The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 25, 1909, Image 7

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Farm and
Poultry Business as Viewed by a
Scientist of the Government.
Thut the egg Industry affords mi ex
ccllcnl opportunity for investment is
the opinion of Professor Mllo M. Hus
tings, scientific assistant animal hus
bandry ottice of tins agricultural do
partuiont at Washington. The best es
timates available indicate that the in
come from poultry products is one of
the four or live most Important sources
of the agricultural wealth of the na
tion. The proof of this statement Ik
attributed to the fact that the price
of eggs for the last ten or twelve years
has shown not only an absolute rise,
but a relative rise, when compared
with the general average of vaiues of
cither farm crops or food products.
One of the principal requirements
generally considered Is the degree of
fiv-duioss. Tlie rule, however, is some-
times variously applied. An egg forty
eight hours old that has lain In a
wheat shock during a warm July rain
would probably lie .swarming with bac
teria and be absolutely unlit for food,
while another egg stored eight months
In a lirst class cold storage room
would lie of much better quality. For
food all fresh eggs are practically
equal. The tint of the yolk varies
somewhat, being more yellow when
preen feed has been supplied the hens.
The llavor of the egg is also inllueuced
by the food given to the hen.
Particular attention Is called to the
loss sustained by reason of dirty eggs,
broken eggs and fertile eggs exposed
to heat. The loss of eggs that are
actually rotten forms only about 1 to
2 per cent of the year's output.
The farmer receives 1." cents for a
dozen eggs, the shipper of a cent,
freight 1V cents, receiver '- cent, job
ber 14 cents, candling 2 cents and
gross profit to retailer -i cents, making
a eggs cost the New York con
sumer about 25 cents.
The high price of strictly fresh eggs
is counterbalanced by the price at i
which cold storage can be secured. I
"The Industry as a whole," Professor !
Hastings says, "Is of great benefit to
both the egg producer and the egg
consumer. It has tended to level
prices throughout the year and has re
sulted In a large Increase In the fall
and winter consumption of eggs. This
moans a larger total demand and a
consequent Increase In price."
The poultry shed shown In the Illus
tration Is a good type of house for
hens that "give eggs." It has a cur
tain front which permits sufficient air
and protects the layers. The curtains
are of a length that prevent scratching
of the shed. A good typo of layer Is
shown In the picture of the Plymouth
Itock ben, although there are other
Keeping Cream Sweet.
If properly cooled cream will keep
much longer than milk, for the reason
that it contains less milk serum or
food for the nctlou of bacteria. It
hhould be kept in a pure atmosphere
so as to prevent It from taking up fla
vors by absorption. If cream is kept
In a cellar the walls should bo white
washed several times during the year.
Lime Is a great purifier. Never allow
vegetables to remain In tho samo room
in which cream la kept. During the
daytime the cellar should bo kept
closed, but nt night thero should be
thorough vontllntion.
The Swiss Chard.
Swiss chard Is growing In popular
ity. It Is cultivated like the beet and
Is ready for uso as a sort of substitute
for asparagus within a few weeks
after seeding. It lacks the richness of
flavor of asparagus, but is a good sub
stitute while tho asparagus plantation
Is getting ready to bear. Tho long
Ktalks are served ns asparagus or as
creamed celery, and tho leaves may be
cooked like spinach. Lucullus lo thj
choicest variety.
til Np
r V?" -' ;
Reduction Qhcwn b- R'j-rt3 Frori
More Than 30,023 vJ-.vrvilj.
Every farmer in tin t'nlicl Stales
must be interested hi tlie Iv. inliiv pro
duocd. During the ye.:r i n-.
sawmills in fie ::: !- i.i..- -i
fiu-mred t"VW5t:!).n"0 fo -i of ii--t
according to a preliminary lop-, i !
sued by the bureau of the iciwu-.
These mills also cut rj,liHi..s;!,'i-,ii
shingles and 2,!IS(!.CS4.0(I0 lath. Lum
ber manufacturing, like every ether
industry, felt the effects of the busi
ness depression which began !'i O
tuber. 1!KJ7. Consequently the pri.duc
tion In 100S was below that for the
previous year. In 11)07 the cm of
2S.'tt sawmills was Iti.LTiiJ.iril.uiio fc !.
the highest production ever recorded.
Xoliiwlllistandlng, therefore. Ihai in
1!H)S reports were received from s per
cent more mills than in ltliiT. the de
crease in luiubir cut reported by tlieai
was slightly 'over IT per cent.
Washington, as for several yn--.
still ranks lirt among the slates ii
lumber produitioii. Its cut in lw
ing 2.!iir..!i-JS.(0(l feot-.-i dv.v.i.' o.'
per cent over the cut in Iff 17.
Nearly all the lumber m-nitifiU-tiir'd
in Washington Is Douglas llr. the mar-
, l:el for which was seriously al'i'ec!"l
by I he panic Louisiana rank
, with '-.'.722,-121,0011 feet, a decrease "f
' 2.".;M.titi.(iOO feet, or S.I per cent, fivai
i the cut in 11)07. Louisiana is Urn i:i
1 the produetlon of both yellow pine
and cypress. Mississippi was the
third slate in lumber production in .
i:!S with a total of l.siil.oiii.iuio tci j
a do-reuse of 11 per cent from the,
cut in 1!K17. I
Arkansas ranked fourth with i
imi.niMi feet, a decrease of nearly 17
per ci'nt from the previous ear's ui
p ... and Wisconsin liflh with 1.0K!.- ',
r.lo.lMiO feet against 2.(10.",.27'.1.000 feet
in l!ii)7. In Texas, where the lumber ,
, industry is confined almost exclusively
to yellow pine, tlie falling oft was very ,
! heavy. The total cut of the state In '
liius was 1,"2-1.00S,COO feet, a decrease !
of :U.(i per cent from the cut in 1!)07.
' Eight other states manufactured
more than one billion feet each of
. lumber last year. In the order of Im
portance they were: Michigan, Oregon
Minnesota. Pennsylvania, Virginia, Al- -muiii Carolina aim west ir- ,
ginia. California, Maine and other
states which reported more than one
billion feet each In 1!)07 went Just be-,!
low that figure in 190S,
Willie there are many very largo
miwiuIIIs in tlie United States, the
small mills far outnumber the large
ones. Many of these small mills are
in the states which are not now of
llrst rank in lumber production. The j
statistics for New York wore collected
by the forest, fish and game commis
sion of that state, which secured re-
ports from 2.201 mills. In I'onusyl-
I vania 2,221 mills reported to the eeu-
sus, and in Virginia 1.037 mills.
Yellow pine, Douglas llr, white pine,
j oak, hemlock and spruce, in the order
I ininicd, were the woods cut Into lum
1 ber in the largest quantity.
1 Sixteen Melons In Two Layers.
' The basket shown In the aecoinpany
' ing illustration is of the half bushel
1 Umax type. It holds sixteen melons,
packed in two layers. The bottom of
tlie basket Is smaller than the top and
must have smaller melons. The top
layer must come one and a half Inches
above the basket edge to permit proper
covering. The packer must see that
every melon Is placed firmly in posi
tion, and the basket must present a
neat and attractive appearance.
How Men Differ.
Tim illfVm'imfri In mm, 1c nfton natmi.
Ishlng. The corn growers near Des
j Moines, la., have been satisfied with
I a crop bringing ?12 an acre, and yet
1 the son of a stonemason recently camu
. among them and made as high as $-100
' an acre out of tomatoes.
1 In the last seven years this young
1 man has made ?1S,0U) worth of Im
j provements on a little farm of only
' thirty-two acre-5. He uses very little
j manure, but a great deal of water.
I Ho makes ?2riOO a year on lettuce
j alone. Other men find farming a slow
business, while this young man makes
! a fortune out of It with all case. The
I difference Is certainly strange.
Remedy For Sick Calves.
A stockman claims that when calves
three or four days old become sick
and die with scours it Is due to Indi
gestion, apparently, and yields to
treatment with pepsin If taken In
time. A teaspoonful twice a day giv
en In a little wnnn milk after feeding
will euro It and If given when tho calf
Is born and continued for a few days
will prevent It. The pepsin Is tho
common kind sold In drug stores nnd
can bo purchased by the pound.
Good Hay.
Good hay can only tie made by cut
ting the grass ns soon ns It heads out
nnd clover as soon as tho heads are In
full bloom. It Is 11 nilstnko to wait
until tho heads turn brown, Thero is
nothing In (he theory that sunshine
nlor.e niaUei hay. Air Is ns much a
fuel or no sunshine. Curing mainly In
tho windrows and haycocks Is now
prnctl"ed by many of our bc hny
The Witness Explained.
E. C. lllggins. a lawyer for the
Chicago city Railway company, had
nn experience In Judge lieu M. .Smith's
court recently such as at some time
or another befalls all lawyers engaged
In active practice.
An old colored man living on the
south side was plaintiff In a personal
damage case against the company.
He had been Injured b a street car at
Thirty-fifth street and Wentworth ave
nue, and one of the Important points
on which the case hung was the speed
nt which the car was running at the
time of the accident.
The man was hurt while crossing
the street, but (lie testimony of the
witnesses differed as to the' distance
the car ran after the accident before
i being brought to n standstill. One old
i negro witness was not disposed to be
j too exact in his conclusions.
, "Whore did the car stop';" asked Mr.
' Iliggius.
I 111 IIUI1I. Ul LIU IllllI'lll'l' ISIIOII. :ni-
4i.. i ..a i. i. .... ,.i ti
SWerod the witness. Tills building is
the third beyond the crossing.
"Tint 1,1st what was the relative nosl.
tion of the building anil tlm car 7" lu-
quired the lawyer.
"Well, the car stopped right In front
of the butcher shot)."
"Yes. But where was the front end
of tne car 7" persisted Mr. Higgins in
an effort to have the witness be more
"It was In front of the butcher
shop," replied the negro.
"Then where was the rear end of the
car 7"
"The what, sir?" asked the witness,
showing some surprise.
"The rear end." explained the law
yer. "Where did the rear end stand
whou the car stopped?"
"The rear end, sir? Why, right be
hind the front end, sir. You know,
they were both on the same car, sir."
Chicago Post.
Escaped an Ordeal.
Andrew Carnegie's splendid philan
thropy was being praised on the piazza
of an Atlantic City hotel.
"Mr. Carnegie," said an aged Pitts
burg clergyman, "Is as profoundly re
ligious as he Is profoundly charitable
All the same"
He smiled.
"Mr. Carnegie attended some years
ago one of my business men's week
day services. Seeing him In tho con
gregation and unaware that ho was not
used to praying extempore, I said after
tho first hymn:
" 'We will now be led In prayer by
Brother Carnegie.'
Mr. Carnegie rose, very red and flus
tered. " 'Let us engage, first of all.' he stam
mered, 'In a few minutes of silent pray
er.' "We all obediently bowed our heads
and closed our eyes, and Mr. Carnegie,
tiptoeing out, escaped."
A Bas the Scientific Waiter.
Discussing In Anoka a certain battle
of the civil war. 1'. G. Woodward,
commander of the Minnesota depart
ment of tho Grand Army of the He
public, said:
"That general reminded 1110 of a
waiter in Minneapolis. The general
was too scientific, lie was too busy
with causes and effects, with technical
moves nnd what not, to get results
that Is, to win battles.
"So with my Minneapolis waiter. In
a restaurant I said to him:
"'Look at the color of this water,
Why, It's not fit to drink!'
"I5ut the waiter, instead of rushing
some crystal pure water to me, took
up my goblet, studied It carefully,
shook his head aud said:
"'No, sir. You're deceiving your
self, sir. Tlie water's perfectly all
right, sir. It's only tlie glass what's
dirty!" New York Times.
If He Lived.
G. Ileide Norrls, tho eminent Phila
delphia barrister, spends his summers
nt Dark Harbor. Mr. Norrls is a fa
vorite among tho natives of Camden,
Northport, Lincolnvlllo nnd other towns
In thnt beautiful region. Of the older
natives ho has many nmuslng tales to
"I used to know," said Mr. Norrls at
a luncheon at tho Philadelphia Country
club, "a very, very old man in North-
port. I said to li 1 111 one day:
.loscpu, you nave readied a very
great age, havo you not?'
" 'Indeed, nnd that I have. Mr. Nor
rls. sir, piped the old man. 'If I live
till next November I'll be an octogera
ulum.' "
Answer One Written Question
Each Week For Fifty-Two
Weeks and Win a Prize.
August 29th, 1909.
(Copyright, l'.il'l. t.y tin. T. S. I.inscott. D.O.)
Paul on Christian Love I Cor.
13: M3.
Golden Text And now abidoth
faith, hope, lovo, these three, but tho
greatest of theso Is love. I Cor. 1.1:1a.
Verse 1 What Is tho utmost which
can he claimed for tho gift of elo
quence? Why is an clonuent without
love, like a brass band with rj tubal
Will eloriuence without love, make
a man acceptable to God?
Will eloquence without love, make
a man accentnblc to his fellows, m
give any lasting satisfaction to him-
Verse 2 Is there nnv noeossnrv
moral praise due lo a man who has
the gift of piophoey, and lias Intuit! vc
Knowiodgc of mystery?
Is there any more necessary nrnise
lo he accorded to a big man than to
a little man?
If God gives a man tho faith so he
ran reiuoxo ,1 mountain and lie at tho
si'ine time is without love, what good
is tlie faith to him?
Verse S Do mjiuo people give liber
ally, and suffer personal inconven
ience. who have no real lovo In theii
he.uts and if so, what is It which
ptompts to those pets'
If a man gives when it can be scon.
nn.l does not give when It cannot be
seen, Is thero any lovo In his heart
or any real meilt in his charity?
Should the church refuse to accent
of money for tho Gospel or for charity,
from those who clearly give to be seen
of men?
Do those who give without love.
but to be scon of men, reap any bene
fit from II, or does It hurt thorn?
Can you conceive of a man civinc
his body to bo burned, for his religion
with an impure motive, or without
Iovk in his he-art?
What is the only thing which rec-
omuumis us to God In and of Itself?
Verses 4-7 What proof can you
give that love Is long suffering and
If we really lovo a pfirson will wg
over speak of hiin to his Injury, no
matter what the provocation may bo?
What is it In love, which tends to
patience, politeness, kindness, gentle
ness, and humility?
May a person be controlled by love.
and bo envious at tho same time, and
If not, why not?
D.-s lovo always make a man think
of "the other fellow" beforeiiiniself ?
What does love take all Its pleasure
from ?
Vorsos Can despondency or
doubt, or depression, or hopelessness,
or onv other bad feeling, occupy tho
heart that is filled with lovo?
What will be the relative nlun or
uses in heaven, or laitn, nopo, cio-
queiie knowledge, love?
What Is really the sum total of all
things, or that which sums up In it
self all the blessedness, nobility, and
happiness, that the mind can con
ceive, or the heart crave, and why
Is It so? (This question must be an
swered In writing by members of the
Lesson for Sunday, Sept. 5th, 1000.
Paul's Third Missionary Journey.
Farewells. Acts 20:2-P.S.
VII. The Brainy Hardware
TP HIS is the hardware man who took
A At the jeweler's ad. a careful
Then went and bought some trinkets
For a girl whom he thought was very
ftnd paid for them with the clothier's
That came from the furniture dealer's
Where it went when tho dry goods
merchant bought
And paid with the bill the butcher got
From the grocer who had settlement
With money the honest workman paid.
P. 5. The local dealer who's up to snuff
Will always advertise his stuff.
For a
By Rev. Frank M. Goodchild.
Text: Thy gentleness hath made me
great. II. Samuel, xxil., 36.
It is easier to recognize a man's
rcnUioss than to discern the secret
of it. And yet men are always ory :s about the process by whu-li a .
g.o.u man has reaclieu his eminence.
A man was curious to know tho 1
ocrot of J'aganini's power over thu -
violin, lie got a room next to I'agani- I
ills at an Inn and uutchod him. Ho !
bv,- tho great musician when he arose '
in the morning take too precious in-
su.ii..uit, place it under his chin, I
make a few pulses over it with tho
how, kiss the back of it and, looking 1
up, murmur a prayer over it. Then
he locked it in its bo.: again. No one
ecr showed tne possibilities there
nre in a vlo'.in :u i'agmuai. lio could 1
make It like a wail lrom the
lo;;t world, ho could make it ring 1
with joy so that you would think you
heard the sonjjs of r.tradlse. And tho
6i cict of It w.m thut he loved the in-
Mi uhient.
In this little text. "Thy gentleness
hat a made n.e great," one of tho I
gi cutest men of the world speaks to
us. He was so great a ruler that
n::.ny men look back to him as tho
ideal king. He was so groat a poet
that all ages since have used his
songs to express Uiolr worshipful emo
tions. He was so great a ninn that
God conferred upon him tho title,
"T! 0 man after Cod's own heart."
And the secret of his greatness is re
vealed to us In tlie text. Tho psalm
from which it is taken sketches bis
lire. It tells in musical words tho
sto.-y of David's career, and it reaches
its climax when D.ivid looks up Into
Uoii's fate ard acknowledges that all
thut he lias and is came from Him.
"Thy gentleness hath made 1110 great,"
he says. Just as a mother broods
over her child nnd shapes his charac
tu ho God brooded over David, and
bj gentleness and forbearance that
surpass anything that a mother over
felt Ho loved David into greatness.
Perhaps we never know very much
about how God loves us until we have
our own child in our arms and know
how dear It is to us.
Once let a man got It into his soul
that God really cares for him more
fondly than any mother ever cared
for her child and ids heart will havo
a lightness It never had before, his
soul will know a peace that tho world
Is an utter stranger to, his cares will
be transformed so that they will havo
little power to distress him and dfo
will be so sweet at times that heaven
will seem only a continuation of it.
Perhaps the most trying need of
our time is a revival of this grace of
gentleness. We are very quick and
cruel in our Judgments to-day. Men
who are sincerely trying to do good
are vilified and caricatured. No man
in the public view escapes the most
brutal criticism, nnd we are just as
severe on each other In the private
walks of life. Perhaps no other evil
In the world produces so great a har
vest of wretchedness as this habit of
harshly judging one another.
Some men are ashamed of tender
ness and gentleness. But a man Is
sadly deficient who lacks feeling. Gen
tleness not only makes us great, but
it is a sign of greatness in tho man
who has it. And, happily, it is a form
of greatness that all can achieve. We
may never be able to acquire wealth.
We may not havo great thoughts to
write. We may not have the skill to
paint scenes of beauty. Hut gentle
ness and goodness all can attain by
God's good grace If wo will, and they
arc more potent in the world than
any other form of greatness we know.
A Bravs Old Wan.
Back In 1705, on ono March even
ing, Frederick IV., of Denmark, sitting
in his palace, noticed among his
papers a petition trom a widow whose
husband and son had been murdered
at Tranquebar. There had been a
native outbreak, nnd the story led tho
king to send for his court chaplain,
who found him poring over a map of
India, and was greeted by the ques
tion: "Can you llnd preachers for me? I
will pay expenses. I want to send
them out to Tranquebar."
Down through the vanished year3
rings the answer of the old man
"Send me your Majesty."
Ilut his worn life was not the one
chosen for that service, though lie
did ids part by bravely holding the
ropes at home.
Tho palace picture fades into tho
mists of time, and given place to a
Danish ship, laboring through eight
months' perilous voyage, carrying two
young men. Zlegenbalg and Plutscbau.
missionaries of Jesus Christ. Daptlst
Want to Serve.
Wo shall seo lllni, and want to
serve. We shall know, and bo pro
pared to scKve. Inspiration for ser
vice Is vision; uiuipment for service
in correspondence, preparation for
f.orvico in knowledge! Thus Himself
will be the reason of all the service
of the now life, and thereforo His will
will bo tho piano of Hoavon's activity.
Q. Campbell Morgan.
Attention is called to tne STUKNGTII
of tlie
Wayne County
The KINANCIKi: of New York
City has published a liOLL ()!
IlDNOl! of the 11,470 State Hanks
and Trust Conmaiiies of I'uited
Stales. In (his l'it the WAYNH
Stands 38th in the United States.
Stands IQth in Pennsylvania,
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Ilonesdale. Pa., May I'll i'.US.,
Time Table In Effect June 20th, 1909.
kii i i
3 a o a
s a i
M a
a S
r.vl s ir
p II
ii or, i oo Ar -iiausiii
i 10,
6 06
6 25
6 40
6 60
ll 01 12 5ii ...Hancock.... "
injii2 4.V" ..starllir it....
3 30
S 45
2 55
3 40
10 .14 is 29 " Preston 1'arK "
in 24 is ill " ..Wlnwooit,
10 05
2 05! '
..1'oyntello... "
0 11
9 SI
11 61 " orson "
11 ai " Pleasant Mt. "
6 22
0 35
6 3.S
9.W11 30 " .. Untontlate.. "
9 2 ill l S) .Forest Cltr. "
3 43
3 55
6 50
M 0611101 " CTb'ndaleYu "
ft 04
10 69
9 0111 01 " .Carbonuato. "
7 05
White Bridge "
8 5ft
8 4S
10 51
.Aiayneiu xa.
4 IS
7 13
10 -IS' " ....Jcrinyn "
4 21!
8 43,10 43, "
4 S3
4 30
4 34
4 39
7 2M
8 40I0 40,
" .... Wlnton....
" ... Peckvllle...
7 25
7 29
8 3310 3.!
" ...Olypliant...
" ...Dickson....
" ....Throop
" . Providence..
" ..Park Place..
7 31
7 07
4 42
4 45
8 25 10 25
8 21J.10 22
819U0 13
7 401
4 48
7 43
4 51
7 48
T u
815 1015
Lv... Ecranton ...Ar
4 55
ll !a m'
Additional trains leave Caroondale for May
field Yard at 6.50 a. m. dally, and 5.8 p m dlly
except Sunday. Additional trains leave Max
field Yard tor Carbondale 6 38 a m dally and IS
p. in. dally except Sunday.
J. C. Andrrson, J. E. Weujh,
Trame Manager, Traveling Agent,
56 nearer Be New York. Scranton. Stu
Delaware & Hudson 15. It.
Trains leave at 0:55 a. m., and
12:25 and 4:30 p. m.
Sundays at 11:05 a. m. and 7:15
p. ni.
Trains arrive at 9:55 a. m 3:15
and 7:31 p. m.
Sundays at 10:15 a. m. and C:50
p. m.
. ..(
Kile It. 11.
Trains leave at S:27 a. m. and
2:50 p. m.
Sundays at 2: 50 p. m.
Trains arrhe at 2:13 and 8:02
p. in.
Sundays at 7:02 p. m.
Public Sale of Personal Property
Take notice that on Friday, Sept.
3rd, 1009, at 11:30 o'clock a. m.,
the New York, Ontario and West
ern Railway Company will sell at
public salo for freight aud storage
charges, on hand goods, wares,
and merchandise, consisting of six
bundles of one dozen chairs, con
signed to M. J. Connolly, at its
freight station or depot in Clinton
township, Wayne County, Pennsyl
vania, known as tho Forest City
station of said company.
New York, Ontario and Western
Railway Company, By
Its Attorney.
Ponies and Carts
G-IVB1T -A.-W.A.-X-
licutitlfu! .Shetland Punk-a, handsome
(.'arts, solid (!old Watches, Diamond. Itines
and other valuable presents clven away.
To Boys and Girls who win our
Open to all Hoys and filrls. Costs nothing
i to enter, (let enrolled at once. Hundreds ot
j dollars worth of prizes and cash besides.
I whether he wins a urand prize or not.
Write us today for full particulars before
it Is too laic.
528 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass.