THE CITIZEN, WEIKMSIAY, AUGUST 2o, 1001). 2w & VILLAGE, HAMLET, FARM. Doings in Rural Wayne. Interesting Items Picked Up by Our Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents fll ... 1 I ,M "hi, 'HIIIMMIIIIIMII II I ! - ' I lilllll I Ml II I ' ALDENVILLE. Miss Jessie Nelson, of Slko, and Miss Mae Stevens, of Portland, Oregon, were visitors at the home of C. H. Uniarth, last Friday, Mrs. C. 11. Howell, of South Pres ton, and Mr. A. V. Larrahee and wife and two children, of Starrucca, are guests at the homo of Warren Bunting. Miss Mary Hates, of Scranton, and Miss Bertha Lialabanh, of Wllkes Uarre, are gueftu t the home ol John Don Icl;. Mr. and Mrs'. U. II. Knnpp and Mr. and Mrs. ;3. .1. Stanton attended a funeral ni I'inl; last Wednesday. Mrs. S. M. .Murlrick and Raymond 10. Smith leave this morning on a trip to Klk Hill where they expect to spend Sunday. T. i:orett Hainey left last Krlday on a triii 1" Now York City. Aug. i! 1 , liHCt. SO mi C.WAA.S'. The ( onsolidated Telephone Co Monday for a three weeks vacation. The Hist Sunday the pulpit will ho filled by a minister from New York and the next Sunday Hov. Tinsley, who was our pastor for two years, will preach. Aug. 21, 1U09. onts, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Palmer. Miss Nellie Morea, of Lons Island is making nn extended visit with relatives at this place. Mrs. Jay Walling, of Deposit, 1ms returned home after spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Htne. W. B. Belknap and wife, are visit lug at Deposit. Mrs. Fred Soules, of Lestershlre, and Mrs. Temperton and son of Forest City, are visitors at the home of S. H. On August "Sth the veterans of the Civil war, in tills vicinity, and their friends will hold a basket pic nic In Palmer's drove. Hew M. 1). Fuller of Carhondale. and other r.peakers are expected to he pres ent; also the Orson Cornet Band. All lovers of their country's free dom nre invited to lie present. Several of the farmers In this vicinity will have to dispose of uhout one-hnlf of their stock this fall on account of the scarcity of fodder. Prompton la minus a constable as constable Baker has moved to Carhondale. MtOKOl'T. Mr.".. Peter 11. Coles is sick with appendicitis. Lydia, daughter of John 11. Flynn, is sick witli typhoid fever. lClijah Teepie, our efficient post master, has sent his resignation to Washington. For over twenty years lie has faithfully performed his du- j ties. SALEM. The Salem Grange will hold a picnic on the campground hero on Thursday, Aug. liGth. At 2 p. m. How John Johnson, Chaplain of the Stat'.' (!i,iiii!,,. will deliver an ad dress. Members of neighboring Gi :. ..tu. . cordially invlt"l. KTICBIjIXG. I Picnics and reunions uie of daily i , occuncii' Cr. and Friday, the i!th, the Odd Fellows will celebrate Ihei j occasion on the giound above the; I church. 1 i Several years" ago Charles Me-1 have a number or their phones now ; KrKl' died and since then most o! in operation in this place. Although tho ,i,,u'- i,Ik v"lit n'-,l,lcl1 Wltl' they ..i.e. wltl. considerable op-' 11 l;Uighter Mrs. Oria hwnwn. position in getting through, they ltTvl lie. who has very ilnallv have succeeded in connecting. ' l,u,l- '' w ,u'r, in 'u'l," llasen, who has been visit- ' on U,,t' -'' ";' 1ng friends in Pottsville, Pittston ' ,,10!ltl,u(1 ''.or aht. ""I1 w 11 w (1 has returned to rest to-day beside lier husband in the M. H. cemetery. Her eldest and Wilkes-l!arre Imttwv William Marshall and son. Al-' Al""BW- rei-ontly died at the old home In this place last Sunday. Ann Wilcox Megargie was nearly John Decker has the foundation I '":,, laid for his new store, and expects! ,, J 1 uu-' ,f u to have the same built in the near 1 I'raunkJe. ol New oniidhmd. future. It goes without saying that1 'm Bvo nn i lustrated lecture in his success is assured, as a store in 1 ",0 chu1r, a"(1 e predict it will this locality is very much needed, i 1,0 (worth ?ln nnd "rlnK. Miss Blanche Arnold, of Car-' Anyone who drives oyer our road hondale. was the guest of Mr. and I ;'nn ,n?' HC,' 'hat iln improvement Mrs. Joe Bronson last week. il wo,lld bt 11 tlu ,ll!in-v ose Ktones i were thrown out, as the law re quires. LAKEVILLE. p.,,,, ej,!,,,., a veteran of the Miss Melva Hoshcr, of Pittston, , Hi.tiw, who spent most of his life returned homo last week after spend- , jn sterling, but who now makes ing some time with her aunt, Mrs. I home with his only daughter, Peter Daniels. , Mis. Wadenuan, at La Anna, is George Killem, of Dunmore, was j spending a few days in tills section the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William !tnd attended the Post meeting on Brook. He returned on Friday. 'the 21st. Charles Daniels is some hotter at' !rs. Eliza Simons Shaffer, of this writing. Pittsburg, with her mother, are Mrs. Sarah Kimble and daughter, i guests at Mrs. It. V. Bartheson's. Lottie', of Huwley, are the guest of. Royal and Floyd Cross played their daughter, Mrs. C. Locklin, ofii;.!i us usual with the I.ako Ariel this place. team on the 21st. Score was 12 G. L. James is entertaining H. A. to 0 in favor of Lake Ariel. Ilones- Depuy, of Dunmore who is at this dale couldn't see the ball at all. place on a fishing trip. c K. Swingle and wife, of Scran- Miss Lucy Sheeley is spending her ton, are guests at Mr. Lesher's. vacation at Port Jervis, N. Y. ! s. N. Cross is now on his way Mrs. Delia Evans and four chil- to the P. O. S. of A. state camp that dren, of Scranton, spent a few meets this week at Washington, days recently witli her parents, Mr, Penn'a. and Mrs. Robert Loveless. ' .lis. A. J. Cross and t-on, Milton, Mr. and .Airs. A. Goble, Philip , are now at Mrs. Cross' parents at Sheeley, Mrs. W. B. Foss and son, ' Columbia, N J. Russell, Miss Ada .Morris, Miss i Master George Cross has just re Grace James, .Mr. and Mrs. Minigan turned from a visit to New Jersey. spent Sunday on the Wallen Paupac river, and enjoyed the day's outing OBSOX 11 11 UlUllLl.) . Miss Elizabeth Alpha is in Scran ton on her vacation. INDIAN ORCHARD. The cool nights of late, leads many lo believe that we will have an early autumn. A great many in this vicinity are repairing and building new stables. L. it. Garrett has laid a stone walk I nun his house to the road, lie took tlie stone from his quarry and cut the same himself. Nicholas llouth, the patbinaster. who lesldes at Swamp Brook, assist ed by several in this vicinity, put the load leading from Chas. Carhuff's to the Mast Hope road In a line con dition on Thursday last. Mr. II. is the right man in the right place. All the roads worked by him are in a lirst-clnss condition and he is be ing highly complimented by those who travel over them. a picnic will he hold in Bucking ham'!) :irove on Wednesday, Sept. 1st, proceeds of which will he ap plied on minister's salary. Earl C. Hani has put a concrete lloor in Victor Smith's stable. Mr. Reese and family, of Carbon dale, are visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. llenshaw and Mr. and Mrs. O. I). llenshaw. All grangers should attend the meeting to be held at their hall on Saturday evening next. .Mr. and .Mis. II. II. Crosby were recent visitors at the homo of Arthur Olver and wife of East Honesdale. When completed Ernest Harvey will have the best cow barn in this vicinity. It will be made of concrete blocks made by himself. S. K. Dills and family are enter taining several relatives from the valley. Mrs. Richard Ham spent Weanes day last at the home of Joseph Tuman and wife of White Mills. Cora Wood, of Beach Lake, spent Saturday last with Alletta Marshall. Several from here attended the party at the home of M. J. Connor on Friday evening last. All report a grand time. .Miss Kate Daniel left on Sunday to visit friends and relatives at Scranton and Pittston. STHENIC. Constable Frank Baker has mov ed from Prompton to Carhondale. Samuel Founds Is visiting his son at Scranton. Mrs. Samuel Founds and daugh ter, Mrs. Stephens, start out Tues day, the 24th, for a ten days' vaca tion at Ocean Grove. Mr. and Mrs. William Renny, of Carhondale, are spending their va cation at Steene at the home of Mrs. Minnie Mill. Within the last three weeks John Van Buskirk has lost two valuable horses. The Prompton borough fathers have decided to build this fall a half mile of crushed stone road. Let the good work go on. After a two weeks' vacation, our mail carrier, Mr. Gilpin, is again on duty. Thomas Arthur Is on the sick list this week. It Is rumored that wedding bells will soon he ringing here at Steene. KlCljIiAM AND IJRAMAN. TIio much-needed rain has come and forty-eight hours moderate rain lias revived nil vegetation and set tled tho dust. Tlio Sunday school picnic at Bra man was largely attended and n great success, both socially and fi nancially. About ?".0 wns raised for tho church. Mrs. II. Weitzor returned to-day from New York. Ilnttlo Hosengrans, who lias been visiting at this place and Lookout, returned to her home In Hawley to day. LIlllo Farbox, from Sherman, Is the guest of Emma Stalker. Mrs. Frances Kent, son and two daughters, returned to their homo In Port Jervis last Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lnyton, from Mill Rift, who lived In this place several years, are spending some time witli rolatlves and friends. Ina McClure, from Deposit, Is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Wolls Keys. Rev. W. Erapleton leaves next The seventeenth annual reunion of the Hine family was held in Palm er's Grove on August Uth with an attendance of about one hundred i and seventy-five of the members present. The day was a pleasant one, and long to ho remembered. From early in the morning until after the noon train arrived the guests came in great numbers, all with smiling faces and baskets of provisions. Until noon the time was spent in friendly greetings and in visiting. After an hour spent In doing justice to a feast that in cluded all the delicacies of the sea ton, tho president. D, J. Hine, called the friends together and a pro gram consisting of vocal and In strumental music and recitations was carried out. The Orson Cornet Band was also present and added much to the pleasure of all with their well-selected music. Secretary N. F. Hine read the minutes of last year's reunion, nnd reported live deaths, two births and seven mar riages during the year. The fol lowing officers were then elected: President, D. J. Hine; vice presi dents, .Mrs. Daniel Tuthill, of La Plume and Mrs. Elvira Tallman, of Winwood; secretary, N. F. Hine, of Scranton; treasurer, Mrs. D. P. Hine, of Orson. After tho business session sup per was served under tho trees In the grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Stnnloy Hine extended an invitation to all present to spend the evening at their homo which was accepted, and a very pleasant time enjoyed by all. Many out-of-town guests were pres ent and added greatly to tho pleas ure of tho others by their contribu tions of vocal and Instrumental mu sic. Most pleasing was a vocal solo sung by Mnster Reah Drake, of Binghnmton, N. Y., accompanied by his mother at the piano; also a piano and violin duet, played by Miss Grace Hall of Orson nnd Dr. H. A. Evans, of Edwardsvlllo. About eleven o'clock, with fond adieus the friends departed to their homes, The Orson M. E. Sunday school spent a v.ery pleasant day with tho Thompson Sundny school at Coxton Lako on Saturday last. Mrs. Charles Young and llttlo dnughter, Mndela, of Brooklyn, N. Y., nre at tho homo of her par- USWICK AND JiAKICVIMilC. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woodward and two children from Dunmore. nre visiting Mr. and .Mrs. James Carv foot at Lakeville. .Mrs. Kate Roberts returned to her employment on Sunday, the .Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Haney have been entertaining the former's sis ter, .Mrs. D. Ross and son; also .Mrs. Muras, of Ashley. The latter is Mr. Haney's niece. They returned home on Saturday. .Mr. and .Mrs. Haney called on .Mrs. Daniel Smith on Sunday, tho 15th, at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. James, at Lake ville. .Mr. Byron Tuttle, of Wilsonville, is moving his family to Ashley, where he has secured employment. Tho stork has been visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Lewis Curtis of Ariel, and left them a line baby girl. Con gratulations on their first born. Tho mother was formerly .Miss Sadie Pennell, of Uswick. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heichelbeek, of Audell, are the happy parents of a young daughter. We also con gratulate them on their first born. Joseph Herzog, of Lakeville, run a needle in Ills foot. A physician from llawley took it out. .Mrs. Davis returned to Brooklyn, N. Y., on Wednesday after visiting her mother, Mrs. Lemphert, for a (ouple of weeks. Her two sisters returned to Brooklyn with her. GALILEE. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Berry, who have been visiting In Scranton, have returned home accompanied by their two grandchildren, Helen and Alice, children of Mrs. Garret Berry. Mr. Swain, of Brooklyn, who has spent tho last two summers In this vMtilty, died very suddenly at tho home of S. N. Gregg, where he bad been boarding, on Saturday last. The body will be sent to Brooklyn Tor burial. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan, of Brooklyn, are spending their vacation at Irving Hutledgo's. The schools will be opened Sept. 7th. Much needed repairs are being made on the Keesler school house; ah;o a coat of paint inside as well as ouU'.ide. MHs Bessie Betts, a normal school graduate, will have charge of the school. Miss Margaret Loy will go to Hiihlnunk and Miss Grace St. John will leach at Hutledgedale. There was a large attendance at (lie funeral uf Philip Burke at St. Joseph's church, near Rlloyville, on Saturday last. Mr. Burke s death was very sudden an he had been ill but a short time, lie leaves a wife tnd live children. A PLEASANT TIME. j According to previous arrange ment the members' of Thompson M. I E. and F. W. B. Sunday schools, ' with the members of Orson M. E. j Sunday school to the number of 2ii0 scholars, officers and teachers, met at's Groe, Coxton Lake, i on Saturday, Aug. 14th, where a sttmptous dinner was served to over , 400 persons, tins extra 1i0 scholars being picnic scholars. However,' we were glad to see them all. After dinner a ilne program was rendered, consisting of addresses, solos, duets, recitations, and music by tho Orson band. The superin tendents of the schools take this way of thanking all who helped to make the occasion a complete suc cess, especially E. E. Golatt and wife, and others at Lake Coxton for opening their homes and grounds, for our enjoyment. STEA BY ACCUMULATION of funds will wear away tho hardest rock adversity plants in your path. Dollars, dollars and yet dollars, r.lowly but surely deposited with us will slowly, but regularly and sure ly win !5 per cent, interest each year, with its compounding. BftHK Honesdale, 13 a. This Maxwell Auto Model D.R. has climbed fvirr hiSi about White Mills and vicinity SHERMAN. 1C. J. Whltmoro spent last week In Binghnmton. Miss Kathcrino Kroley, of New York, Is boarding at W. O. Curtis'. Amelia and Wallace Freed, of Her- , nice. Pa., are visiting friends in town. ' Miss llattle Arneko Is spending a I few days in Binghnmton. . i Ed. Barlow has a very sore hand caused by a blister from chopping 1 wood. .Mrs. Clarence Gardiner lias friends 1 visiting iter from Now York. . Mrs. Enoch Sylvester is very sick. I Dr. Hitchcock is the attending phy-' sician. Tlie Sherman hoys got quite n bump Saturday atterday playing ball. They played two games, one with the ! Roads Creek nine, score IS to (! in' favor of Sherman, and one with .Maple Grove, score S to 7 in favor of Sherman. Prothonotnry M. J. Haulon lias accepted invitations to deliver ad dresses at the following places: Grange picnic, at Torrey, Aug. 2fi; Veterans' reunion, Orson, Aug. 2S; the Trl-County gathering, Union dale, Sept. 1 . The Maxwell ranges in price from $500 lo $1,750 When you want a dependable motor car, call or write our White Mills Agency, White Mills, Pa. STEENE. The Ladies' Aid will bo hold at tho homo of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Aion. Wood on Wednesday, September 1st. All are invited to be present. A few days ago tho bobolink dis covered that Ills corn wns being badly treated by some unknown enomy. Thinking it was the crows that was tearing off tho ears by tho score, ho set several traps, around through his corn field. The first morning after setting tho traps he had two chipmunks; tho next morn ing one of his traps was holding a largo 20-pound coon. The corn has boon holding its own since. Tho Lako Lodore Ice company are busy this week surveying "their grounds around and nbout Lake Lo dore. Tho school houso at Steeno is be ing treated to a new roof. Tlie schools will open in this section on September 14 th. Harris Short, of Carhondale, was a visitor at Steeno over Sunday, The recent rains have revived the late planted potatoes so that a fair crop Is expected. The Proper Celebration ol "OLD H M WE K will aH'ord lloncsilali1 pcojiV a van rppor! unity to 1 tho a s'M'tion that tho host bargains arc always to found at homo. .N'early ovory family in town will have ono or more guests cluiirg tho coming colohration, and every hou.-ehold should he prepared to entertain its visitors in a truly hospitable manner. Oni- of the necessities of the sideboard will be good Wines and Liouoju. and !l,"sethe undersigned pledges himself to supply ;.t piiu and quality not to be approached by outside dealers. Look at These Figures on goods PERSONALLY GUARANTEED to be in strict accordance with the PURE FOOD LAWS : Private Stock, Spring 1902, one of the finest Whis kies that ever came down the Pike. . . .$3.50 gal. King Leo, none better, 1903, $3.50 gal. Early Times, none purer, 1903, $3.50 gal. Early Times, none purer I95, $3.00 gal. Finch's Golden Wedding, 1904, $3.50 gal. Finch's Golden Wedding, 1905, $3.25 gal. Outerbridge Horsey 1904, $3.50 gal. Oakland 1905, $3.00 gal. El Bedford 1905, $3.00 gal. Silverbrook 1905, $3.00 gal. Automobile 1905, $3.00 gal. Jackson Square 1905, $3.00 gal. Victoria Cresent Club igo6, $2.50 gal. Jockey Club $2.00 gal. Ben Chance $2.00 gal. Shooting Club $2.00 gal. Red Rye 2 00 gal. Shaw's Pure malt WINES Grand Imperial Sec. compar ing favorable with the best imported wines. Sparkling Burgundy Claret Burgundy Rhine Wine Benedictine Chartaruse Curacoa Maraschino Absinthe Vermouth Creme de Mint Creme de Rose Creme de Vanille Creme de Violet Hava Cocktails Kirschwasser Zwetschenwasser Slivowitz Having in my stock 1000 gallons of California Port and Sherry Winos, the regular prico of which is 50c per quart, I will supply all customers up to Septem ber 15th with theso choice and pure goods at just HALF PRICE, ZW UT GIST'" ORDERS TAKEN FOR PABST MILWAUKEE BEER. L. FUERTH, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Wines and Liquors.