HIE C1TIZUN, WKDNKSDAY, SKl'T. 1, 1000. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO Till constitution 8U,Mr',rrt 'If , THE CITIZENS OP THIS ( OM.Mi' V ;. WEALTH FOH TIIK1H APi'ItOVI. ''1 I REJECTION, RY THE OI NUHAl. .' I BEMBLT OF THE COMMON !" i OF PENNSYLVANIA, NO 1"V LISHED nY oTtut'it OF THE PK--r.r TARY OF THE COMMNWEALT' I. i PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII C I' THE CONSTITI'TION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing amendments to yect.un elpht and twenty-one of nrtlelc four. Hpctitim eleven nnd twelve of nrtlelc five, na tions two, three, nnd fourteen of nt tlrl eight, section one of article twelve ri l sections two nnd seven of nrtlelc fo r teen, of the Constitution of Pemu" ! vanln. nnd providing n fchedi'le foi carrying the amendments Into effect. Section 1. Be It resolved by the S ..:! and House of Representatives of thr Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen eral Assembly met. That the following are proposed as nmendments to the Con stitution of the Commonwealth of Pfin sylvnnla. In ncrordnnee with the provi sions of the eighteenth article thcrenf: Amcndment One To Article Four, Sec tion Eight. Section 2. Amend section eight of nrtlr'.r four of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, whlrh reads ns follows: "Ho shall nominate nnd. by nnd wi'li the mlvlco and cons-cut of two-thlnln nl all the members of the Senate, nr-po'it a Secretary of the Commonwealth nnd nn Attorney (Jeneral during pleasure, n j Superintendent of Public Instruction for four years, and such other nfllrein of i the Commonwealth as be Is or may ! ! authorized by the Constitution (if b J law t" appoint: he shall have power tn fill all vacancies that may happen, In of flees to which be may appoint, durl:i j the rrcoos of the Senate, by gnintli j romtnlsInns which shall expire at t' 1 end of their noNt session: ho shall bv power to 111! any vacancy that may lii! pen. during the reees of the pewit" ' 1 1 the (illleo of Auditor deneral, St.ite Treeourer. Secretary of Internal Affuli? or Superintendent of Public Instruction In n (iiilirlnl idllre. nr hi nnv other elec tive olllce which he Is or may bo mi- j thorlzed to fill: If the vacancy shall Imp pen during the session of the Sennit the Governor shall nomlnnte to the Sen ate, before their Una! adjournment, i proper person to fill said vacancy; but In any such case of vacancy, In an (!c tlve ofllce, a person shall be chosen t said office at the next general electlo" unless the vacancy HliMI happen withlr three calendar months Immediately p:t reding such election, In which case tb, election for said office shall be held the second succeeding general "et lo in acting on executive nominations tin 8enato shall sit with open doors, and. t. confirming or rejecting the nomlnatlrw of the Governor, the vote shall be taker by yeas and nays, and shall be entered o. the Journal," so as to read ns follows - He shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth nnd an Attorney General during plensurt-. a Superintendent of Public Instruction f.n four years, nnd such other officers of thr Commonwealth as he Is or may be au thorized by the Constitution or by law to appoint: he shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen. In office" to which he mny nppolnt, during the re cess of the Senate, by granting commis sions which shall oxplrn nt the end ol their next session; ho shall have powri to fill any vacancy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate, In the office of Auditor General, State Treas urer, Secretary of Internal Affairs oi Superintendent of Public Instruction, In a Judicial office, or In any other elective office which he is or may be authorized to fill: If tho vacancy shall happen dur ing the session of the Senate, the Gov ernor shall nominate to the Senate, be fore their final adjournment, a prope, person to fill said vacancy; but in any such case of vacancy, In an elective of fice, a person shall be chosen to said of fice on the next election day appropriate to such office, according to the provision1 of this Constitution, unless the vacnne shall happen within two calendar month? immediately preceding such election day. in which case the election for said offit e Fhnll bo held on the second succeeding election day appropriate to such nUlce In acting on executive nominations thr Senate shnll sit with open doors, nnd. In confirming or rejecting the nominations of the Governor, the vote shnll bo take u by yens and nays, nnd shall be entered on the journal. Amendment Two To Article Four, Sec tion Twenty-one. Section 3. Amend section twenty-one ot article four, which reads as follows: "Tho term of the Secretnry of Interna Affairs shall be four years; of tho Audi tor General three years; and of the State Treasurer two years. These olllceis shall bo chosen by tho qualified electors of the State at general elections. No jvi-smi elected to the office ot Auditor Genei:.l or State Treasurer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecu tive terms," so as to read: The terms of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, the Auditor General, and the State Treasurer shall each bo four years: and they shall be chosen by the quallfb cl electors of the State at general election.-': but a State Treasurer, elected In the year one thousand nine hundred nnd nine, shall serve for three years, nnd hlf suc cessors shall be elected nt the general election In the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and In every fourth year thereafter. No person elected to the office of Auditor General of State Treas urer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Amendment Three To Article Five, Sec tion Eleven. Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar ticle five, which rends ns follows: "Except as otherwise provided In this Constitution. Justices of tho peace or nl-derme-n shall be elected In tho several wards, districts, boroughs and townships at tho tlmo of tho election of constables, by the qualified electors thereof, In such manner as shall be directed by law, nnd shall be commissioned by the Governor for a term of five years. No township, wnrd, district or borough shall elect more than two justices of the peace or aid, r men without the consent of a majority of the qualified electors within such town ship, ward or borough; no person shall on ifpcreu to sucn office unless ho shall have resided within the township, borough ward or district for one year next preced ing his election. In cities containing over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not moro than one alderman shall bo elected In each ward or district." so ns to read: Except as otherwise piovlded In this Constitution, Justices of the pence or aldermen shirt) b elected In the several wards, districts, boroughs or townships, by the qualified electors thereof, nt the municipal election, In such manner us shall be directed by law. nnd shall be commissioned by tho Governor for n term of six years. No township, ward, district or borough shnll elect more than two Justices of the peace or aldermen without the consent of a majority of the qunllfied electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shall be elected to such offico unless he shall have resided within the township, borough, ward or district for one year next pre ceding his election. In cities containing over fifty thousand inhabitants, not moro than one alderman shnll be elected In each wnrd or district. Amendment Four To Artlclo Five, Bee tlon Twelve. Section 5, Amend section twelve of artl els five of the ConBtltuton, which reads as follows: "In '!,!!!. 1, Ip'il.t i, Hia'l be . Mab- lln' I i i ., i lirty iIhhixiuhI ImImIiII " i ; miii of muni of polleo and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not exceeding; one hundred dollars; such : courts shall be held by magistrates whoso I term of office shall be live years nnd they shall be elected on genernl ticket by tho qualified voters tit large; and In 1 tho election of the said magistrates no I voter shall vote for more than two-thirds j of tho number of persons to be elected when more thnn ono ure to l.o cnosen; they shall be compensated only by fixed salaries, to be paid by said county; nnd shnll exercise such Jurisdiction, civil nnd criminal, except ns herein provided, ns Is now exercised by nldcrmcn, subject to such changes, not Involving an Inn rase of civil Jurlcdlctlon or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Phila delphia the ofllce of nldermnn Is abol ished," so ns to rend ns follows: In Philadelphia there shall bo estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhabit ants, ono court, not of record, of police nnd civil causes, with Jurisdiction not exceeding one hundred dollars: such i courts shnll be held by magistrates whose term of olllce shall be six years, nnd they I shall be elected on genernl ticket nt the municipal election, by the quullllcd ' voters nt large; and In the election of i tho said magistrates no voter shall vole for more than two-thirds of tho number ' of persons to be elected when more than one are to bo chosen; they shall be com pensated only by fixed salaries, to lie , paid by said county; nnd shall exercise such jurisdiction, civil nnd criminal, ex- ' cept ns herein provided, ns Is now ex ercised by nldcrmcn, subject to such changes, not Involving nn lncivnse of i civil jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Phila- . dt'lphla the ollleo of alderman is nbol- I Ishctl. ! Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec tion Two. Section 0. Amend section two of artlclo . eight, which reads as follows: "Tho geneial election shall bo held an- ( nually on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November, but the Gen eral Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds of all the members of each House consenting thereto," so us to road: The general election shall bo held bi ennially on the Tuesday next following tho first Monday of November in each even-numbered year, but tho General As sembly mny by law fix a different elny, two-thirds of all the members of each Houso consenting thereto: Provided, That such election shall always bo held In an even-numbered year. Amendment Six To Article Eight, Sec tion Three, Section 7. Amend section three of article eight, which reads as follows: "All elections for city, wnrd, borough and township officers, for regular terms of service, shall be held on the third Tuesday of February," so as to read: All judges elected by the electors of the State at large may bo elected at either a general or municipal election, as clr cumstnnces may require. All elections for Judges of the courts for the several Judicial districts, nnd for county, city, ward, borough, and township officers for regular terms of service, shnll be held on the municipal election day; namely, the Tuesday next following the first Mon day of November In each odd-numbered year, but the General Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds of nil the members of each Houso consenting thereto: Provided, That such election shall always be held In an odd-numbered year. Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Sec tion Fourteen. Section S. Amend section fourteen of artlclo eight, which reads as follows: "District election boards shall consist of a Judge and two Inspectors, who shall be chosen annually by the citizens. Each elector shall have the right to vote for the Judgo and one Inspector, and each Inspect or shnll nppolnt one clerk. The first elec tion board for any new district shall be selected, nnd vacancies In election boards filled, as shall be provided by law. Elec tlun officers shnll be privileged from nr rest upon days of election, and while en gaged in maklfig up and transmitting re turns, except upon wnrrant of a court of record or judge thereof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service," so ns to rend: District election boards shall consist ol n judge nnd two Inspectors, who shall be chosen biennially, by the citizens at tho municipal election; but the General As sembly may require said boards to be appointed in such manner as it may by law provide-. Laws regulating tho ap pointment of said boards may bo enacted to apply to cities only: Provided, That such laws Ire uniform for cities of the same class. Each elector shall have tilt right to vote for tho Judge and one In spector, nnd each Inspector shall nppolnt one clerk. The first election board fin any new district shall bo Kelectctl, and vacancies in election boards filled, ns shall be provided by law. Election offi cers shnll be privileged from nrrest upon days ot election, and while engaged in making up and transmitting returns, ex cept upon warrant of n court of record or judge thereof, for an election fraud for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemp tion from jury duty during their terms of service. Amendment Eight To Article Twelve, Section One. Section 9. Amend section one, article twelve, which reads as follows: "All officers, whoso selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall be elected or appointed ns may be directed by law." so as to read: All officers, whose selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall he elected or appointed as mny be directed by law: Provided, That elections of State officers shall be held on n general election day, and elections of local officers shall be held on a municipal election day, ex cept when, In cither ease, special elections may be required to fill unexpired terms. Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen. Section Two. Section 10. Amend section two of article fourteen, which rends as follows: "County officers shall bu elected at the general elections and shall hold their offices for the term of three years, be ginning on the first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shnll be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall be fllleil In such manner ns may be provided by law.1 so ns to read: County olllcers shall be elected at the municipal elections and shnll hold their offices for tho term of four years, be ginning on the first Monday of January next nfter their election, and until their successors shnll be duly qualified; nil vacancies not otherwlso provided for shall bo filled In such manner as may be provided by inw. ! Amendment Ten To Artlclo Fourteen Section Seven. Section 11. Amend section seven, nrtlelc I fourteen, which rends as follows: "Threo county commissioners and three county nudltors shall be elected In each county where such officers are chosen, In the year one thousand eight hundred anfi seventy-five nnd overy third year there after; nnd In tho election of said officers each qualified elector shall vote for no more than two persons, nnd the three persons having tho highest number ot votes shall be elected; nny casual vacancy In the office of county commissioner oi county auditor shall be filled, by the court of common pleas of the county In which such vacancy shall occur, by the appointment of nn elector of the proper county who shall have voted for tho commissioner or auditor who pine l to be fll'td" m n i lei iv uil -- '11 1 i-t t , 1 1 v i ,-ptitl ion- rs Mini llire-e com (v tois kIi.iII lie elicr-il In e.ieli cnunt. wli'-ic Mich officers a- t h,,.-.ei,. In tlii year one thousand e b-u't-t and eluven and ovci feur.'. . t , . after; nnd In the obTt'on f 1 e-. t-u each qualified elector n.iall f vi more than two persons, ai d t' c three persons having tho htglie-t i.tu.i' 1 1 nf votes shall be electee'.; unj cmwn want;. In tho office of county cotnri.f.- ,er oi county auditor shrill be filled by emir' of common pleas of tho county la which such vacancy shall occur, by the ap'i-il'.it-ment of nn elector of the pi riper i, unity who shnll have voted for the commis sioner or auditor whoso place Is to Im filled. Schedule for the Amendments. Section 12. That no Inconvenience may arise from the chnnges in the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth, nnd in order to carry tho snmo Into complete opera tion, it Is hereby declared that In the case of officers elected by the people, nil terms of office fixed by net of Assembly nt an odd number of yeais shall each be lengthened one year, but tho Legislature may change the lengtii of the term, provided tho terms for which such officers nro elected shall nlways be for an even number of years. Tho nbove extension of official terms shnll not nffect olllcers elected nt the general election of ono thousand nine hundred and eight; nor any city, ward, borough, township, or election division olllcers, whoso terms of offico, under ex isting lnw, end In tho year one thousand nlno hundred and ten. In the yenr one thousand nine bnndri u and ten the municipal election shall be held on tho third Tuesday of Febnriry. as heretofore; but all oL'lcers chosen nt Hint election to nn olllce the regular term of which Is two years, nnd nlso nil elec tion nllleers nnd assessors chosen nt tint election, shall S"rvo until hie first Mon day ot Dceiinbtr In the year ono th ai snnd nine hundred nnd elevi n All offi cers chosen at that election to eitllccs the term of which Is now four years. , r Is made lour v, ars ny tho operation of thesr a'nenili." ills or this schedule. ha!l serve until tbe first Monday of December In the yai ne thousand nlno hundri-d and thlrteea. Ml Justices of the peace, magistrates . .d nldcrmcn, chosen at that election, shal serve until tho first Mon thly ot Dcet icr In the year one thou sand nine hu.idred nnd fifteen. After the year nineteen hundred nnd ten, uml until the Legislature shall otherwlso provide, nil terms of city, ward, borough, town ship, nnd election division officers shall begin on the first Monday of December In nn odd-numbered year. All city, ward, liVrough, nnd township officers holding ofllce at the date of the approval of these amendments, whose terms of office may end In the year one thousnnd nlno hundred nnd eleven, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Mondny of December of that year. All judges of the courts for the sev eral Judicial districts, and also all county officers, holding office nt the date of the approval of these nmendments, whose terms of office may end in the year one thousand nlno hundred nnd eleven, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Mondny of January, one thousand nine hundred nnd twelve. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. ROBERT MCAFEE. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Spiced Celery. Fifteen ripe tomatoes, five bunches of celery, two cupfuls of sugar, one and a half cupfuls of vinegar, one ta blespoonful of halt, one teaspoonful of mustard, one teaspoouful of ground cloves, one teaspoonful of ground all spice, one teaspoonful of ground cin namon, one teaspoonful of celery seed nnd one good sized red pepper. Chop the celery, peppers and tomatoes te gether, then mix all the Ingredients and boll slowly ono and a half hours. This will be found delicious with any kind of meat nnd will keep well If i sealed up lu bottles with parflln melt eil over the cork. Handy Picture Hanger. Illustrated herewith is a handy pic ture hanger that can bo adjusted to lit any size of frame. The device Is of I wire and the bodv has n loop nt ,iR. I s no time to be regretting your neglect lop by which it can be hung on a nail. W't insured. A little vare beforehand The loirs dare outward and have sup is worth more than any amount ot re porting Iwnks for feet, nnd the single gret. nrm, bout at right ancles nt tho elbow. ADJUSTAJ1LE TO ANY FltAME. lias a hook at the top. Tbo picture frame rests on the feet nnd is kept In place by the arm, which can be moved up nnd down the body so that it can bo adjusted to almost any size picture. The trouble of measuring wire and gauging it so that the picture hangs llat Is obviated, as tho device described is so made that the body rests llat against the wall for Its whole length and keeps the picture nt a proper angle. Washing Tinted Fabrics. To wash delicately tinted fabrics and have them retain their color make n large panful of thin Hour starch. When sulUelently cool take one-half of the March to wash the garment In, rub bing carefully by hand, nnd when all the soil has been removed rinse iu the clean portion of starch and hang in the shade lo dry. Stenciled curtains nre nicely laun dered In this way which would fade If washed iu the usual way or seut to ho drv cleaned. Biscuit. "Ulseiiif was ii ut 1 1 tho eighteenth century spelled "blsket," ns still pro nounced, the current spelling being merely a senseless adopt Ion of the modern French spelling without its pronunciation. "Hlskot" originally meant a twice baked bread of the kind alluded to by Shakespeare In "As You 1.P-. U " vl e:v !! nOniflr ly .Tat.:-.' iv.i-- ii : u t- ;'!:n i f . iim!-.' i . . ilri.t :s flit li'ider il-;l;el : THE TOWN THAT PUSH BUILT IX. The Foxy Shoe Dealer '"jp KIS is tho shoo man who found S- In his hand the bill that w? nt round 'Mong all the people who advertised. He hired a man whose work ha prized And paid him with tho jewolcr'3 bill From the hardware merchant's till, Vhero it went when the clothing deal er bought From tho furniture man, which tho clothier got When to hirn the dry goods merchant went With the bill the butcher wisely spsnl When his friend tho grocer had settle ment made With cash the honest workman paid. MORAL. The little story we've told is meant To show you clearly that money spent At home will help us all and then Return to the owner to spend again That is, if dealers are also wise And do not fail to advertise. A Persian Custom, Persian ladies when they make so olnl calls pelt each other playfully with roses. WHEN THE ENGINE COMES KRAFT & CONGER, General insurance Agenls HON.:OUL f. Holmes Memorial, St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondale. Pa. Designed and built by MA IITIN CAU V I Er,I) Tooth Savers W e have the sort of tooth hrm-lioa that are mailt) to tliorotiL'lily cleanse and have the teeth. They are the kind that clean terth without leuvlui! vour month full of bristles. We riTtimniciKl those costlnc 'J5 cents or more, as we can niiarauteo thein ami will re place, free, any that show defects of manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, niAurucisi. oep.l). , tt itiitiuii. IIONIiSDAI.I., ! S CLEARING SALE The Giant Event of Every Pnesinp; Season finds our Stock Urokcn in evcryidcparlnipnt. fe'mnll lots are bound to accumulate here and therein n busy store like outs. We never have and never will carry over goods from one season to another, no indeed, Sir, the policy of this house demands that the wearablesjhere mentioned leaves us when the season does, so to this end we go through all departments and clip down the prices unmindful of the cost to us. July is not a time for profits. Here following we mean to speak in deeds of many saving opportunities not in words galore ; so if that mentis anything to yon read on STKAL'SK HKOS. CLOTHl'S ALL LiAXDAX 1UCAN1) C1.0TIIHS ALL si.i:s. SIZKS. SI." Stilts how JjiK) $10 Suits now $7 JrlH Suits now $i:t .; Suits now $0 Suits now Sill." ijiS Suit now 95 $2r, Suits now Slrl'ST Suits now $-1 CIllMUtKNK' (I.OTIIKS ALL! .HHVS DIlMSK SHI UTS ALL SI',:s- SIZKS. sr Suits . . I;'.! Suits . . S'5.51) Suits s:;.(H) Suits . . now S:5.r() . . .nun SU.7." .... now 'Jt.'2t . . .now Sil.00 , ALL SIZKS. , Worth I limbic HOYS' WASH Sl'lTS .-.()c, 7.t' to .V l.dtl the Price. Underwear at Remember the Place-a The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year openi witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about bv our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find u sale with the unwary. ;y:; mixed paints Is JADWIN'S'PHARMACY. Theiearv i canons for Iho pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS' 1st No one can mix abettor mixed paint. '2d--Tln painters declare that it works easily and has -wonderful covering fjualitit. :ji1--Chilton s-tands hack of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own tw-penwe. every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Tho-e who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it. and recommend its use to others. TOD MR. if HOSIERY BUYER READ HERE'S THE PROPOSITION. with every box of G pairs For For For For Ml Retails for $1.50 a box of 6 pairs. Come in Illaek and Tan. Sold with a Six Months' Guarantee on Kvery Tan A DO NOT FAIL TO READ THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT: If you desire lo buy pure whiskey, look ut tho end of tho barrel before making your purchase. There you will Hud tho date of inspection which Is a sure gimiimty its to uge. AH straight whiskeys nro Inspected by Government ofllcinls, anil taxed nccordln to proof. Illentled and com pound whiskeys nre inado from straight whiskeys. PAUL E. McGRANAGHAN, Wholesale Dealer In 'W!MES r.:r: LIQUORS, 557 Main St., ::or.esc!r.!c, Pa., has a lar; qurotlty of the best Straight Whiskeys for sale at his estnb. lishment. Also Wended Whiskeys, Foreign and Domestic Wines, t:ud bottled U.er h, the case or doen. the Season's End Kcllp-c shirts, hf fii-adc In every i'i"-pccts. Coat cut, e'uirs attached: $1.50 vnlue ut !?l.0) Wl.00 vii'.ue at 7l)t. TIU NKS AND DUKSS SI' IT CASK AT IIALK I'HH'i:. Reduced Prices. Full Line of Everything. THIS: A Limited Artitltnt Insurance Policy fur f 1U00 (it)otl tor ONK YKA It. of our Insured Hose for SI. 50. The Insurance Policy is in TIIH XOIiTII AMEUK'AN ACTIDKNT IXsrilAXCH CO. of Chicago. A company u lii) have been in business for L'.'i years, and have a surplus and as-ets of over $ii'J",()00.()0. i" THE POLICY PAYS AS FOLLOWS: Loss of Life Loss of both Eyes Loss of both Hands $1 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 Loss of both Feet I For Loss of One Hand and One Foot I For Loss of One Hand For Loss of One Foot For Loss of One Eye Seven and ."id-lOO Dollars per week for (I week as per policv in case of accident. THE HOSE is a Two Thread Combed Kgvptian IJemforced Heel and Toe All Value. See Window Display at . Helferich's. 1 I