The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 10, 1909, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER Showers Friday and probably Saturday! moderate southerly winds, becoming variable.
1 Wayne County Organ i
Seml-Weckly Founded
Weekly Founded, 1844
of the
66th YEAR.
NO. 72
Saratoga Conference to
Revivify Party Opens.
Alton B. Parker and D-Cady Her-
rick, Addressing 400 Conserva
tives, Urge Reforms In
Present Government.
Saratoga, N. Y Sept. 1). Conserva
tive Democrats, numbering about 400,
from all over the state are attending
the great party conference which open
ed hero today. They hope to agree
jpon some plan by which their party
may lie rehabilitated and come again
to the power und Importance It held
prior to Its demoralization by Uryan
Ism. Thomas M. Osborne, chairman of the
executive commltteu, called Uie con
ference to order, and Edward M. Shep
nrd was elected as permanent chair
man. Addresses were delivered by
former Judge Alton II. Parker and
D-Cndy Derrick, both urging curtain
reforms In the conduct of the party.
In opening the conference Mr. Os
borne said Its object was to forward
the true Interests of the Democratic
party and that the only way to ac
complish that result wa to have a
full, free and frank discussion of con
ditions, eliminate those which bad
caused disaster in the past and enlnrge
upon thoso which show slgnB of bring
ing good to tlu' greatest number.
Refore taking his seat us chairman
Mr. Shepard urged the necessity of
partisanship, touched upon the coming
mayoralty election in New York, made
n strong objection to the practice of
two political partloo "trading," spoke
for independent voting, roasted some
of the work of the last congress and
como .out strongly for direct primary
nominations and the election of United
States senators by the people.
There have been various hints and
rumors concerning the underlying mo
tives for the conference. It hns been
said that one of the main objects Is to
eliminate from activity the present
chairman of the Democratic state com
mittee, W. J. Connors of liuffnlo.
The party, bo tlut conservative Dem
ocrats thought, was already suffering
sit the hands of Its so called leaders,
nnd one of the very objects of the con
ference Is to bring about what some
of the former leaders believe would be
n wholesome change.
lint whatever may be some of the in
cidental results of the conference, it is
thoroughly agreed that it shall be for
harmony. It Is the desire of the re
habilitated Democrats to set such a
high standard of political ethics that"
out of the rejuvenation of the party
all causes for criticism In the last ten
or twelve years shall completely disap
Makes 318 Miles In 5 Hours 52 Min
utes In Auto Race.
Lowell, Mass., Sept. . With the
same during coolness und Judgment
which have marked his exploits on
other motor tracks George II. Robert
son of New York drove his Simplex
cur IMS miles to victory over the Mer
rimack valley circuit und. left trailing
behind or out of commission sixteen
other aspirants for the Lowell trophy
in the second national stock chassis
Robertson maintained a ficed In t lie
5 hours ."2 minutes 1 2-5 seconds of
5-1.2 miles an hour, which wus slx
tonilis better than tho average inudi'
by Lewis Strang, tho winner of lust
year's race.
More limn .twenty minutes nfler
ItolK'rtson had llown over the finish
line Al Poole, driving the Italian Isot-
in-rruscuiui. uasueii unuer uie wire in
fsecond place, having Jumped Into that
position on (he last lap. E. II. Parker
in a Flat, another Italian cur. cap
tured third money, nnd Robert liur
innn in u I'.ulck cume in fourth.
Cbmies Unl In u Renault finished
Takes Germr.n Army Captain as a
Passenger In His Aoroplane.
Rerlln, Sept. il.-Orvllle Wright made
two successful Illghts over the Tein
pleliof parade ground, on the outskirts
of Rerlln, Going aloft alone, he did
twenty-four miles in thirty-six min
utes. On his second illglit he carried Cap
tain von Hlldebrand of the Germnn
army ns a passenger nnd tlew for sev
enteen minutes.
A distinguished company witnessed
Mr. Wright's flights, nnd fully 200,000
people were on the parade ground.
Mr. Wright was enthusiastically cheer
ed when he landed.
His Body Taken to Chavy Chase For
Burial In Arlington.
Now York, Sept. 0. Lieutenant Gen
eral Henry C. Corbiu, United States
army, retired, died lu ltoosevelt hos
pltul after an operation.
General Corblu's body has been tak
en to his home at HIghwood, Chevy
Chase, near Washington, and funeral
arrangements will bo made there.
Hurlal will be In Arlington cemetery.
General Corbln would have been sixty-seven
years old next Wednesday.
He wus born on a farm In Clermont
county, O., and there he lived until the
civil war broke out. General Corbln
was made a first lieutenant in May,
1S02, resigning that commission six
mouths later to accept the appointment
of major lu the Fourteenth United
States volunteer colored infautry. He
rose rapidly and woo breveted major
and lieutenant colonel nnd brigadier
general of volunteers for meritorious
On Aug. 20. lSiifi, lie entered the reg
ular service. He was made n lieuten
ant colonel in 188!), colonel in 181M1 and
adjutant general, with the rank of
brigadier general. In February, 180S.
While adjutant general of the army
General Corbln was one of the most
familiar figures lu Washington.
Glenn H.
Curtiss Upholds His Record
at Brescia Meet.
Rresela, Duly. Sept. !).-The aviation
meeting, in which ninny noted aero
nauts will take part, opened under con
ditions that were not altogether au
spicious. Many thousands of specta
tors gathered around the field, but
they were forced to bear n number of
disappointment, ns with the exception
of short illghts by Glenn H. Curtiss.
the American aviator, and Hleriot the
attempts of the other aviators to lly
were failures.
Several accidents occurred. Rlerlot
collided with a "tree, the propeller of
his machine being broken. He him
self wus not hurt. Anznul also broke
the propeller of his machine In a test
night, nnd Lieutenant C'alderara later
came to grief in a Wright machine,
which wus damaged, it wus Intended
originally that Lofobvro, who wus kill
ed at Juvlsy, should be the pilot of
this machine. Lieutenant Calderura
look ills place. Scarcely hud he start
ed when the aeroplane tilted so violent
ly that In the effort to bring It on an
even keel the rudder was smashed.
$100,000 TO MRS. F. J. GOULD.
She Waives Dower Right In Former
Husband's Real Estate.
New York, Sept. It. Helen Kelly
Gould, who procured u final decree of
i divorce from Frank !. Gould on Aug.
25. has signed mi agreement relinquish
ing her dower right in his real estate
, holdings, und Mr. Gould has filed the
j agreement in the hull of records here.
I The document shows that Mrs. Gould
' received 8108.(100 for waiving her dow-
: fI. ,., ,ht , ,Ilt,sl 1(1i,igs
American Broker Plcad3 Guilty.
I.ciikIi.ii. Sep). -.lames Cnmpliell, n
New York mining broker, pleaded
guilty nl the Old I'.uiley police court to
(he charge of having obtained :?lo,oo0
under false pretenses by a sale of
worthless stock.
Former President Requests Supply For
British East Africa.
Washington, Sept. i). Former Pros!
dent Roosevelt hns requested thnt tho
United States government send a sup.
ply of black boss to Rrltlsh East Af
rica to bo deposited In Lake Nnlvasha,
Mr. Roosevelt's request was made in
n personal letter to Commissioner
George M. Rowers of tho bureau of
fisheries, nnd it will Ik complied with
If possible.
Weather Probabilities.
Showers; light variable winds.
Wizard of Railroads Whoso
Conceptions Were as Wide as
(ho Continent. Whoso Plans Com.
prehended Millions and Who
Organized Systems. :: ::
TURNERS, N. Y., Sept. 9. Ed
ward H. Harriman Is dead. The
end came at 1:30 o'clock this after
HERE have been few single fig
ures in tlie world of finance the
mere rumors of whose Illness
would radically affect so many
stocks us did that of the late Edward
Henry Harriman. On his recent re
turn from Europe the great Stock Ex
change In Wall street spent nearly
one whole day In suspense. Ruylug
and selling were at a standstill. Ev
erything depended upon (.he health of
the little man coming up the bay. If
he should prove to be on the road to
recovery, up would go Union Pacific,
Central Pacific, New York Central and
other securities under Ids control. If
he was soon to lie In a bad way, they
would tumble. Until one or the other
woo definitely known there was noth
ing doing.
His arrival sutlstlod tho brokers that
tho railroad king was far from n well
man. After his retreat to Arden the
rumor was noised about that he in
tended virtually to retire. On this
mere breath his stocks were hammered
down, down till Union raclflc fclftoff
0 or T points, Southern Pacific, Now
York Central und others sharing In
tho decline. It was a striking tribute
to the man's power, a testimonial to
the estimate put upon his financial
mastery by Wall street. There was no
sentiment In it. There never is in these
bull nnd bear raids. They are ns ut
terly merciless us an earthquake or a
cyclone. There la not u heart beat In
the whole high finance body, how
ever many there may be in the indi
viduals who compose it. And when
tho bears pounded down those Ilurrl
inan securities in tho days when their
master lay 111 at Arden they merely
advertised that they had been afraid
of the man and showed what they
would do whou the fear was even a
Utile abated.
Tliero uru many popular misconcep
tions concerning Ilurrluinn. One Is
that ho was u niun with an abnor
mally large brain, which supped the
lifo from his undersized body. Hani
man's head was not large. It was un
der rather than over tho normal size.
It wus quite well proportioned to ids
small stature. His body guve tho im
pression of slightuess, It Is true, but it
was not emaciated, except in his Inst
Illness. It was wiry and quick us a
steel spring. Ho was stooped, as nrc
most men who think much, no wns
never a careful dresser und wns quite
commonplace In appearance. But the
Idea that his brain ato up his body Is
a mere flight of fancy. It might be
said as truly of any man who is at the
bead of big things In this day of gl-
I suuui: uuuui iu&!U,o.
.... .m . y- 1
Constructive Genius of tho first
Order, Who Was a Director
and President of Many Corpo
rations. Controlled Whatever He
Touched. :: :: :: :: ::
He was born at Hempstead, Long Is
land, In tho state of New York, Feb. j
25, 1848. He was the fourth child of J
a poor Episcopalian minister whoso j
salary sometimes amounted to ns
much as $200 a year. It was after
the future rullroad king's advent that j
tho family moved to Jersey, settling
In n modest portion of Jersey City
Just off the Huckensack meadows. It
was not n promising environment, but
tliero wcro rich relations on both sides
of the house. The lad went to Trin
ity school In Now York, walking three ;
mlloB each woy, He had a reputation,
which still survives, of having been
the worst boy und the smartest of his
class. At tho ago of fourteen ho quit
school altogether and entered a bro
ker's olllce. The first year lie earned
the magnificent salary of $5 a week, i
and even this pittance he turned over
to his father.
Friend of Children.
Perhaps the only beluga with whom
Edward H. narrlmau the man ever
entirely unbent were children. In New '
York ho wan tho head of a great lxys'
Institution, a sort of combined gym
nasium, club and debating society, for
more than a quarter of n century.
At Xrden ho was never so happy us
when ho had an automobile load of
little ones nnd was spinning about tho
countryside. To them he wns not the
cold business machine known to the
world, ne vjg.s "Pop" nnrrlman, their
comrade nnoSfrlend, Perhaps he was
so unreserml with the children be
cause they did not ask him leading
questions and try to take away bis
money. In the country ho was as God
made him. In business he was ns Wall
street made him. Tliero is n differ
ence here, "o that will appear greater
the more it U contemplated.
Great Constructive Genius.
The best two things about Mr. Har
liniun were that ho was constructive
and hud a national view of (hing-. He
was not alone n stock manipulator,
, , . t , , , ! director of tho San Pedro, Iis Angeles
but n builder. History must give him and &1,t Lnko Hlllu.l)ml company, dl
thls credit. It is questionable if wo rcctor of Uu, SlW(,Mulmmm ml West
huvo hud any greater rullroad build- ; onl UnlIroiui companv, director of the
ers than he. The manner In whicli ho , v, Vnr1. Pfrn, imiirnml eomnnnv
took the rundown und bankrupt Union
Pacific, went oyer tho ground und saw
tho business tliero was for the line,
coupled with tho subsequent courage
and energy ho displayed lu pouring
hundreds of millions into straighten
lug and improving tho road, showed a
constructive genius of tho first order.
Ruthless he might havo been, yet the
fact that ho did things, and big things
ut that, must bo told to his praise.
Tho story of bridging Great Salt lake
and draining the Saltou sea is not ono
that could bo told of every man, not
even of every railroad king. He touched
most of tho properties that came un-
dcr his control only to build them up.
Overcapitalize ho probably did, al
though ho called It capitalizing tho fu
ture. Used Wall street methods, some
of them of a doubtful kind with this
his enemies charged him. And Harri
man had enemies, bitter and big ones,
with Thcodoro Roosevelt, ex-presldcnt
of tho United States, at their head. It ,
Is perfectly true that in the world of
men he had more foes that hated him
than friends that loved him. Yet when
this Is said we cannot forget th-tao
east side boys in New York nor tluse
shouting children at Arden. A una
that loves a child and Is loved by It In
return cannot bo all bad.
Ilarrlmnn's national vision wis
shown In mnnlfold ways. Though
born near New York city and living
In or about It all his life, he did not
have tho Now York viewpoint. Ho
saw America from the onglcof tho
Pacific const nnd of the central west,
as well as of the east. lie had enough
Imagination, to forecast the future of
the country, to count on it ns a most
Important factor In all his business
enterprises. Ho could see tho desir
ability of buying steamship lines
across tho Pacific, .of planning a rail
road in Mexico. Few men realized
the possibilities of tho great empire
building on the shores of the Pacific
ocean with more clearness than Ilur
rluinn. Though small in body and
even In brain, ho was not small In
his grasp of things. Ho thought in
terms of the continent, planned in
millions, built with systems.
His Greatest Monument.
Harriman has often boon compared
to Jay Gould. In my own opinion, he
wns a bigger mun than Gould und a
better one. With all the abuse that
has boon heaped upon him he Is en
titled to that which his own deeds
carved out. He was not as shrewd
a man on the Stock Exchange as
Gould, not as "foxy" perhaps. If you
like tlie term, but he luid infinitely
bigger ideals and more nuduclty a
plan and exocuto great undertakings.
Gould wns essentially a financier.
Harriman was that nnd more, and It
is the "more" that will redeem him.
Tho romance of tho Pacific railroads
and steamship lines and of his other
great railroad deals cannot bo wiped
off the slate. Whatever we may think
of Harriman in Wall street or narri
man In politics or nnrrlman in in
surance or Harriman In Chicago nnd
Alton, his work on tle Pacific empire,
both this side nnd on tlie seas, will
tiro the Imagination nnd compel re
spect. Good nnd evil mingle In nil
men. This Is the good of Harriman.
It is his greatest monument.
It wns recently stated that Harri
man controlled 18.000 miles of rail
way, or six times nctoss the conti
nent; thnt these lines employ 80,000
men; that, in addition, be directed '54,
000 miles of steamship lines, mak
ing 72,000 miles of transportation In
nil; thnt one could go from New York
to Hongkong without ever leaving tho
Ilarrlmnn lines nnd that he could re
turn by another route on Harriman
linos nearly nil tho way.
To show something of the man's
great nctlvltlos, the mere corporations
of which he was tho head or with
which he was officially connected may
j give a hint, although little more than a
I hint, no had been n member of the Now
' York Stock Exchange since 1S70. He
j wus president of the Oregon Railroad
j and Navigation company, president of
, tho Oregon Short Line, president of the
1 Southern Pacific, president of the
; Texas und New Orleans Rullroad com
j pany, president of the Southern Pa
cific Coast railway, president of the
Oregon und California Railroad com
. pany, president of tlie Central Pacific
( Railroad company, president of the
i Louisiana and Western Railroad com
i puny, president of Morgan's? Louisiana
' and Texas Railroad und Steamship
company, president of the Pnclllu Mail
i Steamship company, president of the
. Railroad Securities company, president
of the Southern Pacific Terminal cum
j pany, president of the Portland and
I Asiatic Steamship company, president
I of the Union Pacific, chairman of the
, executive committee of the Wells Fnr
i go company, director of tlie Illinois
1 Central Railroad company, director of
! tlie Unltlmore and Ohio Rullroad com
! puny, director of the Erie Railroad
company, director of the Colorado Fuel
and Iron company, director of the
Western Union Telegraph company, di
rector of the National City Rank of
New York, director of the Chicago and
Alton Railroad company, director of
i t))0 1V,.0 Mllr(liu,t(l, Railroad company,
' m, ,uu t0 gl,y notuB f tho
, KquUablo Assurance society, of which
ho was ouco a director, but from which
lie resigned during tfco Hughes investi
Controlled Whatever He Touohed.
After reading nil that list one can
wonder not only that he died so soon,
bUt tuut jj0 lived so long, for be it
understood that Edward II. Harriman
was no mere perfunctory director.
Whatever ho touched ho controlled
either that or something broke. Ho
was not a dummy. Nor could he have
controlled all theso properties, only a
o -
J3 he could have owned
3 s his business assocl
j greatest confidence
j nnd ability. It was
si iiilzntlon, of construe-
fraction of v
personally, i
atcs rcposc
In his lntcf.'
his power ol
tlon, his liu.
to knowledge of the
whole country ns It related to railroad-
ng, his daring methods and his suc
cess that won him their allegiance.
He became far and away the greatest
railroad power of his day and perhaps
of any day that tho country has yet
known. There may bo railroad kings
In future that will control more mile
age, but none up to his own time.
His lntest dream of making the Now
York Central n part of his gigantic
system was coming to fruition only
when death snatched him away from
It. Even as it wus, the greatest of our
railroads was listed us a Harriman
property, oud Its stocks moved In sym
pathy with his group. To combine
that old and rich system with his Pa
cific roads into one gigantic whole was
the work of a financial titan. It waa
not u thing that a small man would
even havo dared to plan.
Another cherished dream of a more
Intimate nature was on tho ovo of ac
complishment, but wns never to be
realized. For more than a score of
years Mr. Harriman had owned an es
tate of 35,000 acres near Arden over
looking Tuxedo Park, nere, on tho top
of one of the Ramnpo mountains, he
wns finishing a great castlo thnt was
to have lcen his home In old ago.
Here ho went for tho "after euro"
when he returned from his vain health
seeking in Europe, and here, amid the
sound of hammers as workmen com
pleted tho laBt wing of tho house, ho
breathed his last. It waa a fitting
music to toll out tho life of one whose
chief claim to men's retard Is that ho
was n builder.
Governor Says Representatives With
out Collars on Necks Are Needed.
Rome, N. Y., Sept. 0. Ten thousand
people crowded around tho speakers'
stand at the Oneida county fulr hero
to listen to nn address by Governor
Hughes, who said:
"We want representatives at Albany
without collars about their necks. Tha
days have gone by of open election cor
ruption. When we have founded u
country based on manhood suffrage
what an awful thing it is to pollute
that fountuln ut Its source, the ballot
box. No mun who will do It ought to
be able to hold up his head in nn lion
est community. We must look to tho
nominating machinery as much as to
he election mnchinery.
"The people do not injESwid to let any
coterie nor clique take away the rights
which belong to the many. A grent
movement is here. It cannot be stop
ped, because it is in accord with tho
spirit of a free country. The grentest
security we enn have is the intelligent
play of public opinion.
"People nre discussing things, nnd
you can trust public opinion better
than you cun trust some man who
sniffs at tho idea that people can man
age public affairs.
"A few who make a business of po
litical activity run things. That Is not
American. We should let the enrolled
voters control the primaries. The con
vention, as a rule. Is not representa
tive. Sometimes It may bo, but gener
ally It Is not. The way to get repre
sentative legislature Is to make the
nominations come directly from tho
party voters. Political leaders should
stand before the people, resting upon
the suffrages of the people. It Is best
to recognize party organization, but nt
the same time it should be held strictly
accountable to the members of the
"Why should plurality vote at the
primaries be more feared than nt the
Oxygen Continuously Used to Sustain
Vitality He lias High Fever.
Arden. N. Y., Sept. St. Edward II.
Ilarrinuui Is being kept, alive by tho
frequent administration of oxygon. Ho
Is extremely weak, lie has a high fe
ver, which Is being relieved by Ico
packs and alcohol baths.
It Is learned on excellent nuthorlty
that Mr. Ilaniiuaii has been In bed
since Friday, ton weak to be moved.
He I under the constant care of a
corps of physicians and nurses, nnd,
although Dr. I.yle law wild ho Is "bet
tor," the conclusion N thai the olllclul
"Improvement" may be freely con
strued as it change from a crisis to a
state of grave danger. Mr. Harrluian'H
condition Is still extremely critical.
An obstinate report from Wall street
thnt Mr. llunininn wns operated on
for a cancerous growth wns denied by
his superintendent. Mr. Ford.
"There Is not a word of (ruth in It,"
he said. "I have been nbout the plnco
all day and every day, and If thero
had been an operation I inn sure I
should have known It. If I wero put
under oath I should say that I do not
believe that an operation has been per
formed." Mr. Ford admitted thnt other physi
cians were at the house besides Dr.
Lyle. He did not know who they were.
He had not seen Mr. Harriman since
Hst Friday.