The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 01, 1909, Image 5

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OLD HOME WEEK will be one
of the best chances to pet some
good photos of yourself and
friends at reduced rntes at Rldge
way's studio, lit
Policy's, Seelyvllle. C5t4
SiiiMlO RUVS a house and lot on
the corner of West and 13th street.
Inquire nt the Citizen olilee.
Dl'RINU Old Home Week dinners,
lunches and Ice cream will bo
served In the vacant store next to
Hidgewny's studio.
IIAIID WOOD, for stoves and
grates, for sale at Prank Hollen
beck's, Pronipton. Gfit4
A NEW, first class artist In
Honesdale. Miss Hose Shroyer nt
Hidgewny's studio, who will give
special attention to high grade
photographing. lit
TDK Peck-Alexander reunion will
be held nt Carpenter's Grove, Union
dale, Friday, Aug. 27, 1000. 2t
DI KING Old Home Week I will
bo nt home and with my assistant,
Miss It. Shroyer, who is a llrst-clnss
artist, will make you the best
photos to bo nad at Hidgewny's
studio. 2t
SPECIAL attention given to chil
dren at Charlcsworth's Studio. 28
Wi: MAKE the world brighter
day by day. Cheer up! During
Old Home Week call and see the
standard Gelatt lighting system at
Hidgeway's studio. You will have
it in your homo, your store,
your church or any place. You want
the cheapest and best light. U. G.
Kldgway, exclusive agent for Wayne
and Pike county. 2t
POIl SALE Hay house, on East
Extension street. Largo lot with
sixty feet front. M. E. Simons.
WANTED Correspondents in
every town, hamlet and village Whirs. llnttio Lansing, of Michigan.
Wayne county. Addioss, Citizen, I wt,,.0 united in marriage Wodnos
Honesdale, Pa. I ,my, Aug. 2.".th. Mr. and Mrs. i'.udd
Tiie ballot for next election
villi be nhoi't L'Ux'Ji! inches.
The cos-t of registering a let
ter will lie ten cents in tile near
luture. It U now eight cents. It
i an lie rained to twenty i-euts under
the law.
Ah we go to press many of our
pi-e.ii.uent buildings' are being dec
ot.neil .ii.d the view on M-iiu street
- ry pleasing.
The Mouohdnle High School
Al'H'iiii li;ie leM'ived to d.Ve IIS
aneptauies to their reunion and Tlios-e who have not sent
1 1 . : t .'.i i finances kindly do so nt I
otue ihi.t proper arrangements may
I e in. ule.
The i K-mlers of the i.oll club ;
x'd.'l .i nrdial invitation to Old I
Week visitors to ibit the
u.-.e jtnd partake of their nns-
mi Labor Day after 2:uti
i ii : Ferher of the Scrnnton
1 depaitment and twenty mom
! - iif the Scrnnton Are department
oil Like pint In the Firemen's nnr-
on Sept. Sth.
'ie-t .-met is Hie (ontliiiritlon
i " 'ilii rheiry Rhine turnpike,1
tli- n ii. in at one time a bridge'
ioi .! ,.i (lie foot of the street,
v.l. U -... iMied the I.acUawaxon.
The proprietor of the Commer-,
cial I Intel, who mndo tiie initiative;
mie- in dii orating bis hostelry!
tor iine.e Cmning Week,'' should bo
oimrutulntod on the excellent of-!
fei t of the decorations.
The .Mikado of Japan lias sent'
.100 cherry trees to lie planted in i
New York City. They will be
planted along Riverside drive by!
.Japanese. The odor from .Jnpunesui
cherry trees is remarkably sweet, j
Every organization and everv i
concern intending to take part In
the Civic Parade should notifv the
chairman, W. F. Suydam or his
sslsiants, M. .1. ilaulon and W. W.
Wood, so that formation of parade
an be properly arranged.
-Jno. H. Strongmnn, of New
York City, lias purchased from the
Torrey estate, two lots, each r.o
foot front, on the south side of
Park street, and west side of West
Tills means that West
l will be opened up to the
n Important deal was consum
mated on Saturday when Fred Riolt
ard lei -d the large stable or Geo.
WhPnov, possession given Oct. li'th.
The Wiltrey livery stables Is the
oldest buslne s of this kind In this
vicinity. It was started In 1S49 by
Alia Whitney. The stables were
burned twice and rebuilt, afterward
being purchased by H. T. and G.
II. Whitney. Tho business was suc
cessfully carried on by the two men
for a number of years. Alter tho
death of H. T. Whitney the busi
ness was continued by George H.
Whitney, tho present proprietor,
but owing to poor health Mr. Whit
ney was compelled to give up the
business. The entire stock of
horses and wagons will bo sold nt
auction on Sept. IS. Mr. Rickard
has been In tho livery business for
a number of years and Is well known
throughout tho county. Mr. Rick
ard expects to make a number of
changes In his new quarters nnd will
have one of the most up-to-date
liveries In this section,
Edward Mathey has been ap
pointed substitute mall carrier.
Captain Jnmes Ham Circle,
Ladies of the G. A. R will meet
on Friday nfternoon at -':30
The Wayne County Christian
Endeavor Society will meet on bept
l!Sth, In the Presbyterian chapacl.
The Honesdale National Bank
will be closed Monday, September
6 th, Labor Day.
A marriage license has been
granted to J. M. Crone of Tnfton,
and Myrelle Fuudon, of Hemlock
base ball
Saturday the
team defeated
the strong
D., L. & W. team by the score of
12 to 1.
Myron Dodge, formerly clerk
, nt the Allen House, has accepted a
! similar position at Hedington's
i Hotel, In Wllkes-Harre.
Wesley Watson and family ex
pect to remove to Middletown, where
, Mr. Watson 1ms secured a position
I in the O. & W. shops of that city.
I George Nicholson was struck
i by a base ball while walking down
I Court street Monday morning. Mr.
i Nicholson was renuered unconscious
I from the blow.
Saturday morning smoke enilnnt-
ing from a defective Hue In a room
in the building of Paul McGranaglian
of South Main street, caused an
alarm to bo sent In. No damage
On Monday afternoon a num
ber of busness men and ladies met
at the town hall. The purpose of
this meeting was to make arrange
ments for decorations for the civic
parade on next Tuesday.
Adolph Schneider, who Is play
ing with the Heading team of the
Trl-Stnto leage, is the winning
pitcher of the league. Schneider
has pitched twelve games tills sea
son and has won eleven.
The members of the Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school will picnic
at Elm place, Saturday afternoon.
Swings liao been plaied in the var
ious trees and preparations are com
pleted for a pleasant basket picnic.
u, v. Hudd, of Honestlale, and
i iii-rived In HoiK'sdaU" Thursday
! e cuius. Mrs. lJiuld was a former
resident of Wayne county.
- -Supt. ('. 10. liiirr and trnin
i master, .!. li. Itosi nMocl;, were in
! town last Friday. The olllcials have
i-'ien the executive committee the
privilege to use the plots near tho
D. .'i li. depot and also Hat bot
tomed cars for band concerts.
Frank h. (iriswold's mammoth
railroad pavillion "Ten Nights in a
liar-room" Co., under a big water
proof tent, nited up in grand opera
i.uiisc st.vle, will exhibit at Hones
dale, on Thursday, Sept. 2d, at S
p. in. This company carries thirty
people. A car-load of nil special
Mouory, . itli i alcinni and colored
n." elt'oits. One of tho best bands
iii.d a superb orchestra ot ten
pieces. Admission 1 j and 'J."i
I cuts.
i -John Reside, on Monday Inst,
, hi le driving a lumber w.i:,ou lie
I longing to John li. Weaver, pioprlc-
tor of Hotel Wayne, met with n
! very severe accident. Ho was on
! tho .Mast Hope road, when Wearing
an automobile approaching, lie
pulled in on ihe hide of the road,
I to permit it to pass. On attompt
I Inrr to regain the road, tho horses
i being in a very nervous condition,
and the wheels of the wagon strik
ing a large boulder, overturned the
I wagon. This caused Hie horses to
1 inn away after throwing Mr. Reside
! to the ground. He lias his hand
severaly Injured, as well as recelv
' ing bruises about tho body of a very
painful nature. Although badly
injured lie managed to overtake the
horses, and return to Honeadnlu
where his injuries were attended to
by Dr. Powell who was compelled
to amputate one linger.
Mrs. A. C. Lindsay is visiting
friends in Uniondale.
Francis Kaln, of New York, is
spending a few days in town.
Fred Suydam lias returned after
a week's trip to Montreal anil other
Canadian cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nicholson, of
Carhondale, are the guests of
1 lonesdalo relatives.
Miss Hannah Davey, of Wllkes
Barre, Is the guest of tho Misses
Ward of Park street.
Misses Sophia llelnickle, Kathryn
and Mary Ennis spent Sunday with
friends In Wilkes-Harre.
Miss Kathryn PernttI, of Ruther
ford, N. .1., is visiting at tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rarberl.
Mrs. Hello Pellett and Miss Net
tio Dean, of Hawley, Pa., are guests
of Hon. nnd Mrs. E. R. Harden
bergh. Miss Reglna Gngion, of Wilkes
Rarre, Is visiting nt the homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Martin Caufield of Park
Misses Grace Blaine, of Scrnnton,
nnd Miss Ucsslo Tompkins, of Car
hondale, spent several days last
week in town.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Leo nnd Miss
Bertha Cottrell, of Mt. Vernon, N.
Y nre visiting Mrs. Emma Taylor,
of North Main street.
Mrs. May Plum, of Hawley, and
Mrs. Edward Demmlng, of Farin
Ington, Conn., nre visiting at tho
home of the hitter's brother, Mr.
Herbert Plum, who
moved to Honefidule,
recently has
Mss Mary Murtha Is visiting nt
the home of her mother on Carroll
The Rev. Albert L. Whlttnker
nnd family returned from their
month's vacation, spent nt Harwich,
Conn., on Tuesday.
Mrs. Julia Strong Snyder and
Miss Corn Lee Snyder, wife nnd
daughter of the Into Judge Isaiah
Snyder, of Honesdale nnd Hnrrls-
burg, will bo In town on Friday for
a ten days' stay at lf02 North
Main street, where they hope to
see all their old friends.
The following official programme
hns been arranged for Flremens'
At the alarm of the gong at 2
p. in. sharp, Wednesday, September
S, tho different fire companies and
guests will march as follows:
Division No. 1. Alert Hook nnd
Ladder Co. and guests will leave
their hall and march to Church
street, rest between Fourth and
Sixth streets.
Division No. 2. Texas No. 4
Chemical Engine Co. nnd guests will
leave their hall, and march to
Main, then to Fourth and rest at
the rear of Division No. 1.
Division No. 3. Protection En
gine Co. No. 3 and guests leave city
hall. March clown Main to Fourth,
rest nt rear of Division No. 2.
Line of inarch IJp Church to
Twelfth to Court, down to Sixth to
Main to Park to East to Fifteenth
to West to Park .up Main to Trian
gular paik, around park, back to
Main. Down Mnin, each company
with guests to its own headquart
Mayor nnd council.
Flag bearer.
Foremen of Alert and guests.
Lawrence's band.
Hawley Fire Co.
Maple City Drum corps.
Jermyn Fire Co.
Alert Hook nnd Ladder Co.
Hose truck.
Foreman Chemical Engine Co.
and guests.
Forest City drum corps.
Forest City Fire Co.
Honesdale bund.
Texas No. 1 Chemical Co.
Chemical engine.
Guest! of Protection Engine Co.
No. in i nrrhigcs.
Port Jervis drum corps.
Excelsior Co. of Port Jervis and
Dickson City Hose Co.
Lynott's band.
Hendriek's Hook and Ladder Co.
Ilendriclc's Hose carriage.
Lawreiuo band.
Scrnnton Firo dept.
Protection Engine.
Protection Engine Co.
Steamer ami apparatus.
Postmaster General Hitchcock hns
I'gned an order lor the isoi.ance of
it nevi two i "lit stninn in rimniiwn-
o-'atinn of the II udsou-Fulton ii'le
brntlon. which will lie held in New
York, September J." to October 11.
F'.ftv million of these stamps will
be issued and it is hoped by the
postmaster general to have thorn
ready to place on sale by September
2n. Tho stamp is considered as
one of the most artistic ever issued
by the depart mem; It Is oblong in
shape, about seven-eighths of an
inch by 1 inches and comprises n
border containing nt the top the
inscription, "Hudson-Pulton Cen
tenary" with tho dates "HJU'J and
' !!. Below this inscription in
a curved lino, appears "i'nited
States Postage." At the bot'om or
each side is a prominent Arabic nu
meral "2" with the words "two
cents" in a panel between the fig
ures. In the i eiitre is engraved n pic
ture showing tho Palisades of the
Hudson river and the background,
with the "Half Moon" sailing up
the river nnd the "Clermont"
steaming in tho opposite direction.
In the foreground is an Indian in a
canoe, and in the distance a canoe
containing four other Indians.
Tho new stamp will bo printed in
the samo color used on the regular
two-cent stamp.
Regular meeting of Cnpt. James
Ham Post on Friday evening, Sept.
3d. Arrangements to bo made for
taking part in the observance of
Old Homo Week, nnd tho parade
next Tuesday afternoon.
The children and their families
of the lato Sylvanius and Lucindn
Perham met at tho old homestead
Aug. 2.rith, in honor of their brother
Bnso ball, croquet and other
amusements were Indulged in, nnd
a bountiful dinner was spread on
the lawn to which tho thirty people
present did ample Justice. The day
was nil that could bo desired nnd
tho event proved to bo such n suc
cess thnt provision wns made for a
more extended reunion next year.
The' following officers were elect
ed for the ensuing year: President,
C. P. Perhnm, Rutherford, N. J.;
vlco president, S. B. Woodmanseo,
Lnke Corao, Pa.; secretary, Mrs. J.
W. Hull, Honesdale, pa., treasurer,
.T. W. Hull.
Tho time nnd place of tho next
meeting wns left for later decision.
They Report On Whnt Will ho Do
ing Here Next Week.
On Thursday evening the execu
tive committee of the' Old Home
WeekWeek celebration met nt tho
City Hall.
Chairman John Erk of the fi
nance committee reported progress.
Chnlrman W. P. Suydam, of the
chic committee, reported thnt a
number of business places nnd or
ganizations will be represented in
the parade that tiny.
A. T. Searle, chairman of the
dedicatory committee, reported that
the following program has been ar
ranged for Thursday, Sept. 0th:
Prayer, Rev. W. H. Hlller.
High School Song, Honesdale
Alumni Glee Club.
Historical Address, by R. M.
"Old Days nt School," C. B.
Shnw. the first principal of the
"Present Days," Professor H. A.
Address, Rev. W. II. Swift, D.
W. II. Dlmmlck, of the reception
committee, reported that the com
mittee Is making arrangements for
tho accommodation of guests nnd
people. A number of residents
have consented to take boarders.
The Masonic hall will be thrown
open to visitors. Tho reception
committee wns Instructed to secure
a list of names of persons who
would take boarders.
SIgmund Katz, of the advertising
committee, reported progress.
N. J. Ferber, of the firemen's
committee, reported that it was
impossible to secure the old blind
pump engine from the .leffersonvllle
fire company.
Thi' privilege committee have
granted priviledgc to several par
ties. N. B. Spencer, chairman of the
police committee, reported that
arrangements have been made with
tho state constabulary for a detail
from Wyoming.
The following letter was received
from Hon. C. A. McCarthy, presi
dent of the town council, and read
before the meeting. It was ad
dressed to J. 1). Weston, chairman
of the executive committee of Old
Home Week lelebrntion:
"Mr. Chnlrman: I have under
stood from you that it may be
deemed necessary to aslc the town
council for some concessions by
way of suspending temporarily cer
tain borough ordinances which may
come in conflict with carrying out
to tlio best advantage some portions
of your excellent programme. I J
nm sure I can speak for every
member of the council when 1 say
that everything which may bo legal
ly and properly done by tho town
council to advance 'the hi t Inter-
osts of Old Home Week will be,
cheerfully and promptly done by ,
"Borough ordinances are enacted j
for the ordinary government of our.
borons;!! and I see no reason whyj
extraordinary occasions like the j
prcf.i'iit one may not be made an
excentior.. and any ordinance hiih
may In fir fere in any way with carry-i
Inr out in every detail the et-r-,
iuus and programme ought to be;
and will be suspended for this oc-1
- asinn. The town council desires ,
further to my that as a bodv it i-
as well us every individual member
thereof, in full symnatliv and ac
cord with Old Homo Week, and will
he pleaded to assist in any vvay
consistent with its ouTciiil duties in,
making the occasion what It now j
appears it must be, one which will'
add to tho town's reputation for
hospitality, generosity cud socio-i
"As far as tiie regulations for'
pence and order are concerned. I j
believe nothing has thus far been
left undone and we are ready to j
give every assurance mat tue town
will be paroled that no fear of the j
sightest disorder may be uutici- 1
pated. The town itself being con-1
corned principally in tho event of
a successful Old Home Week it
would only seem proper
town council should do
that tho
to pro
efforts be-
consistent with its duty
mote nnd encourage the
ing made by tho citizens'
a model
toe to make the occasion
which other towns will copy.
This is tho duty which seems to
devolve upon us, nnd which we
cheerfully accept. Tho location.
the beautiful scenery and surround
ings of our town; its historical and
romantic, associations need only to
be better known to be better ap
preciated, and it is hoped that upon
the return of those of our people
who have been nbsent for many
years they will find that at least the
hospitality of tho people and of
their ability to do things In the
proper way, have not In nny way
depreciated in the years that have
"Tho council will be always ready
to receive suggestions and com
munications from you regarding
your further wants in the matter,
with every nssurance of receiving
tho fullest and most favorable con
sideration. "With kindest regards and best
wishes, I remain
"Very truly yours,
"Charles A. McCarthy,
"President Town Council."
Upon the conclusion of tho let
ter It wns received with loud ap
plause by tho members of the com
mittees and others in nttendnnce.
A number of decorated coaches
nnd vehicles will be a feature in the
civic parade.
I Old
Reception and I.nlior
ami afternoon.
, Oraml Civic ami Military parade with numerous H
, st iloats, representing local industries; addresses by speakers j
H of national reputation. li
j H Firemen's iJay. Stupendous parade with firemen and H
I H hand; from neihhorintf cities and towns.
1 : Dedication of the new High School building; address :
; by State Superintendent X. C. Schael't'er, and speeches by
j former principals of the school. sj
1 One continuous round of pleasure. Hand concei is,
H carnival companies, fireworks, base ball, etc., etc. is
st , 1 ::
H hxcursion rates on D. ii: 11. Railroad from Wilkes- J
tt iarre to i aiesviite inclusive, i.-'.s: rittston to .rciiiaHl :t
H inclusive, $i.oo; Jermyn to Carhondale inclusive, 75 cents.
Tickets good on all trains. Special train leaves on Sept.
7th, Sih, and nth at 9:15 p. m.
liNcursion rates on the Erie Railroad: Two cents pa-
mile from any station from IHnghamtou down and from
Middletown up ; also on the Krie and Wyoming Division
j from Scratiton and all stations to Hawley. Special train
will arrive in Honesdale at 11 a. m. each day. Special s
H train will leave at 6 n. m. each daw H
li a
for Flags,
all kinds of Decorations
for Old Home Week.
l);iv; ba-ei;ill trame moniin- I!
Bunting and