TlIK UTIZKN, WKDXKSIJAV, SKIT. 1, 11)00. WASH NGTO il LETTER ISpeclal Corre p.Milonce. 1 The remodeling of t In executive of fices In the western wlnj; of the White House henn the other l:iy with the removal of the oll'iee furniture to the cloakrooms adjoining the porte-co-chere at the other end of I he hulltllm;. In the cloakrooms Asslyini Secretary Mlschler. who Is In eharuo of I he of fice force left liehlml by Mr. Taft on his departure for lteu't'ly. will conduct such part of the president's routine correspondence as can he handled In his absence. White House Changes. The plans for the changes In the president's olllces call for the expend iture of S-to.OOO. The front elevation of the office wins will he left unchanged, ns the extensions will be made at the rear. The contractors In charge of the work expect to tear out the rear walls within a few days and to rush the work as rapidly as possible so at to In sure completion before the president's return on Nov. 10. When the White House was remod eled In President Roosevelt's time the work lasted for six months, during a part of which period Mr. ISonsevolt and his family were In the executive mansion. Ghost: of the Capitol. The bin capltol bulldlmr on Hie hill has lis ghosts, identified and other wise, wllh which to conjure tip tales of oilier days. Some of the tales fold by flic old employees of the buildim; In reference lo thce Hindis are pirliir esijue; 'tilers are laughable; oilier-; tarry wllh lliein Hut thuro of trailed.-' thai nii.kes them I he more liitcictlm:. Naturally there are ipiiie a number i! l hofi'lluhiy Identified ;iio-l- re;il! Icred in tlltVeicnt parts of the edifice. Tht exNIelice of the resile-., pilgrims liiii another laud Is vouched for by secral ot the employees of the build-in;.'- and. while of them are sup-po-etl to confine tlielr opcralioiis to Hie basemeiil. there are several that are reputed lo roam all over the place. Spectral Footsteps. When the body of President Carileh' lay in state at tliecapito! an eld out! ueer who was employed in the base ment and who ridiculed the idea of irh'isls decided to be revenged upon the watchmen and policemen who re mained in the I m i It 1 i lit; throimli the niirht. He procured two law Kurdish walnuts and securely tietl the half shells on Hie four feet of the pot cat and carefully turned her loose In stat uary hall. The noise of these shells on the mar ble Honrs at midnight hi the semidark nos us the distracted cat scampered about trying to get rid of her new shoes pave the watchers the worst fright of their lives. The Incident, though n harmless joke, gave rise to the story of the spectral footsteps which follow nil those who have to cross the rotunda in statunry hall aft er the building Is closed for the night. Wraith of J. Q. Adams. The wraith of .Tohn Quincy Adams, from nil narratives on the subject, seems to be the one most often encoun tered. At times It Is alleged that he may bo seen in statuary hall, formerly the old house of representatives and the scene of his death, accompanied by the whole congress of 1S4S gath ered In ghostly conclave, lie is also accredited with roaming about nil parts of the cnpltol and tuny be seen at almost nny time. There Is also a story of General Lo gan, who returns, it is said, to observe the doings of the committee on mili tary affairs, of which he was so long the chairman. Those who claim to have encountered the genera! say that he always wears a black slouch hat and remains either in the committee room or in the corridor adjoining. L'Enfant's Apparition. According to one of the many leg ends which have been gradually accu mulating ever since the building was completed, a corridor In the senate wing basement has a frequent ghostly walker of a foreign aspect. This tall, distinguished looking Individual Is reported to confine ids activities to pacing up and down Hint particular passageway and .'ling a dignified mil itary falute at frequent interval. His identity is still a mystery to the Initi ated in spiritual lore, but il is be lieved that it is the ghost of Majoi IF.nfnnt. the talented Frenchman who designed the city of Washington. The demon cat legend has been re peated for the last llfly years as the animal apparition whldi returns at ir regular periods. The story does not vary much, being merely that of nn ordinary tabby at llrst sight, but she grows to a gigantic horror be fore the eyes of a frightened observer. Sud'teniy ifils demon cat emits a fierce yowl and with eye- ablir.e and mouth open leaps toward the spectator, but Invariably leaps tpiite over his head. The Library" Spooks. In the llbr.iry section there were two gimsfs always n duty. If the solemn word of the eapllol polleomeu may be In Moved. m uf these, a wraith of J thin. Utile old gentleman, had been fi-iitit i.-nlly scirchlng for years in one of the siibeellars for some lliinu hidden iiiiioiu tile volumes. During his llt'eilnie lie had the rcpu faiioii of i.ehu: : eccentric, hoard In 4 ' ' lil ! i l -r many uuir-mal things I' l : the lincl: he n e,l .lnsf iC- f" :n death be el'dc.v ul'i'il ilt'hpel'- iii ! iiuimrt .nine know ledge lo t ' .'" u nil lit bed bill, being l hi r :,' ' ' died wltlmui Im hti-' hi last Mi i Milled. I.otig lil'lf 111-' demise 11 oi ;eui re. I I'liil be bud Mowed u er ' ' w.-rlh , i , " . i i . ' on! - v-emir SIRES AND SONS. Hubert Latham, the aeronaut, is twenty-six years of age. He was born In I'.itis and has served in the French art;.;-. I.i itl l.i i'trts has been f. ur limes ci line. ti. tier in chief, lias twice had hi Inn so -.hoi under him and in IS.'s gained the V. C. The Hlglit Hon. John Hums. M. P.. has been an engineer, u boxer, a strik er, a prisoner, a labor secretary and a cabinet minister. (i. W. Shields of Omaha. Neb., who has the tte of his left arm only. Is able to play a good game of golf. It Is saltl that he can drive the ball P.OO feel. Lord Kitchener, who was recently made a field marshal, was fifty-nine yc.irs old In June and Is the j onuses: lle'tl marshal In the history of (iron! ', lirhaln. Lord Roberts was sixty yorr ' Id when he was raised to the rank, a-'d I.orl Wolseley was sixty-two. i John Jacob Astor. who served on the ( ft a IT of Major tienorn! Shafter in t'uba In the war against Spain and, gave the go eminent a !?10n.0n0 moun tain battery for use In that contllct. Is the inventor of a bicycle brake, a pneumatic road machine ami a turbine engine. M. Leon I'.ntir.ueoK who succeeds M. (ietneneeaii as premier of Franee. vri'veil n various tapacltles y:v" 1 wheM he becttme secretary of the del niVtr.e"! i f Manic, lie entered the eat itiel It'o llrst lime a.- minister of I he Inieii.'r In SWH. He was iirc-ddcM of tic i -'iriell t't ministers in lNii.Vii and pl'c-idelil of the chamber of ib'pu lies in inc..' !!. Things Theatrical. Marie 1 r''--!er wi'l begin l;ei lour In tie! I.olli-e Iff 1 1 v ill have an iinporlenl fi le in "The Uarlli." Marguerite linrk is lo make her tlra llllllie liel'Ut hi "Peter Pan." John F. Webber will be a member of the Pelasco play. "Is Matrimony a Failure V" It. !'. Price ha- been engaged by Mrs. I.e-lle '.'.irter as her business manager for the coming season. "lils P.orrowcil Phillies." the play by Mrs. I'ornwillis-West. lately produced In Loudon, may be Imported to this side of the ocean. P.lanche Ring's new niusl al comedy, "The Yankee C.irl." the libretto of which is by Ceorge V. Hobarl, is said In have a real pint. College and School. There are live universities in India. A dental college has recently been added to the University of Madrid. St. Paul's school, now the. largest as. well as the oldest of the schools of Loudon, Is one of the oldest of Loudon Institutions, older than everything else In London, except the chapter of St. Paul's, and as old as that. In elementary schools !iti per cent of I he children of the 1'nltod States are lu coeducational schools. In secondary schools the proportion for coeducation is p.". per cent. Of colleges and uni- ' ver.iltlcs attended by men t!S per cent admit women. ' Train and Track. Russian railways are the most dan gerous in the world. Thirty persons In every million passengers are either killed or hurt. The most expensive and roomiest railway station In the world is said to be thai of the Peninsular Railway '.tinipany at Hombay. in the building of railways In Tur key preference Is given to the narrow A'augo lines, as these are cheaper and may more readily be made to reach most of the villages situated along the .tenoral Hues which they are intended o follow. Proverbs of Montenegro. Marry with your ears and not with .our ejes. Kven his own tail is a burden to the vcary fox. iCvcry time the sheep bleats she loses t mouthful. What Is the ue of u line collar if it strangles me? It is better to slip with tho foot than vlth the tongue. If you are going to visit tlie woK take your dogs with you. Tlie fugitive covers only one mile, the pursuer twenty In seeking him. English Etchings. Tlie poet laiuvaleship carries with It n pension of tu'Tn a year. lu London alone Uiciv are more than L'.dlKl societies and Insliiutlons fur the relief of misery mid suffering. Horror at the speciucle ol women gathering up the tlut and microbes of the streel wllh their gowns has in duced some women In Loudon to form a Short Skirt league. The members hind themselves in wear skirts that are hygienic In lids rest I. Recent Inventions. I'm- the liuii'.cwll'e's bi'iielll a recent ly paieulcd dlslipan carries mi one side a draining rack fur dishes. A recently patented trowel carries a hopper from which iln mortar t fed nutunutli-nlly In a Miinolb. clear vlreai'i An Vrktiinii tiiaii Im patented a tO MllcIi.c i-hew; i:i which bottles un l'e M'biv ii:i,h -t-. i.i-i-.nTT before the ' .re.- I" !; i i. I'm .iV'' t v NOTES Ur-L Tlie.o nrtlclps anil Illustrations must not Li lepilnti..! wlihout special permis sion. J NO COCKADOODLES IN WASH INGTON. Oh. hear the news from Washington! Oh, list with bated breath! Ami ureal: It gently to the race Lest many fall hi death. Yon nuKiist courts, so solemn, slow, Den oo that roosters havu to go. No cuciiailoodle, hlsh or lotv, liny In that holy city crow. Oil, hear the leason for nil this Why .Mrs. lien must chaiiKu to Miss, Tills law that takes those cocks away While pooille pups bark iihrlii ami day. m: rplmlly iluiles of Washington urn in highballs all nlht. Ainl. Kiiiileil by a copper's arm, I liry don't set home till Mailt. These pretty Kills of fairy form, Abu Hive the diplomats brainstorm. Who Ui.l; IiIkIi .links llt;e tab- SJalome. awful lale returning linnii'. Tlinso maininas who inibilau In brldKe L'nlil old Sol peeps o'er lilue ItidKC, And duds who lattlu poker t ldpi And late put on their nlglity t.llps Tlieii- all have knocked nl i ouster's crow tiiviuse. It liritale.-i tliem so, And tluis tlie cocks may crow no more liefiUisu "fassiety" must .snore. Now without tariff hullabaloo. Cut off from coekndoodledoo, Oil. won't that old town be a bore With notliin' doin' but a snore'.' C. .M. HAltNITZ. THE NEST EGG NO FAKE. Now! ICverybody ready' Here's for a good laugh at the cushion pressing j poultry editor who calls the nest egg t "grandmother's superstition." Our hens just cackle for them. Why? , .lust because a lion sits plump down i on a nest egg and uses It to press out , the new egg. She will lay almost every time where j there is an egg and, If not furnished, will otten scratch a stone, corncob or green apple into the nest. Hens can carry an egg under the wing, as you have discovered to your sorrow when lifting a cluck hastily from the nest. Wo have been surprised nt times to lind most of the nest eggs in one nest and on watching have de tected a hen making the transfer. To cultivate the habit of laying in one place aud to stop nest stealing, to prevent hens crowding Into one nest aud also the dropping of eggs, to be broken and eaten, nud to start your laying pullets to lay iu tho uests, fur nish nest eggs, aud lots of them. The patent louse killing nest egg soon evaporates aud taints the eggs. The natural egg should not be useu np it gets stale. The white china egg Is bott for the nest. FOR A QUICK, EARLY MOLT. Fido, Pussy and Old Fan shed their hair just like Biddy molts her feath ers. Easy, cheap way to get a winter overcoat! Hut Biddy must hustle her molt to escape colds and roup and to lay early winter high priced eggs. Strong hens don't get bare, their new feathers quickly replacing the old. Molting begins about July 1 and should end Sept. 1 nt latest, and thin hens molt first, so thin them down by cutting the ration to one-half or a third the usual quantity, according to condition, whether fat or thin. For this three weeks' anti-fat ration feed mostly wheat and oats and twice a week on clear days feed a mash in which put two tublespoonfuls of sul phur to every fifty fowls. Now feed heavily of good grains, cut hone and sunflower seed. This will rush their new feathers and bring them to laying condition. Keep them Iree from Hoe In molt, feed no egg force and protect them from exposure. RIVERSIDE lffg?rA I'A. tMilJ O StMw CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED U V Jpf DON'TS. Don't miss your town paper in ad vertising slock to sell. It will bring you boodle for cockadoodle, and you'll not be like the noodle who placed his ad. r0() miles away and never heard from It until the judgment day. Don't Inrgct ihat young show birds should be well fed. well homed, well petted, but not spoiled. Don't lock that door after the chick ens have been stolen nor hide the key on the doorstep. Don't build a henhouse like a king's palace, and don't build a shack. To build Just right, as iu anything else, y-,u must liutl the golden mean, anil the golden mean leads to the gold mine. j Don't get mad at your neighbor If ho I skins your cat that skinned his chick. It's a skin game trick. Don't sigh loi- more worlds to con I que:' before y mi conquer yourself, That I made Alexander a great failure. , Dou'l go through tho world with , your eyei open to the other fellow's 1 I'aulis. Vmi can't hide your own even III safely vaults. 1 Deii'i count your show birds till ihey mature ami dou'l count your cup till ilv Minw over. D 'ii i.e,.i ! ! ' i m'' ehai'e. . w ii ', in. . . ' t . i 1 f ii" i THE CORNISH INDIAN GAME. If tho lightweight Leghorn is the vkb machine and the ltrahma is tho 1 beef of poullrydom, then the Cornish ludlau Game must be the draft horse. It's the chunkiest chicken Incubated. Hut Is that big bird really a UauieV Sure. Its lirst father was a Lord Derby P.lach llreasted Red danie of England aud its mother an Aseel Game from India. The progeny of this pair weie mated to a niaeU Sumatra Game, uud If these ' three varieties are placed beside u thoroughbred Cornish Indian their re- latloushlp can be easily traced. Tho Hlacl: llreasted Red Is seen In ' the color, the Aseel In the masslve ness aud the Sumatra In the beautiful metallic luster of the plumage of the Cornish Indian. Hut why should the Cornish club drop the name "Game" i ami call their favorite "Cornish I'otvl," "Cornish." "lndlanV" Because the name "Game" handl- ' caps Its popularity, as that name Is as sociated with cruel eockllghtlng and 1HU C'OUNiHlI INDIAN ClAMli the rutliaulsiii ami outlawry of the cockpit, while this inagnillcout fowl Is j peaceable in disposition and built pri marily for meat, of which delicious ar- I tide it carries much. I The White is the other variety of ' Indian (lame, but its lighter weight j points to Malay origin or cross, while tlie Cornish, the subject of our sketch, is more like the Aseel. ' The lirst true Cornish were brought from Kngland In 1SS7. They have many friends. The hen Is marked much like the Partridge Cochin, but the palm for beauty must go to the male, lie is n picture with his red comb, face, wat tles and ear lobes, pearl eyes, yellow beak and legs, greenish black hackle, glossy black and red back and saddle, beautiful red and black wing mark ings, rich glossy black breast and un derbody and low, lustrous black lull. For beauty and flesh we have found them extra tine fowl. CORNISH INDIAN STANDARD WEIGHTS. Pounds. Pounds. Cock 9 Hen C-j Cockerel VA Pullet FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. A Quaker was too religious to kill a dog that caught his chickens, so he gave him a good kick and yelled, "Mad dog!" Kverybody joined In the chase, and the pup's career soon ended. Can't you get up a mad dog scare In jour town? A mad dog scare In Danville. Pa., last year caused I tie canine popula tion in "ki-yi" over a hundred of their departed relatives who were shot by cops. Let the good work go on. Concrete block poultry houses do not appear to make good, as they are reported cold and chilly and not con ducive to big egg records. The offering of n bounty of 2 cents a head for sparrows at Marquette. Mich., resulted In the slaughter of 1,004 in three months. Poultrymcn who arc careless with feed eucouragc the pest. A plseou fancier caught ICS In his loft entry, where feed was scat tered from the pigeon troughs. Th-'re are at present 5.500.000 geese In the United States. 5,000,000 ducks and 0.500.000 turkeys. If these were served to (10,000,000 people those at the second table would surely get left. Clucks may seem awful slow hatch ing to one who runs Incubators, but their chicks are awful fast growers In i omparlion to Incubator chicks. They r-tuiY with teed until they resemble a First ward alderman right after ho polls a big majority, but such a quan tity of feed kills an Incubator chick overnight. The reason Incubator chicks come nut so much earlier than a hen's is be einie we run the machine too hot, and when thlr. Is not the nse we must ro il. ember that a hen Is outside and her haich Is apt to be retarded by tho weather, while an Incubator Is gener ally where a ill op lu temperature can't affect il. l'er quality, quick growth and per fect maturity of chicks take the hen, j but for quaniity take the Incubator. I No brooder can brood like P.lddy. This D not I'osslllsin. for vie use both. The Almighty made a good thing when lie eiv.itul the cluck, and she can't be legislated out of existence by the In .nU'ti.r iiiauufacturers. I ai reieriiorti. .. ii., eggs were dropped from u balloon, a mile In the I -i 1 1. to demonstrate that explosives i r -..:. 1 he dropped accurately. They ih, I Hi' mark.' Haymow hen fruit was ! forbidden. .. tin key hen Is a gt d breeder for , four t live years, but It Is good to 'h,.' a new. strong, young gobbler , ci.rv s;vlni; fi r a sure ihln; IB ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT AVcfjelablcFreparaltonror.As sirailalingiheFoodantlRcdiila tinfjUtc Sioraaclis andDwclscr Promolcs DirtcslionQtctful ncss and Rest.Conlabs ncithcr Ophmi.MorphUie norJJincral. Not Narcotic. n23',l.ll 11 ficcfaefordDrSMurnvni jSlxSaaa Jifpenniat- , UtCartonakSili narmrrcn tlmrr. Anerfecl Remcdv fovConstira- tlon.SourStomaclt.Ularrhota Worms .Coiwulsioiis.mvrish' ncssandLossorSLiiKP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK Guaranteed, unafi'tiie I'ootlar Exact Copy of Wrapper. II. 0. HAND, I'ltKSii.iM. W. P.. IIOI.MKS, Vii'K I'l.i -. We waul you to uncleiianii t ln i i-iimuis i'i this 5JLF. MIKE. U HButa'. .'. MitfwjjBie 11 w E w KW.W mm HONE SD ALE , PA., HAS A CAPITAL UK - - - $l(Ht,ii(io.0i AM) SUKPLl'S AND PROFITS OF - !3:,r,,uuo.Up MAKLNCi ALTOGETHER - - 45:, KVHliY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose a rr.N .s Y It has conducted a growing aud successful business for over W years, serving an increasing number of customers with tidelitv and satisfaction. Its casli funds are protected by MODKHN "STKKI, VAULTS. All ol the.e llimgs. otiplftl with i-i)ii-ervutlvt management, insured by the C. UKI'L'b i'KIfM l.VAL ATTKNTION constantly given the Iiiiiik'i n flairs by a nota lily able Hoard of I Hrector-j assures tlii'iutriu of that sri'IiK.MH SAKKTY which is the prime essential of a good Hunk. Total Assets, fcaT DEPOSITS MAY I5H MADKJP.Y MAIL. "Xte DIRECTORS H. C. 11 A Nil. A. T.SKA1H.K. T. Ii. CI.AliK ('HAS. .1. SMITH. ii. j. coN(ii:i;. V K. SL'YD.VM. Daily TEN CENTS SAVED grow to $9,504, TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years amount to $19,006. The wav to accumulate money is to save small sums system- , atically and with regularity. At ." per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in L'.i years aud 104 days. At 0 per cent, money doubles itself in 11 years and 3i7 days. If you would save 50 cents a day, in 50 years you would have $47,520. If vou would save 1.00 a day, at the end of 50 years you would have $95,042. Begin NOW a Savings Account at the THREE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID Miniev loaned to all U'uyne counteans furnish, lug guml security. Votes ilhcoililled. l-lr.-l inert gageonre il estate taken. Safest and cheap est way to semi muiii'V to foivlgni'oitiit ries Is by tti-iitis. lo h,-had at tills liauk. 9 9 (c iioi'sKiioi.i) r.VNKs 1'itici:. TelepSione Announcement This company i preparing to do extensive constniclion work in tin- Hanesdale Exchange District which will gifiilly improve the service a nil enlarge the svstem Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reihuvil telephone rates, anilrto not contract for any oilier service without conferring with our j? Contract Department Tel. No. 300. " CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. I l-'osU-r lUiildin-. ty CiTiZF.N P'viNT COUNTS F't's: z ( tui v the- tt vso ;cv K' L 'V: OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use or Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. II. S. SALMON, CA-iiu ii W. ,i. WAIID, As.-."!' CAMUKlt fur the A BSOI-UTH SKCUKITV Bank. SAVINGS SANK $2,733,000.00 V. IS. IIOI.MKS I'.P. Kl.MlibK II. S. SALMON every day will, in liity years, WW la Honesdaie Dime Bank