest and cheap
est way to send money to lorelu'iieountrjes Is In
drafts, to lie had at this liank. -b (D r ! t
I Tl
Cott of Pork-Making.
The Nebraska station after a series
of experiments has demonstrated that
the farmers of that state can produce
pork nt $2.43 to $4.13 per 100 pounds,
depending on tho price of corn. With
30-cent corn nnd good alfalfa pasture
pork can bo produced at $2.43 per 100
pounds. With corn at 56 cents per
bushel, when fed with alfalfa, pork
ran be made at 24.13 Der 100 Dounda.
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensive construction
work in tho
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the service and enlargo tho
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building.